#strike force sinixter
asexxxualauthor · 3 months
Subject No. 073BT: The Skulking Hulk
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Subject Details:
Name: Takadox Species: Unknown Previous Affiliation: Barraki Designation: Tank and Close-Range Attacker Abilities: Hypnosis, Elemental Control (Water)
073BT—given name "Takadox"—first incarcerated following defeat at the hands of the Toa Mahri. Was released and conscripted to aid in missions during the war against Makuta Teridax, however continual and deliberate betrayals led to second incarceration and subjection to continually more harsh exposure to mutagen.
Results of exposure have left 073BT with a far more bulky and physically powerful form—conscription to Project SFX in response has been approved. In addition to physical mutations including additional bladed limbs on posterior, exposure to mutagen appears to have given 073BT some control over water.
073BT has a history of treason and betrayal—application of inhibitor chip strongly required.
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asexxxualauthor · 3 months
Subject No. 071BE: The Winged Stinger
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Subject Details:
Name: Ehlek Species: Unknown Previous Affiliation: Barraki Designation: Quick Fire Melee Attacker Abilities: Elemental Control (Lightning, Wind)
071BE—given name “Ehlek”—first incarcerated following defeat at the hands of the Toa Mahri. Was held in solitary confinement until arrival on Sphereus Magna—was released to aid in conflict against the forces of Makuta under the false promise of freedom.
Following Makuta Teridax’s defeat, 071BE was incapacitated and conscripted for Project SFX, undergoing continually more harsh exposure to mutagen. 071BE’s physiology seems to allow him better resilience to the substance—despite numerous trials, he retained most of his base appearance, only growing an additional set of pygmy limbs and wing-like fins on back. Mutations also seem to have given 071BE some control over wind.
071BE is quiet and aloof—application of inhibitor chip not required but suggested as safety measure.
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asexxxualauthor · 3 months
Subject No. 062PH: The Savage Gunner
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Subject Details:
Name: Hakann Species: Skakdi Previous Affiliation: Piraka Designation: Long-Range Artillery Abilities: Mind Blasts, Eyebeams, Elemental Control (Fire)
062PH—given name “Hakann”—first incarcerated following a confrontation with the Toa Mahri. Discovered in a weakened and reduced form, 062PH was held in suspended animation as efforts were made to restore him to previous state—efforts were minimally successful.
Additional surgeries and processes were done over the following years in preparation for Project SFX, augmenting 062PH’s malformed body with protosteel torso and left leg, and reconstituting right arm into a dual-barreled Zamor cannon. Augmentations have allowed 062PH full control over innate affinity for fire—improvement over average Skakdi warriors.
062PH exhibits heightened levels of aggression and anger—application of inhibitor chip required.
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asexxxualauthor · 3 months
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The squad so far—Krika came in today and already I’ve remodeled him into his new altered form. Definitely the most complex design of the bunch, but I am not sorry for that. Just ordered a Pridak so that I can finish him up—then we’ll have four of the six Strike Force Sinixter assembled
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