#su8ki works!
su8ki · 3 days
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toxic! jaehyun x reader. angst. no comfort. synopsis - being put into the same cycle with jaehyun, you had finally given up, no longer wanting to hold onto the thin string of hope that you had built on your own. wc. 933
a/n - i felt the need to write an angsty imagine so i ended up with this. i might make a pt. 2 to this but then again im not too sure on that idea yet
++ read under the cut
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jaehyun was an enigma. it was hard to fully understand him and the intentions that he held. one moment he would act like you never existed and the next he was begging for your attention, treating you as if you were his, and whispering sweet words to keep you grounded.
it was a complicated relationship is what you told yourself. but in reality, you were nothing more than a mere call for jaehyun when he needed, you were there for his convenience and no matter how many times you were hurt, you constantly found yourself back into his arms, repeating the same cycle.
"you can't keep letting him do this to you y/n."
sungho followed your gaze, landing on jaehyun’s figure who had his arms around another girl. it was nothing new to him, constantly finding you in the same position over and over again. no matter how hard he tried to get you to understand that jaehyun was bad for you, it never got through to you. it was tiring, frustrating even.
seeing as you refused to take your eyes off of jaehyun, sungho scoffs. "look if you want to keep going back to him despite knowing how he treats you, then so be it." you knew he was fed up with the way you've been acting. you couldn't blame him, not when he tried his best to be there for you every time. hell, if you were in his position you would feel the same way.
"i'm sorry." was the only thing you could say to him as he got ready to leave. sungho knew you were in a vulnerable state but he was tired of the constant back and forth, always finding himself in the middle of it.
"you don't have to say sorry to me, i just want you to do better and finally put yourself first. and hopefully you can do that on your own now." he sighs, walking away in hopes that his words reach you this time.
as you watch the back of sungho’s figure whisk away, your eyes find themselves back on jaehyun. you felt guilty. your relationship was affecting not only you but the relationships around you and you only had yourself to blame. with your life centered around jaehyun, it placed you in a box.
as numerous thoughts ran around in your head, your eyes finally met his, a smirk playing on his lips as he takes in your devastation. without a second glance, he turned his attention back to the girl beside him, ignoring your presence.
what did you expect?
turning on your feet, you were ready to leave. it was clear what his intentions were for the night, inviting you and then deliberately ignoring you to play with your emotions. you couldn't help but to feel stupid for thinking that something would be different tonight. as you make your way past the bodies, hoping to escape the suffocating room, your eyes linger over jaehyun’s figure one last time before you make your way out the door, knowing you'd break even further if you continued to stand there any longer.
being met with the crisp night air you took a deep breath in. wanting to be anywhere that was void of jaehyun, your legs quickly find themselves taking you to the nearest park, occupying an empty bench.
the tranquility of the night leads you to recount memories of your relationship with jaehyun. it was bitter yet somehow the sweet memories have never failed to cloud your vision. you wanted to hold on to the hope you built with the good memories you had of your relationship, believing that despite all the horrible things jaehyun had done to you, he still cared.
your train of thought was broken by the sound of a ding. pulling your phone out of your pocket, you unlock it only to be met with a message.
jaehyun: where did you go? you aren't mad again right? you know you’re overthinking it.
the text makes you scoff, anger rising at how indifferent his response was. sungho’s words begin to weigh heavily on your mind and for a moment, you began to think. is this what you really wanted? with jaehyun, you only seemed to lose something each time you decided to go back— friends and even yourself. it wasn’t healthy anymore and as you came to the realization, the string of hope you worked so hard to hold onto had finally snapped.
you had to let go.
despite the twinge in your chest at the thought of separating from jaehyun, you knew it was for the better-- for yourself and your peace. so with that, you finally found the courage to end it.
you: i'm done jae. im tired of constantly being made to feel as if i'm special only for you to treat me like im some sort of game for your entertainment.
jaehyun: you know that's not true. i care about you, y/n.
the words alone almost made you give in. pathetic. you thought to yourself knowing jaehyun didn't mean it, only saying it to keep you under his grasp. with a heavy heart, you send one last message.
you: please dont contact me again.
your finger hovered over the block button, hesitating for a moment before finally deciding to commit. it was done. shutting your phone off, you sighed, leaning your head back onto the bench to look at the night sky.
"you'll be okay, y/n." you knew the journey that came after jaehyun would be difficult but this was a start.
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su8ki · 8 days
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BSF! bnd x reader. ot6. fluff. drabbles. synopsis - random scenario where ot6 bnd plan a surprise birthday party for you except it doesn’t go as planned. wc. 693
a/n - first work on this blog so hopefully it isnt too bad. no romance involved for this as i just wanted to depict genuine close friendships
++ read under the cut!
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✧. ┊ bnd planning a surprise party for you (ot6)
“woonhak, you spelled ‘birthday’ wrong on the cake!”
at the mention of the error, riwoo and jaehyun, who had occupied the kitchen along with woonhak and sungho, looked down at the cake. almost immediately, the two burst out into a fit of laughter.
woonhak, who had been in charge of the writing on the cake, began to panic. you were bound to arrive any minute now with taesan and leehan as they were assigned to bring you back home after a planned hangout.
“what do i do??” he opts to seek help from sungho as the other two were too busy laughing at his mistake. “we don’t have an extra cake!”
in the midst of the youngers panic, the sound of a text coming from riwoo’s phone had caught the attention of the four boys.
leehan: we’re outside, get ready.
the laughter that filled the room was soon replaced with panic-- with riwoo, sungho and woonhak rushing to hide themselves behind the kitchen counter and jaehyun running to switch off the lights before joining them.
“quick, put the candles on the cake!” sungho whispers hurriedly to jaehyun. they watch anxiously as the boy digs in his pocket, searching for the candle that he was assigned to hold. as they continued to wait, jaehyun nervously looked at the three in front of him. “uhh i think i lost the candles.”
“and you had the nerve to laugh at my mistake.” woonhak rolled his eyes.
"at least i know how to spell." "why didnt you do it then?" "why should i when that was your job."
as the two continued whispering back and forth, with sungho and riwoo attempting to mediate, they missed the sound of the door unlocking.
“why is it so dark in here.”
at the sound of your voice, the group's eyes go wide, only fueling another cycle of whispered complaints. with footsteps growing near, woonhak grabs the first thing he spots and shoves it on top of the cake. having no time to process the sudden move, the four sprung up as the lights turned on, shouting a loud happy birthday!
looking at the string of decorations and the boys around you, your initial shock was soon replaced with a feeling of warmth. it was heartwarming, however, you couldn’t help but notice the nervous smiles that painted the faces of the four in front of you, especially woonhak.
“why do you look so nervous?” you ask teasingly. it wasn’t until you looked down at the item in the hands of the youngest when you realized the source of their nerves.
“happy..” you pause, trying to bite back the laugh that wanted to escape your lips. “brithday?”
at that, taesan and leehan were quick to look at the cake, groaning in frustration. “you guys had one job!” at taesan’s outburst, the laugh you had been trying to suppress had finally escaped. “and why is there a plastic fork in the cake??”
woonhak frowns. “i panicked! you guys gave me less than five minutes to work on the cake and jaehyun hyung lost the candle so I had no choice!”
while the six of them continued arguing about the cake and blaming each other for supposedly "ruining the surprise,” you had finally calmed down from laughing. taking in the moment, you could only smile in adoration at the group in front of you.
“thank you guys for doing this,” the genuine appreciation evident in your tone. “it means a lot to me.”
the boys could only stare at you in awe. jaehyun was the first to move, immediately rushing to engulf you in a side hug with a smile adorning his face. one by one, the rest followed suit and surrounded themselves around your figure. after a moment passes, they finally decide to break away and give you some space.
leehan spoke, breaking the silence. "enough of the sappy stuff," he slings an arm around your shoulder, "let's cut your cake now!"
"about that," woonhak trails, growing more nervous as all eyes were on him "i may or may not have found that fork on the floor and shoved it into the cake..."
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