#strategic sourcing solution
paragonprocurement · 1 year
Strategic Sourcing Solution –Unleash Value From External Cost And Supplier Network
Our strategic sourcing solution enables you to access the best of suppliers for the commodities you need. Our dedicated team of sourcing specialists can manage your sourcing completely, or augment your internal sourcing team, to increase bandwidth, improve efficiency and broaden coverage of the global supply base.
In our experience, transitioning towards value-based sourcing calls for organizations to focus on key transformation building-blocks:
A vision of what value-based sourcing means for the organization
An evolved sourcing operating model
Innovative strategies for commodities and relationships
Agile, digitalized processes to manage the sourcing life cycle and integrate supply chains
Capabilities to embed and sustain the change
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Paragon Result’s strategic souring solution:
At the start of any engagement, we develop a strategic sourcing plan and stocking strategy that aligns with your corporate goals. That plan identifies opportunities to improve your MRO purchasing power in terms of materials and providers, while utilizing the expertise of our network of local, regional and international suppliers
We help you to establish medium-range evolutionary plans covering a wide portfolio of improvement levers, focusing on spend management, demand management, supply and supplier management, and value-chain management
We help you to identify the most valuable digitalization opportunities open to you, right through the entire sourcing lifecycle, unlocking augmented insight, process acceleration and efficiency
We help you to develop organizational capabilities and processes to generate recurring savings and enhance the performance impact of the supplier base
We work in tandem with you to engage key suppliers in collaborative processes in order to close the gap with target costs for new or existing products
We support you in leveraging advanced capabilities in order to optimize and manage purchase contracts throughout their entire lifecycle (from RFQ to negotiations, and through contract execution and close-out)
Our sourcing experts are uniquely equipped to help you address your sourcing and cost challenges. They will help you to understand your level of sourcing maturity, and seize opportunities—both within the organization and across your integrated value chain—from R&D right through to your end-customers. We can assure you the highest level of our quality support in functional improvement and end-to-end Value Chain optimization through our strategic sourcing solution.
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bradfordlyncher · 2 years
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Robust Procurement And Supply Chain Management For Personal Computers
Paragon Results has that fresh perspective you need. Contact us to learn about our highly effective procurement and supply chain management solutions and consulting services that will help you avoid supply chain management disasters. Companies have proven; quality products and creative marketing are key components of success, but in the end, there's no substitute for a robust and well-executed procurement and supply chain management. Connect with us - https://paragonresults.com/
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santosjimeneoz · 2 years
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Take Back Control Of Your Supply Chain Through Strategic Sourcing Solution
With Paragon strategic sourcing solutions, you can source and manage both direct and indirect materials on a single platform. Whether you require resources, subject matter expertise, technology solutions, or access to critical marketplace data, we can assist you in any part of your sourcing project. With us on board, you’ll learn how to take back control of your sourcing and procurement functions and deliver a strategy that prioritises getting your supply chain functioning properly again. Checkout our site for more details: https://paragonresults.com/why-is-a-strategic-sourcing-solution-a-necessity-for-every-business/
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santosjimenez · 2 years
Trust Our Procurement And Supply Chain Management And Focus On Your Business
We are experts in PCB sourcing, procurement and supply chain management and can match you up with the perfect manufacturer for your specific project. This allows you to save time and money, allowing you to focus your attention on your core business. As a procurement and supply chain consultant, we will spend a lot of time gaining an understanding of the key outcomes and objectives your organisation is trying to achieve and the services you deliver. Get in touch with us: https://paragonresults.com/
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smithlee1221 · 2 months
Procurement Consulting Services | Consulting Services | Comprara  
Comprara’s procurement consultants are experts in cost reduction. They identify opportunities to save money without sacrificing quality by streamlining procurement processes and finding the best deals.
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rieamena · 2 months
I wonder at what point in the "reboot saga" would the other cunning hares step in and help Billy? Like, on one hand you have a convenient way to stop Billy from whatever he is doing, and watching how Y/N is trying to confess without crashing him must be entertaining. On the other after crash 65 it must get worrying :/
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the first few crashes had been amusing, a source of lighthearted teasing among the group. you’d attempt to confess, and billy, ever the charismatic and responsive robot, would suddenly freeze, eyes flickering as his system struggled to process the influx of data. the scene would end with him rebooting, and the cycle would start anew. after the first couple of crashes, the laughter faded into concern
“i don’t get it,” you muttered, sprawled out on the couch in the cunning hares' common room. “why does he keep crashing? it’s just a confession.”
“he’s not built to handle that kind of emotional intensity,” nicole explained, fiddling with the handles on his jacket, metal body limp after yet another of your failed confessions. “his programming is complex, but at the core, it’s still a machine trying to process human emotions.”
“and you’re very special to him,” anby added, smiling gently. “that makes it even harder for his system to cope.”
the three of you brainstormed solutions, testing different approaches and environmental controls. they installed cooling systems, tweaked his software, and even practiced mock confessions. yet, each time you poured your heart out to billy, his system would crash and reboot, leaving you both in a loop of unfinished sentences and unspoken feelings
one night, after crash number seventy two—a number that was only devised due to your intricate logs of attempted confessions in your mini journal—the serious gravity of the situation hit everyone. billy’s constant reboots were taking a toll on his system, and the risk of permanent damage was becoming too great to ignore
“this has to stop,” nicole declared, her voice heavy with determination. “we need to find a way to get through to him without causing another crash.”
after much debate, the team devised a new strategy. it wasn’t just about cooling fans and air conditioners; it was about creating a space where billy could process his emotions without the threat of overload. they set up a room specifically for this purpose, equipped with not just temperature controls but also calming visuals and sounds designed to keep billy’s system stable
the designated spot was meticulously prepared. soft lighting filled the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. the hum of air conditioners and strategically placed fans ensured the environment was cool. in the center of the room, billy sat on a cushioned chair, looking a bit puzzled but the aura he exuded was always happy
anby gave you a reassuring nod as she adjusted a fan to blow directly at billy. "remember, y/n, stick to the script and stay calm. we’re right here with you."
you took a deep breath and approached billy, your heart pounding. "hey, billy," you greeted, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach
"hey, [name]," he replied, the crescents of his eyes lighting up the room. "what’s up?"
you clutched the script tightly, glancing at the words one last time before looking up at him. "billy, there’s something i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time. it’s been on my mind, and i need you to know."
billy’s eyes widened slightly, his full attention on you. you continued, your voice soft but clear, following the script's guidance. "you mean a lot to me, more than just a friend. whenever i’m with you, everything feels brighter and better. your laughter, your kindness, the way you always know how to make me smile. i cherish every moment we spend together."
billy blinked, processing your words. the fans hummed softly, maintaining a cool breeze. you took another deep breath, steadying yourself. "billy, i like you. a lot. more than just a friend. i care about you deeply, and i wanted you to know how i feel."
for a moment, there was silence. billy’s eyes flickered, and you held your breath, waiting for the familiar signs of a reboot, slower movement, glitched speech, loss of composure, but instead, his eyes displayed bright red hearts
"[name]," he said softly, reaching out to take your hand. "i… i like you too. more than just a friend." nicole crept over to a cooling fan close to him, cranking up its power
unfortunately, the slip of paper didn't have any more words to refer to so you had to improvise. "so does this mean we're like, dating now?"
"are we really?! we're dating now?!" billy jumped up from his seat, practically oozing excitement and happiness, "wait, but i've never had a partner before. what if i do something wrong? what if you don't like me anymore?!" he shook your shoulders, speaking a mile a minute, ranting about all the things he could do wrong and all the things that could go wrong
"also, it's really cold in here, i can almost feel my metal constricting! can we turn the thermostat up or something?"
you couldn't help but laugh. "one step at a time, billy. let's start with the thermostat."
you finally got billy kid after seventy two reboots, and boy, wasn't it rewarding.
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its actually so embarassing how long this took and its not even good....
billy kid taglist
@pedrosimp137 @mary-moongood @nyxin-lynx @lemonboy011 @eisblume77
@amaryllisenvy @megan017 @astral-spacepumpkin @corrupted-tale @inkycap
@thurstonw @plapsha @lavenderthewolf @kurakusun @vitaevaaa
@sweetadonisbutbetter @cobraaah @mochiitoby @clickingchip @bardivislak
@h3r6c00k13 @cozi-cofee @apestegui-y @luvuyuuji @theitdoitnobody
@fersitaam @cathrnxxo @monkepawbz @fl1ghtl3ssdrag0n @dabislilbaby
@many-names-yuna @muffin1304 @doort @j3llycarnival @juuanna
@discipleofthem @spookylorekeep @wazkalia @miaubrebmiau @hersweetsstrawberry
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flightyalrighty · 8 days
I think part of the reason my gut is like "No, Tails can't be dead! Pfft! You're silly!" is that NOT ONLY would it be Sonic's (his brother's) fault, NOT ONLY is he just a kid, but also... Tails is just such a gem.
He's so smart, talented, and a hard-working individual. In most conflicts, Tails is a source of comfort for everyone else, rationalizing the chaos and giving them solutions to work towards. Like, who is Sonic supposed to turn to not only as a brother, but as someone who can help him figure out what's wrong before it's too late? Sonic relies on Tails so much and this Is just... aaaAAAAA-
I've been in such denial since I first saw the fur on Sonic's body and I want to say it's just brilliant to hang this in the air in front of us because of how important of a character Tails is in general. It's emotionally terrible + makes the threat in this story seem more unobtainable (I hope that makes sense) + I love it but I'm also crying. I'm going to keep coping forever ;.;
Tails is such an important character in the franchise, not just on a strategic "He's smart enough to Solve The Problem" level but on an emotional level as well, as you've stated.
He also wasn't done growing, and had so much he could've still done. So much he still should have been able to experience. That was a child. An eight-year-old boy. A hero, yes, but young, and mortal like the rest of us.
And to be cut down by his own brother. Someone he trusted, trusted more than anyone else.
What do you suppose those last moments were like for him? How do you think it all felt?
Was he scared?
Was he sad?
If his life flashed before his eyes in that single second before he was taken from the world, half of that life would've been filled with Sonic's smiling face.
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Lately I've been reading "Drawdown", by Paul Hawken et al, a comprehensive set of strategies for tackling the climate crisis. Your Cambrian Wildwoods post reminded me of one of the solutions - Silvopasture, from the Latin for 'Forest Grazing'.
Essentially it means proposing to farmers that a portion of land be forested and that their animals freely graze there. It can be extremely flexible - planting trees in existing pasture, thinning down woodland to allow for forage growth, using trees as natural fencing, and more.
It's got good potential for carbon capture, and also for saving farmers money in feed and fertiliser, creating better conditions for livestock by keeping them in the shade, and potentially providing secondary income sources in fruit, nuts, etc.
What do you think of it as a potential avenue for Welsh farming? The focus in "Drawdown" is on cattle farming, but I don't see any reason not to trial it with sheep - especially since it could be spun as a hybrid of both aspects of traditional culture...
("Drawdown" also emphasises peer-to-peer uptake through word-of-mouth, rather than being pushed by outsiders.)
Oh, yes - it's basically what they did at Pontbren. That was a farmer-led initiative - one of the big expenses with sheep farming is having to bring them into barns over the winter and supply all feed, but traditionally they'd have stayed out all year. So these farmers got together and went, "How do we ethically and sustainably reduce this expense?"
What they realised is that they were paying for (a) the government-enforced decision post-WW2 to swap to high-yield breeds of sheep that weren't suited to the Welsh climate and topography (i.e. wet as fuck and mostly vertical), and (b) the decline of traditional hedgerow management and shelterbelts. And so the dream was born.
They contacted the Woodland Trust purely to act in an advisory capacity - they wanted to know which trees would be best, and where. They could take much land out of production, but the beauty of hedgerows and shelterbelts is that they're linear features that replace your fences. That was how environmentalists got on board - we were invited, and we remembered that. We were therefore allowed to do a couple of experiments as it progressed, such as testing the infiltration rates of rain into groundwater rather than run-off and comparing it between hedgerow fields and fence fields. Meanwhile, the farmers replaced their stock with native breeds - I believe mostly Welsh Mountain Sheep, which look amazing:
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Ain't no rain getting in THAT.
Anyway, a few strategically placed shelterbelts and hedgerows later and:
The sheep can now safely stay out all year round, excepting storms
The sheep are actually healthier and have higher welfare standards
Floods have reduced thanks to higher infiltration rates
Soil erosion is reduced so the fields and river are healthier
The farmers have saved money
The farmers are now making extra money, because they started a tree nursery and sell trees as a side project
You can read multiple publications on it here
So yes! Silvipasture is actually a huge tool for the future that we need to be embracing, as is agroforestry for arable farming, and the frustrating/hopeful part of it is, these are tools we used to use. This isn't new knowledge - it's forgotten knowledge that we need to reclaim. But even aside from the immediate benefits, it also has massive implications for resilience in a world with a warming climate, and we need to do it faster.
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paragonprocurement · 1 year
Do You Need A Procurement And Supply Chain Management Consultant?
Procurement and supply chain management actively contributes to the development of the company. It’s necessary to implement purchasing strategies that align with the very SOUL of the organization to create a competitive, sustainable and unique advantage. Paragon's approach to procurement consulting addresses these three challenges.
Our hands-on approach to procurement, operations, and logistics strategies reduce costs, streamline products and processes, de-risk your supply chain to deliver an average ROI of 6:1, and we optimize your EBITDA with measurable results that stick. 
We provide hands-on procurement and supply chain management consulting aimed at:
Reducing past-due backlogs
Reducing lead times
Improving on-time shipments
Increasing production rates
Reducing operating efficiency
Increasing customer satisfaction
Reducing daily struggles
Our services
Opportunity assessment
Cost reduction
Cost optimization
Strategies and plan
Working capital
Maturity assessment
Digital procurement
Managed services
Capability on demand
Proxima learning
Sustainable procurement
Mergers and acquisitions
Supplier and risk management
Supplier innovation
Supply chain optimization
Procurement and supply chain management are key areas of focus for our consultants, which include manufacturing production and inventory control, logistics and global sourcing, purchasing/procurement, contract management and IT consulting. As organizations strive to respond to the intense competitive pressures of the next decade, we offer a portfolio of integrated dynamic, cutting-edge services to assist clients in developing high performance capability.
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Paragon works closely with your business to identify opportunities and deliver initiative-driven engagements that drive enterprise-wide transformation. We leverage project management and analytics that start with in-depth conversations to make sure our recommendations are long-term and consistent with the real world at every touch-point across your organization.
Our consultants provide world-wide clients with:
A global reach of highly competitive services
A broader array of supply chain management and information technology consulting services than each could achieve independently
A superior value for the investment committed
More agility and responsiveness than large consulting firms
An international expert resource pool 
It’s not enough to drive one-time savings. It’s more important to establish effective capabilities, solutions, and sourcing services within a procurement team to achieve continual savings and decrease direct and indirect spending.
Considering or already beginning to transform your business? Learn what it takes to achieve successful transformation.
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miltonmacko · 1 year
Do You Need A Procurement And Supply Chain Management Consultant?
Procurement and supply chain management actively contributes to the development of the company. Paragon works closely with your business to identify opportunities and deliver initiative-driven engagements that drive enterprise-wide transformation. Considering or already beginning to transform your business? Learn what it takes to achieve successful transformation. Contact with us: https://paragonresults.com/
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bradfordlyncher · 2 years
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Executive Coaching Services For Senior Leaders
Executive coaching services is also a great way to improve emotional self-awareness, intelligence, and empathy – senior managers that are more self-aware are better able to identify their strengths as well as being honest about their shortcomings. Paragon executive coaching services are tailored to your specific needs. We believe that leadership comes in many forms, thus we format our coaching services so you know exactly what to expect from the process and your commitment. Connect with us - https://paragonresults.com/
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santosjimeneoz · 2 years
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Trust Our Procurement And Supply Chain Management And Focus On Your Business
We are experts in PCB sourcing, procurement and supply chain management and can match you up with the perfect manufacturer for your specific project. This allows you to save time and money, allowing you to focus your attention on your core business. As a procurement and supply chain consultant, we will spend a lot of time gaining an understanding of the key outcomes and objectives your organisation is trying to achieve and the services you deliver. Get in touch with us: https://paragonresults.com/
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santosjimenez · 2 years
Take Back Control Of Your Supply Chain Through Strategic Sourcing Solution
With Paragon strategic sourcing solutions, you can source and manage both direct and indirect materials on a single platform. Whether you require resources, subject matter expertise, technology solutions, or access to critical marketplace data, we can assist you in any part of your sourcing project. With us on board, you’ll learn how to take back control of your sourcing and procurement functions and deliver a strategy that prioritises getting your supply chain functioning properly again. Checkout our site for more details: https://paragonresults.com/why-is-a-strategic-sourcing-solution-a-necessity-for-every-business/
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smithlee1221 · 2 months
Procurement Consulting Services | Consulting Services | Comprara  
Comprara’s procurement consulting services are designed to upgrade your procurement performance. We provide comprehensive assessments, performance metrics, and continuous improvement plans to help your business achieve procurement excellence.
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frogspond200 · 1 year
𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚘𝚟
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: Hey, I really REALLY. enjoyed you Simon Hcs, Could you do one for just normal and not yandered, please😫🙏🙏💓
Warnings: None
Simon absolutely adores you. He worships the ground you walk on, your presence has brought a sense of stability and warmth into his life that he thought was lost forever.
Simon loves reading with you. Whether it's ancient scrolls, magical tomes, or simply a good storybook, he enjoys the companionship and discussions that come with it.
There is some residual angst in the relationship due to Simon's deep longing for Betty. While he's found happiness with you, he still carries the pain of losing his beloved Betty. Your understanding and support help him through these moments of melancholy.
Simon is a fan of cuddling. He finds solace in your arms, and the physical closeness reassures him that he's not alone in his struggles. It's a way for both of you to express affection and provide comfort.
Simon occasionally lets you in on his scientific projects. He trusts you enough to share his findings, inventions, and research. Your curiosity and insights often contribute to the success of these projects. You and Simon make a dynamic team when it comes to problem-solving. Your fresh perspective and his vast knowledge often lead to innovative solutions to the challenges you encounter in the Land of Aaa.
While he continues to grapple with the effects of the crown and the loss of Betty, your presence serves as a source of hope and emotional support.
Simon occasionally surprises you with his musical talents, playing the guitar or singing songs he's composed. It's a beautiful way for him to express his emotions and share moments of joy with you. You help Simon regain his sense of self and independence. While you support him, you also encourage him to pursue his own interests and passions beyond his past and the crown.
Despite the complexities and challenges of your relationship, the love you share with Simon is unwavering. Together, you navigate the ups and downs of life in the Land of Aaa, always by each other's side.
Simon Petrikov tends to take things slow in a relationship, especially considering his complex past and the emotional baggage he carries as a result of the Ice King's crown. He's likely to proceed with caution, prioritizing emotional intimacy and trust-building before rushing into anything too fast. Simon values stability and a sense of security, so he would be mindful of not overwhelming the relationship with speed.
Simon Petrikov can indeed be a romantic partner who appreciates the beauty in small gestures. While he may not always have access to traditional roses, he would find creative ways to express his love and create romantic moments. For example, he might use magical flowers or other enchanting elements to create a path leading to a warm, cozy bath for you to enjoy together. Simon would certainly put effort into making your time together special and memorable…
To set the mood, Simon would light scented candles or diffuse essential oils with calming fragrances like lavender or vanilla. The soothing aromas would fill the air, creating a serene and peaceful environment for you to relax and unwind.
Simon is also a fan of playing board games or card games. He finds that they not only provide entertainment but also help to foster a sense of togetherness and friendly competition.
You can spend hours laughing, strategizing, and creating fond memories while staying warm and cozy indoors.
And of course, Simon's musical talents come into play here as well. He might serenade you with a beautiful song on his guitar or share some enchanting melodies on the piano, adding a touch of magic and romance to the cozy atmosphere.
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Ortho, Jade: Three Heads are better than Two
Once again, Ortho is a fashion icon 🫶 dbdvwksns His Duo Magic line with Jade is hilarious (they’re so giddy about exploiting their enemies’ weaknesses). In this fic, I wanted it to have more of a wholesome (?) feel. Maybe I’m just too tired right now to write feral, hahah…
Just one more birthday (Riddle, whose duo partner will probably be Rook) before the new rotation with Jamil 👀
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Heroes in action poses aplenty decorated the interior of the art museum. Swords and shields in hand, they stood defiant against an onslaught of beasts, beings of shadow and primordial evil. A being half bull and half man, a monster with several serpentine heads, a one-eyes giant, and more.
But what Ortho was drawn to was the painting of two figures on a short marble column. There sat the hero and a squat satyr, locked in a conversation. The former, leaning forward and listening. The latter, mouth ajar—talking.
Strategizing for an upcoming battle, Ortho surmised. One last hope, and they’re seizing the opportunity.
The painting was a simple masterpiece, a work of heart.
Beside him, Jade piped up. “Oya, have you taken an interest in this work, Ortho-san?”
“Yes, this is the hero and mentor that inspired Star Rogue,” Ortho chirped. “The Son of the Thunder God must demonstrate that he is a ‘true’ hero in order to claim his heritage. He seeks the wisdom of a hero trainer.”
“Oh dear.” Jade’s faint chuckle echoed eerily in the room. “It sounds like quite the ordeal. How cruel to force one to labor to acknowledge their birthright.“
“It’s not so strange. There are families in similar circumstances of blood and bond. One does not necessarily guarantee the other. For example, children can be abandoned as well as adopted. Relatives can be shunned or estranged.” Ortho’s eyes drifted shut. “Human relationships are complex. There is no solution that can be applied to them all.”
“Indeed.” Jade tucked a finger under his chin. “Within my own year, there are a number of unique families.
“Ruggie-san is without parents, but was raised by his grandmother. He also maintains close ties with the local neighborhood rascals. For the winter break, he brought them scraps and leftovers from the NRC cafeteria.
“Silver-san is adopted and well-loved by his father. It must be difficult to raise a child as a single guardian, but he manages. I believe Silver’s father has a background as a veteran, so childrearing is a relatively new venture for him.”
“You know so much about your classmates, Jade Leech-san!” Ortho giggled as if he had just been told a funny joke. “And here I thought I was the only student capable of digging up information to that detail.”
Jade smiled sardonically. His answer, intentionally vague. “You’d be surprised what one can glean from a quick social medial investigation.”
“I know! Nothing much gets by me.”
The eel’s glinting eyes cut to Ortho, silently searching him.
“If memory serves, the Shroud family is a sort of unusual as well. It is the mother, the father, Idia-san, and…”
He held his breath, letting the sentence trail off.
“Ortho and Ortho,” the android recited, filling in the open space. He lifted one hand and then the other, as if he were a scale balancing out the weight of the souls. “Three Shroud sons.”
“Of course,” Jade said tactfully. “Having a brother of my own, I’ve learned that they can be a great source of both joy and sorrow. Floyd’s antics are as much trouble to clean up after as they are amusing.”
“Nii-san is the same. He’s the smartest person I know. I just wish he would get out more. They say that touching grass is good for stimulation, but nii-san would rather hole up in his room… Once he made a hissing noise like an angry cat when I tried to open the curtains to let some natural light in.”
“That certainly sounds like Idia-san.” Jade inclined his head. “Ah, but for as much of a handful as they may be… family is family,and we love them as they are.”
“I’m glad I chose you,” he had once said to his twin all those years ago. Again, again, those words rung true in his mind.
Ortho nodded. “Running the simulations and accounting for the changing variables in every possible iteration, it’s entirely possible that other routes result in happier endings. Even then, I don’t think I would give up this reality for any of them. It’s only here where I have two cool big brothers, a mom and dad that love me for being me, and the chance to go to Night Raven College with everyone!
“We struggled… shed our blood, sweat, and tears… survived and rose from battle victorious, just like heroes. It’s inefficient and perhaps improbable, but it’s something we can call our own.”
The young boy happily floated in circles around Jade. So jubilant, like dandelion fluff dancing on a breeze—it was difficult to think he was anything but living, anything but human.
“The Son of the Thunder God wished to be acknowledged by his own family,” Ortho said longingly as he gazed at the painting. “To that end, he went the distance and proved he belonged among them.”
Jade’s lips quirked. “It’s amazing what he accomplished. The Thunder God must be thrilled to claim him as his own.”
As for you, Ortho-san… You’ve achieved that and more.
“It’s a story with a happy ending.” The boy’s face was bright. “I want to earn that for myself one day—a future for me, for nii-san…”
Ortho folded both hands over his core. The flame there pulsated like a heartbeat.
For him, too.
Three, a lucky number. Three, the heads of Cerberus. Three Fates.
Three brothers entangled in their threads.
And he, the guardian of them all.
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