#stunning apartments
chiscribbs · 8 months
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Grown Apart AU - Musical Style ✨
What is This Feeling from Wicked pretty perfectly encapsulates GA Donnie and Leo's first impressions of each other, so the musical nerd within me couldn't resist doing this (lol).
Context within the plot: After saving Mikey's life (by total coincidence), Donnie manages to infiltrate the Hamato residence as a spy, planning to capture the oozesquitos and hand them over to Big Mama, thus gaining her favor. Leo, however, sees through his act easily and has been keeping an eye on him since he arrived. Due to circumstances outside of their control - i.e. Splinter's decision - the two of them are forced to share a room with each other, which neither party is particularly thrilled about.
I just found out that, apparently, Grown Apart has made into the @tmntaucompetition preliminaries!!!! ASDFGHJKJH;!! Thank you to anyone who sent in a nomination! I guess we can officially call this "propaganda" now, so look forward to seeing much more in the very near future!
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gravelsong · 6 months
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pcktknife · 1 year
theres an early/scrapped version of that cover art as well 0v0 https://static(.)wikia(.)nocookie(.)net/sonic/images/b/b5/IDW22CoverRIEarly(.)jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191031224952
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my old friend 🥺
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daughterofsarenrae · 8 months
Absolutely horrible timing for me to acquire a fish but look at him. I couldnt just leave him for some dumbass customer to chuck him in a tiny shitty unheated tank. Meet Kal (better pics to come later hopefully)
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melit0n · 8 months
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Heard we were doing some Orb Posting! I think I'm a bit late, but we ball
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lucawrites11 · 5 months
barca take notes... lyon that comeback and every single one of those goals were STUNNING
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
This vid is great about effortlessly dismantling the dying Red Pill movement (yay! it's dying! a long time in coming!) with academic information delivered with comedic ease.
What's more, the vid also debunks common talking points with points from all perspectives, breaking apart the Red Pill's "evolutionary dating strategy" (with actual evolutionary scientists) as well as its wannabee political angle (that they're the Matrix fighting the woke women) from the Left and the Right.
It's not at all a heavy watch: very approachable (and fun) for people who don't like Red Pill topics; and, what's more, it's a celebration that everyone is openly throwing tomatoes at the movement.
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ithillyienseowyn · 1 year
Do you ever think about the Ariel and Eric reunion scene and how every single angle is a whimsically romantic wrap around shot and cry because Rob Marshall upon using that specific style conveyed the I can fit my entire world in my hands meme because it starts on the left side as he goes to kiss Ariel and ends on the right side as he pulls away and hugs her because she's his entire world or are you normal...
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despite-everything · 9 months
so i'm hesitant to even bring this up because i don't want to jinx anything or get my hopes up but... i have an interview for a job next week. it's in a pretty small town which would be tough for me, but everything else about it seems absolutely fucking perfect, and if it were to be any small town in the united states, this would be ideal, so i think i can handle it. anyway, there aren't a lot of places available for rent, but i just found a recently updated apartment perfectly within my budget that's cat friendly and most importantly: it's a two minute walk from where my job would be. like i'm not kidding. that would be so fucking amazing. i haven't even had my first interview yet, so who knows what will happen, but this feels almost serendipitous?
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r7inyz · 29 days
ok this happened last night but like. i got a drink from the fridge blahblahblah WHEN THE EVERYTHINGWENT RED?????
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
I think you know whose coming for the fmk alternatives.
Blanche, Dorothy and Rose for 8 & 9 😊
Haha, I was hoping you'd send them!! Let's see...
8. share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
This one had me stumped for a while because of the bank account thing. Blanche is very clearly the richest among the three, but she's also a big and extravagant spender, and I'm not sure a single bank account would be able to support both of us 😂 she also got swindled that one time in S5E22: Cheaters, so... yeah, I'm not putting my money into her hands 😂
My knee-jerk reaction was to share an account with Dorothy, since she's the most level-headed and responsible one of the trio. I mean, she kept her family afloat for decades on very little money, and she handles both her expenses and (most of) Sophia's ones! But then I remembered that she's been shown to take impulsive decisions and go on shopping sprees that she can't afford at times (see eg S3E3 Bringing Up Baby), and she has also dealt with a gambling addiction in the series, so...
All in all, surprisingly enough, I feel like the most reliable one when it comes to money is Rose! iirc, all her financial problems in the show were related to either losing her job or losing Charlie's pension -- so she's not *rich*, but she seems to be responsible with the little finances she has. She's a little too generous with donations (I vaguely remember her gifting money to a fund for needy rich people?), but apart from that, she's fairly sensible when it comes to money! I'd mostly feel safe sharing an account with her. :)
With that out of the way... if that 'sharing a car' is a long-term arrangement, I'm definitely sharing with Dorothy. I'm willing to bet she's great at car upkeep and at keeping track of car-related responsibilities! She'd be the type to fill up the tank once she's done using the car because she doesn't want to leave me with no gas :') and she'd be very respectful of any set turns or arrangements!
That leaves Blanche and sharing a cake -- and I have to say, it sounds like a dream! I can't wait to listen to her sordid tales of young romance while she convinces me to put some ice-cream on that cake (and it would be a cheesecake, obviously!).
9. watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
This one is much easier, haha! My favourite movie of all time is The Sound Of Music, and I'm sure watching it with Rose would be a fantastic experience. We'd make an evening out of it, complete with a good blanket to snuggle under and chocolates with little marshmallows on top! And we'd sing all the songs, of course -- so it would double as a karaoke night :)
I'm definitely bringing Dorothy to a play. She enjoys theater plays, so she'd have a grand time, and that's already a point in her favour; plus, she's knowledgeable about literature and history, so odds are she'd be able to enrich my experience by telling me interesting stuff about the play itself, the author, and/or the historical context it was written in. It would be so fascinating -- I'd learn so much, and I'd have a wonderful time!
As for the soap opera, Blanche is the perfect choice, no question -- and not just because she's the only one left. She's the queen of drama! And soap operas are the most dramatic shows ever! We'd have a blast just reacting to everything that happens (with a good cocktail glass of lemonade in hand, of course) -- and if I'm lucky, our watch party might even turn into a hell of a gossip session!
[fmk alternatives]
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I finally own a Tomorrow by Together album! Can you guess which version of Tomorrow I went for? :3
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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“you need to be cautious of it”
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dutyworn · 1 year
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i rescued a bird that hit my window yesterday. wasn't my first time handling wild birds even as i'm not an expert. she was resting in a box in my home for a few hours because she was so stunned initially, but flew off after. a female (eurasian) yellowhammer, i believe.
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rhouxl · 5 months
Current tattoo plans:
Jellyfish, likely two
Personalized take on the Siberian ice maiden reindeer tattoo
Black ornamental skeleton key with a bow
Keyhole, specifically only the hole, with the position matching my semicolon
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skyland2703 · 1 year
What do you think the reboot theme will be?
I hope that season and the ones after it may be an Era or sorts, standalone seasons before crossovers happen again. Maybe something like
The reboot being japanese themes and folklore(just rumors I heard but I wouldn't mind that tbh)
Then the season after could be about ghosts and souls
And the season after that would be mythology
Idk if I'm making sense, you get where I'm going with this right?
Be like the post habro Era of sorts🤔
Note: Some people might not like my response... proceed with care~
Honestly I’m somewhat scared that its gonna be yet another MMPR rework. And that its possibly gonna be like riverdale or something. The dark grungy "moving away from tokusatsu" shit isn't... sitting right with me.
BUT I really like your idea. An era of sorts, with individual seasons that are unconnected and centred around folklore, mysticism, mythologies around the world. I think it can be REALLY FUCKIN FUN. Seeing people from these various worlds interact would be INSANE.
LIKE YES, YES I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Honestly, anything would be good if they move on from the MMPR nostalgia and stop shoving that in our faces, because while I agree, MMPR IS LOVELY, there are 20+ more seasons that deserve equal amount of LOVE and AFFECTION if not more. If they build up on THAT legacy, as a "post Hasbro" Era, I'd DIG IT.
There is honestly SO MUCH POTENTIAL for this entire thing, and I’m really curious to see how it goes. It'll also be okay/cool if it's something like the MMPR movie, but PLEASE do something different, something original. It's 2023 for god's sake, 1993 was too long ago >//< I'm sure even the older fans would like moving away from the MMPR and see new things, while still respecting and cherishing the legacy. What we need is a good and healthy blend~
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