#stream sugar rush PREACH
shoverse · 7 months
the new theme is so dreamy i love it !!
XIE XIE POOKS would u believe the only person who said anything............ I LOVE U LOTS BABE THANK U
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themadhattam · 4 years
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I'm hearing myself/a small corner of my obviously very clean, organized & well put together/furnished living space for @openmicrenegades wonderful e-open mic for a astounding community of talent in roughly 30 East Coast minutes, I am going to rush this out because I've spent a little too much time today e-preaching to the e-choir here on Mark Zuckerbouge's "I can't anything about hate" second attempt at facilitating community. Trigger Warning! Contains accurate depictions of the current administration: More than two decades ago, in the dark of night when all the sugar plum fairies were safely gawking at the cultural void -- a pink comet streaked across the internet. I can only seem to find Queer Nation on the wayback machine. I shudder to think that it might have been lost in the internet's revolution. This will be two posts, the comic and then the info on the creators. I hope they're all okay, apologies for not being more with it and able to point to the talent better. This was a free, now creepily prescient, Queer and Colorful Indie comic that saved my life as a suicidal teen. It always lingered in the back of my mind as a wonder not to be missed. I'll be posting a new part of the story here prior to each stream (9ish usually though may hop on early to chat, themadhattam on twitch/everwhere) but please, go explore the wonder and just come here to catch the reruns. I want this to be printed like war bonds and spread across the planet like Sherwin William's paint. @blackqueernation @queernationny @queernationtoronto @gay.view.pleasure @queer.nation.army @queernation @queerbyqueernation @queernation.br @queernationaustralia @thatqueernation @_queer_nation_unite_ @queernationpoland @queernation4575 @queerlove.nation @queer_nation3 @_the.queer.nation_ @comics @queerart @queerarchivesinstitute #Pride  🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1l5JyHMbY/?igshid=1srlg0te0keyr
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surveystodestressme · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 36
3401. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking?
it depends
3402. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice?
probably not
3403. Where does peace begin?
3404. Does America practice the ideals it preaches? If yes when and where? If not, why not?
3405. In conversations do you assume that you know what will be said? If yes, isn’t this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas?
sometimes but it depends on who i am talking to and what the convo is about
3406. In what ways are you closed minded?
i stereotype sometimes and don’t stray far from it
3407. do you prefer beans or rice?
3408. who’s a better tv dad?–dr. huxtable (bill cosby) or danny tanner?
danny tanner.
3409. detroit or new york?
never been to either
3410. What’s your favourite Star Wars movie?
the first one
3411. What’s your favourite Star Trek movie?
never seen any of them
3412. How about Batman? never seen any of them
Indiana Jones? ^
Lord of the rings? the first one
harry potter? prisoner of azkaban
star wars? already asked.
3413. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be:
Saddam Hussain?
George W Bush? 9/11, whaddup with that?
John Lennon?
an alien? how did you come to be?
God? are you real?
Someone you knew who has died? what’s it like when you die?
Steven Speilberg?
JD Salinger?
3414. Have you seen AI (artificial intelligence)? nope
If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie?
Do you see this as a possible future for humanity?
What’d you think in general?
3415. If a-l-k-a-s-e-l-t-z-e-r spells ‘relief’ how do you spell:
love? jack
happiness? sunflowers
evil? lemons
sexiness? jennifer anniston
yummy? food
3416. Have you ever been to a Broadway show?
What one?
3417. Nighttime shows or matinees?
3418. How are your family get-together, loud and rambunctious or quiet and formal?
loud, very loud.
3419. Would you be able to survive shipwrecked alone on a desert island?
probably not
3420. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan EVER get off his?
no idea.
3421. What movie has the BEST soundtrack?
i don’t know off the top of my head
3422. Do you ever go into chat rooms? If yes, what ones?
i used to when i was much younger
3423. Is english your first language? yes.
If not…How you say hello in your language:
another word in your language + english translation:
boob in your language:
3424. Make up a religion (make it up): people have already done plenty of that
what would it believe: anything
3425. Create your own country-
Name of country:
Ethnic background:
Language (make it up):
Other details:
3426. How would you celebrate these holidays?
Dogs in Politics day:
Magic circles day:
Be bald and free day:
National mole day:
Syliva plath day:
Increase your psychic powers day:
Waiting for the barbarians day:
Air day:
3427. -Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue’s Clues:
i think it was for drugs
3428. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics?
3429. -Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said, “Hay, thats a good idea!”
3430. - Have you ever covered yourself in blood and layed down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident? You don’t know what you’re missing.
3431. Can you flare your nostrils?
3432. -do you want to swim in a vast lake of gatorade? or, any other beverage for that matter?
that sounds awful
3433. -have you ever sneezed at the same time everyday, consecutively, for over 3 months?
not that i know of
3434. -how did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy?
same way people discover other things would be good, eating them
3435. -why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them?
because they were hungry probably
3436. -do you like the idea of 'like father, like son’?
i don’t have an opinion either way
3437. Put the following musical acts in order from best to worst by numbering them..(1 for best, 2 for 2nd best, etc… 20 for worst).
Avril: 2
Ashanti: 3
Joan Jett:
David Bowie: 8
the Bee Gees:
The Doors: 7
Iggy Pop:
Creed: 5
Weezer: 1
Adam Ant:
the Clash:
Led Zeppelin: 4
Tom Waites: 6 only counted the ones i know
3438. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member?
sitcom family member.
3439. What is the wave of the future?
3440. What’s your favorite old movie (before 1990)?
the breakfast club
3441. When someone tells you that their significant other lives Really Far Away..do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up?
3442. Alaska or Hawaaii?
3443. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC?
it’s shorter
3444. What is there no place to hide from?
3445. Which makes you happier, giving presents or getting them?
3446. What can you never have just one of?
kitchen cooked potato chips
3447. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan?/
the wrestler.
3448. What would you be the patron saint of?
idek what that means
3449. Do you still look at the world with wonder like you did when you were a kid?
3450. For 5 seconds clear your mind. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of!:
3451. When was the last time you ate too much?
a couple days ago
3452. Describe the sexiest person you can imagine:
i don’tneed to, i can just imagine it
3453. What have you seen that’s…bizzare?
several things
3454. Are there any stores or brands or products that you boycott? What and why?
not off the top of my head
3455. Do you want things to REALLY get out of control?
3456. Are you too tense?
i can be
3457. Where would you be without love and bubblegum?
right where i am
3458. Why aren’t comic books popular anymore?
people don’t want to read anymore, i guess
3459. Think of one friend (who?): my boyfriend.
When is the last time you saw each other? today
Do they smoke? no
Do they believe in God? no
When you first saw this friend what was your impression? i thought he was really cute
Their age? 22
The top five things you think they think about? motorcycles, computers, me, video games, work
3460. Do you say what you mean? Do you mean what you say?
3461. Could you eat meat if you had to hunt it yourself?
yeah, if i had to
3462. Order from greatest to least importance: spirituality, creativity, intellect, great body, open-mindedness, magicalness, great dancer, interesting dresser, wit and cleverness, niceness, stability
intellect, niceness, open-mindedness, stability, wit & cleverness, creativity, spirituality, interesting dresser, magicalness, great body, great dancer
3463. Complete the sentence.
When a problem comes along You must: solve it
3464. Pick the two most important attributes for food– fast, cheap, tasty, healthy
tasty & healthy
3465. What do you think is the best metaphor for romantic relationships? (e.g. a car wreck, a cruise):
a rollercoaster.
3466. Kittens or no kittens, that is the question.
3467. Is gaining 15 lbs in a night possible?
3468. Do you get emotional watching movies?
all the time
3469. What makes you feel nostalgic?
looking at old photos.
3470. Do you feel like you’ve been misplaced?
3471. Have you ever fought someone, just for fun?
3472. What gives you an adrenaline rush?
carnival rides
3473. What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else, and you could never have them?
move on.
3474. Rank these events in order of best/most exciting to boring:
drinking and dancing to your favorite music at a club: 6
taking a walk in the woods and a bath in a stream: 8
having great sex: 5
winning the lottery (one mil):  1
getting followed home by a stray animal: 4
meeting someone interesting to talk to: 7
seeing your favorite band in concert:  3
seeeing a broadway show: 9
halloween: 2
3475. Can you keep a secret?
3476. Where is the tenderness?
in the heart.
3477. What’s one song you REALLY like from the:
50’s? good golly miss molly
60’s? sugar, sugar
70’s? dancing queen
80’s? livin on a prayer
90’s? no diggity
00’s? oops i did it again
3478. Would you rather have a video phone, an electric scooter, or a digital camera?
electric scooter
3479. If a ban on all violent video games was put into effect, would you be outraged by this decision?
absolutely because it’s ridiculous
3480. In your opinion, is violence in society inescapable? Why or why not?
3481. Have you ever mimicked a violent “action” from a video game you’ve played towards another person, whether it was to harm or just for play?
3482. Do you believe the violent content in video games influences aggressive and/or violent behavior in younger children?
yeah, i feel like moreso on people who are too mature to understand.  i don’t think children should play violent video games because i don’t really think they can handle it.
3483. What makes life a bitter sweet symphony?
3484. Name four things that are AWESOME:
sleep, my family, having a roof over my head, and food
3485. What’s the most creative/funny answer you can come up with for this question: What are you doing?
watching greys anatomy... not really creative or funny but that’s what i’m doing
3486. Can you imagine this world going on without you?
3487. Are you the only person who really exists?
3488. Is everyone else a figment of your imagination?
3489. Or are YOU a figment of my imagination?
3490. Can you prove you exist? How?
yes, my birth certificate.
3491. What do you HAve to get off your chest?
nothing at the moment.
3492. If you cheated on someone would you confess to them?
3493. Is it true that at least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you? Who?
yeah, i guess so?  my siblings, parents, and boyfriend
3494. Are you in therapy?
i used to be a while ago
3495. Do you go shopping on black friday?
3496. What is the bane of your existence?
rude people.
3497. Better movie: Weird Science or Caddy Shack?
weird science
3498. Who’s the big winner?
3499. What are the 3 funniest:
music videos? i don’t watch a lot of music videos
Movies? horrible bosses, 22 jump street, we’re the millers
songs? nightmare on my street, cotton eye joe
3500. Guess what?
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themadhattam · 4 years
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I'm hearing myself/a small corner of my obviously very clean, organized & well put together/furnished living space for @openmicrenegades wonderful e-open mic for a astounding community of talent in roughly 30 East Coast minutes, I am going to rush this out because I've spent a little too much time today e-preaching to the e-choir here on Mark Zuckerbouge's "I can't anything about hate" second attempt at facilitating community. Trigger Warning! Contains accurate depictions of the current administration: More than two decades ago, in the dark of night when all the sugar plum fairies were safely gawking at the cultural void -- a pink comet streaked across the internet. I can only seem to find Queer Nation on the wayback machine. I shudder to think that it might have been lost in the internet's revolution. This will be two posts, the comic and then the info on the creators. I hope they're all okay, apologies for not being more with it and able to point to the talent better. This was a free, now creepily prescient, Queer and Colorful Indie comic that saved my life as a suicidal teen. It always lingered in the back of my mind as a wonder not to be missed. I'll be posting a new part of the story here prior to each stream (9ish usually though may hop on early to chat, themadhattam on twitch/everwhere) but please, go explore the wonder and just come here to catch the reruns. I want this to be printed like war bonds and spread across the planet like Sherwin William's paint. @blackqueernation @queernationny @queernationtoronto @gay.view.pleasure @queer.nation.army @queernation @queerbyqueernation @queernation.br @queernationaustralia @thatqueernation @_queer_nation_unite_ @queernationpoland @queernation4575 @queerlove.nation @queer_nation3 @_the.queer.nation_ @comics @queerart @queerarchivesinstitute #Pride  🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1ltTpHTon/?igshid=7umxa0xrt00v
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