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portraitsofsaints · 10 hours ago
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The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary “Mary showed complete trust in God by agreeing to be used as an instrument in His plan of salvation. She trusted him in spite of her nothingness …” #StTeresaofCalcutta bit.ly/4aAXmsm
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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mireoceu · 5 years ago
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O dia da festa dela foi ontem, mas foi um dia cheio para mim... E eu não poderia deixar em branco, pois ela é uma fofinha 💙🤍 . Também não poderia deixar de dizer que quem reza consegue! Mesmo que não seja o esperado da oração, mas consegue alcançar a alguma graça necessária a sua vida. Pela oração, Deus em sua infinita bondade, torna tudo possível de acontecer, concede forças para irmos muito além de onde podemos, nos prepara para vencermos grandes e difíceis batalhas, nos dá a graça de amar até às pessoas mais difíceis e improváveis, e cria laços de amizade com Ele mesmo... Tem muito mais coisas que se eu for escrever, haja linha haha... . Não é um caminho fácil de trilhar, as vezes, mas é bem necessário como respirar. Reze sempre, reze com a vida, reze com sua verdade, reze mesmo sem vontade... Enfim, reze! Tudo dá certo quando a gente reza. . #SantaTeresaDeCalcuta #stteresaofcalcutta #madreteresa #illustration #illustrator #illustration_best #ilustração #santododia #santidade #artedigital #digitalart #catholic #catholicart #igrejacatolica #painting #drawing #dibujo #rezarmais #prayer #segredo #secret #Caridade #charity #fé #esperança #amor #Pax https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzq6RDjUT4/?igshid=quep519zj7jf
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thedavekim · 6 years ago
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“May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in.” St Teresa of Calcutta #lent2019 #day23 #40for40 #stteresaofcalcutta #prayforus #redux #catholic #saint #noshamedance https://www.instagram.com/p/BvukIuSj9P7tUYOLtOWw-z1bEHButXtpXooyrA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=syezsh403xnx
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grantgoodagent · 2 years ago
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#InternationalWomensDay is today. “Keep in mind that our community is not composed of those who are already saints, but of those who are trying to become saints. Therefore let us be extremely patient with each other’s faults and failures. - Mother Theresa #stteresaofcalcutta #motherteresa #mothertheresa #saintsday #allsaints #allsaintsday #whenthesaintsgomarchingin #saintsup #catholicsaints #catholicsaint #beasaint https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjTLaRJMsm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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larissareinhart · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @thedailyinspirations_ “My prayer for you is that when Christ comes to you in Christmas, He may find in you a warm home, warm love like that of a heartful of love, like that of a simple shepherd who was the first one chosen to see Christ.” ~St. Teresa of Calcutta #catholic #catholicsaints #catholicquotes #stteresaofcalcutta #motherteresa https://www.instagram.com/p/CmenBJcLCBj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gnn9devotional · 4 years ago
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St. Teresa of Kolkata - Feast day: September 5
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Saint Mother Teresa followed Jesus to the end. Look at Mother Teresa worn out feet, Her feet was worn out from walking countless times to bring Jesus and service to others. And she brought the Love of the Blessed Virgin Mary to others as well. #YearOfStJoseph #nursingservices #StTeresaofCalcutta #Nursingcare #qualitynursingservice https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbEs5ZJxDx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jcruizl085 · 6 years ago
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Santa Teresa de Calcuta, ruega por nosotros! St Mother Teresa, Pray for us! #livelikeasaint #loveavobeall #stteresaofcalcutta (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Cbeo_AUGJ/?igshid=kjux0zydcf2w
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cwaabout · 7 years ago
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"Do Small Things with Great Love". His and hers tees in stock at our European stores and coming soon to our US, Canada, and, Australian stores. http://www.cwaclothing.com/buy #motherteresa #stteresaofcalcutta #catholictshirts #faithfilledfashion #worksofmercy #catholictshirt #catholic https://www.instagram.com/p/BjvNS2rgxzQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pbhg1vq65f0s
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portraitsofsaints · 4 years ago
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The Month of the Sacred Heart
 “Do not let the past disturb you. Leave everything in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and begin again with joy.” StTeresaofCalcutta
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synergybydesign · 7 years ago
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▫️ 'We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.' . ▫️- St. Teresa of Calcutta 🌺 . #motherteresa #stteresaofcalcutta #motherteresaquote #thegreatestpoverty #thegreatestpovertyistheabsenceoflove #thegreatestpovertylieswithin #quotes #quotestoliveby #loveistherichestofall #thegreatestpovertyislonliness #wisdom #wordsofwisdom #thegreatestpovertyofallistheabsenceoflove #unwantedunlovedunaccepted #wisewords #quote #poverty #life #truth #lifequuotes #lifelessons #healing #inspiration #faith #god #lord #love #providepeaceforanother #peaceandlight
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gamac82-blog · 8 years ago
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Happy feast of Saint Teresa Of Calcutta #stteresaofcalcutta #catholic 🌷🙏
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tradcathsermons · 6 years ago
Mother Teresa was an apostate. She said: “I love all religions” - https://t.co/RbgRnm983H That means she loved the true God as much as the devil! #catholic #MotherTeresa #StTeresaofCalcutta
— Novus Ordo Watch (@NovusOrdoWatch) September 6, 2019
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ejosephjr · 6 years ago
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iqeconomico · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @thedailyinspirations_ - #catholic #catholicsaints #catholicquotes #[email protected] - #regrann — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2DQU1Jo
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saudadenaotemcura · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @churchpop (@get_regrann) - “Let us ask Our Lady, in a very special way: Mary, mother of Jesus, be a mother to each of us, that we, like you, may be pure in heart, that we, like you, love Jesus; that we, like you, serve the poorest for we are all poor. First let us love our neighbors and so fulfill God’s desire that we become carriers of his love and compassion.” #StTeresaofCalcutta ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Join #ChurchPOP via Instagram stories for more wisdom 😉 #praytherosary #saintquotes #catholic #catholicconnect #onehailmaryatatime #ewtn #churchpoplive #hailmary #motherteresa - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B2de_GNAIcb/?igshid=1nzxl2hp38hg1
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