#straight master
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subbypineapple · 2 months ago
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do you faggot duties 🧎🏻‍♂️
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yng1alpha · 1 month ago
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Really? You're gonna be jealous of this loser? His biggest accomplishment in life is that the first piss he ever tasted was mine.
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escravinhodealpha · 3 months ago
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A bicha finalmente está completa, entregou sua vida nas mãos do seu Homem, abdicou de sua casa, de sua família, de seus amigos, de seu trabalho e de seus direitos ..Sua vida agora consiste em passar 24/7 com uma corrente em seu pescoço obedecendo cada ordem do seu deus, adorando cada centímetro do seu corpo Supremo, dando amor, prazer e cuidando para que ELE sempre se sinta o deus que de fato é❤️
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subbypineapple · 2 months ago
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archer-vale · 8 months ago
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yng1alpha · 2 months ago
Desperately want to serve me but you're broke? Well today's your lucky day f@ggots. This is the first ever engagement drain in the history of my blog.
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Here's f@g Cameron, yet another addition to my stable of Cashfags. He's a pathetic, worthless, good-for-nothing toilet fag who's recently joined my service. As a warm welcome to him, I'm doing an Engagement Challenge. For every like, repost or comment - basically any type of Engagement with this post - this inferior creature would get the opportunity to pay me $5. The fuck are you waiting for? Immediately like, comment and repost to train the fuck of this cashcunt.
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This is a rare opportunity to serve me for free. Don't miss out. Do your part in furthering my glory and show this fag how you EMBRACE THE HIERARCHY!
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yng1alpha · 3 months ago
The only "friendship" I can have with f@gs.
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archer-vale · 8 months ago
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Everything. He’s taken everything.
How does a dynasty begin? Trace the line to its source, and you’ll always find a man. Strong. Confident. Cunning. Hungry.
He consumes the weak, growing more powerful with each conquest.
The year is 1789, and my life is coming to a close. Lying sick at my château outside Paris, I watch while he enters my bedchamber. This is it—our final filthy act.
I still remember the day we met…the day my life disintegrated. Wealth. Drugs. Cock addiction. Ruthless financial extraction.
I was terrified, but I couldn’t stop. With each passing decade, his hooks sank deeper into my mind.
This is my story. A lifetime of depravity.
Full story: https://archervale.com/product/filled-by-the-stable-boy-vip-story/
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yng1alpha · 1 year ago
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Reposting something from my old blog.
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subbypineapple · 2 months ago
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yng1alpha · 3 months ago
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Been a bit sick lately but even then I manage to duty to do my duty and show you fags your place. The Alpha Grind doesn't stop. I hope this blog has brought valuable insights into your role in life. I know of the many fags who have found their life's purpose. Despite everything thrown at me, there's now almost 1700 of you following this blog and learning about the Hierarchy. I'm hoping for even greater things next year. But my main hope is that many of you who have seen the purpose of your life find the courage to act on it and really, truly serve your superior in selfless ways. Remember it's not about what you "like" but about how you can be useful. EMBRACE THE HIERARCHY!
If you didn't get me a Christmas gift, make up for it by getting me a New Year's gift by visiting the link below:
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yng1alpha · 4 months ago
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Tell me how thankful you are FAGGOTs. I give your life a direction. I give you a focus of devotion. I bless you with my shoes, feet, spit, abuse, piss. I accept your tributes and spend your money on my grand life thereby giving you a purpose. I give your life meaning. Be Thankful to me!
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yng1alpha · 3 months ago
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Only the extremely fortunate get to serve me. I talk with fags, get to know them and make a plan to meet. It's simple. While I have made a few comments about the fake "alphas", this post is actually about the fake F@ggots.
Many fags always come in hot, with a lot of intensity then after a bit- usually the next day, disappear into what I only imagine, is a black hole of shame. They probably can't believe all the words they said during the interactions with me, probably are shocked out of their mind about things I got them to agree to. Or maybe they were fakes to begin with. I shall never know! But one thing I know for sure, through various means, you're still lurking here, following my account. I know you can see this.
I bet you're fucking jealous of this Faggot. He found the purpose of his life when he was used as my seat while I made it lick my shoes. He even got the huge privilege to eat food crushed under my feet. And not to mention the stream of Alpha piss. All the things you dreamed out, you wished for, pine for and desperate crave. He got it all because he wasn't a coward like you. Fucking burn fromm jealousy bitches, you know who you are. I am proud and secure in the knowledge that I am doing my duty to further the hierarchy. And I will not rest until all you Faggots realize your life's purpose and are owned. I know the fabric of space and time gets in the way but that's especially when you have to keep the faith. Have fortitude, believe in the hierarchy, believe in me. You will be OWNED. You will get to realise your life's purpose but you have to keep believing and you have to keep making sincere effort. Now get out of bed with a renewed sense of purpose to be useful to superior men like me. Embrace the Hierarchy! and have faith in it.
PS: DMs open. I'll reply when I can.
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yng1alpha · 3 months ago
It's the Christmas season and while the outside world believes you're just another human worthy of love and gifts, I know the truth about you. I know just how worthless you really are. While everybody else celebrates the birth of Christ, you shall celebrate my birth, fitting as I am your God. You worship me, serve me and obey me. Anything you receive as gifts, all the money you get, it's all mine. Don't be under the illusion that you deserve any of that. Be a good little F@ggot and tribute everything to ME, your God.
Throne Wishlist linked below:
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yng1alpha · 4 months ago
I've decided I'm gonna share more pics from my own life here. This pathetic loser travelled and booked a hotel room just to serve me.
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I bet many of you worthless fucks are so fucking jealous right now. I get many messages every day of Faggots who want to be used like this. You are all losers. You fucking inferiors. The only purpose to your life is to serve me and SERVE me you will.
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Notice the shoes on the FAG's back? After worshipping and cleaning my shoes (Frequent visitors to this blog will recognize the shoes- so will the fag who bought it 😂) I put them on the FAG's back and it had to to crawl around and serve me without dropping it. Needless to say it is not easy. Let it be known that I was quite generous with this fag because before taking its cash, I let out a solid stream of my holy alpha piss in it's mouth and all over it's body. It was telling me something about bringing only one pair of pants but I was already out the door. It was one lucky Faggot.
Tribute at Throne:
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