#stop endangering your kids for the ‘greater good’ you sound like dumbledore
m1zumono · 2 years
‘alright, when were you gonna tell me about this?’
‘we didn’t know what it meant.’
‘alright, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me.’
‘call you? are you kidding me? dad, i called you from lawrence, alright? sam called you when i was dying. i mean, getting you on the phone? i got a better chance of winning the lottery.’
‘you’re right. although i’m not real crazy about this new tone of yours, you’re right. i’m sorry.’
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andtheniwrotemarvel · 7 years
Salamander (Part 4)
Newt Era HP!Steve/Bucky/Peggy x Reader
Assumed female reader
Word Count: 2566
I kinda want to write the rest of this movie. What do y’all think about that?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5  Part 6      
"I am so sorry about your creatures, Mr. Scamander. I truly am," Miss Goldstein apologized.
Newt didn't say anything as he sat with his head in his hands.
"Sometimes we do things that we think are right," you piped up, "but we have no way of knowing the consequences."
"Can someone please tell me what this Obscurial--Obscurius thing is? Please?" Jacob Kowalski asked politely.
Tina answered him, saying, "There hasn't been one in centuries--"
"I met one in Sudan three months ago," Newt finally spoke. "There used to be more of them but they still exist. Before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by muggles, young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus."
Tina noticed Jacob's continued confusion and continued, "It's an unstable, uncontrollable dark force that busts out and--and attacks, and then vanishes." She stopped, turning to Newt. "Obscurials can't survive long, can they?"
"There's no documented evidence of any Obscurial surviving past the age of ten. The one I met in Africa was eight when she--" he forced himself to pause-- "she was eight when she died."
"That's terrible," you whispered.
"What are you telling me here? That Senator Shaw was killed by a--by a kid?" Jacob asked.
Newt couldn't verbally answer, but the look on his face confirmed the statement. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and straightened up. "So, (Y/N), it's been too long since we've seen each other. What brings you here?"
"Assignment from the ministry. I've been here a few months now," you answered, trying that this situation was perfectly normal and you were just catching up with your old friend. "It's incredibly boring. Your trial last month, Miss Goldstein, was the most interesting thing that had happened. I'll have you know I was very much in support of your actions."
"Oh, thank you, Miss (L/N). And please, just call me Tina."
"Well, Tina, just call me (Y/N). We've been arrested together, so I think we can be on a first name basis. Same goes for you, Mr. Kowalski."
"Jacob," the man chuckled.
"How are Steve, Peggy, and Bucky?" Newt asked. "I got an invitation to Steve and Peggy's wedding, but I wasn't able to make it. Was it good?"
You couldn't speak for a second, your mind suddenly hit with the full force of all of the emotion and pain of the last few weeks. "I-I--er--well--" you stuttered, eventually going silent again.
"(Y/N)?" Newt said, trying to meet your eyes. He hesitantly placed his hand on yours, and when you still didn't respond, he gently turned your face to look at him. You met his eyes, tears filling yours, not sure that you trusted your voice. "(Y/N), what happened?"
"The wedding never happened," you stated quickly, your voice cracking.
"What? Why?"
"Two days before the wedding, Steve and Bucky disappeared. The only clue we have as to where they went was the mark of Grindelwald in their homes," you sniffed. "Peggy is still beside herself with grief; she's staying with me until we can both figure things out."
"Why would Grindelwald target your friends?" Tina inquired, tears forming in her eyes as well.
"It would make even less sense if you knew Steve and Bucky," Newt told Tina. "Unless Steve changed after we left Hogwarts, he's a tiny stick of a man, and Bucky just watches out for him. I can't imagine that they would matter to Grindelwald."
"Oh, Newt, where have you been these last few years?" you asked quietly. "Do you remember when the Ministry was taking volunteers for human magical experimentation?"
"I-I can't say that I do," he said, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "I haven't been in the country for a long time."
"Well, all I can say is that Steve signed up, and yes, he's changed a lot since we left Hogwarts. He's...a specimen, I suppose. Since he was a success, he, Bucky, and some aurors have been causing Grindelwald a lot of trouble. Or...had been. I guess it was our own fault that we thought the war would take a break for us."
"No, it's not anyone's fault but Grindelwald's," Newt tried to comfort you as you started to cry, pulling you into an awkward embrace.
"I know it's none of my business, but I know how hard it is to lose your friends," Jacob said. "I served in the army for a couple of years, and it never got easier. The pain fades, but it's always there."
You were about to reply when three pairs of footsteps began to echo down the hallway. Quickly calming yourself, you locked away all of the emotions so that you could properly cry again with Peggy later. When you looked up to see whose footsteps you were hearing, all traces of tears were gone.
Three MACUSA employees in white coats walked up to your cell, first binding you and Newt in shackles before opening your cell. "Mr. Graves will see you now," one of the women said, smiling pleasantly.
As the women led you away from the cell, Newt dared to look back. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Jacob, and I hope you get your bakery," he called.
"Keep fighting, Jacob!" you yelled.
Alone and scared in the cell, Jacob waved forlornly at the two of you.
You, Newt, and Tina were lead to Mr. Graves's office, which was about as dull as the average MACUSA session. Newt was brought to stand directly in front of Graves's desk, while you and Tina stood behind, stuck between the employees.
"You're an interesting man, Mr. Scamander," Graves remarked.
"Mr. Graves--" Tina began, but Graves placed a finger on his lips patronizingly, which stirred your anger up again.
Graves looked at the file on his desk, then said, "You were thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering human life--"
"That was an accident!" Newt exclaimed.
"--with a beast."
"Graves, if you're going to bring that up, why don't you talk to me about that? Mine was the human life that was endangered, after all, and the whole story can't possibly be contained within that tiny file you have there," you pointed out angrily.
"You're not relevant, Miss (L/N)," Graves said offhandedly, which made you angrier. "Scamander, one of your teachers argued strongly against your expulsion. Now, what makes Albus Dumbledore so fond of you?"
"I really couldn't say," Newt shrugged.
"Perhaps he was a wonderful student. Or, maybe, Newt was only expelled because of the idiocy of a cruel, careless man much like yourself?"
"Silence her," Graves ordered. The woman closest to you cast a silencing charm over you as you glared daggers at her. "So setting a pack of dangerous creatures loose here was just another accident, is that right?"
"Why would I do it deliberately?" Newt asked.
"To expose wizardkind. To provoke war between the magical and non-magical worlds."
"Mass slaughter for the greater good, you mean?" You took a sharp breath at Newt's words, though no one could hear you.
"Yes, quite," Graves agreed.
"I'm not one of Grindelwald's fanatics, Mr. Graves," Newt assured him. You let out a sigh of relief that you instantly felt ashamed of. You knew that Newt would never be on the side of Grindelwald, but this war had had a strong effect on you.
For some reason, Graves looked a little more annoyed than before. "I wonder what you can tell me about this, Mr. Scamander?" Dramatically, he raised a black, swirling mass to the table--an Obscurus. Graves was fascinated by it, and as he tried to touch it, it shrank back, swirling faster.
Seemingly instinctively, Newt turned back to look at you, but when he met your confused eyes, he looked to the ground in shame. "It's an Obscurus," he admitted, "but it's not what you think. I managed to separate it from the Sudanese girl as I tried to save her--I wanted to take it home, to study it--" Tina let out a whimper in shock, and Newt turned to face her from his other side. "But it cannot survive outside that  box, it could not hurt anyone, Tina!" He already knew that you understood. He kept it only partially to study it; he really kept it to remind him of that Sudanese girl, to remind him of his own failure to save her.
"So it's useless without the host?" Graves asked, sounding disappointed.
"Useless? Useless?!" Newt exclaimed, outraged. "That is a parasitical magical force that killed a child. What on earth would you use it for?"
Graves realized his mistake and tried to pass it off as Newt's. "You fool nobody, Mr. Scamander," he said. "You brought this Obscurus into the city of New York in the hope of causing mass disruption--breaking the Statute of Secrecy and revealing the magical world--"
"You know that can't hurt anyone, you know that!" Newt shouted. He was beginning to act off of your anger. You hoped that maybe your silenced anger was being leeched to him.
"--you are therefore guilty of a treasonous betrayal of your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death. Miss Goldstein and Miss (L/N), who have aided and abetted you--"
"No, they've done nothing of the kind--"
"--they receive the same punishment." The employees, which you now understood were executioners, stepped forward and placed their wands to the backs of your necks, but still waited for further instruction from Graves. "Just do it immediately. I will inform President Picquery myself."
"(Y/N), Tina--" Newt attempted to say something, but was interrupted by Graves placing his finger to his lips once again and shushing him as if he were a small child. Graves caught the murderous look in your eye and smirked.
The executioners forced you down a hall and toward a stunningly white room. Once inside, you could see that half of it was filled with a glimmering potion that you could only imagine the effects of, with a metal chair floating over it. The door closed behind you, a guard standing watch close by.
"Don't do this--Bernadette--please," Tina pleaded with the executioner leading her.
"It don't hurt," Bernadette told her, smiling.
"You're willing to kill a woman that you know by name?" you muttered, not realizing that the silencing charm around you had broken. Your heart lifted at the sound of your own voice, and you decided to continue. "You're utterly barbaric."
"We're just following orders, Miss (L/N)," your executioner justified, a vacant smile on her face.
Bernadette pushed Tina gently to the edge of the pool, placed her wand to her temple, and extracted some of her memories. Tina immediately calmed down, the same vacant smile resting on her face. Bernadette cast the memories into the potion, which began to play what you assumed were some of her happiest memories.
"Don't that look good? You wanna get in? Huh?" Bernadette prodded Tina, who nodded as if barely listening.
Unable to do anything, you and Newt watched, horrorstruck, as the executioner summoned the chair and Tina willingly sat down in it.
"(Y/N)," Newt whispered to you.
"What?" you responded, looking to meet his eyes.
He leaned in close to you and pressed his lips gently against yours. Although it was unexpected, you welcomed his chaste kiss. That perfect moment seemed to last an eternity, but when the executioners pulled you apart, it was too short.
"I promised myself that if I ever saw you again, I would do that," he explained, his eyes locked on the ground and his face turning red.
"I'm glad that you did," you said, giving a real smile for the first time since Peggy came with the news. "Now, how are we going to get out of this?"
"I've got a plan," he stated, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. His eyes flickered down to his collar, where you saw a little green twig--a bowtruckle--beginning to climb down Newt's blue coat. So as not to draw attention to the bowtruckle, you watched as the chair descended closer and closer to the shimmering potion.
One of Tina's memories caught your eye--she cast a spell at that awful Second Salem woman, Mary Lou Barebone, in order to stop her from beating her son. Maybe if the rest of MACUSA had seen that memory firsthand, they would have been on Tina's side.
Newt's executioner began to make preparations. "Okay, let's get the good stuff out of you," she said, raising her wand to Newt's forehead. Newt took his chance  and hopped. Backward, using his newly freed arms to throw something toward the pool. He quickly turned and punched the guard in the face, knocking him to the floor, where he didn't move.
Before your executioner could do anything, you used your own body to slam her against the wall. Her head hit the wall with a loud crack, and she slumped to the ground.
The bowtruckle had hopped onto Newt's executioner's arm and had just bitten her, distracting her. Using this, Newt grabbed her wand and fired a stunning spell at Bernadette. Bernadette's wand fell into the pool, where the potion swallowed it in tar-like black bubbles.
You finally noticed what Newt had thrown when he had first begun this small rebellion of sorts. Maybe baseball sized when he had first thrown it out, it had now expanded into a strangely beautiful winged reptile that was currently circling over the pool. As it came around, it slammed into Newt's executioner, knocking her to the ground with her colleagues.
The little bowtruckle called to you from the ground, making a small chirping noise. You bent down to get closer to it, and it hopped up to your hands, which were shackled behind your back. You really hoped it would make quick work of getting them off of you, as you were pretty much useless until it did.
Suddenly, Tina came to her senses and screamed, "Mr. Scamander!" She lost no time in standing up on her chair, almost losing her balance along the way. The potion had lost its allure and was now rising up in waves around her.
"Don't panic!" Newt shouted back.
"What do you suggest I do instead?!"
Newt called his reptilian creature with an odd clicking noise, and it began circling the pool once more. "Jump," he commanded.
"Are you crazy?!"
"Jump on him."
"Tina, I promise, he knows what he's doing," you encouraged.
"Tina, listen to me," Newt said. "I'll catch you. Tina!"
The waves around the frightened woman were getting higher, and the longer she stood frozen, the less likely it was that she would make it out of this unscathed.
"I'll catch you. I've got you, Tina...go!"
With a well-timed jump between to waves of Death potion, Tina landed one foot on the creature and used it to spring herself right into Newt's arms. They both stood there for a second, stunned that everything had worked out. Newt was the first to move, raising a hand to recall the creature, which folded into a cocoon.
Just in time, your bonds fell off and the bowtruckle hopped onto your shoulder, nestling a hand in your hair. Newt grabbed your hand, pulled you up, and the three of you ran toward the exit.
"Come on!" Newt called.
Tags: @shamvictoria11 @cookies186 @sweeneytoddler
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