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luciwest · 2 years ago
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Some animals are just more colorful than others - and some are less cuddly. Rainbow Crab, Moon Crab, Halloween Crab – apparently this crab has lots of different names. Still the most memorable aspect about this colorful crab: they run around the woods, not on the beach. #costaricagram #wildlifeplanet #halloweencrab #ourplanetdaily #stoplookappreciate (at Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CibE96WrPUx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cinnamoncontemporaryart · 4 years ago
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"Okanagan Winter Blues" After the red sunset, morning blues ... Terrace Mountain . #terracemountain #okanaganwinter #winterphotography #okanagan #okanaganlake #beautyallaroundus #stoplookappreciate #headofthelake #Beautifulbc🇨🇦 (at Lake Okanagan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKExn35sD6g/?igshid=um5a6lsmr18h
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chosencalledcovered · 6 years ago
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Fascinated by the beauty of Joshua tree and the rocks that are higher than I. 😍 I was reminded of the verse from Psalm 61:2, it says, "When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  Has your heart ever been overwhelmed? Have you ever felt besieged by the storms of life? Inundated with problems of all sorts? Have you ever felt that you just couldn’t take it anymore? In times like this, what do you do? Do you succumb and surrender to these storms? Do you allow yourself to accept failure or defeat? Do you feel sorry for yourself and throw a pity party? No way! When you feel overwhelmed, when you begin to feel hopeless, when you lose heart, cry out to the Lord. He is your Rock, your Strong Tower, your Safe Refuge from the storms of life. Remind yourself that the God you serve is a mighty God. He will protect you. He will keep you safe. And He will deliver you. Always. Everyone goes through difficult tests and trials. We’ve all felt overwhelmed and hopeless at one time or another. But it is not okay to continue feeling that way – not when Almighty God is your Father! You must put yourself in remembrance of God’s great love for you. You must remind yourself of His faithfulness and of all the times He has come through for you. You must refuse to waver in your faith and trust in Him. Pray that verse: When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 🔥 #JesusistheRock :. The praise goes up to our Creator! His masterpieces are indeed so wonderful!😍🙌🔥 #joshuatree #joshuatreenationalpark #rockthatishigherthanI #Jesus #creator #inaweofYou #Godofallcreations #stoplookappreciate #Godsmasterpiece #whenintheusa #🇺🇸 #whereYougoIwillgo #maximizingseasons #traveldiary #travelgram #travelgoals #bucketlist #adventuresofJuday #🇯🇵🇺🇸 #🇵🇭🇯🇵🇺🇸 (at Joshua Tree, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn6NqvQDgQm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qszlebp0k7dy
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luciwest · 6 years ago
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The view from a dike in the Haseldorfer Marsch (outside Hamburg, Germany) will either reveal cows or sheep - and always lush green meadows (even in winter). The dikes were built to hold back the tidal Elbe and Pinnau rivers during storms and floods. The one I’m standing on broke during the 1976 flood and was replaced with an even taller one closer to the river. . . . #cows #kuh #germany #germany_greatshots #HappierPlace #stoplookappreciate #cowappreciationday #cowsofinstagram #haseldorfermarsch #schleswigholstein #schleswigholsteinistschön #hintermdeich #natgeoyourshot #yourshotphotographer #bbctravel #rei1440project (at Haseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyAcrbHfyo/?igshid=1eddufjy1dgqz
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luciwest · 6 years ago
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Because you can't just stare at birds all the time... here's a Red Admiral #butterfly that I did NOT step on while looking for more birds. . . . #StopLookAppreciate #HappierPlace #nature_brilliance #insect_perfection #macrophotography (at Osprey Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgLRLvnIGp/?igshid=1nb5yuo4y6i9y
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luciwest · 2 years ago
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Counting our blessings and celebrating being alive and having everything we need - by visiting the old neighborhood, old friends, old parks and having a Cuban sandwich in an old #HappierPlace we discovered during covid lockdown when all the beaches were closed. Just another reminder how many bullets we have dodged, and how much we have to appreciate. Truly grateful! #belleair #floridalife #afterthestorm #madeintheshade #grateful #stoplookappreciate (at Hallett Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjL2bslJMWm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luciwest · 2 years ago
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The official name Yellow-headed gecko seems alright. But it kinda doesn’t match how cool it is to see these colors pop off a beige tree on the beige beach. How about: blue and yellow electric disco gecko? #herping #herpetology #geckolife #manuelantoniopark #bbcearth #stoplookappreciate (at Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CixO1G5s7VZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luciwest · 2 years ago
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Already, I feel pretty spoiled (and delighted) by all that grows and blooms outdoors in Florida. But it was on another level to see what grows out in the wild in Costa Rica. Here a wild hibiscus which seemed to grow more like a vine way high up in rainforest trees. I got this photo shortly before a pack of Squirrel Monkeys came through and tore off the blooms. Apparently a monkey as destructive to blooms as the North American Squirrel. #wildflower #rainforest #stoplookappreciate #happierplace #costarica (at Manuel Antonio Quepos) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cips_KEOOTh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luciwest · 3 years ago
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Bee on Borage in Germany. Same bee, but not actually on the same flower. 2nd photo is of the bee hanging on to the lower flowers. It was such a delight to watch the bee buzz to bloom after bloom and each time elongate the curve of the branches and accentuate the flower - all while the hairiness of bee and plant referenced each other. It was tough to choose which photos to share - and I left out another favorite, which showed one of the wings torn. Too many photos muddles it though, doesn't it? #insects_of_our_world #bee #savethebees #borage #herbs #herbgarden #backyardoasis #stoplookappreciate #naturephotography #bbcearth #gartenglück https://www.instagram.com/p/ChaZqyULxpR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luciwest · 3 years ago
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Busted! This time it's the gulf fritillary (aka passion butterfly) I caught laying more eggs on the last remnants of passion vine leaves, which are sure to get gobbled up by the inevitable caterpillars coming from those eggs. Lucky me (and lucky butterflies), my friend Sudsy just gifted me a new native passion vine (maypop). And that one is even about to bloom. None of mine have made it to that stage with all those hungry gulf fritillary caterpillars... #butterflyphotography #gulffritillary #insect_perfection #backyardoasis #nativegarden #floridalife #happierplace #stoplookappreciate https://www.instagram.com/p/CeFEyywNz5s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luciwest · 6 years ago
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Stop. Look. Appreciate... the tiny bug on the left... or the big Monarch butterfly that’s beautiful despite its torn wing... or maybe a few other photos I took in Brooklyn Bridge Park that are now on the Happier Place website: Link to post in @happier_place bio. . . . #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #stoplookappreciate #brooklynbridgepark #macrophotography #naturephotography #naturelovers #getoutside #brooklyn (at Brooklyn Bridge Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpZntMQHP7e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ft6ok1cre067
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luciwest · 6 years ago
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Brooklyn Bridge Park and its view: so much keeps changing and growing, so much simply stays the same. Just the way I like it. . #HappierPlace #Brooklyn #Manhattan #NYC #BrooklynBridge #ManhattanBridge #BrooklynBridgePark #getoutside #StopLookAppreciate #DoMoreOfWhatMakesYouHappier #yeslets (at Brooklyn Bridge Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhSSJpBcdM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nblpnm2e29br
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luciwest · 7 years ago
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Probably my favorite of all the wildflower pictures I took over the last few weeks. While I captured this at Lions Open Space where the Blue Flax appeared to have been seeded, a few days ago I also discovered it in my backyard last where I didn't sow it! . . . #wildflowers #stoplookappreciate #happierplace #colorado_creative #poudreheritage (at Lions Open Space Trail)
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luciwest · 7 years ago
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Even grey-sky days are beautiful at Gateway Natural Area. . . . #HappierPlace #StopLookAppreciate #PoudreRiver #PoudreCanyon #Colorado (at Gateway Natural Area)
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luciwest · 7 years ago
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Spring blossoms in the backyard. #StopLookAppreciate #HappierPlace (at Fort Collins, Colorado)
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luciwest · 7 years ago
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If there's one thing I'm grateful for about Colorado is that winters here are never grey. . . . #FortCollins #coloradolive #coloradooutdoors #visitcolorado #visitftcollins #poudreheritage #HappierPlace #stoplookappreciate #reflectiongram #getoutside #gratitude (at Arapahoe Bend Natural Area)
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