#stuart has only a little canon backstory to go off of while carol has none to speak of ngddndjgdjhgd
songofassandfire · 3 years
you already KNOW you have to do stuart and carol for the ultimate ship thing lololol
Who was the one to propose:
Stuart for sure was the one who proposed. I'm always fuzzy on these details, but I feel like he took her somewhere secluded but romantic to pop the question. I don't think he was able to afford an actual ring (he was never that financially well off in his life and I also think they got married pretty young. Like, 19 or 20 at the latest), but Carol gave him an enthusiastic yes regardless. Happy tears were definitely shed.
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Carol for sure. Like I said, they were young and not really well off financially enough to have a super big or flashy ceremony, so she just tried her hardest to make it as good as they can with what they had. Their wedding was nice-ish, if cheap. She was able to get a good dress and a nice cake, so that's the most important part. Probably took place at Stark's pond or some other public property.
Who decorated the house:
Okay so I'm looking at screenshots of their house in tfbw, and it looks like that neon beer sign is the only decoration to speak of, and I can only imagine that being Stuart's doing. Any other "decoration" just looks like the kids writing on the walls lmao
Who is more organized:
Pfffffft organization who?? Neat and tidy what?? Neither of them are familiar with the concept ngdngsdngn Stuart doesn't really notice messes whereas Carol has grown beyond the point of bothering trying to clean up after this family.
Who suggested kids first:
Neither, really. It would get brought up in passing from time to time (mostly when theyre high and bringing up "what if" scenarios to each other), but none of their three kids were ever actively planned, least of all Kevin. In fact, by some cruel fate Carol only seems to get pregnant when they're at their lowest financially.
Side note, when Carol was pregnant with Karen, she and Stuart were both certain that she was gonna be another Kenny. Even when the ultrasound confirmed they were having a girl, they were both absolutely convinced it was gonna be Kenny until Karen was actually born. Because of that, they kinda had to scramble for more money and baby supplies bc they didn't think they would need them lmao
Who’s the cuddler:
Being a big bundle of repressed emotions, physical touch is one of the few ways Stuart knows how to show affection for his wife. You can see it in the background sometimes, he's got his arm around Carol's shoulders or his hand on her back, particularly in stressful situations.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:
Stuarts the big spoon. Like I said, he hold the wife. Carol wouldn't have it any other way.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
They can't afford to really go out to real fancy places, but they do like going to bars together. They'll play pool or darts against other patrons, drunk as shit while scarfing down bar food and generally just have a good ol' time.
Who cooks:
I mean, canonically I guess Carol does ngdngddngndg there's just not much actual "cooking" being done. During more fortunate times for the Mccormicks, she can make a nice omelet or even a mean grilled cheese. She never really had to cook much in her childhood so she's kinda winging it most of the time. I don't think Stuart would be hopeless in the kitchen, but he survived on beer, popcorn, and bags of beef jerky throughout his own childhood so he doesn't have much experience cooking either.
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
I'm gonna say Stuart, mostly because I think Stuart goes out to bars more often while Carol largely drinks at home. Tho she's not at all a stranger to the concept of coming home drunk at an ungodly hour, she's just ordinarily with Stuart when she does.
Who kills the spiders:
Carol's more likely to just ignore spiders, but Stuart will hunt them down with a thick ass magazine in his hand ready to swat. He'll freak out if the spider runs towards him, but he insists he's not scared of them. The kids will make fun of him for it every time (tho honestly they jump at any opportunity to make fun of Stuart, even Karen will get in on it if she's feeling sassy).
Who falls asleep first:
Stuart, even when unemployed the man is simply always tired. Carol gets on to him a lot for falling asleep in his chair and snoring over the TV lmao
A head canon:
Carol LOVES stuffed animals and Stuart got her this one on Valentine's day:
Do they have any “rituals”?
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It's after every rebirth where Stuart is at his most considerate and attentive. He spends the rest of the night holding her, rubbing her back in comfort, getting her things if she says she needs them, overall trying his best to ease the stress of what she goes through.
As mentally exhausting and physically traumatizing each rebirth is, Carol does enjoy being treated so gently. It sort of hearkens back to their early relationship, when they were teenagers/young adults and things were more simple, where they weren't constantly weighed down financial burdens and real world responsibilities. It's nostalgic for her, in a way.
(idk if this counts as "rituals" but it happens often enough gdnngdhdngd)
Who has the most patience?
Carol by far mhffmhmhfmhf I love Stuart but patience is NOT a virtue he possesses.
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