#studied abroad when he was a teen and for college in germany
royposting · 1 year
sooo upset at the suggestion klavier is 0% german
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
007 || James Bond
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Name: James Bond Age: 34 - 49 Relationship: married to Teresa di Vicenzo (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: pansexual Job: spy Faceclaims: Sean Connery; George Lazenby; David Niven; Timothy Dalton; Roger Moore; Pierce Brosnan; Daniel Craig; Idris Elba  Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn3​​​
James Bond was born on April 13, 1968. His father Andrew Bond was a Senior Accounts Manager for Vickers Defence Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments Group), while his mother Monique Bond (née Delacroix) was originally from Yverdonm Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. Until age 11, Bond was educated in Switzerland and Germany, where his father was stationed as a Vickers executive. Both parents died tragically in a climbing accident while attempting to scale north-east ridge of the Aiguille de la Persévérance. After the death of his parents, he was privately tutored while he lived at the family's estate in Scotland, Skyfall Lodge. Royal Navy Commander James Bond, CMG, RNVR, is a Secret Service agent, code number 007, residing in London but active internationally. Bond has an an enjoyment of cars, a love of food and drink, and an average intake of sixty custom-made cigarettes a day. Bond's parents (Andrew Bond of Scotland and Monique Delacroix Bond of the Canton de Vaud, Switzerland) were tragically killed during a climbing accident in the French Alps when he was eleven. During his teens, he spent time studying both climbing and skiing with local Austrian instructor Hannes Oberhauser of Kitzbühel during school holidays from Fettes, as he grew up alongside Oberhauser's son, Franz Oberhauser. Bond's one strong relationship, this friendship ended when Oberhauser disappeared mysteriously. Bond has referred to Oberhauser as a second father. During a stint at the University of Geneva under an exchange program with Fettes, Bond led an expedition to the very mountain where his parents had died. Bond climbed it with friends and never told them of his personal and tragic link to the location. Bond conducted his year of Sea Service with high recommendations from his Chief Petty Officers and Warrant Officers. He applied for and was uniformly recommended for work in Naval Intelligence. Bond served as an intelligence officer on HMS Exeter both before and during Operation Granby, and later was able to transfer to submarine service, serving aboard HMS Turbulent. His natural abilities, mental quickness and confidence impressed his commanding officers. Within the year of being assigned to Turbulent, it became apparent that Bond was not being sufficiently challenged with his duties, so Bond volunteered for the Special Boat Service. Bond excelled at SC3 and Underwater and Aquatic Warfare training. He constantly equaled or bested his superior officers and instructors in all areas after nominal amount of experience. He had acquired a first-class command of the French and German languages during his early education, which he received entirely abroad due to his father's work as a Vickers armaments company representative. After the death of his parents, Bond goes to live with his aunt, Miss Charmian Bond in the small village of Pett Bottom, Canterbury, where he completed his early education. Later, he briefly attends Eton College at "12 or thereabouts", but is removed after two terms because of girl trouble with a maid. After leaving Eton, Bond was sent to Fettes College in Scotland, his father's school. On his first visit to Paris at the age of sixteen, Bond lost his virginity, later reminiscing about the event in "From a View to a Kill". After leaving Fettes, Bond studies briefly attending the University of Geneva, before being taught to ski in Kitzbühel by Hannes Oberhauser. Following his graduation, Bond joined the Ministry of Defence shortly before the outbreak of World War II. Bond applied to M for a position within the "Secret Service", part of the Civil Service, and rose to the rank of principal officer. It was not until the penultimate novel, You Only Live Twice, that Fleming gave Bond a sense of family background, using a fictional obituary, purportedly from The Times. The book was the second to be written after the release of Dr. No in cinemas and Sean Connery's depiction of Bond affected Fleming's interpretation of the character, to give Bond both a sense of humour and Scottish antecedents that were not present in the previous stories. Shortly before his next assignment, M, Bond's superior in MI6, gave him the choice of either selecting a new weapon on a mission to investigate the recent disappearance of British Secret Service operative John Strangways or to return to standard intelligence duties after an incident with his Beretta M1934. He was then given a choice by Major Boothroyd of using a Walther PPK or a Smith & Wesson .38 Special 5-round hammerless revolver. Bond reluctantly decided to take the weapons on the mission and the Walther proved valuable in Jamaica, where Strangways had gone missing. Although Bond's life was threatened on the mission several times by various murderous operatives, one of whom placed a tarantula in his bed, Bond found help in CIA agent Felix Leiter and native fisherman, Quarrel, who aided Bond in his investigation of Strangways' disappearance. After finally determining that a Dr. No was responsible for Strangways' murder, Bond killed Dr. No in revenge and destroyed his island, Crab Key, before escaping in a boat with a beautiful Jamaican native named Honey Ryder. The two later encountered a Navy ship whose crew offered to tow their boat back to the Jamaican mainland. Bond later returned to London but, six months after he had left the city, he was sent on a mission to Istanbul in an attempt to obtain the Lektor decoder device from a stunning Russian cipher clerk named Tatiana Romanova, who had supposedly fallen in love with a photograph of him. Yet Tatiana had unknowingly been set up by the No. 3 of the criminal organization SPECTRE, Rosa Klebb who sought to avenge the murder of Dr. No. Bond was aided by Kerim Bey, who helped the British agent bring both the device and Romanova from Istanbul to Venice. But despite several SPECTRE agents attempting to kill Bond, most notably Bulgarian assassin Krilencu at a Gypsy camp and the devious assassin Red Grant, who attempted to garrote Bond on the Orient Express before he was killed himself after being tricked into opening Bond's attaché case in a manner that detonates a tear gas booby trap, allowing Bond to attack and kill him. Bond and Romanova escape with the lektor to Venice. Rosa Klebb, disguised as a hotel maid, attempts to steal back the lektor and kill Bond, but ends up being shot by Romanova. Subsequently, Bond was sent on a mission to Mexico, where he ensured that a revolutionary named Mr. Ramirez could no longer finance his revolutions. After the successful completion of his mission, Bond was attacked by an assailant, who he killed before taking a plane to Miami. In Miami, Bond was instructed to observe bullion dealer Auric Goldfinger, who was staying at the same hotel. However, Bond became romantically involved with Goldfinger's girlfriend, Jill Masterson, who later died of skin suffocation as a result of being entirely covered in gold. Bond returned to London, where he was ordered to investigate Goldfinger's involvement in the possibly illegal transportation of gold, but he was warned that, if he treated the assignment as a personal vendetta, he would be replaced on the mission by 008. Alfred Blacking, manager of the golf club, introduces Bond to Goldfinger noting Bond is an old club member. Bond and Goldfinger play a round of golf together in which Goldfinger cheats, but Bond still wins. While investigating Goldfinger, Bond traveled from England to Geneva, Switzerland, where he met Jill Masterson's vengeful sister, Tilly Masterson, before she was killed by Goldfinger's henchman, Oddjob, with the modified bowler hat that he always wore. Bond determined that Goldfinger was indeed illegally smuggling gold but he was soon imprisoned by the criminal, who ordered his transportation to the United States, where Bond learned the specifics of the criminal's planned Operation Grand Slam (the robbery of Fort Knox). Bond ultimately prevented the criminal's destructive plan from becoming a reality and managed to kill both Oddjob by electrocuting him through his hat and, finally, Goldfinger himself. Shortly thereafter, Bond traveled to Japan, where he faked his own death to avert attention from SPECTRE. However, he was then sent by M to investigate the capture of a U.S. spacecraft in Japan to by an unidentified spacecraft. Upon his arrival, Bond is contacted by Aki, assistant to the Japanese secret service leader Tiger Tanaka. Bond established that the mastermind behind the hijacking is Ernst Stavro Blofeld head of SPECTRE and follows the trail to Blofeld's island headquarters. Bond is then tasked with investigating a major diamond smuggling ring which begins in Africa and runs through Holland and the United Kingdom to the United States. Disguised as professional smuggler and murderer Peter Franks, Bond travels to Amsterdam to meet contact Tiffany Case: he is given the diamonds and travels on to the US, where he is met by Felix Leiter. Bond moves through the chain, which leads to the Whyte House, a casino-hotel owned by the reclusive billionaire Willard Whyte. Bond is driving on a country coastal road in Portugal in his Aston Martin DBS when he's passed by a woman driving a Mercury Cougar. The woman drives to a nearby beach and tries to drown herself in the surf. When Bond drags her back, he is attacked by two thugs, whom he is able to beat in hand-to-hand combat. When he turns his attention back to the mysterious woman, he sees her drive his car back to her own before switching vehicles and driving off. Bond, puzzled by the turn of events, returns to his car. Later at a casino, the same woman Bond found on the beach, Contessa Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo, is gambling and places an enormous bet that she is unable to pay off. Bond pays the tab for her and meets with her at a table. After she questions why he is constantly trying to rescue her and implies that she is seeking death. However, she invites him to her room to "repay" him. Bond is sucker-punched by another man, whom he disarms and throws to the floor. When he returns to his own room, Tracy is there waiting, steals Bond's Walther PPK and threatens to kill him "for a thrill". Bond disarms her and demands to know about the man in her room; Tracy is apparently unaware of what he is talking about, promising that while she is many things, she is not a liar. Tracy leaves the hotel the next morning and when James tries to trail her, he is apprehended by several more men who take him to Tracy's father, Marc-Ange Draco, head of a powerful European crime organization which is called Union Corse. The gangster offers Bond a £1,000,000 dowry if he'll marry his troubled daughter after he tells Bond about Tracy's suicidal depression since her mother's death. Feeling that she needs therapy and not needing the money, Bond turns down the offer but agrees to continue courting Tracy if Draco will help him find SPECTRE's sinister leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, whom Bond has been unsuccessfully tracking for the past two years. When he returns to MI6 in London, M tells Bond that his obsession with finding Blofeld must end. Bond gives Miss Moneypenny his resignation and begins cleaning out his office, but M accepts his apparent leave without much reaction. Moneypenny then reveals that she subverted Bond's wishes and entered a request for two weeks leave instead, allowing Bond to pursue Blofeld on his own time. Bond goes back to Portugal for a birthday party being thrown for Draco. While there, Tracy reveals that she knows about the deal her father struck with Bond; Not wanting to be used in this way, she demands her father help Bond anyway before storming off, hurt. Draco relents and tells Bond to check out a lead in Bern, Switzerland. Feeling genuinely fond of her, Bond catches up with Tracy before she can drive away and the pair officially begin their courtship. In the morning, Tracy and Bond ski away from the barn, with Blofeld and a few of his men close behind. One henchman is shredded to pieces and killed by a patrolling snowblower as Bond and Tracy ski into a treacherous area. Blofeld causes an avalanche that they are unable to stay ahead of and are buried by. Blofeld has his men retrieve Tracy and leaves Bond for dead. Bond, having slipped their notice, wakes up and returns to London, seeking a way to rescue Tracy and stop Blofeld's plan. M refuses to launch an assault on Piz Gloria for diplomatic reasons, saying that such a plan is too risky and that they plan to fulfill Blofeld's wishes instead. Bond goes home and enlists the help of Draco, who provides helicopters disguised as Red Cross choppers and a strike team from Union Corse. A lavish wedding is thrown for Bond and Tracy in Portugal and they are married. After the reception, Bond leaves with Tracy in his Aston Martin. They travel a few miles and Bond stops to remove some of the flower chains decorating their car. Tracy reflects that Bond has given her more than a husband, she now has a future. Suddenly, a car driven by a very-much alive Blofeld (now wearing a neck brace) races by and Irma Bunt opens fire on Bond's car with an assault rifle. Bond survives the drive-by attack by ducking behind the car and recognizes Blofeld immediately and jumps back in the car with Tracy to give chase, but Tracy is dead; shot in the head by a bullet that went through the windshield. As Bond holds her, too grief-stricken to give chase, a policeman stops by after hearing the shooting. Bond, who is close to tears, tries to assure him that Tracy is not dead, that there's "no hurry" and that they "have all the time in the world" as he starts to cry. After being tasked with finding missing British scientist, Gibson who has invented the Solex Agitator a device to harness solar power, thereby solving the global energy crisis, but after receiving a golden bullet with the code "007" etched into its surface, M relieves Bond of the mission. The bullet signifies Bond is a target of hired assassin Francisco Scaramanga and Bond sets out unofficially to find him. From a spent golden bullet, Bond tracks Scaramanga to Macau, where he sees Scaramanga's mistress, Andrea Anders, collecting golden bullets at a casino. Bond follows her to Hong Kong, where he witnesses Scaramanga murder Gibson the missing scientist, the theft of the Solex agitator and kidnapping of Mary Goodnight. Bond is tasked with investigating the disappearance of British and Soviet submarines, along with their payload of atomic intercontinental ballistic missiles, and the subsequent offer to sell a submarine tracking system. For this new mission, Bond works alongside Major Anya Amasova of the KGB. The pair track the plans across Egypt and identify the person responsible for the thefts as shipping tycoon, scientist and anarchist Karl Stromberg. Bond travels to Brazil looking for Drax's research facility, where he is captured. He and Goodhead escape and pose as pilots on one of six space shuttles being sent by Drax to an hidden orbital space station. There Bond finds out that Drax plans to destroy all human life by launching fifty globes containing the toxin into the Earth's atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead disable the radar jammer hiding the station from Earth and the U.S. sends a platoon of Marines in a military space shuttle. During the battle, Bond kills Drax and his station is destroyed. After a British spy boat sinks, a marine archaeologist, Sir Timothy Havelock, is tasked to retrieve its Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator (ATAC) communication system before the Russians do. After Havelock is murdered by Hector Gonzales, a Cuban hitman, Bond is ordered to find out who hired Gonzales. While investigating, Bond is captured, but Gonzales is subsequently killed by Havelock's vengeful daughter, Melina and she and Bond escape. Bond identifies one of those present with Gonzales as Emile Leopold Locque and so follows a lead to Italy and meets his contact, Luigi Ferrara, and a well-connected Greek businessman and intelligence informant, Aris Kristatos. Kristatos tells Bond that Locque is employed by Milos Columbo, Kristatos' former partner in the Greek resistance during World War II. Bond is sent to South America to impersonate Colonel Luis Toro, who is in charge of enemy spy planes factory and destroy the factory. After successfully infiltrating the premises with the help of his co-agent Bianca, Bond attaches bombs to radar and weapons equipment but is caught in the act by the real Toro. After being take prisoner, Bianca helps Bond escape in his one-seater fighter jet and evades capture after he is attacked by a missile which he directs into the path of Toro's weapons factory, destroying both Colonel Toro and the spy plane. Bond then investigates the murder of 009, who is found dead in East Berlin while dressed as a circus clown and clutching a fake Fabergé egg. An identical egg, "The Property of A Lady", appears at an auction in London and Bond establishes the buyer, exiled Afghan prince, Kamal Khan is working with General Orlov, a renegade Soviet general, who is seeking to expand Soviet borders into Europe. Bond travels to India and meets Octopussy, a wealthy woman who leads the Octopus Cult. Bond finds out that Orlov has been supplying Khan with priceless Russian treasures, replacing them with replicas, while Khan has been smuggling the real versions into the West, via Octopussy's circus troupe's railcars. Bond investigates into the operations of millionaire industrialist Max Zorin, who is trying to monopolise the world market in microchips. He establishes that Zorin was previously trained and financed by the KGB, but has now gone rogue. Zorin unveils to a group of investors his plan to destroy Silicon Valley which will give him a monopoly in the manufacturing of microchips. James Bond is assigned to aid the defection of KGB officer, General Koskov, covering his escape from a concert hall in Bratislava during the orchestra's intermission. During the mission, Bond notices that the KGB sniper assigned to prevent Koskov's escape is a female cellist from the orchestra. He notices her holding a rilfe improperly and immediately thinks she's not a sniper. Disobeying his orders to kill the sniper, he instead shoots the rifle from her hands, then uses the Trans-Siberian Pipeline to smuggle Koskov across the border into Austria and then on to Britain. Bond returns to Bratislava to track down the cellist, Kara Milovy. He determines that Koskov's entire defection was staged and that Kara is actually Koskov's girlfriend. Bond convinces Kara that he is a friend of Koskov's and persuades her to accompany him to Vienna, supposedly to be reunited with him. During his brief tryst with Kara in Vienna, Bond meets up with his MI6 ally, Saunders, who discovers a history of financial dealings between Koskov and arms dealer Brad Whitaker. As he leaves their meeting, Saunders is killed by assassin Necros, who leaves the message "Smiert Spionam". DEA agents collect Bond and Felix Leiter, on their way to Leiter's wedding, to assist in capturing drug lord Franz Sanchez. Bond and Leiter capture Sanchez by attaching a hook and cord to Sanchez's plane in flight near The Bahamas and pulling it out of the air with a Coast Guard helicopter. Afterward, Bond and Leiter parachute down to the church in time for the ceremony. When Bond learns Sanchez has escaped, he returns to Leiter's house to find his wife Della dead and Felix alive, but seriously wounded; Bond swears to take his revenge on Sanchez. As the DEA refuses to help because Sanchez is out of their jurisdiction, Bond, with Felix's friend Sharkey, start their own investigation into what happened to Felix. The pair discovers a marine research center run by Milton Krest, one of Sanchez's associates. After Bond kills Ed Killifer by pushing him into the tank with the shark that maimed Leiter, M meets Bond in Key West's Hemingway House and orders him to an assignment in Istanbul, Turkey. Bond resigns after turning down the assignment, but M suspends Bond instead and immediately revokes his licence to kill. Bond flees from MI6 custody and becomes a rogue agent, bereft of official backing but later surreptitiously helped by Miss Moneypenny and MI6 armourer Q. In 1986, Bond is paired with his close friend Alec Trevelyan, agent 006, and the two are tasked with destroying the Arkhangelsk chemical weapons facility. In the course of the mission, the two plant explosive charges into the main chamber of the facility but are surrounded by Soviet Colonel Arkady Ourumov and his men and Trevelyan is supposedly taken prisoner at gunpoint. Under the pretence of allowing Bond to surrender, Ourumov gives him ten seconds to come out. On reaching one, Alec is shot in the head. 007 manages to escape and succeeds in destroying the facility by setting limpet mines with a three minute fuse. Nine years later, Bond gets into a car chase with a young woman in Monte Carlo. He later meets her at a casino, his suspicions raised by her taste for expensive vehicles (with fake number plates) and her suspicious relationship with Canadian Navy admiral, Chuck Farrel. Suspecting her, he places her under surveillance, and runs a background check of her via MI6, learning that she is an operative of criminal organisation Janus. 007 later witnesses the theft of a prototype Eurocopter Tiger helicopter that can withstand an electromagnetic pulse by Onatopp and an unidentified accomplice, presumably Ourumov. Janus then uses the helicopter to steal the control disk for the dual GoldenEye satellite weapons, using the GoldenEye to destroy the complex with an electromagnetic pulse; there is one survivor of the attack, a programmer, Natalya Simonova. M later sends Bond on a mission to investigate the sinking of a British warship in the South China Sea, the mysterious theft of one of the ship's cruise missiles and the subsequent shooting down of a Chinese fighter plane. The spy is sent in Hamburg in order to "pump information" from his old flame, Paris Carver, now married to suspicious media mogul, Elliot Carver. Posing as a banker, Bond meets Carver and his associates during a party celebrating the launch of a new CMGN satellite at Carver's Hamburg media center. However, sensing that the agent means trouble, Carver uses a pretext to leave him and tells his right-hand man, Stamper, to take care of him. Many henchmen are sent to brutally beat 007, but are soon outwitted by him, and the spy later interrupts Carver's speech by switching off the electricity. After made love with Paris, Bond infiltrates Carver's printing company while Paris is killed by Dr. Kaufman, Carver's personal assassin. Holding Bond at gunpoint when he returns to his hotel, Kaufman reveals that he was assigned to make the deaths look like a murder-suicide; Bond killing Paris and then himself but 007 is able to turn the tables on Kaufman and kill him before escaping Carver's henchmen with a GPS encoder obtained by terrorist Henry Gupta at the terrorist arms bazaar. Bond investigates North Korean Colonel Tan-Sun Moon, who is illegally trading African conflict diamonds for weaponry. Moon is apparently killed but Bond is betrayed by an MI6 mole and is captured by the North Korean army and tortured for 14 months. Circa March 2002, he is exchanged for Zao, Moon's right-hand man. Despite being suspended on his return (M believes he had cracked under torture and was haemorrhaging information), Bond decides to complete his mission and tracks Zao to a gene therapy clinic in Cuba, where patients can have their appearances altered through DNA restructuring. He also crosses paths with NSA agent Jinx, on her own hunt for the arms dealer. Zao escapes, but Bond acquires a diamond leading back to British billionaire Gustav Graves. In Iceland, Graves unveils a mirror satellite, "Icarus", which is able to focus solar energy on a small area and provide year-round sunshine for crop development. Bond discovers Moon has also undergone the gene therapy and has assumed the identity of Graves and identifies MI6 mole as Miranda Frost, an agent assigned by M to investigate Graves. With help from Jinx, Bond then exposes Moon's plan: to use the Icarus to cut a path through the Korean Demilitarized Zone with a concentrated solar-powered laser, allowing North Korean troops to invade South Korea unopposed and reunite the peninsula under communism. Bond disables the Icarus controls, kills Moon and stops the invasion while Frost is killed by Jinx. On his first mission as agent 007, Bond and an agent named Carter worked cooperatively in an attempt to capture international bomb-maker, Mollaka. At a mongoose/cobra fight in Madagascar, Bond and Carter conducted surveillance on Mollaka but, due to a foolish mistake made by Carter, the suspected criminal realized he was being watched and attempted to escape. Bond pursued Mollaka through the jungle, up an enormously high construction site, where the two engaged brutally in hand-to-hand combat, and finally to the Nambutu Embassy, where he attempted to arrest the suspected bombmaker. However, since Bond found himself surrounded by Nambutu soldiers, he manages to escape after he shot and killed Mollaka and caused an explosion that partly also destroyed the embassy. The incident infuriated the British Government, as Bond had only been instructed to capture Mollaka, but the criminal's cell phone led Bond to discover a terrorist plot to blow up a gigantic prototype Skyfleet airliner at Miami International Airport. Having lost several high-ranking operatives in his organization and needing to recoup his clients' money, Le Chiffre had set up a high-stakes poker tournament at the Casino Royale in Montenegro. Hoping that a defeat would force Le Chiffre to aid the British government in exchange for protection from his creditors, MI6 entered Bond into the tournament. He was assisted in the mission by a fellow MI6 officer named René Mathis and Vesper Lynd, a foreign liaison agent from HM Treasury's Financial Action Task Force. She was sent to make sure that Bond adequately managed the funds provided by MI6. Bond overcame several obstacles: He was forced to save Le Chiffre from a vengeful Steven Obanno which resulted in the latter's death. In Venice, Italy, where he was enjoying his time off, Bond recieved a phonecall from M, about his resignation and noted that the British government wants the money returned. Vesper Lynd arranged a secret meeting to a man named Adolph Gettler and his cronies. Bond ensued a gunfight with the men, where he overpowered and killed them. Lynd, however, locked herself inside a sinking lift and took her own life by drowning herself. Bond managed to recover her and attempted to revive, but to no avail. At the party, Bond rescues Camille from Greene. Leaving, Bond and Camille are pulled over by Bolivian police working for Medrano. They had earlier attacked Mathis and put him in the boot of Bond's car to frame Bond; and, in the ensuing struggle, Mathis is killed. Bond is forced to go rogue, after Fields is killed off by mysterious assailants. James Bond, six years after the Casino Royale and the Bolivia mission, is in Istanbul, Turkey, late July/August 2012 teamed up with Miss Moneypenny and Sebastian Ronson to protect a computer drive later revealed to contain the identities of every NATO agent embedded in terrorist organizations the world over. A French mercenary called Patrice eludes Bond and ransacks the safehouse, where he fights and kills Ronson and steals the computer drive. Bond, armed with his standard-issue Walther PPK, finds Ronson's body and briefly tries to save the latter, but M coerces him into pursuing the Frenchman. Leaving Ronson to die, Bond and Moneypenny briefly pursue him in a van, but they eventually corner him in the Grande Bazaar. The local police try to defuse the situation. Patrice unsheathes a machine-gun and mows down the police, cornering Bond. Moneypenny distracts him and Patrice tries to escape on a motorbike, but Bond steals a motorbike himself and gives chase, going over the rooftops of the Bazaar. The chase drives the two of them to a bridge, where Patrice boards the top of the train and Bond heroically severs the motorbike in an attempt at boarding the train too. After a destructive chase, Bond corners Patrice and they fight. Patrice manages to hold out against the 00 agent and soon manages to gain the upper hand, despite the use of a knife, a machine-gun and a brilliantly convenient chain. In the ensuing brawl, Bond is about to beat Patrice before Moneypenny unwillingly shoots him. Bond is thrown from the train, into the waterfall, allowing Patrice to escape with the computer drive. Moneypenny reports that Bond is down. It is revealed that Bond has survived the bullet, the fall, the water and the asphyxiation. He is somewhere in the Mediterranean region of Turkey, engaging in gambling, alcoholism ,and prostitution almost obsessively. When news arrives of the attack on MI6 headquarters, Bond finally decides to go back to England and protect M. The following morning, they arrive on a deserted island, where the settlers had been tricked into retreating after a faux gas leak. Bond was tied down and left alone in a church hall, where Raoul Silva revealed himself. They talked for a long time and Silva revealed that he attacked the SIS Building and hired Patrice. He then unearthed that M had lied to Bond, and that he had actually failed all the tests, but M sent him anyway because she trusted him to save the day. Silva later made it absolutely clear that he hated M, and then took Bond outside, where a bloodied Sévérine was being held captive against a pillar. Silva challenged Bond to a marksmanship contest, as he placed a glass of scotch onto Sévérine's head, and challenged Bond to shoot the glass off without hitting her head. Bond deliberately missed in an attempt to save her life, but Silva arrogantly saw through him and shot her in the head, killing her and spilling the scotch. Bond showed no emotion to this, but he was clearly devastated. He then attacked Silva's men, overwhelming and killing all of them in a matter of seconds, and then held Silva at gunpoint. Bond revealed that he had used his Radio Transmitter to call MI6 after arriving on the island, and Silva was swiftly overpowered and arrested. Having managed to escape from Raoul Silva and his men, Bond managd to get M out of sight, and led her to his Aston Martin DB5 to take her to a safe house. However, believing that Silva would be able to figure out how to get into their safe houses, Bond instead took her another way, and they escaped to Skyfall Lodge. As they drove together, M complained to Bond about the situation, causing him to jokingly threaten to use the ejector seat to get rid of her. Upon arriving in Scotland, Bond was quietly traumatized by his return to his childhood home, as he took a minute to overlook the country side, before they stepped back into the Lodge. Upon arriving, Bond was reunited with Kincade, who he introduced to M and noted his surprise that Kincade was still alive. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Kincade helped to arm Bond with several minor weapons, but they made up for it with several traps and explosives in preparation for Silva's return. Bond was coming past Lorenzo, who was suspicious, by showing him the Octopus Ring on his finger, that he had stolen from Marco Sciarra while battling with him. Bond overheard the meeting standing at a balcony. First Dr. Vogel told the group at a large table on the ground floor that they made large progress with taking migrant women into the leisure industry, which pointed to white pornographic slavery. She was interrupted by doors opening and a man coming in. As he stood at the table, all there stood up to show their respects. A few moments passed before the man said that he did not want to interrupt, to which all sat down again and Dr. Vogel finished her report. After that, Moreau, the spokesman brought the matter to the death of Sciarra and asked the Spaniard Guerra, at the other side of the table, if he wanted to fulfill Sciarra's task by going to Altausee and terminate the "Pale King". Bond and Madeleine Swann, now on vacation in Matera, Italy, both agreed that in order to live their lives together, they must first let go of the past, namely Vesper Lynd's death and Swann's personal trauma that she had suffered as a child, which she promised to explain to Bond once he said goodbye to Lynd. Bond lives in a flat off the King's Road in Chelsea, in London. His flat is looked after by an elderly Scottish housekeeper named May, In 1955 Bond earned around £2,000 a year net (£47,321 in 2017 pounds), although when on assignment he worked on an unlimited expense account. Bond suffers from amnesia and has a relationship with an Ama diving girl, Kissy Suzuki. As a result of the relationship Kissy becomes pregnant, although she does not reveal this to Bond before he leaves the island. At some point in his life Bond visited Disney World with a girlfriend, intending to stay only two days, but liked the park so much that they had stayed for a whole week. Bond also showed that he recognized a great deal of Disney's characters.
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anneshirlxy · 5 years
AWAE Fic Recs- Full List
Hi! Here is the full list of all the fics I recommend. I will post a more organized way to look at it later tonight, but for now, here are all the fics! On here you can find the author, rating, length (word count and chapter) and a summary directly from ao3. These fics are in no particular order, and everything in italics is my dumb comments! Also, I am hopefully going to keep updating this so please send me fic recs!
Rating Key- G: General Audience, T: Teen and up, M: Mature 
1. Still He Offers the Sea Shell  By: Chash (@ponyregrets) Rating: T Length: 5.1k- 1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe is back from his semester abroad, and he wants to meet this Anne Shirley he's heard so much about.
First fic I ever read. A classic modern au (book verse) 
2.Strangely Are Our Souls Constructed  By: Fandom_freakout, vocallywritten Rating: G Length: 8k-2/2
Summary: In a desperate attempt to get Charlie Sloane to leave her alone, Anne posts a notice of her own. Or,Anne and Gilbert abuse the Take Notice board, much to the amusement, and frustration of the people around them.
Best take notice fic ever! Anne and Gilbert get into a take notice board battle and at first, it’s snarky and sarcastic, but then they start complementing each other and it’s beautiful.
3.say my name, don't ever stop  By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 13.5k-5/5
Summary: The gossip in Avonlea is insidious, making Gilbert think it's a good idea to initiate a fake courtship of Anne. Anne makes him promise it won't affect their relationship (because, obviously, they're just friends).Plot twist: it affects their relationship.
Also has a sequel you can read it Here
4.Mistletoe Madness By: avonleaace Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1
Summary: To bring a bit of fun to the classroom on Christmas Eve, Miss Stacey hangs up some mistletoe. Anne and Gilbert have a bet that Gilbert can make it through the day without getting kissed. Will he succeed? cuteness ensues
5.The Secret of Distance  By: Lil_Readhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: T Length: 26k- 7/?
Summary: Anne and Gilbert embark on their journeys, but stay close to each other at heart. Courting across 1000 miles isn't easy, but they're more than willing to step up to the task. (A post s3 story).
I consider this fic canon. This is season 4. 
6.Avonlea's Summer of 1880 Great Game of Capture the Flag! By: christah88 (@christah88) Rating: G Length: 14k- 1/1
Summary: Moody Spurgeon has gathered all the boys in Avonlea between 12 and 18 at the softball diamond for a game of capture the flag. Subterfuge, reconnaissance, undercover missions, and just a dash of chicken-coop-climbing combine to make this a game they will not soon forget. Why? Because Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wants to play, of course, and she demands that the rest of the girls be allowed to play, too.
This one reads like it could be a part of the show. There is also a prequel that you can read Here
7.Limerence By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 12k- 2/2
Summary: Limerence (n) - The state of being infatuated with another person. Gilbert and Anne featuring paint, photography, mutual staring, glitter and a very supportive Diana Barry
8.truth or dare  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: “Anne, truth or dare?” Josie smirked at Anne, a devious glint in her eye. Lifting her chin and looking Josie in the eye, Anne chose, “Dare.” She could take whatever Josie had to throw at her.The smirk on Josie’s face grew larger and Anne was sure she had picked the wrong thing. Without breaking eye contact or even taking a second the think about it, Josie said, “I dare you to go behind that door and kiss Gilbert Blythe. On the lips.”
I love the show New Girl with all my heart so I had to put this one.
9.When the Sun Begins to Fall By: megs368 (@onedayiwillflyfree) Rating: G Length: 76k- 13/14
Summary: "Long time no see Carrots."After nine months of studying at The Sorbonne, Gilbert Blythe felt that he was ready for his upcoming graduation and wedding. That is until his brother arrives, informing him his childhood best friend is gravely ill.
this fic hurts you 
10.wishful thinking (mindless dreaming)By: bruadarxch  (@rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 12k- 5/5
Summary: “She didn’t mean to, but a comment led to a friend of a friend’s profile and then she sees it. She sees him. Gilbert Blythe. Her old archnemesis turned friend turned... nothing.” Anne is bored for the first time in her life and falls down the Instagram rabbit hole. She finds a familiar face.
Anne finds Gilbert’s Instagram and they end up reconnecting at college and then drama ensues. It’s really cute then it gets kinda sad and angsty and then it’s really cute again. I love it.
11.wonderstruck By: bruadarxch ( @rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 14k-4/4
Summary: Delphine Lacroix raves about Miss Shirley and her crazy lessons. Her uncle Gilbert thinks his niece surely has an overactive imagination, but one day he has to pick her up from school and a certain redhead covered in paint from head to toe crashes into him. OR: Gilbert Blythe puts his foot in it when he meets Anne in every universe. Luckily for him, she didn't have any heavy objects around in this one.
Modern au where Anne is Dellies teacher and Gilbert fall head over heels in love with her. Soooo cute, I love. Also, cue Diana berry being the best roommate ever. 
12.Imagining Something Worthwhile By: remylebae (@remylebub) Rating: T Length: 148k-3l/36
Summary: “Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worthwhile”- Anne of Green Gables. 
Anne is struggling through her mid-twenties, living with her two best friends from high school and starting a new job as an eighth grade English teacher. Just as she's starting to figure this whole teaching thing out, she finds an unexpected someone thrust back into her life.
This is the boy I spent 7 hours reading. It’s a modern au where Anne is a struggling teacher and Gilbert is a struggling med student and they fall back in love. Honestly, the best part of the fic is the best friend relationship between Cole, Anne, and Diana. It’s some pretty wholesome and domestic stuff.
13.You're such a big mess (And I love you) By: gayrefrain (@gayrefrain) Rating: T Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Jerry get arrested.
This is one of the first fics I ever read and I loved it so much I read it 2 more times. Modern au where Anne and Jerry get arrested, they bicker like siblings and Gilbert is so worried for her!!! It’s a pre-established relationship and it’s so fluffy and cute ahh. An all-time fave.
14.five days of Christmas  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: N/R Length: 4k-1/1
15.Drive Me Crazy By: serendipitous_rambles(@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G 
Length: 18k-15/15
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe are next door neighbours, but they despise each other. It didn't used to always be this way, in fact at one time they were best friends. But things change following a personal tragedy for Gilbert, and by high school the two are practically strangers. Anne's life seemed to be going well: she was in charge of organising the school Centennial dance, she was accepted into college, and she was dating one of the most handsome boys in school: Roy Gardner. Only he breaks up with her mere weeks before the dance. When Gilbert's girlfriend Winifred also breaks up with him, Anne comes up with a crazy scheme to get their ex's back: pretend to date to make them jealous. Simple right? If only they don't kill each other first...
The modern fake dating au of your dreams. Includes an iconic scene from 10 things I hate about you. 
16.ours are the moments I play in the dark / wild and fluorescent / come home to my heart By: anbethmarie Rating: T Length: 8k-3/3
Summary: Avonlea, August 1914 – England declares war on Germany. Anne Shirley shows up rain-drenched on Gilbert Blythe’s doorstep and learns her fiancé is due to leave for the Western front in a week’s time.All Anne wanted was to have the memory of a few quiet moments alone with Gilbert. The fact that she would get wet through on the way to his house and have to wear his shirt while waiting for her clothes to dry did not enter into her calculations.
This one is basically an episode of a drama tv show and I’m not complaining.  Anne ends up pregnant with Gilbert’s baby and then he goes to war and they lose touch and he doesn’t know he has a child. It’s a whole thing. It’s mostly angst but reunions are chef's kiss (especially ones when they find out their father). 
17.Trippingly, on the tongue By: meals Rating:G Length: 8k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert goes to Paris, Anne goes to Queens, and years later they both return to Avonlea and meet again. They should be older and wiser, but when neither of ever admits to their mistakes and misunderstandings, will they ever sort themselves out?
Such a good season three “what if” fic. I’ve read it so many times and I can’t get tired of it. 
18.shy daydreams & stardust By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 16k-3/3
Summary: She can't help how he makes her magic spiral out of control whenever he's around, but maybe she can help him when his own abilities bloom out of nowhere like a lily pad in a teacup. Magic AU!
Anne and Gilbert are both magic and she teaches him about his powers. Very cute!
19.The Post-Exam Ritual of Merriment and Ridiculousness By: wanderinginthewoods  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne, still slightly tipsy, tries to focus as she runs after Gilbert to give him a piece of her mind--but that's not the easiest thing to do when she can barely get her own thoughts in order.
The characterization of Anne drunk is so good and the funniest thing
20.I Belong to You  By: hoddypeak (@shirbertndisney) Rating: T Length: 30k-12/?
Summary: Arranged marriage AU. Anne always wanted to have her own love story, but not one that's decided for her. She doesn't want to fall in love with Gilbert, but after being thrown into many awkward situations with him, the walls around her begin to tumble down. It certainly isn't an easy ride for either of them.
21.Little White Lies… By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 16k-10/?
Summary: When Anne agrees to doing Gilbert a favor, she has no idea what she's getting herself into...
A modern fake dating au where Anne and Gilbert are best friends and college roommates that have to pretend to date. Mostly angst so far, but well written. Also, Gilbert seems like a bit of a douche but we will look past that. 
22.All my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling By: moonlightconstellations (@leiaslightsaber) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne realizes she's in love with Gilbert. In typical Anne fashion, she reacts by yelling.
I just really love Anne yelling at Gilbert
 23.Anne of Hogwarts By: serendipitous_rambles (@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G Length: 24k- 14/14
Summary: Muggleborn Anne couldn't believe her luck when at 11 she is adopted by the Cuthberts, who introduce her to the world of magic and Hogwarts.Her wild imagination gets her into trouble more often than not, but she doesn't let that stop her. She sparks up an academic rivalry with classmate Gilbert Blythe, and finds a kindred spirit in Diana Barry.However it's not all smooth sailing, with trials and tribulations throughout the years as Anne seeks to discover everything Hogwarts has to offer. It may not always be easy, but life at Hogwarts becomes the greatest adventure of Anne's life.
As a potterhead I am required to put one of the best Harry Potter x AWAE fics on here. Also the only one that (in my opinion) gets the sorting right (gryffindor!Anne, Hufflepuff!Gilbert). 
24.This Home is Vast By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Delphine Lacroix wants to write a tale of adventure and romance, so naturally she writes the story of how Uncle Gil and Aunt Anne fell in love.
This one is so creative! Fics starring Dellie? Sign me up 
25.i picture it, soft, and i ache By: boos (@boosfic) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert accidentally end up snowed in at Green Gables
Pure and perfect fluff 
26.the world is brighter than the sun (now that you're here) By: blujamas (@kyleslei) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary:  Long-lost family offers Anne Shirley-Cuthbert a chance at education in a prestigious university across the sea. Before she can go, however, there is one last loose end to tie up: Gilbert Blythe.
27.more myself than I am (whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same) By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 6k- 2/2
Summary: Anne and Gilbert have not seen each other since the fateful night of the Queen's entrance exams. She assumes he must by now be engaged to Winifred. He still assumes her drunken babbling meant she doesn't care. A chance encounter forces them to revise the truth of these assumptions.
28.a ridge of lighted heath By: peterstank (@peter-stank) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: He’d overheard her talking once with Diana Barry. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but it couldn’t be helped given their proximity. He’d heard it, the bride of adventure, the wife of nature. And how fitting is it that she who has chosen nature as her most fitting suitor is more beautiful than any earthly thing he’s ever known? The freckles on her face are fit to rival all the stars in the sky. Her eyes are oceans overflowing, they are rippling streams and shining waters. She could torch him with her hair and he would happily turn to ashes, to be the Earth, to be loved by her just once.
29.One Iced Green Tea Latte for Ann  By: rosesonraindrops Rating: G Length: 6k-2/2 
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert lives for three things: her family, Diana Barry, and Iced Green Tea Lattes. However, Gilbert Blythe, the barista at Anne and Diana's favorite coffee shop, never seems to spell her name correctly, no matter how many times she's told him the right way to spell it. Or, Diana and Anne get coffee, and Gilbert tries his very best to charm Anne with his latte-making skills.
30,but when he walks in i am loved - i am loved By: nosecoffee (@nose-coffee) Rating: T Length: 24k- 1/1
Summary:“Marry me.” Anne drops a plate. She barely reacts to that - Marilla can berate her later, for now Anne has a very good reason to have broken her expensive china. She whirls on him. Gilbert’s not kneeling or anything. He's just standing there, in her kitchen doorway, with a painfully earnest look on his face. “Are you kidding?” She says, laughing nervously. He shakes his head. 
Fun story: I once spent hours looking for this fic and almost started crying when I didn’t think I could find it. So you know it’s good. 
31. from friends to this (you're the one i want) By: cressisaqueen (@cressisaqueen) Rating: T Length: 4k- 1/1
Summary: new message from 1 (489) 5987 - 2351 
1 (489) 5987 - 2351 [3:29 pm]: hey, it's gilbert blythe from professor stacy's class 
GiLbErT bLyThE [3:30 pm]: when should we meet up to work on the project?
A fic told entirely through text messages! Really creative and good. Paper Rings is my favorite Taylor Swift song, so that also helps. It also has a sequel where Anne and Gilbert get married that you can read Here 
32.Anne of Nova Scotia By: coffee666 (@frappuccinio) Rating: G Length: 32k- 5/?
Summary: In an alternate life, neither Anne nor Gilbert were orphaned. Yet, they still found their way to one another.
I’ve never seen a tag better than “I’m not claiming to know how boats work” 
33.If the Sea Should Part  By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 35k-6/6
Summary: Anne finds herself caught up in whirl of romance and adventure after rescuing Dr. Gilbert Blythe from the sea during a storm. She should let him go, but when she finds out Billy Andrews is plotting to take Gilbert's life and estate, she realizes there's nothing that can keep her from protecting him.
34.charity (who is helping who?) By: antspaul Rating: T Length: 10k- 1/1 
Summary: AU in which Anne is a little more poor but just as vivacious while Gilbert is a lot more wealthy and a little more cowardly. 
Kind of a sugar daddy au, but not really. Told through letters which is really cool.
35.i found my voice (in her sweet melodies) By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Christmas with Gilbert has never been traditional, but it always manages to steal Anne's breath away.
36.Welcome to Toronto By: simonsjumpers Rating: G Length: 13k- 4/4   
Summary: Anne visits Toronto, buys trousers, charms everyone she meets and engages in a book-duel with Gilbert... And Gilbert can't help but, kind-of, accidentally, propose.
A very good awae after season 3 continuation fic. Anne is a complete badass and Gilbert is hopelessly in love with her. 
37.it goes on and on  By: morebooksplease Rating: G  Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: in which Gilbert lists all the reasons he loves Anne.
38.bless the broken road (that led me straight to you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: She said she’s never been to the coast, and he volunteered to take her, because he’s an idiot with no filter and because he selfishly, despicably, wants (needs) all of her firsts to be with him. Or Gilbert Blythe decides to take Anne Shirley on a road trip, and hates himself for it.
ON GOD I love this one shot so much!! It’s just Anne and Gilbert on a road trip. It’s Gilbert POV and my man is whipped. After I read this I immediately read it again I love it! 
39.your glow (against the burning embers of my fiery soul) By: abigaylefayth (@pterparkcr) Rating: T Length: 13k- 2/2 
Summary: the enemies to lovers fake dating shirbert au nobody asked for  
Another really good modern fake dating au!!! This author also wrote one of the best awae twitter aus, that you can read Here 
40.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: T Length: 1k- 1/1 
Summary: Look, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wasn't heartbroken. She was, for like a day, but then she had mustered all the power a Marilla glare could contain and got over it. Did she still love Gilbert? Sure. But alas, she was a summer storm, and he a winter sun. In which Anne tries to move on, but a certain hazel eyed boy won't let her.
41.the road not taken By: melissa13 (@annesurelyblythe) Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Years after the events of Season 3, a chance encounter in a bookstore brings Gilbert face-to-face with an old flame causing him to reflect on his new marriage. Features Anne and Gilbert being adorable newlyweds.
Winnies a darling and Gilbert is such a proud husband. When Winfred says “love looks good on you Blythe” l lose my mind 
42.Maybe The Universe Has Other Plans By: Cones_McMurphy Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Four times Gilbert Blythe tries to propose to Anne Shirley and fails, and the one time he doesn't try and succeed
This one is actually green gables fables which is a modern au told through vlogs and social media that you can watch on YouTube right now! Anyway, even though it’s not Anne with an e it’s just Gilbert trying to propose to Anne and it’s very cute! 
43.be still my foolish heart (don't ruin this on me)  By: theatrythms (@fairrobb, @smearclouds) Rating: G Length: 5k- 1/1
Summary: (The idea was always, always, always a bad one, but it sounded so romantical, so whimsical; to throw a stunt for all of her friends and get to spend time with Gilbert in the process.) Or; fake-dating, and the aftermath.
44.one look in your eyes and i found my favourite colour  By:  simonsjumper  Rating: G Length: 5k- 3/? 
Summary: au where everyone can only see in black and white until a moment between them and their soulmate triggers colour gradually appearing into both of their worlds (and yes, it happens during dance practice)
45.Of Tongue and Pen By: piperholmes Rating: G Length: 5k- 2/2 
Summary: When Gilbert returns Anne’s pen, he is reminded of what’s important and what it means to live a passionate life. He finally understands he needs to ask the right questions. Now featuring an epilogue!
46.this, and my heart beside By: fruitwhirl (@ametroepya) Rating: G Length: 6k- 1/2 
Summary: It’s three months in Toronto before she runs into him. Or rather, he runs into her. Well, okay, there is very little running involved at all.
Gilbert and Anne becoming friends in Toronto together!
47.Those With Wit and Learning Will Always Find Their Kind(red spirits)
By: WideScopeofImagination Rating: G Length: 126k- 5/7 
Summary: Anne Shirley thinks its a dream beyond her wildest imagination come true when she learns she's a witch and can attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.There are still challenges, of course.Or: How Anne has to keep solving magical disasters with muggle common sense, and finds her kindred spirits along the way
48.all of the dreams that get harder, all of the things that I offer you By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne receives proposals of marriage from various and undesirable quarters. Gilbert Blythe naturally happens to stumble upon her immediately afterwards every time.
49.Time and Tide  By: jacksparrow589 (@js589) Rating: G-M Length: 35k- 8 works 
Summary: The Modern AU that nobody wanted and nobody asked for that just keeps on spawning new tales.
This is a series of 8 works (all fantastic) so i just put the entire thing here. Modern au set in college. Check the author's recommended reading order! 
50.a rose amongst thorns  By: not_so_weary_pilgrim Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne swallows, so hard that it hurts. His head is bent over her hand, and she suddenly realizes that with all the growing he’s done in the past year or so the top of his head is an uncommon sight for her. In fact, the last time she saw those dark curls from this vantage point was when he bowed after their dance practice at school.She nearly flinches away from memories of that golden afternoon, when Gilbert’s eyes never left hers, when she was only vaguely aware of anyone else being in the room, when he pulled her closer than the dance required but it still wasn’t close enough.
Anne gets hit on the face and doctor gilbert in action!!!! He is way too worried about her but it’s very cute and well written. 
51.doctor's visit  By: seashel  Rating: G  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: turns out, gilbert isn't the only one afraid of needles.
Short modern au where Gilbert takes Anne to the doctors. High key the main reason this fic is on here is because he calls her baby. 
52.Takes the Cake By: bookwormforalways (@bookwormforalways) Rating: T Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert, finally happily married, bake a cake to celebrate two months of being married.
53.to look in somebody's eyes, to light up the skies (to open the world and send it reeling)  By: lovishq Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne Shirley's imaginary friends, fanciful names and women carved out of magic and fairytales are remnants of past lives, and they are all drawn to every Gilbert Blythe like moth to a flame. 
Ok, this one is like really cool. It’s this whole idea where Anne and Gilbert keep falling in love in different lifetimes but it’s always tragic until it isn’t. It’s really well written and just cool.
54.I don't have a choice (but I'd still choose you)  By: writergirl8 Rating: T  Length: 6k-1/1 
Summary: Anne knows now what it feels like to have someone looking at you like you are the most beautiful thing in the world.
I had to shorten the summary because its just so long, but basically this is a beautifully written fic that's just shirbert being fluff after season 3
55.everything you wanted, everything you don't  By: theystayalive Rating: G  Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: And finally, when everything in his life quieted for just a moment, his heart molded his million thoughts into one word: Anne. In which Gilbert finds his way home.
56.that's the kindof love (i've been dreaming of) By: metsuryuogi (@natsujpg) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1 
Summary: In which Anne and Gilbert spend their first year together, and apart. 
A really cute post season three fic! It also has a sequel that you can read Here
57.A Very Tragic, Romantical Secret (Understanding of a Pre-) Engagement  By: christah8 Rating: G Length: 5k, 1/1 
Summary: Post 3x08 AU where Gilbert avoids Anne for the summer and attends Queens College in the fall.
It's got a scavenger hunt and they are just so cute!
58.A Christmas gift By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: Gilbert comes home for Christmas. Set after season 3.
59.The reality of baking Christmas cookies  By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne really wants to win the neighbourhood competition over who has the best Christmas decorations, however her neighbour is making it really hard for her to do so. 
60.the one person who makes me feel like i can take a fucking breath ( i can't have without completely destroying you ) By: softmullen Rating: NR Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: IF THERE WAS ONE thing you needed to know about the cuthbert-baynard family, it was that the two and only children did not get along. and it wasn't the 'not getting along' like constantly arguing, no, they just didn't speak. it was like they absolutely hated each other and no one quite knew why. especially gilbert blythe, who had been best friends with jerry since before he could remember. it's always just been the two of them, until jerry's father remarried, moving them three streets down in a rather large house.
An “Edge of 17” au. Anne and Jerry being siblings- 10/10
61,you're already home where you feel loved By: c19 Rating: G Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: Soulmate marks were only for special people, everyone kept telling them, but Anne and Gilbert both felt decidedly unspecial. Soulmate AU where the soulmate part isn't all that important.
62.The Language of My Unwavering Heart  By: bravebatgirl (@bravebatgorl) Rating: T Length: 70k- 7/15 
Summary:Anne Shirley-Cuthbert is attending college, exploring the excitement of entering womanhood beside her friends, and has even achieved a not-so-tragical romance. Everything is finally settling into place for the bride of adventure, but there are others still in dire straits. How is it that so much pain can be caused in a world about to turn a new century? 
63.I'll See You in the Orchard By: wanderinginthewoods Rating: T Length: 20k-3/3 
Summary: An alternate final, where Gilbert has to leave for Toronto later on, and doesn't bump into Diana. Meanwhile Anne--after meeting Winifred--finds herself on a spontaneous journey to Avonlea to confront him for not telling her about his lack of engagement--amongst other things. 
64.The Many Faces of Gilbert Blythe By: Purple_Slippers_18  Rating: T  Length: 50k-10/10 
Summary: Anne was looking forward to meeting Avonlea's new schoolmaster, and if she could only stop herself from being distracted by the memory of a tall, dark, handsome stranger that she knows she'll never meet again, she was sure she would make an excellent impression on the new teacher, no matter what Minnie May had to say
65.Into the Sun By: goldinavonlea (@goldinavonlea) Rating: T  Length: 5k-1/1  
Summary: Summer had arrived in Avonlea. In all truth, summer had arrived in Avonlea several weeks earlier, but the inclement internal weather of Anne’s life of late had rendered the view rather cloudy from her window for a while there, and so perhaps it was better to say that summer had arrived—finally—in Anne. And what a summer it was. Or, Anne and Gilbert spend 5000 words ignoring all rules of Victorian propriety in favour of becoming the human embodiments of warm syrup.
Pure fluff, and written so well!
66.life is momentous, indeed  By: bruadarxch (@rootedbutfl0wing)  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: "She turns around trying to wipe off her tears and there he is, galloping down Lovers’ Lane in his horse, like a brooding hero in a romance novel. Bastard."Anne mopes and Gilbert finally does what he has to do.
67.something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue By: lxstdreams Rating: NR  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: how to propose to someone the moody spurgeon style(ruby x moody) 
One of the very few not shirbert centric fics, but sooo cute! 
68.oh i swear to you (i'll be there for you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: T Length: 9k- 1/1 
Summary: They sort of become a family, her and Jerry and Ruby and Gilbert (after she forgave him for the thing they don’t speak about), and they were annoying little shits who ate all her food and trashed her apartment, but... she was happy. It was a slow realization, one that didn’t really strike her until she was sitting on the floor in her pajamas, watching Ruby smack Jerry repeatedly after catching the boy stealing her Monopoly money as Gilbert rolled around in tears clutching his stomach. 
Friends Au! I just love it so much
69.you don't have to say nothing - you don't have to say you're mine By: goddessbeltane Rating: M (warning: rape/non-con) Length: 27k-1/1 
Summary: I hate this asshole. Asshole! The nerve! Anne rose from her chair abruptly, striding over to the counter to meet an obviously frightened Gilbert – though she couldn’t blame him for being scared, the last time she looked at him like that was about five seconds before he was violently doused - before folding her arms across her chest. “And just what would you know about soulmates, Blythe?”
The Office Au! If you can't tell, I love sitcom aus. Mentions of rape (not graphic)  
70.If You're Wondering If I Want You To  By: teal_always Rating: T Length: 16k-1/1 
Summary:  Princess Cordelia cordially invites Princess Delphine to join her on the playground to witness Sir Gilbert's courting of Princess Cordelia's mother, Queen Anne. Or Gilbert Blythe will piss off Anne Shirley-Cuthbert upon meeting her in any and all universes.
Single parent au! Just so good!
71.A Little Crazy By: YumKiwiDelicious Rating: NR Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: They’re eight and she’s got the knobbiest knees Gilbert has ever seen. || 5 times Anne tells Gilbert she loves him +1 time he actually takes her seriously||
72. we can leave the christmas lights up till januaryBy: Alice_Prongs Rating: T Length: 17k-3/3
Summary: the boys are throwing a christmas party before they leave for the holidays. that's fine. it's fine, really. all anne needs to do is stay sober throughout it and nothing will go wrong. like, you know, blurting out all of her feelings for gilbert blythe in front of him.
Modern + Christmas + Angst = a fantastic fic! (also sequel Here)
73.silence is the blood whose flesh is singing By: ashleykay Rating: NR Length: 4k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley does not believe in soulmates. And she will not be swayed otherwise. She believes only in love freely given. Soulmate AU. Timers.
74.The 10 Rules of Anne and Gilbert's Fake Relationship By: anexistence Rating: G Length: 18k-4/11 
Summary: She’s kissing Gilbert Blythe, who is surprisingly eagerly kissing her back. Ew, she’s kissing Gilbert Blythe. Anne pulls away, and masks her horror by smiling sweetly up at him. He has that warm yet bemused look on his face. “Hey, there” he smirks, and Anne wishes she could just wipe the smirk away. “A favour for a favour,” she whispers. “You owe me some brownies, Carrots.”
75.thin ice  By: antspaul Rating: T (warning- eating disorder)  Length: 30k-7/7  
Summary: "She still has a long way to go. Frustration builds in her throat and she wishes she could eat what she wanted and still stay slim and beautiful and perfect like Anne or Ruby. But things are the way things are. Nothing can be done about that. Diana will be beautiful. She just has to stay in control." When her world seems to be falling apart at the seams, Diana Barry finds power in the strict regulation of food. At the same time, her friendship with the Cuthbert's farm boy grows into more than she could have expected. And so she spirals.
The other not shirbert centric fic (but they are mentioned). Whether or not you like Diana x Jerry it's still really interesting to see a fic from Diana's perspective. Mentions of eating disorders are VERY graphic. Stay safe kids. There's also an (uncompleted) sequel Here
76.All This Time, I Was Waiting For You  By: MeggieB Rating: M Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: Five Times Gilbert Blythe says "Carrots"
Pure fluff! Includes young shirbert and married shirbert! 
77.Dream a Little Dream of Me  By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 8k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley had been fascinated by the very idea of a dream her entire life. So imagine her surprise when she finally has hers and in it appears a prince that looks suspiciously similar to Gilbert Blythe. A Soulmate AU where everyone has one dream their entire life, and in it they see the face of their true love.
78.real or not real By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: a fake dating fic but it's basically just a shirbert To All The Boys I Loved Before au.
79.Flowers in His Heart By:  Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 1k-1/1
Summary: ‘Don’t be,’ he said, shaking him head, ‘I was dreaming.’ Anne carefully smiled, placing her chin on her palm. ‘About?’ Gilbert paused for a moment. How could he reply to that? (“I dreamt about pinning you against the grass and kissing you”, wasn’t exactly an acceptable answer.) Or, he weighed the option, he could work with it. (or: Gilbert and Anne hang out and they definitely do not like each other. At all.)
80.Strawberry Tarts By: carrotsblythe Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne refuses to take part in another game of Spin the Bottle. And naturally, so does Gilbert.
81.Pretty Injuries  By: novahainn Rating: G (warning: PTSD, child abuse) Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: Gilbert spent his childhood covered in flowers. Anne spent her childhood covered in some injury or other. Their meeting involves both. Soulmate AU where flowers appear on a person's soulmate when the person is injured.
82.From Red to Green With Love Between By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe was born with a tuft of red hair sticking out from amidst his unruly dark curls... until the day it turned green. A Soulmate AU where everyone has a streak of hair that matches the color of their true love.
 83.you belong somewhere close to me By: georgiestauffenberg Rating: G (warning: mentions of child abuse)  Length: 20k-1/1
Summary: “I know, son. I know. But if you feel what your soulmate feels, it is likely that she feels what you feel.” He raised his eyebrows. “Do you understand? If you are happy, she will be happy, too. Do you think you can be happy for her?” He nodded. “Yes.” He would think happy thoughts every possible moment if he must. AU. Gilbert is one of those rare, lucky souls who has a soulmate.
84. Shirbert One Shot + Drabble Collection By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G-T Length: 43k’
I could have individually put every single fic on this list, but I thought it would be better to put the entire collection. You can find everything you're looking for here. I recommend them all but here are my personal favorites 
In the Blue Haze, The Peace, The Storm, She Has Brains Enough for Two , A Sweet Heart Won, Take Notice, Here is the Echo of a Sound I Wanted, things that fall (i, for you), Lifemate,when the sun goes to sleep
85. Time Turns to Amber By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: T Length: 42k-7/?
Summary: The line between universes is blurred when Anne Shirley of Green Gables suddenly switches lives with Ann Cuthbert, a university student living in the contemporary world. Suddenly Anne must learn how to navigate the modern world, one which contains a boyfriend, a part time job, and another year of university. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to tackle corsets, farming, and a world without electricity. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but most people can't tell the difference between the redhead they know and the girl who replaced her. Anne (and Ann) have to learn to live as the other and try to find a way back to their own homes.
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years
My super long autobiographical essay recounting the harrowing tale of my experience with my favorite opera
So I think it’s about time the world knows the story of my experience with Don Carlo, specifically, the Met 2010 production that will be streaming Thursday night. It’s a long story and some of it is ridiculous and half the time people don’t believe me when I tell them about it, but if you’re interested in my nerdy ramblings, read on.
On February 27th, 2010, my dad turned on the radio in the living room thinking noon would be a good time to hear the news. Instead of the NPR news anchors, however, we heard the sound of a tenor singing, a strong orchestral accompaniment, and the sounds of a live audience reacting.
“It’s an opera!” I said. (For curious parties, it was La Boheme.)
I was 14. I was a nerd. I was in love.
Up until that point I’d heard a few operas (Zauberflote, Barbiere, Carmen, Nozze) because my mom randomly brought them home from the library. From the moment I first heard the opening chords to the Zauberflote overture, I was madly, ridiculously, insufferably in love.
Tuning in at noon on Saturdays became my new favorite thing. “Live from the Met” broadcast a live performance each week of one of the Met’s shows. I loved not only hearing the operas, but the commentary as well. I learned so much about the genre, as well as history, music theory, literary criticism, acting, and the life of a singer. I dedicated an entire journal to writing notes on what I heard each week. Yes, I was that nerd.
I found out the hard way that operas have seasons. One sad day in May I tuned into NPR at noon and, tragically, the voices of news anchors met my ears.
I wasn’t always able to listen to the entire opera each week, because I had four cats and three annoying brothers to take care of. (Two of the brothers were older than me. Figure that.) I’d missed the announcement that the season was over.
So I waited all summer. I was still listening to operas, but I missed the hosts and the interviews. Plus, I didn’t have access to the Internet, so finding new operas on my own meant relying on my library’s tiny collection. Hearing them on the radio let me hear a new one every week.
After several boring months, I finally heard the news that the first opera of the broadcast season was going to be on December 18th. The opera? Don Carlo.
Two important facts to know right now. 1) There are many different versions of this opera. 2) The opera can be up to 4 hours long.
The one I heard on this day, December 18th, 2010, was the “five-act Italian version with the shortened first act.” About 3.5 hours long, it begins with an exhilarating fanfare that does a terrible job of telling us what the opera is going to be like. Listening to that music--the burst of horns and strings--I actually cried because I was so excited.
I told you. Nerd.
The story of Don Carlo is really complex, but if you’re taking the time to read this and have come this far you probably know at least a bit about it. Because I wasn’t able to sit and listen to the whole thing, just bits and pieces, the day ended with me knowing the following things.
1) Carlo is a prince who is in love with Elizabeth, who then gets betrothed to his father.
2) Carlo’s best friend (Rodrigo) is a baritone which automatically made him more interesting than the lead, and was also a revolutionary who was so firey he was in danger with someone called the Grand Inquisitor
3) Princess Eboli loves Carlo and is enraged when she finds out he’s in love with his mother and Rodrigo almost stabs her
4) Carlo tries to stop some Flemmish people from being burned at the stake but is stopped himself when Rodrigo takes his sword.
And that’s where I left off.
Again, no Internet access, so I wasn’t able to look up a summary and find the ending. So I waited around for days wondering what happened next. I was especially concerned about Carlo and Rodrigo’s relationship, which was (and still is) my favorite part of the opera.
On Christmas I got a book that was full of detailed summaries of famous operas. The good news: Don Carlo was considered famous. The bad news: I read that my favorite character died and spent the next hour or so locked in my room trying unsuccessfully not to cry.
I got a few operas for Christmas as well, so when I decided I had to see or hear Don Carlo in its entirety, it got put at the bottom of the list, because I’m borderline OCD (seriously, my diagnosis is literally “borderline OCD”) and couldn’t mess up the order of things. Since I was also listening to the Saturday operas, as well as taking a lot of time to process each on my list as it came along, it was almost spring before I finally got to Don Carlo.
In the meantime, I couldn’t get the opera out of my head. For one thing, as anyone who’s seen it knows, it’s the kind of opera that just grabs you and won’t let you go. For another, in a bizarre series of events, it literally popped up almost everywhere I looked. Open to a random page in my opera book? See a reference to Don Carlo. Tune into the  “Live from the Met” broadcasts? Somebody mentions Don Carlo. Grab the closest volume from a 7-book collection of Schiller plays? It’s the one that has Don Carlo. Find a random copy of the Met’s opera magazine on the free table at the library? It’s the issue that has the review for, and a dozen glorious pictures of, the Don Carlo performance I’d heard on the radio. I looked at those pictures a lot. Finally I had faces to match the voices of the singers I’d heard.
In a crazy coincidence, it was the first week in April of 2011 that the next event occurred. I engaged in some poor planning and finally checked out a CD recording of Don Carlo the day before our yearly family trip. I didn’t have any time to listen to it and I knew it was going to bother me the entire week.
We took the 13-hour drive to visit my grandparents, and at my mom’s parents’ house, somebody randomly turned on the TV. My grandparents watch a lot of PBS so that’s what was on. And what was on?
The Met’s 2010 production of Don Carlo.
I died about a million times.
It took me a while to figure out what it was; I hadn’t heard it all the way through yet, so the music wasn’t familiar to me. But after watching for a minute, I realized that the actors all looked familiar to me. I was watching Simon Keenlyside as Rodrigo hand Marina Poplavskaya’s Elizabetta a letter. When she opened it and read the name “Carlo,” my head exploded.
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What are the odds that when someone randomly turned the TV on that the opera I’d been dying to see just happened to be on? And not only the same opera, but the exact same production I’d listened to live four months ago?
Of course I couldn’t watch the whole thing because we had family stuff to do, which was probably okay in the long run, because I can’t imagine people’s reactions if I started bawling watching Rodrigo die, which may very well (as in totally) would have happened.
Life goes on. I listened to the Don Carlo CD and cried, got a DVD of the Met’s 1986 Don Carlo and cried, looked at the pictures in my magazine and cried. The broadcast season of “Live from the Met” ended and I cried. I was a very emotional teen. (Keep in mind I was home-schooled by agoraphobic parents and literally had no friends. The radio was my friend.)
Two years later I was in college. Sophomore year I started spending breaks on campus to avoid my abusive family. I still didn’t have any friends, but I did finally have access to the Internet, in addition to listening to the Saturday operas whenever I didn’t have homework. I had also watched the Royal Opera House’s version of the same Don Carlo production, which someone had posted on YouTube. This was back when YouTube still had a time limit on videos that were posted, so the opera was broken into about forty pieces and none of them were listed in order. I probably spent more time piecing the thing together than actually watching it.
On a day during sophomore winter break, I was particularly bored. I decided to listen to the advice of the Met hosts and signed up for the 7-day free trial of Met Opera on Demand, their version of Netflix.
And of course the first opera that popped up on the screen was Don Carlo.
I died another million times.
I watched it twice in the span of 24 hours. I may have taken some screen shots. I felt like a criminal, but I also felt like I deserved it at this point. This whole thing was just bizarre and I couldn’t be happier that I was finally seeing the production of the opera that had been following me around for the past four years.
About a year later I took a study abroad trip to Germany. And because I was in Germany, I had to see an opera, of course. We had one free weekend during the month-long trip, and while my classmates were off getting high in Amsterdam, I took a train to Frankfurt to see the opera that just so happened to be playing at the house that Saturday.
Which opera, you ask?
I think you can guess by now.
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mihnn · 5 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you. can I ask for a recommendation? The only Kdrama I have watch it's boys over flowers. Could you recommend me one of the likes so I can get myself into this world? I keep staring at your gifts and just makes me wanna starts watching them.
Sure. And you’re not bothering me at all. :D So many recs…
Shows similar to Boys Over Flowers:
1. Coffee Prince - A tomboy is mistaken for a young man, but maintains the deception for the sake of employment. The situation becomes complicated when her male boss begins to develop feelings for this “boy” and vice versa.
2. The Heirs - Kim Tan is the heir to Empire Group who has been sent to study abroad in the U.S. In reality it’s a form of exile, as his elder half-brother back home schemes to take over the family business. While in the States, Kim Tan meets Cha Eun Sang, who arrived from Korea in search of her older sister. He feels himself falling for her, never realizing that she’s the daughter of his family’s housekeeper. When his fiancée Rachel Yoo arrives to bring him back to Korea, his heart is torn between love and duty.
Shows that are cute and fun with a lot of romance and friendship:
1. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Bok Joo is a weightlifter who is pursuing her dream of winning the gold medal but she then finds romance for the first time in her life. While she is a woman who trains with heavy steel weights, she is also very feminine when it comes to relationships. To focus solely on weightlifting would jeopardize her relationship but leaving her weightlifting career for love would keep her from attaining her dreams. It covers their coming-of-age stories and relationships through hectic life.
2. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Do Bong Soon is a petite, unemployed woman who is honest and kind. She appears little and sweet on the outside, but she is in fact very, very strong. Ahn Min Hyuk, who holds a great distrust towards the police, witnessed the whole exchange of Bong Soon’s superhuman strength, and now wants to employ her as a bodyguard after being threatened by an unknown enemy. 
3. Shopping King Louie - The romantic comedy series “Shopaholic Louis” revolves around a handsome shopaholic named Louis, who is the successor of a vast business empire but becomes homeless after suffering from amnesia. Meanwhile, Koh Bok Shil, a country girl who lives a life that is worlds apart from the rich and famous, encounters Louis in Seoul.
4. Thirty But Seventeen - Woo Seo Ri, a violin prodigy at 17 who was about to study in Germany, got into a bus accident and fell into a coma waking up 13 years later. Mentally she is still only 17, while physically she is now 30.Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years before, Gong Woo Jin does not want to have a relationship with others.This series is about a man and a woman whose lives in their own ways essentially stopped when they were 17. Together, they use all their might to try and open the door to the happiness that they once thought had been closed to them.
5. My ID is Gangnam Beauty - This series tells the story of Kang Mi Rae, a girl once bullied for her looks. As a result, she became insecure, cautious around people and withdrawn. However, Mi Rae decides she wants a fresh start away from bullying and gets plastic surgery to transform her face. When she begins university, she meets Do Kyung Suk from their middle school days, who sees people for what they are on the inside and not the outside; he then becomes attracted to Kang Mi Rae.As Mi Rae begins to get teased once more and labeled “Gangnam Beauty”, the cold, aloof but kind inside Kyung Suk becomes the one person that stands up for her and in the process, Mi Rae begins to recover her lost confidence and discovers that true beauty is not on the outside.
6. What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim - The series revolves around the narcissistic Lee Young Joon, the vice president of a company run by his family. He is very self-absorbed and thinks highly of himself, so much that he barely acknowledges the people around him. Lee Young Joon has a capable and patient secretary in Kim Mi So who has remained by his side and worked diligently for 9 years without any romantic involvement. However, Mi So now want to set her life & focus on herself so when she decides to resign from her job, hilarious misunderstandings ensue.
7. Fight For My Way - Despite an increasingly hostile world, Ko Dong Man and Choi Ae Ra decide not to give up. No matter what others speak of them, they together make their own way to live a happy life.
8. She Was Pretty - As a young girl, Hye Jin was impossibly cute and had a comfortable life with her wealthy parents but since her teens, her looks and fortune changed abruptly and now she is living with her friend rent-free and working as a part-time clerk at a convenience store. One day, her childhood first love, Sung Joon, contacts her wishing to meet her, but recognizing Sung Joon has grown into a handsome and fit man, she quickly hatches a plan to have her pretty friend meet him in her place instead. After luckily landing a full-time job, Hye Jin is surprised to find Sung Joon as her boss, who is adding insult to injury, treating her with disdain and contempt.
EPICS with romance:
1. Goblin: The Lonely God - Kim Shin was once an unbeatable general in war who died a sad death. He now possesses immortality but is tired of living whilst everyone else around him dies. For 900 years, Kim Shin has searched for his bride, a mortal who can pull out the sword that binds him to the living. One day, he encounters Ji Eun Tak, a positive, upbeat high school student who can see the dead and has gone through tragic things, yet still stays strong. She claims to be the Goblin’s bride who can end his immortal life, but what appears to be an easy task only gets complicated as the two fall into requited love.
2. Mr. Sunshine - Mr. Sunshine centers on a young boy born into a house servant’s family and travels to the United States during the 1871 Shinmiyangyo (U.S. expedition to Korea). He returns to his homeland later as a U.S. marine officer. He meets and falls in love with an aristocrat’s daughter. At the same time, he discovers a plot by foreign forces to colonize Korea.
3. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - When a total eclipse of the sun takes place, a 21st century woman, Go Ha Jin, is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. She wakes up in the body of 16-year-old Hae Soo, an aristocrat living with Lady Hae, her cousin who happens to be married to one of the sons of King Taejo. She soon befriends several of the princes, who find her carefree and exuberant attitude refreshing. Although she knows she should not get involved in palace intrigues over the succession to the throne, she inadvertently becomes a pawn in the struggle, as several of the Princes fall in love with her.
4. Descendants of the Sun - Kang Mo Yeon is a pretty and assertive woman who works as a cardiothoracic surgeon at Haesung Hospital. She isn’t afraid to admit her mistakes and believes that capability overrides whatever connections you have. However, she is soon faced with reality that she cannot advance with just capability. Her life is forever changed when she encounters Yoo Si Jin, the Captain and team leader of Alpha Team who cares more about protecting anybody who needs help as well as his country, even if it goes against the order of his superiors. This drama will tell of how they both band together in a time of war and overcome the odds against them.
5. Memories of the Alhambra - Strong spirited Yoo Jin Woo is the CEO of an investment company with a degree in engineering and a knack for developing video games. He has an adventurous and competitive spirit. Suffering after his best friend betrays him, he takes a business trip to Granada, Spain in search of the mysterious inventor of an innovative augmented-reality  video game. He ends up at a hostel that Jung Hee Joo owns. They are both drawn into a series of strange and unexpected events.
Shows that focus on real relationships:
1. Something in the Rain - Yoon Jin Ah is a woman in her mid-30s who doesn’t know yet what it’s like to date a man. She’s been dumped by a man many times because of her clumsy, reckless, and foolish behavior. Just then, Joon Hee appears and he is Jin Ah’s childhood best friend’s younger brother, who used to live next door. Jin Ah has always remembered him as a little kid, but one day, he comes back as a man. When she is surprised by his change, her gut feeling tells her that she would truly fall in love this time.
2. Familiar Wife - Cha Joo Hyuk works at a bank and has been married to Seo Woo Jin for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Joo Hyuk makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Woo Jin and his best friend, Yoon Joong Hoo are gone and he is leading a very different life.How will his first love, Lee Hee Won, factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?
3. Encounter or Boyfriend - Cha Soo Hyun is the daughter of a politician who lives a  life where she is unable to choose her own path. After graduating from college, she entered into a loveless marriage with the son of a wealthy conglomerate, a marriage only beneficial to her politician father. She then gets divorced. Her life is changed further when she meets simple and kind Kim Jin Hyuk.
4. Matrimonial Chaos - Jo Seok Moo graduated from a prestigious university, but he pursued his dream of becoming a musician rather than finding a traditional job. Jo Seok Moo did not become a musician and because of his advanced age, he could not land a decent job. He then began working at a security service company. There, he met Kang Hwi Ru for the first time as his customer. They have been married for 3 years now, but Jo Seok Moo asks for a divorce. They do not have very much in common. Jo Seok Moo has a stubborn personality and enjoys spending time alone, while Kang Hwi Ru is easy-going and has a positive personality.Another married couple, Jin Yoo Young and Lee Jang Hyun appear. Jin Yoo Young is Jo Seok Moo’s first love.
Shows not focused on Romance:
1. Misaeng or Incomplete Life - Jang Geu Rae has played the game Go since he was a child. Playing the game was everything to him, but he failed to become a professional Go player. Now he’s been thrown out into the real world. When his gaming plans fail, the down-and-out Geu Rae is forced to get an office job as an intern thanks to an acquaintance’s recommendation for him to a large company called One International.
2. Live - The drama revolves around the incidents that occur in the police force and the joy, sorrow, and pain that police officers experience as they try to protect justice.
3. Argon - Kim Baek Jin is a popular anchor, reporter, and leader of investigative reporting program Argon. He does not tolerate unverified reports and requires facts he can personally stand behind.
4. Miss Hammurabi - Park Chao Reum is a newly appointed judge who is assigned to the 44th Civil Affairs Department at the Seoul Central District. She is always on the lookout for injustice and is able to profoundly empathize with others. Compared to her, Im Ba Reun is a cool-headed man of principle with the creed of ‘Court that is equal to all’, and he is displeased with junior judge Park Chao Reum who is overtly sympathetic when it comes to cases.
5. The Package - Yoon So So leaves on a trip to Europe with her boyfriend she met in college despite her parents’ disapproval, dreaming of a romantic journey. A few years later, her boyfriend heartlessly comes back to Korea alone, leaving So So behind. So So couldn’t help but start working as a tour guide in France to make a living. She leads a group of people traveling with the “Luxurious Premium Tour Package: 1 Week in France”.
These are just a few of the shows I love. There are many many MANY more, so feel free to ask. I know a few recs for law shows, assassins, murder/mystery, crack, so feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy your kdrama binge watch. Most of these can be found on Netflix.
P.S, - Added an update because I remembered a few more.
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horanggae · 3 years
hi my dear aera! (=^・ェ・^=)
wow, your major is so cool! what made you decide studying psych sci? aww, yes it was!!<3 a fun fact about me is that my grandparents also have their birthdays on july a few days before and after mine so that’s why we celebrate all together! yes, they mainly serve breakfast dishes (everything related with eggs and bacon) and they’re mainly famous because of their pancakes!! but every time I go there I usually order chicken tenders or burgers because I’m not so keen to eating scramble eggs outside home (i hope this doesn’t sound too weird). oh, may I know when its your birthday? is it soon? I kinda feel your birthday was on spring because you give me warm vibes.
oh really? that sounds so easy, i really thought it was something more complicated (*μ_μ) thanks for the help!! you’re pisces!! (i just googled the dates between this sign and you might be a baby born in spring or late winter!!). I’m glad you don’t know who am I yeeet! (I swear I have pressed the damn follow button around three times already?? instead of your inbox, i’m really clumsy (>﹏<) oh, and are you good with handling alcohol? actually I don’t drink any type of alcohol, I only have tasted strawberry soju (it was really good but definitely burned up my throat) and radler’s! (germany’s lemon beer, and it is really good).
I do count this asks as convos! that’s so nice to read!! (I really try to always send you nice asks so I’m really happy that you get to experience some of my feelings and emotions) no way aera!, but I consider you such a good english speaker? I really thought you were from north america or europe because of your way of writing and the use of some words I have never read before! May I ask when did u became so good with english? I bet you’re really good with your mother tongue! thanks for the recommendations! I’ll try to write some drabbles this last vacation days!
oh it’s really cool to read your type of sleeping! for me once I lay down I completely die and wake up until the very next day, so I’m a heavy sleeper (alarms never work for me unless I have something pretty important like an exam or a vacation trip, and when I’m really worried about something).
oh! me too<3 on real life (well not real? just in person lol) I really tend to talk a lot so I’m glad I’m not overwhelming you with all of my questions and writing! thank u for the nice wishes, obviously I wish you to stay safe as well ^^ oh so you’re also fully protected now! did u get any side effects after the two shoots? I couldn’t move my arm for the whole day haha. oh my I have never thought about living the y/n lifestyle?? maybe I am??
this is already so long and I haven’t answered your questions, i’m deeply sorry!
oh I would totally love to see you become part of the performance unit!! and also if you really get to marry hao can I go to your wedding? (・ω<)☆  shipping expenses are really the worst way of spending money (。╯︵╰。)
time to reply back!!
what’s in the ihop menu & your favorite item on it? – somehow I already replied to this question at the beginning! ^^ but it is chicken tenders with dip of honey mustard!
astro sign? – i’m leo!
do you like alcohol? if yes, what type and/or brand! – haha, again I already talked about this! I don’t dislike it but I’m also not the greatest fan? and the only one I like drinking is any brand of radler beer! (I don’t have so much experience with alcohol) a small fact: I started to drink alcohol only two years ago when I was studying abroad!
which unit would you like to join? – vocal unit!! I would love to be part of the creating process of writing a song and also would love to learn how to sing (I don’t know how to sing but I would love to learn from any of the members!! specially dk’s!!)
kiss, date, marry: hoshi, jun & dino!! – i see what you have done here      ♡( ◡‿◡ ) i would kiss dino, date hoshi and marry jun. (I think of dino as someone to take care of, for hoshi I think it would be kinda overwhelming because he deserves a lot and also is kinda highly demanding? and for jun, he’s my type! tall, funny, smart and caring<3.)
your fave album? – teen age or you make my dawn! both albums have some of my all time favorite tracks also the special units on teen age are something worth repeating!!
your current stash of svt goods or maybe are you starting collect rn? – I happen to also pay a lot on shipping and I also recently started to like svt, so far I have bought some albums along with my sister who’s also a big fan (we have one of each of this albums: semicolon, director’s cut, an ode, henggarae and for your choice we bought the three versions!) I think I’m only missing their first ver. of lightstick because its the prettiest lightstick I have ever seen! (also my bank account suffers every time I buy something (╥_╥).
how is it working at your sister’s cafe? (any out of the ordinary happening (✷‿✷) – it’s really great! i love spending time there and I also love to work with coffee! I also enjoy preparing food (we sell salads and sandwiches). I think asia’s cafe’s are something from another world? they are so pretty and have such a wide variety of drinking options! i really enjoy bubble tea drinks! do u like milk tea with boba?
this is really long, please take all the time you need to reply and don’t feel obligated to answer all of it (I just wanted to share all my thoughts with you)!! I hope you’re having a great week, wishing you a lot of health and happiness, also a lot of luck with your college homework! (≧◡≦) ♡
hello f🐯❤️ how are you doing!
IHOP sounds like a nice place to chill before classes and probably late into the night... Naw it doesn't weird though, it's your preference! I don't eat prawns outside of home either, I just find it icky(?). You're right!!!! I'm a spring march baby! I swear I never receive notifications from you at all? Only recently the one I saw was tmttxt (?) but I think they changed their username so I can't find out now when I tried searching for them again. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
I've always wanted to learn and understand the human mind more when I was in high school but my grades didn't allow me to pursue psychology in college (in my country you'll have to be the top percentile to get into courses like psych) so I ended up diverging from what I want, to something that piqued my interest as a child, which was design. Loved it as a pastime and as a getaway but I couldn't churn anything out for assignments. I decided to just follow what I really wanted in uni since I was still set on studying psych even after meeting with a college guide + I had a window of opportunity and now here I am as a year 1! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I enjoy alcohol but my tolerance level isn't high :-( so I usually drink with caution unless I'm with the people I trust! I prefer cider more though bc of the crisp and light taste! Talking to you feels like a writing to a penpal; we are living our own respective lives, but we make time for each other to write back!!! I enjoy talking to you sm like there isn't any pressure to immediately reply back and it's really like receiving a letter but in asks form!! ❤️❤️❤️
English is my first language, but i kinda winged it the entire time when I was younger! I learned a lot of English words from reading; I was an avid reader until I was 17 when I started using smartphones, my reading habit disappeared. But when it comes to grammar and sentence structure, embarrassingly, I'm extremely bad at it. (´ . .̫ . `) my vocabulary is pretty strong bc of the books I've read over the years! I just started picking up reading again and have just finished the miracles of namiya general store & the seventh day, both recommended by wonwoo! I'm so happy I managed to read a little everyday and still retaining the same eagerness and anticipation (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Do link me your drabbles if you ever do write, I'd love to read your works!!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡ aw man i wish I was a heavy sleeper like before ㅠ ㅠ feels like growing older made me a light sleeper. The first was worst in terms of soreness, the second was mild— felt like they didn't administer the vaccine at all ahskskdlflr but I did felt a little feverish during the night but everything is fine! How about you, are you feeling better now?? If I ever get married to hao that is (≧ ᴗ ≦) but I'd love for hao to just be a friend who I can speak freely to under the stars hehe.
I realised I haven't asked about your major, also why did you pick that major?
I hope you're doing well in the cafe! Damn, makes me wanna work in a cafe too... There's vacancy at my uni's Starbucks but it's too far of a commute for me to consider </3 ㅠ ㅠI hope interesting things happen at the cafe so that it spice up your vacation break hehe.
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schule4fluechtlinge · 5 years
Blog #3: Comparative Analysis between US and Germany
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New arrivals in an American classroom. Photo from US News & World Report, 2017.
What happens to children who flee war-ravaged homelands and resettle elsewhere? The world will face that question with particular urgency over the next decade, as vast numbers of refugees from Syria and other conflict zones stream across borders.
As I have summarized in my previous blog posts, when these children reach their final asylum and enter new schools, their turbulent histories are often exacerbated by “language barriers, privacy concerns, cultural misunderstandings, and stereotypes,” according to a recent report from the Migration Policy Institute. But unless their experiences as migrants — sporadic schooling, language confusion, poor instruction, and discrimination, for instance — are understood, refugee children across the globe may continue to feel rootless. They may be unable to cultivate a sense of belonging or a positive relationship with teachers and peers, and they may remain disconnected from the support services they need.
My previous two blog posts explored refugees’ access to educational opportunities in Germany following the sudden influx of asylum seekers in 2015, and they insist that education is key to successful integration. In this blog post, I’d like to compare the educational experiences of refugees in the United States with those in Germany.
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Refugee Education and the American Dream
Even with restrictions placed on refugee resettlement amid changing political mandates, the United States has welcomed more than 50,000 refugees per year in the past decade. Nearly one-third of these refugees are children, who often expect their new futures in America will be anchored by education, continued opportunity, and stability.  Indeed, under federal law, states are obligated to provide all children -- regardless of immigration status -- with equal access to public education at the elementary and secondary levels. But the sad truth is that many of these children do not have access to high quality public education or to school services for refugee students, and will also have to confront monumental challenges related to race and socioeconomic status as they transition into adulthood -- barriers that can prevent them from fulfilling their American dream.
A critical look at these children’s experiences in the United States reveals that it is just as important for schools to acknowledge refugee students’ steep and specific challenges as it is to help them perform well academically. Teachers have to be wary of the “false hope” that being successful in school will translate equally into livelihood opportunities for all students, according to a new paper by international education policy expert Sarah Dryden-Peterson and doctoral student Celia Reddick. Educators need to equip refugees with an understanding of the challenges they will face in the U.S. if they are economically disadvantaged or people of color -- and not assume that these students will live the simpler lives of some native born and more affluent Americans.
A Case Study
In their paper “‘When I Am a President of Guinea’: Resettled Refugees Traversing Education in Search of a Future,” Dryden-Peterson and Reddick explore the case of a young man named Moussa, whose story shows how difficult it can be for refugee children to thrive in the United States -- even after attending a caring and innovative school.
Moussa and his family fled civil war in Sierra Leone when he was a baby, and then spent over a decade in Guinea. Facing more violence there, his family headed to New York City in 2006, when Moussa was 13. At first, Moussa flourished. He attended a small project-based high school specifically focused on meeting the needs of newly arrived immigrants and refugees. He participated -- first as a student and then as a tutor -- in an afterschool program that served other newcomers, and he won an essay competition that sent him to President Obama’s 2008 inauguration. Moussa graduated in 2010 with high grades, a community of friends, and a goal to attend a four-year university and one day become the president of Guinea.
But by 2016, Moussa’s life was dramatically different. He had dropped out of community college after only one year, and was working two low-paying jobs to support his father, stepmother, and brother. He often felt stymied and degraded, and he could foresee no realistic opportunities to continue his education or to acquire a better-paying job.
A Gap Between School and Reality
Unlike the overwhelming majority of public schools in the United States, Moussa’s school in New York was designed to support students like him. Teachers encouraged the teens to use their home languages and to strengthen their literacy skills across languages to connect with peers of similar backgrounds. The emphasis on project-based learning taught students to collaborate with classmates from around the world. Black students at Moussa’s school were much more likely to graduate in four years than other black students citywide (85 percent versus 60 percent, Dryden-Peterson and Reddick found), and the school fostered aspirations for college and professional success.
Yet Moussa’s school struggled to provide the support that could help their newcomer students meet these goals. For example, the study found the college application process was particularly difficult for Moussa because his high school’s guidance, though enthusiastic, was insufficient and did not prepare students adequately or early enough for the complex steps needed to apply. More broadly, Moussa’s school did not prepare him for the marginalization he would experience as black, poor, non-Christian, non-native-born person in the United States. Moussa felt vulnerable. He was periodically physically targeted by police in his community for being black and Muslim, and he was uncomfortable praying or reading from the Qur’an in public. He faced continual subtle and explicit racism at his job as a waiter at a high-end restaurant. Moussa still wanted to return to college and obtain his bachelor’s degree, but he didn’t have the time or resources given his responsibilities for his family.
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How Schools Can be Supportive -- and Realistic
How can schools better align newcomer students’ in-school experience with the realities they will face as they enter adulthood in the United States? Dryden-Peterson and Reddick offer several ideas:
College and career planning: Along with inspiring refugee students to attend college, schools can also specifically counsel families through the college application process and about sources of financial aid. Schools can also partner with community organizations to find opportunities for meaningful employment, training, and professional network-building after high school.
Mentorship: Almost all of Moussa’s teachers were white, relatively affluent women with limited experience teaching, so he received little mentorship on how to navigate poverty, racism, and xenophobia in the United States. Schools with refugee students must actively recruit more teachers with backgrounds and experiences similar to those of their refugee students. They can also seek out opportunities through afterschool programs, internships, and visiting speakers to connect students with adults who can help them navigate barriers they will face post-high school.
Exploring systemic inequality: Most refugees have escaped extreme conflict and persecution abroad, but they may have little understanding of inequality in the United States. Schools should emphasize learning about America’s history of racism and oppression, because students may face the consequences of that history in their daily lives. Teachers can also give young people more active opportunities to engage with inequality, so that students are prepared to challenge discrimination as adults.
Connections to diverse peers: It is especially important for newcomers to be integrated in schools with students who are similar to them, as well as with peers who are long-term residents or native-born, who may be of different socioeconomic or racial backgrounds. These connections can build the kind of social capital that is vital to students’ post-school opportunities
Comparison: The United States and Germany
Germany and the United States face similar refugee situations. While Germany experienced an overwhelming number of Syrian refugees seeking education and better opportunities in 2015 and beyond, the United States recently faced an influx of refugees fleeing poverty and violence in Latin America at the southern border. Most are unaccompanied; since 2014, more than 200,000 children and youth have crossed the US border without their parents. More than 28,000 of these children are living in California, most of them in Los Angeles and Alameda counties. Most are from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Yet although the problems are similar, the German education system is very different than the United States’. In Germany, the education system consistently produces high-performing students who can study up to the university level regardless of their family's financial status. This is partly because funds for public education are readily available. In America, meanwhile, public education is consistently underfunded and understaffed, and schools often lack vital resources. The cost of higher education is prohibitive for most students without the help of federal loans or private scholarships. But refugee students are more likely to find teachers trained to work in ethnically and linguistically diverse classrooms in the United States than in Germany. Dryden-Peterson’s recommendations could improve the educational experiences of refugees in both America and Germany. With access to postgraduate career planning, mentorship, and opportunities to connect to their diverse peers, students will have better academic and social support.
Ultimately, Dryden-Peterson highlights that exile is an integral part of a refugee’s future. Since the average length of exile for refugees is 17 years -- the equivalent of a child’s whole shot at education, from birth to high school graduation -- we know that refugees do not need temporary education programs. They need access to a complete education. Preferably, they need to be fully included in the national education system of the country of refuge. This inclusive approach isn’t easy, whether in San Francisco or New York, Berlin or Köln. But to build a future in the midst of war and uncertainty, all refugee students need teachers who are trained and a well-developed curriculum that builds skills and knowledge.
“The Educational Experiences of Refugee Children in Countries of First Asylum” by Sarah Dryden-Peterson: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/educational-experiences-refugee-children-countries-first-asylum
“Urban Refugee Education” by Mary Mendenhall, Susan Russell, and Elizabeth Buckner: https://www.tc.columbia.edu/media/centers/refugee-education-research-and-projects/Urban-Refugees-Full-Report.pdf
“‘When I Am a President of Guinea’: Resettled Refugees Traversing Education in Search of a Future” by Sarah Dryden-Peterson and Celia Reddick: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10564934.2017.1344865
“Educational Services for Immigrant Children and Those Recently Arrived to the United States” by the US Department of Education: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/rights/guid/unaccompanied-children.html
“For Syrian children and youth, education is the front line” by Sarah Dryden-Peterson: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2015/11/20/for-syrian-children-and-youth-education-is-the-front-line/
“Urging the San Francisco Unified School District to Meet the Needs of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Fleeing from Central America” by SF Unified School District: http://www.sfusd.edu/en/assets/sfusd-staff/about-SFUSD/files/resolutions/Haney%20Fewer%20MM%20%20Unaccompanied%20Minors%20from%20C%20A%20%208_12_%202014.pdf
“Unaccompanied Alien Children Released to Sponsors by County” by the Office of Refugee Resettlement: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/resource/unaccompanied-alien-children-released-to-sponsors-by-county
“Unaccompanied Alien Children Released to Sponsors by State” by the Office of Refugee Resettlement: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/resource/unaccompanied-alien-children-released-to-sponsors-by-state
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New Post has been published on http://www.personalstatementwriter.org/erasmus-personal-statement/
11 Ways to Completely Reconstruct Your Erasmus Personal Statement
Image credit: US News
An Erasmus Personal Statement is one of the most important document to send to the admission center of Erasmus program if you want to be selected among the many people who want to study abroad. This personal statement will define the outcome of your efforts in becoming the next student to go study abroad, as it works more like an exchange student personal statement. It’s not only important for exchange education but it’s also one of the main MBA abroad requirements. However, going abroad to study is not something easy to do. The most famous international exchange programs in the world will not only ask for an exchange student personal statement but for much more.
So, if you want to know the different important details necessary to apply for an exchange student to Europe or any other continent, you will need to be totally clear in what’s expected. That’s why we have assembled an article with the most important information on how to apply for exchange student and how to write an Erasmus Personal Statement correctly. Take a look further to find out more!
Benefits of Studying Abroad
The experience of studying abroad is just wonderful, as it offers one of greatest tool of education that is pure practical experience and different backgrounds from people to learn from. The exchange experience is just an intertwined of plenty features that can be put together in order to achieve great results. However, the main benefits can be separated in educational, personal and long-term benefits.
Educational benefits of studying abroad
Learning in different parts of the world will give students a different approach when it comes to cultural acceptance and perspectives for the outer world that will give a wonderful and most profound understanding of the world.
This also helps in learning new languages and immersing in new ways of learning as it gives the necessary skills for being a more opened person. Even so, it can also help the student to achieve better analytical skills and problem-solving abilities due to the differences experiences the students will be subjected to. Moreover, general knowledge and a broader and more interested understanding of world problems will be achieved thanks to the experience of studying abroad.
$ 49.44
Personal benefits of studying abroad
When it comes to the personal benefits of studying abroad, these are totally immense to a person. Studying abroad will give multiple personal and social skills to students, especially when it comes to learning to talk to people with different backgrounds.
Also, it will be one wonderful for development in many ways, increasing confidence, self-esteem and helping the student to get out of their comfort zone by increasing their likeness of affronting challenges with more decisive force and fewer doubts.
Plus, an increasing sense of accomplishment and success is felt when the student ends his career, giving more courage to students to develop important self-opinions that also give new goals and eventually help them at taking better life decisions.
Long-term benefits of studying abroad
The most important benefits at a long-term gaining from studying abroad come from being able to live and discover new cultures. This gives students a new perspective on life, plus giving a sensation of comfortability independently of the context the person is going to end up at. This give a better and more focused mindset to long-term goals, making it easier to make positive decisions in life.
Also, studying abroad gives students a more developed tool of communication that they can use to relate and influence others. With the experience of living abroad, students are more likely to learn things that were totally unknown to them when they were in their native country.
Even so, if the students get to work in the same country in which they did the exchange at, they are more likely to develop responsibility skills, focus and more success when it comes to difficult times, thanks to the knowledge and perspective gained from living in different cultures.
Most Popular International Student Exchange Programs
Among the most popular international student exchange programs we can name a few that have a made a big impact in the world. These are:
Youth for Understanding
Youth for Understanding or YFU as it is also known is a life-changing exchange program that offers the opportunity to study abroad to teen from 15 to 18 years old in a year or less. This opportunity offers students to go to countries like Australia, Belgium, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Belgium, China, and other 35 countries around the world. Even so, this program doesn’t demand the students to know the language beforehand, as it offers a wonderful academic experience for those who want to learn the language and look for a specialty in the fields of sports, nature, theater or science.
Image credit: Best Colleges Online
CIEE is a wonderful exchange program that has been working since 1947 offering different opportunities to many students around the world to go study abroad and widen their life experiences. This program works in 11 countries like Germany, France, Ireland, Chile, New Zealand, Spain, and Japan.
This wonderful program also offers the opportunity to have language orientation and help for those who need some in order to avoid emergencies. It is one of the best for the wonderful support the organizers offer to the exchanged students when it comes to eventual happenings.
Experiment in International Living
The Experiment International Living or EIL is one of the greatest international student exchange programs because of the wonderful academic and themed experiences that are not met by any other program in the world. Therefore, students that are chosen to participate in this program tend to go to different places around the world to learn about specific things that are focused on the culture of that country their visiting, making it a more immersive and learning experience that no other program in the world can offer.
Erasmus Mundus
The Erasmus Mundus exchange program offers the opportunity to apply for exchange student program in Europe and partner countries. It is specially designed for students of highest academic achievements, like BAs, MAs, PhDs and even MBAs who want to study abroad and widen their possibilities.
This program also offers a grant, improving the experience for every student who chooses Erasmus and broadening the knowledge and skills of the student.
This list of top student exchange programs in the world was created by ESL – Languages Studies Abroad.
What Is Erasmus Mundus Exactly
Erasmus Mundus admission is a program that offers one of the best international exchange programs for students around the world to Europe or within Europe. This program offers an almost free abroad study, where the program takes care of half of the costs for staying abroad. However, there are some tuition fees that have to be paid before being sent to the program, these fees are paid by the home university.
Image credit: European Commission
This program is an approach from the EU that offers the opportunity for students of all Europe countries to go study in other countries as an exchange in a way that no other program in the world offers.
Take a look at this video from Stefan Jahnke, President of the Erasmus Student Network, where he talks about the program and how it changed his life.
Advantages of Erasmus Mundus Program
One of the best benefits of studying abroad in a number of courses the student can take on another country. This is a basic right for all students who apply for exchange student abroad and gets selected among the luckiest ones. The host universities tend to have a Learning Agreement that has all legal documentation about the courses and academic activities the student was involved in.
Another benefit is the opportunity to learn more from another culture, giving a new social perspective and a new world vision. Also, the student is very likely to learn a new language or improve his knowledge on a second one. However, Erasmus offers a wonderful Online Linguistic Support for those students who don’t know the language of the country they were exchanged with and need some help.
Source: smart.study
If you want to know more about this program and its advantages, this video from the Erasmus Website explains more about it.
Top Reasons to Become an Exchange Student
Becoming an exchange student in the different International Exchange programs available in the world is not an easy task. However, many people tend to prefer this way of learning as it offers one of the best experiences a student can get in order to become a more professional person when it comes to an academic life. Even so, different programs around the world are totally different from others, like the Erasmus Mundus admission which offers the opportunity to travel into a Europe country to study.
These top reasons are:
Getting to experience life in a different culture
Exchanging students tend to get more knowledge from traveling to another country to study than studying in their own country. This happens because students are more likely to open their eyes, giving a once-in-a-lifetime experience that not many people are lucky to experience.
Learn new languages and improve social skills
Most students who travel abroad to study tend to go prefer countries which the main language in English, like the UK and US. However, there are many other opportunities for those who want a wider experience, offering the opportunity to learn new languages in order to achieve a second language and be later called a bilingual.
Even so, learning a new language can also improve the way people think and behave. This can totally affect the way a person starts to feel about himself, changing their behavior, confidence and even improving their social skills with practice with people from another country, where the student will have to communicate more in order to get things done.
Academic benefits
By going to study abroad, a person can develop new skills and learn things about a different culture. This also offers the opportunity of widening the knowledge on a certain field, especially if the student wants to go abroad as a professional. Even so, studying in a different country gives the student more opportunities when it comes to getting a job, as people tend to find abroad studies totally interesting, especially when they are specializations in a specific field.
It doesn’t cost too much
Yes, studying abroad can seem really expensive, but it is actually really affordable. Even so, many programs around the world offer abroad studies for a really wonderful price, making it a totally worth it experience for students who want to widen their knowledge and possibilities.
Moreover, being sent to another country as an exchange student demands of a monthly payment to the home university. This payment will be taken as a tuition fee by the student in order to help him live in another country without having to work if not necessary.
Learn more about the opportunities and benefits from studying in a foreign country by visiting the AFS – Intercultural Programs website.
Requirements to Apply For Exchange Student Program
A full term attendance or degree in High School or a University with ties to the selected exchange program.
A cumulative GPA of 2.5 at least. (A student with a GPA below 2.5 may get canceled for not meeting the requirement)
Perfect copies of all grades from previous terms
An above-average academic standing
More than 1 year of studies in the home institution
Competent Grades
No pending probationary status due to misconducts or dishonesties in the institution
No Financial obligations with the institution
No violations of the student code from the institution
No probation, parole or any other legal judgment pending
A Student Visa
Language Proficiency test like TOEFL, IELTS or MELAB (depending on the host country and the exchange program)
Some programs demand the student to make an exchange student personal statement in order to be eligible.
11 Tips to Reconstruct an Erasmus Personal Statement
If you want to be selected for an Erasmus Mundus admission, it is totally important to follow certain rules. However, we’ve created a list with 11 tips to help everyone who wants to go as an exchange student to another country in order to become eligible. These tips are:
Research your destinations clearly and make a wonderful statement on why you want to go as an exchange student there
Be clear on your long-term goals of getting admitted in one student exchange program
Try to pick a country in which it will be easier for you to communicate (even though some programs offer language studies for free)
Make a list of what you think will be more interesting for you of getting a student exchange program opportunity
If an exchange student program is not what you want exactly, be clear on your desires
You can make clear that you want an internship in another country, to go as a research student, to take short courses or just volunteering
Take a good look at the institutions available in your desired country and if the program offers exactly what you want
Explain why is it that you decided to apply for exchange student program in the first place
Don’t forget to point out your strengths as a student, especially if you are an advanced one from Bachelor’s up.
Try to point out the advantages of going to the country of your preference and why did you prefer it in the first place
Don’t ever forget to be clear and concise in every statement, without falling into deep explanations and making everything appealing for the admission committee that will take a look at your statement.
A Student Exchange Program Is the Best Way to Learn
Finally, going as an exchange student to another country is one of the best experiences anyone can have in their life. This will teach the person about almost every aspect of life, from the most valuable experiences to every single aspect of personal and professional values. If you want to get selected, you will have to write the best Erasmus Personal Statement you can and we can easily help you with your personal statement edit.
Follow our recommendations, but if they fall short to give you enough advice and help with your statement – don’t hesitate in contacting us so we can help you with Erasmus personal statement further!
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