#strelles blackbirdstomach
strelles-universe · 1 year
*points the mic* Ankh, Ankh, tell them about the Shadows crafters
The world needs to know about the angry arts and craft group
Lmao hi @sparkvoid! Since you prodded this into existence, all of your designs for these crazies are paired with 'em. These are mostly pre-hybrid designs so keep that in mind!
So yeah everyone the Shadow Crafters are easily the most aggressive cats in Shadows (ignoring Quiveringheart who is one anxiety attack from passing out and Sunstone who has convinced her clan she was a kidnapped Thunder kit) for no other reason than chaos truthfully.
The oldest of the crafter are Thistlesight, Sunstone and Crowtalon. Crow and Sun are the same age and were apprenticed at the same time while Thistlesight came in I wanna say 3 moons into their training.
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Everyone's Mom - she's warm, cuddling, protective and incredibly supportive. Most cats in her pride think it's a bit weird that she didn't become a Sitter but hey, whatever - at least she's contributing to her clan. She's overdramatic and heavily affectionate - this paired with her boisterous behavior and golden coat have led to a lot of cats assuming she has some form of Thunder blood in her.
Other Notes
She/They - Pansexual
Sunstone is the only girl in her litter of boys (Patchflicker, Hazepaw)
She joined the elders in Exile bc Viperstar straight up suspects her of being a Thunder Spy
Heavily ADHD coded
Though she and Crow were born the same season, she's the oldest
The relationship she has with Crow is ambiguous - just how they like it
Has threatened to run away and become a Thunder multiple times as an apprentice
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A Very Serious Man intent on just doing his job to the best of his ability and then moving on with his day. He's very skilled at blending into the background and is careful to watch which way the wind blows. He's even better at adjusting his stance if he doesn't like the scent on the breeze.
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He/Him and a Bisexual
His claws grow superfast so he has to shorten them constantly
He and his twin sister Rookclaw get into prank-wars even as warriors
Fairly stoic and low-emotive, 100% inherited his mom's resting face
Cootpaw is not his child but the Shadows don't believe him - not when Coot and Thistlesight are insisting they are
Bonus - The Parents + The Sister
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A chaotic mischievous jokester. Being the youngest of the Crafter trio, they had the amusing situation of being 'the cool apprentice' who was friends with fully trained warriors while they were still in the apprentice's den. They can be pretty aggressive at any given moment but typically mean well and don't actually like hurting others. They also have a soft-spot for kits which is how they acquired Cootpaw
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They/Them and Aromatic
Is extremely protective of Cootpaw and will Claw You for implying even for a second that they're not their mother
Then we have our freshest warriors Marrowfang, Willowthorn and Quiveringheart.These are the 'outcasts' of the pride so to speak with all three of them having some quality or trait that the Shadows disapprove of.
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An easily frightened boy who'd look more at home in the Wind than in the Shadows. He takes after his father mostly in appearance though Saffronblister wouldn't be happy to hear about that considering his son a complete coward. Quiveringheart became a crafter as he's not fond of blood or violence in any fashion. Becoming an apprentice was the best thing that ever happened to him - he got closer to his denmates Marrowpaw and Willowpaw then received Sunstone as a mentor.
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The only survivor of his litter who passed from Fading Kit Syndrome
He is terrified of his father and wishes Saffron loved him more
He's actually pure muscle, he just has a high metabolism
Has severe generalized anxiety from constant bullying
He thinks of Sunstone as his second mom
He loves frog and regularly adopts one to look after in Moonsoul's Pond
Bonus - The Parents + Baby Pic
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Kind of a defensive Tough Guy - despite being on team Arts and Crafts, Marrowfang likes to keep his combat skills sharp. Marrowfang - like his best friend - became a crafter to spite the whispers about his heritage (due to being mostly white) and to support Quiveringheart. He tries his hardest to be the best at everything he tries and has a tendency to overwork himself.
Other Notes
He/Him and a Heterosexual (gasp, they do exist)
His split ear is from Willowthorn because they wanted to 'look cool' as apprentices
Despite being a crafter, he will throw paws at the drop of a hat for any reason at all
He still wrestles with Willowthorn at random like an overgrown child
Bonus - The Parents + Baby Pic
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Easily the most bloodthirsty of the pack, Willowthorn is - personality-wise - everything the Shadows have come to regret. She loyal - to her friends, she's obedient - to her ex-mentor and she's full of faith for the Souls. She's always been incredibly scrappy and a complete prankster, well known for diving at the innocent tails of the cats around the pride. The day she left the nursery was a sigh of relief for all of the Sitters.
Other Notes
The split ear is from Marrowfang when the two wanted to be cool
The Shadows have no low-branched trees, she still sprints up until she can at least smack one
She's high energy and is caught wiggling on the border during border-watches by Thunder patrols
Marrowfang is her mate as adults and she greets him with a spar at random in the forest
Became a crafter explicitly to protect Quiveringheart
And the youngsters, little Cootpaw and Minkpaw. I'll admit these two haven't been developed nearly as much as the adults have been. They've got their origins and their general vibes, but that's kind of it.
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Chaotic and Energetic - manages to have obtained the proper average Shadow build being long-legged with wide paws, small ears and a shortened coat. They are currently Sunstone's apprentice and regulary burst into cackles at being apprenticed to the cat seen as a Thunder cat.
Other Notes
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Chaotic but in a chill way. Cootpaw is always down to fight back against the powers that chain a cat down albeit, they also appreciate doing so in a way that means that others are doing the hard part. Cootpaw was adopted by Thistlesight from a deceased loner and proceeded to work with her adoptive mother with bullying the entire pride into believing that Thistle was just hiding their pregnancy.
Other Notes
Literally only became a crafter bc she knew it would upset some cats
Is Minkpaw's biggest background supporter
Is the brains behind most of the current apprentice's pranksters
We all agree that poor Leafpaw (Cardinal's daughter) is Doomed by her
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