#stray kids as sad songs
dazed--xx · 6 months
🥀Heartbreak Playlist 🥀
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Summary: Now suddenly you're asking for it back Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts…..When you broke me first
Post Date: 01/17/2024
T/W: Mentions of Cheating, Break Ups, arguments, drinking, manipulation, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, mentions of being drunk, yelling, sad ending
Word Count: 2.7K
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Summary: Little do you know, How I'm breakin' while you fall asleep. Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories. Little do you know, I'm tryin' to pick myself up piece by piece. Little do you know ……I need a little more time
Post Date: 01/20/2024
T/W: ANGST..,crumbling marriage, mentions of divorce. Mentions of anxiety, mentions of panic attacks. Mentions of neglect in a marriage, crying, begging etc
Word Count: 2.7K
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Summary: I tell myself you don't mean a thing. And what we got, got no hold on me; But when you're not there, I just crumble. I tell myself I don't care that much; But I feel like I die 'til I feel your touch Only love……Only love can hurt like this
Post Date: 01/28/2024
T/W:1930s Era, ANGST, historical inaccuracies, Prohibition, cursing, mafia, talks of murder, mentions of guns, Molotov cocktail, gun violence, harassment, neglect in a relationship I guess, mentions of illegal activity, life threatening injuries, mentions mafia war. Mentions of Bootlegging, mentions of Shylocking. Sad ending
Word Count: 5.1K
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Summary: I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone. I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy. Don't tell me that your love is gone…..That your love is gone
Post Date: 01/28/2024
T/W: ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!, hate comments, distant partner, mentions of depression, mentions of anxiety, assault like legit assault, recording of an assault, hate speech. Cursing, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, Crying, Feeling alone, ambiguous ending, etc
Word count: 2.5k
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Summary: Pictures I'm living through for now, Trying to remember all the good times. Our life was cutting through so loud; Memories are playing in my dull mind. I hate this part, paper hearts And I'll hold a piece of yours; Don't think I would just forget about it……Hoping that you won't forget about it
Post Date: 03/18/2024
Member: Seungmin x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, slight shoving nothing too crazy, some emotional manipulation, problem avoidance, denial, (subtle mention to woojin via blacked out photo he existed people he was in the group once), mentions of Minhos elimination in Finding Stray kids
Word Count: 2.3K
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Summary: Now the day bleeds, Into nightfall; And you're not here, To get me through it all. I let my guard down; And then you pulled the rug…..I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Post Date: 03/18/2024
Member: Changbin x Reader
T/W: Friend Break Up(cause romantic break ups ain't the only type that is heartbreaking), arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, problem avoidance, flirty behavior, mentions of one night stand, mentions of friend with benefits relationships, innuendos, brutal honesty
Word Count: 3.2K
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Summary: Torn in two, And I know I shouldn't tell you. But I just can't stop thinking of you, Wherever you are. You. Wherever you are; Every night I almost call you. Just to say it always will be you…Wherever you are
Post Date: 03/19/2024
Member: Jeongin x Reader
T/W: Break Up, arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, Long distance relationship, neglect, ambiguous aged female (17-22), emotional manipulation.
Word Count: 3.2K
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Summary: I've spent all of the love I saved. We were always a losing game, Small town Girl(boy) in a big arcade, I got addicted to a losing game. Oh,Oh.All I know, all I know……Loving you is a losing game
Post Date: 03/19/2024
Member: Felix x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, Bet Au!, depressing thoughts, lack of communication, childish behavior, Avoiding S/O, mentions of sex, bullying, denial
Word Count: 2.1K
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ikykwklk-ash · 4 months
I don't.... I don't feel very good, this song is..... I don't even know what words to use...
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kidrauhlschik · 9 months
Stray Kids as Sad Songs
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Hyung Line
Bang Chan - Angels Like You (Miley Cyrus)
"It's not your fault I ruin everything
and it's not your fault I can't be what you need"
If he could go back in time to never meet you, he would. He would prefer to never experience the things he did with you, because then this moment wouldn't hurt him the way he's hurting right now.
He finally let's his tears flow freely as he packs the last of his things.
"A little more hurt won't kill you tonight"
He wonders if you'll ever forgive him. It's doubtful. He came into your life and everything felt like a dream. The first year the two of you spent together, you could have sworn that the two of you were soulmates. As time went by, that illusion quickly started to fade into a memory.
He self destructs, it's the only thing he's good at. You tell him that you're there for him through every step of the way, but he knows better. People like you don't belong with people like him. You need someone who can be there for you day and night, someone who you can see year round, you need someone who can post you on social media and show you off.
"Cause they say that misery loves company"
Bang Chan knows that he doesn't deserve you. He lack in areas you need him most. He notices when you cry yourself to sleep while he lays next to you, you never liked to tell him your problems because you don't want to add another burden to his ever growing list. He sees the missed calls that he didn't see while working, while performing, or while sleeping.
You deserve a good man, not the shell of one.
"Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave"
He decided enough was enough, and although his departure will destroy you, he knows that this is what he has to do. He knows that you would stop him if you knew, so disappearing without a trace is his only option. You deserve an explanation but he's too scared to confront you. So with that thought he grabs the rest of his bags and takes one last look at the place the two of you used to call home.
"I'm everything they said I would be"
Lee Know - A Grave Mistake (Ice Nine Kills)
"Till death do us part came far too soon"
He can remember that night as if it were yesterday. Every time he closes his eyes, the memory of the accident haunts him. Except, it was no accident. The man chose to get in his car after drinking way more than he could handle. He chose to take your life that night.
He can remember riding his bike behind yours, the two of you were discussing what you would have for dinner that night through the mic's in your helmet. It all happened in a second. You had a green light, everything was perfect. Until Satan himself flew through his stop at insane speed. Minho's heart stopped in that second. His brain refusing to process what had just happened.
He can remember the way your body flew over the car but he couldn't see you any more. He rode his bike around the car and found you. You weren't moving, but your helmet was still in place.
"Baby?" You weren't responding.
He flies off of his motorcycle, almost stumbling after it falls behind him. The bike didn't matter to him right now.
"Baby? Are you okay" No response.
On his knees next you he keeps trying to understand what his eyes are seeing. His hands hover over you, not wanting to so much as touch you to prevent further damage.
"I'm so sorry, I was was just driving and I-" But before the man could say anything else, Minho stopped him, he couldn't even bother to take his eyes off of you at that moment.
"Call 911! Call them right now!" From the top of his lungs. The world around him seemed like a blur to him, he knew there were cars stopping to see the scene but all he cared about was making sure that no one would touch you unless they knew what they were doing.
"Baby? Can you hear me? Baby please answer me!" Delusion.
"Rage, scorn, misery
Payback from what you took from me
Hope, love, sanity"
He remembers the ambulance arriving, shortly after the cops were putting handcuffs on the drunk man. He remembers that they were trying too pull him away to give the paramedics space to work. As he was fighting to get back to your side, he remembers the words very clearly.
"Time of death, 10:48PM" His world stopped. The words circled in his head but he couldn't understand them.
"NO!" He throws off the man who kept trying to hold him back. Landing on his knees next to you. They had taken your helmet off. You were fine. What were they talking about? It wasn't until Minho noticed the blood around your body that reality set in.
"Baby wake up! Get up baby! We have to go home! The cat's are waiting for us baby! Get up! Please." Tears were beginning to mix with blood as he held you body to his chest. Eyes full of pity let him have a moment with your body as he sobbed into your hair..
"No forgiveness, just farewell"
The memory hurts just as much as it did a year ago. He can only see your face as he holds the gun up to the man who took your life.
11 months. They only gave him 11 months in jail. It's okay though, Lee know would take care of the rest.
He pulled the trigger.
"A match made in heaven
You sent straight to hell"
Changbin - Ghost (Justin Bieber)
"I know you crossed a bridge that I can't follow"
You moved on. He knew you were happy. You finally had your dream career, your dream house, you dream man. Unfortunately, that man wasn't him.
You were the smartest person he knew. He always knew that you would accomplish everything you put you mind into. That meant that you knew exactly what you wanted in life, and being in a relationship with an idol was not in your list.
He received the wedding invitation three months ago. When he saw your name written in the front he was worried that the others would hear his heart burst into a million pieces. It's over. There was no chance of winning you back now.
"Since the love that you left is all that I get"
It wasn't that you no longer loved him. You simply love him in a different way than he does. Changbin thinks that it hurts even more this way, because he can still remember how you used to love him. He can still remember your voice through the phone on his late nights.
Now all he has to remember your love are letters. You always wrote him letters. You would tell him that it felt more personal that way. He thought it was silly but it was one of the many things he loved about you. He held on to every single letter, sometimes he still reads them to remember when you loved him.
"If I can't be close to you, I'll settle for the ghost of you"
He knew he also had to move on. He tried it. No one could replace you. He brought his girlfriend to your wedding. His girlfriend was kind, beautiful, romantic, and she was everything a man could want. Except, she wasn't you.
You looked beautiful in your white dress, reading your vows to your husband to be. You probably hand wrote them, and all that Changbin could think about is that you still write letters, but they're no longer for him.
Your beautiful words are now directed to someone else and that thought alone makes him choke up. He refuses to cry though, he wants to be happy for you, but he can't help wishing that man holding your hand was him.
"I'd leave it all behind if I could follow"
If you turned to him in that second and told him that you still loved him, he would leave with you with no questions asked. He would simply get up and leave with you. He felt awful for feeling that way. His girlfriend didn't deserve that. Yet, he can't help but fantasize about your love and how it will never be directed at him anymore.
However, his heart will always belong to you.
"I miss you more than life"
Hyunjin - Creep (Radiohead)
"Couldn't look you in the eye"
Hyunjin never felt normal. That's why he escaped reality so often. Singing helps him forget. Painting helps him forget. You help him forget. He can always count on those three things to help him forget the world he lives in.
One would think he was perfect in every way, but he knew better. If people could see his brain, they would understand. Sometimes he's scared to look at you in the eyes, because maybe you could see the darkness in his.
You were always there for him. As a friend.
That's all he can ask from you.
"I wish I was special
You're so fuckin special"
He never felt safe on this earth until he met you. You were the light of his life and he always hoped he could be the light in yours, but that's unrealistic. Someone like him could never be a light.
You were so perfect. You always know what to say. He can't help but admire you. You have so many friends, and Hyunjin has nine. You had so many hobbies and passions that you enjoyed for fun, Hyunjin has hobbies to escape his own mind. You were beautiful in everyway, and Hyunjin thinks that's he's disgusting.
Those thoughts always haunt him.
"What the hell am I doing here?"
Panic always sets in at moments like these. His nails dig into his skin trying to bring himself back to reality.
"I don't belong here"
"Otw! :)" Your message read and he immediately calms down.
He wishes he could be with you all the time but he'll never tell you that. You would probably laugh in his face and cut him off and he wouldn't be able to handle that. He can't live without you.
"But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo"
So there he sits in a room full of paintings of your face, paintings he made whenever he had a chance. Painting of you smiling, some when you were cooking, some of you when you were sleeping, and others of you naked.
Hyunjin has seen you in every way possible. But you don't know that. He tells himself it's okay because he loves you.
A/N: That was a lot longer than i expected it to be. Also, I may have gotten a bit carried away w Lee Know's lol ! anyway thanks for reading !:)
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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TOP 5 STRAY KIDS SONGS ✰ (tagged by @boba-skz)
in no particular order...if anyone else wants to do this, i’ll tag @seungs @foxinys @hanjesungs @seo-changbinnies @spearbin @connecteds @hyunchanz @huiracha @binsuns @hyunsung @seo-trashbins and anyone else that sees this and wants to do it! say i tagged you, but otherwise no pressure to do this as always <3 and if you already did this and i tagged you again sorry 🙏
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juiceofmoons · 2 years
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There's so many different things but nothing feels right There's so many differеnt things but I drop it all
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rhooboob · 1 year
me and my husband we are doing better
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it’s always been just him and me together
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69shadesofzen · 1 month
   𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕋𝕠 𝕄𝕪 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕟
Helloooo! Welcome to my beautiful flower garden! 🎕 My name is Kaizen, your poetic florist and book enthusiast. ❀ Feel free to explore the garden! I have lots to share with you! ✾
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minhosimthings · 7 months
Get ready bitches. It's Mona's Spotify wrapped time with the musical maniac herself hehe
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The fact that my most replayed song is by Enha and my top artist is Skz is the most Stay-engene coded I can be. AND OMG CHACONNE MY HEART AND SOUL I KNEW IT WOULD BE MY MOST REPLAYED.
Also apparently I listened to Skz and Enha most in June, which is literally so random like bruh what (even though it's my birthday month hehe)
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starlatics · 2 months
vocalracha im in love with you
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dazed--xx · 6 months
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luvlaki · 1 year
skz as midnights songs ˖⋆་ danceracha
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paris - hyunjin
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no didn’t see the news, cause we were somewhere else,,
i was taken by the view, like we were in paris 💫
— love that’s just yours to share, love that might make you stop breathing
sweet nothing - lee know
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i find myself running home to your sweet nothings,,
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing ✨
— love that’s found in the simple things, in the sweet nothings
midnight rain - felix
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my boy was a montage, a slow-motion, love potion..
he was sunshine 🌟
— love with someone who lights up your days, who is your sunshine
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kidrauhlschik · 9 months
Stray Kids as Sad Songs
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Maknae Line
Han - Iris (The Goo Goo Dolls)
"And I don't want world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand"
It's no secret that Jisung struggles with his mental health. He always has and he's convinced that he always will. His anxiety makes him feel different from other people in the worst way possible.
His life got to the point where he is constantly on the edge, it is simply what he's used to. So, when you came into his life, the anxiety you caused him felt like home.
Everyone around him could tell that he was hurting and his life kept going from bad to worse, but he always failed to see your wrongs and flaws. To him you were perfect. You could see him for what he was and kept him grounded.
"When Everything is meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"
It's fine if you broke him down whenever he's happy. You were just protecting him for something worse. It's better to fall from a one story building rather than a fifteen story hotel. At least, that's what he always told himself.
Whenever he would approach you with the biggest smile on his face, beaming with excitement to show you a new song he composed, it was only normal for you to point out the flaws in his work. You were just watching out for him.
Afterall, he can't ever do anything right.
"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies"
Whenever he would doubt your words of love, he always remembers that his anxiety is probably the reason he would ever doubt you. You would never lie to him right? You loved Jisung.
You loved him so much that whenever he would have a panic attack, you would dig your nails into his wrists to help him.
Once you drew blood he was finally able to breathe.
He loves you so much because you love him enough.
"Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive"
Felix - Evergreen (Omar Apollo)
"Was there something wrong with my body?"
While staring at the bottom of the glass, he ponders. Was it him? Were you right? He already had body dysmorphia. He already hated himself for the most part, but you made it so much worse.
He can remember fasting for three days, but he never got hungry. He only felt pride when the numbers in the scale dropped.
“She’s going to love me more.” is what he would tell himself as he pinched his gut.
The members were getting concerned. Felix had always been a small guy, but now he was skin and bones. If only he had told them the truth. They would have helped had he revealed what went on at home. If only they knew the names you would call him or the way that you’d treat him.
"Am I not what you wanted, babe?"
He tried so hard to be perfect for you, but it was never enough. Every time he looked in the mirror, he could see everything you would see as well. He had bad skin, his freckles were ugly, his eyes were too small, his face was too chubby, maybe you were right. Maybe he was so unlovable that he could only blame himself for the way that would treat him.
Maybe if he had been better, or stronger, or perfect. Maybe then, you’d still be with him.
He could only blame himself the night you left him.
If he was good enough. You’d still be there.
"I've cried, I've cried so much for you, baby"
Yet, he can admit how cruel you were. He can finally say that he doesn’t love you anymore, but the damage you cause ran deep. As awful as you were to him, he only felt resentment towards himself.
He doesn’t know who he hates more. You or him?
"You know you really made me hate myself"
If only he could disappear. He’d stop being an inconvenience to everyone. Maybe if he was dead, people would finally love him. There isn’t anything to hate if he can’t be a burden anymore.
He felt bad for his friends. You were probably right by telling him that they were only his friends out of pity.
That’s why he cut everyone off. They didn’t fight to keep the friendship. They were probably glad he took himself out of their lives.
Looking back, they always liked you. You were a different person when you were with them. Maybe he’s so hateful, that he caused you to hate him as well. What other explanation could there be for your treatment?
"Had to stop before I'd break myself"
He knows that he was slowly killing himself because of you. He wasn’t eating anymore, he was too fat. He never left the house anymore, what if someone saw his face? He didn’t have friends anymore, they don’t deserve to have to deal with him. He was drinking himself to sleep every night, it’s the only way he could cope.
At the end of the day, all he wanted what your approval. That’s the reason he sits alone at the bar. Maybe one day, if he became perfect, you’d love him again and he would finally be good enough for you.
"You didn't deserve me at all"
Seungmin - I Wish You Cheated (Alexander Stewart)
"Wondering where it all went wrong"
The road was dark and empty, which made it easier to speed. The music was unbearably loud, but that was fine. Seungmin didn’t want to hear his own thoughts.
What did he do wrong? He was the perfect boyfriend, wasn’t he?
To this day, he still loves you. He loved the way your eyes would glimmer when he walked through the door. He loved your bright smile when you spoke about something you loved. He loved everything about you, which makes things so much harder for him.
"I just need someone to hate"
How he wished that he could hate you. It truly pisses him off to think about you, but you’re always in his mind. The only thing he feels when he sees your face in his thoughts is heartache.
Even now, when his tears are making it hard to see the road, his only wish was for you to be there next to him.
"You and your goddam honesty"
Why were you always so blunt? Why couldn’t you just let him live in his delusions?
“I don’t love you anymore.” Were the last words you said to him before you cut the line.
You had blocked him on everything and told all of your friends to do the same, so closure was never an option.
He asked himself, how long can the pain last?
The pain had been his neighbor for the past six months. Maybe if he had gotten closure, or maybe if he knew what your reason had been, then he could rest.
All he had were good memories of the two of you. Which makes things so much worse.
Had you two argued, had he messed up, or had you found someone else, he would understand. He had absolutely nothing but questions.
"I wish you would have cheated"
What does he tell his friends and family?
Everyone knew of you. So what should his answer be when people ask about you? He doesn’t even know what happened.
He wonders what your reply to that question is. Do you tell people that there was fight? Do you tell everyone that Seungmin was a bad boyfriend? Or do you tell everyone the truth that he will never know?
"I wish I had a reason I could hate your guts for leaving"
If only you had cheated on him. He would be over you by now. Hatred instead of confusion. Was that too much to ask?
He wondered if his never ending list of questions would ever be answered. Was he going to grow old, never know the reason why the one that got away, left him?
Whatever happened to “together forever”?
A humorless chuckle escaped his lips at the absurdity of it all. After all, love is nothing but a joke.
"I wish you were the villain"
If love was real, you would still be with him. Had the promises meant nothing to you?
No matter what perspective in which he would try to read the situation, could help him. Unanswered questions and spilled tears is all he would ever have.
Even if he were to move on one day, you would always cloud the deepest side of his brain. After all, he still loved you. He just wished he knew the reason why you didn’t love him anymore.
"But you did nothing wrong"
I.N. - As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
"We're drunk a couple bottles, babe
and set our grief aside"
Alcohol always relieves the stress, which is exactly what the two of you needed.
Why cry when you could be making jokes about the situation?
The two of you were the only ones that knew about what was going to happen.
If it was up to you, you would be alone right now, but Jeongin insisted that it was this or nothing.
As selfish as you felt, you’re glad that he’s there with you. No one wants to be alone at moments like this one. No one wants to die alone.
"Here it is, our final night alive"
You had been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer three months ago. There was nothing medicine could do for you anymore. Which is what made you decide, that if you’re were going to go, it had to be on your own terms.
You had wanted to do it without Jeongin, but he was the one to bring it up first.
“I would rather die than to live in a world without you in it.” You tried to talk him out of it. You told him how foolish it was. He could move on. You wanted him to move on, you wanted him to grow old with a healthy girl who loved him as much as you did. You wanted him to have a family and to live the rest of his life with joy and laughter. Yet, he had other plans.
"And as the Earth runs to the ground
Oh, girl it's you that I lie with"
“We go out together or I go alone right after.” Was his ultimatum. You never agreed with the idea, but you know Jeongin.
“I pinky promise you right now. Whether it’s heaven or hell, I will find you.” His smile quavers a little with what you hope is doubt.
“Innie. Please stay back… I’m begging you to live.” The tears are now freely rolling down your face as you turn to look at him.
He holds your hand and gives it a slow kiss. “I’m not going to live without you. We said that we would be together forever and that’s what we’re going to do.” Nothing but determination drips with every word.
“Jeongin. I don’t-“ He cuts you off with a gentle kiss.
“I’m sorry, but im doing this whether you want me to or not.” A sad smile plays on his lips. Why is he so stubborn?
"As the world, as the world caves in"
Looking into his eyes in the middle of the night is the only think keeping you calm at this point. Hand in hand, all you can think about is how lucky you are, and how unlucky he is. Why couldn’t he be with someone healthy? Someone who could be with him in sickness and in health. Instead, he ended up with a cancer ridden girl that given the chance she would have chosen to die, sick or not.
"Oh we're going out in style, babe"
He tightens his grip on you hand and steps on the gas. Once the car is going fast enough for it to fly off the cliff on its own, he turns to you and holds your face in both hands.
“I love you.”
With a sob you’re able to respond, “I love you more.”
The sight of each other is the last thing either of you see before the world goes dark.
"Yes, it's you I welcome death with"
I wrote this on mobile so it might be funky and it’s definitely not proofread. Thanks for reading tho! ♥️
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nettlestingsoup · 1 year
as a general rule i don't use song lyrics as fic titles but how can i pass up on i love you like i love being hungry (it feels good to want things) for a vampire au
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babycatlix · 2 years
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Gifsets of Lee Felix ↳ Felix in Every SKZ M/V 56/∞ – Ex | DO NOT REPOST
We have said all there is to be said Let’s just say we weren’t compatible Honestly, I did have feelings for other people And that’s my sin
When you asked me if something Was wrong, I said no no I’m the one who said not to worry but Why am I more worried now
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These days when I’m feeling sad I binge a bunch of Going Seventeen and it’s honestly a great time 10/10 would recommend
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