#subaru sakamaki translation
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runyatic · 5 months ago
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otomehonyaku · 5 months ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal Anime DVD, Official Online Shop Tokuten CD ☜ Episode 0
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Original title: Episode 0 Voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato), Toriumi Kƍsuke (Shuu), Konishi Katsuyuki (Reiji), Kaji YĆ«ki (Kanato), Hirakawa Daisuke (Laito), Kondƍ Takashi (Subaru) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (special thanks to @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
SUMMARY | As the title of the CD suggests, this drama can be seen as a '0th episode' in the first season of the Diabolik Lovers anime. The setting is a night of incessant rain unlike any other, and even through the rain clouds, the full moon is unusually bright. Eerie, even. It leaves the Sakamaki brothers feeling uneasy as their monthly family banquet approaches. The family discusses if this abnormal weather could be a sign of things to come... Happy reading and listening along, friends!
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
[The scene starts in Reiji’s laboratory.]
00:00 Reiji: Good grief, what a downpour
 And precisely on the night of our monthly banquet. That’s harsh. I wonder if Father predicted this. Heh.
[Reiji walks into the dining room and toward his familiars who are busy setting the table.]
Reiji: Oh, no. We won’t be using that tableware tonight. Use this instead. It will compliment the food better. Hm? The moonlight is peeking in through the window

[Reiji decides to check on the weather and opens the door.]
Reiji: It’s still raining. However, the moonlight is so strong, even through those rainclouds
 What will happen on a night like this? Something is coming

[Reiji closes the door again.]
Reiji: Hm. I wonder whether our banquet will be able to begin on time.
[A crow screeches in the distance.]
Reiji: Well, I suppose that’s impossible. 
[The scene shifts to Reiji walking into the Sakamaki manor’s library. There, he finds Laito.]
Reiji: So you’re here, Laito.
Laito: Oh, Reiji. It’s rare for you to come looking for me.  Do you need something?
Reiji: It’s rather rare for you to be here, reading a book.
[Laito snaps his book shut.]
Laito: I do read books, you know. Especially on nights like these. If I don’t, I won’t be able to control my impulses. Ah
 If only the school would revert my suspension

02:12 Reiji: Even if they did, you would be suspended again in no time at all if you keep acting that way.
Laito: Huh? But it can’t be helped, can it? I don’t like suppressing my urges. I’d rather live by my instincts. 
Reiji: Nevertheless, it would cause me just as much trouble to keep you locked in here. You seem to be forgetting something.
Laito: About what?
Reiji: I took the trouble to come all this way to see you, so would you not be able to guess?
Laito: Hmm
 Ah, I see. It’s that time of the month again. It’d be great if we could take a field trip somewhere

Reiji: I have said this many times already, but this is Father’s order. His word is final. Come downstairs within 10 minutes. That is all.
Laito: You’re so uptight.
Reiji: About what?
Laito: It’s not like he’s watching, anyway.
Reiji: What an insult to your father.
Laito: Well, it’s got nothing to do with me. Hey, are you going to go get Ayato and Kanato as well?
Reiji: I cannot count on you to do that, so

Laito: Well, I’ll do you a favour and get them for you, then. Hehe.
Reiji: Well, then. If you please.
Laito: Gotcha. Leave it to me!
Reiji: You say that you will look for your brothers, but if I catch you running away instead, I will show no mercy.
Laito: I know, I know. You’d chase me into the depths of hell, Reiji.
04:06Reiji: That is a rather unpleasant way of putting it. However, if you understand—good. Well, then. I shall go fetch Subaru.
[Reiji leaves the room. The scene then shifts to the nearby lake, where Laito finds Ayato.]
Laito: So you were here after all, Ayato. Did you come to stare at the lake?
Ayato: What?
Laito: Reiji is looking for you.
Ayato: Reiji? Why?
Laito: It’s that time of the month again.
Ayato: Ah. Time for that useless banquet?
Laito: Yeah, that’s it. Well, let’s get going. Reiji’ll be annoying as hell if we’re late.
Ayato: Tch. Shit sucks. Laito. How’d you know I was here anyway?
Laito: I just know. I thought you’d be in a spot you usually don’t go to when it’s rainy. You don’t like lakes, right?
[Ayato throws a skipping stone across the water. ]
Ayato: Shut up. I just don’t like lakes
 or rain.
Laito: So? Do you feel comforted being here?
Ayato: Huh? Why would I? I can’t calm down on days like these. I’d rather be here than anywhere else.
Laito: Hmm
 So even you think that way, Ayato.
Ayato: Laito. Are you pickin’ a fight with Yours Truly?
Laito: No, not at all. I just thought it’s unusual for you. It’s actually quite refreshing. I like it.
Ayato: Tch. Don’t say such stupid things.
Laito: Still
 It’s a pretty strange night, isn’t it? It’s raining cats and dogs, and yet the moon is shining brightly.
Ayato: What?
06:08 Laito: I mean, it’s almost like a glaring, fiery-eyed beast. I wonder if the moon is chastising us for some reason.
Ayato: Who knows.
Laito: Something’s going to happen. Something we’ve been avoiding for a while now. Hm? What’s up, Ayato? Did you perhaps sense something too?
Ayato: Nothing in particular.
Laito: Why are you lying? You felt it, didn’t you?
Ayato: It’s nothin’! Besides, what ‘something’ are you even talkin’ about?
Laito: The next time it rains as heavy as tonight again, something will happen. Very soon.
Ayato: Hm.
Laito: Well, we won’t know until it happens, though! Hey, Ayato. Come with me.
Ayato: What? Where?
Laito: To go get Kanato.
Ayato: Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Kanato around today.
Laito: He’s probably at that place.
Ayato: What place?
Laito: The one place where he can relax. His wax doll museum.
Ayato: Ugh. That’s such a boring spot. Well, fuck it. I’ll go. Let’s hurry ‘n go get him. I don’t want it to be the two of us versus Reiji.
[The scene shifts to Ayato and Laito walking into Kanato’s wax doll museum.]
Ayato: Yo, Kanato. You here?
Kanato: At least knock when you come in. Don’t you think it’s impolite to my girls to barge in so rudely?
Right, Teddy?
Laito: Ah, so you’re here. Sorry for forgetting to knock, Kanato.
Ayato: What’s so fun about being surrounded by a bunch of wax dolls? I don’t get it.
Kanato: A bunch of wax dolls? You clearly don’t understand the beauty of these girls whose lives have been preserved for all eternity. How utterly foolish.
08:23 Ayato: What? I was only askin’, though.
What’re you gettin’ your panties in a twist about?
Laito: Well, seems like Kanato isn’t in the best mood tonight either.
Ayato: Yours Truly’s feelin’ just fine.
Kanato: I’m not particularly ill-humoured. It’s just that
 When I look at the moon, I get this feeling that something’s about to change.
Laito: Oh, so you’re feeling it too, Kanato?
Kanato: Yes. I can’t quite put my finger on it, though.
Ayato: Stop spouting bullshit. What’s about to change?
Kanato: Hehe. 
Ayato: Kanato! The fuck’re you laughin’ about?
Kanato: Hehe. Ayato, are you anxious? You seem awfully reluctant to accept new things.
Ayato: The fuck?
Laito: Ah, Kanato—I did come here with a message to you from Reiji

Kanato: I’m busy. I haven’t got time for something as frivolous as a banquet.
Laito: Aw, so you knew already. Well, then. Come with us.
Kanato: I’m not coming.
Laito: That won’t do. Reiji seemed pretty serious. 
Ayato: We’ll be in trouble if one of us is missin’. Come on, Kanato.
Kanato: I told you, I’m not coming! Why don’t you understand what I’m saying? You’re all just taking pleasure in bullying me, trying to coerce me into doing your bidding

Laito: It’s not like we actually want to go, either. Right, Ayato?
10:12 Ayato: Yeah, ‘course. Who would ever go to that shit willingly?
Laito: Listen. We’re all in the same boat, Kanato. So let’s go together.
Kanato: But I

Laito: You remember what happened last time you didn’t come when Reiji called you, right?
Kanato: He truly likes bothering us with useless activities. Right, Teddy?
[The scene shifts to Reiji knocking on the door to Subaru’s room.]
Reiji: Subaru. 
[Reiji enters Subaru’s room.]
Reiji: He’s inside his coffin again.
[The coffin suddenly flies open and Subaru comes at Reiji with a knife, thinking him an intruder.]
Subaru: Reiji?
Reiji: If you know it’s me, then drop that silver knife immediately. Good grief

[Subaru drops the knife.]
Reiji: This is quite a greeting, even though I went through all this trouble to come get you.
Subaru: I had that dream again
Reiji: Not even an apology? You are a lost cause.
Subaru: Shut up! You’re the one who came in here unannounced! I can do whatever the fuck I want. Why’d you come in while I was sleeping?
Reiji: I came here for a reason.
Subaru: Huh?
Reiji: There can only be one reason why I come to find you here once a month. Even somebody so feeble-minded such as you should be able to know what it is.
Subaru: Ah, so it’s time for that stupid fuckin’ banquet again.
Reiji: It is far from stupid, actually.
Subaru: Hah.
11:58 Reiji: I should be punishing you for brandishing a knife at me, but today is the day of the banquet. I shall pardon you. I implore you to be careful, though. It is your obligation to be present at the banquet. Understood?
[Reiji leaves the room.]
Subaru: ‘Pardon,’ he says? Bullshit!
[Subaru throws something across the room and accidentally breaks a window.]
Subaru: Oh, shit. Why’s the moon like that? Is something gonna happen?
[Subaru tries to get himself together. The scene shifts to the banquet, five brothers now present.]
Reiji: Now, let us open the banquet.
Subaru: Hey, Shuu’s not here, though.
Reiji: There is no need to wait for someone who has forgotten about the banquet. We can do without his presence. There is no reason for him to be here to begin with.
Laito: I saw him in the hallway and called out to him, at least.
Ayato: Did he answer? 
Laito: Nope, no reaction as usual.
Reiji: He will not come even if you call out to him. We do not need that good-for-nothing.
Kanato: Ah
 We should’ve pretended not to hear him too, Teddy.
Reiji: That will not do, Kanato.
Kanato: Why? 
Reiji: Because you have a different kind of importance to the Sakamaki family.
Laito: I see. So does that mean you don’t need me here, either?
Ayato: Great, you won’t need me, either.
Subaru: Then I’m leavin’, too.
Kanato: That’s mean! Is there something wrong with just me?
Reiji: Wait. None of your importance to the Sakamaki family has changed. However, I am merely saying that that good-for-nothing is worthless.
14:00 Ayato: Huh. So it’s only fine if Shuu’s not here?
Reiji: Exactly. Let us now quit this foolish conversation and eat dinner.
[The door opens and Shuu joins the others in the dining room after all.]
Laito: Ah, Shuu! You’re late.
Kanato: It seems like you still heard what Laito had to say, despite the fact that you were listening to music.
Shuu: Hm? Did you say something?
Ayato: Anyway, Shuu
 It’s kinda surprising that you came to this banquet all by yourself.
Shuu: Banquet
? Oh, right.
Subaru: Isn’t that what you came here for?
Shuu: I just thought I’d be able to sleep in peace here.
Laito: Huh?! So this is just a misunderstanding?
Shuu: What a bother. 
[Shuu grudgingly sits down at the dinner table.]
Reiji: You truly have no manners, barging in here and sitting down without so much as a greeting. I am flabbergasted.
Shuu: I’m here, so it’s fine, right?
Reiji: The end result matters none. I am merely finding fault in my family. Well, it would be a waste of time to continue this any longer. Let us begin the banquet.
[The brothers start eating.]
Ayato: Pasta again? Why’re we eatin’ this shit?
Reiji: Ayato. No talking while eating. Mind your manners.
Ayato: Reiji, make us somethin’ we actually like to eat!
Laito: Yeah. You’re the only one who likes pasta carbonara, Reiji.
Ayato: I want takoyaki!
Kanato: I agree with Ayato. Make me something nice for banquets like this, too. It’s unfair that Reiji is always the one to compile the menu. 
16:04 Ayato: Right? Let us pick some stuff, too!
Reiji: I thought you all had no desire to participate in the banquet? I suggest you stop complaining. No matter what we eat, it all tends to taste the same to us, anyway. After all, human food does not nourish us. 
Ayato: Well? We can pretty much eat anythin’, right?
Reiji: However, this banquet is a serious matter. This is not the time to eat takoyaki. 
Ayato: It ain’t that different from pasta, though. It’s all flour-based.
Laito: There we go again. You’ve been pointlessly complaining about the menu for a while now. It’s getting out of hand, don’t you think? And then Kanato takes out a bunch of candy, Subaru finishes eating and leaves without a word
 You know how it goes.
Ayato: It can’t be helped, right? It’s already a stupid fuckin’ banquet and then we don’t even get any satisfyin’ foods.
Reiji: Well, then. Do you have any substantial suggestions on how to host a proper banquet?
Subaru: Yeah. Don’t host one.
Reiji: We have been over this many times, Subaru. It is Father who orders us to have these banquets. We will not go against his word. As it is imperative that we continue holding these banquets, I ask you whether you could make suggestions on how to make it worthwhile. 
Subaru: This sucks.
Reiji: Anyone else?
Laito: As for me, I’d like to discuss what the most delicious blood we’ve ever tasted was like for each of us. We don’t really talk about that sort of stuff, do we? It might be fun!
Ayato: Huh? I never remember shit like that.
Kanato: Teddy says he doesn’t remember, either.
Laito: And Subaru? 
Subaru: Tch. Like hell I know.
Shuu: Wouldn’t you let someone with such delicious blood actually live?
Ayato: Right! Whoever pleases me that much becomes Yours Truly’s possession. Besides, you’re the only one who’s havin’ fun talkin’ ‘bout this, Laito. 
Laito: Huh? I, for one, perfectly remember where and how I sucked the most—
18:21 Reiji: Hold on, Laito. I know I am interrupting the conversation, but we are having dinner. Please refrain from such vulgar topics.
Laito: Oh? Is that bad?
Reiji: It is. 
Laito: I really thought it’d be fun. Why don’t we hold a review session, properly including everyone’s opinions?
Reiji: A review session? A splendid idea indeed. The lot of you could use some self-reflection, after all. It would definitely be useful if you reflect upon the faults I point out in you and try to better yourselves. Subaru? It is bad manners to make so much sound. Why don’t you join the conversation?
Subaru: Tch. I don’t wanna. I don’t care about your conversation. I figured eating would be better than actually listening to your bullshit. I don’t have anything to reflect on to begin with.
Reiji: I am telling you to reflect upon that exact behaviour.
Subaru: Shut up! I can do whatever the hell I want.
Shuu (who hasn’t been paying attention): Ah, you’re still at it?
Reiji: Be quiet, Shuu. It seems all of you have more than enough faults to reflect upon.
Laito: This is a little different from what I was going for, but
 how about you, Ayato?
Ayato: I ain’t got shit to reflect on, because I’m always perfect. 
Kanato: Hehe. Are you, now? Ayato has more faults than I can count. Haha, Teddy thinks so, too.
20:15 Ayato: Ah? The fuck you sayin’?
Shuu: Well, I guess he could do something about his simple-mindedness. 
Ayato: Shuu, too? You motherfucker— You should all start self-reflectin’!
Kanato: I have absolutely nothing to reflect upon. Laito’s the one who came up with this idea, so how about him?
Laito: Huh? You could probably think of something, Kanato. You always turn your prey into wax dolls right away, after all.
Kanato: And what exactly is wrong with that?
Subaru: Fuck. He’s actually being serious.
Laito: If turning someone into a wax doll is considered okay, then I definitely don’t have any self-reflection to do, either.
Reiji: No, Laito. I assure you have plenty of faults. You were suspended for a reason. Reflect upon that. 
Shuu: Yeah. You definitely cause too much trouble. I, of all people, should know. Fuck, you’re a bother.
Laito: I’m only living by my instincts! It gets the blood flowing. I like that feeling. And what you’re referring to did take place during a full moon, by the way. I just can’t suppress my instincts during a full moon! Hehe.
Reiji: No, it was excessive. There is such a thing as cleaning up afterwards. To think that even such lowly humans at the academy would suspend you
 You bring shame upon the Sakamaki family. Repent.
Kanato: I, for one, am able to finish without leaving a trace and properly dispose of the leftovers. Teddy helps me. Don’t you, Teddy?
22:02 Laito: No, I did it properly! It was just
 kind of bad timing

[Subaru slams a fist on the table.]
Subaru: That’s exactly why we’re telling you to reflect! You’re inconveniencing us!
Laito: Ah, even Subaru is angry with me! Well, I got caught, so it doesn’t matter, does it? Nothing I say could change that. Wouldn’t it be more fun to talk about what you’ll get angry at me for in the future? 
Reiji: What are you saying?
Laito: You saw the moon tonight, right? It really does feel like something’s about to happen. Kanato felt it too.
Kanato: I think it left a stronger impression on Ayato than on me, though. Right, Teddy?
Ayato: You’re being way too persistent. I told you, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about!
Kanato: But that’s why you’re anxious, right? What do you think will happen, Ayato?
Laito: Subaru is even more irritated than usual, so he’s probably feeling it too. 
Subaru: What? Who’s irritated now, huh? 
[Subaru gets up and punches a wall.]
Ayato: Subaru! Don’t go poundin’ the wall again!
Reiji: Stop it right there, everyone. You are all making baseless claims at this point, so it cannot be helped. Hurry up and clear the table. The banquet is over.
Laito: What? Don’t you like it, Reiji? 
Reiji: It is no matter of liking or disliking. I merely think that conversations like these are a waste of time. 
It is pointless to spend time feeling sorry that you were suspended from school if you do not understand the reason why.
Laito: Come on, stop the talk about my suspension! What about you, Shuu?
Shuu: I wonder.
Reiji: What would a good-for-nothing like you know?
Laito: So then you’re feeling something too, Reiji?
24:03 Reiji: It has nothing to do with me. However, there is no way this waste of space would be able to pick up on such subtleties.
Shuu: Ah, now that you mention it

Reiji: There he goes.
Shuu: No, I’ve been thinking I should probably tell you all something

[Subaru hastily tries to finish his meal]
Reiji: Subaru! Use the tableware with care!
Subaru: Shut up! We’ll be done when the table’s clear, right? I figured I’d clear my plate first. The fuck are you complaining about?
Laito: Hey, everyone. You should know why I’m being persistent about this. We’ve seen such heavy rain combined with such a bright moon before. Right, Ayato?
Ayato: What? Oh, you mean back then. You’re beatin’ around the bush.
Laito: Besides, Shuu—you said you’d seen Uncle recently, didn’t you?
Subaru: Uncle
 Richter was here?
Shuu: I think I saw him near the lake.
Subaru: He hasn’t visited us in a while. Why would he be here? Shuu, did you get to talk with him?
Shuu: Talk with him? No, I only saw him. I’d only just woken up, so I don’t remember it very well.
Reiji: You truly are worthless. Sometimes I even wonder why you are undead (1) at all. Well, then. I propose we end this meeting.
Laito: Why are you trying to avoid this conversation, Reiji? Uncle was here. Last time the moon was like this, he was here as well

Reiji: I only care about the truth. If nothing is happening yet, there is no use in talking about it. However
 judging from your current discussion, you consider the fact that the moon was somehow bright enough to shine through the rain and that Uncle just so happened to appear as an omen. I merely think that line of thought is absolutely ridiculous.
26:16 Kanato: Hehe. Reiji seems pretty afraid of something happening, Teddy.
Reiji: As I said earlier, I only care about the truth. I most certainly am not scared.
Ayato: Figures. You’re all a bit too carefree.
Kanato: Carefree? You’re the last person I’d like to call me that. Especially since you’re so lacking in mental capacity that “I’m the best” is all your brain knows how to say.
Ayato: Hey, Kanato. You’ve really been pissin’ me off.
Laito: Whoa, now. Calm down, you two. Don’t you think the heavy rain and the moon are the cause of all of this bickering?
Shuu: As far as I know, it's always like this.
Laito: I feel like it’s a little different this time, though.
Subaru: What? What’s different? They’re always picking fights with one another for no reason. It’s stupid.
[Subaru pushes back his chair and storms off.]
Subaru: I’m done eating. I’m going back to my room.
Kanato: Subaru doesn’t seem to like to talk about these kinds of things, either. Are you so afraid of change?
Subaru: Shut the fuck up!
[Subaru punches the wall again, sending parts of it crumbling to the floor.]
Subaru: No matter how big the change, I’m not afraid. Even if this mansion is swallowed by the lake, if it’s burned to the ground, I don’t care. Maybe it’s even better off just reduced to ash. 
[Subaru leaves the room.]
Kanato: Teddy, it’s quite funny that Subaru’s more nervous than usual, isn’t it? Hehe.
Reiji: Well, then. Subaru has left, and this is becoming quite the argument. I declare this meeting over.
28:09 Laito: I wanted to hear what you had to say, though, Reiji.
Reiji: Laito
 Make fun of me all you want, but your will lose your ground eventually.
[Reiji gets up.]
Reiji: Well, I shall be returning to my laboratory now.
[Reiji leaves the room.]
Laito: Ah
 I ended up getting scolded in the end.
[Shuu gets up as well.]
Laito: Oh, Shuu, are you leaving too?
Shuu: Well, it looks like this troublesome dinner is over. I’m tired.
[Shuu walks off and leaves the room. Ayato gets up as well.]
Ayato: Ah—I could really go for some delicious blood on days like this.
Laito: You too, Ayato? Let’s head out together later, then! Let’s go drain some people to the last drop and have fun!
Ayato: I’m not going. Fuck you. I’m going back to my room too. But Laito—like you said, the moon does look weird today. I’m feeling thirstier than usual.
Laito: Right.
Ayato: The only thing that could quench this thirst is some extraordinarily tasty blood. I don’t think blood like that even exists.
[Ayato leaves.]
Kanato: Teddy, should we get going, too?
Laito: Won’t you come have fun with me, Kanato?
Kanato: There’s no way I’ll go with you. I haven’t had my dessert yet. I won’t rest until I’ve had my petit gñteau
 Right, Teddy?
[Kanato leaves as well.]
Laito: That’s a shame. I didn’t really feel like going alone
 Maybe I should go back to my room, too. The moon is a little too bright, after all. Hehe. I’m looking forward to whatever happens next

[The scene shifts to Shuu, who is now soaking in the bath tub.]
30:36 Shuu: There’s nothing like a nice bath. I feel like I can relax and sleep here
 Come to think of it, I had this itch in the back of my mind earlier. I forgot to pass on Karl Heinz’ message to the others, saying that a new sacrificial bride would be arriving. Oh, well. No matter who it is, we already know how the story goes
 I don’t really care what happens. They’re nothing but prey to us, anyway. Ah
 but there was something else he said
 I think this time it’s the real sacrificial bride

[Shuu falls asleep in the bathtub.]
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Reiji literally says ‘I wonder why you’re even alive’ but that didn’t really make sense (they’re vampires ffs) so I changed it to ‘undead’ hehe
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fangsforiris · 3 months ago
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Translated manga panel if anyone wanted it!! (Subaru’s route—specifically his side story in HDB!)
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traducoes-dialover-br · 7 months ago
⋆·˚ àŒ˜ *Bloody Songs - Super Best III
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Data de Lançamento: 26 de Abril de 2017
Composição: MIKOTO
Lista de MĂșsicas
2. Luv Apple Juice
3. Operation X
4. è ±æƒ‘ăźParade
6. ă‚«ăƒąăƒ•ăƒ©ăƒŒă‚žăƒ„ (Camouflage)
7. Fanatic of Night
8. VoiD
9. æ„›ăźæȘ» (Ai no Ori)
10. ç”¶ćŻŸæ„ŸćșŠăźăƒȘăƒ“ăƒ‰ăƒŒ
11. ă‚«ăƒŹă‚€ăƒ‰ăƒŠă‚€ăƒˆ (Kaleido Night)
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missbutterflymask · 7 months ago
Diabolik Lovers translation: Meow Meow Vampire PVđŸŒș
The translation of the PV that is posted on the Diabolik Lovers offical YT channel!
 " This is the story of a cat that suddenly appeared at night at Ryoutei academy  " 
 " It kind of looks like him, doesnt it?  " 
 " Ugh..it tickles  "
  " Mm..so cute " 
 " I was sleeping..  " 
 " Good,good..youre a good cat " 
 " Dont leave my side  " 
 " Seems that im not lonely anymore " 
 " What are you curious about? " 
 " They share the same hat? " 
 " Hey! Dont lick me! " 
 " He smiles as the pets the kitten, that resembles his beloved lover " 
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aquariaries · 2 years ago
Lmao so I'm translating Subaru's Chaos Lineage route right now and the face I caught Yui making is priceless 😂
She really said "😑😒"
Free my girl she's had enough
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vn-translations · 4 days ago
Game: Diabolik Lovers, More Blood
Prologue Translation:
— Do you desire eternal life? — I asked him.
He looked at me seriously but then involuntarily laughed and replied:
"Better to be a pig and enjoy life than to be human and suffer."
I gazed at him, realizing he was right. That was precisely the answer I had been seeking.
Naturally, he continued.
"I want you to observe this entire world. My life has likely already come to an end."
I nodded, smiling.
Even though this agreement was made so effortlessly, I could feel how heavy and significant it truly was.
I will watch through his eyes. Until the very end of this world

How beings different from humans interact with this world and change it.
This in no way contradicts my fate—possessing eternal life.
Having attained human wisdom, fully understanding the truth, and choosing to live as a human in his stead

But I am in despair. This feeling of loss

What has been lost? There is no answer to this question

By consuming the forbidden fruit, humanity gained the ability to survive
 But in return, we lost something truly important

Everything withers, decays, and eventually sinks into the chair bearing the name "decline"

Is there anything left to do but entrust everything to the new Eve
Yui: What
Yui: (Just now
 I heard an incredible sound
Yui: What
Yui: (It was so close
 It sounded like something exploded
 but nothing has really changed, right
Yui: Did I imagine it? Eh? A-Ahh
Ayato: Su

Yui: A-Ayato!? Why are you here? Wait
Yui: Last night, when I went to bed, I was definitely alone
Laito: Heh
 You’re such a cutie
 Look, here
 here’s where Laito-kun’s mouth isâ™Ș
Yui: Even you, Laito-kun

Yui: Besides
 it seems like they’re having some kind of strange dream
 I don’t even want to think about it

Kanato: Mmm
 I can’t eat anymore

Yui: Kanato-kun
 you too
Yui: (Hmm
 The moment I thought this dream was strange, suddenly, these three ended up in my bed
Yui: (I’ll try to slip away quietly
 As long as no one wakes up
Yui: Eh
Ayato: And where do you think you’re going, leaving me behind? Hey, Pancake.
Yui: Ayato-kun
 woke up?
Ayato: Woke up? Of course. So come on, answer my question.
Yui: Well
 The thing is
 my throat is dry, so I
 Could you please move aside a little?
Ayato: Nope.
Yui: No, seriously
 I just
 I really just want to get some water
 I swear.
Laito: Oh-oh, how naughty, Bitch-chan

Yui: Laito-kun
Laito: It’s not you who’s thirsty
 it’s us. Hehehe

Laito: For starters, isn’t it only fair that you quench your master’s thirst first—me? Hmph

Yui: But
 even if you say that

Kanato: Well, obviously
 I thought that much was clear and didn’t need to be said out loud

Yui: Kanato-kun
 even you
It seems you take us for fools
 Do you think you can do whatever you want while we’re asleep?
I would never
 do anything like that

Just admit it already
 even if you demand a confession

(What a nightmare
 No matter how absurd his demands are, I have no choice
 I can’t just leave things as they are
Hey, Kanato, enough already! Move aside. I just woke up, and I’m really thirsty.
Hey, Pancake, give me a drink

(N-not this again
! In the end, it always turns out like this!)
 Come on, be a good girl.
 just a minute
Well, well, Ayato-kun. Is it really fair to keep everything to yourself? Hmph.
Did you forget? Bitch-chan belongs to all of us. We made a gentleman’s agreement, remember?
Idiot. I’m not trying to claim her for myself. I’m just the first one drinking, that’s all.
Your tone
 I really don’t like it.
 Please don’t make decisions for me without my consent.
Stop whining
 In that case, why don’t we just do it together?!
 Everything is going just as it should. Ah, what a sight—three vampires gathering like a pack

Just imagining this obedient little thing trembling
 Ah, it gives me chills of pleasure
 Just hold on a moment
 This is
What’s wrong
 Huh? Just admit it—you like it, don’t you? I can see the excitement running through you, even though you try to hide it
 Yes, that’s right. I love being treated like a doll, as if I’m part of a game

That’s not true at all
 Even if you argue with that flushed face, it’s pointless
 I’m already at my limit

Bitch-chan, let me savor your delicious blood~ â™Ș
N-not this
(I-if this keeps going, these three
W-why does this have to happen now
(My body
 won’t move
 Pancake, your blood
 it’s exquisite
 This really is the finest quality

So? Are you ready? I’m going to sink my fangs
 so you won’t be able to resist anymore

 Hey, look at me
 Only at me

Open your eyes wide and witness everything until the very end

Stop this right now.
 It seems you’ve once again decided to feast in such an indecent manner

Ignorance compounded with ill manners. You all ought to learn some shame.

(Thank goodness
 I was saved
 What the hell
 Even in moments like this, this uptight glasses-wearing bastard has to interfere!
I don’t believe I could simply stand idly by. And please, stop addressing me with those ridiculous nicknames.
Now then, young lady. Enough standing there with that bewildered look—come here.
You demonstrate a complete lack of caution, sleeping so defenselessly. That’s precisely why these fools take every opportunity to invade your bed.
I-I’m sorry

 I wonder if you’re truly remorseful for your actions.
 I locked the door before going to bed
Come now, stop behaving so carelessly and stand up.
 Now that all the fun has been ruined right in front of me, I don’t feel like doing anything anymore.
 If I collapse at school, it’ll be your fault
 and Reiji’s.
No way
Kanato, despite your appearance, I know very well that your body is perfectly fine.
Laito! Does your resolve and enthusiasm only surface in the presence of women?
Hmph. Well, you hit the nail on the head

Oh well, nothing to be done. I suppose I’ll just have to endure the boredom of class while pretending to be interested

You do realize that another suspension from school is unacceptable. Father has made it quite clear—there will be no second chances.
Oh dear, how terrifying

 Hey, Pancake, if you thought you could escape, you’re gravely mistaken!
! I’ll stay mad until I drink your blood
 So you’d better prepare yourself!
A sigh of relief is hardly appropriate. You should reflect on the seriousness of your situation.
Do you understand? Your blood


It’s more special than anyone else’s

 I think I understand that, in my own way, but

If you say you understand, then shouldn’t you be a little more careful? 
Even towards me.

Why won’t you look at me?
 It’s just
 your face is so close

 what else
M-my waist
 his hand

This is so you can better understand your position. Consider it a lesson.
 He’s frighteningly calm
 let me go

If you truly understand, then try to grasp the situation you’re in a little better, alright?
As for you, you’ve dressed yourself up like a neatly wrapped present and now wander around as if you’re just waiting for someone to unwrap you.
You are utterly unbearable. These kinds of reckless actions
 Though, I suppose I expected nothing better from my foolish brothers.
Observing your foolish behavior or mimicking you by diving into extremes? No, thank you. I have no need for such things, nor do I find them remotely interesting.
However, if you continue being this defenseless, then even I, no matter how much I try, may not be able to restrain my rational impulses.
See? Like this

(R-Reiji-san too
 Stop it!!
You really are foolish.
!? Were you
 just mocking me?
Don’t trouble yourself with questions about things that should be obvious.
Are you disappointed? That I didn’t drink your blood
Not at all

Now then, put yourself together. The limousine will arrive in twenty minutes.

Oh, right. How is your heart? Everything in order?
!? What
 Well, then

For some reason, Reiji-san seemed so mysterious just now

I should get ready

After my father, who served as a priest, was transferred abroad, it has been almost a month since I moved in with the Sakamaki family.
It may sound rude of me to say this, but the people living in this house are
 a little strange.
Just earlier, there were three brothers—Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun, and Laito-kun—lying in my bed.
And the one who came in to scold them was the second son, Reiji-san.
Besides them, although I haven’t seen them yet today, the eldest son, Shu-san, and the youngest, Subaru-kun, also live in this house.
It’s hard to believe, but all of them—six brothers—are vampires.
And I was told that my blood and heart are special, so they keep me here as a source of nourishment, preventing me from escaping.
During the day, I attend Rintei Academy, a night school for students with various circumstances. At first glance, it allows me to live a seemingly normal life, but

(Living with vampires and letting them drink my blood
 This is anything but normal
(And yet
 Why did Reiji-san suddenly ask about my heart

I only learned about this after coming here: my heart had actually been transplanted from Cordelia—the mother of three of the brothers, including Ayato-kun.
I don’t know all the details, but they say it was done by a man named Richter, their uncle.
It is said that Cordelia was the daughter of the Demon King and possessed special blood. If her heart remains intact, she can be resurrected.
They say my blood is special because Cordelia’s heart, the heart of the Demon King’s daughter, resides within me

(But isn’t it strange to be worrying about this now? Or is it just my imagination?)
Well then, time to go.
(If I’m late, Reiji-san will scold me again.)
 Did I forget anything? I need my textbooks for Japanese, math, and
 My dictionary is still at school, isn’t it?
Ah, I also need to return a book to the library. I think it’s due today or tomorrow

!? T-this

(While I was lost in thought
 I accidentally stepped on him
I was just sleeping
 And you decided to wake me up by stepping on my foot?
I-I’m so sorry
(But still
 Sleeping in the hallway
 Damn it
 I woke up

I’m sorry
 really, I’m sorry.
Apologies won’t change anything, you know.
 what should I do
 How exhausting
 Do I really have to spell it out for you
Blood. The only thing you can offer me
 is your blood, right?
I know I stepped on you, but

If you really feel bad about it
 Isn’t there something only you can do?
Say it: "Please, drink my blood." That’s how you can make it up to me.
(Ehh, but that’s
! That’s outrageous! What kind of demand is that?!)

Seems like you still don’t get it
 You’re too naïve.
Hey, demon.


Stop making a scene in the hallway.
Don’t interrupt my breakfast

Tch, seriously, quit bothering me this early in the morning!

This is exhausting
 I’m done. Someone, take him and drag him away.

Tch, come on.

 Did he just help me?)
Ah, um
 Thank you for what you did earlier

Hey, you! Quit pushing your luck!

Do you even realize what you’re doing? Stop walking around spreading that tempting scent!
 how am I supposed to control something like that
If you enjoy being in these situations, I won’t stop you. But if you don’t—figure out a way to avoid them.

 Reiji-san just told me the same thing not long ago

Tch. Then be more careful. You do realize you’re walking around like bait in a cage full of predators, don’t you?
 I understand

Hmph. Don’t apologize to me, it’s annoying. And what are you even doing here dressed like that?
If you have nowhere else to go, shouldn’t you think about how to survive on your own? You do have a brain, don’t you?
I understand

(I can’t
 My thoughts keep returning to what just happened
(Why am I not running away from here
(What was that
? What just happened
You have awakened, Eve.
!? Who are you
Me? Is it really that important for you to know who I am?
Of course, I need to know
Hahaha. You always strive to uncover the truth.
 Excuse me, but my name is not Eve.
Ideally, I wouldn’t want to resort to force

You’re rushing me too much
 I only wanted to rely on your power and wait for everything to ripen naturally.
The fruit has rotted and fallen

I had no other choice, so I brought you here.

What do you think causes decay?
You don’t understand? 
Well, no matter.
When we meet again, I will teach you the principle of decomposition.

!? Wait

Oh, it looks like you’ve woken up
 Don’t scare us like that again.
That person
 Who was he
That person? Hmm
 I wonder who you mean?
It seems she’s still disoriented from the shock of the incident. Honestly
 Such trouble from humans.
? Ah, right
 But what exactly
 happened to me
 You just lost consciousness.
It’s fortunate that nothing worse happened
 But the question remains—where did the culprit disappear to?
 Crashing into our car and then fleeing? How insolent.
Hmm, was this really done by a human?
Our car is driven by a demon from the underworld. So, obviously, it couldn’t have been the work of a mere human.
 So it was someone from the underworld
 Could it be the work of one of the dark bloodline dynasties?
Isn’t it obvious?
 Our family has more than enough reasons for people to hate us to death. It’s not surprising, is it?
 This is exhausting. Honestly, I don’t care

Either way, let’s leave this place for now. We’ll leave the rest to the servants.
Are we really
 just going to leave like this? Is that okay?
If we stay, things will only become more complicated and troublesome. Or do you wish to remain here alone?

What was that just now? Can this really end just like this
(Who could have been behind this? And
 that felt like a strange dream
 Who was he, really
(Am I overthinking things
 or not

Hmm, quite a lovely neck.
Those guys
 They realized this was the work of a vampire. Are you sure this won’t be a problem?
 Who cares
 They’ll figure out soon enough who we really are anyway. So why worry?

So this is Eve
 So it really is her.
Hmph. She looks like she’s been well tamed
 And yet, if she is Eve
 It’s almost laughable.
Hah, but I kind of like girls like that
 She looks like she’ll be fun to play with.
If you need a toy, find someone else. This girl belongs to Him. Let’s go.
Alright, alright

This girl
 She has that same scent
 It’s unsettling

It’s been a while since someone tried to provoke me so directly.
Indeed. Honestly, I never thought that guy would force us to act in this world again. Hm-hm.
What happened earlier
 Is this really okay?
Yes. We’ve been targeted before.
 So many fools. They keep fighting for His place, never stopping even for a second. Can’t they just give up already?
(“That person”
 They must be talking about their father, right? The politician, Tougo Sakamaki
(A man whose name even I have heard of
 was actually a vampire
(Maybe there are far more non-humans around than I’ve ever realized
Ah! There you are!!
Hah? And who the hell are you
Eh? Oh, I’m Reinhard. The school doctor.
 Something doesn’t add up
 The school doctor? Funny. Wasn’t it a woman before?
That lovely lady went on maternity leave. So starting today, I was asked to take over her duties.
 I see
 Got it

Excuse me
 Doctor, is something wrong
Yes, actually. I need to speak with you.
Hey, you! What’s the deal? First, explain what’s going on. What’s your real intention coming here?
Ah, sorry, sorry. When I caught a glimpse of her, she didn’t seem to be in the best condition

What? Me? No, no
 I’m fine, really

Why not? Let’s go to the infirmary. It’s way better than sitting through these boring classes.
Hey, Laito, where do you think you’re going? You think I’m just going to let you skip class like nothing happened?!
You’re so stubborn, Ayato. Relax, I’m not running away. I just decided to skip a few lessons. Haha, isn’t this much more interesting?
The gift that Bitch-chan presented to me, I accepted with gratitude. Why don’t you two accept it as well? Haha, wouldn’t it only be fair if everyone got their own little piece of pleasure?
Hmm, there is some truth in Laito’s words
 Very well, I agree. Let’s go. Sensei, do you have anything sweet in your infirmary?
Well, it seems you have quite an unusual pack of knights.
 I suppose

(They’re vampires, so calling them ‘knights’ doesn’t quite fit
 to say the least
Strangely enough, Sensei, you immediately noticed I wasn’t well, even from a distance

 I think it’s because of your aura

Haha. Yes, I can see such things. But it seems I was mistaken this time.
 Can you really determine someone’s condition with it
Hey, Sensei, what color is her aura~? If I had to guess, I’d say a soft pink.
Haha. Determining a color isn’t easy
 But if I had to be precise
 it would probably be ash gray.
Ash gray
How are you feeling? Are you sure you're alright?
Ah, yes, thanks to you.
 I actually feel even better than before. As if a heavy weight has been lifted, and my body feels so light.)
I see.

Honestly, humans are so fragile. They’re completely useless. Hey, Doc, at least make some tea or something.
Now, now
 Classes are about to start. If you want tea, you’ll have to wait for another time.
What?! Are you serious?
 You know, I wouldn’t mind lounging on this bed a little longer. Bitch-chan, why are you just standing there? Come on, climb in. I promise it’ll be fun~
A-Ah! I’m going to class!
No, I’m not going. Right, Teddy?
Come now, don’t be difficult. Here, have a candy.
Hmph. Do you think a sweet will appease me? How naïve
 But, I suppose I’ll take it.
Thank you, Doctor.
No need to thank me. If you ever have any troubles, come to me anytime.
(He’s so considerate
 He immediately noticed I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to help. After all, he is a doctor
(There’s always something strange happening around me
 And I feel like I’m starting to get caught up in it myself

You know
 I think there’s something off about this doctor. Don’t you find him
 a little suspicious?
Hmm, yeah
 There’s a seriously predatory scent around him.
 really? Everything seems normal to me
 Though, after everything that’s happened
 maybe you’re just overthinking it.
That’s not what we mean at all!!

That man
 he is absolutely interested in you.
 So you noticed too, Kanato-kun? See! I told you he was suspicious.
No, that’s not true at all
! He’s the school doctor—his job is to look after the students’ health. I’m sure he’s just being considerate.
Hah, you sure are quick for a pathetic little blood bag, aren’t you?


(I really don’t like this
 If I get stuck here, this could turn into a serious problem
Hey, we’re about to be late for class! Let’s just go already!
Hey! Wait!
(If I keep hanging around with them, they’ll just drain me dry! How am I supposed to have enough blood for all this?!)
 I feel even more exhausted than usual today.
[Second Scene]
Schoolgirl A:
Oh, Komori-san, sorry
 Can I ask you for a favor?
What is it?
Schoolgirl A:
I need to go home urgently. Could you cover my cleaning duty?
Yes, of course.
Schoolgirl A:
Really?! You’re a lifesaver! Thank you so much!
 Since the limousine broke down today, it looks like no one’s coming to pick me up
 Well, I’ll just finish cleaning up and head home!)
 There, all done.
(By the way
 Ayato-kun and the others
 I wonder where they went?)
 They usually stay in class until someone comes to get them
 But today, no one’s here.)
(Well, maybe they’ll be back soon. I’ll just take out the trash in the meantime.)
Alright, all done

Is livestock really allowed to wander around on its own, away from its master?
(Who is that? I’ve never seen him before
 Maybe he’s a senior student?)
“What?” Are you mocking me?!
A-ah! What are you—!?
I’ve waited so long
 And now, we can finally talk
 Right, Eve?
 In that strange dream
 They also called me “Eve”
Hey, hey, why so scared?~ Come on, isn’t this wonderful? Let’s be friends, my sweet maso-kitty~ â™Ș
I can’t just become friends with a complete stranger. Especially when he calls me
 something so weird

Besides, my name isn’t Eve. You must be mistaken.
!! S-stop! Let me go!
! I told you to behave
! Ugh
 Worthless swine
H-his eyes

W-who is this person
? Why did he suddenly grab my chin
Hey, Yuma
 Hold her. This livestock
 It seems she’s completely forgotten her place. If we leave her be, she’ll start scratching at her own master.
Yeah, got it.

Please, let me go. Don’t bring your face so close to mine

 Naïve, but with a bit of a bite. Well, I fear things won’t be easy for you from now on.
“From now on”
? Who even are you people!?
Hmph, I suppose I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Ruki
 Ruki Mukami.
And the one holding you so tightly right now

Yuma. (Swine.)
I’m Kou! Nice to meet you!
 For some reason, my heart is still pounding so fast.
 do you want something from me?
Hahaha. We just transferred to this school today, you know.
!? But what does that have to do with me?
 Quite arrogant of you. You don’t seem to know how to properly speak to those above you.

Don’t look away. If you have the nerve to act so insolent, then have the courage to look me in the eyes as well.

What are you idiots doing over there?
 What a mess I’ve walked into

If this drags on any longer, it’ll just get even more annoying. Hey, why don’t you just let her go already?
 So this is the eldest of the Sakamaki family. Hey, Yuma.
Tch! Fine, fine, I got it! I’ll let her go. Now get lost already!


(That guy
? No, it can’t be. I must be mistaken.)
I figured you were just wandering around aimlessly. Seriously. Could you stop causing me extra trouble?

What is all this commotion? Hmph? Oh
 It’s you.
Time to move. Everyone, let’s go.
 Until next time
 Let’s play again
[Third Scene]
— Byeee-byeee! â™Ș
Tch, nothing’s going as planned. Damn it, not again.
Hey, what the hell just happened here?!
! Subaru-kun!
Even I don’t really understand what that was. They suddenly approached me, acting as if they’d mistaken me for someone else.

Damn it.
Oh my, what’s with this strange atmosphere? You all look so tense.
I just passed by some shady-looking guys
 Hm? Don’t tell me you’re one of them too?
It’s fine, Shu-san came, and now I’m safe.
I didn’t really do anything.
Next time I see them, I’ll grind them into dust. Let’s see if they dare to show their faces again.
 I can still smell them.
 Damn it.
Hmph. I see

Now that everyone’s here, we should head home. The car is already waiting.
They fixed the limousine?
No, I arranged for a different vehicle.
— Heh~. Now the seat next to my lovely Bitch-chan is mine for sure
Does it really matter? Just get in the car already so we can leave.
Wait! What about my things?
The servants will take care of that. Stop wasting time and move faster!
(What was that
? Who were those people?)
(I wonder
 Is there someone out there who looks exactly like me, but with the name Eve? How strange
(But despite that, there was a strange certainty in their words, as if they had proof. Something isn’t right here.)
(That man from my dream
 Could he be connected to all of this? But how?)
That incident at the school entrance

That was their doing, wasn’t it?
It seems so. The scent
 It was overwhelming.
Yeah. It reeked, absolutely disgusting.
A scent? But
 I didn’t notice anything.
Bitch-chan, playing dumb is cute and all, but there’s a limit. Otherwise, I might just have to punish you. Hehe, though that’s not the scent we’re talking about—just in case you misunderstood.
 It doesn’t seem like they were pureblood vampires. Interesting
 then who could they be?
Those people
 were vampires?!
Only a careless fool like you wouldn’t have noticed. Honestly. I warned you to be more cautious!
Are those guys going to be attending our school now too?
They said they transferred.
Hmph. Looks like you’ve caught their attention.
Hm-hm. Shu, you’re being unusually calm today, almost serene. Could it be that you’re jealous? Hehe~
Spring lethargy. I’m in a terrible mood, and your endless chatter has completely ruined my music.
And you mentioned jealousy? That alone says everything about you
 You pseudo-pervert.
Tired of living?
Hmph. Does it matter?
(Why is everyone so tense? They said this wasn’t the first time, but
 Being hunted doesn’t seem like a very enjoyable experience.)
(I hope nothing happens, but for some reason, I can’t shake this uneasy feeling.)
(They didn’t approach me randomly. Maybe their real goal is to gain attention at Ryoutei Academy.)
(Why do they keep calling me “Eve”? I don’t understand, but it’s unsettling
 where am I?)
 We meet again.
Let me cast a spell on you.
If this doesn’t work, then the entire purpose of the reset will be lost.

Daughter of the Demon Lord himself, I have come for you.

If you remain here, the garden will begin to rot again
 Now, come to me.

 in my neck
W-what are you
 planning to do?
Don’t be afraid. Now, close your eyes.
What I am doing has a purpose. Be at peace.

 drinking my blood?)
N-no, stop



 I’m losing strength. What’s happening to me? It feels like I’m dying
That’s enough.

 It seems it was successful.
Curious Eve. But shouldn’t you fear, even a little, what lies beyond the boundaries of your understanding?
Now it is complete, Eve. You have become what you were meant to be. Everyone is waiting for you.
What was that
 Everything will become clear in time. There’s no need to rush.
— You!?
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bigbrainlivestoc · 11 months ago
moved to @bigbrainlivestock! Same content
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arandomyuikomorifan · 7 months ago
Sad Yui Komori quotes that I think about all the time because she deserves better
:(credit to @/dialovers-translations for the translation)
Yui: ( Having to doubt one another again after we already came to a mutual understanding once
Things can never be what they once were. )
( We can’t go back to that time we were in no perfect sync
In that case, perhaps I should just disappear already
(Subaru route more blood brute ending)
Yui: I’m

( I’m at my limit
Reiji-san, seems like this is
( I wonder if
we weren’t meant to be
(Reiji Sakamaki blood more Manslaughter)
Laito: Haah
I guess I’ve been freed now. I am no longer a prisoner of love.
I never needed ‘love’ or such after all

Don’t you think so too, Bitch-chan?
Yui: ( Why did it turn out like this
? I really did
Laito: Goodbye.
ăƒŒ Laito steps away
Yui: ( love
(Laito sakamaki more blood brute ending)
Yui: I see

I don’t mind

If it’ll make you happy..I’ll go with you.
To Hell
Or any other place

(Ruki mukami more blood Manslaughter)
Yui: "But I will still believe. No matter how painful life becomes, I will still believe. Man is weak, so I must believe
(she said this in the anime to Laito)
The rose had begun to wilt. Longing for escape, I drive the stake into the cold heart and it disappears. I lock away the temptation and desire
 inside a forbidden bloody hell
(this go hard 👆)
122 notes · View notes
yuikomorii · 11 months ago
might be wrong about this but I think the thing that really differentiates Ayato from his brother is that he actually values life in a ''pure way''. Both Subaru and Shu didn't really have the will to life until they met the MC, Reiji's only will was to overcome his father and become better than his brother due to his jealousy, and even if it doesn't seem like it from the surface both Kanato and Laito were too mindbroken due to their trauma to actually enjoy life in a non-twisted way.
Ayato went through a lot of traumatic experiences just like the rest of his brothers but unlike them, he actually had a pure reason to live, that's why he didn't abandon his brothers and was desperately searching for them when they arrived to Rottienburg (I think that's the name) and prioritized them after he got saved by reiji and was willing to go look for them with no plan ahead and he's never changed. Even after they obviously drifted apart he still wanted to save his siblings (like in Lost Eden) even if they didn't want to save him when he got kidnapped by Kino.
Or when he was the only who saved yui in the anime when she got kidnapped by the mukami (Ik it's only fanservice because the anime shows Ayato as the ml). Or when he was the only one worrying about mc in the Olympics cd when the whole thing crushed down. I know mc has had her effects in everyone (because even reiji got worried in the CD drama when he though someone was drowning, turns out it was just Shu being weird) but at the end of the day, Rejet made it very clear that ayato always was different from his brothers even as kids.
Too long? Maybe, I just like rambling a lot about ayato lol
// This franchise is longer than a decade, it’s time for people to stop pretending that Ayato isn’t different from the rest, because it annihilates his purpose like that. Now I’m not saying that everyone else sucks and Ayato is the only cool character there, it’s just that Rejet wrote him in a way that genuinely gives off main character energy. Heck, even other characters have confirmed that he got *something* nobody else does, which is true.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations, tournesolia
One thing about Ayato is that he might roast and prank you, but the moment you need help, he’ll be the first to lend you a hand. He’s by no means perfect, of course, he has flaws and makes mistakes too, but his good qualities are just so many that they’re easily able to outshine his bad ones.
Another example is the DF prologue scene. The most normal reaction would have been fighting with the wolf, as Subaru did, but instead of trying to get rid of it, Ayato used himself as shield the moment he saw it, so as to protect Yui. What makes this scene so powerful is that not only they weren’t a couple back then, but in the other Sakamaki routes, he’s still severely injured. He values life, yet he still sacrificed himself for her, no matter if she dates someone else afterwards, and guess what? Even after waking up from the coma in the other routes, he holds no grudge against her for that, but rather is on good terms with Yui. I would also like to talk about how self-sacrificing he is in the Daylight CD, but I feel like everyone listened to that one already, given that it was the most liked of the Daylight series.
While I understand that some people out there prefer more rational and/or introverted characters, I can’t stand those who deny the essence of a character. And, for all people who blame Rejet for “making him more special than the rest”, let me remind you that he’s the Diaboy who got the worst journey ending. Let that sink in. :”)
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tetsunabouquet · 3 months ago
I just saw that you also write about Diabolik Lovers??? Could I request headcanons about what it would be like to date Shuu, Kanato and Subaru? And also about what type of girl they're into? ::0
A/N: A request for my personal top 3 Sakamaki brothers? Of course, you've got great taste.
Shu -Considering he's the brother who's most prone to having pets, I feel like being an animal lovers is a trait he finds desirable in a partner as he would love to have a pet with you someday. -If you already have pets, they are a surefire tacic to wurm into this boy's heart. Sending him your endless collection of adorable snaps of your pets and you, etc, he eats it up. -Because he's incredibly lazy, he wouldn't like extremely tasking dates like a cute hiking trip. Shu's more of the type who'd get hold of your favorite movie or turn on Netflix with you in bed and getting Reiji to make your favorite snacks. -He also likes a girl who's a little playful but not completely hyper. Someone who energizes him a little more and makes him smile, but not one who pushes him too far. -The two of you exchange a lot of teasing comments and casually flirt with one another all the time. "Has someone ever told you that you look sexy when you snore, Shu?" Kanato -I feel like he's into maternal girls. Aside from his creepy thing for his mom, with his childlike tendencies and the dynamic with his brothers, you'd certainly need mother-of-several-young-children levels of patience to deal with the drama. -Kanato loves giving hugs when he's sleepy. He'll attach himself to you like you are his diabolical teddybear. -Surprisingly, he allows you to pick any sort of dating activities though if he doesn't likes it, he'll make you suggest something else. Kanato can be a little indecisive with this, you know? -Kanato also really likes girls that are a fellow 'kidult' like him and share his love for toys and sweets. I can totally see the two of you discussing doll lines, doing face-ups together and dressing up like your favorite dolls together. -The two of you will also go to every annual doll collector events and all the vintage markets. Kanato never expected to have a girl with whom he could go on shopping dates like these and he's excited for them every time. "I hate how we already spent our budget. That fish plushy looked SO cute!"
Subaru -Well, he'd like his girl to be at least be more sane then his mom. Not saying you need to be 100% mentally healthy 24/7, but having a stable sense of reality it necessary. -Bonus points if you actually know a bit about psychology and the consequences of being a KOPP (Dutch acronym meaning Kinderen van Ouders met Psychiatrische Problemen - the English translation is Children of Parents with Psychiatric Problems. So far, I've never encountered an English version of the acronym) -His choice of dates is surprisingly romantic but they're generally low-key. Like cute picnics, far away from everyone where he can just enjoy the serenity and simplicity of the way you make him feel. -He also really wants a girl who supports him, outside of his traumas and family too. Like a girl who encourages his talent for poetry and helps him come out of his shell and be confident in expressing himself outside of violent tantrums. -He loves writing about you, he really does. He actually, after a a sweet friendship, dared to confess with a love poem he sent through a xt message because he knew he'd snatch back the letter and chicken out if he actually wrote it down on real paper. "If only I weren't so craven, I'd tell you all there is resting in my soul, That your voice sounds like heaven And your smile makes me whole"
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otomehonyaku · 3 months ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS More,Blood Stellaworth Complete Set Tokuten Short Stories ☜ Subaru ver.
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD ă‚čăƒ†ăƒ©ăƒŻăƒŒă‚čć…šć·»é€Łć‹•èłŒć…„ç‰čć…žă‚·ăƒ§ăƒŒăƒˆă‚čăƒˆăƒŒăƒȘ English translation by @otomehonyaku Scans can be found here (courtesy of @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
SUMMARY | This short story provides a slice of Subaru and Yui's daily life after the events of More,Blood. Subaru buys Yui sweets on a whim, so Yui wants to give him something in return. Subaru struggles to tell her what he would like most.
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Please do not reuse or repost my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
“You don’t like anything, Subaru, so I’m not sure what I should give to you,” she told me one day. 
How should I even answer that question?
I had already obtained all that I wanted long ago
 It irked me to be told that I did not want anything else because I was simply not interested in anything.
“Anything is fine,” she continued, her eyes trained on my face. 
Feeling oddly repulsed (1) and uncomfortable, I clicked my tongue at her. “Quit bothering me, woman
 I told you, I don’t want anything!” I retorted and sent the chair that had been next to me flying across the room. It was unexpectedly heavy, and it hurt my fingertips. 
This was bullshit.
It all started when I had gifted her sweets on a whim. I told her they were not for any particular occasion—I had just so happened to pass by an unusually empty store on my way home from school late at night, and when I drifted into the store, they caught my eye. 
“You told me you liked sweets, so I got these
 Wait! It’s not like I bought them especially for you or anything! Well
 I just had some leftover change in my pocket that I wanted to get rid of. That’s why.”
I did not like making up excuses, but she was smiling brightly nonetheless. The happiness was evident on her face when she scooped up a mountain of sweets with both hands.
Well, I might have been able to use that excuse if I had only bought one or two pieces of candy, but it was difficult to justify when I had bought so much.
Either way, even though I had bought her sweets for such a lame reason, she expressed the desire to give me something in return.
I assumed she knew already, but I had no particular interest in food or anything of the sort. If anything, I liked her blood
 though for some reason, I was not particularly hungry today, either.
And so I told her I did not need anything, but still, she persisted.
 You don’t particularly like anything, so
 does that mean you’d be happy no matter what I give you, Subaru?” It seemed that she had started overthinking because I had given her such a curt answer.
“What?” I snapped, causing her to look up at me with an expression that said oh, now I’ve done it.
“If you say ‘what,’ that means it’s not true, right?”
 Fuck! You
 where’d you even learn shit like that?” I spat, sighing in between words. It was no use. I grabbed her arms and pulled her toward me. “You really are a fool.”
“Don’t ‘huh’ at me.” That feeling of repulsion and uneasiness grew, so I pulled her tighter against me so that she could not see my face.
 It hurts.”
“Idiot. I’m making it hurt. It’s your punishment
 for being insufferable!” My arms tightened around her as I spoke.
“H-hold on
 I’m sorry. I genuinely don’t understand. What do you mean?” Her voice trembled with desperation.
An exasperated sigh slipped past my lips, coming from somewhere deep inside of me. “Ah, what’s even the point
 damn it! There’s only one single thing in the world that I like
 How come you don't know what it is?!”
” Her breath hitched as though she had finally understood what I meant.
“I don’t care what you give me. However—”
“Alright.” She seemed a little meeker now. Her arms timidly snaked around my back.
The embarrassment had become unbearable by this point. I resolved to keep her in my embrace for the moment to keep her from looking at me.
—I don’t care what you give me. However
 I can’t think of anything else I want besides you.
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
The word ç„Ąæ€§ (むせい) is used here, which translates to ‘sexless’ or ‘asexual.’ A literal translation would sound a little weird so I went with ‘repulsed’ instead to show that Subaru doesn’t really know how to react to receiving Yui’s attention.
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notdiabolika · 10 months ago
Sakamakis Defend Their S/O From Bullying.
Whatever may have happened, they're here for you. Kind of.
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“Oi, chichinashi, where ya think you're going?”
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He’s probably the one who started it, being someone who likes to make fun of others. But he realizes it went too far when others joined and you left the room without saying anything. He'd try to go after you and say sorry.
“Y’know, if it bothers you that much I won't do it again. Only if you're asking for it. I'll take care of whoever tries to go too far with you...”
"I'll take care" translates to "nose punching".
“Nfu, you make such a kawaii face when you're upset.”
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He's taking advantage of the fact you're vulnerable to slide his arms around you, mess with your hair and tease, most likely trying to distract and make you pay attention to >him<. The only difference from Laito’s usual behavior is that, actually, he takes this more seriously than he's letting on.
Out of nowhere, it appears that one of the people who made fun of you all of a sudden had a super dirty secret released to the public!
“Eh? I wonder who did that
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Oh. These people don't know who they're messing with. They can feel Kanato’s stare piercing through their souls, but most likely will only whisper something about him being weird. Once given the chance, he'll pull you closer and suck your blood pretty aggressively – he’s incredibly upset.
“How dare they talk like this?! You're my doll. Can't they see it?”
He'll need a lot to calm down. If something like that happens again, you can expect him throwing around your bully’s stuff and screaming a lot.
 have you all ran out of better things to do?”
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He's usually so quiet, so when he suddenly opens his eyes and starts defending you, it isn't a surprise to find out everyone goes silent. He wouldn't bring up the subject again, but if you did talk to him about it, he’d smile a bit teasingly.
“What? I simply decided to respond since you weren't doing anything. Don't mistake it for kindness. I'm a vampire after all. If you want to pay me back, maybe give me a sip of your blood.”
“... Shut up!”
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A straight punch to their face and Subaru is now in detention and/or receiving a scolding from Reiji. He didn't think nor hesitate as soon as everyone started laughing and you were left keeping your head down. Of course, he'll still blatantly deny that he cares about you, but it’s getting clearer.
“Don’t get the wrong idea! They were asking for a punch on their face anyway. I-it’s not about you, so don’t be so damn selfish!”
“I believe some students are in need of serious reprimand.”
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Normally, he wouldn't care much about bullying, but he will intervene if it's getting more common and out of hand. Reiji has a lot of influence in Ryoutei Academy. He builds his image around being proactive and serious, so if he tells something should stop, it will stop. A lot of people respect or fear him by his attitude alone.
“Don't worry, it won't happen again. But I suppose that if such a pattern repeats itself, we might have some students expelled very soon.”
(shameless redesign from my Instagram not_so_diabolik_lovers)
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traducoes-dialover-br · 3 months ago
↳ ❝ [Prólogo - Haunted Dark Bridal] ¡! ❞
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Quanto mais eu te amo, mais eu quero te devorar. EntĂŁo, quando eu me tornar um com este corpo, essa fome e dor finalmente serĂŁo aliviadas? Quanto mais perto eu chego, mais longe vocĂȘ fica. Eu posso ver vocĂȘ no final de um deserto escaldante, como se vocĂȘ nĂŁo fosse nada alĂ©m de uma leve ilusĂŁo. [Lorde Richter]
Yui chega na mansĂŁo.
Yui: Eu vim aqui do jeito que eles me pediram, mas esse lugar
 É mesmo a casa assombrada dos rumores, nĂŁo Ă©?
Perguntei as direçÔes para algumas pessoas e todas elas me mostraram as mesmas reaçÔes, então não tem como errar, certo?
(Meus agregados estĂŁo nesse tipo de lugar? SĂ©rio?)
 Dito isto, nĂŁo Ă© como se meu pai fosse o tipo de pessoa que inventasse uma coisa dessas.)
Barulho de raios e trovÔes.
Yui: Ai!
Yui: Acho que não tenho outra opção senão ir lå ver por mim mesma.
Yui bate na porta principal.
Com licença!
Yui bate na porta de novo.
Yui: Com licença!!
Sem resposta
 Ah, o que posso fazer? Não tem ninguém em casa. Não tem nenhuma luz ligada.
NĂŁo estou surpresa. Esse lugar Ă© conhecido pelos vizinhos por ser assombrada.
Uma pessoa ligada com a igreja vivendo em uma casa com rumores de fantasmas, talvez seja um engano, né?
Yui: Heim!? VocĂȘ foi convocado para uma igreja no exterior? AmanhĂŁ vocĂȘ jĂĄ vai embora
Pai: NĂŁo levante a voz assim, Yui. Acalme-se.
Yui: Me acalmar? Todo mundo ficaria surpreso se vocĂȘ dissesse tal coisa.
AlĂ©m disso, para onde eles estĂŁo transferindo vocĂȘ?
Pai: Hmm. Quanto a isso, aparentemente eles decidiram pelo leste da Europa.
Yui: Leste Europeu!? O lado leste da Europa?
Pai: Sim. Quando eu era jovem, passei algum tempo naquela ĂĄrea.
Um pedido oficial urgente de transferĂȘncia veio da igreja.
Yui: De jeito nenhum...EntĂŁo o que acontecerĂĄ com esta igreja?
Pai: Eles me prometeram enviar um substituto imediatamente. NĂŁo se preocupe com esse assunto.
AlĂ©m disso, vocĂȘ ainda estarĂĄ aqui no JapĂŁo se algo acontecer.
Pai: Yui
 Ouça com atenção. Estou pensando em ir sozinho.
Pai: NĂŁo posso te levar.
Yui: NĂŁo diga isso! Ir sozinho? Eu quero ir com vocĂȘ!
Pai: VocĂȘ nĂŁo pode!
!? Pai?
Pai: Me perdoe. Viver separado de vocĂȘ Ă© duro para mim tambĂ©m.
Mas confie em mim, isso Ă© para seu prĂłprio bem. Por favor entenda.
Yui: VocĂȘ estĂĄ deixando sua Ășnica filha para trĂĄs no JapĂŁo e diz que Ă© para... meu prĂłprio bem?

Yui: (Papai estĂĄ com uma expressĂŁo de dor. Mesmo assim, por que nĂŁo posso ir com ele?)
VocĂȘ nĂŁo pode recusar a oferta?
Pai: Eu considerei isso muitas vezes. No entanto, Ă© um trabalho que sĂł eu posso fazer.
Yui: Algo que sĂł vocĂȘ pode fazer?
Pai: D-De qualquer forma, jĂĄ tomei as providĂȘncias adequadas para garantir que vocĂȘ nĂŁo terĂĄ problemas para morar aqui sozinho.
Partirei amanhã à noite. Até lå, arrume todas as suas coisas e conte com as pessoas que moram neste endereço.
Yui: Quem mora aĂ­?
Pai: Nunca mencionei isso para vocĂȘ antes por causa de alguns conflitos familiares, mas Ă© a casa de alguns parentes distantes.
Eles também estão relacionados com a igreja e estão cientes das circunstùncias. Eles não irão prejudicå-la de forma alguma, então, por favor, pense neles como meus substitutos e não hesite em pedir ajuda.
Yui: Sim

Fim do Flashback
Yui: (E pensar que esse lugar seria a casa assombrada
 eu deveria ter implorado para ele me levar.
(Entretanto, ele parecia tĂŁo severo naquele dia, eu tenho pra mim que ele nĂŁo iria me levar de qualquer jeito)
(Eu fico pensando por que ele estava tão relutante
(Ainda, que tipo de trabalho sĂł meu pai pode fazer?)
(Ele Ă© apenas um simples padre. Quanto Ă  sua especialidade
Talvez jardinagem?)
A porta principal se abre.
Yui: HĂŁ? A porta abriu sozinha?
Sem chance.
Yui bate na porta de novo.
Yui: Com licença, tem alguém em casa?
Yui: Sou a filha do Komori! Acredito que vocĂȘs jĂĄ saibam da histĂłria do meu pai. Estou entrando, tĂĄ?
Yui entra na mansĂŁo.
Yui: (Eu entrei, mas como eu pensei, não hå ninguém por aqui.)
(Ainda sim, a porta se abriu, o que significa que tinha alguém! Tem que ter!)
Ahh, eu acho que vou ter que adentrar assim mesmo.
Hmm, eu ainda estou um pouco assustada Mesmo assim, não posso ficar parada aqui também.
Yui vai para a sala.
Yui: (Não tem mesmo ninguém por aqui. Que estranho, como a porta se abriu mais cedo?)
Tenho certeza que algo estå errado com o endereço que meu pai passou.
(Eu não quero que ele se preocupe, mas eu não tenho outra opção senão ligar para ele.)
(Mas assim não vou chegar em lugar nenhum
 deixa eu ver
 onde coloquei meu celular? 
Um raio cai novamente.
Yui: Ai!
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(Eu... Acabei de ver a silhueta de uma pessoa na luz do trovĂŁo!)
Uhm... Com licença?

Yui: (Ele estå dormindo? Mas essa pessoa...)
OlĂĄ? VocĂȘ Ă© morador deste lugar?

Yui: OlĂĄ? VocĂȘ estĂĄ bem...?
!? Toquei sua pele por apenas um segundo e... Está tão frio!)
Hm? Ele... Ele nĂŁo estĂĄ respirando!? Ele estĂĄ morto!?
Yui: Ugh...!!
(O que estĂĄ acontecendo...! Meu peito dĂłi...!!)
(O que hĂĄ de errado comigo...!?)
???: Onde vocĂȘ estĂĄ? Onde? Onde vocĂȘ estĂĄ?
Yui: (A voz de alguĂ©m estĂĄ entrando na minha cabeïżœïżœa
 De qualquer forma
 tenho que chamar uma ambulñncia.
(Estou preocupada comigo também, mas antes de tudo tenho que fazer algo sobre essa pessoa.)
Yui chama uma ambulĂąncia.
Yui: O-Olá? Eu gostaria de uma ambulñncia. Uhm
Tem uma pessoa morta aqui.
Hm? O endereço? Se bem me lembro

Ayato: Hmm

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Ayato: Cale a boca.
Yui: O quĂȘ!???
Ayato: Ahh? O que vocĂȘ tem
 andando por aĂ­ fazendo bagunça na casa dos outros

(Como isso Ă© possĂ­vel
? O coração dele nem estava batendo
Ayato: Hm? VocĂȘ Ă© uma mulher. O que estĂĄ fazendo aqui, heim?
Yui: AtĂ© agora

Ayato: Eu o quĂȘ? Tem algo de errado se eu quero cochilar na minha prĂłpria casa?
Yui: Cochilando? Mas eu tinha certeza

(Seu coração não estava batendo, certo?)
Ayato: “Mas eu tinha certeza” de quĂȘ?
Ele puxa Yui para baixo
Yui: (O quĂȘ
!? Eu fui puxada para baixo!?)
Ayato: Foi vocĂȘ quem veio aqui, primeiro de tudo, ainda bem, pois estava com fome.
Um lanchinho perfeito logo depois de acordar, hehe

Yui: M-Me solta!! O que vocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo assim do nada!?
Ayato: Isso Ă© o que te pergunto. VocĂȘ Ă© quem de repente entrou na casa de outra pessoa, certo?
Yui: Isso
 certo. Mas eu

Ayato: Cale a boca.
.!! P
Ayato: Que presa vigorosa. Não fale besteira!
 Se acalma!
Yui: A-aahh!?
(Essa pessoa Ă© louca! De repente fazendo uma coisa dessas

Não me toque!!
(Deus me ajude
Ayato recua.
Ayato: Heim!? O-O que foi isso agora?
Reiji aparece.
Reiji: O que estĂĄ acontecendo? Que barulho
 Ayato, vocĂȘ sabe que eu prefiro nĂŁo ter que lidar com esse tipo de confusĂŁo logo depois de acordar.
Reiji: O que foi? VocĂȘ parece surpreso.
Yui: (Esta Ă© minha chance de correr!!)
Yui: P-Por favor, me ajude!
Reiji: PerdĂŁo? E quem vocĂȘ seria?
Yui: M-Meu nome Ă© Yui Komori. Eu deveria ficar aqui de hoje em diante

Reiji: Heim? Aqui? Como assim, Ayato?
Ayato: Tsk
 Eu nĂŁo sei! Ei, panqueca, vocĂȘ nĂŁo disse nada!
Yui: I-Isso Ă© porque vocĂȘ me atacou de repente! 
Espere, panqueca?
Ayato: Idiota! Obviamente estou falando de vocĂȘ! Pan-que-ca*!*
( H-Heim!? Do que ele estĂĄ falando!? )
Ayato: A propĂłsito, Reiji. VocĂȘ ouviu alguma coisa sobre isso?
Reiji: NĂŁo, nada.
Yui: EntĂŁo houve algum tipo de engano afinal... Uhm... Como vocĂȘ se chama?
Reiji: Meu nome Ă© Reiji. Reiji Sakamaki.
Yui: Reiji?
(Graças a Deus. Ele parece estar disposto a me ouvir, diferente daquele Ayato... )
Laito: Ora, ora, ora
Laito aparece.
Laito: O que uma garota humana fofa estĂĄ fazendo aqui?
Yui: QuĂȘ
( E-Essa pessoa apareceu do nada! )
???: Hahaha, olĂĄ e prazer em conhecĂȘ-la, vadia~
Laito lambe a bochecha de Yui.
( Ele me lambeu
!! )
Reiji: Laito, vocĂȘ nĂŁo acha que isso Ă© meio imprĂłprio para uma moça que vocĂȘ acabou de conhecer?
Laito: Hm~? VocĂȘ estĂĄ rĂ­gido como sempre, Reiji. Qual Ă© o problema? SĂł estou dando uma provadinha nesse cordeirinho delicioso~
Ayato: Droga! VocĂȘ estĂĄ acabado, seu bastardo! Marcando ela antes de mim!
Laito: Hehe. NĂŁo tenho outra escolha~ Caso contrĂĄrio, todas as guloseimas deliciosas serĂŁo devoradas pelos meus irmĂŁos selvagens.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo concorda, Kanato-kun?
Kanato aparece.
Kanato: Deixe-me provar também. Não se mova, ok?
Kanato lambe a bochecha de Yui.
Yui: Ei!
Kanato: Hm... É doce. Ela Ă© surpreendentemente deliciosa para ser apenas uma mera humana.
(Outro apareceu de repente... O que diabos estĂĄ acontecendo!?)
(Além disso, fui lambido de novo...)
Kanato: Ei... Por que essa garota estĂĄ aqui?
Laito: Ela nĂŁo faz parte da janta desta noite?
Ayato: AtĂ© parece! Por que vocĂȘ nĂŁo usa sua imaginação para isso? Essa jĂĄ Ă© minha. Afinal, fui eu quem a encontrou primeiro! Hehehe.
Reiji: Mas vocĂȘ deixou ela ser tirada do seu prato.
Ayato: Vai se foder, Reiji! NĂŁo diga isso!
Subaru: Heh. Que chato.
(Uma voz... Do nada?)
Ayato: Hein? Essa voz... Subaru, Ă© vocĂȘ, certo!? Apareça, seu idiota.
Subaru aparece.
Subaru: Hmph.
Yui: ( 
!? Desta vez não tem desculpas. Achei que era só minha imaginação
 mas essa pessoa simplesmente apareceu do nada! )
Subaru: NĂŁo Ă© de se espantar que eu tenha pensado que cheirava a humanos aqui
 EntĂŁo vocĂȘ Ă© quem estĂĄ causando isso.
Por sua causa, perdi um tempo precioso de sono. Como vocĂȘ vai assumir a responsabilidade por isso, heim!?
Yui: M
 Mas eu

( E agora
!? Definitivamente tem algo de errado com essas pessoas! )
Subaru: Ei, que tal vocĂȘ falar logo, heim!?
Subaru soca uma parede.
Laito: Aff~ TĂŁo mal-humorado como sempre, heim? Hahaha.
Subaru: Cale a boca, seu bastardo tarado! SĂł saiba que nĂŁo penso em vocĂȘ como meu irmĂŁo mais velho!
 Isso me irrita. Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo calar essa sua boca suja, eu vou cortĂĄ-la em pedaços.
Subaru: Heh, eu gostaria de ver vocĂȘ tentar com essa sua estatura, baixinho.
Kanato: ... Teddy. DĂȘ uma boa olhada. Ele vai ser nosso prĂłximo alvo.
Reiji: CĂ©us... VocĂȘs podem parar com isso? NĂŁo importa o quĂŁo calmo e controlado eu esteja, vocĂȘs estĂŁo começando a me irritar tambĂ©m.
Eu nĂŁo me importo com o que vocĂȘs fazem com ela... Ou pelo menos, Ă© o que eu gostaria de dizer.
Eu simplesmente nĂŁo suporto ver meus irmĂŁos travessos brigando por vocĂȘ na minha frente.
Primeiro de tudo, por favor, me diga alto e claro como vocĂȘ entrou aqui.
Yui: I-Isso... sabe...
( Ah nĂŁo... Estou com muito medo de falar! )
Yui: Como eu disse...
Ayato: O que hĂĄ de errado, tĂĄbua? VocĂȘ estĂĄ tremendo.
Laito: Fufu, ela Ă© tĂŁo fofa. Me faz querer devorĂĄ-la.
Kanato: Hehe... Os dentes dela estĂŁo batendo. Ela deve estar com muito medo de nĂłs.
Yui: I-Isso nĂŁo Ă© Ăłbvio? Afinal, estou nesse lugar assustador. AlĂ©m disso... NĂŁo tenho a mĂ­nima ideia do que vocĂȘs estĂŁo falando.
Ayato: O que Ă© que vocĂȘ nĂŁo entende? Somos praticamente como um livro aberto!
Laito: Bem... NĂŁo sou tĂŁo fĂĄcil de entender quanto Ayato-kun, pelo menos~
Reiji: Vamos lĂĄ, chega de papo furado. Assim, nunca chegaremos a lugar nenhum. VocĂȘ realmente estĂĄ testando minha paciĂȘncia. Como podemos manter uma conversa quando vocĂȘ estĂĄ tĂŁo assustada? Apresse-se e explique-se.
Reiji abaixa a voz.
Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo quiser ser chicoteado por mim, Ă© claro.
E-Entendido! Eu falo! Eu te conto tudo!
E foi assim que eu acabei aqui.
Ayato: Pfft
Hahahaha! EntĂŁo vocĂȘ Ă© filha de um padre?
Yui: Sim. HĂĄ algo errado com isso?
Subaru: NĂŁo Ă© de se espantar que vocĂȘ seja fedorenta.
Reiji: A filha de um padre acabando nesta mansĂŁo
 VocĂȘ deve ter um carma horrĂ­vel. AlĂ©m disso, nĂŁo tenho ideia de quem sĂŁo esses parentes de quem vocĂȘ estĂĄ falando.
 Como eu suspeitava, deve ter sido um simples erro da nossa parte.
Laito: É uma pena, mas tenho que concordar. NĂŁo tem como alguĂ©m relacionado Ă  igreja vir nesta casa.
Kanato: Laito, vocĂȘ estĂĄ zombando consigo prĂłprio?
Laito: Haha. Eu acho~?
Bem, então vou me despedir. Sinto muito por invadir sua mansão tão tarde da noite.
(Tenho que me apressar e sair daqui! Tenho a sensação de que se eu ficar mais tempo, terei muitos problemas! )
Ayato: Espere.
E-Ele se teletransportou!? De repente ele está bem na minha frente! )
Ayato: Pelo que parece, vocĂȘ nĂŁo tem mais para onde ir, certo? Apenas fique aqui!
Laito: Ooh! Concordo! SĂł tem homem nessa casa, Ă s vezes fica sufocante.
Se a vadia ficasse aqui conosco, isso poderia trazer alguma emoção para nossas vidas, vocĂȘ nĂŁo acha?
E-Eu recuso!
Ayato: Ei! Espere!
Yui: (Como se eu fosse fazer isso! )
Yui corre para o hall de entrada.
( O que diabos estĂĄ acontecendo? Estou sonhando!? )
( Pensei que a casa mal-assombrada fosse apenas uma velha lenda urbana, mas Ă© quase como se fosse realmente... )
( Quando penso em algo mal-assombrado, fantasmas e espĂ­ritos sĂŁo as Ășnicas coisas que me vĂȘm Ă  mente! )
Amém... Deus, por favor, me ajude!
Shuu: Ei. VocĂȘ estĂĄ sendo barulhenta, correndo por aĂ­ desse jeito...
( O-Outro apareceu bem na minha frente! )
Yui: VocĂȘ tambĂ©m Ă© uma dessas coisas?
Shuu: Coisas? 
Ouvir isso Ă© um pouco perturbador.
Yui: N-Nesse caso

Shuu: Se eu tivesse que colocar em palavras, acho que vocĂȘ poderia dizer que infelizmente estamos conectados.
Yui: Infelizmente
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Shuu: VocĂȘ Ă© aquela garota que ele mencionou?
Yui: Ele
Ayato: Ei, Shuu! VocĂȘ sabe de algo que nĂłs nĂŁo sabemos?
Kanato: NĂŁo nos dĂȘ uma resposta tĂŁo vaga. Explique a situação certo.
Shuu: Ele me contatou outro dia
 "Ela vai morar com vocĂȘs. Estou contando com vocĂȘs". Foi tudo o que ele disse.
Ayato: Ahh!? Então a casa que a sem peito estava falando antes

Laito: Haha! Bem na hora!
Reiji: Parece que nenhum erro foi cometido aqui, afinal.
Yui: D-De jeito nenhum!?
Ayato: Idiota. Por que estarĂ­amos mentindo?
Yui: P-Porque nĂŁo faz sentido algum! Meu pai Ă© padre e eu vim aqui em nome da igreja...
Shuu: CadĂȘ o problema?
Kanato: Tem algo estranho nisso?
Yui: C-Claro que tem! Afinal, vocĂȘs sĂŁo...
Ayato: NĂłs somos o quĂȘ?
Yui: Bem...
Shuu: É porque somos vampiros?
Yui: QuĂȘ? V-Vampiros?
Ayato: Ahh... LĂĄ vai ele estragando nosso disfarce.
Yui: O-O que vocĂȘ quer dizer? NĂŁo entendo...
Kanato: NĂłs praticamente explicamos tudo para vocĂȘ. Somos uma raça chamada vampiros, nada mais e nada menos.
Yui: ...!? V-VocĂȘ deve estar brincando comigo! Vampiros? NĂŁo tem como...
Reiji: ...VocĂȘ tem nos chamado de mentirosos vĂĄrias vezes. Que desagradĂĄvel. Ayato jĂĄ mencionou isso antes, mas nĂŁo temos motivos para mentir para vocĂȘ.
Yui: M-Mesmo assim
Laito: Calma, pessoal. Tenho certeza de que a vadia nĂŁo quer reconhecer nossa existĂȘncia.
Subaru: NĂŁo dou a mĂ­nima para isso. Que irritante.
Yui: ( Vampiros
 Tenho certeza de que estão apenas brincando comigo! )
( Não tem como esse tipo de criatura existir
( De qualquer forma, tenho que entrar em contato com o pai e perguntar a verdade. Onde está meu celular
? )
Ayato: Ei. É isso que vocĂȘ estĂĄ procurando?
Yui: Isso é ! Meu telefone! Por favor, devolva!
Ayato: Hehe~ O que devo fazer com ele, heim?
Yui: Ei! NĂŁo brinque! VocĂȘ nĂŁo tem o direito de decidir o que fazer com ele!
Ayato: Por que estĂĄ assim? Fui gentil o suficiente para pegĂĄ-lo para vocĂȘ. Essa Ă© sua maneira de me agradecer?
Subaru: Ei, Ayato. Me dĂĄ essa coisa.
Ayato: Heim?
Subaru: Tsk
 Eu disse para vocĂȘ entregar!
Subaru arranca o celular da mĂŁo de Ayato.
 E-Espera aĂ­! O que vocĂȘ estĂĄ planejando fazer
Subaru quebra o telefone.
Yui: Ah
Subaru: VocĂȘ estĂĄ me dando nos nervos hĂĄ um tempo.
( E-Eu acabei de comprar esse celular
 e ele foi destruído! )
Que cruel
Laito: Relaxa, vadia. VocĂȘ vai se dar bem conosco, criaturas da noite, em breve~ VocĂȘ nĂŁo vai precisar de algo irrelevante como um celular de qualquer maneira, nĂŁo concorda?
Yui: Q-Quem disse que eu vou morar com vocĂȘs...!?
Kanato: EntĂŁo vocĂȘ vai embora?
Yui: NĂŁo Ă© Ăłbvio? VocĂȘ nem precisa perguntar.
Kanato: Ah, Ă© mesmo? Isso Ă© perfeito.
Yui: O que vocĂȘ quer dizer?
Kanato: Eu estava morrendo de fome esse tempo todo...
Yui: Sim... E?
Kanato: VocĂȘ Ă© realmente uma idiota, heim? Se um vampiro diz que estĂĄ com fome, isso sĂł pode significar uma coisa, certo?
Yui: QuĂȘ...!
(Fui empurrada!?)
Ayato: Espera aĂ­, Kanato! Como o gĂȘmeo mais velho, eu deveria ir primeiro!
Kanato: Haha, nĂŁo brinque. NĂŁo Ă© assim que funciona.
JĂĄ Ă© tarde demais para se arrepender agora. Seu sangue parece bem doce e delicioso.
Yui: ( As presas dele estão batendo na lateral do meu pescoço?)
Kanato: Vou te sugar atĂ© a Ășltima gota, ok?
Yui: ( O-O que eu devo fazer? Ah! Certo!)
Kanato: O quĂȘ?
Yui: T-Toma isso
Yui pega seu rosĂĄrio.
Kanato: Heim?
Laito: Pff
 Hahaha! Vadia, vocĂȘ Ă© hilĂĄria! VocĂȘ estava carregando um rosĂĄrio com vocĂȘ esse tempo todo?
Reiji: Parece que vocĂȘ acredita em algumas prĂĄticas um tanto ultrapassadas. Que tolice.
Yui: H-Heim? Vampiros supostamente odeiam cruzes, alho e água corrente

Ayato: De qual conto de fadas vocĂȘ aprendeu isso? É tudo besteira.
Yui: Não quero ouvir isso de alguém que pode muito bem ter saído de um livro de histórias!
Kanato: Estou irritado... É como se um banquete delicioso tivesse sido estragado bem na minha frente.
Como vocĂȘ vai assumir a responsabilidade por isso?
Yui: Um banquete? NĂŁo seja ridĂ­culo! Eu sou humana!
Shuu: Ahh... Isso Ă© um incĂŽmodo. VocĂȘ estĂĄ tirando sarro da situação? Para nĂłs, humanos sĂŁo praticamente comida.
Ayato: VocĂȘ Ă© realmente um idiota, heim?
Yui: E-Eu nĂŁo vou reconhecer a existĂȘncia de um vampiro!
Laito: Hm... Isso Ă© um pouco triste, vadia, acho que a Ășnica maneira de vocĂȘ reconhecer
 Ă© fazendo isso, certo?
Laito se aproxima mais.
Yui: ( D-De repente!? )
Laito: Vou te morder fundo~!
Yui: E-entendi! Eu entendi! SĂł espere um segundo!
Laito: NĂŁo quero~
Yui: N-NĂŁo me dĂȘ esse tipo de reação
! Meu sangue nĂŁo Ă© tĂŁo barato! P-Pelo menos deixe-me escolher a pessoa que vai beber!
Yui: (
Eu só disse isso para parar essas pessoas. )
Se Ă© sua primeira vez jogando o jogo, o prĂłlogo aqui muda. De primeiro, vocĂȘ sĂł vai ter os trigĂȘmeos para escolher.
Primeira vez jogando
Reiji: Eu nĂŁo gosto disso. Eu nĂŁo sei o quĂŁo bom ou ruim Ă© seu sangue, mas vocĂȘ estĂĄ agindo como se fosse um produto de alta qualidade.
Subaru: Isso Ă© estĂșpido. Estou fora. VocĂȘs fazem o que quiserem.
Ayato: Oh! JĂĄ temos um desistente?
Subaru: Hmph.
Reiji: Eu gentilmente vou passar essa mulher sem educação também.
Shuu: Isso Ă© ridĂ­culo. SĂł se apresse e acabe com essa farsa logo.
Laito: Por que estĂŁo agindo assim~? Eles deveriam aprender a se divertir um pouco~
Ayato: Não estå bom assim? Agora ela também terå mais facilidade para escolher.
Kanato: IncĂŽmodos devem simplesmente desaparecer de qualquer maneira. 
Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo me escolher... Teddy, vocĂȘ estĂĄ ouvindo? Vamos cortĂĄ-la direitinho, ok?
Ayato: As coisas ficaram interessantes. É Ăłbvio que vocĂȘ vai me escolher, certo? Sem dĂșvida!
Laito: Vadia~ Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo me escolher, vocĂȘ vai acabar se arrependendo mais tarde, com certeza!
Yui: ( 
E-eu disse isso no calor do momento, mas quem eu deveria escolher?)
A seleção de personagens aparece, vocĂȘ deve escolher entre AYATO, KANATO ou LAITO. Os outros trĂȘs irmĂŁos ficam disponĂ­veis apĂłs desbloquear qualquer final dos trigĂȘmeos.
Escolhas: Ayato | Kanato | Laito
Jogando depois que completou uma das rotas dos trigĂȘmeos.
Reiji: Eu nĂŁo gosto disso. NĂŁo sei o quĂŁo bom ou ruim Ă© seu sangue, mas vocĂȘ estĂĄ agindo como se fosse um produto de alta qualidade.
Subaru: Isso Ă© estĂșpido. Deixe-a fazer o que quiser.
Ayato: Oh! É incomum para Subaru ficar tão animado com alguma coisa!
Subaru: Heh.
Reiji: Hm... Acho que vocĂȘ estĂĄ certo. JĂĄ faz um tempo desde que tivemos uma mulher a quem podemos ensinar boas maneiras.
Kanato: Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo me escolher... Teddy, vocĂȘ estĂĄ ouvindo? Vamos cortĂĄ-la direitinho, ok?
Ayato: As coisas ficaram interessantes. É Ăłbvio que vocĂȘ vai me escolher, certo? Sem dĂșvida!
Shuu: Eu nĂŁo me importo. Apenas se apresse e acabe com essa farsa logo.
Laito: Vadia~ Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo me escolher, vocĂȘ vai acabar se arrependendo mais tarde, com certeza!
Yui: (
E-eu disse isso no calor do momento, mas quem devo escolher?)
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Escolhas: Shuu | Reiji | Subaru
Por favor, se hå algo de errado em minhas traduçÔes ou na escrita, não hesite em me dizer.
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ăƒŒ Subaru [Euphoria Ending]
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ăƒŒ The scene starts in the Church
Subaru: Uu...Gaah...!
Yui: Subaru-kun!? Please, let go of my hand! Don't try to save me...!
Subaru: Fuck off! Not in a million years!
Yui: You can't, you'll get caught up as well...!
Subaru: Still, I just can't let go of...Uu...Guh...!
Yui: ( Ah, his wounds are aching...He's trying to protect me, even in his current state. )
( I appreciate the sentiment...but! )
Let me go, Subaru-kun! In your current state...!
Subaru: As if I can watch you die in front of me! I promised that I'd keep you save no matter what, remember!?
Yui: And I want to protect you too! I don't want to let you die...!!
Subaru: Shut up! You better not think I'm gonna let you kick the bucket either!
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...
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Yui: Fufu...
Subaru: ...Hehe.
Yui: ăƒŒăƒŒ Hey, Subaru-kun. We're very similar, aren't we?
We both refuse to give the other up. Even in a situation like this.
Subaru: Yeah, you're right.
Yui: In that case, we might as well go togetherăƒŒăƒŒ
Subaru: ...
Hah, you big idiot. But I guess dyin' alongside you wouldn't be that bad.
We'll be together, as we die, and in the afterlife as well.
Let's just allow the wind to swallow us up. Rest assured. I definitely won't let go of you.
Yui: Yeah, I'll be fine. Nothing scares me when we're together.
Subaru: Yeah. Come on, look at me. I'll kiss you until the bitter end.
Yui: Okay...
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Subaru: ...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
( Such a sweet kiss. The type of kiss which I love so much, making me forget all about my fears or worries. )
( If this is how I'll approach my end, there's nothing to be afraid of... )
Yui: ...!?
Subaru: What was that light just now...!?
*Rumble rumble*
Subaru: Oi, is it just me or is this Church fallin' apart...!?
Yui: Yeah, but how odd. The strong gust of wind and the rubble are all disappearing. Like they're fading into particles of light...
Subaru: Yeah, it's almost as if this World itself is breaking down...!
Don't worry! Just hang onto me tight, 'kay? ...Kuh!
ăƒŒ The scene shifts to the mysterious Chamber
Yui: ...Huh...?
( Where are we...? We were at that Church, and then... )
Subaru: Nn...? Oi, are you alright?
Yui: Yeah, I'm fine! How about you?
Subaru: I somehow turned out alright as well...Where are we...?
The Castle at Eden...?
Yui: Does that mean we safely made it out of that World?
Subaru: Probably.
Yui: Ah, everyone else is here too! They seem to be unconscious too...
But how did this happen? Someone needed to be sacrificied for that World to be destroyed, no?
Subaru: Yeah...But seems like that World fell apart for god knows what reason.
Socrates: The experiment was a succes.
Subaru: This light, and voice...Socrates, is that you!?
Socrates: At that critical moment of life or death, Adam and Eve most definitely embraced the love for each other.
I witnessed it all with my very own eyes. True love, worthy of the new World.
Subaru: The fuck...!?
Yui: ( I don't quite get it, but I guess this means his experiment has come to an end? )
Socrates: The hint I gave in regards to how you could destroy that World played a big part in everything, no?
Subaru: Haah!? You've gotta be fuckin' with us! How was that bullshit 'bout one person havin' to die supposed to help us!?
Socrates: I am not referring to that. The real clue as to how to break that World was hidden in the legend.
Subaru: The legend? The thing 'bout kissin' Eve in the Church?
Yui: But I wasn't woken up through a kiss...
Socrates: The true meaning behind the story of Sleeping Beauty lies in the fact that awakening must happen through genuine love.
If Adam and Eve can prove that their love is real and seal it with a kiss, the cage will crumble and an end will come to the everlasting nightmare.
Everyone will wake up, and a new Supreme Overlord...In other words, Adam will be born.
Yui: So, the fact we kissed at the Church...
Subaru: Was exactly that...?
Socrates: Now I have seen it all. I will accept losing a dear friend for a love this strong.
I am satisfiedăƒŒăƒŒ
ăƒŒ Socrates disappears
Subaru: Oi, what the fuck!? Don't just have your say and then dip on us!?
Yui: I wonder who that guy was in the end? Also, this 'friend' he spoke of...
Karlheinz: ...I witnessed all of it as well, my dear friend Socrates. It was a formidable experiment.
Subaru: You bastard...What rock did you crawl out from under!?
Yui: Karlheinz-san. Then this 'dear friend' Socrates mentioned...
Karlheinz: He was referring to me, Eve.
Still, I did not think you would have grown this much, Subaru.
Subaru: ...Che.
Karlheinz: You are now more than worthy to inherit my powers.
Both my friend and I have lost track of just how long we have waited for Adam and Eve to find true love.
For that exact moment where we discover genuine love through the appearance of two people capable of creating a new WorldăƒŒăƒŒ
Eve and yourself did an excellent job proving your true love for one another. I could not wish for any more.
Now, accept these powers of mineăƒŒăƒŒ
Subaru: I don't want them!
Karlheinz: ...Why not?
Subaru: I'll use my own strength to live alongside her!
Yui: ( Ah...He's holding me tight. )
Subaru: My name's Subaru and she's Yui. We're not 'Adam' and 'Eve'.
I'll stay with her, both in life and death, because that's my own choice.
I don't give a damn 'bout what you have to think of that!
Yui: Me too...I am with Subaru-kun as myself, not as Eve.
Now and forever.
Karlheinz: ...I see. So you will reject every aspect of our experiment, rendering it null and void?
Very well. You did most definitely show us your genuine love after all.
I shall give you two my blessing! As you chose love over powerăƒŒăƒŒ
ăƒŒ Karlheinz vanishes
Yui: ( Ah, he disappeared...But now we've finally been freed from that cage. )
We can go back at last!
Subaru: Yeah. Let's get outta here already.
Yui: Yup!
Monologue The miniature World fell apart, and we finally got back to our everyday lives. All of us made it back safe and sound, without anyone having to be sacrificed. Of course, this includes Subaru-kun as well. This event proved to us, that we both absolutely need each other. One of us cannot be removed from the picture, even if that is nothing but self-satisfaction. If we truly want the other to smile, then we simply cannot leave their smile. I believe that is difficult, as easy as it may sound. However, I refuse to leave Subaru-kun's side, no matter what happens. I'll live and die alongside himăƒŒăƒŒ That is different from what Karlheinz-san and his friend had in mind for us, but we shall continue to walk down this path, which we carved for ourselves.
ăƒŒ The scene shifts to Subaru's room at the Sakamaki manor
Yui: Subaru-kun, you're still not getting up? Reiji-san's telling you to get out of bed already.
Subaru: Don't listen to what that guy has to say. Who cares if I stay like this a bit longer?
Yui: But you'll be late for school if you don't get up soon.
Subaru: I can just skip, right? More importantly, you should join me over here.
Yui: Wah...!
Subaru: Hah, now he'll get on your case as well.
Yui: Geez, Subaru-kun.
( But somehow I'm okay with getting scolded if it's together with Subaru-kun. )
Subaru: Oi, look at me. ...Nn.
Yui: Nnh...!
You can't, Subaru-kun! If we kiss now, who knows when Reiji-san might walk in to wake us...
Subaru: Then let's give him a show. We'll make it very clear that we're too busy for school today.
Yui: Gosh...
Subaru: Who cares? We made it out of that place alive.
Let me feel you even more. I want to confirm that you're actually here with me.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Nn...
Yui: ...Phew...
( No fair...I can't say no when he says such things. )
Subaru: I love you. Forever, and ever.
ăƒŒăƒŒ THE END ăƒŒăƒŒ
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missbutterflymask · 8 months ago
Diabolik Lovers translation: Dark Night Priest PVđŸŒș
The translation for the latest uploaded PV on the Diabolik Lovers official YT channel!
(Im still getting used to Tumblr so please ignore if the post isnt pretty!)
"Worship, that is held secretly at the ritual site in the world of demons"
˝You are guided by the gospel of darkness, you must offer your sweet blood to the vampires˝
˝Vampiric vampires clothed in priestly coustumes, they began the bloody prayerš
šYou dont have to leave now,right?š
I think they look so beautiful here, though the upside down cross makes me a bit uneasy as a catholic. Can you imagine priest Reiji reading the Bible, i think he would explain the Bible so badly that it would be harder to understand than easier..đŸŒș
(This translation may not be 100% perfect, im doing this only for fun!)
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