theshipperfor2guys · 7 years
I’m actually on a Bangtan break. *cooly sips tea while wearing sunglasses*.
In a sense. I mean I’m on top of Bangtan news, I’ve gotten 4th gen already! I’m also imagining myself spamming their chat rooms with my music reccs and random lovey dovey shizz and hope I don’t get kicked out. Cos I’m crazy like that. k I’m half kidding. Only half.
But I haven’t been watching their latest vids for a few months now. I feel quite guilty (not really) but ya know, those dramas like Tunnel freaking amazing Tunnel, Running Man, other English shows like Flash and Supernatural which I follow quite regularly, my Kamen Rider tokusatsu loving self (Ex-Aid is freaking awesome esp with the latest ep with Dan revived I need to have a whole post on him!), and Kamenashi and Yamapi dream reunion in new drama Boku, Unmei no Hito desu (fans have been waiting for decades!), and also a few other movies.
Yes I do have other interests outside of Bangtan. Bangtan is life, but only a part of it. There are many other interesting things in this world to be explored! But anw, I will catch up with all those vids I’ve missed. I’m pretty fast when it comes to catch ups. I rmb taking 1 night each to finish all 11 eps of Nodame Cantabile and 11 eps of Maou. My 2 top favourite dramas in life! I also took roughly less than 3 months (can’t really rmb) to watch every single Bangtan video incl mvs ever existed in those 3 yrs, so much so I know much about them as if I’ve been with them from the very start in 2013! I guess I fell crazily in love.
I’m not saying I lost interest in Bangtan now. Nope, not at all. I still love interacting with them, making fun of them and listening to their songs. They are never boring and I will never get sick of them. It’s just I’m a person who loves variety. Last year I was obsessed with Bangtan. 1 whole year, Yes it’s not very long. Most fans constantly go crazy over them daily for many yrs.
In that 1 yr, every single thing I do was about Bangtan. Everything I think about was Bangtan. I think in my whole life I will forever be thinking about them, that’s inevitable. But as a person who loves Japanese stuff and lived through Japanese stuff for more than 12 yrs, and is a fan of more Japanese than Korean stuff, I think that’s rather long.
I was, am, very much Japanese news deprived. Bangtan and Korean shows swept me away from them. It’s only recently that I started finding more Japanese songs and dramas and there are tons! And thus I became happier and more contented.
It’s just so hard to find that balance! /sobs TT
I wish I cud cry and lament over this predicament with someone who understands.
I’m still trying to find that balance. I’ll get there one day. I hope. But I’m an old person with other priorities too. For now, I shall go lighter on a Bangtan binge and check out other things as well. :3
I shall write a post about non-Bangtan stuff soon!~
P.S: Oh and Shinee? I just checked them out, I’m slow yesh but shucks I really like them! Not really a fan of their songs, but their personalities are awesome! I love their song Tell Me What To Do. My fav!
~Struggles of a Bangtan fan who loves Japanese stuff more than anything. Bangtan is up there with them. Be honoured~ ;P
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