#streamer gene
oceandiagonale · 8 months
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sorry about that folks, I kept putting off the backgrounds and alt text
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t4tdanvis · 10 months
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i put gene in ame's outfit. ur welcome
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xiuhunsoo · 2 years
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Streamer Catboy Danny
While on a fight against Cheetah, both Wonder Girl and Troia looked at their mentor, who kind of wanted the fight to be done faster.
Diana asked her why she seemed to be in such a hurry. Cassie and Donna told her they wanted to watch a streamer. A cute meta-Catboy streamer that talks about his life while he is streaming games like Doomed.
Cheetah stopped:" Wait, it's already time for Danny the Ghost Cat to go online? Diana, we fight later; I want to watch the little Cub play his game first."
And without even waiting for Diana to talk, she sat herself on a bench and pulled out her tablet to watch the Stream, as both Sideckicks of her enemy sat next to her to watch with her the stream.
Diana had no idea what to say; she just flew down and started to join them. At least she knew why her sidekicks and Cheetah wanted to see the stream. The young Metaboy looked adorable, like a cute, fluffy baby Cheetah she saw around the world and at her home.
The four watched the stream as Cassie talked about how he had fast become one of the most known streamers in the world, but no one was able to find out where he lives or his home town. Someone was covering it all up and hiding it.
While watching the stream, I heard the young Meta talking about how he and the town were unsure what to think, as his sport teacher, Ms. Teslaff, wanted him in the Athletic Club for the Sport Festival in the Country. He should join in the 100-meter dash and similar. Is that not cheating, as he is a Meta?
Danny:" And thanks a lot to you, Selina, for sending me antelope meat; it was tasty, and for your help, Dr. Minerva. It turns out I am really a cheetah! Just a very young one," the doctors said to me. In a few years, I will have full control over the powers. I can't wait! Danny out!"
Cheetah:" That house cat just send him the meat! He should hunt it, his first Hunt as a Cub!"
Selina:" No idea why, but so reason i am proud i made a Wild Cat angry."
A/N Being a Catboy brought about a big discussion and fight between Cheetah and Catwoman for Dany. Danny is still a ghost, like a ghost cat! He had awakened his meta gene while taking gym lessons in school. Danny, in his human form, has the hearing, sight, and sense of smell of a cat and is in possession of a cat's balance, agility, strength, and instincts. His phantom form had two tails. Like a Bakeneko. His human form has only one tail. Danny is a cheetah catboy with tail, ears and a bit fur. a baby cheetah Cub.
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sjw-publishings · 9 months
Lit Gud Streamin
With much encouragement from @dumb-and-jocked
>First Time Streamin’ bro?
The house husband blushed at the first comment coming to respond to him.
Carson Green was anxious…he’d heard of streaming but never tried it until some pestering from his Gaymer group as of late.
The stay at home husband wanted to help with the finances, hence why he even considered it in the first place. Sure it was nice being a homemaker, and definitely had a flair in cooking, but he wanted to do something different.
“Y…Yeah, it’s my first time.”
He was relatively unsure of this, but he had known and spoken to several of the guys a week ago, and though he could have sworn they talked about a different topic entirely, he recalled about many of them bragging about ‘raking in the dough’ for gaming.
True enough, many of them are not only being paid handsomely in royalties for streaming, but they have a surprisingly large fanbase!
Admittedly, he was sort of shocked…and sort of jealousy that many of them are quite popular online, almost like they reached stardom within a week or less.
But regardless, his group also promised that they will help out with ‘assimilating’ him into the platform and moderate his stream. So surely he would reach a certain level of success with their guidance.
Though he’s still unsure how exactly will do they so.
“W…What games will we be playing?”
>Dis the game dude
>Ur in it, brought in da Boiz to watch the stream.
With that, the number count rose exponentially, from single digits, to doubles.
The house husband blushed, twiddling his thumbs at being watched by wide audience. Is it like a reality show game? Or is it something different entirely?
Granted, there weren’t any instructions or briefings given about it. Maybe it is a more on the spot, spontaneous kind of thing?
“D…Do I need to do anything in particular?”
>Just be yourself , LOL
>You gotta impress us Noob.
He…kind of doesn’t like being called a noob, but he is new to streaming after all. So he ought to listen to them, no matter how they are like.
>Dude, ur Tagline?
Oh yeah! All the cool streamers he watched had one.
Wait? Since when did he watch…well he is a gamer after all, so it’s only natural that he DID watch streams, at least some of em by proxy. He is rather connected to the other guys.
“Ummm…ok LOL, what kind of tagline. Do you all have any suggestions, dudes?”
>Just Lit Gud man.
>Yeah RAT
He thought maybe it’s tough love or something…though it really feels extremely rude. Almost draining even, like yeah it was exhausting trying to keep up with his group’s gaming shenanigans, but even in their streamin’ advice?
C’mon Man!
Plus he’s just got married not a while ago! They could’ve at least be NICE to him since he’s now tied down! Like don’t get me wrong, he loves his husbro, but when all is said and done, he does miss the glory days of being with the rest of the guys.
“Look, I-D-K if Lit Gud Noobs is such a nice tagline?”
Desperate for a win here. Yeah, he may be getting quite aggro. But it’s justified! Bro.
“And who you callin’ Rat, RATZ!”
His mouth slurred at that remark, a very sleazy…immature slur as he quickly covered his mouth in that regard.
Though admittedly, he kinda liked that.
After all, if he was the rat, then these noobs are his goons. And while he usually isn’t the dominant one in his relationships, admittedly he kinda liked roleplaying as one of the typical bros, even if he wasn’t THAT asian compared to them.
>You lift Bro?
“My body…its not that well off-“
>Get lit or get Shyt on
He’s gotta get LIT.
Watching as his weight sizzle away down, melting away the bubbling tummy fat into a faint trail of a six pack, straining loosely on the shirt being his college grad pectorals.
Gotta show off after all. Specially during the bachelor’s party!
His diet consisted of pizza, soda and chips. And so ducking what? Body trim as DUCK, that’s how he lived and how his rats loved it. Some people said it was his GENE-tics or some shit that he had this bod, but you know what he says to em’?
Get lit or get Shyt on!
But even so, da shyt? Why did these bastards gotta treat him like that? Weren’t they all buds or somethin’?
“You RATZ are always so rude.”
>We rude? KAPPA
>Haha Noob!
With every interaction and vocabulary pollution, hunching lazily towards the screen, eyes entranced by the masses of comments.
LIGHTING and EMPHASIZIN’ random words, like an obnoxious mixture tainting his patience. Persistent name calling and being on the receiving end of the relationship kinda pisses him off.
>LOL K, How’s the stream?
But admittedly, a growing part of him is really getting pumped, while irritated, a small part of him liked broadcasting to these gamers.
If only they had some MAN-NERS, sheesh!
“How the streamin’ goin? Dude IDK, just a Jerkin’ stream today, nothin but insults.”
> Git Gud
> Just Git Gud
> Noob
Chat, filled with your run of the mill, cloned responses. Your typical mocks and insults, passive threading onto aggressive, a fine balance of being slightly very aggro but chill, producing RUDE DUCKIN’ INSULTS.
Each one after another, a shytposting blend that makes the stupid obnoxiousness rise higher and higher. Calves toning out from jumping upwards in sports as his body shrunk downward, making sure he sees eye to eye with dem BOIZ.
One liner aggressiveness alongside swarms of memes and complete nonsense. Idiotic behaviour, fitting a ‘RatChat’. Blending in with the other dudes, speakin’ their language, participating campus exercises and roughing around with the other bros!
Like a game, course, they are gamers after all. They know the COMBO, dissecting their streamer bud like it’s nothin’! Insults kicking right from the beginning!
He wanted to beat them at their own game!
Be hetter-BETTER! Calson Greo wanted to be a PRO.
“Alright RATZ, What’ll make me less of a noob and g-”
>Git Gud Noob
His voice slurred, eyebrows raised as he slumped back in his gaming chair. Like a simple command burning into his skull.
He just gotta GIT GUD! No instructions needed, except you gotta be IN DA LOOP. At TOP! As his buttocks clenched at the refusal of being BOT! Cheeks meant for exercise and gamin’.
He had to GIT GUD! And that’s being on top of his game always!
>You gotta be LIT Fam
A delicious fuming rage erupted from his screen, as a multitude of laughing frogs and emojis filled his entire chat.
Igniting a fire within, his skin tanning till its just RIGHT. Made for a BOI who spends time gamin’ both online and in sports. Just like every other of his classmates back on campus.
>Stop being such a QUEER
SHYT, these men tryin’ to get under his skin. Really making him all pent and rock solid. NO HOMO!
Wait WUT?
DUDE! LIEK…man he’s really even sounding immature in his thoughts? Wasn’t he some sort of QUEER? DA FK? He was g…a…guy, A GUY! YEAH! He was a guy like em!
“Thought you all stand for GUY RIGHTS?”
HE ALWAYS TOPS! Yeah so maybe he had a PHAG, but it was clear they are ‘sabotaging’ his GAY STREAM and tryin’ makin’ it the way it ought to be!
Full of SHYT-talkin’, assholes are dragging him down to THEIR level. A more rodent, nastier bunch instead of friendly GHEYS! But alright! If these idiots want to game, then they gonna-
>Look PHAG, if you want to WIN you gotta stop sucking
An obnoxious Tenor bursted out from the man, retaliating like an immature douchebag as he finally sunk to their level. Height stooping at an average 5ft 9, GPA scores barely scrapping by the median. A fellow backslider like the crowd.
And HE was going to let these DOUCHEBOIS get it HARD!
>Just Chillax Gay Boi
He sneered, as his voice rose into a stupidly obnoxious loud tenor, allowing that youthful tone engulf him in an asian tan like his peers, makin’ sure he is part of the Hivemind that is Snitch culture.
“No Sweats allowed…Just CHILLAX man…”
Feeling his mind sinking into the mass rebellious conformity that is his gamin’ community, his voice cooled slightly, gifted the flexibility to yell when he WANTS to BOIIII!
His buttoned down fused, as the simple white tee clung over his frame with slackened glee, bluntly accentuating his pectorals, as a typical print was plastered over like another typical meshed up shirt that the zoomers would wear.
He was NO SWEAT, Trousers shortening up to his thighs, lightening up into a more mesh, flexible material. Hanging loose L-sized on his waist are his flaming red basketball shorts, stickin’ out like a sore thumb whenever the dude stands up or goes for a bathroom breaks.
>Yo streamer, you a player?
“Am I a play-yer?”
The young man slurred, smirking as he acknowledged that remark, teasing those thirsty PHAGS and RATZ like he always does.
ResidentSnorer and various funny frogs spammed the chat box like no other, skyrocketing his view count to the thousands.
The young Boi loved every minute of it. He was getting the fame, boi.
“Course I am, ain’t easy being this good…”
>u dating someone?
Slippers took a hit in their quality, soft material becoming a pair of stretchable basketball shoes. Made for the kind of guy who keeps his options open.
Both in da basketball court, and in da bed. And yeah, it was technically his home. Well, he and his GAY fiancé’s. But it’s mostly a BRO thing! Roommates with benefits!
“Boiz, I have a fiancé , but..”
>Sounds Sus
>you gay or what?
His eyes widened, SHYT, he wasn’t supposed to say that. Not that he minded the older man…except when he was being GHEY-but weren’t they a couple…of MEN.
But aren’t they together? Da SHYT! He was a playah! BUT what about that time when they cuddled-BRUH that’s GHEY! BUT WHAT ABOUT-YOU GHEY BROSKI? BRO? B-
Fiddling the ring, the band stretched beyond the size of his palm, turning into pure eleastic as it slid down his right wrist, loosely fitting like its part of some showoffy trend.
As the chat continues to spam various emotes, including a distinct rainbow head, don’t these douchebags know he’s single and ready to mingle? Why are they thinkin’ he’s gonna be bangin’ it with some dude?
“Who you noobs calling GAY? It’s just ONE night!”
One hand palming below, the other one flippin the stream. Colson Groh’s darkened hair flicked down the side, his new asian ethnicity fully taking hold without remorse, blending in with the group of bullies pickin’ on him and his-FAG!
“One night of PRANKIN FAGS!”
Picking on em hard, he wasn’t one of em, but man is it HOT setting them STRAIGHT! The twenty two year college dude smirked, as PHAGS couldn’t resist starin’ at his clean-shaven slack-jaw and risen cheekbones till they get completely RAT PRANKED.
>Ayyy LIT
>Lets go BOI
>AFKin’ RAT!
“Bet you all can’t get ladies to your doorstep.”
>Check GayPay
GayPay my arse, StraightCoin’s the deal bro.
Though speakin’ of ladies. Hot damn…is he THAT dry? Cause he’s having that fantasy every straight, gamin’ charged college guy’s has.
Surrounded by hot ladies.
Then again, he’s always THIRSTIN’. Course, a guy like him can get a bunch of women in a flash. But he totally can jerk like a maiden-less douchebag like a bunch of the idiots watchin’ him.
Makes him relatable to his RATZ, yeah? Sides, nothin’ wrong with a lil jerkin’ on cam, nothing GHEY bout it!
>Yo RAT, check out your numbers
>BRO past 7k
LIT_GUD: +7k subs
Rapidly vibrating his 7 inch joystick, brows raised as they thinned out. The last bit of hesitation melting away, making way for youthful gamin’ bravado as a seedy wide grin beamed in the stream.
“How to LIT GUD getting chicks?”
Comments flooding all over his stream, a mass mindset and mentality calling all to pump. PUMP! Pumping his POG-O STICK to the MAX! The Go-To-Game for men of his kind.
The HIGH score, as his eyes narrowed in utmost dumb simplicity, tilting his head upward to the ceiling as he grinned wildly as he thought bout’ that simple fantasy!
All da LADIES comin’ at him. YAAA BOIII!
Colton Goh no scoped all over his boxers, slumping back as drops of youthful rebellion spluttered all over, mucking it with obnoxious bully testosterone like he always does.
Feels so LIT! Being able to climax whenever the heck he wants, why abstain when he can just LIT GUD MAN! All those goody two shoe brethren back at campus grounds are really missin’ out.
But of course, he’ll scoop the remaining wads of mayo to his jerk off bottle later. He may be a backslider, but he gotta be up in his production game, beat his last record and all that shiz.
Speakin’ of which.
7k’s still just rookie numbers for a guy like him, but considering he got it all in a bunch of hours, he’s as good as the pros like the rest of em’!
“Yo…and that’s how you dudes get the ladies, man.”
“Boiz, if you see any gays going all homo on ya. You gotta give em the LIT GUD!”
Normally he would collab with his streaming buds, but he really oughta help his Bromies out by teachin em.
Especially ratting out GHEYS until they turn into a couple of rats like he is. And what better way than to create his own Streamin’ channel? All he got to do was be himself bro.
Brings in the subs, and sides, hot chicks dig him, and fags thirstin’ over him get weeded out until they are a bunch of rats like he and his gamer crew.
‘[TOP] Gay Dude Joined the stream’
Speaking of fags…
“Ayy, a new fag joined the stream, sweet.”
Not sure how did ‘Gay Dude’ squirmed into his ‘TOP’ friends list, but he must’ve added him during that stupid RNG game he tried last night while he drank Heteroade with the bois.
But honestly, heh, he doesn’t give a Rats arse bout em’. After all, he needed someone to dunk on to celebrate his 7k Subs, so why not make sure the fag gets the whole RatChat streamin’ experience?
Heh, this will be hot.
“Give em a couple of Lit Guds in the chat, noobs.”
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
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This is my first masterlist. Second masterlist is on the pinned post in my profile
How to request, guidelines etc.
Marvel Women
Kate Bishop
Rizz You Up
Kinktober day two: Ghostface!Kate
Kinktober day eight: overstimulation
Natasha Romanoff
Little skirt
Package delivered
Watching you
Young, and dumb
Need help
GP!Beefy!Nat wakes up to you riding her abs (Drabble)
Captivity (My pretty little mermaid)
Dirty thoughts
Sundresses and breeding kinks
Wanda Maximoff
Best friends sister
Julia Cornwall
In her web
Marvel Men
Bucky Barnes
Honeymoon Suite
Meet Cute
“Want me to suck your cock while driving?”
The one with the slutty maid and the sexually frustrated super soldier
Love me tender series
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Mötley Crüe
Nikki Sixx
I’m only me when I’m with you
Don’t be shy, honey
Streamer!Reader headcannons
Behind closed doors
Good girl
Small town romance
Who do you belong to?
You shouldn’t be doing that…
Sneaking around
Kinktober day eleven: public sex
BDSM head cannons
Somebody’s watching me
Better? Better.
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
Tommy Lee
Midnight Comfort
Teenagers In Love
Runaway bride
Can we keep him!?
Friends help each other
Go team
Little drummer girl
Sparks Fly series
Pretty When You Sleep
Plus One
Kinktober day nine: manhandling/tights ripping
Halloween party shenanigans
Attention you deserve
Delicate flower series
First time
BDSM head cannons
It’s gonna be okay
Vince Neil
Sweet dreams
It’s the little moments
Shades Of Cool
Our honeymoon (part one) part two
Kinktober day one: daddy kink
She’s a riot grrrl
Mick Mars
Mermaid Motel
Streamer!reader headcannons
You know you want it
Kinktober day four: pet play
Two is better than one
Halloween/fall headcannons
Groupie Love (Gang Bang)
Cinderella (only writing for Tom and Eric)
Tom Keifer
Did you do that to her?
Up behind her with a pool stick
BDSM headcannons
“What is it, honey?”
Tom finding out you’re pregnant
Eric Brittingham
A pleasant surprise
Kiss (only writing for Paul, Tommy, and Gene)
Paul Stanley
I can see you
Underneath the surface
I fall to pieces when I’m with you
Prank call gone wrong
Teach you how
Tommy Thayer
You’re enough
One bed?!
Gene Simmons
Kinktober day 6: possessiveness
Guns N Roses
Izzy Stradlin
Kinktober day 5: handcuffs
Kinktober day 7: crying kink
Kinktober day 10: vouyerism
Barbie The Movie
Starting to really like the real world
You can be the boss (STRLTRW part two, series masterlist coming soon)
CEO!Barbie AU masterlist
Marvel Cast/other celebrities
Sebastian Stan
Put me in a movie
W.A.S.P. (Only writing for Blackie)
Kinktober day 3: humiliation
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Daisy Jones and The Six
Daisy Jones
Her good slut
G!P Daisy x Stripper!Reader
LA Guns (Only Kelly atm)
Cindy Crawford
Joan Jett
Our secret moments
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demilypyro · 2 years
it’s weird that me and my dad both worked in the tech industry, fell out of it, and ended up working entertainment jobs.... he was a project manager at a tech company, and now plays bass professionally.... I was a programmer and now I’m a streamer...... weird genes...
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cheddar-baby · 23 days
Why did every single white streamer move to japan? Is there a certain amount of subscribers you get to that activates your latent colonizer gene?
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sol-consort · 1 month
Omg, I don't know if you remember, but that shepard cam girl/streamer au you did, I absolutely loved it!! I loved Shepard being so nonchalant about being tits-out in front of the crew, also them passing around the video and being embarrassed about making eye contact with Shep. You killed me!! That was so good
Oh god, this one? I wrote it while half asleep, didn't expect anyone to read it. I just checked it over again–damn the amount of typos. I fixed as much as I could rn. Hopefully, it reads smoother.
But yes! I still adore the concept and would love to expand upon it.
The army life + staying on a ship in the middle of the galaxy and sharing space with your crew has got to result in a lot of accidental nudity and flashing situations. Someone new on warships–like Tali or Liara might find it surprising, feel a bit more shy, while someone like Shepard, who was the Normandy second in command during Captian Anderson days got used to it by now.
Or maybe it's a human army thing? Quarians can't strip for first aid because it will only worsen the situation, Krogans have their thick skin and shells, and Turian skin has metal outer plating.
Only humans are this squishy, easily injured, easy to tear into. Mix that with the fact that we have a pretty good immunity system that gives us high tolerance to different microbiomes and the most genetically diverse genes in the Mass Effect canon–Mordin mentions it in ME2—it's not hard to understand why a human soldier would nonchalantly strip on an alien planet, in the middle of the battlefield, just to ensure the wound is treated properly.
But it's still hot—Shepard's total disregard to having your tits out on full display, chest heaving with every breath. Your crew desperately trying to maintain eye contact and not get distracted by the way your bare tits bounce with every powerful command and order you bark at them.
Biotics grant people healing abilities, at least ingame. It's not strange for someone like Kaidan or Liara to act as an emergency medic while on the battlefield.
Kaidan attempts to stay professional, stuttering more than usual as the raspiness in his voice becomes more apparent courtesy of his dry throat.
The tips of his ears reddish, summoning all of his will to keep his finger study as he pressed against your wound with the disinfected pad. Having to lower himself into your naked form, his clothed chest almost fully pressing against your own. The hiss you let out as your nipples touch the cold metal surface of his armour—it almost makes his heart jump out from his ribcage–barely remaining collected by the end of it.
Sneaking one lustful glance at your still exposed chest on the shuffle ride back to the Normandy before forcing himself to look away, feeling ashamed of his actions, excusing himself to his own sleeping pod the second the crew is back on board.
Anyway, so streamer Shepard hmm.
Miranda would quickly catch wind of this open secret and become your number one patron under a fake pseudo name. She keeps toning in each stream, even if she's working, simply setting the tablet on the table while she files the papers away. Dropping big stacks occasionally whenever you do something she likes, using the carrot method to subtly get you to act more and more slutty, exactly how she likes it.
Samara convinced herself that as long as she only watches—no touching herself, no writing a comment, no sending any money–then it's basically okay and doesn't break her code. She does, however, pay attention to your frequent commenters, checking their profiles, tracking their other socials... just in case one of them crosses the line. It is her job to make this world a safer place for everyone, right?
Thane–oh god, poor Thane. His own Siha...? Humans sure are uh... more adventurous than he thought they were. Drells are moved by emotions and romantic feelings more than sexual ones. He has very little interest in pornagrophy in any form of media because he just can't get off to a stranger, someone he doesn't love. But once he discovers that it is you in those videos, his commander Shepard, his siha. A flood of emotions wash over him. It becomes a boderline addiction.
Thane especially knows about the common human prono trope of fucking a drell because of the skin acting as both a stim and an aphrodisiac. He wonders if you'd be open to...having him on the stream for that? Just to boost your views...no other reason :) Definitely not to sate some deep primal instinct within him, the need to state his claim by fucking you in front of all of your adoring fans, he is such a tender gentle soul, he would never have those possessive thoughts, right?....right?
The poor guy almost voices this suggestion out each time you come over for a little chat.
Jack would be your top commenter, not even under a fake profile or a different name. Straight up Jack with her own profile picture to boost. Spewing filth and ordering you around like her own personal whore. Of course you don't pay her any mind and only oblige her requests after you make her beg.
Garrus wants to join you so badly. Picture this, the first ever human/turian streamers ever since the war! It will be a hit with both planets. Your profile will skyrocket in popularity. Especially if this is in ME1 where the human-turian intergalactic relationship was still strained and tense. Meditate the tension between your civilisations by letting him stuff you full with his gaint blue glowing cock <3 huh huh!? A million credit worth idea right?
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thegoldfisharmy · 3 months
Invader Zim Headcannon: Gaz's hair is Brown
Even if she was grown in a lab, I'm not sure the human body is even capable of producing that kind of pigmentation. (also the canon Irken Gaz from Enter the Florpus has bright purple antennae. Irkens have a surprising amount of color variation but I don't think there's any notable instances of them having natural differences in antenna coloration).
I've messed around with screenshots, drawings, gacha life, etc and giving her black hair like her Brother and Father just looks wrong to me, especially Show Gaz since she already has a lot of black and grey in her design. Also, disregarding her gender, it's pretty clear Gaz isn't a perfect clone of Membrane like Dib. Genetics are weird, and hair color genes in particular aren't as simple as 8th Grade Science makes them out to be, so it's not impossible.
My hair is brown. I happen to dye it purple. Enough said.
There's also the stereotype of the mid 2010s gaming streamer/YouTuber with brightly-colored hair. Gaz is a gamer herself after all.
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artist redition of brown-haired Gaz for an AU I'm working on
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t4tdanvis · 10 months
vylad and gene playing clangen together but they keep getting emotionally attached to all the cats and crying when they randomly die
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Part Three
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Part Three is here and this is where shit really starts to get angsty. So much love for this chapter, honestly. Enjoy!!
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3400+
Rating: R
Warnings: Smoking, Rude Bob, Drinking/Drunkeness, mentions of sex, swearing, pocket knife, once again Rude AF Bobby Floyd
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
The gym was decorated to the nines, streamers and balloons, flashing lights and a DJ booth. There were tables scattered around the perimeter, leaving most of the floor open for dancing. The room was abuzz with energy, girls dragging their dates to the dance floor. 
Bob didn't have a date. It wasn't that he couldn't get one, it was more the point that he didn't want to deal with all the expectations that came with having one. The sex at the end of the night he could've gotten behind, it was all the stuff before it that he had a problem with. The dinner date before hand, then being attached at the hip for the rest of the night. The slow dances that he would've had to take part in and the sitting through conversations that never seemed to interest him in the first place seemed like the absolute last thing he wanted to find himself doing.
His suit fit well, of course it did. His parents had enough money for things like that. The gray dress shirt complimented the gray pinstripes of the black suit that clung to his frame. His shoes were shined and his tie was straight. He looked good, and the girls were sure to tell him he did. 
But soon the warmth of the gym was getting to him, sweat beading around his forehead. The music was loud and the headache blooming behind his eyes made sure he knew. He excused himself from Gene who was busy scoping out the lone girls on the other side of the gym and headed for the back of the school, looking to get a breath of fresh air. 
"Oh, sorry, I didn't think anyone was out here," Bob held an unlit Cigarillo between his fingers, slipping a small silver case into his back pocket. He tucks the smoke behind his ear, leaving it unlit as he steps further out of the school. 
The words left his mouth before he could even think. Bob's eyes caught the one girl he really wasn't expecting to see tonight, Duchenne. She was dressed in a beautiful maroon dress, the thin straps showing off her shoulders. The skirt of her dress was piled around her upper thighs, her legs sticking out into the grass. She wore sneakers, the sight of which caused Bob to chuckle a bit to himself. 
"It's fine, Bertie, I was just going in," Duchenne pushes herself to stand, brushing her hands off on the skirt of her dress. That nickname again- he hated it. She sounded more exhausted than inconvenienced. 
"You don't have to leave on my account," Bob speaks, moving towards the spot next to her, "Seriously, it's okay. We can sit here like adults." She rolls her eyes but sits down, not wanting to fight it out, but also not wanting to return to the dance yet. She feels a little tipsy, her body swaying a bit as she moves. 
"What are you doing out here?" Bob asks, his voice soft, kind.  It sounds just how she remembered it did when they first met. It melts her heart a bit. He almost asked 'What are you doing here', but caught himself. It shouldn't have seemed so improbable that a beautiful girl like her would be at the dance. He leans back a bit, pulling his things, his keys, wallet, a silver cigarette case, and pocket knife from his pockets. He throws them into a pile on the grass next to him before leaning back on his hands. 
"I just couldn't deal with all the heat and the noise and the grinding," She giggling, playing with the fabric of her skirt. Bob laughs right along with her. "Why are you out here?" 
"I just needed a minute, these things aren't my style," He confesses with a shrug. 
"Ha, right. Not your style, whatever you say, Bertie," She rolls her eyes, a smile still playing on her lips. Since when was a room full of well dressed and half desperate girls not Bob Floyd's style? Duchenne leans over to grab the silver case from the pile of Bob's things. She flips the lid, bringing it up to her nose and takes a deep inhale. The full scent of the tobacco causes a warm feeling to spread throughout her chest. 
Bob watches her carefully as she sniffs the smokes. His brows are furrowed a bit, but a smirk spreads over his lips as she squeezes her eyes tight, breathing in deeply once more. Finally, Duchenne closes the case with a metallic click before placing it back into the pile of his things. 
"Why do you call me that?" He asks her after a beat of silence. There is tension in his voice. She narrows her brows at him, trying to cover up the fact that she is thinking whether or not to tell him the truth. 
"I don't know... Ah fuck it," She whispers to herself before continuing, facing him more head on, "I didn't always call you that, you know, I guess I just wanted to get under your skin. I wanted you to feel the way you made me feel. I know its selfish and petty, but there's this part of me that is still that girl from freshman year who thought we had a chance at being friends before you went and made the swim team and fucked it all up." The words spill from her lips so fast she doesn't even realize she is saying them, all of the things she has wanted to say to him for years. She put all of the blame on his shoulders- he couldn't blame her for it either. She hadn't changed, it was him who had. 
"I always liked you, Bob, I still do. Or maybe I like the guy I met a couple of years ago, the same one who helped file papers in the office with me during study hall for extra credit, the same guy who shared his lunches with people who forgot theirs. The sweet, helpful boy that I so wanted to be friends with because you were just so good. I wanted to be that good, and then those damn teammates of yours got into your head and turned you into a dick,"
Bob takes in each and every word, letting them run right through him. It hurts his heart to know that the girl he has always thought was so good thought he was too, key word, was. He wants to defend himself, but not only does he not deserve it, he can't find the words to even begin. He sits there, staring at her, mouth opening and closing. 
"I think I might be a little drunk," She speaks again, her voice quiet on the wind.
"Johnny spiked the punch," 
"Ah, yeah, then I'm very drunk," She giggles to herself, "So drunk that I can admit to myself that I still like you, even if you have been nothing but mean to me. Maybe it's because I think I deserve it, every word, every mean thing you have ever said to me. And maybe it's the alcohol or the self deprecation, but God I want to kiss you," 
Bob's blood runs cold then molten. He couldn't have possibly heard her right. Duchenne wants to kiss him? 
"I wouldn't stop you," He whispers, leaning ever so closer to her. There is still a good foot between them, and he isn't planning on pushing his luck. 
"Of course you wouldn't. Men like you will fuck anything that moves if given the chance," She bites her lip, looking at him half lidded eyes. The comment stings Bob, burning right into his chest. "Help me up, would you? I've gotta get back in there," 
Bob doesn't say a word, instead, he climbs to his feet before taking his hands in hers, pulling her up from the grass below. He tries not to think about how soft her hands are in his, or the way she looks at him, her eyes glimmering. They are so close now, and he could lean in, steal that kiss that they both want, but he doesn't. He can't get himself to. Instead, he drops her hands, offering her a lopsided smile. 
"Goodnight, Bobby," She leans in with a whisper, a smirk on her beautifully glossed lips. The nickname sends a pleasant chill down his spine. He wishes she would've called him that from the beginning; that she would call him that for the rest of forever. 
"Goodnight," He whispers back, his eyes closed tight. He is doing everything in his power to not reach for her, to not pull her body into his and kiss her. Bob knows damn well he doesn't deserve the pleasure of kissing her. 
She moves to the open door, grabbing onto the jamb. With a deep inhale, she turns to see Bob with his eyes still closed tightly, one hand running through his hair. The long locks tangle in his fingers, she wishes it were her hands instead. He mumbles something to himself, something she can't make out. 
"Hey, Bobby," Her voice comes out a little sing-song-y. Bob savers the way it floods over his skin. He lets the sound seep deep into his bones; he swears he could live of it that nickname alone. So, he saves the memory deep within his chest, in the white warmth there. It fits perfect next to the image of her in math class, the one with her tongue out, large golden frames on her face. 
"Yeah?" Is the only thing he can muster, the nickname thrumming through him. The moment his eyes open, she already moving, barreling towards him. She slams her body into his, arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to meet hers. He stumbles backwards from the force of her body, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as they both fall into a heap on the grass. 
None of it was graceful or beautiful. Their relationship up until that point was too tumultuous. It was all crashing waves and thunder, electricity under their skin like lightening. Everything between them burned, lips covered in gasoline, all consuming and red hot. 
Four years of pent up aggression and hidden feelings come together into one searing kiss that leaves them both breathless and blushing. They fit together in the way bodies should, his palms against the expanse of her waist, fingers reaching to encapsulate as much of her as he can. Her knees rest on either side of his hips, caging him down. 
"What the hell was that?" He chuckles, holding her body tightly on top of his own. Between the kiss, the fall, and the way his hands are holding tightly to her waist, his head spins a bit. The moon above him the only thing he can focus on for a moment, that, and the way he can feel someone's heartbeat against his chest. At this point, he doesn't know if it belongs to her or himself, but he can't find it in himself to care. The way it hits ragged against his chest makes him feel just a little bit more alive with each thump. 
He steals that feeling away too, tucking it in next to the new memory of his name of her lips. 
"I- Uhh... We graduate next week, and I don't know, I guess I just needed to know if I was right," She breathes deeply over him, her voice coming out mousy and unsure. His hand rakes through her hair, pulling back the pieces that have stuck to the sides of her face. 
The way she looks down at him sends a shockwave through his system; he lets his hands cradle her face for a moment longer than he probably should have, but God she is so pretty. She has always been pretty, he knew that, but the look in her eyes and the way she leans into his touch as he draws a thumb across her cheek has him fucking swooning. 
The air around them is muggy and thick, full of unsaid words and too much animosity- that part they both hate, and maybe that's where it's coming from. Not a dislike for each other, but the dislike for how things have fallen into place, for how they ended up in this moment, tangled up together. Until this moment they treaded the line between hate and desire, after all, it's a fine, sharp line- either side bound to leave them bloody and broken hearted.  
"Right about what?" He is almost too afraid to ask. Maybe he shouldn't have. 
She reaches up and brushes his hair away from his face, the softness of his hair bringing a small smile to her face. 
"Right about one kiss making up for the four years of torment, making it all worth it," She chuckles mostly to herself, "God I should hate you, I want to hate you, but all I can think about is kissing you again."
He doesn't give her time to say another word before he is pressing his lips firmly to hers again. He brings a gentle hand down to her chin, tilting her head to slot his mouth against hers, angling the kiss deeper. His other hand follows the taught muscle of her jaw down to her neck; he lets the edges of his fingertips graze lightly over her skin. The kiss is everything. It's tongues and teeth and so much emotion. She wants to cry. He wants to get on his knees and thank God. The kiss leaves them both so broken and so whole at the same time. 
His hands wander over her body, feeling every inch of red hot skin he can get under the gentle touch of his fingertips. She tangles her hands into his suit jacket, her knuckles pressed firmly to his chest, holding him down. She can feel the thumping of his heart beneath her balled up fists. He finds her heartbeat when his fingertips grace over the connection of her neck and jaw. 
They are tangled up in each other until they aren't. Breathing deeply from each other, hands still connected, lips parted. The mixture of her perfume, sweet and light, with the dense scent of his cherry tobacco makes them both a bit weak in the knees- so wound up together, entangled. 
"I think I should go," Bob finally whispers after a minute of sharing air, their foreheads pressed together. He doesn't stop himself from saying the words, even though that white hot part of his chest  was trying to strangle the words out of his head before he could say them. His chest hurts. He deserves the ache. 
"You want to leave," Duchenne whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. She tries to keep them at bay as she flutters her lashes. Her tone isn't accusatory, instead, it's full of knowing. 
He hates that she's right. 
"I don't want to, but I need to," The lie is easily off his lips as he sits them both up, unwinding his hands from around her body. He doesn't want to leave this moment, with his hands on her, Duchenne holding him even tighter. He doesn't want to go unwind the clock, go back to anytime before they were tangled together. Bob is thankful that she pulls her own hands from their place around his lapels. He knows he wouldn't have had the strength to do it himself. He shifts her from his lap to the damp grass beside him, the humidity from the late night clinging to the blades of grass, their clothes, their skin. It's sticky and consuming, both of them struggling to breathe. 
"I don't understand," She whispers, the waver in her voice unmistakable. Bob stands, leaving her sitting, staring at her hands bound loosely in the folds of her skirt, the fabric now dirty and wrinkled. He likes it better that way. It feels right, more like their shared past rather than the one they may have shared if he wasn't so damn mean. 
There's a metaphor in there somewhere; between the dirt under her fingernails and the way her hands find themselves winding around softness. Before it was the grass, then his body, now the fabric of her clothes. The juxtaposition of the cleanliness of his hands and the dirty ache that has taken over his chest, slowly snuffing out the warmth, the memories threatening to go with them. Maybe on paper, scrawled in looping wet ink, this is beautiful, the brokenness they have found themselves in. The inability to go backwards, to cross back to the comfortable side of the line. 
But in reality, it just hurts. 
"I didn't plan for you. We graduate next week, Duchenne, I move across the country in a month. I have it worked out to fast track my degree so that I can get into the Navel Academy. I have everything planned out. You can't expect me to give all that up because you got drunk and decided you needed to kiss me to fix your life," Bob's tone is hostile, the meanness he has fought so hard to keep at bay, the meanness that keeps himself safe, bubbles to the surface. "I didn't work my ass off for four years, doing advanced classes and killing myself in swimming to throw it all away for a girl, especially a girl like you," 
It was a cheap shot. He knows it the second it leaves his lips. Bob hates himself for it. After years of his much too put together parents telling him to keep his image up and take pride from those he surrounds himself with, the words just slipped. His Mother would preach about him finding the right girl, someone prim and proper that he could bring home. Someone she would approve of. She never would have approved of Duchenne. Not that it had ever mattered to him before everything went to hell in the first place. He doesn't stop himself to wonder why it matters now. 
He doesn't ask himself because he knows the answer already. His Mother's opinion doesn't matter. It never has. 
The truth is Bob knows he doesn't fucking deserve her. Not after the way he has treated her for the last four years. Not after how he let his friends treat her. Not after any of it. There's no coming back from how awful he had been. That much he knows, at least, he convinces himself he does. 
It's just easier that way. 
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Pain and frustration grate through her words. "We could have had one night where we weren't trying to kill each other, but instead of kissing me, you're trying to fucking fight me again! God damnit Bobby! I really thought you were different than this!" 
Bob wants to be different, God, he wants nothing more than to be different. He wants to be different for her, he wants to be the version of himself that lives in her head. 
"I guess I'm the one girl you won't fuck, huh?" Duchenne whispers those words to herself, her tone defeated. Bob wasn't supposed to hear them. He doesn't look at her, he can't, instead he takes a couple of steps back, the heels of his palms pressed firmly against his eyes. His brows are furrowed, a pained expression knit through his features. Her words hit him square in the chest. Hard.  
Duchenne almost shakes with anger, or maybe it's disappointment. Either way she is holding back a title wave of tears and curses. 
"So your just going to walk away?!" She yells, the tears in her eyes blurring the outline of his body. She climbs to her feet, a bit shaky and off balance. He wants to reach out and steady her, but he doesn't. His hands find home in his pants pockets; he buries them deep, clutching onto the fabric to keep himself from reaching for her. 
"Okay, that's fine. I didn't ask you to stay. I just thought that maybe, after everything, you might've realized that you had the capability of being a nice person. A good man. But I should've known," She shakes her head, fighting to keep her tears from spilling. She juts a finger out, pressing it square against his chest as she leans in close, her words no more than a whisper, "Once an asshole, always an asshole," 
Bob doesn't even give her time to say anything else, he kneels to grab his keys and wallet before he is turning on his heel. The only thing he hears as he crosses the threshold back into the school is a ragged sob coming from the broken girl he left behind. 
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taanoir · 1 month
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In 2034 Melody was approaching the end of High School and River was in the thick of it. River had taken on a side job in addition to his his computer club commitments,
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River was always talking to someone. He was getting very popular as a streamer, his phone notifications were almost constant. Melody had no idea how he found the hours in the day.
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When they talk it was usually exchanging jokes and barbs.
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Melody was a bit of a homebody. She had a couple small works published and like the quiet for her writing. River liked to poke fun at her about her lack of social life and she'd poke back about him needing everyone's approval.
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Eventually one of them would take off in a huff.
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Grandpa Milo pulled River aside about poking at his sister. "You only have one sister, you shouldn't spend all of your time biting at one another.
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They ended up talking about his mom and Aunt Nicole. Their mom always wanted attention from her sister but Nicole was busy doing other things. Eventually Nicole moved out and their bond never became as strong as the one between Jen and Tiff. Milo also brought up Gene and Jimmy, they were a few years apart but different as day and night. They were never really close for the same reason, Jimmy didn't communicate with Gene, he just poked at him.
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Milo told River he thought they were both smart, wonderful kids that were going to be amazing adults someday, but that they both needed to knock it off.
River agreed to make an effort to be kinder to his sister. River knew Grandpa was speaking from the heart and he didn't say "no" poking at Melody just not to make that their entire relationship.
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Grandpa Milo didn't just talk to River, he also went up and talked to Melody. Like River, she agreed to make an effort to be kinder.
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starlightshore · 2 years
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my AU's take on the school crowd!
story takes place modern day
Jazz takes after her father -always felt it weird neither kid looked like Jack much. So Jazz inherited his bulk.
Sam is nonbinary and uses they/she
Tucker is a semi-popular twitch streamer (as in, popular for Casper High, not as in, internet famous)
Danny is the shortest cause i like having short protagonists. still has his lighting scar and electric powers
Wes. So tall that he's a lil intimidating to the other kids. That, and he's a bit stand offish and mutters a lot to himself. He's actually not outcasted for his outlandish theories -he'd rather play vigilante/ private investigator on his own, sharing his theories to the school's facebook group or whatever
Kyle goes to school in PJs. got senioritis so bad.
i've talked about Dani/Ellie in my AU before -short story is she's an alternative timeline version of Danny who's taken refuge in this universe. Her timeline is VASTLY different and therfore has little to do with Danny past DNA (including the Dumbass Teenager gene)
nothing really to add onto the popular kids, i made star chubby because we need more body diversity
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gendervoid-zane · 8 months
MyStreamer AU stuff:
Travis and Dante stream via a shared account. Travis mainly streams stuff like “rating my viewers most embarrassing moments” and Dante mostly streams him playing video games. Pronouns: Travis uses they/them and he/him. Dante uses he/him.
Gene, Zenix, and Sasha are all gaming streamers. Gene streams low-energy games, Zenix streams FPS games, and Sasha streams indie horror games. The three do have band and do band stuff on the side. Pronouns: Gene uses mirror pronouns. Zenix uses it/its, he/him, and death-related neopronouns like for example rot/rotself & death/deathself. Sasha uses dolls/dollself, she/her, and it/its (order of pref)
Vylad’s a completely mysterious streamer- faceless and no one knows about their personal life. They mostly stream playing Geoguesser and indie sandbox games. Vylad uses any pronouns.
Nana’s a completely faceless streamer/v-tuber. She typically does Just Chatting streams but occasional she’ll stream her drawing or playing games like PlateUp. Nana uses any pronouns (defaults to she/her when she’s talking about herself)
Aaron’s also a completely faceless streamer and after meeting Nana, eventually gets hooked up with a v-tuber of his own. He typically streams MMORPGs. Aaron uses he/him pronouns but occasionally feels urge to use any pronouns.
Aphmau’s a Variety streams who mostly streams MMORPGs and does writing streams. Aphmau uses she/her pronouns but doesn’t mind they/them.
Katelyn started out as someone who did live self-defense lessons, but ended up becoming someone who would stream the plays she wrote and would cast fellow streamers as roles in said plays. Katelyn uses she/her and he/him pronouns
Zane is a faceless streamer (but in a Ranboo way) and void typically does My Little Pony Horsey unboxing streams. Zane uses void/voidself pronouns.
Garroth is a Just Chatting streamer, typically talking about fashion and makeup and the like. Garroth uses she/her and he/him pronouns (order of pref), but she hasn’t added she/her to her twitter bio yet.
Laurance is a gaming streamer who mainly streams older, console games. Laurance uses he/him pronouns.
Lucinda is a mostly a Just Chatting streamer, who makes potions on stream. When she feels like it, she will stream touring haunted locations. Lucinda uses she/her and it/its pronouns
Cadenza occasionally streams her making clothes, talking about the fashion industry, and what goes behind the scenes. She will occasionally stream FPS games. Cadenza uses she/her pronouns.
Everyone mentioned above does stream themselves playing Minecraft.
Characters that show up but aren’t streamers:
Shadow Knight Polycule.
Guys House Polycule
Aphmau x Nana
Katelyn x Jeffory.
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tanzytechgem · 5 months
okok here's some of my slugcat stuff!!! a bit of a read but i got silly
aerial slugcats [name pending]
wings are their own gene, every aerial slugcat has it, save for the unique cases where they aren't born with them. there are traits that slugcats with a recessive wing gene can have if they do not show wings, such as;
feathers on their body
feather streamers
tail feathers
carnivorous slugcats
despite their name, carnivorous slugcats are not actually slugcats - instead an iterator-created species to serve as messengers. while they do appear as slugcats and can interbreed with them, they are a seperate species. they are made for much longer journeys and combat [some more than others] in case they need to travel far.
cavern slugcats
slugcats that naturally evolved to live in deep caves and tunnels, with the ability to dig through certain types of rock. they are leathery unlike other slugcats, and have scales down their back and on other parts of their body.
there is a 89% chance of a cavern slugcat sporting the bioluminescence gene visibly; it is on occasion used for communication, but most tend to make sounds by tapping on rocks.
certain cavern slugcats have a quill gene, which causes quills to grow on them
certain colonies of cavern slugcats sport a membrane wing gene, where their wings are alike a bat's instead of being feathered. this is also its own gene, and can co-exist and mix with a feathered wing gene
geode slugcats
geode slugcats are an engineered species of slugcat, using the cavern slugcats as a base. they have crystals growing on them, which is its own gene.
when not sporting crystals, a slugcat carrying a recessive crystal gene will 96% of the time sport some sort of iridescence or glittery and/or metallic fur
unstable gene
the unstable gene is an iterator-created phenomenon. it is caused by an iterator messing around a bit too much with a slugcat's genome due to how malleable slugcat genome is, and usually, will not show, instead being recessive. when an unstable gene carrier has offstring, the unstable gene will usually attach itself to a specific thing, such as colors or a wing gene, and make it look unusual. a winged slugpup with a visible unstable gene can end up with multiple sets of wings in extreme cases, or displaced wings, such as on the tail, arms or head in mild cases. when an unstable gene affects colors, it can cause them to be extremely vibrant and splotchy. this depends on the individual, and seems random.
hi hi hi this is all so good
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look at this chunky guy,,, big claws,,, squishy….
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