#strong candidate for best title ever
gawayne · 5 months
is the lancelot bdsm paper real this is crucial
Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. “Masoch / Lancelotism.” New Literary History, vol. 28, no. 2, 1997, pp. 231–60. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20057415. Accessed 14 Apr. 2024.
"In bed or in life, it's one and the same." Depeche Mode, "Master and Servant"
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biscuitswithroy · 2 years
Just to Know You’re Alive
Jamie Tartt x Reader
You are tasked with writing an article about Jamie and you gain an understanding of him that nobody else ever has
Note: Hello! This is my first Ted Lasso fic. I’m so excited to share it with y’all!
When you were first assigned to write an article on Jamie Tartt, you weren’t exactly thrilled.
All you had heard about, and seen on the pitch, was that he was an egotistical man who would do anything to win.
But when you met him for the first time, all of your prior opinions on him changed.
It was after the devastating loss to Manchester City. You knew that it was the best chance you had to get the best content for your article. After all, it was the first game against his old team that had all but erased his career.
You made your way towards the press room, but were soon told that Jamie wouldn’t be a part of the interviews. Respecting his privacy, you accepted that you weren’t going to get that conversation that you needed.
But then there he was in the hallway as you were leaving. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes notably red. He’s been crying, there was no doubt in your mind about that.
“Are you alright?” You asked him, deciding that you didn’t want to miss a chance to ensure that he’s okay.
“Fine, yeah,” he mumbled. And then he turned and looked at you. His eyes found the press lanyard around your neck. “You’re a reporter?”
“Oh,” you said, taking your lanyard and off and placing it in your bag. “Right now I’m just a person who wants to make sure you’re okay.”
Jamie looked at you a little suspiciously but didn’t try to fight how you might feel.
“No one gets me,” he said. “Not even my family.”
“I see. Family can somehow be the best people and the worst people in your life,” you said.
Jamie nodded to that statement. He didn’t know why he was opening up to you, but he didn’t stop. You two sat on the floor against the wall.
He told you about the locker room incident. You told him that he was valid in his feelings. No one had ever said that to him before.
“I’m y/n, by the way,” you told him after the conversation had come to a halt.
“You already know me,” he said. “You do now, at least.” He looked almost shy as he said his next words. “Are you going to use this conversation against me?”
“Of course not,” you said. “But to be perfectly candid, I am supposed to write an article about you.”
Jamie chuckled a little, but it wasn’t one of pleasure. You think he was nervous, perhaps even worried that you were going to use it against him anyway and paint him as weak.
“Tomorrow,” he said randomly. “I’ll do your interview tomorrow. Meet me at The Crown & Anchor.”
“Oh, okay. Are you sure?” You asked him.
“Just be there,” a little bit of his coined impatience came through.
And with that he disappeared into the locker room. The next day you stood outside the pub as you waited for Jamie.
When he got there, he asked you to join him for a walk. You didn’t expect him to take you to his favorite places around the area.
But he spent the entire day talking you about pretty much everything except for the game.
“Thank you for today, Jamie,” you told him as you walked back to your car. “I do hope you’ll enjoy the article I write.”
“See ya,” Jamie said as he watched you drive away.
As you sit at your computer now reading over the article you wrote, you title it and publish it.
Jamie’s phone dings along with the rest of the teams’.
“The Jamie Tartt You Don’t See,” Ted reads the article title aloud. “Oh this should be like reading that your favorite book is being adapted into a movie!”
The team cheers and pokes a little fun at Jamie before they leave to start training.
Jamie sits at his locker and reads through the article. It reveals his vulnerabilities while also making him appear as strong as he is.
He realizes that from the beginning he wanted you to see him as he is, not as the rest of the world does.
Something in him longs for more conversations with you. And he desperately wants to see you again.
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prezaki · 9 months
Marianne's Past
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I went and read the Marianne vi Britannia chapter from Mamoru Iwasa's "Knights of the Round" short story anthology that was released as a bonus volume to his Code Geass R2 novel series.
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I am 80% sure that this image that is often seen floating around online was made to promote this specific short story (or maybe accompany a serialized release?), but the illustration itself is not included in the tankobon release.
I'll provide summary of the short here here, but please be aware I am reading with machine TL and there may be errors even despite the best of my double-checking. If you want these details for, idk, academic reasons please go to the source text first!
Anyway this story rules, here it is. Italics mark direct quotes.
We start off strong with Charles thinking "I had no reservations about wasting my own life." Standing in the middle of a battlefield, he laments that Britannia is a dying country structured around a bloodthirsty elite. No dreams, no hope.
"Born into such a world, why would you desperately try and such a small thing as your own life?" he thinks, but then Marianne's voice cuts through to him. Marianne waltzes into the room where Charles stands surrounded by soldiers pointing guns at him. Injured, in her bloodstained white uniform, she fights her way through to him with unbelievable competence and elegance. She beheads all the men as the narration describes the beautiful glisten of her sword and the flow of her hair.
Marianne, the Knight of Six at this point, sheathes her sword and bends the knee before Charles, in the middle of corpses and with both of them splattered over and over in blood.
"I sincerely apologize for any trouble I've caused you by being late," she says.
Marianne tells Charles to evacuate, but he remains stoic and only looks at her arm, which is rendered unmoving by her injury.
"That wound. You've killed, Knight of Six. You've killed the Empire's most powerful knight, the Knight of One."
Only he would have been able to hurt her this badly, Charles reasons.
The Knight of One turns out to be the person who staged this rebellion in the first place and Marianne did indeed kill him before coming to find Charles.
We learn that Charles' reign is being questioned by conservatives because he was such a distant candidate for the throne originally and ascended mostly due to the past emperor's insistence.
"There is external trouble, and the internal anxieties are becoming more and more serious. This a country on the verge of ruin. Don't you agree? Knight of Six," says Charles who is feeling talkative.
Marianne disagrees. After all, she's here and so is Waldstein, still Knight of Five at that time. They won't let it come to that.
"Then, will you come to my side, Marianne?" It's the first time he's ever called her by name and not title and she blushes.
(Here we briefly learn Marianne had a normal military career before being promoted to the Knights of the Round.)
Before she can ask what he means, Marianne realizes the truth for herself and blushes harder. Through a whirlwind of emotion she finds unwavering determination within herself.
"I humbly accept your offer."
He looks at her with eyes that seem almost sad.
"You might regret it."
The narration suggests he may be trying to make sure she knows he isn't going to force her.
Marianne denies the possibility. She won't come to regret this, because as long as she's by his side she will prevent all causes for regret from occurring.
"So you're saying your own happiness depends solely on yourself." Charles finally smiles faintly. "You're bragging, Marianne. Show humility."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
Amidst the smell of gunpowder and blood, a man's hand was slowly held out. The girl's hand rested on top of his, a little awkwardly, but with a certain intent.
We then learn that this rebellion, the Blood Crest Incident, took place May 6th 1997 so a bit less than three years before Lelouch is born. Most of the Knights of Rounds were murdered in it or executed for being complicit.
The narration spends some time discussing whether Charles should be seen as a good or bad ruler, coming out conflicted.
Arguments for being a good ruler: Britannia was on the verge of collapsing and being divided between the other two super-powers before Charles revived it. Arguments for being a bad ruler: ... well, about that bloody conquest though.
Fun side details: leader of Charles' political opponents was his uncle the Archduke Louis. Anyway, we skip forward 5 years, and the civil war and unrest has now ended.
Marianne is the 5th Empress. We are treated to her in the Aries villa garden, sparring with three young teen girls from the military academy: Cornelia, Beatrice and Nonette.
None of the girls stand a chance and Marianne harshly critiques their swordplay, but she ends with saying they're getting better and she's looking forward to the next vacation. She winks at them.
We briefly learn that Cornelia's mom comes from a pretty traditional family and wanted her to be more of a palace lady but Cornelia's own wish was to enter the military. Whenever she has time off from school she comes to the Aries villa to let Marianne train her.
As Marianne talks to the girls about their training later, a small kid looks out from under her skirt.
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Barely 3year old Lelouch enters the scene! He's entered a shy phase and has to be coaxed to say hi to Cornelia. (But he does do a proper bow and greets her as 'elder sister'!)
Cornelia mentions that Lelouch's shy phase is the total opposite of Euphy who is currently following everyone around 24/7 and being SUPER social no matter the person.
Then, Bismarck comes in. He is holding a crying baby Nunnally and is locked in a vicious circle of trying to get her to stop crying by smiling but having a smile that is too scary to comfort the poor baby. Cornelia laughs at the Knight of One in such a predicament.
Of course, Marianne was the one who forced him to hold the baby despite all his protest that he, who's not even married, would be shit at it. She appears remorseless.
Marianne says she was trying to teach him the stress of a mother who has some maternity nerves due to taking care of two kids, and he's just like. Ma'am the nannies take care of your kids, there is no way you are that exhausted. (He does not say this out loud.)
Beatrice, who has many younger siblings, saves Bismarck and calms down baby Nunnally. Nonette, who likes throwing babies in the air, is banned from approaching the bappy.
Marianne tells the girls to watch the kids for a bit and walks off to talk with Bismarck about serious matters. There's a cute paragraph about the girls helping Lelouch do his first tumble roll and him being really happy about it.
Bismarck muses that not too long ago it would have been unthinkable for there to be the laughter of children in the palace. Marianne teases him that continuing to ensure this is possible is why he's here, isn't he?
Bismarck is Knight of One and also the ONLY Knight of Rounds at this moment. Marianne left the Knights after becoming Empress and the others all died due to the Blood Crest Incident. No new ones have been appointed since.
Bismarck tells Marianne that he thinks she is more suitable to be Knight of One than him.
Marianne doesn't entertain the thought. Bismarck wants more Knights appointed but Marianne says that Charles was ambivalent to the suggestion, being not really concerned about his own safety. Also there are no promising candidates right now.
Anyway, the main reason Bismarck dropped by is because the current Chinese Emperor passed away. This unrest and uncertainty has Charles setting his sides on border expansion and conquering more territory.
Marianne grows pensive. Is Charles good or evil? She's wondered often. We launch into a flashback:
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“Your Majesty--do you aspire to be a conqueror?”
Marianne asked him one day, and Charles, laughed happily, which was unusual.
"Hmm...Is that what you see, Marianne?"
"Yes. At least in my eyes."
"Conqueror, huh? If that's what you want, that's not bad either," Charles muttered, an even more amused smile appearing on his handsome face.
When Marianne heard this, her expression turned grim.
“If you are serious about such things, I will refuse to touch His Majesty from now on. Please do not enter my sleeping quarters again. I will immediately decapitate myself.
"I thought you'd say that. But, Marianne, there's one thing you forgot to mention. In that case, you would only kill yourself after beheading this emperor, right? ”
"Is it untrue………?"
"You are a person who never compromises on yourself. Just like me. Therefore, your wings are something that even this emperor cannot control, and the way you flap your wings nobly captures his heart." Marianne couldn't help but smile crookedly as the truth was whispered to her from an unexpected source. Seeing this, Charles also laughed.
"Marianne. My desire is not to conquer the world. It is to strip away the lies of the world. In the process, I hope for the world. I will rid the world of lies. That is my oath. ...But let me promise you this, Marianne. The inside of your heart that you never show to others. That emptiness that cannot be wiped away. Even that, I will make up for it.”
Marianne's expression returned to normal and she fell silent.
Then she said, "If His Majesty truly thinks so, I will create a 'vessel' for His Majesty. His oath, the power to approach it. The path - an army strong enough to conquer the world."
The emperor laughed loudly this time.
"That means you're joining forces with the worst sinner in history, Marianne. Your children and grandchildren will continue to be accused of being witches who assisted the most evil king in the world."
Marianne smiled too.
"Of course, I am prepared. Your Majesty does remember what I am called, right?"
"The Flash. It sounds good, but a flashing light burns people's eyes out. Moreover, your light is by no means the halo of a saint..."
"A bloody hero's death. I have never wielded a sword for anyone other than myself.
"Even when you protected me... that's why I wanted you. Would you like to see the world together, Marianne?''
“Even if it costs me my life.”
Since then she knew.
This person was planning to spread his wings even bigger someday.
Britannia, a continental country. However, this person cannot fit into such a small container. He has to involve many countries and puts the world under its control. Even if he was called a tyrant, or the king of Hades with the sickle of death. Moreover, his motivation was never ambition. Nor was it vigor. Instead it was because of the tears of blood that this person shed when he was young. To fulfill the vow he made. In that case, what she can do after deciding to walk with this person is--
With this cut-off phrase we go back to the present.
In the evening of her meeting with Bismarck, Marianne calls the three girls to meet her. She appears wearing her old Knights of Round uniform and tells them she won't be able to accompany them in their training for a while, so they should use this opportunity to come at her like they mean it because she also won't hold back. For the first time in their sparring, she is dual wielding which was her preferred mode of combat during her active days.
We skip the combat and go right to Marianne coming back out to talk to Bismarck. He remarks that this was quick. The girls stood no chance, though Beatrice held out slightly longer than the others. Marianne asserts that a Knight of the Emperor needs no naivety or kindness so she tried to knock that out of the girls here. She expects they will be changing bit by bit from here on out. Marianne and Bismarck begin to leave for the capital.
Marianne: "Then let's go, Bismarck. To help the king commit the worst crime in history."
Bismarck: "And so it's the return of the empress general."
As they are about to leave a nanny and a crying baby Lelouch stop them. Lelouch had a scary dream during nap time and needed to see his mommy. He had a dream his mother was going very far away.
Marianne tells Lelouch that she isn't going anywhere. But her eyes are cold, as if she was looking at a wooden dummy. Bismarck has seen this expression on her many times before - it's the face she makes before cutting somebody down on the battlefield.
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Bismarck is so used to this expression signifying killing intent that his body almost intuitively moves to protect Lelouch - but Marianne just hugs him.
"Lelouch and Nunnally are mother's treasures. I will always be with them and protect them. Forever and ever."
In her heart, Marianne adds: 'However, this is only true so long as you do not stand in the way of he and I.' She suddenly finds baby Nunnally staring at her - she smiles, and Nunnally suddenly trembles as if frightened.
All she can do is stare at her mother's smiling face.
Six months later the Britannian Empire starts its massive expansion campaign, with Marianne The Flash serving as Charles' greatest support.
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kaeyx · 8 months
OMG YESS! but in my AU Dazai and Chuuya actually have a chance to become ruler!reader concubines, yes Dazai is a royal advisor and since his job is to advise the monarch on political decisions and in one of the meet up let's say some dude brought up about how a ruler must have concubines or consort in order to promote diplomacy and to keep the ruler in check! so ruler!reader just goes along with it, while dazai was basically shocked, how could you! after you spent your childhood growing up with him and chuuya, he expected for you to be so uptight about it or maybe finding a reason that you don't need a consort!
but of course that mf is slick so like after the royal meet up thingy, Dazai proposes to find the perfect candidate for you saying stuff like "you'll need candidates that's not only someone who can keep you in check but also a knowledgeable and strong enough person who can actually help the kingdom" so since ruler!reader only wants what is best for the kingdom that actually sounded good for them
that until ruler!reader realised the situation when they found Dazai and Chuuya's proposal on their desk along with the other candidates, but Dazai and Chuuya can help the kingdom so of course they're on the list but ruler!reader will have to ask them again, like. really seriously. i mean they still can do their job but the titles will have to go since they'll be a concubine and probably be a mock to society since they will have to lower their rank (especially chuuya since i make him a captain of the imperial guard, so it'll be a little though for him to be a concubine lol, i love chuuya but it's for the plot😔)
but it can't only be two concubines, five is the minimum.
though a certain jester and especially a man from the cold neighbouring land also caught your eyes, why would a man with powers like him want to become your concubine? that doesn't make sense you'll have to keep an eye on him.
(this is so long, tumblr please don't eat this up)
Ajfkskvsi imagine having a meeting where someone brings up how weird it is that you're not taking a spouse but also have no concubines, and they're pretty annoying. You give your reasons for not wanting to but it's too late, Dazai put two and two together, it's over for you. He immediately turns up the charm to 11 and starts suggesting you get a lover, just someone to keep you company, sate your urges, warm your bed! Yeah he loves being an advisor to the crown but this is even better, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
It takes Dazai approximately 5 seconds to get Chuuya on board. He's captain of the guard and desperately wants to be closer to you and it's not like being a concubine would stop him from protecting you, which is what he wants most in the world. If anything he could be even closer, he could keep you safe in your sleep. A few other lords also offer themselves up, and maybe some neighbouring kingdoms send in a candidate or two as a peace gift! A bright, slightly creepy, strangely magnetic young man with dark hair who always seems to know what you're thinking. A spunky young lord from the next kingdom over who's clearly smart, but too.... strange to ever fit the knight or monastic life. Or Nikolai could be a stowaway/thief/street performer. Or an assassin.....
Also if anyone wants to include Mori and Fukuzawa in this au they could also be knights! More senior ones covered in knotted scars, aching shoulders and backs from years of training and wielding weapons, who you can convince to retire because like this they still get to serve you without risking themselves.
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best-underrated-anime · 9 months
Best Underrated Anime Group B Round 2: #B1 vs #B2
#B1: Coming-of-age story set in a “utopia”
#B2: High school performers
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#B1: From the New World (Shinsekai Yori)
In the town of Kamisu 66, 12-year-old Saki Watanabe has just awakened to her psychic powers and is relieved to rejoin her friends—the mischievous Satoru Asahina, the shy Mamoru Itou, the cheerful Maria Akizuki, and Shun Aonuma, a mysterious boy whom Saki admires—at Sage Academy, a special school for psychics. However, unease looms as Saki begins to question the fate of those unable to awaken to their powers, and the children begin to get involved with secretive matters such as the rumored Tainted Cats said to abduct children. Shinsekai yori tells the unique coming-of-age story of Saki and her friends as they journey to grow into their roles in the supposed utopia. Accepting these roles, however, might not come easy when faced with the dark and shocking truths of society, and the impending havoc born from the new world.
Shinsekai Yori is not the flashiest show, or the fastest pace, but the slow and steady build of the horror and mystery will keep you entranced from beginning to end.
At its heart, this show is a coming-of-age story. We follow the protagonist from her childhood to adulthood, with all the messiness in between. From puberty and discovering sexuality, to learning the darker truths of society and having to live with unwanted knowledge, we see through Saki’s eyes. The setting of this world is a post apocalyptic future, and what society has been rebuilt as is one of the main mysteries we discovered.
This show is very complex and dark and sad, but it’s absolutely beautiful. The visuals, backgrounds, character expressions, music all come together to create something truly unique. The only show I know to compare it to might be Psycho-Pass, for it’s similarly deep deconstruction of society. However, whereas Psycho Pass is one of the most praised anime of all time, Shinsekai Yori is barely known. This is a shame, because it truly has something special to say that everyone can relate to. How hard growing up can be, fighting against your own hormones, traditions, adults, family, friends, your moral code.
This is not a happy story; it’s a bittersweet, cautionary tale.
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide
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#B2: Kageki Shoujo!!
After being forced to graduate from JPX48 following a controversial incident with a male fan, Ai Narata swears to never interact with another man ever again. Using her talents and strong desire to get away from men, Ai auditions for the exclusive all-female Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts. The school is renowned for producing the best actresses that go on to perform in the famous all-female Kouka Theatre Troupe. Coming from the idol industry, Ai is the perfect candidate for the school's hundredth generation class, but her aloof demeanor alienates her from her classmates. The eccentric Sarasa Watanabe is the only person who wishes to become Ai's friend. She enters Kouka with the goal of becoming a top "otokoyaku" performer—an actress that plays traditionally male roles. After seeing a Kouka performance of The Rose of Versailles when she was younger, Sarasa dreams of performing as Lady Oscar one day. Unfortunately, Sarasa's inability to read a room causes friction between her and her classmates, including Ai, who reluctantly becomes her roommate and partner in many of their classes. Succeeding at Kouka will involve more than just raw talent for these young girls as jealousy, deceit, and the harsh realities of show business put their mental fortitude to the test. Will Sarasa and Ai be able to rise to the top and stand on the silver bridge?
If theatre setting/schools is your thing, you’re probably going to love this series! We follow our protagonists and their schoolmates following their dreams to become actresses for the prestigious Kouka Revue. Not an easy road as they will have to face and overcome many challenges, the hardest ones coming from themselves. Indeed, the story is not afraid to address sensitive topics and their resulting traumas (see TW list) always rightfully handed. These episodes may be a bit hard to see if you’re sensitive to these topics, but the show never leaves you in discomfort: everything is properly addressed, and characters are cared for realistically.
The characters are all very well-written, portraying individuals with way more depth than they may appear at first glance. We follow their growth—or its start—during the series. Sarasa is a walking sunbeam, and her blooming friendship with the withdrawn Ai is a delight to watch. We learn to know—and love—all their classmates as well, as episodes switch focus to one or the other.
The OST is really good, with a catchy opening, and no less than five different versions of the ending song, a fabulous duet voiced by the cast! The animation features really pretty art with iconic details like the stars in Sarasa’s eyes. The series is a homage to Takarazuka and scatter references to famous real-life Revues and older famous shôujo manga series like “Versailles no Bara” or “Glass no Kamen”. Actually, it feels like a modernized version of their essence: roses, sparkles, spotlight, drama, all while staying safe!
This anime is like candy for eyes and soul, and I really hope we'll get a season 2 to explore the girls' voices further!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Pedophilia, Self-Harm
Nothing is too graphical nor explicit, just the right amount to let the unsettling situations be clear enough to watchers, and they’re always addressed correctly.
Child abuse/ Pedophilia: episode 3 (+4), about Ai’s traumas
Self-harm: episode 5 focuses on a girl with an eating disorder, forcing herself to vomit (not sure if that really counts as TW?)
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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avaisnerdytoo · 4 months
Read Chapter Titles for Easy navigation:
There is a lot to unpack, I want to cover some character insights, some connections to philosophical concepts I found neat, and some implications I feel the show gives regarding future seasons!
I'll write a lot, so I recommend reading the chapter titles to see if something catches your eye, I understand why you may be less interested in reading a whole thing.
Let's jump in.
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This has the foundations to be one of my favorite episodes they have ever made. It is like a therapy session made an episode.
I feel this single-handedly pays for the lack of Morty we saw in other sections of the season.
I think even with most of it being a simulation, the episode still has a lot to say about other characters too. Even if it was all through Morty.
Nevertheless I won't drop the fact that this is an episode of Morty, where his mind, his feelings, and his unconscious are the narrators, which means that the way it speaks of Rick may not be quite accurate, but I'll get there*
Cause I do think the writers are still consistent with Rick for a good portion*
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Dr. Wong once pointed out that the whole Smith family uses rationality to avoid emotion (a fact I sometimes really identify with btw), and this is best shown here, where the layers of Morty's ability to resist the simulation and to place protective barriers over what he feels, is a lot stronger than we realize.
You coooould argue that's simply the way the hole works, but I personally interpreted it as more...
I think we are being told that Morty has also learned (if not mastered) the ability to build the same protective walls as the rest of the family, however his ability to defeat the simulation is also not to be understated, especially if only like 3 people have survived it in years.
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It is made clear that this representation of their relationship is not to be taken at face value, but I somewhat doubt the writers are interested in truly making Diane a part of the show. I hope I am proven wrong, but if I assume this is one of the very few instances of her we will see, then I am willing to take a leap and assume some of what we saw, could make sense within their relationship.
Diane was shown as fun, decisive, adventurous and challenging, to me, she showed a lot of Summer traits, which fits right in line with Rick's observations of her.
On the opposite end, I do think there is a big layer of Morty's own bias regarding how he'd assume someone capable of keeping up with Rick's style of character should be, and with the rest of the episode in mind, it is of no surprise he followed them across the main montage.
I feel Diane was an enabler to Rick, I doubt young Rick could be described as pathetic though, more like responsible. And Diane would probably be as well, but I do see a scenario where someone that grabs Rick's attention and respect has the resourcefulness of Summer and the courage to jump into action.
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MORTY IS ALONE ALONE, A-FREAKING-LONE + an observation for Evil Morty* Long Chapter*
We know this already of course, Morty is a kid neglected by his parents pretty much, not out of malice but out of immaturity and naivety. The bond between Summer and Morty is good, and has improved, but I do not think there is a world (nor there should be), where Summer should take care of Morty more than how a sister can. (In another dimension bro would be a strong candidate to get Fairly Odd Parents)
This evidently leaves Rick as the only figure in his life with any room to provide protection, love, advice and all the things adults should do.
Which is a very shitty deal... Because Rick is far from equipped at any of these.
His experience, even in the crazy sci-fi multiverse he lives in feels very real, I consider Morty as the most complex character, and he was designed from the start to be the closest thing we -as the audience - can have to a surrogate.
It hurts to see him so adrift, of realizing day by day that there are a lot of challenges he will have to conquer alone, we know he can, but it doesn't mean it is nice to have to do so. (I may be half projecting here though cause I big time identified with him here).
It is clear Morty is really holding back to the scary world out there, he wants Rick to protect him, he wants to be looked after, he wants what we all do, to be loved and heard. Acceptance is necessary for growth, and at this moment, it is clear Morty believes no one will be there for him. (Hopefully that is proven wrong but more of that below).
I think I may now understand what Evil Morty argued when he sympathized with Rick over achieving his goal of ending Rick Prime, and still feeling unsatisfied. (that's a theory*).
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+ the struggles of adapting to a changing family member or friend
+ will it have an impact on the next Season?
Long chapter
Actions speak louder than words, but words matter too, and when those necessary actions come sparingly, expecting anything from the person who's bringing you conflict becomes harder.
That's the best way I can describe how Morty feels about Rick, I'm sure he values that time in Season 2 when Rick sacrificed himself for him, but there are also hundreds of variations of that event where Rick belittled Morty, and that has pretty much been the pattern since then, there are objectively worse things Rick has done than good ones...
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It's unfortunate this is all Morty has, he clearly genuinely loves Rick, but I feel this episode, if followed upon through the Canon is a big eye opening for Morty.
This whole episode was a therapy session, like any process, it has to be explored through analysis, brought to the conscious mind, and peeled slowly across the stages of grief...
Actually, this episode was more like an Ayahuasca Trip, because it surfaced key aspects of Morty's psyche and feelings, but it only did that, unlike therapy which would keep exploring them to find how to coexist/diffuse.
There is soooo much left on the table, and the worst part is that I think this realization is incompatible with who Rick is becoming, which is reallyyyy unfortunate timing.
But completely understandable, and arguably real, on Morty's part, I feel they are being set up to be on distinct emotional paths which WILL require Rick to take more direct action.
If the idea that your closest family member can shatter the illusion of reality by saying that which you want to hear... Fuuuuck
If you ever watched Lucifer (the TV Show) there's a similar moment there that reminds me to this 🤔
not character exploration just a comment on the episode
As a small comment one of my favorite tropes explored in the episode is the whole looped, "Are we out of the hole yet?", because that is the very foundation of the paradox of simulation theory, they technically explored it back in Season one, but the weight of it felt more significant here.
If you're told you live in a simulation, and then given the option to escape, all Matrix style, you don't become Neo, you instead become eternally unaware of when you're in the real world, you aren't shown the truth, it shatters your perceptions completely.
It's not that kind of show of course, but imagine the weight of experiencing, in this case, growing up, going to college, possibly losing a family member (with the worrying lack of Jerry in those scenes), getting a job, forming a life that is ripped away...
I love the running gag at this point of this occurring... The Roy Game, The Vat Of Acid Episode, The Beth and Space Beth Lesbian Simulator (my fav), and now this.
Only this one is given that weight though, even Morty begins to wonder whether he was just outright born there...
I'm sorry I didn't post this when I typed it, I had more ideas and I wanted more photos but I maxed out what I could use and my perfectionism got the better of me.
Hope there is still something here for you all 🥺🥺🥺😖
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twistedtummies2 · 8 months
Spike (Cowboy Bebop) belch ranking?
God of Gas / Belch King / Burp Factory / Ye Olde Gasbag / No Thanks / Who?
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Took me a bit to decide where to rank Spike, but I think this choice is fair. I wouldn't say Spike is one of my absolute biggest crushes, so I don't feel I can give him topmost marks, but when you read the rest of this...well...you'll see. ;)
"Cowboy Bebop" is a candidate for quite possibly the best anime I've ever seen. Not necessarily my favorite, mind you - that title goes to "Moriarty the Patriot" - but certainly one of the BEST. (To be fair, the two terms are NOT mutually exclusive...but I digress.) Naturally, one of the main things that makes it good is its main character, bounty hunter Spike Spiegel. He's also the only really STRONG kink crush I have in the series: throughout the show, Spike's appetite is kind of a constant presence. He and the other characters are frequently worrying about when and what they'll eat, and he's known to be a big eater in general. And considering he'll swallow his own cigarettes without a care in the world, it's pretty fair to say he's not the healthiest eater. I imagine, therefore, first of all, that Spike's belches (and his breath, besides) would have to REEK. Just this ugly stench of smoke and digestive corrosion from all the junk he piles into his stomach at irregular intervals. Naturally, because I am absolutely messed up in the head, this only makes me blush to think about. >///> Spike is another sort of trolling or annoying belcher. I can see him doing it just to irritate people, or even to show off. For example, he and the others on the crew are eating, and suddenly he just ERUPTS in this thick, rumbling, disgusting burp, sighing and lounging back as he rubs his stomach, grateful to FINALLY have a good meal in there...and when Faye comments on how gross that is, Spike just smirks and winks saying it's a compliment to chef. Jet - being the chef - just snorts, rolls his eyes...aaaand lets out a burp of his own to show Spike how it's done. Cue Faye facepalming and Edward giggling like a lunatic, while Spike and Jet try to outdo one another. XD
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iksidaorvali · 24 days
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❛❛   cyrenna mertyns .  ❜❜   ― 🦄 ― men have never been of any interest to you, despite all efforts to win your favor (thank the gods for your parents support)... being a spare came with it’s blessings, never needing to provide an heir of your own granted you the choice to pursue the woman you loved (a pursuit that has led to twelve years of blissful marriage)... you see your late brother in everything your son does, from his bright eyes to his joy filled laughter (what a gift this connection to your once best friend has been)...
full name : cyrenna jeyne mertyns, née rogers
name meaning :
cyrenna : greek | “strong, powerful”
jeyne : herbrew | “god is gracious”
mertyns : dutch | “son of merten”
rogers : old english | “fame spear”
nicknames : rena
epithets : the unicorn of mistwood
titles : lady of amberly (formerly), lady of mistwood (currently)
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : lesbian
date of birth : twenty-ninth day of the fourth moon
age : two and thirty years
zodiac : taurus
place of birth : amberly, the stormlands, westeros
accent : english
languages : common tongue
allegiance : house rogers, house mertyns, house baratheon
religion : the faith of the seven
faceclaim : zhu xudan
height : 5′6″
eye color : very dark brown, almost black
hair color : black
dominant hand : right
glasses : n/a
mental : insomnia, adhd
physical : n/a
positive traits : affectionate, spirited, candid
negative traits : boisterous, oblivious, naive
hobbies : dancing, pressing flowers, planning events, caring for and playing with her son
parents :
ruling lord ___ rogers; father [ 60+ ]
ruling lady elenda rogers, née horpe; late mother [ 50, deceased 10 years ]
siblings :
lord heir ___ rogers; eldest brother [ 40-42 ]
lord ___ rogers; elder brother [ 36-39 ]
lord eldon rogers; late elder brother [ 33, deceased 2 years ]
extended family :
lady ___ rogers, née ___; sister-in-law [ 40+ ]
lady ___ rogers; eldest niece [ 22 ]
lord ___ rogers; eldest nephew [ 20-21 ]
lady ___ rogers; youngest niece [ 18-19 ]
house mertyns of mistwood
house horpe of death's head
via her mother
spouse : lady ___ mertyns; wife [ 30-34 ]
children :  
lord pearse rogers mertyns [ 3 ]
pets : 
wyrm [ blue eyed lucy ball python ]
quick facts :
cyrenna adopted her brother eldon's son following his death. she and her wife have been raising pearse as their own ever since.
super in love with her wife and will take any excuse to bring her up
more coming soon. i just wanna write.
biography :
doc coming soon
feel free to ask me anything, as this is a work in progress.
wife : idk man they’re just a couple of lovely ladies who are super in love and the proud mommas of a sweet little three year old boy. ➢ 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 
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liroyalty · 6 months
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I'm learning more & more that ships with Sue take off better when she feels like she's being chosen by her partner, not settled for. Where the partner sees her for who she is, not for her title or the benefits she would bring to the table, but for herself & have them go 'I like what I see, I want this one'.
That's probably why arrange marriages result in the slowest of slow burns, because she was not selected for who she is, she was selected because she is the only non-heir royal child to the Kingdom of Camellia. She is the most available & easily securable candidate when wanting to ally with a military strong & large nation. In most cases too, she wasn't even selected by the person she was marrying, but by their parents, so any semblance of that person 'falling in love with her' is seen as not real love; but as that person 'settling for what they were given/settling for the good of their country/believing this is the best they will ever get so might as well accept'.
She doesn't want to be settled for, she wants to be someone's first choice. She wants for someone to see all the options they have on their table & have them go 'This is who I want. She's everything I want, flaws & all. Suzanne Ying li Fiorenobila is who I want'.
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infintasmal · 9 months
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Paimon / Dungeon
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Paimon is the djinn of mad love and chaos, attuned to wind magic and reigned over the ninth dungeon.
Each dungeon was designed by the residing djinn as a trial for perspective king candidates, created in the image of the djinn itself and build into the abandoned shell of the djinn's former city in Alma Toran. Each dungeon is different, designed to bring out the djinn's personal ideals.
In Paimon's case, her dungeon is heavily centered around strong winds and the chaos that comes with it. Upon entering, the candidate will be faced with sharp cliff faces, perilously high and trecherous to pass. The wind blows from all directions, threatening to send the challengers toppling off the end. There are windmills scattered about (as seen in her underground city) which signal the winds direction. The dungeon is also inhabited by large, predatory birds, looking for a meal. In addition, there are many beautiful, bird like humanoids living along the cliffs. They sing and dance beautifully, enticing challengers to stray from the path with their hypnotic promises of lust and merriment. But once you're out of sight of your party, softened by wine and sex, they'll lull you into complacency before devouring you completely.
The key to Paimon's dungeon is in her title, love & chaos. In order to bypass the winds, you have to move with them. A tree that stands rigid in a storm is sure to break, but one that bends will survive yet. Not only do you have to take the time to be aware of the patterns through which the winds blow, listening and watching, but you have to navigate with them rather than fighting against it. Let the wind lead you down different paths, even if it seems that the other branch will be easier. If you fight against the gusts and defy it's direction, you're sure to fall. She wants to watch you dance with the wind's song. (think 'be the leaf' from legend of korra)
And if you can survive the winds, the next challenge will be to survive the creatures. The birds will rally if one of their own is injured so finding a way to appease them will work in your favor. Offering food or singing along with their calls are all options. If the challenger watches the birds, they'll notice that they know of safe spaces in the cliffs were they build their nests.
And as for the harpy-like individuals, it's best not to drop your guard. Trying to fight them will only incur their wrath. These people seem flesh and blood, but they're made from the wind and not so easily slain. If you give into your lust, following them off the path, you'll be killed. Their songs and dance are easily hypnotic and many have been driven to walk straight off the cliff without even noticing it. You can try to appease them with a dance of your own, but it's best to avoid them.
The other test you'll face is your determination and love for your companions. Entire battalions have been sent into Paimon's dungeon and none have survived. If you are willing to leave someone behind in favor of forging ahead, you will be targeted. Paimon would not ever pick someone who willingly sacrifices those around them or seeks victory on the backs of their 'friends'. When Hakuei was traversing the dungeon with Seishun, he was injured. Hakuei was given every opportunity to leave him behind in favor of an easier victory but refused to concede. That effort is what truly won Paimon over.
As for what Paimon's looking for in a candidate, she wants someone who's heart is full of love and determination. The love Paimon embodies is a wild sort, the madness of unbridled passion. Love is the warmest essence of chaos and the very best kind. She wants someone who will fight for that love, who is unafraid of the wild world around them. She wants to watch her candidate bloom with her power, who fights with Paimon's magic rather than using her as some unfeeling energy source. Respect is important. And, ultimately, she wants someone who will be fun to watch.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
Dumbledore had called all the students he was considering for the order into his study; but as the meeting went on, James couldn't focus due to the two missing people that should've been there.
Peter and Sirius.
And as the meeting came to a close and his other friends started to leave, James waved Remus away and walked up to Dumbledore's desk.
"Excuse me, sir? Could I talk to you?"
Dumbledore looked up with a heavy smile, "Of course, James. Have a seat."
James sat down and the door closed, leaving the two of them alone.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"I was just wondering why Sirius and Peter weren't here. I mean, you said you chose people with top marks and who want to get involved in the war. Which they both are. They're both extremely talented and want to fight. They want to help."
Dumbledore's smile remained unwavering, "I'm afraid they are not candidates for the order. Yes, they are exceptionally bright students with a strong morals. However we really don't need anymore people in the order at the moment, as well as the overwhelming evidence of Pettigrew and Black's unreliability in such serious matters. I am well aware of the strong trust you three have with each other and Mr. Lupin, but I am doubtful of that loyalty extending to other members of the order. We can not risk having such... loose cannons, as the muggles say."
James felt himself grow angrier with every word that came out of his headmaster's mouth. And before long he was kicking back the seat and gripping the edge of the desk with narrowed eyes.
"With all due respect, how fucking dare you, sir!"
The smile started to slip slightly, "Mr. Potter. I'm afraid I'm rather busy-"
"I wasn't finished. Sirius is the most loyal person I have ever met! Now maybe you're using their family or what happened in 6th year as some sort of excuse. But they are better than their family, and better than they were last year! Sirius would probably be one of the best duellers on the order! And Peter- Peter is easily the best wizard at keeping secrets and spying! He's one of the most determined people I know, and will stop at nothing to help win the war! I bet more than half the order would trust those two with their lives and just because you're blind to how great the are doesn't mean you can just leave them out the order!"
"James. I'm sure you're right, I can see how much you trust each other. However it is not just my decision-"
"Bullshit! It is! Maybe you don't solely have the title of 'leader of the Order' but everyone knows you make final decisions. And you know what? I bet if I went to Minnie's office righy now and asked her if she thought Sirius and Peter should be invited to the order, she would say yes without a single pause of hesitation. Now I don't know Moody, but from what I've heard, he would never turn down any extra help with the war. I don't know why you're so insistent on keeping them out, but I guarantee you that they'd be nothing but help in us winning the war!"
James took a step back and stared down at Dumbledore, "If you don't let them join, then I'm leaving the order. And you can bet so will Remus, and Marlene, Mary, Lily, Dorcas, Emmeline, even Frank and Alice would. Hell, I could probably get my parents to convince Minnie to leave as well."
Dumbledore stared back, no trace of a smile left. Instead replaced by a hidden anger.
"Now what is it, Sir? Are you willing to risk it?"
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eurovision-revisited · 10 months
2001 Copenhagen - Number 11 - Nuša Derenda - "Energy"
EMA in Slovenia bucked a trend in 2001. It managed to fill its card with quality acts in a variety of musical genres and pick a strong candidate as a winner. That candidate was Nuša Derenda aka Anuška Žnideršič with Energy aka Ne, ni res (No, not really). That's the English translation of the Slovenian titles, not an aside. Got it? Good.
Nuša has been singing since she was two and a half, and playing the accordion for not quite as long. She and her band have been touring Europe throughout the 1990s, but now she's solo and entering EMA. Her first entry in 1999 failed to impression, coming 9th and scoring 0 with an early Slovenian televote.
This second attempt is much more impressive. Energy is a high tempo disco throwback delivered with appropriate power and with two pianos on stage - even though the pianos are well down in the mix until the bridge when really go for it. The song is nearly all chorus. It gets repeated four times with the single verse sandwiched neatly between the second and third choruses. It's a song full of hook repeated until it's been forcefully implanted in your brain.
It's a smart approach and it saw the Slovene language version through a 22 song national final with 100% televote. Given Eurovision is also mostly televote, Energy was almost guaranteed a good result just thanks to this set up. With that and an English language version, it got one. Finishing seventh on the night in Copenhagen, tying with Darja Svajger for Slovenia's best ever result at Eurovision.
Nuša clearly couldn't get enough and went on to enter EMA on five further occasions, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see her again in the future. She also released at least seven albums throughout the 2000s and early 2010s, toured extensively including inviting Johnny Logan on stage at one of her concerts. She's also been a regular at various Slovenian music festivals winning Melodije morja in sonca, Slovenska popevka and Hit festival at least once each.
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luminouslion · 1 year
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I have been searching for a multi chapter Marx-centric fic for quite a while now and I haven’t found a single one. Either there is none or I just haven’t found them yet (in that case I would be really grateful to anyone that can send me a link to a Marx centered fanfic that doesn’t have Julius and Marx in a romantic relationship together). So I’m writing my own! I hope you guys enjoy this.
Also all chapter titles are lyrics from the son Paralyzed by NF, which is the “theme” song of this fic!
Also important to know, while this is written in a third person pov it’s written from Marx perspective.
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Summary : Atelophobia - The fear of not being good enough -
Marx just started his training with the best Magic Knight Squad, the Grey Deers. Follow him through his journey of finding himself and understanding his own worth.
Warnings: Mentions of child neglect
Word Count: 812
Ao3 Link
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Chapter 1: I'm Scared To Live, But I'm Scared To Die
The lake is calm today. White mist lays like a blanket above the dark water. Not a single movement is to be seen.
Marx Francois is sitting at the shallow lakeside. To everyone else, the lake may seem scary at this early time of the day, but not to him. To him, this is his safe place. The only place where he can be utterly alone, unbothered by his parents and the responsibilities that come with being a noble. Being the only child of the Francois house, his family has high expectations for him.
Though at the same time, Marx knows they look down on him. In a world where magic is everything, he was born with magic that doesn’t seem to help the general welfare in any way. On top of that, his magic is comparatively weak and no one really knows the true extent of it, not even Marx himself, because he never really uses it. He doesn’t see a reason to, and he is also afraid of what he might accidentally do to one’s memory if he loses control.
So most of the day he spends doing chores given to him by his parents, who are never around much anyway. He can’t really remember a time when they all spent much time together as a family. That’s probably also the reason he learned to love the loneliness. At least he thinks he enjoys being alone. But truthfully, he doesn’t really know what he truly enjoys anymore.
This lakeside is the only place where he feels at peace. But even though Marx starts to stand up from the abandoned dock he was sitting on. He needs to get home before his parents wake up, so he doesn’t get into trouble. He looks over the lake one last time as the mist slowly starts to disappear before he turns around and slowly walks towards the Clover Kingdoms Capital.
Even at this early hour, the streets of the Capital are already quite busy. Everyone is preparing the city for the Magic Knight Exams, which start in a few days. This year would be the first in which Marx could take part himself. But he doesn’t plan to. Ones a long time ago, he dreamed of becoming a magic knight himself. Defending the Kingdom like all of those strong men and women that seem so invincible. He soon learned that his dream was just that—a dream. Nothing more.
His magic is too weak and potentially too dangerous to ever be of use to the Magic Knights. Even if he tried out, no Captain would ever choose him as a new squad member. He would just make a fool of himself and his family. Besides, the Francois family is quite well known. Therefore, his parents would disown him if he damaged their reputation by failing.
Suddenly, distracted by his own thoughts, Marx bumped into someone, causing him to stumble backwards and crash to the ground. Looking up, he saw a tall man in white-grayish robes and blond hair standing there. His eyes widened in shock as the man turned around. He just ran into the captain of the current best Magic Knight squad, the Grey Deers. Julius Novachrono is well known throughout the entire kingdom for his grandiose actions and for being the most promising candidate for the new Wizard King. And this man is now standing right in front of him with a small, kind smile on his lips.
“Are you okay, kid?” He asked, offering him a hand to stand up.
Marx quickly got up, ignoring the offered hand. “I’m sorry, Sir! I’m fine. Thank you, Sir. I promise it won’t happen again, Sir!”
“It’s all right. Don’t worry about it. But say, what got you so distracted?” The Captain looked at him, squinting his eyes a little bit.
It makes Marx feel a bit uneasy. Like the other man is staring right into his soul. But he tries to ignore the weird feeling rushing through him.
“Nothing really, Sir. I was just lost in thoughts. It won’t happen again.”
“Ah, you are probably worried about the Magic Knight exams, right? Don’t be too nervous. Everything is going to turn out like it should in the end.”
“Oh, I’m not going to take part in the exam. It’s just not something I’m interested in.” Marx explains glumly.
He watches as the Captain's soft smile turns more sorrowful. “That’s quite a shame.”
He turns around and starts to walk away, leaving a confused teen behind.
Looking up at the sun, Marx realizes that it is already way too late and he needs to hurry to get home. On top of that his clothes are dirty from the fall and he most definitely won’t manage to clean himself before his parents see him.
Oh, he is going to be in so much trouble.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
The Potential of Others
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Because it's been so long since I go it, I think this request was giving me a title for a story and asking what type of story I would write about it. And I've needed to give it some thought.
I finally decided that what I would write would be an examination of what Scott thought that Liam would make a good alpha. What qualities did Liam possess that would make Scott say"It should be you."
(As an aside, the Doylist explanation is that Liam is a major character with a deeper history with both Scott and the plotlines. Part of me believes that Hayden would have been a better candidate to inherit the duties of an alpha, but that wouldn't fly for reasons both good and not so good. It shall forever be a stain that Scott and Hayden had no scenes bonding as Alpha and Beta, though they were implied to have happened.)
One of the complexities, when it came to developing this idea is that we, as an audience, don't get any direct insight into Scott's philosophy of leadership. We are told what his goal is: he wants to preserve everyone's right to live, to grow, and to change, even if the person is a villain or even if that requires danger to himself or his friend. But that is only Scott's goal; we're not privy to how he sees himself achieving that. We do witness him leading through compassion, through empathy, through example, but we don't ever get a scene where Scott talks about what he thinks makes a good leader.
Thus, my story would have to use interactions between Scott and the various character who could reasonably influence his leadership style as a way of developing that theory and then applying it to Liam:
Rafael McCall: While Scott's father is mostly noticeable because of his absence, it's telling that the production made Rafael is a pretty good FBI agent. He has a strong sense of justice, and he's actually quite skilled in detective work. Scott could draw both negative and positive inspiration about being a leader from this: he could understand that doing what is just might require stepping on some people's toes but doing it ignoring the emotional consequences to others can sabotage your efforts in the long run.
Melissa McCall: I think the show made it very clear that a lot of how Scott approaches the problems in the show are ways he learned from his mother. Melissa helps everyone, even people she doesn't like and even when she's scared. However, as she herself admits, she tends to keep to the things she's best at: nursing. As an alpha, Scott can't always stay within his own competencies.
Stiles Stilinski: I also think it was pretty clear that Stiles was the leader of him and Scott before the Bite forced Scott to take a more active roll in his roll. I think that Scott would want to mimic Stiles's confidence in his decisions (even in the face of difficulty) and the value of noticing the details, both of which are among Stiles's strengths.
Peter Hale: He was never a leader, but he was always a monster. I can't help but think that Scott always keeps the vision of Peter's Season 1 behavior in his mind when he tries to make decisions regarding his pack. Peter is the ultimate negative example.
Derek Hale: Scott is well aware of the dangers of thinking he knows better than everyone else as well as letting fear make his decisions because Derek demonstrated the price of such behavior. Even when Scott concealed the distortion to Kira's fox spirit, he didn't take action for the sake of taking action. Instead he responded with passivity, which wasn't much better.
Sheriff Stilinski: I think that Scott would learn from the Sheriff the value of respect in a positive way and the value of consistency in a negative way. Scott could see how effective it was when his deputies had trust and faith in him and how the sheriff cultivated that, but he could also learn that the same faith could wither if he let his own emotional needs get in the way of leading others.
Deucalion: The Demon Wolf would teach Scott the advantages of restraint. Deucalion was undoubtedly physically powerful, but he always seemed at his most dangerous when he allowed his opponents to make mistakes or walk into the traps that Deucalion laid for them.
Deaton: And of course, I would have to look Deaton, who not only makes decisions but has a fully developed thought process behind those decisions. Deaton's strength comes from his sense of self, and I can see Scott learning from that.
So how would these lessons apply Liam? How would Scott to the judgment that Liam should be the next alpha? Right now, I can't answer that. I didn't know what Liam stands for or what he's good at off the lacrosse pitch. He's not quick on his feet, good at analyzing details, or confident in his own decisions. He lacks self control and patience, and he's certainly not consistent in what he values. It would be interesting to work out what potential Scott saw in him.
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feufo-search · 10 days
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In today’s highly competitive and ever-evolving job market, attracting and retaining top talent is one of the greatest challenges companies face. The talent acquisition landscape has undergone significant changes, and businesses must adapt their strategies to stay ahead. Whether you’re a startup, growing company, or an established enterprise, building a skilled and motivated workforce is essential to your success. In this blog, we’ll explore some key strategies for hiring and retaining the best talent. Section 1: Recruitment Trends Shaping the Future of Talent Acquisition 1.1. Embracing Remote and Hybrid Work Models The workplace has transformed drastically in recent years, with remote work and hybrid work models becoming the new norm. Job seekers are increasingly prioritizing flexibility in their job searches, making it crucial for companies to offer options that balance in-office and remote work. Providing flexible work environments not only attracts a broader talent pool but also helps in employee retention, improving overall job satisfaction. 1.2. The Role of Technology in Recruitment With the surge in AI-powered tools and automated recruitment systems, businesses are able to streamline their hiring processes, save time, and enhance efficiency. Tools that assist in candidate sourcing, resume screening, and interview scheduling can help companies identify top talent more effectively. Automation also allows recruiters to focus on personal interactions, building relationships that can lead to long-term success. 1.3. Skills-Based Hiring More businesses are adopting a skills-based hiring approach rather than focusing solely on degrees or prior job titles. Identifying key competencies such as problem-solving, adaptability, and technical skills allows companies to find candidates who may not have traditional qualifications but can excel in the role. Skills assessments and competency tests have become essential tools in evaluating candidates for specific roles. Section 2: Strategies to Attract Top Talent 2.1. Strengthen Employer Branding Your company’s reputation plays a significant role in attracting top talent. A strong employer brand communicates your company’s values, culture, and opportunities for growth. Highlighting employee success stories, maintaining positive workplace reviews, and showcasing a positive corporate culture on social media can help build a reputation that attracts talent. 2.2. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits One of the top factors candidates consider when choosing a job is compensation. Offering competitive salaries, performance-based bonuses, and comprehensive benefits packages, including healthcare, retirement plans, and flexible time off, can make your company more attractive. Additionally, perks like professional development opportunities, wellness programs, and remote work flexibility help set you apart from the competition. 2.3. Develop a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace A workplace that fosters diversity and inclusion is more likely to attract a broad range of talented individuals. Ensuring that your recruitment process is free of bias and creating initiatives that celebrate different backgrounds and perspectives will help you build a more innovative and engaged workforce. Additionally, providing support networks and diversity training further strengthens a company’s appeal to candidates. 2.4. Leverage Employee Referral Programs Employee referrals remain one of the most effective recruitment strategies. High-quality candidates are often referred by existing employees who understand the company culture and requirements. Implementing a referral program with meaningful incentives can help your company tap into a network of skilled professionals and reduce time-to-hire. Section 3: How to Retain Talent in a Competitive Market 3.1. Invest in Employee Development Offering opportunities for professional growth is critical for retaining top talent. Continuous learning programs, leadership
development courses, and career pathing can help employees see a future within your organization. Providing access to mentorship programs and skills training not only improves employee performance but also boosts engagement and loyalty. 3.2. Create a Positive Work Culture A positive work environment plays a pivotal role in employee satisfaction and retention. Prioritizing work-life balance, offering mental health support, and fostering open communication help create a supportive workplace. Regular feedback sessions and recognizing employee achievements can further enhance morale and motivation. 3.3. Recognize and Reward Performance Employee recognition programs are essential to retaining talent. Implementing programs that celebrate employee contributions, whether through monetary rewards, promotions, or public acknowledgment, ensures that your team feels valued. Performance-based rewards encourage employees to go above and beyond, knowing their hard work is appreciated. Conclusion: Attracting and retaining top talent is no longer just about competitive salaries. It’s about building an inclusive, flexible, and supportive work environment where employees can thrive. By leveraging the right technology, promoting a strong employer brand, and investing in employee growth, companies can not only secure the best talent but also keep them engaged and loyal in the long term.
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sensitive-virgo · 16 days
Discover Lucrative Dental Assistant Jobs in Tacoma, WA: Your Gateway to a Thriving Career!
**Title: Discover Lucrative Dental Assistant Jobs in Tacoma, WA: Your Gateway ‌to a‍ Thriving‌ Career!**
**Introduction:** Are you looking to start a rewarding career in the healthcare field? Consider becoming a dental assistant​ in Tacoma, WA!‌ Dental assistants play a crucial role in supporting dentists and ensuring patients receive top-notch⁢ care. Not only is this profession fulfilling⁣ and exciting, but it also offers excellent job prospects and⁣ competitive salaries.⁢ In this article,​ we will ⁢explore how you can embark ⁤on a lucrative career as a dental assistant in Tacoma and ⁣why this could be your ticket to a thriving professional life.
**Benefits of Dental Assistant Jobs in Tacoma, WA:**
1. ‍**High‌ Demand:** With the ever-growing population in ⁣Tacoma,‍ the demand for dental ‍services continues to rise. This means there is a ⁢constant need for skilled dental assistants to support dentists in providing quality care to⁣ patients.
2. **Competitive Salaries:** Dental⁣ assistants⁢ in Tacoma enjoy attractive salaries and benefits,​ making it a financially rewarding career choice. According to the​ Bureau of Labor⁤ Statistics, the median annual wage ‍for​ dental assistants ‍in Washington state⁣ is $42,480.
3. **Job Stability:** The healthcare industry is known​ for its ​stability, and dental assisting is no exception. Whether you work in a private practice, clinic, or hospital, you can rest‍ assured that your skills will always be in demand.
4. **Career ⁣Growth Opportunities:** As ​a dental assistant, you can ⁣choose to specialize in areas such as orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, or periodontics. With further training and​ experience, you can advance to roles such as dental office ⁣manager or dental hygienist.
**Practical Tips for Landing Dental Assistant Jobs in Tacoma:**
1. **Get‍ Certified:** While certification is not always⁢ required to become a dental assistant, it can ⁣significantly boost your employment ⁣opportunities. Consider enrolling in a ⁣dental assisting program accredited ‌by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA).
2. **Gain Experience:** Many dental offices in Tacoma prefer to hire candidates with some practical experience. Consider ​volunteering‍ or shadowing at a ‍local dental clinic ‌to gain ‍hands-on experience and‍ build your skills.
3. **Network:** Attend dental ‌conferences, workshops, and job fairs in Tacoma to connect with industry professionals and explore job opportunities. Networking can open doors to ‍hidden job vacancies and help ⁤you establish⁣ valuable contacts in the field.
4. **Polish Your⁤ Resume:** ‌Tailor your‌ resume to highlight relevant skills, education, and experience in the dental field. Emphasize your⁢ attention to ⁢detail, strong communication skills, and willingness to learn and grow in your career.
**Case Study: Sarah’s Success Story**
Meet​ Sarah, a recent graduate of a ​dental assisting program in Tacoma. After completing⁢ her certification ⁢and gaining some⁣ work experience through internships, Sarah landed a full-time dental assistant position at a busy dental clinic‌ in Tacoma. She ​attributes her success to her dedication,⁤ hard ​work, and passion for helping others. Sarah’s story is a ⁤testament to the‌ promising career opportunities available to dental assistants in Tacoma.
**First-Hand Experience:**
“I have​ been working as ​a dental assistant ⁤in⁣ Tacoma for the past five ⁣years, and I couldn’t be happier with my career choice. Every day, I ​get to interact with patients, assist ⁤dentists ⁤with procedures, and contribute to improving oral health in my community.⁤ The‌ job⁢ satisfaction and fulfillment‍ I derive from my work are truly incomparable. If you have a​ passion for healthcare and a knack for teamwork, consider pursuing ⁤a ‍career as ‍a dental assistant in Tacoma. It could be the best decision you ever make!”
dental assistant jobs in Tacoma, WA, offer ⁣a wealth of opportunities for individuals looking⁢ to kickstart a successful career in the healthcare industry. ⁢With high demand, competitive salaries, job stability, ‌and‌ room for growth, becoming a dental assistant in Tacoma can be ‍your gateway to a fulfilling and prosperous professional life. By‌ following practical tips, gaining hands-on experience, and networking with industry ⁢professionals,⁢ you can land a rewarding‌ dental assistant position ⁣in Tacoma and embark on a journey towards a thriving ​career. Don’t ‌miss out on this ​exciting opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of others⁣ while building a ⁣rewarding career for ⁤yourself.⁤ Discover lucrative dental assistant jobs in Tacoma today ⁤and take the first ⁤step towards a bright future!
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