#stuck up jerk
muscular-lettuce · 1 month
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"You have a weather cutiemark and you can't fly?" hehaehehe hello whizzvin ponies r baaaaaack i love them so bad hello downpour and shutterheart
also dont forget to check out my falsettos merch here! :3
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respectthepetty · 10 months
I'm going to always hype up Domundi for its displays of friendship and love in its shows like Middleman's Love.
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I like that Jade knows and respects his friends.
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I like that his friends know him.
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There is a reason King took Jade to pick out a ring for Uea. Jade knows Uea.
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And Jade knows how King is.
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Cause King doesn't have that name for no reason.
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And Jade keeps him humble.
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Even if King hates it.
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But I like that Domundi always lets us see couples in love. Not just falling in love, but we get to see Uea and King in love.
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(I also love this kinkster)
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Jade knew that it isn't about grand gestures for Uea.
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Because Uea already knows King loves him.
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Which is why Uea gets King coffee. It's why he pinches and bops King. It's why he put on the cat ears and collar. He loves King and doesn't need anything else.
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And Uea wants that for Jade.
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Because it's not about the big moments! It's about the small ones and who is there during them. Jade has been there for Uea and King and they are going to be there for him.
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Because that's what friends do.
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Screw Councillor Emery. I hate that guy.
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tennessoui · 1 year
hunger games fic alert
Anakin wakes to the sound of birdsong and the heavy weight of the cat on his chest. The light is soft, so it must still be early in the morning. The cat is not yet crying for food scraps, so it must be very early in the morning.
It’s second nature to extend his arm across the vast expanse of the mattress next to him until his fingers brush against the line of Obi-Wan’s shoulder beneath the sheets.
Today, his fingers meet nothing. Anakin turns his head to the side and opens his eyes in increments. Obi-Wan is nowhere to be found; Anakin is alone.
For one breathless moment, disquiet rushes past logic. He sits up roughly, taking in the small empty room around him. The cat, dislodged and displeased, hisses out a protest as it rights itself amongst the rumpled sheets and hops off the bed altogether with a flick of its tail.
Anakin watches it go for a moment before he sets his feet on the ground to follow. 
The jolt of the cold floor on his newly bared feet startles him out of the last vestiges of both sleep and his panic. It’s early in the morning.
It’s early on this morning. 
Of course Obi-Wan will not linger in bed; Anakin would be surprised if he even slept. The other man’s ghosts often haunt the edges of their cottage, often linger on Obi-Wan’s mind, but never more than they do on this day, every year.
Anakin snags his commlink from the squat table next to his bed as he hauls himself up.
It is 0812. 
The Reaping will take place in four hours and forty-eight minutes.
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A month ago I had the passing thought that I didn't like Taylor Swift when I was younger because I was behind her eras and it was a really casual observation then but every day I find new ways it's true
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
completely forgot about my medieval au when i was making incorrect quotes so here have some Incorrect Medieval AU Quotes
Omega: This is a very powerful artifact. We’ll be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand. Cal: That sounds like a dare to me.
Caleb: Why would you bite someone? Sabine (age 7): You weren’t there, you didn’t hear what they said to me! Caleb: What did they say? Sabine: "What are you gonna do, bite me?" Caleb: That’s fair.
Merrin: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Rex: Ahsoka! Have you no dignity? Ahsoka: Of course not! How long have we known eachother?
Carthage: I think we should kiss. Sabine: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want.
Ahsoka: We have fun, don’t we, Rex? Rex: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Omega: You remind me of the ocean. Merrin: Because I'm deep and mysterious? Omega: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Ahsoka: *about Barriss and Adenn* They make a cute couple, huh? Rex, deadpan: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Zeb: Ooh, somebody has a crush Caleb: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Hera I just think she’s cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about her. *Later that night* Caleb, very much awake: Uh oh
Ahsoka: Can I bother you for a second? Rex: You're always bothering me, but go ahead.
Cal: Did Merrin just tell me she loved me for the first time? Omega: Yeah, she did. Cal: And did I just do finger guns back? Omega: Yeah, you did.
Adenn: Punch me in the face. Skira: ...Punch you? Adenn: Yes, punch me, didn’t you hear me? Skira: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ while you’re speaking but it’s usually just subtext.
Kidnapper: I have your children Hera: I don’t have children? Kidnapper: Then who’s the boy who just asked for warm milk and made me cut the crusts off his sandwich— Hera: Oh Force, you have Ezra. Kidnapper: —and the girl who headbutted me when I didn’t do it? Hera: Oh, you have Sabine, too. Okay. Good luck, you’re gonna need it.
Adenn: I think I'm falling for you. Barriss: Then get up.
*Discussing an image of a really hot knife cutting bread* Ahsoka: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife. Barriss: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful. Caleb: if you want information it is Cal: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Ai-kel: I’m a fool, not an idiot.
Sabine (age 7): Why would you tell on us?! Ezra (age 5): I felt guilty. Sabine: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by our parents to stop us from doing things that feel good.
Korkie: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. Ahsoka: We could attack them with hummus. Korkie: I stand corrected. Ahsoka: Just keeping things in perspective.
Ahsoka: Hey, Caleb? Can I get some dating advice? Caleb: Just because I'm with Hera doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Barriss: What is wrong with you? Ahsoka: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Sabine: Ezra and I are no longer friends. Ezra: SABINE THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE ELOPED!
Rex: Ahsoka, no. Ahsoka: Ahsoka, yes.
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silvaurum · 7 months
havin a week/few days where i think: i deserve a fucking nobel peace prize and a congressional medal of honor for not being the biggest bitch in the whole wide world to everyone right now
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moe-broey · 15 days
Random small talk event at the yard sard set-up, very nice lady, but ESP when asking "Oh are you still in school? ☺️" I literally never know how to say "Oh I graduated a long time ago. Yeah. I mostly do art now" and she says "Oh to sell?" and so far I'm having a reasonable and effective small talk conversation, when I hit that pitfall and lock up and I worry I'm becoming unfriendly bc I locked up. Because I REALLY don't know how to say, "Nah, I kind of do fuck all. I'm 25 and I do fuck all. For nothing." Like I can see the conversation tree in real time and I know that's the worst dialogue option. And there are no other dialogue options there's just Press B to get the fuck outta there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#MAN........#like it was inconsequential but always. when i have these interactions and esp when i come out the other side thinking#'yeah that wasn't my best work. i hope they don't think i dislike them or that i was inconsistent'#always. i'm just. failing Badly. at even the most basic human rituals.#a lot a small talk discourse fails to understand that it's free dialogue options. if you. have the knowledge of the dialogue options.#but i'm stuck between a quick time event and my knee-jerk reaction to answer honestly (but How Honestly????)#and i'm also observing my neighbor's old man humor and scripts that are always a hit and i'm like. hm. interesting....#if perhaps i can replicate such a thing........#can somebody please for the love of god help me. every day i wake up and i'm autistic.#'inconsistent' ???? inconsiderate. hello#idk maybe both can work. 20 regular interactions in w me things are going swimmingly we're good acquaintances ect ect#i can still just fully forget how to be a person and i clam up and get impersonal and curt.#it's literally no ones fault. i'd dare even say it's not even my own fault. it's just. the autism experience.#also something something there should be more scripts for people who haven't achieved certain milestones in life#an easy way to say 'yeah i barely graduated highschool and i never went to college and i can't hold a job and i live w my dad#and i don't mix my passions w profit bc it's the primary way i regulate myself and it's all about my special interest anyway#AND i'm 25. so. real catch of a guy here tbh'#please for the love of god Help Me.
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michameinmicha · 16 days
Hate my anxiety stopping me from doing things i need to get done, but the worst part is that it completely paralyzes me so i can't even do anything else instead either, wtf is the point of this feature
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shrugemojiidk · 20 days
a really fun thing about superheroes is that sex pollen is a genuine thing that they might encounter in their day to day and you don’t even have to stretch to make it possible, they’ve got aliens, magic, superpowers, etc etc. Especially fun for Gotham based capes who live in a city where Miss Sex Pollen herself is roaming around as a genuine occupational hazard
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sweetestdumpling · 7 months
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neverbesokind · 1 month
My dad used to DJ weddings and the people on the internet would be SHOOK at how many couples requested "Every Breath You Take" by the Police as their first dance song. Like.... I know this is hard to understand but some people just listen to music for general vibes and do not comb the lyrics for the Intended Meaning
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angryborzois · 1 month
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
Kakeru looking at Yuki and feeling such a weird mixture of protectiveness and sympathy and embarrassment and frustration because he can just See his past self trying So Hard to please everyone and do the right thing all the time even if it's killing him. And that can make him so startlingly empathetic and insightful, but it can also make him treat Yuki with all the over-familiarity (if not outright self-deprecation) of an extension of himself, and then at other times he just gets so Impatient because he Knows how this ends and wants Yuki to just shape up and start liking himself already!!!!
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simmersofia · 1 year
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goldensunset · 6 months
smh one of the people whose job i’m gonna have next year after she graduates who has always been particularly mean and snobbish saw all of us new hires at this lil initiation meeting and was like ‘hmmm i don’t like that now i don’t feel special anymore i enjoy being part of this in-group and being kind of elite’ and i flat out said ‘yeah we can tell’ like girl shut up get off your high horse you make $10 an hour here and you have the personality of a middle school rich horse girl bully despite being like 22
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