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Saint Seraphina
Also known as Fina and Serafina
Born: 1238 at San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy
Died: March 12, 1253
Feast Day: March 12
Patronage: people with disabilities, physically challenged people, spinners, San Gimignano
Saint Seraphina, an Italian Christian girl was a pious youth and diligent house keeper who helped her mother spin and sew. At 10 years old, she endured the deaths of her parents and a paralyzing illness that confined her for the rest of her life on a bed made from a wooden pallet. Devoted to St. Gregory the Great, he appeared to her to predict her death. She died as predicted on his feast day at age 15 and white violets bloomed from the pallet after her body was removed.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent, Day Three of the St Joseph Novena, Notre-Dames-des-Miracles / Our Lady of Miracles, France (1328), St Pope Gregory the Great and the Saints for 12 March
Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) – Father & Doctor of the Church – “Father of the Fathers” –Papacy 3 September 590-12 March 604 – Pope, Prefect of Rome, Monk, Abbot, Writer, Theologian, Teacher, Liturgist, Administrator, Diplomat, Political Negotiator, Apostle of Charity and Social Justice, Apostle of Pastoral Ministry, PeaceMaker. Known as “The Apostle of…

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"It is not my wounds but thine, O Christ, that hurt me." St Seraphina; patron saint of the physically challenged #lent2019 #day27 #40for40 #stseraphina #prayforus #catholic #saint #noshamedance https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4KJmPj3NyoIV9AIyl8_AnkS6Kt629YKP4CwE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gh0vqv2bmxni
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THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT, St Pope Gregory the Great, Notre-Dames-des-Miracles / Our Lady of Miracles, France (1328) and Memorials of the Saints - 12 March
THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) – Father & Doctor of the Church – “Father of the Fathers” –Papacy 3 September 590-12 March 604 – Pope, Prefect of Rome, Monk, Abbot, Writer, Theologian, Teacher, Liturgist, Administrator, Diplomat, Political Negotiator, Apostle of Charity and Social Justice, Apostle of Pastoral Ministry, PeaceMaker.His Feast Day was moved in 1969.The…

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Nossa Senhora dos Remédios / Our Lady of Remedies, (Lamego, Portugal) 6th Century) and Memorials of the Saints - 13 November
Nossa Senhora dos Remédios / Our Lady of Remedies, (Lamego, Portugal) 6th Century) and Memorials of the Saints – 13 November
Nossa Senhora dos Remédios / Our Lady of Remedies, (Lamego, Portugal) 6th Century) Also known as – Nossa Senhora da Gruta / Our Lady of the Grotto – 14 November:HERE:https://anastpaul.com/2021/11/14/the-twenty-fifth-sunday-after-pentecost-nossa-senhora-dos-remedios-our-lady-of-remedies-lamego-portugal-6th-century-and-memorials-of-the-saints-14-november/ All Saints of the Carmelite Order:On this…

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One Minute Reflection - 12 March - 'With ALL your heart' - Mark 12:30
One Minute Reflection – 12 March – ‘With ALL your heart’ – Mark 12:30
One Minute Reflection – 12 March – Friday of the Third Week of Lent, Readings: Hosea 14: 2-10, Psalms 81: 6-8, 8-9, 10-11, 14 and 17, Mark 12:28-34 and the Memorial of St Seraphina(1238-1253) Virgin “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart” – Mark 12:30 REFLECTION – “The great ones of the earth glorify themselves in possessing kingdoms and wealth.Jesus Christ finds all His…

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Saint of the Day - 12 March - Saint Seraphina (1238-1253) Virgin.
Saint of the Day – 12 March – Saint Seraphina (1238-1253) Virgin.
Saint of the Day – 12 March – Saint Seraphina (1238-1253) Virgin. Born as Fina dei Ciardi , in 1238 at San Geminiano, Tuscany, Italy and died on 12 March 1253 of natural causes, aged 15. Patronages – disabled people, spinners. Also known as Fina, Serafina. Saint Seraphina is celebrated in San Gimignano on both 12 March, the anniversary of her death and the first Sunday in August. Fina dei Ciardi…

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Our Lady of Miracles, St Maur des Fosses, France (1328) and Memorials of the Saints - 12 March
Our Lady of Miracles, St Maur des Fosses, France (1328) and Memorials of the Saints – 12 March
Our Lady of Miracles, St Maur des Fosses, France (1328) – 12 March; The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Our Lady of Miracles, in the cloister of Saint Maur des Fosses, near Paris. It is said that this image was found made, when the sculptor, named Rumold, was going to work at it in 1328.” Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is a city that may be considered to be a suburb of Paris, France. There is a miraculous Statue…

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Ember Saturday, Notre-Dames-des-Miracles / Our Lady of Miracles, St Maur des Fosses, France (1328) and Memorials of the Saints - 12 March
Ember Saturday, Notre-Dames-des-Miracles / Our Lady of Miracles, St Maur des Fosses, France (1328) and Memorials of the Saints – 12 March
Ember Saturday – Fast & Partial Abstinence +2022 St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) – Father & Doctor of the Church – “Father of the Fathers” –Papacy 3 September 590-12 March 604 – Pope, Prefect of Rome, Monk, Abbot, Writer, Theologian, Teacher, Liturgist, Administrator, Diplomat, Political Negotiator, Apostle of Charity and Social Justice, Apostle of Pastoral Ministry, PeaceMaker.His Feast Day…
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Saint of the Day – 12 March – St Seraphina/Fina – (1238-1253) – Virgin – Patron of physically challenged people, handicapped people and spinners
She was a little girl, very pretty, born into a very poor family, whose father died when she was very young. As a little girl she learned to sew and spin, spending most of her time at home.
After her father’s death, she was struck with a strange and paralyzing illness. She became misshapen and ugly, in constant pain, unable to get out of bed or even to move. Her mother took care of her but had to leave her for hours at a time to attend to her work. Seraphina’s only consolation was the crucifix and she realized that she was called to imitate the suffering Christ.
So she never complained. She managed to remain serene and something beautiful shone out of her face. Then she was struck another blow. Her mother died and she was left completely destitute, her neighbours repelled by her appearance and her sickness, her only friend a girl named Beldia who visited her and brought her food.
In her reading, St. Seraphina had heard of the great sufferings of Pope St. Gregory the Great and he became her special saint. She prayed to him, drew strength from the sufferings that he had to endure and prayed that he would obtain for her the patience she needed to bear her own sufferings. She was now so weak and helpless that it was clear to everyone she could not live very long.
Eight days before her death, alone and almost completely forsaken, St. Gregory appeared to her and told her: “Dear child, on my feast day, God will give you rest” (in those days his feast day was celebrated on March 12). On that day, she died. The whole city attended her funeral and from that moment everyone began to pray to her. On the place where she had lain, her neighbours found white violets growing and even today in the village of San Geminiano where she lived, the white violets that bloom in March are called Santa Fina flowers. She died on March 12,1253, at the age of fifteen.
Saint of the Day – 12 March – St Seraphina Saint of the Day - 12 March - St Seraphina/Fina - (1238-1253) - Virgin - Patron of physically challenged people, handicapped people and spinners…
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