egyptroyal · 5 years
+10 || Not Late, Just Early
@tttype103 | @tenfoldrage | @motleycoated | @thedemonicpunks | @jcalvinist |  @soldier306 | @storiesintheuniverse | @thecrownofkingston | @destinybitten | @lefaemun |
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“....you must be extremely desperate.”
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storiesintheuniverse is a super new RPer but I've been reading their RPs and I love them!! i wish more people wrote with them cause they only seem to have a few partners so far, but theyre writing is AWESOME!! One day I'll get my blog done and they are on my list of people to reach out to in the Doctor Who RPC!! Super high quality!
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Good Food, Good People, Odd Problems | Closed for StoriesInTheUniverse
Amelia huffed, standing on the pavement catching her breath. There was a sour look on her face as she looked down the street. She knew that she wouldn’t have a follower but it never hurt to make sure. Some people just liked to cause a nuisance or start drama, even when they had to pull it out of their own asses.
She shook her head at them. A few more breaths in and out and the Time Lady felt comfortable enough to leave. She didn’t bother checking around again before flipping open her vortex manipulator on her wrist.
In the blink of an eye she was in a new place, and wherever here was, it sure was busy! People stalked past her seemingly in a hurry, going this way and that, some choosing to walk straight across the street to get to the other side, even with a crosswalk half a street away. Normally Amelia wouldn’t even notice people walking all around in a busy city like this (she was assuming it was a big city), but today, it actually made her stop and tilt her head at some of them, a confused expression on her face to replace her previously frustrated mood.
Why in the world wouldn’t you just walk up to the lights? Were the people here just thick?
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Taking her own thoughts as a sort of inspiration, Amelia walked down the street to the crosswalk. It was there, looking both ways and all around (as to pick which direction she wanted to go), that she spotted a restaurant. Although she didn’t think herself hungry during the moment, at the site of the place, her stomach seemingly growled (although not with an audible sound). Perhaps some food could cool her off, make her feel better about her previous adventure. Even act as a sign of a new adventure just beginning!
With a softer smile on her face, she crossed the street.
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thedoctornumber11 · 5 years
Starter for storiesintheuniverse
((OOC: @storiesintheuniverse liked this for a starter))
The Doctor had just landed the TARDIS after having set the randomizer and was walking down the street exploring, wondering why the TARDIS would bring him there.  He wasn't paying any attention when he accidentally bumped into someone.  "My apologies," he told the other, offering a hand to help them up, "I should have been paying more attention."
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egyptroyal · 5 years
22. — tomorrow (11th doctor)
One Word Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
22. — tomorrow
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“Tomorrow, I promised.” The Doctor began,  rubbing her hands together after stepping out of ship that was parked in the woman’s living room. “And here it is: tomorrow, now today. Let’s go traveling, yeah?”
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Summer Falls | Closed for StoriesInTheUniverse
It was a dreary day, the sun barely out behind the sun and a little cold considering it was, apparently, supposed to be well into Spring. But there wasn’t really much wind, which meant people still went out to ‘enjoy’ the weather. At least when they could. A town like this, shouldn’t people be in schools or at work at this time? Maybe they’d all already been let out by now...
The Doctor sat on his little park bench. He’d seem too young (to anyone who’d see him for the first time) to be sitting his day away feeding the birds, but it, somewhat, was what he was doing. Although he’d chat quietly with the birds a tad, he’d mostly sit, people watch. Earth watch. He didn’t want to do anything, and so he was doing his best to do just that. Nothing.
There were too many people around, and although the odd few here and there were good for the Time Lord’s kind of people watching (and by that it was really meant watching over them to make sure they didn’t need his help so that he could stay where he sat), too many almost felt like too much. Too many people all out and about meant there was more of a chance of one of them having red hair, like Amy, or curls like River, or as tall as Rory, having the same stature. He didn’t want reminders of the Ponds nor did he want to risk the possibility of running into reminders of them. But most importantly, more people meant more things going on.
The Doctor didn’t want any of that! Why couldn’t the universe get that through its head? Well, probably because it didn’t have a head, but the saying wasn’t meant to be taken that literally. The Doctor didn’t want to help people anymore!
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As he got up to walk away, seemingly more and more people coming into ‘enjoy the sun’, words faintly hit his ears, making him turn quickly and harshly. Someone was reading Amy’s book!
How dare they? That wasn’t their book to read! He didn’t want to remember how his best friends had been pulled back in time, stranded there, with nothing he could do about it! His anger seemingly filled his whole body, reacting to Amy’s words as he started to recognize them. Whoever was reading her book aloud was nearing the end.
The Doctor quickly looked all around him, taking small steps as he stopped to listen to find the owner of the voice.
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TAGGED BY: @furandlatin
TAGGING: @alotofweirdthinking, @araethi, @elenaloveablekotsala, @storiesintheuniverse, and @younger-winchester-and-co
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