#stunningly few migratory birds
freepassbound · 1 year
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Jordan Tourism: Things To Do In Jordan
Jordan is a place truly unlike any other. A place of immense cultural, historic, and religious significance, Jordan is situated on the east bank of the River Jordan in western Asia. The place, settled since the Palaeolithic age, is an eclectic mix of different cultures and hosts several important places including the burial site of Moses.
  Jordan Tours to Historic Sites
 Jordan is home to several important historic sites and exploration of these is one of the best things to do in Jordan! Petra, also called ‘Rose City’, is called so for the extensive use of red stones out of which the architectural wonders have been carved out. The place is well-known around the world for its magnificent rock-cut architecture and the ingenious water-conduit systems. Qasr Amra is home to desert castles built in the 8th century and is a must visit during Jordan tours.
  Museums in Jordan: Gems of
Jordan Tourism
 Jordan tourism has several archaeological jewels on offer, one of the most important ones being the Jordan Archaeological Museum. Situated near the Amman Citadel, the museum was constructed in 1951 and is a treasure trove of archaeological artefacts and finds. Among the not to be missed are Dead Sea Scrolls that can be found in the museum. The Ain-Ghazal statues are considered to be oldest of their kind, which was made by any human civilisation and date back to about 6000 B.C. The Royal Automobile Museum is also known for its showcase of the bike and car models, some of which date back to 1896. The museums are an essential part of Jordan tourism.
  Things to Do in Jordan: Visit Nature Reserves
 While in Jordan, do not miss a visit to the Azraq Wetland Reserve, which is a stunningly beautiful oasis for migratory birds. Ideal for picnics, the reserve houses several ponds and springs. The Fifa Nature Reserve, the Mujib Nature Reserve, Shaumari Wildlife Reserve, Ajloun Forest Reserve, and the Dana Biosphere Reserve are also an integral part of Jordan tours.
  Indulge in Food and Shopping Fun
 Jordan is famous for its exotic cuisine, which will delight the most discerning gourmet food lovers. Some of the must-visit restaurants and eateries in Jordan include Sfra Restaurant, Brisket, Abu Jbara, Clancy’s Bar & Restaurant, Burj Al Hamam, Levant Restaurant, Bookscafe, Fakhr El-Din, just to name a few famous ones. Those who fancy shopping must visit the local market Al Balad while photographers must make it a point to visit Burdah Bridge Wadi Rum. There are so many things to do in Jordan – there’s something for everyone!
  Other Fun Things to Do in Jordan
 The flight above Wadi Rum is essential to discover the true meaning of life. You’ll have a life-changing experience when you look down at the landscape below from the skies! Adventure lovers will enjoy floating in the Dead Sea and canoeing in Wadi Mujib. A visit to the Mango House is recommended as a part of Jordan tours to discover spectacular art and architecture. From the Hand of Hercules to the ruins of Jerash, Jordan has it all to keep you gasping for breath!
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     On a recent visit to Merida, the capital city of the Yucatan State, we opted for a side trip to the Reserva de la Biosfera Ria Celestun (Celestun Biosphere Reserve).
This protected, coastal wetland reserve and wildlife refuge encompasses over 147,000 acres and showcases their hugh flocks of vibrant pink Caribbean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber).
The flamingo nesting area was one thing, but pink was not the only spectacular color on parade.
We were pleasantly surprised by the wide spectrum of other colors that Mother Nature has on display… more than justifying the name Celestun which means “painted stone” in the Yucatec Maya language.
The Drive to Celestun from Merida
The drive out of Merida was through small, congested villages with multiple speed bumps and the occasional “traffic” jam created by the residents and their assorted modes of transportation and a livestock trailer or two.
Pedal PowerPass with caution
Once you get out of the city traffic and head southwest to the coastline you are driving on Route 281 which is a well-maintained two lane road that goes for 56 miles straight through the jungle… straight as an arrow… straight as a bowling alley with no intersections, or landmarks… just a hypnotic drive through millions of trees.
The ingenious people living along this strip of asphalt mark their homes/driveway by hanging painted tires from a tree to announce their location… such as… turn into the first driveway past the two red tires.
Arriving at the Celestun Biosphere Reserve
There are numerous options for touring Celestun and the famous flamingos.  You can take an organized all day tour from Merida with transportation and lunch included, or drive yourself and make your own arrangements… dependence versus independence… as usual we opted for the latter.
The official reception area is well marked and set up for tour buses and car parking.  We purchased our “cuota de recuperacion por servicios” (admission tickets) at the office and arranged for a boat.  (This was about 175 pesos or less than $20 USD at the time.)
Tour Boat dock area
There was another couple scheduled for our tour but they did not show up so after five minutes we left the dock with our now private tour guide Francesco and a pleasant, smooth ride out into the vast lagoons and mangroves.
Francesco, our friendly and knowledgeable guide
The flamingos were the main attraction but to our amazement the reserve proved to be an outstanding excursion into nature on dramatically colorful and calm waters throughout the shallow lagoons.
The tour boats keep a respectful distance from the birds More mature birds with deeper pink tints  A small group of young birds with various shades of white and pink colors
 As a flamingos go… you-are-what and where-you-eat. 
These majestic, social birds live in groups consisting of a few pairs to thousands and they forage in these shallow lagoons for algae and small crustaceans, such as shrimp, which provide their vibrant colors.
You are what you eat has a new meaning  
Edge of a shallow feeding shelf
 Cruising through a Bird Sanctuary
There are over 300 different migratory and resident bird species nesting here; the largest mangrove area in the Gulf of Mexico.
Celestun biosphere reserve is also “home’’ to other critters such as jaguars, ocelot, crocodiles, iguanas, boa constrictors, and four different species of sea turtles… Hawksbill, Green, Loggerhead, and Leatherback, as well as assorted land turtles, to name a few.
Yes it IS a jungle out there!
   Bird watchers paradise
  The Painted Stone’s Water Features
Throughout the boat ride you are continually going from one color hue to another. The blending of saltwater and freshwater with the algae along the mangroves produces amazing pigments throughout the reserve.
      Fresh Water from Underwater Aquifers
The water becomes crystal clear inside the mangroves and our tour boat captain skillfully worked our way through assorted tree tunnels and passageways up to a boardwalk area inside the canopy.
We were invited to jump in and swim in this tranquil natural pool setting but remembering the part about crocodiles during the over view and we opted to just take some pictures.
A stunningly beautiful tunnel in the Mangroves
Shimmering clear fresh water giving off a “Monet” effect
Deceptively deep crystal clear water
 After the two hour tour we headed to the beach for a few cold beers and lunch…. It was tough saying “wow, look at that!” and “isn’t that beautiful!” and “what colors!” for almost two hours.
The Beach Dining Options
 We drove to the beach area and the recommended “La Palapa Restaurant”.  The Yucatecan Cuisine menu was a seafood lover’s delight with all local and fresh ingredients such as shrimp, lobster, fish, blue claw crabs, stone crabs, conch, octopus, and crab cakes.
La Palapa Restaurant on the beach in Celestun
 Quesadillas De Camaron (tortillas stuffed with cheese and shrimp)
Mojo De Ajo (fish fillets and grilled octopus in butter and garlic sauce) 
The eventful day was topped off by a delicious and memorable meal which made the drive back to Merida more pleasurable…. still boring and hypnotic… but tolerable.
The Painted Stone provided us with vivid memories and we were awestruck by this abundant and beautiful environment which awaits the adventurous that step out of the tourist comfort zone and into exploring nature in its purest state.
  After all, what is the hurry… be inspired…
  © 2017 Inspired Travel Itineraries with Bob and Janice Kollar
© 2017 Picture Credits Bob & Janice Kollar
                    The “Painted Stone” in Celestún on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula  On a recent visit to Merida, the capital city of the Yucatan State, we opted for a side trip to the…
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