moonprincemulti · 2 years
hii!! can i request a sub!jongho fic where his surprises his bf with lingerie?? its really a shame there arent many dom male reader fics so i'd really appreciate it and take your time writing it! dont worry about getting it out quick i dont want you to rush anything! ty xx
∘₊✧— Reveal It Just For Me —✧₊∘
- 17 Jan 2023
- again, sorry for the wait, but i finally managed to find some time inbetween all the art academy chaos
- Jongho is always covered up, so we can only wonder what's underneath.. is it all tattoos or just very very pretty bare skin🤔
- trigger!warning; NSFW!
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Y/n stepped into his boyfriend's apartment, letting the door fall close behind him, starting to take off his coat and bag. "Jongho~ I'm here~!" Y/n had agreed to meet his boyfriend this weekend, as they were planning on spending some good quality time together. They hadn't seen eachother for a couple of weeks because their schedules had been so busy, so both of them were excited to be close to eachother again. As Y/n stepped further into the apartment after hanging up his coat, he wondered why he hadn't heard his lover's voice yet. "Jongho~?" "Yes yes I'm here just- wait there!" Y/n smiled at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, then starting to wonder what he was up to. "Why do I have to wait? I want to hold you in my arms already, I missed you!" Y/n could hear some small noises coming from the bedroom, as if something was being hastily prepared. "Jongho~"
Just as Y/n wanted to reach out to open the bedroom door, it flew open, revealing a smiling but slightly heavily breathing Jongho. Y/n smiled at the sight of his boyfriend, stepping into the bedroom. "Hello you~ How've you been?" Y/n leaned forward, ready to place a kiss on the smaller's lips, but was held back as Jongho pressed his hand against y/n's chest. Y/n blinked, a bit confused.
"Drop your bag."
Jongho said it rather sternly, closing the door behind y/n then. Y/n did as told, dropping his bag next to the door. His eyes focused on his boyfriend, y/n hadn't noticed the rest of the room yet, which was decorated romantically with candles and rose petals. Jongho took a deep breath, taking a step back and grabbing the front of the bathrobe he was wearing.
Y/n then suddenly realized the setting of the situation, taking a quick glance around the room. His confused expression changed into a mischievous one, smirking slightly. "Oh~ I see. What have you prepared for me?" Y/n tilted his head, looking at Jongho. Jongho smiled as well, a soft blush appearing on his cheeks. "Well.. I prepared.. this." Jongho opened his bathrobe, slowly letting it glide down off of his shoulders and down to the floor, revealing his exposed body. To y/n's surprise, Jongho wasn't completely naked, but rather wearing a set of lingerie. Although he had seen his boyfriend naked before, this was on another level. "Oh.. wow.." Y/n let his eyes travel over his lover's body, taking in how the lace and leather accentuated Jongho's body lines.
Jongho was usually all covered up, not exposing too much skin and hiding some of his fit and muscly body. So to see him in rather revealing pieces of clothing, made y/n's heart beat faster than ever before. Jongho averted his eyes, feeling shy to be observed like this, but knowing it would result in nothing but compliments and love. Y/n stepped closer, unable to resist any longer, placing his hands on the smaller's waist. "You look.. so gorgeous.. You revealed everything for me." Y/n caressed Jongho's sides, leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss on his lips. Jongho hummed softly, resting his hands on y/n's chest, the blush on his cheeks growing. "I wanted to surprise you with it. I know you appreciate such things." "I certainly do and I'm very glad you're allowing me to see you like this." Jongho smiled, looking up at the taller, their eyes meeting. "Shall we move to the bed?"
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Jongho let out a soft moan, their first round having unfurled rather quickly. Y/n had been so attracted to Jongho's current appearance, that he had pinned down the smaller after just a few minutes of foreplay, having gone rather rough on him. Y/n's excitement was so great that they had both already orgasmed once, but they weren't done quite yet. Y/n was still moving his hips in a slow steady rhythm, looking at Jongho's body beneath him. Jongho looked up at his dom, giving him a satisfied smile. "I love you~" "I love you too. Way more than you can imagine."
Y/n caressed Jongho's chest, circling his finger around a nipple, before moving down more. He slipped underneath some of the lace from the lingerie, Jongho shivering at his touch. Jongho closed his eyes, his body still riding on the tail of his climax, and still getting stimulated by y/n's rolling hips. "I wish you'd do this more. Gives me more to play around with." Y/n chuckled softly, leaning down to make some hickeys on the bare skin. Jongho groaned out, arching his back as he just enjoyed how y/n loved him.
Y/n began increasing the speed of his hips again, grabbing Jongho's legs and pushing them up more. This tilted the smaller's pelvis in such a way that y/n was able to reach his boyfriend's prostate much more easy. Jongho gasped as the tip of y/n's member hit the sensitive spot, letting out a cute moan. "Yes, let me hear it~" Y/n purred out, holding onto Jongho's legs tightly, watching the expression on his boyfriend's face as he continued to pleasure him. He sped up just a little more, trying to hit his lover's spot everytime. Jongho could feel the pleasure spread throughout his body, making his mind blurry and all thoughts disappeared. His body was overcome with this amazing sensation once more, and he could only let out moans to show his satisfaction. Y/n panted and groaned in response, continuing his motions until Jongho tensed up for the second time. "Do it~ come for me~" Jongho let out a cute moan, curling his toes, releasing at once and trembling from the slight overstimulation. Y/n smiled, slowing his hips again and riding off his own high. He bend down, placing a gentle kiss on Jongho's lips. "Reveal yourself more to me in the future, okay? I'll show you my love everytime you do it." Jongho nodded, not being able to refuse such an amazing offer.
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