indecypherablemind · 6 years
34, 49!
Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?
Despite his propensity to sound nasty, Alexander doesn’t typically say what he does out of malice (unless, of course, you act as though you deserve to be spoken to that way.) Generally, it’s just how he interacts with people. He never really learned how to speak to others outside of his family circle, which has proven a bit detrimental in the long run. If someone shows genuine distress because of what he said, though, he can at least apologize, though.
What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
If anything, I would say that Alex speaks like a “proper gentleman,” or what the American standard of that would be. Vaguely British and soft, but firm and slightly cold. He takes care to enunciate so there’s no misunderstanding what he’s said. That might be why a lot of people can say he sounds very clipped when he’s angry, but it’s just the way he talks, heh.
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indecypherablemind · 6 years
‘a smile looks good on you.’
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“Don’t be embarrassing.”
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antirrhineae-blog · 10 years
Leans in guess who's finally been dragged here to stay. Applying as an OC Silas Anderson. App's under app in the sidebar links or '/app'.
Welcome to Antirrhineae, Silas.
As you have been claimed by Uaine the Tranquil, you will be granted an NG-type Dragonelle and will be housed in Unit A-1 in the Quieted City with Sasuke Sarutobi.
Your regeneration has been unaffected, and you will be allowed to keep your flask to help in maintaining it.
Herman will also be your tour guide accompanying you.
Fortune favor you and your clan.
— Mod ❄
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underteika · 6 years
studioofmedicine replied to your post: truth serum: gotta know; are you now nervous about...
“Oooh so you were high! That explains it. Too bad though. It was kinda funny~”
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“Glad my momentary crisis gave you some amusement. But I mean, I’ve been around dead people my whole life and that’s never happened. So logically, it makes no sense.”
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rhosynllachar-blog · 10 years
Over a month had passed by since this curious man first helped Candle into that building and showed her how to use the technology there. A month since the city issued a bounty on her head, for nothing more than being the voice that disrupted their peace. What sort of action they would take against the one who was actually responsible for getting past their defenses, Candle was frightened to know.
Over a month had passed, and it seemed like the city had forgotten and forgiven, but the secret laid a burden on Candle's mind. Some nights, she could barely sleep for fear; at those times, she slipped through the moonlit streets, barely cooler than they were during the summer days, and crept through the barracks to check on those close to her to make sure they hadn't been spirited away since she last saw them. Leon, Dante, Jude, Dionysus; there used to be more people she knew here, but their names and faces slipped her mind. There was one individual she almost remembered, a fierce girl with a pretty name, but she was gone now. Maybe she'd be back. In the mean time, Candle intended to keep track of those she could still protect.
As she passed by Dionysus's door on whisper-silent feet, she noted the open window. Sloppy, for a man of the military, but understandable given the heat. She poked her head in, combing over the room: two beds, one empty but for a gently snoring pig, and the other with the man who'd helped her take control of the city just for one day.
"I hope you stay," she told the dark room. "I think we're going to need you when it all falls apart. And I still need to pay you back." She smiled softly. "I need you too."
Then she was gone.
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crownisms · 10 years
{ tbh i want to rp ruby because she is the cutest little shit ever but having 2 muses from the same fandom in a mfrp is :///
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mardochaios · 10 years
I'd like to reserve Red from Transistor please! mynameisnotanne is my contact and today's the 18th of july.
Red has been reserved for you.
- ♕
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rhosynllachar-blog · 10 years
What's this?
"... Uh, something called 'make up'. People put these powders on their faces to make them look different? I thought the next time I need to go into hiding, it might help."
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astealingseto · 10 years
☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
Keeping him mature, I guess. Sometimes I kind of portray him as a little kid, which isn’t quite him. He’s goofy, he’s fun, he’s playful, but he’s not helpless. He’s more like the dorky big brother type: always there to make you laugh and to figure out what’s wrong.
유 Who was your first muse?
Either Iroh II from LoK or Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail. I think I made both around the same time, honestly. Their blogs are even still lurking around somewhere…
✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
It’s hard to explain, but I think the easiest part is figuring out what drives him in situations. I feel like I relate to him a lot in that he’s constantly concerned about those around him, and that means his well-being can take a backseat to his friends.
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indecypherablemind · 10 years
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"It feels like it's been months since I've seen you, Silas."
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"They're not overworking you, are they?"
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