#stop being obnoxious and step down once in a while yea ?
kethabali · 1 year
stupid white cishetallo men "artists" aka the most entitled obnoxious people to walk this planet
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
I’m Not Going Anywhere Pt 2
Part 1 
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Summary: Y/n’s mental health plummets again and Bakugou notices. He tries his best to help while she’s trying to isolate herself. 
Tw: bad self esteem and language
Wc: 2070 
The noise of the loud classroom fell deaf on your ears. Your heart beat was increasing by the second and your breathing slowly became heavier and heavier. Your chest was tightening and your stomach was in knots. At the same time it felt like you were the only person in the room but also that everyone had their eyes glued to you. 
“y/n are you alright?” 
You were finally pulled back to reality when Iida called your name. You turned to your right and gave Iida a small smile. “Yea, i’m ok”
A few moments later the bell rang and you sighed in relief, you were exhausted from school and needed a break. On the way back to the dorms Bakugou caught up to you. He didn’t say anything, just walked beside you. 
 It had been about three weeks since the burn accident with Bakugou. Since then he's been around you a lot more. It's kinda weird to say the least. You guys hung out of course prior to the accident however it was mostly if your mutual friends were there or if the two of you were training. 
Lately he’s been pestering you more about training and wanting to make the sessions longer. He would also always stay around in the kitchen when you were cooking something and whenever he was cooking he would constantly call you over and get all grumbly if you left the room. 
Again it wasn’t a bad thing, just different. 
“I'll meet you later for training, don't be late, dumbass.” He began once you entered the dorms. 
“Actually I think I'm gonna have to skip training today.” 
His head shot to yours and he quirked an eyebrow at you, “why?” 
You played with the hem on your sleeve, “I'm just not up for it today.” Being the overthinker you were, you expected him to yell at you for being lazy or to suck it up. Instead you were met with a different reaction. 
“So what do you feel like doing?” he asked. 
You almost stopped in your tracks. Did he just ask you if you wanted to hang out with him? No of course not he doesn’t want to hang out with you. He doesn’t even like hanging out with you. You thought to yourself
“Umm I don’t know. Was probably going to do some homework and take a nap.” 
He was silent for a moment before he said, “hmm, well you better not sleep through dinner you insomniac, did you even get any sleep?” 
“Yea, some,” you replied. He knew you loved to stay up late and hated waking up early. But lately it wasn’t a choice, you just had a lot of trouble falling asleep. 
You both arrived at the dorm building, “I better see you downstairs before dinner, if you’re not down there before I finish cooking I'm dragging you out of bed.” 
You chucked in response, “ok Bakugou, see you later,” 
As you turned away from him to walk towards the elevator he stopped you “force field,” 
You stopped and turned to face him. You could tell he was hesitating with what he wanted to say. His eyes kept darting to the floor and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Why have you spent so much time in your dorm lately?” 
“What do you mean?” 
He rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean. You’ve been hiding in your room all week, you don’t even want to train later, you've never skipped training.” he took a step towards you. “What the hell aren’t you telling me?” 
The rest of your classmates started to fill up the common room. “Nothing, I promise,” you turned back to the elevator and before Bakugou could follow you a handful of your classmates piled into the elevator with you. As the doors closed you saw a defeated expression on the boy you walked away from. You’d only seen that face on him a few times. 
Once you got to your dorm you did exactly what you said you’d do, you finished your work for the day and fell asleep while scrolling on social media. 
At some point you were woken up by the sound of obnoxiously loud knocking on your door. Your eyes peeled open and you tried to regain your thoughts and look for your phone. 
“Bakugou stop making all that noise!” you heard Jiro yell from outside your door. 
“Shut up earlobes! Force field I know you're in there just open the damn door.” 
You slowly got up from your bed and opened the door. The boy before you raised an eyebrow as he glanced at your half open eyes. 
“Did you just wake up?” he voiced. 
“Maybe,” you mumbled. 
“Tch, come on,” he tilted his head in the direction of the elevator. 
“What? Where?” 
“I told you you needed to be awake to eat dinner, didn’t I?” 
You yawned, “I thought you were kidding,” 
“I wasn’t, now come on,” he went to grab your arm then realized it was the one with your scar. He quickly grabbed the other instead and pulled you to follow him downstairs. 
You were silent the whole ride on the elevator. You started thinking about bakugou and the scar. He didn’t mention it again and the few times he touched you he never placed a hand on the scar.  Maybe he started being around you more because he still felt shity about the burn. You couldn’t think of any other reason.
Once you made it to the kitchen you noticed almost no one was downstairs. There was also no cooked food at all, just ingredients on the counter. 
“What the hell is this I thought you said dinner was ready? Why’d you wake me up then?” You pouted. 
He huffed “Quit complaining, and I didn’t say it was done.” 
You sat on a stool close to the counter and folded your arms resting your head on them. “It sounded like it was implied.” 
For the next half hour you and bakugou sat in the kitchen having light conversation. Occasionally people would come and go from the living room and eventually Jiro and Sero joined you in the kitchen. 
After a certain point you got very quiet and stopped contributing to the conversation. Your friends had started talking about heroics and your mood plummeted. Your thoughts started to wander about how you needed to improve and were far behind all your classmates. That you couldn't match up to them. 
Everyone was so strong, powerful, and smart, you felt like you were so average or mediocre. Every time you watched your friends improve you felt a tinge of sadness, thinking they were all so much better than you. Bakugou tried to change your outlook, but it seems like after all the progress you made you were back to your old ways. 
“Force field.”��
You were pulled out of your thoughts at the famous nickname. 
“Yea,” you replied, picking your head up so fast you thought you got a head rush.
“Are you falling asleep or something?” He asked. 
“no, I'm fine. I'm awake,” you answered, stretching your arms. 
He turned back to the finished food with Jiro and they brought everything to the main table. He knew you weren’t falling asleep, he just didn’t know how to ask if you were ok. 
The next day felt the same as the past week. You stayed in your room for most of the day and told bakugou you didn’t want to train. Some of your friends stopped by your room but you kept giving excuses as to why you couldn't hang out. 
After dinner Bakugou walked with you upstairs and tried to ask you the same thing from the day before once you were alone in the elevator. 
“What's up with you?”  
You placed your hands in your hoodie pocket, “nothing,” 
“Wow, nice language.” 
“I'm serious and don’t try to change the subject. Why are you acting different.” he pestered. 
You sighed, “It's just a bad mood, it's nothing crazy.” 
The elevator door opened on his floor and he pressed the close door button. 
“It’s not just a bad mood and you know it. Now what's going on with you?”  
Your heart beat was slowing catching speed. You didn’t say anything, you didn’t know what to say. If you even tried to tell him even a fraction of how you felt to him you knew you couldn’t hold back your tears and keep yourself from breaking down. 
“I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and don't try lying to me,” he spoke with a stern voice while at the same time sounding comforting. 
Your eyes started to gloss over when you finally did speak. “I thought I was doing so well. I thought I was improving but I’m not. I still suck.” you began with a shaky voice. 
His features softened and eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” he asked with a voice laced with concern. 
You sniffled and looked down at the floor. “I’m not a good fighter, I'm never gonna be a good hero. I can’t catch up to our classmates and no matter how much I try I'm never good enough.” you replied in a soft and quiet voice. 
Bakugou’s heart ached. He saw a small tear fall down your cheek and you were quick to wipe it away. You quickly wrapped your arms around him and clutched onto the back of his shirt like your life depended on it. He placed a hand on the small of your back and the other on the back of your head and head against his chest. At his touch you started to sob, letting everything you’ve been holding in. 
He didn’t say anything at first, he just held onto your embrace as you cried against his shirt. Once you stopped crying and your breathing started to slow down he began to play with your hair and finally said something. 
“That's not true ya know. You’ve always been a good fighter. From the beginning of the school year I've watched you fight and there's nothing like it. That's why I wanted to fight you so bad that day and I didn’t want you going easy on me. I wanted to fight you at your full power because of how strong you are.” 
You pulled away from his embrace to look him in the eyes. It pained him to see your eyes all red and teary from crying. “You really think that?” 
“Of course. You’re one of the strongest people I know. Your so fucking great at eveything you do and at first it bugged the shit out of me casue you were so good. You've got talent that no other extra at this school has and they would be fucking insane to not see it,” his eyes had a soft look to them when he said that. It warmed your heart to hear what he truly thought. “And i'm not just saying this to make you feel better, you really are strong, powerful, pretty . .” he froze for a second to realize what he said. 
You froze as well. Your emotions overwhelmed you and . “I didn’t think you cared so much,” you stated. 
“I've always cared. Probably more than I should.”  
He placed his hand on your face, cupped your cheek, and looked into your eyes with pure adoration.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked. 
You nodded your head with a small smile on your face. “Yea” 
He then leaned in to capture his lips with yours. He kept his one hand on your face as the other wrapped around your waist. You placed your hands on his arms and slightly smiled into the kiss. When you pulled apart for air he placed his forehead against yours. 
“If you couldn’t tell I like you y/n,” he confessed. Your heart ached when you realized he used your actual name instead of the nickname. 
You dove back in for a hug and replied, “yea, I like you too.”
The two of you stayed like that for a moment in silence, just enjoying each others company. He started to let go and you grabbed onto his shirt tighter. “Please, can we just stay here for a little bit longer” you mumbled into his chest. 
He returned his arms to your waist and brought up one of his hands to play with your hair.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
The Decoy
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Finally got this out of the drafts! Its been a hot minute but I hope everyone is doing well, enjoy!~Amanda
Warning: Cussing, Gore 
(1.3k+ words)
You bathed under the dazzling city lights as you took in every moment of the district's nightlife. You’d only ever heard stories of this buzzing city and all the crazy endeavours you could partake in. While you were the epitome of enthusiasm, your brute of a boyfriend was not as animated beside you.The atmosphere surrounding Sanemi was deathly; his face sagged in a deep scowl as he prowled at your side like a predator searching for its prey. Sanemi was sent to the Red Light District in hopes of finding and killing a demon who had been disguising themselves as a wealthy nobleman, promising women a hefty pay for their time. As hilarious as it would be, Sanemi would never pass for a decent lady in drag, so it was only obvious you tag along to act as the decoy.
“Hey look at this candy Nemi’! It's shaped like a dragon!” your eyes sparkled childishly at the glassy pulled sugar stick for sale on the vendors station. Sanemi growled in mock annoyance a few feet behind you, his arms crossed over his bare chest, “How fucking old are you? We’ve stopped at every damn stand” he complained. You paid the old man selling the treats, slipping in a few extra coins of gratitude, before shuffling over to your brooding shadow, offering an affectionate smile, “Come on Nemi, lighten up!” you chastised. Yea like that was possible, as if he wasn’t about to ship you off to some monster so he could touch you for sport, “Let’s go L/n”.
You found yourselves hidden between two tall buildings, using the shade as a rendezvous spot. “How do I look?” you joked, desperately trying to alleviate a little of his stress. His eyes wandered over your silky yukata, painted in brilliant blue shades with blue ombre blossoms and white accents adorning the sleeves. His eyes narrowed further as he passed your cleavage on complete display for any hungry eyes, wanting nothing more to sink his teeth into the exposed skin of your neck, to mark you as his. Your finger lifted his lowered grimace up to your far softer expression, holding him there, “Sanemi I volunteered, you don’t need to be so worried about me. I’m just the bait, you get to have all the fun” you giggled. His furrowed brows crumbled, revealing something softer for a moment, a moment meant for just the two of you.“Don’t do anything stupid, Stupid” he poked your forehead gently, silent confessions filling the small space. As he watched your retreating form from the side lines, Sanemi swore he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, even at the expense of the mission.
You walked around the large house alone, trying your best to blend in with the scantily clad women around you “maybe I’m overdressed”. You peered above at the poles that lined the roof where you felt Sanemi’s gaze following you. In your periphery you spotted your target, pretending to stumble on your own dress and falling at the feet of a very tall man, “show time”.
“I-I’m sorry, I lost my balance” you pleaded to the man from the floor, gazing up at him innocently. His domineering chuckle was deep and cocky, offering a hand out to you. “You’re new right? I’ve haven’t seen you around” he questioned, his amber eyes boring into your soul. He pulled you uncomfortably close to his chest, forcing your face near his, “I’d remember a face like yours”. You averted your eyes to the floor nervously, to him it looked like you were submissively falling into his touch,“All I need to do is get him away from everyone else”
“Come, let's go somewhere quieter” he wrapped your smaller hand in his larger one, pulling you away to an empty part of the house blocked off by a thin curtain.He sat himself down in a plush chair, gesturing to his lap, “Don’t be shy, I don’t bite” yea right. You gulped before awkwardly climbing onto his clothed thighs, trying everything in your power to not grimace.
Sanemi was two steps away from exploding as he watched the scene unfold before him, his eyes lighting with fire and dripping with bloodlust, wanting to rip that thing to shreds. It took every fiber of his being to hold out and watch every insufferable second of you being handled by a demon, but he needed to trust you. He knew that you didn’t need him around, that you were capable of killing the demon using the small blades hidden in the strap around your thigh, but he wasn’t willing to see how much of yourself you’d have to give for that to happen. Sanemi gripped the hilt of his sword, his knuckles turning white while the man's hand languidly trailed your bare shoulder, slowly pushing the fabric lower and lower.
You giggled obnoxiously for the tenth time, laughing at whatever nonsense the demon was spewing. His touch was like ice against your skin; searing against your warmth, leaving an icy chill with every stroke. You stealthy moved your hand out of sight, flexing your fingers into the signal you and Sanmi had agreed on when the demon snatched your wrist, raising it to his long fangs. “I’m offended you think I’m so stupid, little girl”
Everything happened too quickly; before the demon could sink his teeth into your skin, Sanemi was  already standing there, sword raised against his neck and hand ripping the hair off his scalp. “Move even an inch and I’ll send your head rolling asshole” Sanemi growled. The three of you sat motionless, the sound of your faint breathing filling the tense space. “I must say, you’ve got me” the demon started, “But your only mistake was not grabbing her first” he sunk his teeth into your veins, biting down almost to the bone. You parted your lips in silent screams, blood gushing out of the wound as Sanemi severed his head, prying his teeth off the torn skin.
Tears spilled freely as you lay on the wood floor clutching your battered arm, praying for something, anything to ease the pain. “Shit” Sanemi breathed, frantically tearing a piece of his clothes to act as a bandage, “You should have fucking stayed home!” his words were lost in your whimpers. Your lips twitched, desperately trying to form words, but the world was fading fast and the last thing you saw was Sanemi before everything faded away.
“I almost died”
It was the first thought you had once your eyes finally opened, the warm blanket you'd been wrapped in falling to your hips. You remembered everything while you admired the crafty stitch work that lined your arm in intricate loops, wincing when you probed the tender skin. “Don’t touch it dumbass” a harsh voice called. “Hey Nemi” you greeted shyly, instantly recognizing the nickname. A million questions rushed to roll off your tongue, instead, morphing into one solemn “I’m sorry”
“You were right, I had no reason to be there. All I did was prolong the mission and hurt myself in the process” your voice quivered as you spoke, your eyes not able to reach his. Loud stomps marched towards your bed spread, Sanemis rough hands gripping your face, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t say that shit. You did your part of the mission while I hesitated and let that prick hurt you. So dammit don’t say sorry because I’m fucking sorry!” his tone grew higher and higher to the point where he was practically yelling, but it didn’t bother you. You smiled softly, nuzzling into his palms, grasping your flushed cheeks, turning slightly to place soft kisses on each one. “We’re a mess sometimes, aren’t we?” you yawned, pink washing over the both of you. “Whatever, just go back to sleep” he mumbled, pushing against the mattress. “Hey Nemi guess what?” “What?” “Now we’ll have matching scars” you laughed, eyelids already growing heavy “That’s not funny, dumbass!”
“Are you going to stay?”
“Of course”
This isn’t my favorite, but I 100% headcanon Sanemi using your last name as a term of endearment. 
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alphi-writes · 4 years
Thank you for ur answer earlier! It's crystal clear owo)👌 then, may i request jack jamil and kalim with dancing+bonfire? Thank you in advance! Have a good day/night and don't forget to stay hydrated! 🌸
Of course! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ I'm really sorry it took so long to get these posted, but I tried to make up for it by putting more effort into the writing. Make sure to get at least a bit of sunlight today if you can🧡
Characters: Jack, Jamil, Kalim
Items: Dancing, Bonfire
Jack Howl
Jack decided to join you tonight, since you invited him to the bonfire earlier in the day. It was almost seven thirty by the time you got the bonfire actually going, and you were beginning to think Jack wouldn't want to stay.
"Alrighty then, Jack-A-Boy, let's get to our late night gab session." You threw yourself into the chair sat next to Jack's, leaning over the edge expectantly.
His ears flattened, "Don't you have any activities planned? Usually you'd want to set off a fountain candle or two, and you didn't bring any snacks-"
You leaned over, tipping the chair on its side where the two left feet lifted above the ground. You pushed your index finger to his lips, shushing him.
"It is autumn, and we are going to be festive without fountain candles. This is what normal people do, Jackie, they sit and watch the fire- oh my gosh are we old people now?"
Honestly, Jack felt lost. Maybe he was overthinking things, but you didn't hang out one-on-one with him very often, and if you did, Grimm was always there. This time it was just the two of you.
You sat quietly for a few minutes, may ten, just enjoying the crackling heat in the cool of autumn. Every once in a while, you'd feel Jack's gaze on you, and finally, you caught him.
"Are you... nervous? Is the Jack Howl nervous to be alone out here with me? A magic-less human? HaH! I laugh in the face of your untimely jitters!" He watched as you laughed in your seat, a light heat washing over his face.
Of course he was nervous! He didn't show it often, but he really liked hanging out with you! He didn't want you to know that though because then he would lose his cool-guy bad-boy vibe.
He'd be reduced to a puppy dog if he let on that he enjoyed being around you. And not only that, but your personalities were vastly different.
Jack was ripped from his thoughts when you stood up and grabbed his hands in yours.
You pulled him from his seat and lead him closer to the fire.
"Come on, let's dance! I know this one dance that we did every year at the festivals back home." Jack tugged against you, albeit flustered from the contact.
"Uhm, no, I don't dance." His hand flew up to the back of his neck at his hairline, and you could see the embarrassment in his furrowed eyebrows.
You hummed quietly, nodding in understanding.
"Fine, I'll show you this dance tonight, and if you can't perform it perfectly byyy... tomorrow- I'll just have to find some collateral for payback." You were obviously joking, but he looked visibly distraught by your words.
You only dismissed his expression before starting your dance.
You weren't the smoothest at dancing, and you were stiffer than you should've been, but you knew this dance well.
Your movements were quick and deliberate, sweeping in directions like a gust of wind. Every so often, you'd catch a glimpse of Jack staring at you with large eyes.
His ears were straight up and his tail was wagging so quickly it was only a blur of grey.
You soon finished swaying around, pausing for a moment to catch your breath before grinning at Jack.
"Dancing is pretty cool, y'know, so I hope you'll dance with me some other time." You gazed down at Jack as he sat there quiet.
He didn't speak, and it caused your smile to falter.
"That was- wow, I've never seen anyone dance like that before." His face was burning and his tail had slowed to a wave.
Your smile returned. You laughed loudly, wiping the sweat from nerves and the heat off hour forehead.
"Phew, I thought you didn't like it for a moment there."
Jack jumped up, "No-!" He yelped, "it was great!"
His outburst startled you, and your eyes widened when his hands lightly grasped yours. He wasn't usually like this, and it made you chuckle.
"Could you teach me to dance like that?"
"Of course."
Jamil Viper
Jamil was suprised by the temperature of the air around your dorm.
"Is it usually this cold?"
"No," you threw a bundle of sticks on the formation of branches, "its autumn now so its beginning to cool down some. Its definitely colder than Scarabia though."
Jamil joined you tonight because you invited him to a good old fashioned autumn bonfire, which he's never been a part of.
You remember freaking out when he told you he'd never been to a bonfire before, and you knew that you'd have to invite him to on that exact night.
Sure you didn't plan on having one this night, but the absence of a bonfire in Jamil's memories just drove your determination.
"And it's just a large fire?"
"Yea, it's pretty cool. You'll see the appeal."
He nodded with his fist on his chin, scanning the surrounding area. He stood there awkwardly as you finally lit the brambles on fire, standing in front of the flames with your arms in the air.
"Hell yea, warmth."
You sat down on a fold-out chair you brought our earlier, patting the seat next to it for Jamil.
He sat down, staring at the fire. He was used to heat and fires like this one, but he'd never been in crisp air while a fire was going. It was a bit odd, but he liked the feeling of autumn. Maybe not more than the temperatures and winds of Scarabia or the Hot Sands, but he could see himself sitting here often.
"Oooh, Jamil, you dance, yes?"
He nodded, turning his head towards you.
When you met his eye, you began to think maybe you shouldn't ask him to dance. Your face began to tingle and you sunk in your chair.
You wrung your hands together, "ah, well, it's nothing, nevermind."
He sat quiet for a moment before standing up.
"I can dance for you, if that's what you want." He had a small smile on his face as he stood up and stretched his back muscles.
You panicked slightly, "No, you don't really have to Jamil-!"
"Do you not like my dancing?"
"Wh- no it's not that," you threw your hands up, "I just dont want you to feel like you have to dance for me."
He chuckled quietly at your panic.
"Its alright, I want to dance for you."
And he did.
He danced for what seemed like only a few moments, but was really about half an hour. Even in that time frame, he never once faltered, never once seemed tired or out of stamina.
He was so fluid, moving as if he were water in the wind. He was elegant, beautiful, gorgeous.
When he was finished, he swung to a stop, a large grin on his face. The largest smile you've ever seen him bare.
You were up in a second, glomping him in glee.
"Jamil, you were amazing! Oh my gosh, you were gorgeous!!" He chuckled while you peppered him with compliments.
When he brought his eyes back up to yours, his breathing hitched quietly.
The look in your eyes.
Not lust or hunger, not an emotion that was anything derogatory.
Just pure, utter, true love.
Your lips curved up and you chuckled quietly.
"Jeez, are you gorgeous." You whispered, gently bonking your head on his chest.
You felt his chest rise and fall steadily before his arms loosely wrapped around your back.
Kalim al Asim
"There you go, the last branch." You threw the last branch on and brushed the excess branch bits from your hands.
Kalim cheered happily, unfolding the chairs for the two of you.
Kalim was practically jumping in joy, "This is gonna be so fun!" He exclaimed.
You chuckled, "Yea."
He was always so exuberant and obnoxious, but it was just another part of his charms.
You were planning to have a bonfire by yourself, and when you mentioned it earlier today during lunch, Kalim jumped at the idea.
You couldn't just say 'nah you can't come to my bonfire in which I am the only attendee'. You weren't some monster.
So of course you invited him, and not begrudgingly, no, you were ecstatic to have him join you. He even helped build the bonfire.
"So you' ve never had a bonfire?"
"Not one like this!"
"What other kinds of bonfires are there..?"
You laughed it off, lighting the sticks ablaze.
"Burn baby, burn, said the pyromaniac!" You laughed as the flames grew.
Kalim grinned at you, moving closer to the fire to feel the heat.
"Its always hot in the Land of Hot Sands, so it's nice to feel heat while theres still the pinch of cold in the air."
It was quite relaxing. Although you liked the nip of cold, you loved the feeling of warmth just as much.
You weren't one for Scarabia heats, but a normal, balanced heat was the best for you.
Kalim swayed as he took in the heat, closing his eyes and grinning up at the night sky.
The way the light of the flames danced on his face made his dark skin light up with oranges and yellows. He looked so warm and peaceful. So happy.
When he opened his eyes and looked down at you, you averted your eyes quickly.
"I have a great idea! Lets dance!" He was already grabbing your hands before you could utter a word.
Now, before you even began to dance, you already knew Kalim was a solo dancer. Sure he would dance near others, but they were never dancing together.
He was attempting the common waltz, and although he was raised as royalty, you could tell that the fairy tale books weren't all factual.
Kalim often stepped on your feed, apologizing quickly. He bonked his head against yours a few times, and even accidentally tangled his leg with yours.
"Okay, let me lead, Kalim." You said through your laughter.
He nodded sheepishly, instead moving his hands to your shoulder and left hand. You intertwined your left hand with his, and rested your right on his waist.
You were close enough that your could feel his breath on your face.
"Okay, we'll start off slow so you can get the hang of the foot movements."
You looked down at his feet, motioning with your left foot for him to step backwards.
Your left foot went forward and his went back, then both of your right feet went outwards.
"This is the box step, the most basic form of waltz. Right foot forward."
You went around your imaginary boxes a few times before he actually began to understand the formation.
Left foot back, right foot out, right foot forward, left foot out. The dance was simple, and the box kept moving as you rotated around the bonfire in a circular motion.
He was a quick learner, and soon you found he could perform the steps without having to look at his feet.
"Y/N, I think I have a hang of it!"
You chuckled quietly, nodding, "I believe so!"
Although the box step wasn't usually performed around a bonfire, yours moved perfectly.
Now Kalim could go back to his dorm to tell Jamil about his partner dance.
"This is actually really fun." His voice had lowered to a whisper, and he was looking at you with a smile.
You smiled back, gently butting your forehead against his.
"Well yea, and it's simple too!"
The box step was a simple four-step rotation dance. Some would even call it boring if it drawled on for too long.
But the two if you continued on waltzing late into the night. You took this as time to share your thoughts and woes, held closely together, hands knitting to each other.
This was your time with Kalim. Just you, Kalim, and the autumn air.
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selinakidreams · 4 years
year six at hogsmeade
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ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! This fic is for the @haikyuucreationsadm​ secret santa event! dedicated to @ichorizaki ! sol, I hope this gives you the warm fuzzies! 
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
tags: harry potter au!, gn! reader, friends to lovers, yams is a lil over protective, fake dating (if you squint really really hard), yamaguchi’s pov !
a/n: no i do not hate the character i put as the slytherin (i’m not gonna spoil anything <3 teehee) i did it almost as an easter egg ...? like if you remember how yams reacted when he heard a certian thing come from his mouth,,,,,,, you’ll understand why- the clip was playing in my head on repeat while writing it lmao (super vauge ik but ah ha haa)
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Both of your school capes sashae across the cold stoned floor as you two head to the one class you had together. The air was nippy; delicate flakes of snow danced around the sky until they landed on the ground.  Yamaguchi hugged his books closer to his chest in hopes to ease the lack of warmth. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you nuzzle into your silver and green scarf that was already bundled up to your nose. 
‘Cute,’ he thought to himself- and when it comes to you, that word comes up in his head quite a lot.
 Far from being his favorite class, Yamaguchi Tadashi had to get used to the defense against the dark arts course. It was very… out there for him in the beginning. By pushing his limits, it created a wave of self-consciousness that would wash over him, resulting in the feeling of incompetence. Thankfully you were there to encourage and support him, just as you had been since the day you guys met. It was something about your strength and determination- he learned that through the years when you had an idea, a goal, or a project in mind, you would see it through. It was so inspiring to young Yamaguchi, the little boy constantly cowering away from anything that seemed too much. He would constantly be picked on and could never speak the words that clogged his throat but then you came along with a single snarky remark to end all of theirs. There was no time between the moment he words left your lips and when your hand slipped into his- pulling him away from any sense of loneliness he would ever feel again. You were there for all the big moments, from when he first got his letter to him getting sorted into Gryffindor to him trying out for their quidditch team. You two had been absolutely inseparable and neither of you would change a thing.
Yamaguchi cherished walking to class with you- the way you fit so well in the environment… he just couldn't take his eyes off of you. His favorite version of you was in the winter because you just looked so much cozier. The dark colors of your house heavily contrasted against the bright sparkling snow that reflected natural light into the corridor. The pink that tinted the tips of your ears made his heart skip a beat. If it hadn't been for you stopping by the opened door way, he would have completely missed the entrance to the classroom because of his… observations. He motioned you go in first, your eyes crinkled in thanks as you stepped inside and he swears that you caused a heart palpitation. 
It was your guy’s sixth year at Hogwarts and by far Tadashi's favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts course yet. The teacher, Remus Lupin, had such a way of teaching that it was not only fun and interactive, but also incredibly informative- the prime way for him to learn. He was so happy that Lupin’s tactics were sticking, this meant he didn't have to cling to you for help as he had previously; He was able to show you that he was capable of being strong on his own. Whenever you showed your delight at Tadashi’s progress, he only wanted to work harder.
“Hey so… after class, did you want to go to Hogsmeade and get something to drink from Honeyduke’s? It’s all snowy out and it’s the perfect weather for something warm and comforting.” You grinned as the both of you took your seats, conveniently across from each other, the only thing that separated you two was a slim isle way. Yamaguchi turned to you with a small smile curving his lips, “Yea, sounds good but just remember I have practice later so I can't be out too la-“ his last word was cut off by an obnoxious scoff from the keeper from the Slytherin quidditch team. 
“That was supposed to be our practice, you know. Daichi snatched up our usual practice time.” Koganegawa Kanji said snottily, judgmentally eyeing Tadashi up and down before turning his gaze to you. Suddenly there was a different type of look in his eyes, a bright one that showed that he believed he could secure all sorts of things… including you. “Those Gryffindors think they can take whatever they want, but I know what we're going to be taking. The win at our next game… which just so happens to be against Gryffindor. You’re going to be there, right y/n?” He practically beamed to you as he kept side-eyeing Yamaguchi. 
Before you could even answer- before he could even realize what was coming out of his mouth- your shy, kind hearted, wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly Tadashi rolled his eyes and said, “Yea they’re going, they’re going to be screaming out my name when I catch that snitch.” 
Your eyes widened as you turned to him with your jaw slack, the sexual innuendo in the forefront of your mind but when facing your freckled best friend, it looked like he couldn't believe he was able to even speak up. Yamaguchi is not one for confrontation or someone who initiates fights… but when things come down to you, he acts in ways he doesn’t recognize- for painfully obvious reasons.
“You better watch that mouth of yours, Yamaguchi, or else i might just have to zip it up.” The Slytherin hissed, getting ready to reach for his want but stopped in his tracks when his gaze caught sight of a scruffy man in his mid 30’s standing behind the frozen Gryffindor, hands in his pockets and a brow raised. 
“Now… I know you were not about to hex mister Yamaguchi inside of my class, right Mister Koganegawa?” Professor Lupin tempted, a small smirk danced on his lips with the unmissable glint of entertainment that twinkled in his warm eyes. 
The professor didn’t give the boy a chance to answer, instead turned around and headed to the front of the classroom while saying, “Return to your seat Koganegawa, I expect whatever hex you were going to cast was going to be a naughty one. Well ironically, today’s lesson is focused on learning to reflect those nasty curses…” The whole class settled in for the lecture as Tadashi sneaked a peak at the reaction that had been plastered on your face- boy, was it a cute one. Both of your lips curled in with saucer eyes, cheeks tinted a faint red, as if you were holding back a laugh that was forcing its way out. 
After Lupin bid the class adue for the day, everyone went their separate ways; Tadashi held you close as you both headed to Hogsmeade, his arm draped over your shoulder as you leaned into him for warmth. The walk had been a comfortable silence until you spoke out your curiosity to break the ice, hitting him with the million dollar question.
“Hey, what happened back in Lupin’s class? That was.. odd.. of you to say.” You inquired. Normally when you catch Tadashi off guard or in a vulnerable state, a cute blush dusts along the apple of his cheeks and the tips of his ears. You knew you were robbed of the sight, the cold had beat you to it, a violent scarlet already bared his skin. 
He let out a sigh, the breath showing itself in the cold, before he muttered, “I’m just tired of him openly ogling at you like you’re some toy. It’s not cool.” 
You responded with a slight hum, the real reply bouncing off the walls of your brain: I can't believe we’re not together by now.
“Oh yams,” you chuckle as you huddle closer into his side.
Passing under the grand Hogsmeade archway, he was grateful that there were barely any students about- this meant you guys could get your drinks faster and walk around the shops easier. With the antique green and pink building in sight, the beeline to the shop’s entrance was determined.
“Okay okay, let me guess…” you started as Yamaguchi held open the door for you to walk in, already eyeing the colorful treats that decorated the room, “you want a hot chocolate.” 
“And you want a hot strawberry tea.” Tadashi retorted with a smile.
“It’s almost like… we’ve known each other for years.” You say, your tone dripping in sarcasm as he watches your finger trace over the newest candy they sold. 
Sol, a sweet that’ll brighten your day! The container said, with a picture of what looked to be an edible ball of light. Supposedly, once it hits your tongue, it melts into the flavor you're craving most.
After inspecting the shelves around the store for any new and exciting treats, you both headed to the register where Tadashi placed the drinks order and fished out two golden galeons and five silver sickles. He snuck a glance at you admiring the brightly colored walls to make sure you weren't looking as he slipped the cashier the two packets of sol he stealthily grabbed and handed them three extra sickles. A sweet surprise for later.
Leaving the store, Yamaguchi watched the way your hands slipped around the warm cup, the tips of your fingers slightly intertwined. He wanted nothing more than to take your cup out of your hands and intermingle his fingers with yours…but he couldn’t, it would be crossing a line, wouldn’t it? Nevertheless, the image of holding your- probably- freezing hand was on his mind the whole time you two were walking around the village you knew all too well.
Deciding that it was pretty late you guys began to head back to the castle. The snow crunched underneath your boots with almost empty cups in your hands, you knew it wasn't going to take long before you’d be greeted by the back entrance of the castle. “‘Dashi… do you have to go to practice? I… i need help with Lupin’s coursework.” you stutter out, causing Yamaguchi to pause and turn toward you.
This took him by surprise, normally you were really good with your coursework, so for the roles to switch… something had to be off.  
“ y/n... You know I can't. The team said they really need me there.  Daichi would have my head if I missed practice. The game against Slytherin is so close and I really need to-” he cut himself off before he could reveal too much or get too annoyed, the flash of Koganegawa smirking flashed in the back of his mind. 
“you need to… what? I saw your last game and the way you soared through the air was incredible, it didn't seem like you needed to work on anything!” you pouted with damn wide eyes.
Tadashi tried to ignore the slight increase in his heart's beating pace, “aha well..” he said as he lifted his arm to scratch the back of his head, “we’re a team and they need me as much as i need them!” you stopped walking so he turned to face you.
He watched the small sad smile creep onto your face before hearing you mutter, “Jeez, when did my Tadashi become so popular?”
For Yamaguchi to not lean in and plant a kiss on your lips, something had to be holding him back... but there was nothing- if anything, you seemed to slightly lean in. 
He figured that you'd assume that the first move was going to be on your part, as it normally was when something serious would happen between the two of you but he wanted to prove to you that he's changed. He's not scared anymore. He has no reason to be. He’s learned so much about himself  throughout the years because of you. You're the reason he was the social person he was today. And he was the one that finally connects your lips with his. 
Due to the cold and dry winter, both lips are not as smooth as wanted but it doesn't stop him from deepening the long awaited kiss. He placed his open palms on your waist and his fingers gave you a small squeeze when he heard you sigh into the kiss.
When Yamaguchi felt your arms around his neck, he swore the world stopped turning for a second. The warmth that he was feeling was unmatched- this was warmer than any other winter coat had made him. 
When he pulled away, your arms stayed around his neck and he refused to let his hands leave your waist. 
“I uh-“ at this point Yamaguchi’s face was bright pink, yours being no different, “um I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” You said, cutting him off. 
Tadashi had to blink a few times, as if he was clearing his vision because what he just heard wasn’t possible. 
“N-no way…” he mumbled, looking at the ground next to you. Tadashi almost felt overwhelmed but one thing's for certain, the weight of needing to properly confess was only getting heavier so he gulped down his anxiety- as you had taught him so many times before- and brought his eyes to meet yours. 
“Y/n… I’m so in love with you. I have been for so long-”
Something red wizzed before your guys’ eyes, cutting off his huge confession. His eyes became wide at the hovering letter facing him. 
A howler. 
Before you could even raise an eyebrow, the letter opened itself in the shape of an origami mouth. 
“Yamaguchi, YOU ARE LATE FOR PRACTICE! WHY? WHAT COULD BE SO IMPORTANT THAT IT’S CAUSING YOU TO MISS PRACTICE?” the letter with daichi’s deep voice boomed around the empty of the woods. It began to look around, as if it could see the surrounding area- which was weird because typically howlers were only used to relay a (very loud and disappointed) message. When the envelope eventually faced you, the bottom of the mouth dropped and seemed to gulp.
“Ah.. i see.. Hi y/n… um,” the letter turned to face Yamaguchi before reminding him to go to practice and ripping itself apart. 
It was silent for a second, neither of you knew what to say. 
“I dunno but it almost sounded like Daichi wanted me to go to practice.” was the first thing he said. He watched your face contort from a small smile to a full out grin joined with a hearty laugh. 
“Let's get you to class ‘Dashi.” you said as you wound down from your laughing fit. Holding out your hand, the expression you gave him was one that he never saw from you before. The corner of his eyes crinkled with how genuine he was smiling as he took your hand, finally getting to entwine your fingers together as you guys headed to the quidditch field.
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Ps. yes you did scream out his name when he caught the snitch- it didn't go unnoticed...
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Mosaics are made of broken pieces
Surprise @missing-tony! MERRY CHRISTMAS TUSH! I hope you like this fic :)
With no mission nagging at them, most of the legends take the opportunity to have a movie night. Chaos still follows them, as it always does. Luckily not the deadly kind though.
What is family? What constitutes a family? People have proven that blood doesn’t determine family, after all, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Some have said family is a bunch of broken pieces that make up a beautiful mosaic. There’s some beauty in that, that through hard work you’ll form a hard-earned relationship with a group of people.  
“Is the movie ready Gideon?” Sara asked.
“Of course Captain.”
“What did they choose?” Sara checked herself out in the mirror making sure nothing was amiss with her outfit. Ava came up behind her wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist. She rested her chin on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to Sara’s cheek. A light blush tinged Sara’s cheek.
“I think you look great, sweetheart,” Ava whispered. 
“Thanks.” Sara stared at themselves in the mirror. Ava’s thick red sweater was tucked into a pair of blue jeans. Her feet were snuggled in gigantic matching red socks. Sara had on a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized dark green hoodie. 
“They chose a marvel movie captain.” Gideon informed the two ladies.
“You would think, considering what we do for a living, they wouldn't like high scale action movies.” Ava commented.
“Maybe it’s escapism. All the movies end well, from what I remember, and they are on a level of fantasy that it probably doesn’t remind them of our lives.” 
Ava nodded her head. “You ready to go sweetie?” Sara grabbed Ava’s outstretched hand and let herself be led to the Movie Room in the Waverider. Most of the current crew and some others were already waiting for them. 
Ray and Nora were sitting on one end of the couch talking to Charlie and astra. Sara noticed Charlie mindlessly running her thumb over Astra's hand and smiled. Beside them was zari and John. Zari had her legs in John's lap as she told him about gossip happening in her time. Mick Mona and Lita were sitting in the hammock quietly waiting for the movie. Ava waved at lita who smiled back at her aunt. Sara and her stepped around the three boys on the floor, Gary, Behrad and Nate. They were in an intense thumb battle with behrad looking like the winner. 
“Is this everyone? Weren’t some of the others going to come?” Sara asked. She and Ava settled in the neighboring chair, ava in the seat and Sara sitting haphazardly in the chair.
“Well Carter doesn’t seem keen on coming to anything legends affiliated after the breakup, I heard Kendra was busy with her new job… being a lawyer I think, and Jax and Lilly had to decline after they realized today coincided with their kids singing concert.” Ray informed them. 
“What about Nate's new boyfriend,” Charlie teased, “Mr. Mystery couldn’t make it?” 
Nate blushed red and shook his head. “He was busy, His job got in the way.”
“His job.” Lita teased in an obnoxious voice. Everyone laughed out loud while Nate glared daggers at Lita. Lita just stared at him challengingly, asking him to try her through her haughty look and quirked eye. Nate just rolled his eyes and flipped her off in response, earning more rowdiness from his family. They jeered at him berating him teasingly for making fun of a child. 
“Ok ok, in truth, when will we meet him ,man?” Behrad asked him when the room calmed down.
“I think we already have,” Astra said. “Dionysus,” she explained when they all looked at her confusingly.
Nate shook his head, but his face was obscured so they couldn’t see if he was blushing or not. “I’m not dating Dion.”
“Are you sure, you seemed pretty infatuated with him, from what I’ve heard?” Mona asked. Sara snorted and quirked her eyebrow up at him. 
“Why are we focusing on me? I know Kendra has a new girlfriend and Mona has a hot partner.” Nate exclaimed defensively.
“This isn’t about me, and stop talking about my partner.” Mona chastised. “And don’t bring up Kendra when she can’t even defend herself.” Nate rolled his eyes and was about to defend himself further, when someone interrupted him. 
“Speaking of new love,” Nora started, giving a sly wink to Garry, “I know-”
“No!” Garry shouted, interrupting her. New interest was piqued. Everyone turned to look at Gary and Nora.
“Nora, please.” Behrade begged, making puppy dog eyes at her.
“Nora, what do you know?” Sara asked. She leaned forward in interest, clasping her hands together like an old-timey villain who just finished telling their master plan. Gary and Behrad silently, and quite animatedly, pleaded with Nora to keep her mouth shut. They knew what she wanted to tell the others, and they didn’t want that getting out. 
Nora wasn’t planning on being merciful though. “Well I had left my room to go get a snack when I heard curious noises from Gar and B’s room. I quickly peaked in to make sure they weren’t being attacked when I saw... a broken bed,” Nora finished with emphasis. The group erupted in chaos. Charlie and Astra were pissing themselves laughing. Astra gave Gary a sly smile that made him blush. Behrad was trying, in vain,  to defend him and his boyfriend. Ray was similarly blushing red and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Nate jostled Behrad and Gary and congratulated them. Constantine and Zari looked like they would rather be anywhere else. Sara and Ava were both quiet, but for different reasons. Sara was fist-bumping Nora and nodding approvingly at Behrad. Ava was just shocked silent, she’s had sex before, but this took her off guard. Lita looked disappointed, Mona was intrigued and Mick’s facial features have not changed during the entire conversation.
“I’m definitely telling Jax and Lilly this, they need something to get through that children’s concert.” Nate said excitedly, while whipping out the phone. 
“Won’t the concert itself be enough, since its their children?” Ava asked incredulously.
“Oh absolutely not, I remember the ones I had to go to for my cousin’s kids. Let me tell you, it was awful. Those kid’s sucked.” Nate remarked with a scoff. His thumb hit the screen, sending the message. Immediately Behrad and Gary’s phone started buzzing with texts. Gary put his head in his hands while Behrad glared daggers at Nate. He quickly sent an explanatory text to the two parents. 
Nate’s phone buzzed. “Dude! Why did you tell Lills and Jax I lied.” Nate once tried to call Jax JJ only for Sara to glare at him. He learned his lesson. JJ was only reserved for Sara. 
“Cause you did. Last night, yea Gary and I did break the bed, but not because of sex! We-” Behrad sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. “We wanted to see if the air totem could make jumping on the bed better.” Everyone was shocked silent. Behrad took a breath. “It did make it better… and also more powerful.” Behrad finished. Gary scooted over to him and linked their finders together. He rested his chin on Behrad’s shoulder and gave him a small smile. 
“Behrad! That’s what you used the totem for? That seems objectively worse.” Zari said while wrinkling her nose.
“What do you mean? That’s hilarious! Can I have the totem to do meja-jumps on the bed?” Lita asked excitedly. Mick shook his head no behind her at the two boys. They nodded solemnly at him. Lita saw and glared at her father. 
Mick only shrugged. “Too dangerous, your mother would never let you.” Mick muttered. 
Before they could get into a real argument, Ray interrupted them. “Ok let’s start the movie. Gideon! Cue up Black Panther please.” 
“Right away Mr. Palmer.” Gideon’s cool technological voice called out. The group settled in to watch the movie, quite considerably calmed down. The lights dimmed and the movie began. 
Sometimes family is a mosaic that has to go through fire to fit together, but  fire isn’t always necessary. Sometimes time and an low burning spark is all that’s needed to bring people together.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The girl next door - Roof roof
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 2 ROOF ROOF
<Chap 1 | Chap 3>
Summary: A spring shower forces Lizz to call in help from Henry and apparently there is more to be fixed than just Lizz’s roof. 
Word count: 2.294
Warnings: strong language, teasing fluff
(Link to my Masterlist)
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It had been two weeks since Lizz met Henry, and it was safe to say a good neighboured friendship was budding. 
As the British countryside sprouted with young life, the two of them found some much needed social diversion in each other, a daily routine keeping them sane while the COVID-19 virus wreaked havoc around the globe.
No parties, no friends, no family, no colleagues..and practically no work. It could make a good man go mad. And thus the two of them were quick to find a shared routine which was followed with religious precision.
It would start in the morning with Henry leaving his house to walk his dog, Kal.
The big akita would rush off as soon as the gate was opened and Henry would yawn, stretching out as his feet blindly carried him down the small road, only to halt when they reached the hedge of Lizz’s garden. Kal would be there with her, fetching all the rubs he could get before Lizz would pat his butt, sending him off back to Henry. Then Henry and Lizz would chat for a moment and Henry would excuse himself with a sheepish smile, making Lizz chuckle with delight.
No matter how many times they went through the routine, it still brought her great amusement when he’d shuffle on his feet, his thoughts somewhere between wanting to stay and not wanting to disappoint his dog and forgo their morning walk. And so Lizz would shoo them off, telling them tea would be ready at their return.
And it always was. Just in time for the moviestar and his hound to return, Lizz would set down two dainty cups of tea, the hot liquid in the cups steaming in the soft morning light.
Sitting down at either far end of a garden table, the two would speak about their plans for the day. And every day Henry would offer to help Lizz out with her plans, and every day Lizz would kindly decline.
‘I’m not sure why you keep saying that mr. Cavill. But truly. I’m a grown woman, I don’t need a knight in shining armour to help me with..well..this.’ She flared up her arms, indicating everything and anything around her. The list of things that still needed to be renovated and changed in this ruin of a house was endless, so she was sure he got the gesture.
He snickered and sat back in his clanky reed wreathed chair, moving the dainty cup of tea to his lips as he shrugged. The man was way too big for both the chair and the tea cup.
‘Well, then let’s say we are both obnoxiously stubborn: I keep offering my help and you keep rejecting me. There’s that.’ He hid his grin behind the cup, blowing gently before taking a sip.
‘Whatever floats your boat Hen.’ Lizz lilted, rolling her eyes.
‘So.. looks like it’s going to rain.’ He eyed up at the sky, the sun not to be seen as thick grey clouds stretched as far as the eye could see. ‘Yea, you better hurry before your sugar butt gets wet.’ Lizz sniffled. ‘Eyy..no calling me that missy. Some friendly neighbourly advice for you; don’t call them sugar butt.’ Henry retorted, a hint of playfulness in his low baritone voice. ‘Well, then some friendly neighbourly advice for you in turn; don’t call ‘em missy. MISSY! Here girl, prrt prrt, come on then!’ Lizz chirped, gesturing an imaginary pooch to come over. She laughed when she noticed Kal sitting up from his spot next to Henry’s legs, ears twirling at her high pitched voice.
Henry nickered, his cheeks dimpling as he shook his head. ‘Well, alright then. I apologise, Lizz. But ehm.. we really should be going now. Sugar butt or not, there’s no fun in tea parties in the rain. Thanks for having me and eh..see you around.’
‘Yea, yea it’s fine. See you Henry, have a good one.’ She smiled, her eyes following Henry - and his well rounded butt - as he lifted himself from the chair, his long legs stepping back over the little stone wall of her unruly garden.
He looked back once more: ‘And my offer still stands!’ He smiled, waving at Lizz. ‘Thanks, but no need!’ Lizz grinned, also getting up and quickly gathering the cups of tea as the first splatters of rain started to fall.
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Living in England meant that rain was an inevitability. But this much rain? For so long? The gods sure had a laugh right now as Lizz had gathered every pot, pan and bucket in hope of keeping her house somewhat dry.
It seemed futile though, as the old roof of the house had more in common with a colander than with an actual roof.
‘Oh COME ON.’ Lizz cried, hasting into her bedroom as she found that the water was streaming right onto the mattress of her bed. ‘This can’t be…’ She tugged on the creaky metal frame, pulling the bed back a few inches. ‘..happening.’ Frowning she looked up at the heavenly water, pulling a face as she flashed her middle fingers. ‘And…YOU can go..suck it!’
In case you wondered: Yes. Lizz’s life was going…swimmingly.
Not only was she right now flipping the finger at a bit of rain water, she also had just received word that her ex was back in England. Her hot, hard to forget about, musician ex-boyfriend, Luis.
They had been in an off-and-on-again relationship, but ever since Luis’ band had gotten more fame, his schedule swamped with a world tour, it had been awfully quiet between the two. Was this them breaking up for good? Lizz didn’t want to think of it, and yet..perhaps..just maybe..she kept a slither of hope. And maybe, just maybe..she had just spent a good hour staring at his Instagram stories instead of preparing for the oncoming storm.
Ugh..she wished she could give herself an ass woopin’ for being such an idiot. But alas, this was were it was at.
And this bed? Well, it was beyond saving, she realised, the mattress already having soaked up a large amount of the water.
Leaning against her small wardrobe she sighed, repeating the mantra she had been muttering while scattering all pots and pans around the house.
‘It’s just water..Justttt…water..No need to panic. All will be fine. Breathe…’ She repeated the words again and again, but quickly enough her last bit of resolve slipped away and her restless legs carried her back downstairs, her hands grasping for her rain coat as she flung open the front door.
She hated to admit it..but..she needed help.  
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Kal barked in alarm.
‘Calm boy, calm.’ Henry’s voice soothed the large Akita as the door was opened, Henry’s head popping around.
‘Oh.. Hey!’ Henry couldn’t help but grin as he was greeted by a near soaked Lizz, her small figure gloomily standing in front of his door.
‘Hi…’ Lizz sulked, a deep frown etched on her face.
‘Quite the weather hmm?’ Henry snickered. ‘Want to come in?’ He opened the door a bit further so she could step inside.
‘Yea..ughh.’ Lizz followed him through the door, Henry’s finger pointing at a near empty coat rack.
‘Usually I’d be most friendly a host, but unfortunately I’m not allowed to take your coat with the virus going on and all.’ Henry gave an apologetic smile as she shrugged off her coat and boots.
‘Thanks for letting me in.’ She muttered, closing the door and giving an excited Kal a quick ruffle through his fur.
‘But of course. Want some tea? I was just making some.’ Henry called over his shoulder as he padded back into his kitchen.
In all these weeks Lizz had never actually been inside Henry’s house. The weather had always been good and with the virus running wild, the two of them had mainly opted for outdoor diversions. Now however, with the rain racking aggressively against the windows, that simply wasn’t an option.
Lizz followed Henry to his kitchen, her mouth falling open as she noticed how well organised he kept everything.
‘I don’t know what I expected, but ..it’s definitely not.. this.’ She pointed at the clean worktops and a pot of stew softly bubbling on the stove. She heard Henry’s soft chuckle as he busied himself with fetching some cups.
‘That makes me curious about your other expectations of me.’ Henry winked, quickly walking back to the stew so he could give it a stir.
‘Oh. You know. The usual; bachelor pad, deep freeze pizzas, dissatisfying one night stands and proud owner of a gaming station in the darkest room of the house.’ She smirked, looking at Henry as he pulled the softly whistling kettle from the stove. ‘..Am I even remotely close?’ Lizz tried, seeing Henry’s lips curl up even further.
‘What do you think, hmm Lizz?’ He looked over his shoulder, quirking up a challenging eyebrow.
‘Okay okay. Gotcha. You are per-fect.’ Lizz reached for her phone, animatedly “answering it”.  ‘Yes? Mhm.’ She put it back in her jean pocket. ‘Disney called, they want their prince charming back.’
They both burst out laughing, Henry slightly blushing as he tried not to spill while pouring their tea in two large mugs.
‘Living room? And a towel perhaps?’ Henry finally managed, his laugh still echoing through the kitchen.
‘Yea..perhaps.’ Lizz nodded, reaching to take the mugs from him.
Without much of a second thought Henry offered her the mugs, his large hands softly grazing hers. Like in slow-motion their eyes met. Such soft..warm.. hands.
‘OH! Damn! Corona..’ Lizz spluttered, giggling as she quickly pulled away from Henry, taking the two mugs and making his blush even deeper.
‘Dammit. I don’t think I’ll ever learn.’ He shook his head, a soft chuckle reverberating in his chest. ‘Okay..looks like we’re in for another two weeks of quarantine then?’ He winked, quickly walking back down the hallway.
Not quite sure WHERE the living room was, Lizz followed him, only to crash to a full stop as Henry suddenly opened a wardrobe.
‘IEEEKS. Hen. Careful. Hot tea, incoming.’
‘Oh..sorry. Didn’t know you were so closeby.’ He looked around the wardrobe door, a hint of mirth in his blue eyes. Lizz rolled her eyes again. ‘Incorrigible Mr. Cavill. Incorrigible.’
‘And a towel for the soaking wet lady.’ Henry smiled a tad too happily as he held up a deep red, fluffy looking towel.
‘Thanks..’ She shook her head, unbelieving of the boldness of his teasing.
Henry walked back to one of the closed doors and pushed it open, inviting her in to what was a truly lovely living room. Raw, old oak floor panels. Light and comfy looking couches placed around a fireplace, and in the back a dining table that was completely covered with a scattering of paper, writing utensils and a laptop. Probably the place where he worked. And understandably too, as the table stood right beneath a window which offered a lovely view of the outstretched fields and the little road that interlinked their houses. Or at least, that was what Lizz expected, the weather outside now so dark and gloomy it was hard to make out anything other than raindrops as they splattered against the windows.
Looking back, she noted Henry was sitting down on one of the couches, his arm folding over the arm rest as he gave her a pleasant smile. Not to look like an absolute, soaking wet fool, she quickly put down the cups of tea on the coffee table, grasping the red towel and sitting down on the other couch, drying her dripping face and hair. The material was so soft and luxurious it made her wonder if this was one of those million-gazillion-threaded towels.
‘So..you were out for a stroll?’ Henry teased, reaching forward to pick up his cup of tea.
Lizz frowned, remaining silent as she mulled over what to say, the silence eventually broken by Henry as he continued; ‘Or something else? Need some..help? ..Perhaps? Neighbour?’ He tried to keep his tone casual, but it still sounded like teasing.
Lizz pouted and slowly nodded. ‘Goddamn..ROOF!’ She growled, her outburst making Kal woof in alarm.
Henry laughed, silencing the large dog as Lizz shook her head. ‘Kal knows how I’m feeling.’
Henry’s chuckles subsided as he let out a small breath. ’Well I’m afraid even I can’t fix your ..roof..’ Henry tried to say the word as quietly as possible, ‘..in this weather.’
‘Oh I wouldn’t ask that of you. But. Maybe a couch for tonight? Until the storm breaks?’ Lizz said hesitantly, looking at Henry with large puppy eyes.
‘..Is it that bad?’ Henry made a face, blowing at his tea.
‘Yea. Let’s just say I might need a new bed..’ Lizz scowled, earning another loud chuckle from Henry.
‘Dearness me Lizz. What have you gotten yourself into.’
‘You tell me Henry. You tell me.’ She huffed, also moving forward to pick up her cup of tea, the herby drink immediately calming her foul mood.
‘Well no worries. We’ll get you some place to sleep for tonight. And, if you are into that stuff..I am making a stew for dinner, so..’ He shrugged, raising his eyebrows as Lizz sniffled softly.
‘You are one good neighbour, Henry. And eh..sure..I’m into that..stuff.’
They both chuckled.
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That night Lizz crashed on Henry’s couch - even after numerous attempts from Henry to take his bed instead - and while the storm roared on outside, the two of them made for a cosy really-get-to-know-each-other night. 
In the end it became apparent they had quite a few things in common. Their love of sports being one of them. And so, after a nice stewy dinner and some glasses of wine, the fireplace roaring a hot fire, they decided they could possibly extend their morning routine with a daily run..something they both were most excited about. And that was not only because the ..running.. could get their heart rates up.  
| Chap 3 >
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wychive · 4 years
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𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨
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pairing(s) // hero!(he/him person of choice) x commander!reader
genre(s) // helios rising heroes!au, co-worker!au romance
warning(s) // walking late at night, mention of food
author’s note // heyhi this was originally for gast adler but since im a kpop blog i decided to make it optional bias kind of thing. this is my first time doing this so i apologize for any mistakes hh,, thank you so much @miffythoughts​ for requesting this <3  remember, acab except them yes and as always, enjoy the story! i love you all so much chefs kiss ❤️
general taglist // @noya-sannnn, @crvgio, @luthenia
send an ask to be in my taglist !
“ah yes, the lively city of blue north”
the voice said, after a relieved sigh. leaving the headquarters behind, you walked with the rookie that was often described as ‘obnoxious’. though you wouldve described him like more of a 'lighthearted bastard’. the night breeze hit you both which made you slightly regret going for a walk with the giant. after all, he was the one who invited you.
you were sitting at your desk, tired from doing some work at the office. stretching your arms above your head, you realised everyone else had gone home - except for you and him. he looked a little beaten up from the combat that afternoon; a huge bruise covered his left bicep. it looked like it would sting but the way he kept pushing the area made it seem harmless. 
your giggle made the other get up and walk over. you were surprised at this sudden action, yet you didn’t expect much of it. maybe, a little 'goodbye’ or 'see you’ as it seemed like he was about to head back home but instead he shot a sweet smile. 
“want to go for a walk?” he asked, spontaneously. 
“you heard me, just answer yes or no”
you were blown off by his statement so you needed a little time to process what was happening. “but i have a huge amount of work.”
“and? that doesn’t mean you can’t relax for an hour or two. come on, ill walk you back here once were done,” he persuaded in a genuine tone. you remembered what your mentor said, 'just do it, he won’t stop bothering you unless you go along’
thus, there you were, walking around with him. the sound of cars moving around and music blasting from the karaoke clubs made the journey less awkward. not to mention the amazing blue lights that made the stars seem like meaningless polka dots. you couldn’t believe what you were witnessing as you rarely go out this late, especially on a work night. imagine what you would’ve missed if you had just stayed in doing boring paperwork. 
“don’t you love the bustling city?” he asked, after some time of walking in meaningless directions. the pacing of yours and his feet slowed down upon entering the huge evergreen park that was located in the middle of it all.
“yea but i prefer something a little more calmer,” you told him. “it’s one in the morning and everyone’s still out, probably more energized than ever”
he let out a small laugh - it sounded like warm matcha tea. you grinned at the sight even though you were tired. you both walked in silence once again as the city provided some background tracks. the exit of the pathway was still a long way to go and with that, you decide to ask another question. 
you cleared your throat before saying anything. “do you often take walks like this?”
he placed his hands in the pockets of his uniform vest before answering. “no.” his answer, short and enough for your understanding. yet, you carried on, asking a secondary question.
“then why did you go for one tonight?”
“just felt like it,” his answer had a shortage of words once again, which just seemed like a repeating matter at this point. “plus, you looked like you needed one.”
his response made you stop in your tracks right before the gateway out. he stopped, too, just a few paces after your place. you both had never talked to each other before, in fact, that night was the first time you both had spoken proper sentences outside of meetings. most of the time it was just a bunch of hi’s and hello’s and suddenly he wants to care for you? 
“want to know a secret?” he asked, his voice now more gentle than before. he turned around to face you before you answered with a yes. 
“i know i won’t ever be better than the others but i still try my best. they try to put me down too, but that’s okay,” he said in a melancholic tone and ending it with a chocolate flavoured smile. you were surprised at how well he said that without stuttering or even breaking into tears. that smile, was genuine too. no sort of pain could be detected in that moment. 
“why did you tell me this?” you abruptly asked the hero. the leaves on the trees began to sway as wind danced in the moonlight. a leaf fell on your head but you stood your ground. not wanting to move before he answered your simple question with more than one word. 
“because we’re strangers. aren’t we?” he said in a relaxed tone, and for some reason that pissed you off.
“well, then isn’t it better to tell a close friend rather than a stranger you had just begin talking to?" 
"you say that and yet you trust going on a night walk with me. hypocrisy at its finest.” he was right. this made you want to slap him, but you didn’t. instead, he was the one who went back to you. you closed your eyes, nervous on what he would do to you. you felt his steps coming to a halt before your bodies could touch. you opened your eyes to find him brushing off the leaf earlier. you felt heat creeping onto your cheeks. being flustered and embarrassed wasn’t ever a good combination but why did it feel so.. tingly? like the feeling of your skin brushing against a rough surface. you were getting into something,, but you didn’t know what it was.
the walk back to the main headquarters was quiet too but instead of awkwardness, it felt comfortable as if you both were able to relate to each other. but that was impossible, considering you just started talking today…right? connections build over time,, but in this situation it seemed like time was the hare. your steps felt heavy approaching the entrance, as if your heart never wanted to leave. 
you turned to face him as you felt his gaze from the sidewalk. your smile, soft with a hint of cloud fluff. you both stood there for a while, knowing that neither would make the move to leave. the eye contact between you both felt intoxicating, the good kind. he knew it, too. well, of course he did, he’s a psycho. that bastard rushed up to you, and stood in front of you, close. 
“may i kiss you?” he asked. you nodded, agreeing to whatever he was saying. you were exhausted from the walking and all the fast heart beating he caused. yet, you were still here as he placed his lips on yours.
they were cheerful - like sun rays on a beach day or laughter of children at a playground. his hands snaked around your waist, gripping your form firmly. this felt so wrong. kissing a rookie? your mentor was going to kill you. but was it worth it? yes. fuck, you wanted to kiss him forever but alas every moment has to end. he parted with your lips as a satisfying smile appeared on his face.
you finally snapped back to reality and took your arms off his neck, but his hands were still on your waist. 
“let’s keep this between strangers,” he said before giving a small peck your lips. what the heck? was this a joke? you were confused as to what was going on once again. he filled your mind with questions not even he could answer. you wanted him to stay the night, to make him fall for you like you gradually did for him. you knew he wasn’t a player, as far as you knew, he only had one relationship and they broke it off after a year.
“do you go around kissing other people like that?” you asked, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“you’re so messed up.”
“but you were the first one who i genuinely wanted to kiss,” he answered. there he goes again, with the meaningless sentences that could end his life in a second. he was reckless and oh so stupid but god, was he charming. he finally pulled his hand away from yours, signalling it was time to say goodbye. 
“see you never, stranger,” he exclaimed as he reached the sidewalk. he waved goodbye and so did you. as you sat back down on your desk, all that you could think about was him and only him. kissing a stranger was an experience you always wanted to have, yet you were there half regretting it. you kept feeling your lips after that, wanting to light the other matches in that matchbox of emotions. you wanted so much more but nothing else ever happened between you both. 
everything returned as to what had happened before, just greetings and meetings. but this time, butterflies appeared in your stomach whenever you locked eyes with him. it was frustrating to you but he seemed relaxed as ever. stolen glances would make you hope for another good spark, but alas there were none.  after all, you did fall in love with a stranger. 
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sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Ch. 1
Something fun at an all girls school
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Chapter 1
Something fun in an
✨all girls school✨
"Alright, despite how much the staff have opposed the right for students to watch t.v. during school time....our principle believes that this is actually going to be informative. Now girls, students with all sorts of quirk and backgrounds can be accepted to U.A. I expect you all to respect the people on this t.v as your future colleagues. NO JOKES."
"Pst..wish she would just shut up so we can see the hot guys..." Maiyumi whispered to no one particular
"I know, I haven't seen a man since I got kidnapped last year."
"Most of us havent seen anyone since being kidnapped, or you know, FUCKING ARESTED!" Y/n whisper-yelled. She was still very pissed that even though, she was obviously kidnapped-and meant to be killed- the fucking police blamed her. Dad chalked it up to them being jealous, but y/n really wasn't having it. Imagine it's the third time you were kidnapped and tortured before the age of 16, and it was supposedly your fault. 
Technically, they could've arrested her for burning down the building two weeks later, obviously while empty, she admitted that was wrong. Still, they got what they deserved, and she got frozen yogurt from down the street. As she would say: now that's proper treatment after a kidnapping 😎
"L/n thats enough, we all know the story by now, and we do not need to hear it again"
"But you shoulda been there, the audacity of them to say I was working with those guys!?! Those villains were way below MY level. I mean c'mon, if I was a villain i'd be way cooler than those nobodies."
"Oh.my.god. y/n I love you, but shit up so we can watch hot U.A. boys fight each other!"
"Ms. Hitoka!Unacceptable, we are here to learn from our follow young heros, not sexualize them"
"I heard midnight is gonna be there," Katna whispered towards the group, front the back of the room. Mind you, she was in a position to pounce, considering, much like her classmates, she hadn't seen a boy in years. 
"MIDNIGHT IS SOOO HOT" y/n yelled, forgetting that their teacher was in the front cursing herself for not accepting that sugar-baby job, and never meeting these obnoxious and horny teens. 
As the teacher yelled all heads turned to face her and ignore their previous conversations. Y/n and Maiyumi had grown soft smiles, finally welcoming back the teacher they know and love. 
You see, LADY STATIC was an ex-pro hero, her quirk was projection. She could pick up any video signals from any device and project exactly what the device was seeing, or playing. She called all cameras her bitch....several times. So, as far as teaching went, she could only last a couple of minutes of seriousness in the beginning of class each day, before she erupted in a fit of lewd comments, brags, and most importantly curse words.
The black screen of the tv suddenly turned on revealing the large stadium that must be where the festival would take place. Y/n didnt really want to watch, it made her kind of sad knowing there were kids out there with the energy to try at something so dumb. A competition where you stay within grade, with supervision, and limits, and rules, and no real risk. It all sounded boring to her. She would either want to sit in bed eating and watching anime, or actually feel something. 
The idea of a battle where you aren't risking your life seemed pretty dull to her. See...y/n along with her best friend maiyumi, was an adrenaline junkie. Those two were the biggest non-villain troublemakers the world has yet to see. 
Finding it fun to jump off bridges, run across intersections, and fight each other with no rules or precautions. After living a life where most people you meet want you dead, and most of your life has just been trauma, everything gets more and more boring. Until you don't even mind risking your life just to feel something. 
However, what y/n did feel, very frequently, was horny. She wouldn't lie and say that she has indulged in some things, despite there being only girls in her private hero academy. However, she craved men, simply because they were something she hadn't had yet. So in the nature of being royalty, if she hadn't had it, she wanted it.
"How could say that, you meant to be representing our school"
"Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory."
Y/n finally focused back on the screen, she was seeing a very up close image of a blonde boy with red eyes, this being the first man she saw since the police 5 months ago. Her eyes lit up, and sub-consciously her body started to glow different colors. Shifting as quickly as the Led lights in her dorm. 
"Mind your quirk princess" Saina, the class grump-who lowkey crushes on y/n- sneers. 
"Aww, sorry, thanks for reminding me daddy" Y/n responded, feigning innocence but still not breaking eye contact with the screen. 
She mentally focused on subsiding her quirk, but it took awhile for her to completely stop glowing. 
Once she was y/n watched the first parts of the festival, noting exactly what that blonde boy was doing. Not without checking out some of the other students. Obviously, but something about those red eyes had her enticed. So she made sure to focus on him. 
As she watched she learned that his quirk was fire, and he used it very differently than she did. She scribbled down a random note about it to make it seem like she was studying and trying to improve herself. Then, focused back on every intricate curve of his face instead. How he scowled, he really looked angry, but being one of those U.A. kids, she couldn't help but doubt he really had anything to be angry about. 
Soon the girl found herself imagining him in some sort of serious situation, what could make somebody so angry? 
And before she knew it, his fighting figure disappeared from the tv as an image of midnight replayed him, announcing that he had one his fight. The last fight wasn't it? Meaning that the rage boy must've won the whole thing. y/n really wasn't impressed, obviously he was only fighting other U.A. students. How hard could that be? However, she was excited that he won for some reason.
While y/n watched him she couldn't help but wish she was the one fight. Oh to be punched by that man.  Every kick he would throw sent goosebumps down her body. Plus when he used that quirk, shit was it hot. Pun intended. Fire seemed like such a simple quirk, but simple works best. That  last fight against Todoroki, that excited her. 
See, y/n liked adventures away from the school ground, and since she could fly..well. She knew Todoroki.  He was always considerate enough not to be weirded out by her when she would sneak into his house, her parents knew his dad well, so she pretty much only knew that one place.  He was logical and so he understood that she isn't really perverted, she simply hasn't seen boys in a very long time.  Todoroki figured if he hadn't seen a female in three years he might become more fond of them as well. 
"Now lets award the metals" 
She looked up at the screen to see a podium holding the winners and runner ups. Atop it was the boy, he was announced as Katsuki Bakugou. He was chained to the post and attacking the air, and y/n found this insanely hot. She assumed that since Todoroki hadn't given his all, that boom boom might be upsetting. However, she never expected to see this beautiful sight on the tv screen of her classroom. The sight was stuck in her mind for days. 
She thought about it during dance class. 
She thought about it during quirk training. 
She thought about it during lunch.
During "sleepovers"
During missions with her boss - gang orca
During meeting with the principle
Even during visit time with her parents. It was then she decided she had to do something about it. Now, even though most girls at her school looked down upon U.A. the parents and staff didn't. For the girls it was about how truly jealous they were that those students, even with lesser power, would get to become heros. While us here, would become noblewomen, or princesses or be married off into other famous quirk families.
Y/n only was jealous because her mother spent more time with U.A. students than with her and her brothers. Seeing her mother was midnight, yes, the pro-hero. While that sounds cool, it isn't. Her mother and father dated for 1 month before getting married on a whim. Her father being a prince was something mom always described as FUCKINZg SEGGSYYY. Yes, you could blame midnight for y/ns horny behaviors. 
Unfortunately for midnight, royal quirks don't mix with other quirks. None of her children have her quirk. Her daughter has Elementus total control, her middle son has Elementus manipulate, and youngest son has Elementus transform. So she is left with a 7 year old that can turn himself into water if he doesn't want to get in trouble....yeah. So that at home life was strange...
"Mom, dad, I wanna be hero"
"Bullshit, no you don't bahaha"
"I do, mom"
"Dad, I wanna help people you know, like mom does. I wanna make the world better instead of just becoming a queen and sitting in a house all day." Y/n lied, she would love to sit around doing nothing while her rich, king husband did all the work. Then she could just eat and watch anime and be unbothered. However, in the moment, y/n forgot about her dream future. All she wanted in that moment was to see boom boom everyday. yuh, I said it..boom boom.
"Babe, she has a fair point...plus its not like chiyo can do anything with his quirk"
"What do you mean?! CHiyo's quirk is so cool dad, one time he took all the oxygen out of my bod and then I couldn't do anything, it was so cool!"
"Yea,yea i see"
"My love, can't you just recommend her to U.A. so you can keep an eye on her. We both knew she was destined to be a hero at some point."
"Uhm. Babe. She only wants to go so she can see boys."
"What?!My princess would never, you heard it, she wants to help people. Our sons would never say such things, we should proud, love"
"Honey, she is lying."
"No, I'm not a mom, I could care less about boys. All the girls at this school can do the same things, if not better. "
"Y/N! I love you so much my precious horny little fuck"Her mother sprang up from her seat and embarrassed her. 
"I can't believe this is my life.." dad sighed. 
"But yeah, that proves your point honey, if she is gay then she must mean it. Yayyy. N/N is coming to school with meeee!!"
"I- yeah mom."
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ibemandapanda · 4 years
Pink Elephants Part II
(Part I can be found here )
(First line inspired by this famous post)
A Stranger Things Oneshot depicting Billy alive (not surviving) in a theory I had yet to see. Not to give anything away, but we’ll be going all the way back to Season 2 Episode 9. (Harringrove within, no smut tho, sorry 😐)
10,765 words
Their Billy died on July 4th, 1985. This Billy has been missing for months now and has finally returned.
Someone had once said that Life and Death had been in love longer than we have words to describe. Life sent gifts to Death, and Death kept them forever.
Steve never really understood death as intimately as he did until July 4th, 1985. Life did not gift Billy Hargrove to Death, he was stolen. His life was cut short and it felt like only Steve, and Max, knew that he was an innocent bystander, who tried so hard to fight against the odds, and paid a price way too high. And now Steve had to live with the fact that the last thing he ever said to Billy before they broke up on that June 27th was just how he could go fuck himself six ways to Sunday.
Robin pulled him back into the present pointing up to the night sky, “That’s Ursa Major.”
Steve hummed in supposed agreement. To be honest he was barely paying attention, head in the clouds. Had it not been for the cool spring breeze keeping him somewhat alert he might have ignored her completely. He asked, “Weren’t we just talking about Scorpio and how he stabbed Orion to death or something?” That one hit hard.
“Yea but Ursa Major is right there and you can only see her in the Spring season,” she pointed a little more aggressively.
“What’s her story?”
“There’s a few different ones but they all basically end with the Greek nymph Callisto being turned into a bear against her will for one reason or the other,” she explained.
Someone had once said that Life and Death had been in love longer than we have words to describe. Life sent gifts to Death, and Death kept them forever.
Steve never really understood death as intimately as he did until July 4th, 1985. Life did not gift Billy Hargrove to Death, he was stolen. His life was cut short and it felt like only Steve, and Max, knew that he was an innocent bystander, who tried so hard to fight against the odds, and paid a price way too high. And now Steve had to live with the fact that the last thing he ever said to Billy before they broke up on that June 27th was just how he could go fuck himself six ways to Sunday.
Robin pulled him back into the present pointing up to the night sky, “That’s Ursa Major.”
Steve hummed in supposed agreement. To be honest he was barely paying attention, head in the clouds. Had it not been for the cool spring breeze keeping him somewhat alert he might have ignored her completely. He asked, “Weren’t we just talking about Scorpio and how he stabbed Orion to death or something?” That one hit hard.
“Yea but Ursa Major is right there and you can only see her in the Spring season,” she pointed a little more aggressively.
“What’s her story?”
“There’s a few different ones but they all basically end with the Greek nymph Callisto being turned into a bear against her will for one reason or the other,” she explained. She turned to face him on the step of his doorstep, “Why don’t you know this? I thought you were an astrology nerd or something.”
Steve slid down to her step to emphasis the point he was about to make, “First, its astronomy. Astrology is for hippies and stay-at-home mothers. Astronomy is an actual science like that cluster in Ursa Major is the Big Dipper and that star there,” he tried his best to point from her eye line, “That super bright star, is Alioth. Second, I’m not a nerd, I have a hobby.”
She laughed in his face, “Ok, ok….,” she paused for just a beat, “Nerd.”
“Alright...” he turned back around to face the street. He checked his watch, “Where the hell are they? They said it was a code red. That’s the ‘oh shit’ color right?”
She shrugged, “I’m pretty sure it is.”
As if Dustin could hear their conversation from all the way down the block, they heard a very loud and obnoxious, of what can only be described as, screech of various pitches, “SSSTTEEEEEEEVVVEEE!!!!”
Steve buried his face in his hands, “Oh my God, why me…..”
Dustin was relentless as him and Mike pedaled their bikes like hell up the drive way, “Steve! Do you have your keys? We need to go now!”
Steve stood from the step, “That’s your code red? You jackasses need a ride somewhere?”
Mike threw his bike down next to Dustins. He meant business. “No douche! Its the compasses!”
Robin stood up next to Steve, “The what?”
“The compasses! They’re not pointing true North… again! The last that happened, a gate was open.”
Steve interjected before everybody got worked up, “Woah, woah, woah. Wait a minute. Maybe the compass is just broken.” Mentioning anything upside-down related was taboo. Especially with the heavy losses of last year.
Dustin pulled his back pack around his shoulder and all but tore the poor thing open. He dug around and extracted 6 different compasses and positioning himself accordingly. “Steve, just look. They’re all pointing in the same direction.”
Robin peered over Steve’s shoulder, “I’m guessing that's not really North?”
“No, its not,” Dustin dropped all but one compass back into the bag, “Steve, biking is gunna’ take too long. It’s already like 10pm. Can you please drive us? If we follow the compass like Lucas did last time, we might able to find the gate and if there is actually a gate, you’ll be glad we found it.”
Steve, forever hands on his hips, was stunted. “I mean-… what- ughh, I guess! But what if there is a gate and what if there’s a Demogorgan or Demo-dog thing too?”
Mike said confidently, “Then you’ll be glad we’re in a car.”
Steve caved, “Alright yea, whatever, let’s go, get in the car.”
Within a matter of seconds they piled into the BMW. Dustin sat shotgun so he could direct Steve. He obeyed the raving teenager next to him diligently and at a preferred pace so he didn't out ride the compass. This was far from what he wanted to do tonight. He wanted to be alone but Robin knew he would be extra moody tonight. It was, after all, the one year anniversary of his first kiss with him…
The air was polluted, sick, and flaking, perpetual night murderously drowning anything like hope or perseverance. But by now he was used to it, this hellscape had been his home for a while now. This was not a life to live but what other choice did he have? Give up?
No, not him. Maybe those of lesser substance but he was steel and fire and broken glass.
A monstrous roar erupted from ahead. It was a creature born of the Nether, a clear predator bred for this vile environment. He had never seen something so fucking hideous; it had no eyes that he could see, was nine feet tall, and had a face that that even a mother would want to smother. It opened like a mutated flower.
He’s been killing these things for months now. Or as long as he guesstimated, he’d lost count some time ago. They were aggressive and hard to kill. But he found that once pinned and decapitated, they were pretty harmless. They were easier to take out when they are younger and running on all fours. They’re faster but less experienced for sure. And it was just a matter of stepping on them in their larva stage. But once they evolved to bipedal, they became pretty resilient and a hell of lot stronger.
Lucky for him this place is a reflection of his old home even though he was only there for a short time. He knew where the hardware store was, or the dilapidated version of it here, and they sold bullets. And where there were bullets, there were guns. Unfortunately those guns were all but useless here. The bullet didn’t fire, they were all duds.
So the bow and arrows would have to do.
Creeping along following the monster was somewhat easy in the woods. Vines with minds of their own and diseased plant life were slicked in some kind of septic mucus. So even in the dark, crunching of wood and leaves wasn’t generally a problem. Nothing was dried out enough to force such a noise and give him away.
The creature lurched and prowled further towards a clearing and he followed closely behind studying it before he ended its miserable life. What the hell was it doing?
It stopped before a particularly thick tree and placed his claws on it. He growled in clicks and quips as if debating with itself. He shifted about from behind the scene to get a better look.
With an unholy roar the monster made its decision and started clawing the hell out of the tree.
“The fuck?”
It clawed and tore endlessly. The hunter was taken back by the sudden red glow from the tree. He knew that glow, it was same light of the portal that got him here so long ago.
The monster ripped and pried and pulled it open wider and wider. It was going to step through.
“Yea, fuck that...”
The hunter stood plugging his thumb and fore finger to his mouth. The whistle was high and pitched and he had earlier discovered was like a cryptonite for these hell beasts. It spun around angered opening its face that preceded an atrocious bloody roar.
He grabbed his bow and arrow, and with extensive practice, aimed for the back of its mouth, passed all of the rows and sharp teeth. After killing enough of these things he’s since learned the back of the mouth and opposing side of the base of its head were the softest and easiest to pierce.
The arrow cut through the air like butter making a direct hit and pinning the beast to the tree behind. The hunter made haste pulling his hatchet from the pack and making quick work to remove the head from the flailing body. He had learned from experience to strike from behind. He earned himself a cut across the face when he had first arrived here. It didn’t allow much power into the swing but two or three hacks usually did the job.
The body fell to the ground and he pulled the arrow from its unmoving mouth. The grotesque head falling with a thud to the forest floor. He wiped the blood, or what he assumed was blood, from his instruments and stowed them away again.
He finally noticed the red glowing portal closing.
“Shit! No!”
He ran like hell to it and all but dived head-first through it. He tore through the membrane of the wall with his nails and pushed the rest of the way through falling the ground.
He was breathing hard as he sat up and the portal closed completely behind him.
“What the hell? It’s still dark...” did he not leave the Netherrealm?
He took a deep breath standing tall. The air…. It was…
He felt suddenly lightheaded, stars dancing in his peripheral.
“Fuck...” he fell to the ground, losing his grip completely on consciousness.  
Steve was pulled over on the side of Cornwallis Rd. The group had lost track of said gate about 20 minutes ago and were waiting for the compasses to react again. Steve sighed ready to just go home.
Dustin nudged him, “Come on, this is serious.”
“Yea so serious, maybe it was something else entirely. The gate was closed guys and it took a hell of a lot to open and close it. It can’t just pop up and out from nowhere.”
Mike countered, “Not true, the Demogorgan was able to create it own gates. You saw it Steve. Remember? In the Byers house?”
He sighed again. The little shit was right but he argued, “But there was a main gate open. The big one El had to close. That was the one Lucas followed and found when he was outside the gates of Hawkins Lab. Without a main gate, the Demogorgan cant just create its own gate.”
“It’s still worth investigating. Without Hopper or Mrs. Byers or even El, its our responsibility now,” Mike crossed his arms leaning back into his seat.
Steve scoffed under his breath, “Well aren’t you just a regular Karl von Spreti….”
Robin yelped, “Hey guys? The compasses are moving again!” her eyes glued to one in her hand.
Dustin quickly checked the two he carried, “Holy shit she’s right, Steve Go Go Go! Straight ahead!”
He didn't hesitate as he shoved his key back into the ignition and the engine turned over. He floored the gas pedal and drove.
Dustin studied the compasses, “They moved just a fraction but they definitely moved!”
Mike sat forward again studied his compass, “Its pulling west, I think were getting closer guys!”
Robin leaned up shoving Mike back, “Hey slow down, we might miss it.”
Steve did so looking about the left side of the road or what he assumed was west as everyone else was looking the same way. They were heading into ‘Farmers Row’. All the Hawkins Farmers fields were out this way.
They came to a break in the trees on the side of the road where an unused clearing of field sat untouched.
Dustin was almost in the drivers seat from pure excitement, “Woah! Stop Steve! Pull over here.”
Steve did so pulling the car over the opposite lane and into the grass a little more aggressively then he probably could’ve.
They all looked into the clearing and saw it.
About 200 ft to the edge of the clearing, where the tree line began, there was an eerie red glow, one most of the occupants were familiar with, and gaped.
Mike pulled the lock up on his door, “Holy shit, we were right Dustin! It is a gate!”
Steve immediately locked the door again with the front control buttons, “Where the hell do you think your going?”
“To investigate you butthole, open the door!”
Robin stopped the argument before it could begin, “Hey! We’ll all go together. Steve get your bat.”
Steve agreed and unlocked the doors. They all exited and he retrieved his bat from the trunk.
They stood on the edge of the field and Steve held his arm out, “Wait! I have the weapon, I go first. Stay. Behind. Me.”
Steve thought they all made the same scoffing sound of varying tones but they obeyed none the less. He led them out at a slow but even pace closer to what he could now see was really just a red line in the trunk of a tree. It looked like a lightening bolt almost zig zaging side to side with its hellish-like glow. It must have just closed.
That’s when Steve saw it. He held up his fist demanded they stop, “Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?” There was a prone figure laying face down on the ground.
Dustin peered around him, “Is that a dude? Did he come out of the gate? Was he living in the upside down?!”
Steve grabbed his should, “Yo buddy, take a chill pill. We don’t know yet...”
Robin peered around Dustin, “He doesn’t look responsive...”
Steve started stepping forward, “Alright easy now, and quiet...”
They all but tip toed closed to the body. Steve was in poking distance and looked him over.
The first thing he noticed was that he was dirty. At least his clothes were. There was a pack strapped to his back that looked full along with a bow strung about his shoulder. The butt ends of arrows stuck out from the pack. The hood of his jacket obscured his face. “This guy looks like he’s seen some shit….”
Mike asked, “Should we turn him over? See if he still alive?”
Steve shrugged. They probably should. “Alright Dust, me and you buddy,” they walked to the same side, “You grab his leg, I’ll get his shoulder.”
They both gripped an article of clothing on the body and with little effort were able to roll the mysterious man to his back. The mans head lolled to the side and Steve immediately recognized him.
Mike was the first to break the silence, “Holy. Fuck. That’s Billy Hargrove. That’s Billy freaking Hargrove!”
Dustin’s hands were tangled in his own hair, “Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh shit, oh man. What the hell?! How the hell is he alive right now?! Is he alive? Is he breathing? Mike, check!”
“What?! Dude, no, you check!”
Robin, trying to focus elsewhere as hard as it was, grabbed onto Steve’s arm, “Steve? You ok?”
“No, no I’m not.” He turned around, her grip gone, and he was hands on knees breathing hard.
Billy Hargrove was supposed to be dead. Steve watched the enormous people-spider made of 30 some odd flayed dead bodies stab Billy through the chest like a hole puncher. He had to watch his love die slowly and painfully from the second floor mezzanine. When the Mind Flayers puppet fell to the food court floor unmoving he ran like hell down the stairs and across the court even when the rest yelled for him to wait. Max was crying into El’s shoulder and El was shaking her head ‘no’ to Steve. He remembered kneeling next to his body and crying. His friends didn’t understand why he cried for someone they thought he hated but in that moment he didn’t need to explain himself. He loved that boy and he was fucking dead. And he wasn’t able tell him he loved him one last time because Steve was jealous and was trying to teach him a lesson.
This was either some kind of cruel joke or a second chance.
Mike stood yelling, “Steve! What the hell man?! You gunna’ give us a hand or what?”
Steve spun about, “Give me a second you little puke.” He was surely getting his breathing under control and shit collectively together. Now was not the time to break down. Of course, that was always much easier said than done.
Mike rolled his eyed hard enough to fall out of their sockets. Dustin on the other hand was by his side, not entirely understanding Steve initial reaction, but there for him none the less.
“I’m not sure what’s going through your head right now,” he said to Steve, “But it’s gunna’ be ok. We’re all here together, and we’ll figure this all out together. I know he kind of kicked your ass and you guys hated each other but we gotta’ work together right now. We can’t leave him here.”
Steve stood finally daring to look at the stone-like face of a memory on the ground. Steve grunted slapping a hand for his forehead, “My God, what the hell are we going to tell Max? I forgot all about her!” He’d forgotten he wasn’t the only person who cared deeply about Billy.
Robin told him, “We’ll deal with it later, right now I think we need to get him to a hospital or something.”
Mike stopped that train of thought in its tracks, “No way, everyone thinks he’s dead and its going to be bad if this goes public. His family was given a fake body to bury.”
“Well,” Dustin said, “it was a closed casket...”
Steve, hands on hips, agreed with Mike, “No, Wheeler’s right. We can’t let anyone know about this yet. But we need to get out of here. That road is one of three into Hawkins on this side of town, its busier than you think. We don’t need anyone seeing us and calling the cops on us. Once we get back to my house, we call Nancy. She’ll know what to do.”
Dustin tugged on his jacket sleeve, “We need to radio Lucas and Max. They were together earlier and she needs to know.”
Steve agreed.
But for now they needed to lug Billy back to his car because nothing short of bomb going off three feet from his head was apparently going to wake him with all the yelling they’ve been doing. Robin and Steve each grabbed an arm and boys each grabbed a leg. They hauled him back to the car with little to no hiccups as Steve kept repeating, ”Don’t fucking drop him!” Billy was now precious cargo and he was trying not to think about feeling of his dead ex’s body beneath his hands.
They laid him gently on the grass of the side of the road as Mike said, “Alright, open the trunk.”
Steve laughed, “Excuse me? The trunk?” He here was about to open the back door of the car, like an idiot...
“Yes the trunk! What if he’s still flayed? I don’t wanna’ be stuck in the back seat with a flayed Billy Hargrove. Do even remember what he did your face not flayed?”
“Yea, I vaguely remember you little shit….”
Robin shrugged, “He’s got a point Steve. If he wakes up in the backseat with us and he’s still flayed, none of us will have a chance. Mike showed us what he did to the front gate of Scoops. He tore it open with his bare hands...”
Damn, they were both right. Steve turned to Dustin, “You wanna weigh in too?”
Without even hesitating, “I vote trunk.”
So it was decided, Billy was riding in the trunk.
He walked around the rear of the car and popped it open. With group effort they dropped him in after removing his bow and pack. The others found their previous seats as Steve closed the trunk lid but not before making a makeshift pillow with previously discarded sweaters and whispering an unheard apology.
The first mile was blessedly silent until Dustin opened his mouth. “How the hell is he alive? We all saw him bleed out on the mall floor. We all saw the Mind Flayer stab the literal life out of him.”
Robin leaned up, “We should’ve checked for scars or something. What if hes like… a copy or something?”
“A copy?” Mike asked.
“Yea, like an evil twin. If the Mind Flayer could make that giant people-beast, could it make copies of one person?”
Dustin turned around in his seat, “I don’t think so but never say never. As many times as we’ve encountered the Upside Down, we’re still severely… hilariously- lacking information about it.”
Steve disagreed, “He’s not an evil twin, that's just asinine...”
Dustin laughed, “But a giant shadow monster from another dimension who knew how to chemically alter human beings to breakdown to the molecular level to reform into a 3 story tall monster was perfectly logical right?”
Steve knew not the slap a 15 year old child... but the urge was strong. “And it looked like hell. I’m just saying what if its the real Billy. What if he did survive?”
Mike asked, “Then how did he end up in the Upside Down if the gate was closed the exact same moment the monster died?”
“How did that small one open again?” Steve retorted.
Robin interjected, “Which leads to another question… You guys said El made the first main gate. And there’s more experiments like her, right? What if another experiment opened a gate we can’t detect from here. We’re only picking up the small ones.”
Dustin asked, “Like its too far away? That’s a valid point. But if there is a big gate, we still don’t know who or what opened the little one that let out Evil Billy in the trunk.”
Steve yelled, “He’s not evil!” So what if he was biased.
“Why are you so defensive? That guy was an asshole pre-flaying! He at least a reason to be angry when he got flayed!”
Steve, finally making it back to his house with miraculously only one unconscious body in the car, parked in his driveway ignoring him. He thanked himself for not leaving the porch light on. He didn’t need his neighbors seeing him lug in a body at 12:30am.
He looked to his front step seeing a shadow of a figure. “Hey Wheeler, is that Nancy?”
Mike looked in the same direction, “How the hell did she know I was here?”
Robin laughed, “Really? How did the aspiring reporter who took the story of the rats and chemicals and busted it wide open last year find you? Really?”
Mike scoffed ignoring her and getting out. Steve told him to keep it quiet, if he knew the Wheeler siblings, he knew they got loud with each other.
“What are you doing here Nancy?”
She walked up to him with the confidence of a mother scolding her child, “I heard you and Dustin panicking in the basement and literally yelling you had to get to Steve’s house. You’re supposed to be having a sleepover at home. I’m kind of insulted you didn’t come to me at all. Seriously, what the hell Mike? What’s going on?”
Mike deflated somewhat, “Honestly? I didn’t think you needed to be anymore stressed out, it being your senior year and all. And I didn’t want you to worry if it turned out to be a false alarm. You deserved a night off.”
Steve waved from his spot leaned against his car, “Thanks man...”
Nancy waved her hand flat in the air right in Mikes face, “Nice try peon, you just didn’t want me steeling your thunder. Regardless, you should’ve come to me. We talked about this.”
Mike rolled his eyes for nth time tonight, “Ok, I’m sorry.” He absolutely did not sound sorry.
She sighed, “So did you actually find anything?”
Steve was already opening the trunk of the car, “You might wanna come over and see this.”
She was immediately put into high alert and he saw her expression change within a second. She hurried over peering into the trunk. “Oh… my God. Is that-”
“Yea,” Steve said, “We need to get him inside, like, now.”
Steve handed Nancy his house keys and instructed her to open the front door after he told her to grab Billy’s bow and pack from the backseat of the car. The remaining team shimmied and juggled the still, amazingly, sleeping Billy from the trunk and began their haul inside. Thankfully Steve’s parents would be gone for another week on business so he didn't need to worry about unwanted company or have to explain why there was a malnourished, unconscious, and filthy teenage boy on the floor.
Nancy led the way after shutting the front door behind them.
“Not the couch,” Steve told them all, “His clothes are disgusting...”
For whatever reason Nancy took this as a gesture to clear the kitchen table. Billy was getting heavy so they followed her lead and laid him out on the table like Thanksgiving dinner. Steve would have preferred the floor but beggars couldn’t be choosers right this second.
Nancy asked, “Now what?”
Dustin was already getting glasses from the cupboard and filling them with the water dispenser in the fridge door. “We wait,” he said, “Billy is going to have answers. But in the meantime, we need to radio Lucas and Max. She’s probably gone home by now.”
Mike said, “Steve, where’s you radio? It’s way too late to call their houses.”
“Upstairs in my room. Two doors down on the right. Its on top of my dresser- Don’t go peeping through my stuff Wheeler!”
A muffled ‘whatever’ drifted from around the corner.
Nancy stood next to Robin who both stood over Billy looking him up and down. Steve saw what they did. His face was dirty and gaunt, he was thin and black circles accented his eyes.
Robin spoke up, “Should we look for the scars? See if he really is the Billy from Starcourt?”
Nancy shook her head, “I don’t think we should touch him. What if he’s still flayed and we wake him like that? I don’t wanna be grabbed...”
Dustin handed the girls glasses of water, “We thought the same thing. We won’t know until he wakes up.”
Nancy tilted her head to side like a puppy listening intently. “Look at his hair.”
Steve did; it was long.
“I feel like its a lot longer than 8 months worth of growth.”
Robin agreed, “Yea and the scar across his nose. Its white and perfectly even with his skin. It’s been there for a long time. Did he always have that?”
“No,” Steve said.
Dustin asked, “You sure?”
“Yea, I’m sure.”
“How do you know?”
Steve sighed, “I- wh-... Probably because I got an up close look about a year and half ago when he head butted me in the face.”
“...Oh right...”
Mike stormed back into the kitchen, “You don’t even have batteries in this Steve! No wonder we had to call you on the phone.”
Steve countered, “I was gunna’ get around to it!”
You would’ve thought Mike just witnessed Steve kick a puppy with the disgusted look on his face. Steve just chalked up Mike’s incessant bad attitude to a rocky bout of overly hormonal puberty.  
Mike found the junk drawer in the island of the kitchen and started jamming AA’s into the back of the radio. He clicked it on and dialed in the common channel.
“Lucas! Max! This Mike, this a code red! I repeat, this is a code red! Come in! Over..” He waited a few seconds before repeating the transmission and paced himself into the dining room.
Nancy grabbed everyone's attention once more. “I know its late, but we need to call Joyce. She’ll know what to do. Maybe she can contact Dr. Owens and he can help too.”
Steve nodded, “Yea, that's probably a good idea. Let’s just pray he wakes up normal.”
Robin looked at him with grief and said without saying anything at all… ‘Don’t get your hopes up...’
Mike came back in placing the radio on the island counter, “Lucas and Max are on their way. They’re both gunna’ have to sneak out though.”
Now they all stood around Billy. Steve said, “That’s going to be the least of her worries.”
He watched Billy’s face start to twitch.
Robin stood back as Dustin announced, “Oh shit guys I think this is it….” Steve didn’t budge.
They all stayed perfectly still for what seemed like forever but in reality was maybe 30 seconds. Billy had no further movement but Steve had a feeling he would be waking very soon. He seen Billy sleep more times than he can count and knew when he fell out of REM he started twitching. Steve thought himself to be a creep but Billy had thought it was amusing.
Nancy sighed “Ok false alarm… Lets just relax for a minute and collect ourselves. We’re all jumping to conclusions and freaking ourselves out-”
Mike argued, “I’m pretty sure an evil Billy is something to freak out about.”
Steve leaned back on the island, “Again with that? He’s not a copy man! The Mind Flayer probably isn’t that good at making people and it had no reason to even make a single person. Like I said in the car, look at that abomination it made before? It looked like a gelatinous pile a human remains that were just run through a wood chipper.”
Robin gagged at the memory.
Dustin leaned back against the wall, “But we can’t exclude it Steve. I’m sorry but there’s no way Billy survived. His chest was crushed. He bled out and stopped breathing. This world’s Billy died. This Billy here? We have no idea who he is or where he came from. We can’t strike it from the possibility that hes a direct creation of the Mind Flayer. And if, and I mean I big fat if, he did survive and this is Billy from July? Only extraterrestrial powers could’ve helped him do so and in turn would mean he’s flayed.”
Mike added, “And how would he have even gotten out of the mall? It was surrounded.”
Steve couldn’t argue with that because he had tried to feel for a pulse on Billy back in July and found none. His blood had stopped flowing because his heart had stopped beating. Steve the man knew he was dead but Steve the lover just didn’t want to accept it.
The doorbell rang. Steve told them, “Stay here, I’ll get it.”
Robin called to him, “Warn her first!”
“I know...”
He made his way to the front door trying to prolong the inevitable but he knew he would be best suited to break in Max. He opened it to Lucas and Max on the doorstep. He let them in and they stripped of their coats in the foyer.
Steve hung their coats for them, “Listen, Max...” her face changed to one of seriousness, “we followed a lead with the compasses and found a closed gate-”
Lucas stepped back, “Are you serious? Another gate?”
Steve held up his hands, “Listen, the gate was closed when we got there but what found is a little more... disturbing, ok? Max...”
“Why do you keep saying my name?”
“Because this is going to heavily involve you and I need to you to stay as calm as possible-”
She demanded, “What the hell is going on? What does this have to do with me specifically?”
He sighed and just decided to lead her into the kitchen, it was apparent no words could prepare for something of this magnitude. He kept his hand on her shoulder as they rounded the corner and he could almost feel her eyes land on the prone figure atop the kitchen table. She stiffened up for only a second before leaping into action and making a run towards her brother.
Both Dustin and Mike grabbed her and blocked her path before she could make it all the way.
She yelled, “Get the hell out of my way! What are you doing? Let me see him damn it!”
Dustin shushed her, “Shhhh Max! You can’t touch him right now!”
Lucas came up from behind and gently rubbed her arms as she relented slightly. The boys loosened their grips on her but her tears still fell with no regard. Lucas did his best to comfort her while not loosing his shit as well.
“Why? Whats wrong? How-”
“We don’t know yet,” Dustin said, “We also don’t know if he’s still flayed or a product of the Mind Flayer, who I guess would be flayed by default...”
Max looked defeated. She promised not to touch but wanted a closer look. She walked about the table ending on Billys left side. Steve watched her look him over. She finally said, “He’s skinny...”
Robin rubbed circles on her upper back, “We don’t know how long he’s been in there. We pretty much know nothing so far.”
Max wiped her tears away unable to look at anyone else. Unfavorably, everyone was looking at her anyway.
Dustin backed up, “Oh shit, oh shit. I think its really happening this time!”
Mike shushed him and they lined the table. Steve was at Billy’s right shoulder leaning over. Billy’s breathing changed to a more shortened and rapid pace and his hands started moving. Both hands came to his face rubbing up and down before pulling away and opening his eyes.
He gasped immediately sitting up and, for the second time in his life, headbutted Steve in the face. At least it was an accident this time.
Both boys yelled aloud, “Ow, fuck!”
Billy laid back down on the table, hand to his head and eyes squeezed shut. Steve held his nose as the throbbing became more and more intense.
Steve pulled his hand away, “Shit!” it was covered in blood.
Dustin pointed at him, “Dude, your nose is bleeding!”
“Is it?” Steve asked sarcastically, “Is it bleeding Dustin? I couldn’t tell with all this blood in my mouth...” Steve turned back to the counter swiping a dishtowel from the rack and holding to his nose.
Billy was now completely sat up and rubbing his forehead. “God damn...” he hissed. He swung his legs over the side of table as Mike and Lucas moved. Billy got up and walked over to the island leaning on his elbows, face in his hands and long brown hair curtained around. “Shit,” he whispered.
Steve noticed that his roots were dark brown and his hair lightened more towards the ends. It showed he had been in the dark for a long time now. He was much more pale now too.
The group stared, all on edge, waiting for his next move. Steve watched him too from behind his towel.
Billy pinched the bridge of his nose and finally turned back to the group. “What?!”
Mike stepped forward, “Are you flayed?”
“Are you flayed?” he repeated with more demand. “Are you under the control of the shadow monster?”
Billy leaned back on the island, “You mean that 10 story tall abomination? How do you know about that thing? And where the hell am I? How did you people find me?”
Steve saw Robin holding Max back and it was like Billy hadn’t even noticed her yet.
Lucas spoke up, “We call it the Mind Flayer, you described it last year as a giant shadow. You said it made you do bad things.”
Billy’s brows were furrowed, “What the hell are you talking about?”
Steve through the towel in the sink. “Billy, why don’t you have a seat and we can talk.”
Billy laughed, “Yea, cause we had a great conversation the last I saw you...” He obliged anyway and sat at the head of table. Steve felt that guilt immediately resurface. Their break up was not a clean cut break and they both said some unsavory things but he wasn’t expecting Billy to lash out this soon over it and in front of every one else considering nobody else knew.
The rest of the group sat and Billy finally laid eyes on Max. He seemed to soften somewhat looking into her tear filled eyes. He asked her, “What’s wrong?”
She threw caution to the wind and jumped from her seat throwing her arms around his neck. Nancy reached out to grab her but missed. He was visibly uncomfortable but didn’t push her away. Steve thought he maybe enjoyed human contact after so long.
“God I missed you,” she cried into his shoulder, “Neil’s been a grumpy nightmare since you’ve been gone. It’s been the longest 8 months of my life...”
He patted her back awkwardly, “I’ve only been gone eight months?” He looked up like he was thinking then said, “It’s kind of cold for July isn’t it?”
Max pulled back and everyone held their breath.
“Billy,” Nancy started, “It’s March.”
As Max sat back down, never taking her eyes off of him. Billy shook his head. “There’s no way it’s only March...”
Robin asked, “Can I ask… how long do you think you’ve been in there?”
Billy looked at Robin, “I’m sorry who are you?”
“I’m Robin, we had english and biology 3rd and 4th semester.”
Billy snorted, “What the hell are you talking about?”
Dustin was next to grab his attention, “Billy, don’t you remember getting flayed and dying in Startcourt mall? Do you remember Heather Halloway? You were both lifeguards at the pool! We need to know how you survived or if your a doppelganger or something.”
Billy looked at him like he sprouted a second head. “Ok… first of all I don’t remember what your name is either. Second, I don’t know what Starcourt mall is, I don’t know who Heather Halloway is, and never in my life have I ever guarded anyone's life besides my own.”
Steve looked at him bewildered, as did everyone else.
Dustin said, “You and I met like a hundred times. You know my name is Dustin. And this is Mike and Lucas. You gave me a ride home from school before.”
“I know Sinclair, I don’t know you two. Look weird kid, in the entire week I lived in Hawkins, I met you once at the Byers place.”
Steve wondered when both Billy and Dustin were at the Byers house at the same time. And one week? Max knew though, she told him, “That was like a year and a half ago...”
Billy threw his hands out and flat on the table, “What is today’s date?”
Mike said, “March 6th, 1986.”
Billy fell back in his chair, “Oh shit...”
Nancy, ever collected, gained control of the conversation, “Ok… Billy? Tell us the last thing you remember before going into the upside down.”
“The upside down?” he asked, “You mean the Nether?”
Lucas stage whispered to Dustin, “That’s a way cooler name...” He begrudgingly agreed.
Billy took a deep breath before folding into his story. Steve guessed they would ask their questions later.
“So, I remember looking all over Hawkins for Max because she decided to jump out her bedroom window and fucking leave. I went to the Byers place, beat the shit out of Steve Harrington, got a syringe stuck in my neck, then my step-sister threatening to nails my balls to the floor with that nightmare of a bat.”
Mike leaned forward, “Yea we remember that too, how did you get into the upside down?”
“Shut you dick holster, Mike, I’m getting there! I don’t know how long I was out for but I eventually came to and I could only open my eyes. It was like the rest of me was still paralyzed. Then this...thing. Monster… fell out of the fridge-”
Steve immediately sat back and straight up looking back to Dustin who looked back at him adorned the exact same expression.
“This thing started walking toward me, then passed me.”
Mike asked, “Was it on all fours or two legs?”
Billy shrugged, “It was in between. I don’t know how or why it was in a fridge but I'm pretty sure the cold was incubating it. From what I’ve seen, those things mature faster the colder they are.”
Dustin practically sprang from his seat, “Just like Dart! Dart hated the heated lamp in the terrarium and grew faster when he was in that lock box I made. It was dark and cold when I kept it in my locker.”
Billy continued, “Well, it walked right passed me and started digging in the floor and suddenly the room was glowing red.”
Nancy whispered, “It opened another damn gate.”
“Yea. This motherfucker came back to me and shoved its gross… hand? On my face and it felt like… it felt like it was pulling all of the air from my lungs, it was horrible.”
Steve asked, “What did it do?”
“It turned itself into me. I was looking up at myself.”
Steve buried his face in his hands, elbows on the table. Billy wasn’t talking about their break up conversation because he wasn’t never in a relationship with Steve and Steve’s heart was crumbling all over again. He was referring to their fight in November of 1984. So this was a joke after all, not a second chance. He had a horrifying feeling of where this was going…
“Then it dragged me over to the gate and dropped me through. By the time I could move my arms and legs the portal was closed.”
Robin asked, “And you’ve been surviving there ever since?”
He shook his head yes. “The natural streams were kind of clean and canned goods were like a lottery if they were rotten or not. There was always new ones every other day or so like magic or some shit.”
Dustin was wide eyed, “Holy shit. So you’re not the copy… the Billy we knew was! So you’re not flayed either.”
“Oooh!” Robin squeaked excitedly, “Like a mimic in your Dungeons and Nerds game right?”
Dustins chin slacked as he looked at her with a deadpan expression, “Its Dungeons and Dragons and no. Mimics can only turn into furniture to hunt their prey.”
Billy laughed, “What the fuck?”
Dustin continued, “Its more like a mixed between an incubus and a doppleganger.”
Mike agreed, “Yea, it didn’t just take Billy’s physical form, it took his entire life, his mannerisms and memories and shitty personality.”
Steve looked to Billy who just shrugged, “He’s not wrong...”
Nancy was putting two and two together, “That’s why nobody noticed. It literally turned itself into Billy and was living among us. It blended right in. But how did it survive the gate closing?”
Steve finally participated removing himself from his own dangerous thoughts, “Maybe it wasn’t flayed. You know? Maybe it was apart of like a… a pack mind and not a hive mind. That’s what you guys called it right? So it followed the flayed dogs out into the world with pack mentality then was sentiate when it acted on its own.” Robin looked extremely impressed with him.
Nancy agreed, “Steve’s right, with the gate closed it couldn’t have been flayed and survived.”
Max said, “He bled red. Whenever that Billy bled, it was red. Its blood wasn’t black until it got flayed.”
Steve wondered just how many times Max had seen Billy bleed to know that.
Billy spoke up, “The questions is now, how many of these doppelgangers are still out there and how do we find them?”
No one had an answer.
Billy leaned back again, “Excellent, so now my questions… where am I?”
Steve answered, “My house.”
He nodded, “And everyone thinks I’m dead?” he turned to Max, “Does Neil think I’m dead?”
Lucas asked, “You call your dad by his first name?”
Billy scoffed, “He doesn’t deserve that title until he actually acts like a father...”
“Yes,” Max said, “He was really upset for the first few months and wouldn’t allow anyone to touch your stuff for like 3 months. But he finally gutted your room.” She pulled a gold chain and pendant from under her shirt that was strung about her neck. “I thought this was yours and I wanted to keep your memory I guess...”
Billy must have been feeling some type of way because he smiled and pulled his matching necklace out too, “We match now. I guess that thing was able to make a copy of everything I was wearing that day too.”
Nancy asked changing the subject to her agenda, “Billy, how many of the Demogorgans have you seen recently open a gate? I think we can all assume that's how you got through this time right?”
“You mean that monster? And yea, I did. This one I was following for a while.  It was acting erratic… at least more than usual. It’s like it knew it could open a portal and was looking for the perfect spot but I had never seen one do that before not counting the one that put me there.”
Nancy focused on the table lost in thought, “So that means there’s a main gate somewhere.”
Mike looked around Lucas to Billy, “You said you saw the Mind Flayer, the giant shadow. When did you see it?”
Billy laughed, “Yea I saw it a couple times. I’m pretty sure it didn’t see me. I may have been too small to notice or maybe it just didn’t give a shit about me ‘cause it knew I was stuck there.”
Steve wondered if the kids were finally exhausted of their questions because he desperately wanted to get up. He had the sudden urge to tear the skin from his bones.
Thankfully Billy stood first, “Ok enough questions. I desperately need a shower. Where’s the bathroom Harrington?”
Steve got up, “This way, I’ll get you a towel.” Billy followed.
Nancy asked the remaining group, “You whats weird? We had a blackout about a week before July 4th right? And Murray said his Russian scientist friend said that’s when the key was turned on and the gate was opened.”
Mike asked, “Yea and?”
“When the gate opened, the remnants of the Mind Flayer in our world were reawakened but from what El saw, Billy didn’t crash his car at the Steelworks and get flayed until like three days later.”
Robin caught on quickly, “Why did it wait so long to flay someone, right?”
Nancy agreed, “Exactly. Cherry Oak Drive is a main road. Plenty of people drive down it. Do we really think it was a coincidence that… Monster Billy was chosen?”
Dustin continued, “No, it purposely sought out Demo-Billy. And you know what? It had time to flay a shit load more people and it didn’t. What if it only flayed Demo-People?”
Max asked, “What are you guys talking about?”
Dustin elaborated, “If one Demo-Dog wasn’t flayed, more than likely there were more. They must have known or even sensed their presence here would’ve been a problem. So they took the places of the people from here.”
Mike chimed in, “And assuming Billy wasn’t the only person copied that night in November, maybe all of these Demo-People were still connected like Steve said, like a pack mind. Flayed Demo-Billy knew who the other Demo-People were and went after them specifically.”
Nancy interjected, “Other than single families, like Heather’s, there was no real connection between those 30 people. The un-flayed Demo-Dogs from a year and half ago wouldn’t have had a pattern of people to take over either.”
Max pondered on past instances, “You know… Billy was suddenly super close to Heather back then. They even got a job at the pool together after graduation.”
Robin leaned in, “So maybe we don’t need to worry about other Demo-People because they were all flayed and molted into the monster right?”
Nancy insisted, “Yea, essentially. But its only a theory. I don't know if we can prove it though. We still need to call Joyce and Owen’s. They need to know about this.”
She got up from the table and showed herself to the drawing room where there was a telephone. Nancy knew it was either very late or very early but Joyce would want to know about this no matter the time.
Lucas asked, “I wonder if Billy was the only person in the Upside Down.”
Dustin shrugged, “I think so, he was alone when we found him and he never mentioned anyone else.”
Mike sighed, “So that means if the un-flayed Demo-Dogs copied people, those people are probably dead. And if their dead, where are the bodies?”
“Billy said it dug into the floor...” Robin said fitting the pieces together, “They probably dug graves, copied their person, then killed them and buried them.”
Dustin pointed excitedly at Robin, “Yes! And Billy said his Demo-Dog was in between walking on all four and two feet. The cold in the fridge must have mature it just enough to where it tried digging the hole for a grave and ended up opening a portal.”
Max countered, “But it didn’t kill Billy.”
“No,” Mike said, “But Billy was also paralyzed. The Demo-Dog just needed to get rid of the body.”
Lucas caught on, “So it just tossed him into the Upside Down.”
Dustin sat back down, “Yea pretty much. Once we confirm Billy was alone and he didn’t see anyone else… we can safely assume all of those people really are dead and might have been for longer than we thought...”
Billy followed Steve upstairs to the guest bathroom. He could almost feel billy’s eyes on him as they ascended the stairs.
It was becoming too much having him in the house. It was like he knew Billy like the back of his hand and also had no idea who this guy was. The Billy he knew would react a certain way to certain things. Steve had no clue if this Billy would be the same way.
His biggest problem was wanting so badly to tell Billy how sorry he was he broke things off and how how much he missed him and how bad he wanted to just kiss his stupid face. But this wasn’t his Billy. These things were building pressure and it was becoming too much. His Billy was a monster.
His Billy was a Demogorgan from another dimension.
Steve stopped half way down the hallway to the closet with the towels. His heart pounding and he was breaking out in a cold sweat.
His Billy was a monster.
The world was closing in and his face felt fuzzy. There was a buzzing in his ears and he couldn’t breath!
He bent down hands on knees and the pressure in his head was becoming quickly debilitating.
Next thing he knew Billy was in his face pulling him up, “Hey! What the hell Harrington?”
“Oh God…. Oh my God… I fucked a Demogorgan….” Steve managed to breathlessly vocalize. He was pretty sure it was words… It was any words because it was so much more than that.
“What?” Billy asked. “Dude, don’t fall apart on me now, I still don’t know where the towels are.”
“Argghhhhh…...” Steve turned to face the wall arms above his head. Was he crying?
“Steve, I was joking, it’s ok! It turned itself human, it bled red!”
Steve was barely listening, the world was becoming muffled.
Billy grabbed his arm, “Hey, come here, come on.” Steve had no choice but to follow directions. “Come on, jumping jacks, lets go.”
Billy yelled at him, “Now Harrington! Go!” Now Steve was performing jumping jacks following Billy’s movements timing them together. How was this supposed to help? If he couldn’t breath before…
Billy voice cut through the mania, “Keep a mantra, it bled red, ok? It bled red.”
Steve repeated him, “It bled red, it bled red, it bled red...”
“Keep going, faster,” Billy told him. He did and they were getting easier.
They jumped for another minute or two until Steve was spent. He stopped leaning against the wall. He was panting but the world expanded and he felt like he had control of his heartbeat again.
Billy finally asked, “What was that about?”
Steve whispered to himself ignoring him, “I’m ok, I’m ok, he was human and I didn’t fuck a Demogorgan...”
Billy was staring, “Dude whats-”
Steve turned around to face him, “I just need to say this… before it eats me alive, an- and it probably won’t make sense and I’m sorry but-”
“What are you talking about?”
The Billy Steve loved was a direct reflection of the one standing before him. The real Billy. There had to be some kind of faint longing in him somewhere because where else would Demo-Billy have gotten the idea to pursue Steve? But did Steve want to start over or did he just want to wipe the red from his ledger?
Steve took a nice deep breath, “Look, you and I were in a-.. a relationship… together… and we had a falling out right before you died. You were super close to your coworker Heather Halloway, who you ended up flaying, and I-… I guess I was just being a jealous bitch and we fought over it and I ended up telling you to go fuck yourself and we broke up. And then after trying to find someone else to date I tried asking out MY co-worker but that didn’t pan out….but then you died and that was the last thing I ever said to you.”
Billy had raised brows in an expression that looked confused and surprised.
“I know this means nothing to you but…. I’m sorry. I didn't mean it. I never meant it and I didn’t realize what was going on and I’m sorry and I love you…. And I’m sorry-”
“Stop,” Billy told him, “Its ok man. I’m still figuring out how I feel about that thing living my life for me while I was gone….”
“This probably wasn’t what you were thinking was it?”
“No,” he admitted, “But its not the worst either. I’m kind of stunned that thing had the balls to approach you like that.”
So he was right, Billy did actually feel something for Steve.
Steve laughed, “It was slow. The apology for beating my ass was a nice ice breaker.”
Billy smiled, “…. well…. I’m sorry. But you gotta admit… it was a little creepy that my 13 year old sister was alone in a house with four boys, one of whom was 18 years old.”
“Yea, sorry about that. We were actually waiting for El to close the gate then ended up using your car to drive out to the field with the entrance to the tunnels- Never mind, its a loooong story.
Billy was no longer amused, “I’m sorry, who’s car?”
Steve turned around, “Let me get that towel for you...”
After setting Billy up in the shower Steve headed back downstairs. He walked passed two out of four kids camped out on the couches in the living room. Well, not really kids anymore. He assumed the other two were in the den.
It was only Nancy and Robin in the kitchen.
Robin asked him, “You ok? You were gone for a while.”
Steve sat across from them, “Yea… yea I’m fine.” he was tired but he actually did feel a little better.
Nancy’s hands were folded on the table, “I just got off the phone with Joyce. She said she’ll call Owens and they’ll be on their way here as soon as possible. She thinks the best case scenario will be to set Billy up in a new location with a new identity, kind of like witness protection.”
Steve asked, “So basically he can’t go back home?”
She nodded.
Robin had apparently already heard all of this, “It’s for the best. I mean, maybe Owens might be able to let his family know and have them all sign NDA’s but… its up to Billy too. Hopefully he sees logically and agrees.”
Steve shrugged, “It could go either way. If he’s anything like the other Billy, he may just opt for the new identity. He wasn’t a fan of his father.”
Nancy eyed him suspiciously, “How do you know that?”
Steve hadn’t even realized what he was saying but recovered quickly, “Oh uh.. Max mentioned it… a long time ago.”
“Uh huh..” Awesome, she wasn’t convinced.
Nancy didn’t dwell on it though, “I think we should all get some sleep. I’ll wake everyone to be out of here by 6am so we can all sneak home. Can Billy stay here Steve?” He nodded yes, “Good. Once we get home we’ll wait for Joyce. She’ll be calling me tomorrow with her flight plan and I’ll pick them all up at the airport and we can go from there.”
Robin asked, “And what about the Demo-People?”
Nancy looked into the palms of her hands like they held some kind of half baked answer for her. “I don’t know, I kind of hope their all dead as horrible as that sounds...”
“It’s beyond our resources,” Steve told them, “This is unfortunately on Owens and the DOE now.”
Robin stood, “I’m gunna’ go to bed. Nanc, you’ll probably be gone by time I get up so I’ll catch you later,” Nancy smiled and waved wishing her a good night, “And Steve? I would probably make him a sandwich or something. All he had were canned goods in his bag.”
“You went through his stuff?” Steve asked.
“No, your nerds did dingus, you think I would riffle through someone personal stuff?”
“No but I can see you didn’t stop them.”
She winked and left them at that. He turned back to Nancy, “The house is pretty packed, you can take the guest room all the down hall upstairs.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“Ehh, I’ll just pull an old sleeping bag and floor it for tonight.”
She didn't look convinced, “Are you sure?”
They both rose from the table, “Positive.”
She smiled, “Thanks Steve.” She walked out and up the stairs. He thought about maybe crashing in his parents room but immediately felt like he was covered in spiders thinking about sleeping in their bed.
Steve decided to throw together a turkey and cheese sandwich for Billy before heading upstairs. He remembered this not being his favorite but it was definitely quick and tolerable. He plated it and grabbed a can of Coke. Thankfully New Coke had not stuck around, to the dismay of Lucas, because if he wanted diluted Coke he would just leave an open bottle on the counter for a few days.
He opened his bedroom door to Billy sifting through his dresser drawers now clean, hair still damp. Some areas of skin was red with scrubbing.
“Hope you don’t mind if I borrow some clothes, mine are kind of grody...”
“Sure,” Steve told him, “That’s fine. Hope you don’t mind me sleeping on the floor in here.” Steve walked passed and placed the sandwich and soda on the desk.
He heard from behind, “I’m sleeping in here?”
“Yea,” Steve turned around and Billy had forgone a shirt and was already in a pair of gray sweatpants that were surprising baggy on him but still left little to the imagination. Just like he remembered.
Steve shook the thought from his head getting himself a pair of sleep pants as well. “You can take the bed, I’m sure you missed one of those.” Steve decided changing in front of him wasn’t a big deal, he’d keep his underwear on.
Billy sat on said bed, “Ehh, I had my bed in the Nether but it was kind of gross. I only really slept in two or three hour bursts.”
Steve motioned to the sandwich, “Aren’t you hungry?”
He shrugged but retrieved it anyway, “I’m used to going a while with nothing.” Steve watched him bite into the sandwich then began digging through his closet for the sleeping bag.
“You know,” Billy started with a mouth full of food then swallowed, “You can just sleep in the bed.”
Steve turned around, “No, its fine really, you take the bed.”
He tilted his head like Steve had said something adorable, “I meant with me.”
“Oh… really? I mean- you sure?”
Billy finished the sandwich, “Yea, I’m sure.” he opened the Coke and took a sip. He lowered it and paused.
Steve thought he might be having a stroke, “Uhhh… Bil-”
“Holy shit, dude! This is best can of Coke I’ve ever had,” he laughed like a maniac and drank more. Steve laughed at him because hearing that made his heart sing.
Billy drained the can and burped like the disgusting Adonis he was then laid back on the pillow. Steve finished throwing shit back into the closet, turned out the light, and laid down next to him after pulling the covers over them
They were silent for about five glorious minutes until Billy’s deep voice cut into the night, “Did I love you?” Steve felt chills up his spine.
Steve breathed in deep, “You said you did.”
“Does it hurt to look at me?”
“What?” Steve questioned.
“I always imagined what it would be like if I ever saw my mom again and… it would hurt and I don’t think I would want to be around her. So does it hurt to look at me?”
Steve stared into the dark nothingness of his ceiling, “I don’t think so, you didn’t hurt me. I’m happy your here but sad that I can’t…. I don’t know...” He wavered.
Steve suddenly felt Billy’s fingers lace between his own and he felt his face getting hot and an intense pressure behind his nose. Tears edged in his eyes. Steve asked him, “Why are you asking me all of this?”
He felt Billy shift closer, “Because I want to be with you, if you’ll have me. When I first saw you I thought the world of you. I’d dream about you like you’d hung the moon just for me. But… Just thinking about my Dad and what he would do if he knew that I was thinking this shit… I tried pushing you away...”
“Why the changed of heart?”
“Because my father thinks I’m dead and I plan on keeping it that way so I can live my life the way I want. And hearing that Demo-Douche who took my place was balls-ey enough to bag you? Well, this is my chance and I don’t wanna lose it. I know from experience how fast life and chances can be taken from you.”
Steve was full on crying now. Tears rolled down his face but he made sure to keep his breathing and sniffles under control to remain undetected. He did want more than to relive his guilt, he wanted to start over.
Billy wanted him.
And by God did he want him too.
Billy asked him, “Do you want to start over? I can be better.”
Steve finally turned to him and whispered hoarsely, “Yes.” This was a second chance after all.
Apparently Billy now had excellent night vision, which Steve should’ve figured, because he began wiping the tears from his cheeks for him with precision. He then let go of his hand and leaned up on his elbow looking down at Steve.
They knew even without seeing each others expressions. It was the vibe and how they both felt connected enough to feel it roll off the other to understand. Billy leaned down kissing him gently and Steve couldn’t have asked for more.
Steve didn’t mind starting over; he already loved Billy.
He pulled away and laid back down. They both turned on their sides to face each other.
Steve could almost feel him smile as he asked, “Can you tell me everything that’s happened since I’ve been gone? Like what that thing did with my life and who this El chick is and who had the stones to jack my car.”
Steve laughed, “Right now?”
“I guess not, maybe in the morning. But I have to know, what did they do with my car?”
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zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 5
Hiya! This is the chapter when we get to figure out a little more of why Shawn is the way that he is. I’m not interested in villains for villains sake; I’m interested in complex characters in need of healing and kindness and also to maybe fight for themselves a little bit. I think this is gonna get very interesting if the thoughts in my head are anything to go off of. Also I try not to bug y’all too often but I am very very poor at the moment so if you did want to buy me a Kofi right here. That would be life changing. Ya girl got bills. K bye. 
WARNINGS: sex without a condom (gotta wrap it up folks), a mini panic attack w/o much description, and just some general softness. 
*Shawn’s point of view*
He’s in the studio. It’s his happy place. He remembered being eight years old, just barely big enough to climb into the seat, but finding something magical about the sound board. His nanny used to pick him up from school and he would beg her to take him to where his dad was working. They only started letting him go once they realized he’d stop throwing temper tantrums. He thrived there. He listened quietly and he learned about how to track vocals, how to create rhythms and what actual sound waves could look like for a vocal. And then he was thirteen, and his dad brought this guy in.
He was in baggy jeans and a green sweatshirt. His guitar had a plus sign on it, and there were scratches against the body where he’d strummed too hard. The sound guy told him his name was Ed Sheeran. He was there to sing for his dad. That day changed his life forever.
He went from playing soccer every day after school, to playing guitar and creating covers. His dad happily put him in the guitar lessons and the piano lessons and the vocal lessons. It was the outlet he never knew he needed, but couldn’t live without. Shawn was always thoroughly convinced he hadn’t been destined for much. Was never smart in school, never particularly passionate about anything either. And since the day he was born, all he knew was that his dad was powerful and his dad had money, and that meant one day he would have the same. Not because of who he was or what he accomplished, but because of who his dad was. Music changed that for him.
“Hey, pull back on the reverb?” He suggested to the producer. “It’s clouding the vocal. Trust me.”
There’s a guy in the booth. His dad’s new golden star. Niall Horan. His first album had done twice the numbers they anticipated, and so after a North American tour to test the waters he quickly pulled him in to try and do it again. That’s why Shawn was there of course. To oversee the creative vision, and “provide feedback”. What it really meant was, his dad knew he could determine what was good and what was bad, so why waste his time when he could have Shawn do it. As far as his dad was concerned, he should feel lucky that he was even allowed to be a part of the process.
“Aye, this is just isn’t feeling right. I’m coming out.” Niall said from the booth in his thick irish accent.
There’s a room of writers, but it’s actually pretty organic in comparison to some of the other artists under his dad’s belt. Two of them are friends of Horan’s from home, who had followed him along for the ride. He plops down on one of the couches and reaches for a guitar. His fingers pluck absently at the strings and Shawn can’t help but glance over there instead of filling out whatever dumbass report his dad was asking him to fill out. There’s a redheaded woman on the couch who started playing alongside him. Another guy uses his lap as drums, and they just start jamming with each other.
It’s electric. It’s that thing that made his stomach lurch like he was at the top of a rollercoaster. It’s what left him more at home in his own skin than anything else ever could. The energy in the room actually shifts. He swears he can feel the music. Like actually feel every strum in his fingertips as if its his hands on the guitar. It’s authentic and real and they’re just playing for fun.
But, somewhere in there he remembers that this is all he’ll ever get. Just watching from the sidelines while everyone else gets to play. It breaks his heart. It makes him sick to his stomach. So sick that he leaves abruptly in the middle of the session crashing outside and choking desperately for air. This is what he got. A noose that always felt too tight, with the hope every day that he just might get the chance to breathe. This was it for him.
*Y/n’s point of view*
Shawn: I need you.
y/n: That’s gonna be a little difficult. I’m in Miami, remember? First show of the tour for Grande.
Shawn: Well when are you coming back?
y/n: I’m staying through the first week of shows to make sure all the kinks get worked out. No pun intended.
Shawn: I don’t think I can wait that long.
You were walking past the merch booth getting set up and stopped to chat with some of the people working it. You had a lot of respect for merch booth people, depending on the show--and the pop shows were always the worst--shit could get hectic and fast. They deserved tons more respect than they got, and you were happy to show them some.
You peered down at your phone and read Shawn’s text over again. It felt a little off, even for him. You had gone stretches of time without hooking up before. There were times where he needed to be in LA while you stayed behind in New York, times where you had one show in one city, while he had one in another. It hadn’t been a problem before. You always just found time when the two of you available, and went from there. Shawn hadn’t ever pushed it further than that before.
y/n: everything alright?
Shawn: my dad is satan
y/n: well retweet sis! We been knew that.
y/n: Sorry. I wish I could be there to relieve the stress. If you wanna hop on a flight and meet me in Miami feel free lol
You head for the sound check, checking in to make sure that that stage was being set up, so that  meet and greet could go off without a hitch later. You nearly trip over one of Ariana’s dogs and die, but other than that it’s fine. There’s hours and hours of labor that have to go into a show before the doors ever open, before those kids every step inside to see their idol get up on the stage. It’s your job, along with a host of other incredibly talented and hard working people, to make sure that those hours seamingly don’t even exist. You don’t mind it. Back in the early days you used to go on whole tours to make sure your artists were taken care of. It wasn’t until you turned thirty that you realized slowing down a little bit was in everyone’s best interest.
When you’re not needed you set up in an office space to answer emails and check in with the office. The afternoon passes quickly, and before you know doors are opening up, and the kids begin to pile in. You’re backstage making sure the band and Ariana are good to go, when the tour manager comes up to you looking panicked and confused the way he always did.
“Hey, y/n! Sorry to bother you, but can I borrow you for a second?”
You clap hands with Ariana wishing her luck she won’t need before heading off with Mike.
“What’s up, Mike? Everything okay?”
He nodded. “Yea! It’s just that I got a call from the head of security at the back of the venue, and there’s a guest for you who doesn’t have a pass.”
“A guest for me? I don’t have any guests tonight. Did they catch a name?”
“It’s uh...It’s Manny Mendes’ kid? Shawn?”
Mike winced. “He uh, he told them you personally invited him. Guy must be charming, or they probably would’ve turned him away.”
Charming, your black ass. He was a nuisance is what he was.
“I didn’t personally invite him anywhere! Take me to this dumbass, please.” You groaned in frustration.
The whole walk there you’re just trying to figure out how the hell he managed to get here that fast! Who takes a back handed joke, and then actually follows through it? Shawn fucking Mendes. This man was going to be a thorn in your side for the foreseeable future. God, was he lucky his dick was big.
Sure enough, at the back of the venue at one of the stage doors, Shawn is sitting there with a couple of security guards. His hands rest easily in his pockets, and he’s telling them a fucking joke that has them laughing their asses off. Where was the justice?!
“Hey. Took you long enough.” He chuckled reaching for a duffle bag at his feet.
What was he moving in?
“Shawn what in the hell are you doing here?”
He stared at you incredulously. “You told me to come!”
“I was kidding! How in the hell did you get here that fast anyway?”
“Honey, we have a private jet. Surely that’s not surprising to you. What are you gonna turn me away at the door right now?”
Mike is still staring at you with nothing but confusion on his face. He probably had no idea you even knew Shawn Mendes, let alone enough to accidentally invite him to Miami. This was bad. This was bad, bad, bad.
Your gritted your teeth. “He is very unfortunately with me. Mike give him a pass.”
“Are you sure th--”
“Mike just given him the damn pass.” You sighed turning on your heel to disappear back inside.
Shawn keeps up with you easily with his obnoxiously long legs. Mike power walks behind the two of you ear piece and ipad still blaring.
“Mike you can run along before curtain call. I’ve got things here.”
It’s not an option. It’s a directive, and he quickly follows it leaving you alone with your headache of the day.
“You really call the shots around here, aye?”
“Little bit. Follow me.”
You lead him to the little office space you have in one of the green rooms, and quickly close the door before more people find out that the two of you are together. He takes a seat on one of the couches like he belongs. You want to pull your hair out.
“What in the hell Shawn?” You groaned. “We have rules. Very specific rules.”
“I know. Look, I know! But you offered, okay? And I couldn’t...I wasn’t gonna wait a week. I need this. I need you.”
That certainly was a little more honest than the two of you typically got with each other.
You paused to take a better look at him, and it isn’t the prettiest sight. The smile and witty laughter from outside was a thin facade to the bags beneath his eyes and the frown that’s evident now. He looks a little pale, like paler than usual, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say he hadn’t been sleeping well. You did know better. In fact you were starting to realize that maybe you knew him a little better than you gave yourself credit for.
You took a seat on the table in front of him, your legs knocking together in the small amount of space between you.
“What’s going on? And don’t say it’s just cause you’re stressed.”
He peered up at you, his fingers tapping anxiously against his thighs.
“Since when do you care? That’s not exactly within the parameters of our relationship now is it?”
You rolled your eyes. “Not all of us go through life only living based off of what we can take from others. I know it’s a wild concept to you, but some of us? Some of us can actually be decent human beings.”
“Great so I’m a piece of shit and you’re a saint, is that it?”
“Why are you trying to fight with me? Don’t be a child; stop deflecting. Just tell me what the hell is wrong, and maybe we can fix it.”
“You can’t fix it, y/n. I’m stuck. I’m always going to be stuck okay? There is no fixing me.”
He looked exhausted. And it wasn’t the hard day at work exhausted either. This looked bone deep in him. You couldn’t tell if this was something you’d just never noticed, or if he was letting down a wall for you to see behind for the first time. Whatever it was, you didn’t like it. There wasn’t time to work through why that was, or what it meant for you to care enough to want to fix it. You just knew that you didn’t like it. That’s all that mattered.
You reached forward, your fingers pushing at his knees to make more room for you to straddle his lap. His hands immediately came up to rest on your ass, and you slid your hand over his heart. It was beating like crazy. He just needed to slow down. He needed you to help him slow down. When you kissed, his fingers dug a little more deeply into the flesh of your ass. He groaned softly against your mouth and pulled you closer. It wasn’t necessarily that you didn’t kiss at all in the time that you spent together. Shawn had no problem dominating your mouth. It just so happened that in a relationship built on dominating your body there were a lot of other things you could be doing than kissing.
His lips were still heavenly though. He knew how to tug at your jaw, how to pull you in closer and run his tongue perfectly along the roof of your mouth. It was as intoxicating as all the other things he seemed to be able to do with his body. Only instead of quickly moving to the next phase the way that he usually would, he kept you there a while longer. His lips moved against yours and your arms wrapped tight around him. You could feel his shoulders release beneath your touch, could feel his hands relax against your ass. By the time he flips you to lay your body down against the couch, fingers already tugging to get his jeans down his thighs, your lips are buzzing, and you feel kind of lightheaded. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Tell me what you need.” You whispered against his lips. “Tell me how to please you.”
“Need to be in you. Right now.” He muttered reaching beneath your skirt.
His fingers found their way between the fabric of your underwear, gently nudging between your folds where you were already wet. He tugged the thing band down off of your legs and tucked them into his jean pocket.
He groaned softly plunging his middle finger inside. “You’re always wet for me. Know exactly how to be good for me.”
He curved up and to the right, rubbing quickly against your walls to get you where you needed to go. This wasn’t about foreplay. This wasn’t a scene. There was no plan here. It was frantic and a little messy. But you liked it. You liked it more than you knew what to do with.
“Are you my good girl?” He panted jerking his finger up and down to touch the thing inside of you that made you thrash.
“Yes. Yes, I am. Please, Shawn. Please?”
“The faster you cum, the faster I can get inside this pussy.”
His bicep tensed and his breath came out in harsh pants against the side of your neck. His fingers won’t stop, won’t let up, and your body gives him exactly the reaction he wants every single time. It’s like magnets. Like he knows exactly how to touch you to make you scream. And you do. Always.
His thumb rubs circles on your clit and your body practically melts. Your back arches and your moans get higher as your orgasm hits. Not one to ever be outdone unless it’s by himself, Shawn withdrew his fingers and immediately pushed his way inside of you. The stretch alone in conjunction with the weight of him pressing you down into the couch was enough to heighten your orgasm to a place it’d never been before.
“You’re so fucking tight, shit y/n.”
“I can’t fucking breathe--Shit! it’s so good!”
The arm of the couch provides a kind of leverage you couldn’t get if you prayed for it, and Shawn’s taking full advantage. There’s something different in the way that he handles you. He’s a little more desperate than you’re used to. His hips are less skilled precision and more broken lunges. But you love it just the same. Push your hips up against him chasing something similar, chasing a high that will take you both straight off that cliff together.
“I love being inside you.” He whimpered against your chest. “Nothing feels like you. Wanna give it to you so good.”
“You do. You fucking do.”
His teeth sink into the flesh of your shoulder and it drives you up a fucking wall. You dig desperately into the couch with your heels and cry out for him. It’s fast and dirty and not at all like what you’re used to. It’s just him, just him in all your senses. And you just wanted to give that back to him tenfold.
“Want you to cum for me again. Want you to come while I shoot my load in your pussy.”
“O--Okay. Okay I’ll cum, just please keep fucking me just like that. Please, just like that”
He pushes himself up onto his knees and moves your thigh up so that your knee is pressed against the arm of the couch. His dick doesn’t even make sense at this point. It’s like amnesia. Dick amnesia. But, he does this thing where he twists his hips every time he pushes his way back into you, and it makes you cum like a waterfall. And the second you’re cumming, his thrusts deteriorate into quick, rugged slaps against your sex. When he peaks, it’s euphoria for you both. Absolute Euphoria.
For a while neither of you move except for the pounding of your hearts in unison with one another. You can’t feel your toes, and it’s so sensitive to feel him inside you in this way. It’s not just good sex it’s a feeling that he gives you in wide abundance. You feel complete with him on top of you. Sated and fulfilled and taken care of.
“Wow.” He chuckled leaning down to kiss you roughly. “That was incredible.”
You giggled. “Yea. We’re good at that. Real good.”
He slides off your body and disappears into the bathroom for a few minutes. He comes back with some damp paper towels and cleans tenderly between your legs.
“It’s not my egytpian cotton, but it gets the job done.” He chuckled.
He already looks entirely different. There’s color in his cheeks and his eyes have that obnoxious sparkle shit that they do. You like him a lot better when he looks this way. And there’s a part of you that feels a sense of pride at being able to bring that out of him.
“Thank you, kind of.” You snorted softly.
You fix your skirt while he pulls his jeans back up. You can’t help but notice you managed to yank the neck of his t-shirt horribly out of place somewhere in the midst of your climax. The least you can do is grab him one of the merch shirts. It hits him in the face when you toss it, but that’s at least a few more seconds you have to calm the hell down.
“What’s this?”
“Figured we didn’t want people asking questions. Put it on, I’m sure there’s still some more of Ari’s set left.”
His eyes widened a little and he stared back at the t-shirt before looking back up at you.
“You want me to stay?”
It’s your turn for your eyes to widen and for the ground to become more interesting.
“You don’t have to obviously. You got what you came for. Ari, just puts on a really good show.” You mumbled.
“No I--I’d love to see the show. Haven’t seen her since Coachella.”
He changed quickly out of his t-shirt, sliding on a God Is A Woman shirt instead. The outfit change is a good one in your estimation.
“Great now give me my underwear back.” You murmured resituating your lanyard that got you in everywhere around your neck.
“Oh. Yea, no.”
You looked up at him and there he was leaning against the same part of the couch that he’d rammed you again not ten minutes ago. His long legs crossed in a similar fashion to his arms across his chest. That confidence was just obviously roaring in his system all over again. He was back, just like that.
“Excuse me?” You asked, eyebrow raised and pointed.
“I’m gonna keep them. Kinda want you to think about the fact that you won’t have any panties on all night, and I’ll be the only one who knows. Every time you have to yell at someone to do their job right, every time someone from the crowd bumps into you, it’ll just be you and I who know that you’re my good little girl. So I’m gonna keep them until I’m ready to give them back to you.”
And just what in the fuck does someone do with a speech like that?
You leave the greenroom behind in the hopes that no one will be able to tell what was done in there that night. Instinctively you reach for his hand and tug him along behind you to get the pits. It’s a sold out show, so there’s definitely a hell of a lot of people there, but you make it work nonetheless. With only the first half of the show missed anyway there’s still plenty of talent left for him to see.
At first you thought that you needed him to see what you were capable of. Ariana was all talent, all vocals, and iconicism, and magic. But, it was you that brought it all together, you who coordinated every little piece to make sure it all ran together without problem. Before you met Shawn, before ever deciding to do the little arrangement he schemed for the both of you, there had been a need to prove yourself. It came with the territory as a woman, let alone as a Black woman in a white male dominated industry.
Something happens in the middle of the show though, when the moon hangs from the ceiling, and her voice is belting out through the whole arena. You peer up at him watching the show, and there’s no ego to be had. It’s not like when other music execs come to visit shows, and they're just looking for a way to upstage you. He’s just there. Enjoying every note and letting the vibe of the crowd fill him in that way that you loved and cherished about live shows. It’s the first time outside of the bedroom that he eases the tension for you, that he gives you a sort of metaphorical pat on the back to say, “you don’t need to stand tall. Put that away for right now.”
You take a deep breath and let your head rest against his shoulder before there’s even room to think about it. Before you lose the moment, before the tension finds a way to ease back into your body, he wraps his arms around your waist from behind. Ariana keeps singing. The crowd keeps screaming. And he doesn’t let up until the lights come back on.
“Where are you staying tonight?” You asked, trying to pay attention to the break down of the venue happening around you.
“Wherever you’re staying I guess.”
You peered over at the way that he was leaning against one of the barricades, still dressed in his God Is A Woman shirt, with a smirk upon his lips.
“So fucking cocky, all the time.” You snorted. “I’ve got a lot of work left to do here. I’m always the last to leave from a show.”
“That’s fine. You want me to head up to the hotel, or should I wait behind for you?”
“You’re really staying huh?”
“Told my dad I’m doing research. I think he’s found a new intern to screw, so he’s not really checking in at the moment. I could use a little vacation.” He hummed. “You want me to go?”
You bit your lip and ran your fingers over your waist where his hands had touched. It was dangerous letting him in like this. You knew it. You had to know it.
“No I don’t want you to go.”
He smiled softly. “Guess I’m not going, then.”
“Guess not.”
“Besides if I left?” He murmured stepping forward to cup your hip intimately. “When would you ever get your thong back?”
It’s well past one in the morning before you get to leave. Your feet hurt and you really need a shower and the hotel can’t come fast enough. There’s a car around back waiting for you, and Shawn trails right along side you with his louis vuitton duffle bag that again just reeks of unnecessary indulgence, but you let him have it this time. The soft leather seats of the BMW and the gentle shake of the car is enough to lull you towards sleep. You were the queen of sleeping on cars. Touring life was perfect for you. What you weren’t used to was having someone beside you too as you made yourself comfortable.
“Are you falling asleep right now?” Shawn chuckled.
“I’m just resting my eyes.” you mumbled heading leaning back against the headrest, eyes closed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be plenty well rested for sex later.”
*thirty minutes later*
“Honey, wake up.”
“No. I’m comfy, Ti. Leave me alone.” You whined snuggling deeper into her shoulder.
“As much as I have a feeling Tianna could kick my ass, I don’t think our biceps quite look alike. I am definitely not Ti.”
Your eyes popped open in shock alerting you to the fact that you wrapped your whole fucking body around this man’s arm and he had done nothing to stop you. The gal! The injustice!
“What are you doing? Why did you let me do that?” You gasped detangling yourself from his grasp.
He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t ‘let’ you do anything. Your body tends to have a mind of its own. Apparently even in slumber. We’re here though, princess.”
Sure enough the hotel is there staring back at you from the window. You had really fallen asleep. And he had let you.
“Shit. Okay. Let’s go.”
The hotel room is neat and pristine. You won’t be there nearly long enough to do any damage to it. Shawn places his duffle next to yours and starts his routine that he always does at night. His watch comes off. The bracelet. The rings. And it is insane the effect that it has on your body. Your spine straightens. And he turns to look at you over his shoulder, curls extra fluffy without any product in it, and it just runs through your body like a fucking current.
He makes his way over to you and his fingers skim your chin like it’s fine. Like he’s not shirtless in front of you with a six pack and perfect wisps of chest hair. You kind of wanna ask him if the women he sleeps with ever don’t want to get undressed in front of him, but then a yawn leaves your lips and that thought gets left far behind, along with the moment.
He smiled at you softly and tapped your cheek.
“Look you’re exhausted. Why don’t we just wait for the morning. It’s no big deal.”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist to keep him with you.
“It’s fine. I swear.”
He shook his head. “No. It’s really not. Let’s go to bed.”
“I said consent at all times didn’t I?” He interrupted. “You’re too tired to consent. We’re not doing it.”
Too tired to consent. That was certainly a new one.
But the way that he settled himself into his side of the bed told you negotiation wasn’t an option. And you were fucking exhausted. So, you crawled beneath the blankets and let your body relax for only the second time that night. How odd for it to be that both of those times were because of Shawn? And what the hell did that mean?
His scent was in your sheets. It was on your skin and in your nose. He was there. This all consuming force that just seemed to fill the space around him infinitely. To the point where you barely felt like you fit in the bed beside him. And yet he sometimes looked so small that you wondered how he could ever fill any space at all. You couldn’t ignore the look on his face in the green room. The exhaustion. The smallness. What was up with that? And why were you thinking of him so damn much anyway?
“You’ve gotta shut your mind down to actually fall asleep.” Shawn mumbled from somewhere in the dark.
You rolled your eyes. “Thank you for mansplaining sleep to me.”
“I’m not--just...Look, what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing. What makes you think there’s something on my mind?” You asked defensively.
“I just can hear you fucking thinking from all the other way over here. Why do you have to be so stubborn all the time?”
“I’m not stubborn!”
You had one of those out of body experiences where you actually hear yourself speak, and it subsequently proved his point. Rude.
“It’s genetic.” You murmured softly. “Sorry. I guess I uh I’m just not used to having someone else sleep in bed with me.”
“Well thank you. We fall asleep after fucking most times though?”
“Yes well there’s a difference between being fucked into a coma and just lying beside the person.”
He took a deep breath. “Do you want me to leave? I can just go get another room.”
“No it’s fine! It’s fine. I swear. I’m just...adjusting.”
“Fine. You...adjust, then. I’ll try not to breathe too much and disturb you.”
It was a long night.
*Shawn’s point of view*
The sun fills the room and it’s a complete and utter nuisance to him. Too early. Too bright. Too not cuddly. So he snuggles his face back into the warmth and ignores it for a little while longer. It’s the most well rested he’s felt in months. So well rested that he doesn’t want to leave, doesn’t want to be without this warmth that he’s never felt before. And why would he? Why would he ever want to leave this?
He opens his eyes and all that he sees in brown. Cocoa brown with deep red undertones that light up beneath the sunrays. It’s the first time he’s ever woken up before her, her mental clock seeming to always pull her out of bed before his dick is even awake let alone his mind. The fact that she’s asleep is a miracle within itself. The fact that he gets to look at her while she does it feels like maybe a little extra miracle on the side.
There’s a freckle on the divet in the small of her back that he’s never noticed before. Her bonnet to cover her hair is the same color as her nails and there’s a part of him that needs to know if it was a conscious decision or not. Knowing y/n, it could go either way. The covers had slid down her back and he’d wrapped himself around her at some point in the night. And it was somehow the best night sleep he’d had in so long. No sex. No ropes. No lube. Just sleep.
He wasn’t dumb. Something was different. Something had been different from the very beginning. His hooks up didn’t sleep over. He didn’t fly to anyone, ever. Hell, he didn’t even drive to anyone. Uber was practically part of his foreplay in life.  How the fuck did he end up in miami grabing her waist while Ariana Grande scerenaded them by fucking moonlight? He didn’t do this. He didn’t grab hips if he wasn’t fucking. He didn’t tell a woman he’d rather sleep then have sex with them. He needed to end this. And fast.
However . . . she was still asleep. And the sun was still just coming up. So what was really the harm in lying there a little longer? He pressed his arm back over her waist, thumb rubbing smoothly into the skin of her tummy. He’d get up in just a minute, would end it in just a minute. For sure.
*three days later*
“I will be back in less than a week.” She says.
“It will be over in no time.” She says.
“Stop fucking biting my thighs while I’m answering work emails!” She says.
After a break full of rushing her off to different rooms with locks on them in the venues so he could get his head between her thighs, it was finally over. His dad had finally called to ask why the hell his new Director of Talent Management was nowhere to be fucking found. It was time for him to leave, which meant days before he would see her again. Which was fine. Totally fine.
“So hear me out,” He argued as they drove to the final venue, he’d get to see her out. “I just think maybe Tianna should be taking me into account when she’s making your schedule. That’s all.”
She snorted. “I am not going to ask that woman to schedule dick appointments for you.”
“They’re not for just me! I’m thinking of you here too. Had I not taken off from my busy schedule to come to Miami, you might have actually combusted.”
“Women can go longer than twelve hours without sex Shawn. It’s yall who act like the world will explode if somebody doesn’t touch your dick for two seconds.”
He rolled his eyes at her. “I’m just saying it might be nice to know that you’re gonna be gone for weeks on end, ya know?”
She peered over at him from her phone where she’d been working away. She seemed to work harder and longer than anyone he’d ever met. Even more than his dad, which is explained why he couldn’t stand her.
“You could always...hook up with someone else while I’m away.” She said.
Her eyes are curious, watchful. There’s something behind the question that she’s asking, but he doesn’t know that on account of him being stupid. All he knew was that women didn’t just offer up the opportunity to sleep with other people. Even his past hook ups grew easily attached. It was his main reason for never repeating. Who was this woman?
“What makes you think I’m not, already?” He asked trying to match her eye contact.
She bit her lip. “The fact that you’re here right now.”
“Are you...hooking up with other people?”
“What if I was?”
He broke his gaze, not having it in him to keep staring at her. She was definitely stronger than him there.
“Whatever. Wouldn’t matter. ‘Snot like we’re together.”
She nodded. “Exactly.”
“Yea, exactly.”
The rest of the ride is silent. She was getting dropped off at her venue to continue on with Ariana through the rest of the week. He was heading back for NYC to get back to work. It would be a few more days before she flew back home. But, that was alright. He could wholeheartedly find other things to fill out his day. He didn’t need her at all.
The car pulls up to the arena and she pauses before she exits the car. She looks back at him like she’s waiting for something, like she expects him to say anything else. He doesn’t know what to say, just completely goes blank under her stare. She smiles at him.
“Goodbye, Shawn.”
“Bye, y/n.”
Permanent taglist 
@simpledomain @liliane106 @thecurlsofgod @kamahriii @sinplisticshawn @lifeoftheparty74 @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @september-lace @valedictorian65 
@disaster-rose @sinplisticshawn @kamahriii @thecurlsofgod @lifeoftheparty74
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@moonlightmendes22  @iloveshawnieboi @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsblue @cottoncandyshawn
@claredolphinbear24 @peterbrokenparker @shawnase @blackharry @shawnwyr @speakingofmari @moniehp 
253 notes · View notes
eddiesasspbrak · 5 years
When I’m With You Ch. 11
Eddie can’t stand the barista at his favorite coffee shop. Richie has fallen in love with the man he sees twice a week. Stan is dating someone but won’t let his friends meet them. Ben is in love with Beverly, but is so afraid of scaring her away he’s not moving forward. Chaotic friends navigating college together. 
(unedited chapter)
Ch. 1
Ch. 12
Read on AO3
5k+ words
Eddie woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of low music coming from his kitchen. He sat up on the couch, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The blanket fell to his lap and all at once Eddi remembered why he was sleeping there. He and Richie must have fallen asleep while watching movies the night before. Not a terrible way to end the day, though Eddie was bound to have some back and neck pain from sleeping on the couch again.
Stretching, he stood from the couch and headed to the kitchen entrance. Richie was at the stove, cooking, music coming from his phone on the counter beside him. Eddie leaned against the door frame and watched him for a second, a smile on his face. No one had ever cooked breakfast for him before, besides his mother of course. The thought caused his chest to tighten and swell.
He crossed the room to Richie, leaning his hip against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest. Richie took his eyes away from the pan of bacon for a second to smile at him. His curls were messier than usual, a few rogue strands falling in front of his eyes.
“Morning.” He leaned down to kiss Eddie, but he stopped him with a hand over his mouth.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
“Doesn’t bother me.”
“It’s gross.” He crinkled his nose.
“I don’t think anything about you could possibly be gross.”
Flustered, Eddie quickly changed the subject. “You really want to attempt cooking again after the spaghetti fiasco?”
“That spaghetti was still mostly edible.” Richie chuckled. “Breakfast food is actually something I’m good at. I ran to my apartment earlier and grabbed a few things. Your fridge is surprisingly scarce. How do you take your eggs?”
“Over easy and I order out a lot. As you saw, I’m not the best cook even with the easy things.”
“I cook most nights. You can start eating dinner with me.”
Eddie’s smile grew partially from the thought of having dinner with Richie every night, and partially because a bit of grease popped up on his fingers and he let out a string of curses. He was still grinning when he turned to Eddie and held up his middle finger. Both to flip him off and to show where the grease had landed, making his skin red.
“Kiss it better?” Richie asked.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but grabbed his hand anyway, bringing it to his lips. Richie took that moment to swoop in and press a kiss to his mouth, ducking away before Eddie could react. He stared at him wide eyed, having not expected that sneak attack.
“You should really brush your teeth.” Richie chuckled.
“Go fuck yourself.” Eddie said, smacking his hand away. Another pop of grease landed on Richie’s hand and when he looked to Eddie, all he said was, “You deserve it.”
Richie informed Eddie that he had the day off as they ate, and they made plans to spend the day together. After breakfast and cleaning the dishes together, Richie returned to his apartment to shower and get ready while Eddie did the same in his own. He didn’t know what Richie had in mind, he refused to tell him, but he insisted they’d spend the entire day together as neither had anything else they needed to do.
When Eddie was finished getting ready, he headed down the hall to Richie’s. He still wasn’t comfortable with the mouse, that would take a long time, but he at least had to expose himself to his place. Richie had informed him that even Ben had held Penny. He agreed to work up to it. Baby steps. He knocked on the door feeling stupidly anxious. There was no reason to be. It was just an apartment. The apartment of his new boyfriend. In the same building. It probably looked identical to his own, though expected it to be a hell of a lot messier. He’d deal with that panic attack when he came to it.
A second later, Richie was opening the door, hair wet and smile in place. He stepped aside for Eddie to enter and he was pleasantly surprised. He’d prepared for chaos, but it really wasn’t that bad. Maybe a little disorganized but not terribly so. It would probably drive Stan crazy, but it wasn’t enough to set Eddie off. He had a serious lack of furniture though. There was a small table with two chairs pushed up against the windows, the sides folded down to make it smaller for space. On either wall across from it were standing shelves, scattered with books, pictures, plants and knickknacks. The TV was propped on top of an old wooden crate with what appeared to be a peach painted on the side, the words too faded to read. There was no couch, instead there were beanbags and a swinging chair hanging from the ceiling that Eddie didn’t think seemed safe.
Eddie compared it to his own apartment, which was largely furnished by his mother. When she’d cosigned on the apartment for him, she’d taken him to buy new furniture giving her opinion where it wasn’t wanted. Because of that, all of his things were new and nice, and his place was so clean. Meanwhile, Richie’s looked lived in. Eddie could easily see an older couple both in finance living in his apartment, only using it to sleep. Richie’s apartment felt warm, more like a home than a setup that a realtor put in place. It kind of made him feel embarrassed of his own place.
“Make yourself at home.” Richie said, closing the door and heading back toward, what Eddie assumed was, the bedroom.
Eddie didn’t trust the hanging chair and the thought of the beanbags kind of grossed him out, so he made his way to the table and pulled out one of the chairs. The table was partially covered in mail but otherwise clutter free. Eddie looked up at the shelf beside him and examined the pictures both in frames and just propped up against things. There were some with Bev, some with Bill and Mike. One had an older couple that he assumed were his parents. It was in the nicest frame on the shelf. It occurred to Eddie then that he didn’t have a single picture on display at his place and thought he should fix that. It’s not like he didn’t have pictures with friends. He even had some from high school with Stan and Ben tucked away somewhere.
There was a plant Eddie couldn’t identify on the top shelf, tendrils hanging down and twisting around the metal sides of the shelves. It looked well cared for. A small cactus sat on a lower shelf in a small terracotta pot with flowers painted in different colors around the top. Across on the other shelf, was one of those little glass and stone fountains where the water fell like rain inside. Next to it was a small bonsai tree, though Eddie couldn’t tell if it was real or fake. Part of him wanted to explore the apartment, see what the rest of it looked like, but he’d have to wait until his next visit.
Richie emerged from the hallway, hair slightly dryer and shoes on. Eddie watched him move about the room and realized that he liked seeing him in his own environment. He’d seen him at the café, at bars, at his own place but this place was so very Richie. Eddie weirdly felt like he was getting a peak into Richie’s life. He’d told him a bit about himself already, but Richie hadn’t really spoken about himself much. He moved getting to know more about him to the top of his to do list. Now that he wasn’t denying his feelings anymore, he wanted to know everything he could about the man he was infatuated with.
“Ready to go?” Richie asked, turning to Eddie as he put his coat on.
Eddie stood and followed Richie out the door, waiting for him to lock up. Richie wasted no time before grabbing hold of his hand heading down the hall to the elevator. Eddie didn’t mind. He thought it was cute that he wanted to hold his hand while they walked. Plus, he liked it. Liked being wanted, that he wanted to touch him in any small way. Show strangers that they passed on the streets that they were together. Eddie felt silly for feeling that way, but he couldn’t help it. He’d always wanted to feel that way with someone.
“So, where are we going?” Eddie asked as they exited the building onto the street.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Why does that make me not want to trust you?”
“You offend me, Eds. I promise you’ll have fun.”
“Yea, still don’t trust you.”
Richie laughed and briefly tightened his fingers around Eddie’s hand. “I’ll make you a deal, if you have fun then you have to trust me from now on, but if you hate it, I’ll let you plan all our dates from here on out.”
“So, this is a date then?” Eddie asked, feeling just a little smug.
“Our third I believe.”
“Second and a half. The first one didn’t start as a date.”
“Fine then. Two and a half dates in one week must be some kind of record though.”
“I think Ben and Bev probably hold the record. They’ve spent like every day together since last weekend.”
“Unfair advantage, they’ve been dating longer than we have.”
“Though you kissed me before they got together though.”
Eddie laughed and bumped his arm against Richie’s. It baffled him how he used to find his wit annoying. That felt worlds away now and Eddie was glad he’d moved past it. It was funny, really, how your entire outlook changes when you fall for someone. He was still annoying, for sure. Eddie just found it cute and charming now. He was making himself sick just thinking about it, he couldn’t imagine how a third party would react to his inner monologue about Richie. It was like Ben whenever he talked about Bev. He would be annoyed with himself.
When Richie came to a dead stop, Eddie didn’t notice until his hand was pulled back. He looked back at Richie, who was looking up at the building before them. Eddie turned to the building, a big block of a building with no windows and blackout glass doors. Above the doors was an obnoxiously bright orange sign.
“Ladies and the Tramps?” Eddie read the sign before eyeing Richie quizzically.
“Where the hell did you take me? Some sex club based around cartoon dogs?”
Richie laughed, pulling Eddie toward him until he could grab his other hand as well. “Only the best for my Spaghetti.” He said before leaning in for a drawn-out kiss, making Eddie forget for a second where they were.
“Where are we really?” Eddie asked after breaking away from the kiss.
“An indoor trampoline park. Not as much fun as a sex club, but pretty close. It’s owned by this awesome couple and their daughter works here too. Hence whole ‘Ladies and the Tramps’ thing.”
“What the hell is an indoor trampoline park?”
“Come on.” Richie released one hand and dragged Eddie with the other toward the double doors.
The inside was just as brightly colored as the sign, only this was done in a rainbow of practically neon colors that hurt Eddie’s eyes. To one side was a wall of tiny lockers as well as some larger ones near the end. The other side of the room had a desk with a bored looking teenager staring down at her phone. She looked tired.
“Hey Jen, slow today?” Richie asked as they approached the counter.
“So far. No one comes in this early. Except for you. Freak.” She grinned, perking up considerably.
“Is that anyway to speak to your favorite customer?”
“You’re hardly my favorite. Who’s the new guy?” She looked Eddie over with a critical eye and he suddenly felt exposed for some reason.
“Just some hot tail I scored.” Richie winked at Eddie and he hated him for it.
“Fuck you it’s barely been five days. I can still back out.” Eddie said, attempting to pull his hand free. Richie refused to let go and after a second, Eddie gave up. He didn’t really want to let go anyway.
“Boyfriend?” Jen asked.
“Best one yet.” Richie tugged on Eddie’s hand, making him take a step closer to his side. “Either of your moms around?”
“Yea, mama Rose is in the tramp room. Go on in. Shoes off.” She pulled a lock from beneath the desk and set it on the counter
Richie thanked her and grabbed the lock before pulling Eddie toward the lockers. He followed Richie’s lead and took his shoes off, stacking them on top of his in the small locker. They also added their wallets, keys and phones. Anything that could potentially be dropped and lost beneath the trampolines or in the foam pits. Richie reassured him that Jen had all the keys kept safe and the front room was never left unattended. Despite what he’d said earlier, he really did trust him, so he piled all of his things inside the tiny locker and watched him lock it up tight. Their coats were hung on one of the hooks hanging on the wall near the counter.
Reclaiming Eddie’s hand, Richie headed through a second set of double doors. Eddie didn’t know what he had been expecting but it wasn’t…this. The entrance and surrounding most of the center, was foam flooring. Beyond that was a set of stairs leading up to endless trampolines in different shapes and sizes all fit together like a puzzle. There were two pits fill of foam cubes off to the two sides with platforms and a rope hanging from the ceiling.
“Ever been on a trampoline?” Richie asked, taking in his awed expression.
“Are you kidding? My mom would have had an aneurism.”
“Well mommy isn’t here.”
Eddie allowed himself to be pulled once more toward the trampolines, smiling. “Please don’t ever call her ‘mommy’ again.” He laughed.
Near the stairs was an older woman with a broom, sweeping up a small pile of dust and general debris that collected on floors. Richie waved as they approached and she grinned nice and wide at him.
“Rich, it’s been a while!” She said, pulling him into a quick hug.
“Hey Rosy. Things have been hectic with school and work. Not much time for anything else.” Richie sighed, looking up at the trampolines.
“Except dating?” She asked, giving Eddie the same once over her daughter had.
“He’s a special exception. Started as one of our regulars at the café. This is Eddie.”
Eddie felt his face warming and wondered if he was blushing. He hoped not. It just felt weird being talked about like that as if he weren’t there in front of them.
“Is that so? Well nice to meet you Eddie.” Eddie shyly returned the sentiment. “We’ve got a birthday renting the place at 5, but until then we’re open for anyone. You’ve got the place to your self for a while. Enjoy boys.”
With that, she took the broom and dustpan full of dirt and headed toward the double doors, leaving them alone in the large room. Everything echoed in there, the ceilings exceptionally high. Richie finally let go of Eddie’s hand as they climbed the short set of stairs up to the trampolines. He didn’t hesitate to step onto the bouncy woven nylon, but Eddie found himself a bit anxious. It was stupid. It was just something to bounce on and it was surrounded by foam. It was his mother’s voice in his head, and he shook it away when Richie reached his hand out. Eddie took his offered hand and stepped onto the surface of the trampoline.
It was a bit slippery in his socks, but not terribly so. Richie was grinning, watching Eddie’s face closely.
“You ready?” He asked, expectantly.
“It’s just…jumping right?” Eddie asked. Of course, it was. It’s not like he hadn’t seen others on a trampoline. He was just stupidly nervous.
Instead of answering, Richie began to bounce slightly, smiling like a dork with raised eyebrows. Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled as Richie began to jump, Eddie joining him a second later. Growing up, Eddie had always known that his mother was too overprotective. Controlling. She never let him have fun and had drilled it all into his head. It had taken so long to even start the process of clearing her voice from his head whenever he did something even slightly reckless. When he’d lost control for a bit, his first fear was that she would find out. It was always a fear. As long as he relied on her for anything, he would be afraid. He just had to make it through college without incident and then he’d be free.
In the meantime, he clutched at any little taste of freedom he could get. Being with Richie was freedom, ice skating was freedom, jumping on trampolines with him was freedom. It was enough for now.
Eddie watched Richie show off like a child and loved every second of it. He jumped until he was high enough to do flips and Eddie sat cross legged on the trampoline surface, never taking his eyes off of him. He tried to convince Eddie to give it a try, but Eddie was convinced he’d wipe out and didn’t want to embarrass himself. He promised to try when he was more comfortable with the trampolines in general.
However, Richie was able to convince him to try out the rope. He easily swung across to the platform on the other side, sending the rope back to Eddie. Despite his mother’s insistence that he was weak and fragile, gym class had always been a favorite of Eddie’s. He liked to run, and he was the first one in their class to reach the top of the rope in sixth grade. Holding the rope tightly between his hands, he pushed off the platform and jumped off the platform, wrapping his legs around the rope. He swung across, joining Richie on the other side.
“That was kind of hot.” Richie said, grabbing Eddie around the waist.
“Oh yea?” Eddie leaned in as if going for a kiss, but before their lips touched, he was shoving Richie backward, into the foam pit below. He followed him in, jumping from the platform.
“You tease!” Richie called from somewhere in the foam, struggling to get upright.
Eddie laughed, watching his efforts as he lounged comfortably amongst the foam. He wasn’t even thinking about how many kids probably peed in there. Well, not entirely anyway.
“Hey, how do you know the owners so well?” Eddie asked, taking the chance to ask while Richie was distracted.
“My first job when I moved out here.” He explained, making his way through the foam toward Eddie.
“You worked at ‘Ladies and the Tramp’?”
“I was an honorary lady. They took pity on me, I think. My family doesn’t have much, so I was pretty desperate for a job. I was hitting the pavement, familiarizing myself with the local businesses. They let me in for free when I told Rose I didn’t have any money. We talked about everything and I guess they liked me. Hired me on the spot.”
“Is that how you learned all those little flips?” Eddie asked, draping his arms around Richie’s shoulders when he got close enough.
“Jen taught me. She used to do gymnastics before she got bored of it and took to music instead. I’d help her with homework, and she’d show my flips.”
“You helped with homework? Did she fail?” Eddie grinned.
“I’ll have you know, I’m extremely smart. She passed algebra thanks to me.”
“Oh yea? Smart guys are pretty hot.”
Richie closed the remaining distance between them, smiling against his lips. His hands found their way to Eddie’s waist below the foam, pulling him flush against him. He pressed his tongue past Eddie’s lips and relished in the fact that he’d already become so comfortable kissing him. He didn’t hesitate to tangle his own tongue with Richie’s like he had before. Richie was vaguely aware that this wasn’t the place to get hot and heavy, but they were alone, and he just couldn’t resist. He wished he could take Eddie home and throw him on his bed, but he had to show impulse control until Eddie was ok with it. It was going to be a long, painful road as long as Eddie kept stirring up.
“Excuse me sir, there’s no kissing in the foam pit.” A voice from up above them on the platform brought them both back to reality quickly.
Eddie pushed Richie away from him as much as he could. They were both flushed, though if it was from the kiss or being caught, they weren’t sure. A different woman than before was looking down at them, a big smile on her face.
“Hey Kara.” Richie said, pushing his hair back with one hand, waving with the other.
“Richie. Having fun, I see.”
“Always have fun here.”
Richie headed to the edge of the foam pit, Eddie following behind him. Once at the edge, Richie lifted himself out, sitting on the wall, pulling Eddie hum a second later to join him.
“Kara, this is Eddie. Eddie, this Kara. Rose’s wife.” Richie introduced them.
“Hi.” Eddie only glanced up at her for a second, dropping his eyes again, ashamed.
“Hi Eddie. This is the first time I’ve caught Richie trying to cop a feel in the foam pit. You must be special.”
“Complete consensual, Kara. Eddie here can’t get enough of me.” Richie said, holding his hands up.
“Kill me now.” Eddie mumbled, falling back against the trampoline behind him.
Richie grinned and looked down at him, smoothing Eddie’s hair back with a hand. “Don’t be embarrassed because you love me, Eds. Kara is practically family.”
“Practically? Practically family doesn’t pay your first and last months rent so you can get an apartment.”
“I mean, Kara is like my second mother. I only wish that I was birthed from her loins.”
“That’s better.”
“Kara and Rose let me crash in the back room for a while when I worked here.” Richie explained. “They got sick of me hanging around all the time, so they helped me get my apartment. Cosigned and everything.”
Eddie sat back up and looked between them. He wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted to know more about Richie. He wanted to know everything. He worried he’d say the wrong thing and Richie would stop sharing so openly. It wouldn’t be the first time Eddie had said something without thinking and accidentally offended someone. He wasn’t exactly known for his social grace. He blamed his mom for trying to keep him for socializing with his peers as a kid.
“Does this mean you brought me to meet your family on our second and a half date?” Eddie asked, hoping that was an acceptable response.
Both of their smiles reassured him that it was ok and he visibly relaxed. Richie’s arm came around his shoulder, pulling him against his side.
“That’s exactly what this is.” Richie said.
After the experience at Ladies and the Tramps, Eddie felt light and happy. Kara and Rose treated them to pizza for lunch before they headed out. They seemed to have a bet going over who could embarrass Richie more. Jen won when she told Eddie about the time Richie had been showing off on the rope and managed to get his food tangled. He hung upside down for five minutes while Jen tried to calm her laughing enough to help him down. Eddie had laughed along with her and the story earned her an affectionate headlock from Richie. It was like being having lunch with his boyfriend’s family, and Eddie felt closer to Richie somehow.
They left with the intent of heading home. Richie said he had something he wanted to show him. Part of Eddie hoped that meant he could see more of his apartment. He wondered if he was getting a little obsessive with wanting to absorb as much as he could. It was the first time he wanted any of this. He’d had crushes before but never bad enough to want to know them the way he wanted to know Richie. It was like he’d made a home in a corner of his brain and wasn’t planning to leave. Eddie thought he might be ok with that.
The worst part about having Richie on his mind 24/7, even when walking beside him, was that he lost himself in his thoughts. If he’d been more observant of his surroundings, he might have seen the patch of ice on the sidewalk. He and Richie weren’t holding hands this time, so there was nothing to keep him from slipping when he stepped directly onto the small patch. His foot slid back, causing him to lose his footing and land directly on top of it. He didn’t fall too hard, putting his hands out in time to catch himself slightly. Still, the palms of his hands stung and from the pavement and rock salt peppering the street. Richie immediately stopped, turning to check on him.
“You ok?” He asked, offering a hand.
“Yea.” Eddie said, taking his hand and allowing himself to be pulled up. “What’s the point of salting if you’re going to miss spots?” Eddie grumbled.
“How’s your ass? Need me to kiss it better?” Richie grinned.
“Touch my ass and I’ll break your fingers.” Eddie did think he’d have a bruise the following day and the seat of his pants were uncomfortably wet now. When Eddie tried to walk again, a pain shot through his ankle and he grabbed onto Richie for support as he lifted it. “Fuck. Ok, maybe not as ok as I thought.” He winced.
“What’s wrong?”
“My ankle. I landed on it and twisted it weird. Dammit. I’ll be fine, I just need to sit for a second.”
Richie helped Eddie over to the nearby bus stop. He sighed once he was sat down, though he could have done without the wet pants now clinging to him soaking through to his briefs. Richie crouched in front of him and gently rolled up his pants leg to get a look at his ankle. Eddie leaned forward to see as well. It was already swelling and bruising.
“I think we should probably take you to the emergency room, Eds.” Richie said, looking up at him.
“No. It’s fine. I just need to ice it.”
“I don’t think so. It’s better to get it looked at. It could be broken, sprained at the very least.”
“Fuck.” Eddie sighed. “Fine but I can’t walk.”
Richie rolled his pants back down and stood, pulling his phone from his pocket. He sat with Eddie while they waited for their uber to arrive, helping him into the backseat when it did. The ride to the emergency room was silent, Eddie’s eyes focused on the streets passing by beyond his window. When they arrived, Richie asked the driver to hang out for a second while he ran in to get a wheelchair for Eddie. When he returned, he helped him from the car into the chair. Eddie felt stupid and being in the emergency room, in a wheelchair, brough back terrible memories of his mother.
Check in went easily, but Eddie was reluctant to give his insurance information. It was his mother’s plan and she’d know something happened. He wanted to pay out of pocket but couldn’t afford it even if he emptied the account his mom set up for him. The anxiety only grew from there, the wait to be called back excruciating. Richie kept in gentle contact with Eddie while they waited, offering what little comfort he could.
Richie pushed the wheelchair when they were finally called back. A nurse took his vitals and asked a few questions before leaving them to wait again. When the doctor entered, she introduced herself as “Dr. Lisa” and immediately sat in front of Eddie to check out his ankle. She rolled up his pants leg and carefully remove his shoe and sock, though it still hurt when she did. She moved it around, asking if it hurt from one position to the next. Eddie wince with each new movement, gripping the arm of the wheelchair tight.
“I don’t think it’s broken. A fracture or sprain are likely. I’ll have to get an x-ray to know for sure.” She said, standing and heading to the door. “Someone will be here soon to take you down.”
They sat in silence while they waited, Richie staying behind when they finally came to get him for the x-ray. They should be back at Richie’s apartment, relaxing and spending time together, not in the emergency room with an injured ankle. Eddie’s anxiety was only getting worse as he thought about what would happen if his mom knew he was injured badly enough to call for an x-ray. After the x-ray and even more silent waiting, Dr. Lisa finally returned to the room.
“It’s a sprain.” She said flatly. “I’ll set you up with a brace and some crutches. Just try to stay off of it for a few days, keep in elevated and take some ibuprofen if you have any discomfort.”
“We’ll do that.” Richie said, looking concerned at Eddie’s scared face.
“I’ll get the brace and you’re good to go.” She left them in the room for a moment and Richie turned all of his attention to Eddie.
“You ok?” He asked, unable to stay silent any longer.
“No. I’m not ok. I’m going to have to tell my mom what happened because it’s her fucking insurance and she’s going to go ballistic.” Eddie was breathing heavy, nearly hyperventilating, his fears overflowing at last.
“It was an accident. You weren’t being reckless, you slipped on ice.”
“Doesn’t matter. She’s insane. She could very realistically try to pull me out of college and make me move home over this. You don’t know what she’s like.”
“You don’t have to go. You’re an adult.”
“She pays my rent, she buys my food, she gives my spending money, she pays for my college! If I don’t go, she’ll take everything away so that I don’t have a choice!”
Richie cupped Eddie’s face between his hands and forced him to look at him. His eyes were soft, hoping to communicate comfort toward Eddie. “Hey, it’s ok. I won’t let her do that to you. Neither will the others. If she won’t pay for school, there’s loans, financial aid. It will be fine. You can move back to the dorms for a while, look for a job. We’ll take care of you, ok?”
Eddie’s eyes searched Richie’s face for a moment before he nodded, his breathing beginning to regulate again. He closed his eyes and leaned into Richie’s touch, allowing him to pull him forward into a hug. His forehead collided gently with Richie’s shoulder while his arms surrounded him, big and warm. Eddie felt calm coming over him slowly, bit by bit.
A moment later, the doctor returned with the brace and crutches. She helped Eddie put it on and showed them both how to remove it and put it back on without aggravating the sprain. She said her goodbyes and then left them again. Eddie grabbed his shoe and Richie pushed him toward the door. When all was done and they were finally free from the hospital, a good hour or so of their day lost, Eddie was calmer but felt sick still. It was like waiting for the bomb to drop.
They took another uber back to their building. Eddie felt awkward on the crutches, unstable on the moving elevator. Richie decided his thing could wait for another day and focused on getting Eddie onto his couch, foot propped up on cushions. He retrieved a glass of water and ibuprofen from the kitchen for him, sitting on the edge of the couch beside him.
“Best second and a half date ever, huh?” Eddie asked sarcastically before Richie could say anything.
“Would it be insensitive of me to bring up that fact that you didn’t get hurt ice skating on a huge rink, but managed to end up in the hospital from a tiny spot on the sidewalk?” He asked.
Eddie smiled, chuckling. “Extremely.”
“Alright, I won’t say it then.” Richie grabbed hold of Eddie’s hand bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to the red flesh of his palm. “Maybe it didn’t end like planned, but it started good, right?”
“I don’t know. The sprain sucks, my mom inevitably finding out about this suck, but I did get to see you all serious and take charge. So not terrible.”
“That’s what you’re into, huh?” Richie asked.
“The ibuprofen helps with the pain in my ankle, but not the pain your attempts at flirting cause.”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love it.”
Richie settled into the end of the couch as they agreed on a something to watch on TV, ignoring it to talk instead. Richie thought he wouldn’t mind if every date ended with them on Eddie’s couch.
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albapuella · 4 years
How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure (Chapter Two)
Fandom: Homestuck
Summary: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days AU Dave needs to win a bet; Karkat needs to write an article. Shenanigans ensue.
Tags: Humanstuck, alternate universe - no sburb session, POV switches galore, implied/referenced child abuse Author’s note: This story is the result of a jam session I did with aceAdoxography on the davekat thirst federation discord server. This one's a little out of my usual wheelhouse, but I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. New chapters every Saturday/Sunday. Didn’t bother with the formatting this time: You want the fancy formatting, go to AO3 :D
Day 1:
Despite his slacker appearance (and life-style, to be honest), Dave was always punctual. He'd even made an effort to look the part of a guy going on a date with another guy: jeans with only a few holes at the knees, his favorite record shirt, and a red hoodie—all freshly cleaned. So freshly cleaned that the sweater was still very slightly damp. Well, whatever, it'd be fine. They were having dinner first, and that meant he'd have plenty of time for the thing to dry out before they went to the movies where the main thrust of Dave's doki-doki plan would commence.
Karkat arrived a few minutes later. He wasn't dressed to the nines, but it was at least to the sevens. It occurred to Dave, as he watched him approach, that he hadn't known how tall Karkat was. The answer was slightly shorter than Dave but with a more solid build. Stocky. Or maybe that was just the black sweater he was wearing. Then again, his legs looked pretty solid in the black pants he was wearing, too. Either way, he looked good.
Dave gave him an appreciative whistle which made Karkat's eyes narrow. Not the reaction he'd wanted. “Looking good, Karkat,” he said quickly, hoping to smooth over any feathers he might have inadvertently ruffled. “I'm digging the whole sexy college professor thing you've got going.”
“Uh, thanks,” Karkat said with evident disbelief. “You, uh, you look good, too.” He straightened up. “You said we were doing dinner first.”
“Yep.” Dave held out his arm. “I’m taking you to my favorite place. A lot of people think it’s wack, but I’m buying, so if you really don’t like it, at least it didn’t cost you anything.” When his date didn't immediately take his offered arm, he shook it invitingly. “It's not too far from here.”
Karkat looked from Dave's arm to Dave, suspicious. Then he sighed and laid his hand on Dave's arm, his hold tighter than Dave had expected it to be considering his earlier hesitation. “Okay. Fine. Sounds great. Let's go.”
The first thing Karkat noticed when he took Dave's arm was that his sleeve was damp. Then he noticed the feeling of the arm beneath his fingers. Despite looking thin enough to break, there was some muscle here. As they walked to what was apparently Dave’s favorite restaurant, Dave just kept talking. If Karkat had been offered a thousand dollars, he doubted he could have remembered any specific details of the inanity he'd been subjected to. A nervous talker. He'd have to put that down in his notes.
Dinner went much the same. Dave talked at him while Karkat sat there trying to eat his food (overpriced, faux Italian—of all the places Dave could have chosen, he'd picked a fucking Olive Garden? That was going in his notes, too.). In all honesty, Karkat tried not to pay too much attention to what was being said. First, he'd already determined that most of what came out of this man's mouth was completely meaningless nonsense, and second, if he actually listened to any of it, he'd be hard pressed not to respond to the idiocy. While Dave had no evident compunction about swearing, Karkat wanted to get through at least this first date without screaming.
All right, so that was an exaggeration. Some of what Dave said was actually pretty funny. In a hopelessly awkward sort of way. Karkat hated that Dave's clumsy compliments were making him blush. Clearly, the man had brain damage... which also explained the rapping that Dave kept doing (completely unprovoked!). By the time dinner was over, Karkat was only too grateful that their next destination meant that Dave would have to stop talking.
Since Dave had picked the restaurant, Karkat had picked the movie. Some romantic comedy chick flick Dave couldn't be bothered to remember the title of. Still, it gave him an opportunity to sit right tight next to Karkat and eat his weight in popped, buttery goodness, so he really couldn't complain.
“What’s the deal with that dude?” Dave whispered. “I thought he was already tight with that other chick. What gives? Is he cheating on her?”
Karkat made a noise like a cat being stepped on but softer. “Dave,” he whispered back, his tone full of the same sing-songy patient impatience that Rose would use when she thought Dave was being particularly dim, “if you were paying attention, you'd already know that that 'dude' is that 'other chick's' cousin. They are probably not romantically involved. I know you're from Texas, but that's not how it works above the Mason Dixon line.” Then he ducked his head and took a long drink from his soda. “Sorry. Just-just watch the movie and be quiet.”
Dave blinked. He'd been starting to think Karkat wasn't going to open up at all. At least, he'd had fuck all to say during dinner. Even if it had been an incest joke at his expense, it still was nice to hear Karkat say something. Something that wasn't just non-committal noises or unenthusiastic agreements. He leaned against Karkat's shoulder to whisper, “It's not true, you know. About Texas. We don't fuck our cousins; I mean, we do, but not first cousins. We're strictly second cousins only. It's a rule. Of course, none of my second cousins are as hot as you, so I'd be willing to make an exception. Just this once.”
This earned him a light elbowing to the gut and a low growl, but Karkat didn't push him off.
By the end of the movie, Dave had gotten five more elbows to the gut, three startled bursts of laughter, two creative insults (quickly joined by muttered apologies), and one “Will you please just let me watch this movie?” Over all, Dave felt like he'd succeeded in charming the hell out of this motherfucker, thank you very much.
They'd walked out into the open air, a nice breeze whisking away the smell of popcorn and sweat from the movie theater. “I had a lot of fun, Karkat. Thanks for coming on this date with me. Do you think we could do this again sometime?”
Karkat blinked at him, a clear look of surprise on his face. “Oh, uh, sure.” He shook his head. “I mean, yes, I'd love to go on another date with you.”
Dave's heart leapt. “Awesome. You can hit me up on Pesterchum. Or I can hit you up. How about I hit you up?”
“Fine, that's... that's fine.” Karkat's smile seemed uneven. “I'll be looking forward to it.”
Although Dave was tempted to try for a kiss, he didn't think he ought to press his luck so far on the first date. Karkat had loosened up some while they'd been in the theater, but out here under the streetlight, he looked nervous again. The last thing Dave wanted to do was chase him away. “Okay then. I guess I'll see you later?”
A slow nod. “Yeah, later.” Karkat was stilted and contained again. Restricted, like a hermit crab stuck in a shell that was too tight. It wouldn't do. It wouldn't do at all. Dave had caught a few glimpses of the real Karkat tonight, and the sight made him hungry to see more.
Dave watched him walk away, admiring the view with a new goal in mind: he was going to get Karkat Vantas out of his shell if it was the last thing he did. Getting to rub him in Rose’s face at her wedding was only going to be a bonus.
* Never shuts up. Not even during movies. Especially during movies. Attention span of a gnat. From Texas. Doesn't know how to use a dryer. Finds me attractive. Probable brain damage. Funny. Charming. Obnoxious. Never takes off sunglasses. Olive Garden.
Karkat sighed and set down his pen. He'd tried his best to be as cordial as he knew how to be, and he still hadn't managed to last for the entire four hours without insulting his date. Multiple times. Oh well. At least Dave was apparently brain damaged enough to find rudeness terribly amusing (if the way he'd kept bugging Karkat during the movie had been any indication).
He'd been surprised when Dave had actually asked if they could go on another date. Karkat knew he hadn't made the best impression, and yet Dave wanted to spend more time with him? He looked over his notes, trying to ignore the surge of happiness that filled him at the thought. It didn't mean anything: Dave was clearly an idiot, and after a few more days, Karkat was going to start on the offensive. Whatever meager promise there would have been in this fledgling romance, it was still doomed from the start: like all of Karkat's relationships.
Day 2:
It was all Dave could do to wait until the next day to pester Karkat. He didn't want to come off as too eager, after all. Didn't want to put Karkat off. But Dave was only so strong.
TG: so i was thinking TG: if youre not busy TG: we could go to the park this afternoon TG: watch the grifters and maybe get robbed TG: or you could come to my place and hang TG: is it too soon to do that? TG: asking for a friend TG: this is dave by the way TG: i dont know how many people youre talking to TG: not that its any of my business TG: i wouldnt want you up in my grill asking me who im talking to CG: IT IS SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING ON SUNDAY. TG: yea and youre up anyway CG: BECAUSE YOU WOKE ME UP. WITH YOUR TEXTS. THAT YOU SENT JUST NOW. TG: oh shit sorry CG: IT'S FINE. I NEEDED TO GET UP ANYWAY. CG: YOU WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME? WHY?
Dave frowned down at his phone. Was Karkat fishing for compliments or was he being serious?
TG: because its fun to hang out with you TG: thats how this works right? TG: i thought we could watch another movie TG: at my place TG: or your place i guess if that works better for you TG: ive got popcorn if that sweetens the deal at all CG: YES. BECAUSE THE WAY TO MY HEART IS MICROWAVED POPCORN. TG: fucking called it CG: … CG: FINE. I'LL MEET YOU AT THE PARK AT 2:30PM. IS THAT ACCEPTABLE? TG: perfect ill meet you by the giant yo CG: YOU MEAN THE OY/YO. TG: tomatoes tomotoes karkat
Dave watched the little “CG is typing” message run for almost a minute, feeling his nervousness grow. What had he said that required a novel length response? He managed to reign in the impulse to apologize preemptively, but it was a struggle.
He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Fine, good then. Nothing was wrong.
TG: im looking forward to it TG: its not hard to intuit TG: when we come out to debut TG: sit by the yo then well go round TG: downtown get the lowdown TG: before we get busy in the hissie TG: partake of the fizzie cause we got a duty TG: to watch the fuck out of this movie CG: RIGHT. SEE YOU THEN. BYE.
Dave shrugged. He couldn't expect Karkat to really appreciate his off the cuff rhymes so soon after waking up, he supposed. Maybe they'd land better later. Flat reception or not, the important thing was he'd gotten Karkat to agree to come to his apartment. He looked around, frowning. Maybe he should clean up a little.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Karkat tossed his phone on the bedside table with a groan. It had been all that he could do not to curse out Dave like there would never be a tomorrow. Considering the fact that he was currently planning to go to the apartment of a practical stranger, that much might just be true for him. He lay in bed a little longer, out of spite mostly—he could never get back to sleep after being woken up—, before getting out from under the covers. First things first: notes.
* Inconsiderate asshole. Horrible rapper. Calls the OY/YO “the YO”. Doesn't know the right way to express “tomatoes, tomahtos”. Wants to spend time with me. Insane. We have that much in common.
Thanks to Dave's wake-up call, Karkat had plenty of time to eat a hearty breakfast and start his article.
“How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure” BY KARKAT VANTAS
Since you have decided to read this article, I will assume that you are looking to learn the art of ruining your relationships without the mess of all that trial and error. Maybe you enjoy breaking hearts. Maybe you are the kind of masochist who enjoys getting their heart broken but is at a loss as to how to properly sabotage your relationship yourself. If you can manage to follow these simple steps, you will be well on your way to the same bitter loneliness that usually only the most unlucky in love get the privilege to experience. 
The first step is the victim. For the purposes of this article, I picked one that is particularly obnoxious and brain dead. You may have different qualities you are looking for in a potential short-term partner. Ultimately, the most important thing to consider when you plan to lose a guy (or gal or enby) is that you make certain they are one you do not mind losing. That way you can start the process without any regrets.
The second step is the hook. Laugh at their dumb jokes; accept their stupid compliments; ignore their mangling of the English language (in my case, his horrible rapping); and generally be as agreeable as you can manage. A severe lack of intelligence in your short-term partner can be a boon here, though you will find most people are not immune to flattery. You need to make certain that you have your short-term partner well and truly interested in you before you attempt to lose them. If you try to lose them too soon, you will miss out on the full relationship ruining experience.
A little too informal, maybe, but a fine start. Depending on how well this afternoon went (assuming he wasn't murdered and stuffed in a closet), maybe Karkat would be able to start on step three. He was able to stomp down his nascent guilt with ease. After all, Dave wouldn't have been interested in him after the novelty wore off anyway.
The afternoon was a little warmer than the evening had been, but Dave still wore his hoodie. It felt lucky, and it was still clean. More the latter than the former, but the point stood! He sat down on the bench next to the giant yellow YO installation and waited. While it was tempting to shoot a message to Karkat, he decided against it. He’d be seeing him in less than ten minutes, and he didn’t want him to think he was clingy. Which he wasn’t. Totally not. Dave Strider had never clung his whole life. Ask anyone. Except Jade. Don’t ask her. 
He noticed his leg was bouncing and put a stop to that noise. He was a cool operator. He had this thing on lock. The date yesterday had gone good, right? Karkat wouldn’t have agreed to see him again if he’d had a terrible time. He pushed back his hood and ran a hand through his hair. Nothing to worry about. He’d have a date for Rose’s wedding and continue sorting out the mystery that was Karkat Vantas.
Dave heard the crunch of gravel and looked over to see Karkat approaching. Another sweater combo, but gray this time. The guy had a style he preferred, clearly. It was fine: he looked great. He stood and closed the distance between them. “Hey, Karkat.”
“Hey,” Karkat returned, frowning. Of course, that seemed to be his default expression. “I brought a movie to watch,” he said gruffly. 
Although Dave had been hoping he’d be able to pick the movie this time, he wasn’t too cut up about it. It might be a little early in the relationship to bring out The Room anyway. He wouldn’t know. “Sounds great. My place isn’t too far from here.” He held his arm out. “Shall we?”
Again, Karkat regarded his arm with suspicion. “Why do you do this?”
“Do what?”
Karkat opened his mouth before seeming to think better of whatever he’d planned to say. “Never mind.” He took Dave’s arm. “Let’s get going.”
As they walked to his apartment, Dave tried to keep the conversation flowing, but Karkat’s subdued responses quickly killed his enthusiasm. “I feel like I’m talking too much,” he said finally. 
Karkat mumbled something which sounded suspiciously like “You think?” before he shook his head. “No, of course not. I’m just a little too tired to, uh, participate, that’s all.”
Dave winced at the reminder of his first faux pas of the day. “No problem, dude. I got us covered. I got words for days.”
“Months even,” Karkat added before ducking his head. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have--”
Nudging Karkat’s side, Dave laughed. “Nah, man it’s true. I’ve got words for fucking years.”
Karkat smiled slightly. “Decades.”
“Until the next motherfucking epoch, I’ve got words, Karkat. So many words. All the words even.”
Karkat snorted, covering his face with his free hand. “Damn it, Dave. Stop making yourself likeable.”
“I think that’s the point of this whole thing,” Dave pointed out reasonably. “Dating, I mean. It’s not like the old days where your dad and my dad decide if you’re worth enough chickens to trade me for, you know. These days I get to decide for myself how many chickens I want to be traded for.” He gave Karkat a mock critical eye. “How about it, Karkat? How many chickens could I get for you?”
“I don’t know,” Karkat said, his mock serious tone almost too close to a serious tone for Dave’s comfort. “Let me look in my pocket.” He made a show of staring down at the pocket containing his free hand before sliding the hand out and flipping Dave the bird. “Is this enough for you?”
Dave laughed. “I’m sorry, Karkat. You must have at least five chickens to ride this ride.” He felt his face flush but pushed onward. “I guess you’ll have to settle for a movie, and maybe some pizza.”
Karkat was grinning, and Dave decided right then and there that he wanted to keep seeing it. “Maybe next time.” As though to intentionally spite him, Karkat frowned again. “Are we almost there?”
“Yeah, man, just a little further.” As they continued their journey to his apartment, Dave felt himself frown. What was Karkat’s deal? He was a lot more fun when he let himself be himself. Dave didn’t like meanness for meanness sake, but he enjoyed a good joke. For some reason, Karkat seemed to think he shouldn’t joke around? Why? His frown deepened. Karkat also apologized a lot. And he was so often deferential even when it was obvious he had OPINIONS he wasn’t sharing. The pieces were adding up to a disturbing picture. 
Maybe after he was done hanging out with Karkat today, he should hit up Rose. She’d know what to do.
Karkat’s expectations for Dave’s apartment had been fairly low, and he’d been pleasantly surprised. While not as meticulous as his own apartment, there at least weren’t empty food containers on every surface or dirty clothes everywhere. There was an overall shabbiness though: the feeling that the occupant didn’t care overly much about the apartment’s upkeep. The futon in front of the television was ancient and threadbare as were the carpets. The posters hung on the walls were dusty and faded, and there was a sort of mildewy smell. Still, as previously mentioned it was clean (more or less), and there were no obvious signs of a hidden murder dungeon (not that there would be if there were one, naturally). 
“Nice place,” he said for politeness’ sake. 
Dave beamed like a little boy who’d gotten just what he’d wanted for Christmas. “Thanks. It’s not much, but it keeps the rain off.” He gestured towards the futon. “Make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink? I’ve got apple juice. And water from the tap, I guess. I could go pick up some beer if you want to go that route, or--”
Karkat held up his hand, hoping to stem the tide of suggestions. “Water’s fine, thank you.”
“You’ve got it,” Dave said before tilting his head and making twin awkward gestures with both hands involving his pointer fingers. “I’ll be back in a flash.”
It wasn’t until after he’d disappeared into, presumably, the kitchen that Karkat realized he’d been making finger guns. What a dork. Not that Karkat was any more suave, but he liked to think he was at least less childish. He tried to supplant the rush of fondness he felt by recalling just how pissed he’d been with this manchild this morning. It was not one hundred percent successful.
Dave returned with two glasses: water for Karkat, and apple juice for himself. “Take a seat,” he insisted as he set the glasses on the coffee table (sans coasters). “It won’t bite.”
Gingerly, Karkat took a seat on the ancient futon. The padding was so thin, he could feel the bars beneath. It was going to take a while to become unbearable, and he hoped this hang out? date? didn’t last long enough for that to happen. Just as he’d been about to reach for the water, suddenly uncertain whether he actually ought to drink anything Dave gave him, Dave flopped down onto the futon beside him like a sack of gangly flour. “Dave!”
“S’up?” Dave asked, grinning. 
“Don’t ‘s’up’ me--,” Karkat managed to stop himself from calling Dave an asshole, but only just. “Just don’t ‘s’up’ me. Speak like a normal person.” He realized he was making a mistake as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “Sorry, I--”
“Dude,” Dave said, his grin dropping away, “Karkat, you don’t have to apologise for every kind of mean thing you say. I’m a big boy: I can take it.” 
Karkat supposed he shouldn’t be surprised: he’d never been good at pretending to be a good person. If he could have managed that feat for any length of time, he wouldn’t be in this position. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as dryly as he could. 
“I’m serious.” Dave sat up and turned to face Karkat head on, and Karkat saw his own annoyed expression mirrored in the black lenses. “I haven’t known you very long, and maybe I shouldn’t say anything, but--”
“You’re right,” Karkat interrupted, feeling his tenuous hold on his temper slipping. “You shouldn’t say anything.” After taking a moment to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything he didn’t mean to, he spoke again. “Let’s just watch the movie and eat some microwaved popcorn. Does that sound like something we could do? Or would you like to keep pretending you have some deep insights into my character as though we’ve known each other longer than three days?”
Dave raised his hands, and Karkat realized he’d sounded far more aggressive than the situation warranted. At this rate, he wouldn’t even get a chance to lose this asshole! Nice job, Vantas: stellar work. “No, you’re right. I’ll step off.” Dave said softly. He got off of the futon with far more grace than he’d flopped onto it with. “You just put the movie in, and I’ll, uh, I’ll make the popcorn.”
Karkat watched him go before putting his head in his hands. Well, fuck. As though this whole situation hadn’t been awkward before. He should just leave. Just leave, forget about his stupid article, and stop dragging this stupidly likeable idiot down with him. He should. 
He stayed where he was. 
Dave took maybe longer than he absolutely needed to to prepare the popcorn. As much as he liked to consider himself a smooth operator, he could tell when he’d made a mistake, and he wanted to give the guy in the other room a chance to cool down. What made it made it worse was that Karkat had been right to get mad at him: Dave barely knew him. In his place, Dave would probably be pissed, too. 
Even so, Dave didn’t think he was wrong about the conclusions he’d come to. It was obvious that Karkat was, for whatever reason, putting on a show for Dave’s sake. Honestly, it was kind of creepy. If he understood why Karkat felt the need to do that, he’d feel better about it.
But it wasn’t his business. Not yet. Maybe you had to reach a certain level on the boyfriend echeladder before that kind of thing was something you talked about. It would probably help if they were actually boyfriends and not just newly dating, too. There seemed to be at least one obvious solution to that problem.
Dave could be patient. After all, he still had eleven days or so to get Karkat to at least like him enough to be his plus one at Rose’s wedding. It wasn’t all he wanted anymore, but it'd be enough to start with. As Rose had so often told him, start with small goals. 
He poured an obscene amount of butter over the popcorn in the bowl and headed out to the living room. Karkat was bent over, fiddling with the DVD player, and when he looked up at Dave, his mouth was curved somewhat upwards. “What movie do you have for us?”
Karkat stood. “Coming to America.” He made his way back to the futon and sat down as though worried he might fall through if he sat down too quickly. “It’s more comedy than romantic, so I thought you might enjoy it more.”
That sounded vaguely familiar. “Okay.” Dave joined him on the futon, taking care not to startle him this time. “Let’s get this party started.”
Karkat had hoped bringing a comedy would hold Dave’s attention enough to keep him from talking through the whole thing. He’d been mistaken. Yes, a lot of what Dave said was funny, but it just never fucking stopped. Finally, Karkat couldn’t take it anymore.
He grabbed the remote and paused the movie. Then he very deliberately set the remote back down. “I want you to listen to me, Dave. Are you listening?”
Dave looked confused, but he nodded. “Yeah, I’m listening. Do you have something you want to tell me? I’m all ears. Lay it on me.”
God, he couldn’t even listen without rambling! “Would it kill you to shut up?” He saw Dave’s eyebrows peek over the tops of his glasses. A part of him told him to reconsider his current course of action, but naturally, Karkat could never abide by a piece of good advice. “Would it literally cause you to drop dead if you couldn’t expel your idiocy out of your mouth like a goddamned septic pipe full of half-formed metaphors and bullshit? Would your head explode? Can we try that experiment and see what happens?” Karkat felt his fingernails biting into his palms and realized he’d clenched his fists. “What do you say, Dave? Wait, I’ve changed my mind: don’t say anything. Let me bask in the gentle ethereal glow of silence for a moment. Can you do that for me, Dave? Can you let me bask? Will the endless flow of words finally cease?”
‘No’ was clearly the answer to that question since Dave was already opening his mouth. Then, to Karkat’s utter shock, he shut it again. His expression wasn’t ever easy to read with those douche shades he insisted on wearing all the time, but now it was completely closed off. Even the eyebrows had lowered back to their original position.
Silence stretched between them. 
Karkat felt sick to his stomach. Shit. Shit. He really just couldn’t do it, could he? Couldn’t pretend even for a few hours that he was a normal person. Well, so much for this experiment. Time to write off this little adventure. Was it worth even trying to apologise? Before he could decide, Dave made the decision for him. 
He was clapping. “Damn, just got owned,” he said, a wide grin splitting his face. “You owned me, Karkat. You should feel proud. Not everyone gets own this,” he gestured to himself. “I just hope you know what you’re getting into: I’m barely house trained.”
For an embarrassingly high number of seconds, all Karkat could do was blink. “You’re not mad?”
“Fuck no,” Dave said, still grinning. “I’m a big kid now. I’ve graduated from diapers all the way to pull ups. It takes more than a finely crafted, well-deserved take down to take me down.” The grin softened. “This is what I was trying to say before: I want to date you, not some weird super agreeable version of you. If you want to tell me off for talking too much, fucking go for it. You’ve got a way with insults--it’s a gift. Frankly, I’m insulted you’ve been keeping it to yourself.”
“There’s more where that comes from, asshole,” Karkat said before he could stop himself. To his amazement, Dave still seemed more amused than anything. A strange mixture of anger and fondness welled up inside him. “Stop grinning at me, and watch the fucking movie.” He picked up the remote and hesitated. “You don’t have to be silent,” he said, still feeling a little guilty over his earlier outburst, “just maybe less talking?”
Dave made a big show of running a zipper over his lips. Then he immediately ruined it by saying, “Scouts honor, Karkat. My word is bond. You can cash that shit at the bank.”
Karkat tried to picture Dave as a boy scout and failed. “Right.” He pressed play and the movie resumed. Of course, Dave still talked during the movie, but the sheer volume of words had slowed to a moderate stream rather than the full-bore blasting Karkat had been subjected to earlier. As he sat there on the futon, occasionally answering Dave’s stupid comments with barbs of his own, he felt warm in a way that was only nominally connected to the temperature of the arm he was leaning against. He felt… content.
Overall, Operation Hang Out had been a big success. It had been rocky in places, but again, overall, Dave felt like he’d hit his major mission objectives. A movie was watched, pizza was consumed, and Karkat finally, finally, did something other than apologise every time a hint of the person he’d met at the cafe had come through. He didn’t necessarily want to keep pissing Karkat off, but that bitch fit he’d thrown had been epic. 
Karkat wasn’t the kind of guy Dave had expected to find himself interested in. At least, he’d never thought he’d have a grumpy asshole kink. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed the more quiet parts of Karkat’s visit, too. It had felt nice to sit on the futon with someone leaning against his shoulder. Dave wasn’t a sap, no, not a suave guy like him, but he couldn’t deny he’d like to do it again some time. 
He considered texting Rose as he’d planned to earlier before deciding not to. After all, he’d managed the first crisis all on his own, and she might consider it cheating if he got her help. No, for now at least, this bird was flying solo.
* Clean apartment. Finger guns. Puts too much butter on popcorn. Also talks during movies outside theater setting. Likes getting insulted. Kink?  Wants to date the “real” me. Delusional. Comfortable arm. Had a nice time. Had acceptable time. Clothes in his shower??? 
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Sweater Weather Part Six
Alright everyone here is the final part to this fic, it’s pretty short as I didn’t quite like how I was going to end it originally and re-wrote it to better accomplish a semi-decent ending. Enjoy!
Pairings: Steve Rogers x PottsRelativeFem!Reader
Ratings/Warnings: 18+ (Not smut but just to cover my ass)
For everything from language, crude jokes, ADULT situations/impure thoughts, booze (because it’s pretty much a staple in my fics at this point.), arguments, and an extremely overprotective Tony Stark. Very little angst, as I try to keep most of my fics light humored. But of course there are some insecurities/unsure feelings, as well as sad feels from everything with endgame/ the decimation. Also dead parents.
Also AU in the fact NO ONE DIED during Endgame/Steve didn’t go back. Also as much as I adore Morgan Stark, she isn’t around yet. I didn’t know where this would fit timeline wise, so just ignore the timeline. Kay? Cool.
Words: 2,844
Summary: You’ve just moved to New York after a long 3 year stint travelling the world and helping with various charities, taking a new job with Stark Industries thanks to your cousin Pepper. A trip out to surprise Tony and The Avengers for the weekend turns from good to terrible when the a/c at the compound breaks. How will you beat the heat for the record breaking weekend?
It’s in Y/N Y/L/N format, any pictures, outfits, gifs, and marvel characters just assume I don’t own them. Also no Beta, as I don’t ever have one, so the mistakes and reader are all my own. Enjoy!
Part Six
When Pepper put two and two together about you and your Captain’s whereabouts she promptly sent you a text saying she would get Peter and Carol to help make dinner so you wouldn’t have to. You had quickly sent back a “Thank you!” before sneaking off with Steve to the showers to clean up, as well as have round four (and five) of the mattress mambo. Without the mattress. You were learning very quickly that super serum had plenty of upsides, and you were a fan of all of them.
You were snuggled into the very same satisfied Captain watching videos of your adventures over the past three years on your phone when a very obnoxious Sam and Bucky all but kicked in your door.
“Stop playing tickle-tail and come get some food!” Bucky held his hand over his and Sam’s eyes as they entered, and you were more than happy that Steve had talked you into putting on clothes.
“Yea! Stop playing Doctor!” Sam cut in, you reaching behind you to throw a well aimed pillow at them.
“Guys we have clothes on.” Your response was met with nervous chuckling as Bucky removed his hand, finding the two of you cuddling together quite a cute sight. You unwillingly untangled yourself from your blonde beau’s strong arms and stretched, standing from your bed and looking at the two friends. “Well? Lead the way!” You noticed their slightly wide eyes and faltered your steps. “What?”
“You might want to put on a sweater first Y/N.” Sam said pointedly, trying to avoid eye contact with some of the fresh marks Steve had left on your neck and shoulders. Your hands shot out to run across your skin, as if you could see them with your fingertips.
“How bad is it?!” You exclaimed, rushing to turn on your phone’s camera to get a better look.
“Looks like you lost a war with a vacuum cleaner.” Bucky shrugged, your face burning with the intensity of the sun as you zoomed in on your irritated skin, some of the marks already turning a dark purple shade. There weren’t that many, but the one on your neck was looking very prominent. You squeaked in anger, pushing your attacker hard in the chest as he went to stand, the action catching him unaware and sending him back on the bed with a loud thump.
“What the hell Rogers!? I told you no marks on my neck! I’m going to have to wear a scarf in the middle of August at my first day of work tomorrow!” Steve looked down at the ground embarrassed as he stood up again, Sam and Bucky snickering in the background.
“Sorry Doll, I got carried away…” He tried, smiling at you and forcing your resolve to melt upon contact. “You’re too delicious, I was weak…”
“Alright, we’re out of here.” Bucky made a face, stopping your boyfriend from finishing his statement. “Throw some ice on it for a few and cover it with some concealer and powder. We’ll get Pepper to light some candles and dim the lights so Captain not so successful Cockblock doesn’t see em.”
You quirked a brow at Bucky’s instructions, crossing arms over your chest. “And just how do you know these tricks Barnes?”
“Nat.” Was all the brunette said with a wink, dragging a rightly puzzled Wilson out of the room. You shook your head as the new information sunk in, walking over to the cooler and pulling out some ice to hold on your neck, not missing Steve’s darkening eyes as he stepped towards you.
“Ooooh no, don’t look at me like that. You need to get out of here and into the dining room before Tony comes looking for us.” You jokingly pushed him as he looped his fingers into the waistband of your shorts, pulling you to him as he ghosted your tank top clad shoulders with his lips.
“Can’t help it, that ice cube gave me ideas…” He chuckled darkly as you shivered, squirming out of his grasp and mock glaring at him.
“Later.” You hissed, again pushing him away before going to your dufflel bag and searching for a tee shirt to cover your other marks. You sighed in frustration as you were forced to throw on the only one you had left, realizing it was black and as such would no doubt be hot as hell to eat in. But at least you would be packing up and leaving the compound after dinner. You couldn’t wait to blast the a/c  in your truck the whole way home.
While expertly covering up the mark on your neck you heard the rumble of the Quinjet, figuring everyone had gotten sick of no cool air inside the compound and elected to have dinner in the large aircraft. Not that you could blame them, your jury rigged coolers could only do so much. After you looked presentable, making sure the discoloration wasn’t as noticeable as before, you and Steve walked hand in hand to the dining room, both of you stopping in shock at the elegant dinner sitting in front of you. Candles were lit and not a soul was around, only two place settings, a bottle of wine in a small bucket on the side, and the smell of food overwhelming your senses. You picked up the small note on the corner, admiring the perfect cursive. Pepper
“Tony wanted take out to avoid looking at you two. He mentioned getting noise cancelling headphones for everyone as a Christmas gift. Enjoy your dinner, we took the jet but we’ll be back in a bit.
P.S Don’t eat at the table naked, I haven’t scotch guarded the chairs yet. ”
Your laughter rang out as you passed the note to Steve, who smiled and rolled his eyes, pulling your chair out for you so the two of you could eat. Your mouth was watering at the roast she had made, wasting no time with loading your plate up.
“You hungry?” Blue eyes mused when you passed him the salad bowl, your own eyes sparkling back as you spared him a glance before promptly stuffing your face.
“Yea. I blame you and the earlier extracurricular activities.” Your muffled retort had Steve snorting into his wine glass, his eyes never leaving yours, his large hand once again finding your bare thigh. You ate in a comfortable silence after that, enjoying being alone together without the knowing stares from your friends. And Tony. The amazing food was proving to be a great distraction from Steve’s wandering hand.
After travelling the world for three years you had missed Pepper’s cooking something fierce, and you were certain you were going to put on some weight moving back here. But you were also certain Steve would be keeping you in shape. He wouldn’t hear a single complaint from you. The gang returned to the compound not too long after you had eaten so much you felt like you could burst, the two of you cleaning up the remains of dinner and washing dishes before heading back to your room.
“You two decent?” Natasha called from your doorway, Steve helping you pack up your belongings and carrying your large cooler to his room, although he wouldn’t be sleeping there tonight.
“We aren’t heathens Nat, Jesus.” You huffed out in annoyance as she smirked.
“I see you’ve packed up, headed out soon?”
You nodded at the red head, throwing the duffel over your shoulder with little effort. “Yea, I gotta get some actual sleep before I start my new job tomorrow.”
“Pepper told me you’d be working at the new Tower,” You widened your eyes at her “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell Tony or anyone else. I was sworn to secrecy.” She patted your shoulder in reassurance. Her eyes darted between you and Steve as he reentered the hallway from his own room with his own overnight bag, her expression blank. “Thought you said you needed sleep tonight?”
She laughed while deftly dodging your open palm, you barely grazing her arm in frustration. “You lot ever going to let us live this down?”
“Probably not, and it’s only going to get worse when Tony’s not around. We all promised to give him time to adjust before we start gossiping about you two.”
“Oh great. Thanks.” You huffed again, grabbing Steve’s hand and heading down the hallway to say goodbye to everyone. The group stood outside, crowded around your truck to see you off.
“Lemme know how your first day goes Short Stack.” Tony smiled warmly at you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. “Happy looks good on you kiddo.” You beamed back at him as you broke apart, shaking Bruce’s hand next.
“Stay cool Jolly Green.” He chuckled at you and moved aside so Thor could properly hug you goodbye. You had to force yourself to remain calm, holding back your emotions and reminding yourself you’d be seeing all of them a lot. And soon. This wasn’t goodbye. Nat and Sam both side hugged you, Carol shaking your hand. “You’re a total bad ass, I hope we can see each other more in the future.”
“Count on it Y/N.” The blonde powerhouse smirked in return, the hyper teen next in line bouncing on his feet as you made your way to him.
“Nice meeting you Peter.” You laughed as he all but launched himself at you, you fondly patting the teen’s back as he embraced you.
“You too Miss Y/N. Hopefully I see you around more!”
“You will don’t worry.” You smiled in affirmation, Bucky moving to stand in front of you. His large frame engulfed your body easily, you stiffening slightly while you recalled Steve’s words about him not being a huge hugger. “You feeling ok Barnes?”
“I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time Y/N. That being said I shouldn’t have to tell you what will happen if you break his heart.” You swallowed hard and nodded your head, his smile getting wider as he pulled away. “That goes for him too, I’m rooting for you guys.”
“Well if my best friend is done with the death threats, Y/N and I have places to be.” Steve stared at Bucky pointedly, who only shrugged and opened the truck door for you.
“Wait, where’s Pepper?” You called, your cousin nowhere in sight.
“She said to go on without her, the take out isn’t agreeing with her.” Tony waved you on, you deciding you didn’t want to wait around for her in that state. She was not quiet when she fell ill, and you could feel your face turning green at the memory of hearing her drunken retching during your partying phase. You happily jumped in your truck and promptly started the engine, making sure the air conditioning was on full blast as soon as you shut the door. Steve climbed in next to you, waving out the window to your friends as you pulled out of the parking lot, leaving the sticky compound behind you in a cloud of dust.
~~~Next Day~~~
“I’m telling you Pep you should really look into hiring a new Receptionist now that this place is back in business.” Tony took off his sunglasses as he entered the newly built Stark Tower, his eyes blinking to adjust after the assault of photographers demanded photographic evidence of the opening ceremony.
His wife only smiled knowingly as they neared the front desk after her husband checked in with security for the day. She nodded at you, you taking the cue and sliding a large paper cup across the top of the reception counter.
“Good morning Mister Stark, here’s your black coffee and paper. You have an appointment with a Mister Fury at noon, followed by a press conference at two.”
You’d remember Tony’s shocked face for the rest of your days.
“You gotta stop trying to kill me Short Stack!” He wheezed, clutching his chest and taking the small cup with a grin. “My old ass can only take so fucking much.”
“Sir that language is highly inappropriate. Don’t make me go to human resources on our first day of business.” Your threat had no actual substance and your cousin in law saw right through you, shaking his head with a chuckle.
“Joke’s on you Y/N, She’s on vacation until September.” You snorted, your two family members taking their leave and heading towards the elevators. The rest of the team followed in after, quickly noticing your new position and cheering with excitement.
Steve’s wide smile as his blue eyes met your gaze made your heart stop.
“Ya know, when you said you wouldn’t be far this morning I thought you were just being cute.” He mused, you smirking into your coffee cup as he brought his lips down to kiss your cheek. “Have lunch with me today?”
“Just go ahead and assume my answer is “Yes” to everything you ask from here on out.” You quipped, tossing him a wink before reaching to answer the phone. “Thank you for calling Stark Industries this is Y/N, how may I direct your call?”
“Oooh, your phone voice is sexy Sweetheart.” You swatted his arm and sent him away, rolling your eyes at his wiggling eyebrows as he walked backwards all the way to the elevators, forcing you to hold in your giggles while you remained on the phone. Lovesick idiot.
You day continued to pass by in a blur, and before you had time to make heads from tails with the computer system it was already lunch time.
“Let’s go Short stack, Kay’s is calling us.” You brought your head up from behind the desk, Pepper holding a small delicately wrapped box in her hands as she kept in step with your cousin in law. “Lunch is on me today. As a hashtag welcome to the team I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you brat peace offering.”
You shook your head with a smile, a certain tall blonde coming up behind them to sweep you away. “Sorry Snark,” Grasping Steve’s hand you allowed him to lead you out from behind the long desk, memorizing the way your cousin in law feigned being hurt.  “I have a prior engagement.”
“Well fine. Ya know I saw her first Cap. I don’t do well with being second place.” He huffed.
“Don’t worry Tony, you’ll always be my number one pain in the ass.” You beamed, the man barking out a laugh.
“Before you go I wanted you to be here while Tony opens his opening day gift from me!” Pepper spoke nervously, handing the box to her husband who only looked at her suspiciously.
“Every day you don’t murder me is a gift from you darling.” He joked, untying the ribbon with ease, the lid falling off the top with a certain childish carelessness that made everyone around you laugh. “Uh honey…”
“Yes sweetie?” Her tone had a sense of insecurity and you were a bit thrown off by her sudden mood swing.
“Make sure my dress doesn’t go over my head.” Was all the dark haired man got out before promptly passing out, Steve acting quick to catch your out cold cousin before he severely injured himself on the hard floor. Your eyes moved to find the three objects that had fallen out of the box, gasping alongside Natasha and Bruce as they bent to pick them up.
“Pepper, you’re pregnant!?” You breathed out, your cousin giving a shy smile and nodding.
“My first appointment is tomorrow, will you come with me?” Tears of happiness stung your eyes as you enthusiastically nodded, rushing to hug her.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss making fun of Tony being a dad for anything in the world!” She cried in your arms back, the two of you holding onto each other for a long moment as the Avengers and some random people started to clap for her. “Congratulations, you’re gonna be an amazing mom!” 
“I hope so Y/N.” Pepper smiled behind more tears, breaking from the hug and giving you a light nudge. “Now go have lunch with your man, we’ll talk after work.”
Steve left Tony in Thor’s confused arms and reached for your hand, smiling the whole way out of the tower. “Some weather we’re having huh?” He scrunched his nose up at the clouds, the sky looking a menacing shade of gray.
You shrugged in indifference, “I’ll take the rain over a heat wave any day.”
“It’s always a heat wave when I’m with you Sweetheart.”
A deadpanned expression crossed your features as you stopped in your tracks to look up at him. “You’re lucky you’re cute. That was so fucking corny Rogers.”
“Yea, but you love me anyway.” You raised an eyebrow at his cocky assumption.
“Eh, I blame the heat wave” A growl came out from his throat and you yelped, jumping just out of his grasp and running down the street, the two of you laughing the whole way to your favorite diner.
The end
Tag List: @kaytizzle @cuffski @giggleberts @pies-wands-and-more @chrisevansfanfic @yesno18 @zsuzstyina @zombiepotterfour @evanstush
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isabxils · 5 years
Keys- L.Dunbar
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        “I hope you are aware that I am extremely irritated at you right now,” I said as we walked towards the house. 
“Oh come on, I’ll just play a few games with Liam and then we can leave,” Mason begged. 
“I shouldn’t have asked you for a ride home,” 
“Yea you probably shouldn’t have.” 
I glared at him and hit him behind his head. He let out a small ‘ow’ and rubbed the spot where I hit him. 
The door opened after a few knocks, revealing a grinning Liam. But once his gaze fell on me, his grin dropped to a frown. 
“What is she doing here?” 
I crossed my arms. “She doesn't want to be here. But unfortunately, she had to ask Mason for a ride home.” 
He gave a side glance to Mason and glared at me. 
“Did you realise that you whine a lot and—“ 
“Okay okay,” Mason interrupted. “How about we all go inside and enjoy some video games?” 
“And what, huh, Liam?” I challenged. 
“I’ve been waiting to play that new one you got. Come on let’s all go in.” Mason said frantically. 
Mason nudged Liam inside the house and turned to me, expecting me to come in. 
 I sighed. First, he moves to Beacon Hills and is in nearly all my classes, then he joins the same pack as I am in, and now I have to enter his house. 
       I searched my pockets for my house keys until it dawned upon me that I had left it at Liam's house. Out of all days my dad had to work a night shift, it had to be today. 
A jagged streak of light flashed in the sky, followed by a low rumble. 
I groaned and started running to Liam's house. Despite having to go against Daracks, evil alphas and evil fox spirits, being a werewolf has its perks. Heightened speed being an example. 
I decided to break in instead of knocking politely like a decent human being.  Admittedly, messing up his house and leaving a couple of scratches on his gaming console did cross my mind but I decided against it and continued searching for my keys. 
It wasn’t down here. 
“Where did I put my keys?” I muttered. I stayed at one spot the entire time I was here and I definitely did not leave it in Mason’s car. I scratched my head and looked around. Where else could it be? 
Realisation washed over me when I realised there could only be one possibility left. 
Liam took it. 
A small growl escaped my lips as I made my way up to the one room I did not want to go to. The rain outside slowly started getting heavier and I so did not want to get soaked by the rain. 
I placed my ears against the door to make sure he was asleep. However, instead of obnoxious snoring, I heard heavy breathing. 
“You’re not there.” A voice whispered furiously. “You’re not there.” 
My eyebrows furrowed. I slowly opened the door. 
Just as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, a flash of lightning ripped through the dark sky, followed by a thunderous boom that startled both Liam and me. 
He jerked upwards, sweat dripping down his forehead as a whimper escaped his lips. 
Breathing heavily, he turned to me and squinted. 
“Hey...” I waved awkwardly. 
“[Y/N]? What on earth are you—“ 
“I came to get my keys. I left them here.” 
“You left them on the dining table.” He pointed to his bedside table, where my keys were. 
“Thanks,” I muttered as I walked over to grab my keys. “Well, I’m going to go now...” 
As if on cue, there was a clap of thunder and it rained heavier. 
“You’re going to walk under that weather?” Liam asked. 
“No, I’m going to swim,” I replied sarcastically. “Of course I’m walking.” 
I turned towards the door and headed out. 
“Wait,” Liam called. 
I turned to face him. 
“Maybe... maybe you could... maybe you could stay until it stops raining.” 
I started at him in shock. Did he just offer an act of kindness to me? I scrutinised him, listening to his heartbeat for any sign of a lie. I noticed how much he was sweating. It was as if he had woken up from a nightmare. 
Never did I think it was possible for me to feel pity for Liam Dunbar. 
I took slow steps towards him. Like a predator watching its prey. 
I turned on his lamp and sat on the edge of his bed, my movements still slow. 
Another flash of lightning ripped through the night sky, startling Liam. 
“Urm... are you alright?” I asked. 
He stayed silent for a while, his head down before he looked up to face me. His blue eyes meeting mine. 
“Why do you hate me?” He muttered. 
I was like a deer caught in the headlights. I looked down, thinking of what to say.
“Remember back in 6th grade when we had that science competition?” I asked. 
He got off his bed and sat next to me. “When I had that whole anger issue and I pushed your volcano down?” 
“I made that with my grandmother,” I whispered. “It was her last few moments and I promised I would win for her.” 
I looked up and met his gaze. “I never had the chance to win for her.” 
His lip bottom lip quivered; His eyes filled with guilt. 
“I’m so sorry.” His voice cracked. 
Our eyes stayed connected, our faces so dangerously close I could see every shade in his eyes. 
He gently grabbed the side of my face, using his thumb to wipe away the tears I hadn’t realise were on my face. 
And he leaned in. 
I closed my eyes and felt his lips connect with mine. 
He pulled away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” 
I grabbed his shirt and yanked him closer to me, deepening the kiss. 
I moved closer to him, his one hand caressing my face while his other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. 
We broke the kiss to catch our breaths, leaning against each other's foreheads; our hot breaths colliding with one other. 
Lightning flashed again.  
I smiled. 
“You’re forgiven.” 
[A/N]  Alright, HEY GUYS! So here’s my very first imagine. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it wasn’t too bad.  I will be taking in requests so feel free to leave some! 
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
Irresistible - Chapter 5
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The following week Jennifer and I were putting our things away in the locker room before our pilates class when I heard something that caught my attention.
“Have you gone out with Pete recently?”
“No,” came the annoyed response. “He’s been going out with that jewelry store girl for a while now.” I’d heard that voice before. Trina.
By this point Jennifer was listening as well and looking at me with wide eyes. I just held up a finger to my lips to shush her.
“Which girl? Wait, is that the one from Bernard’s? Kinda cute, decent tits?”
I looked at Jennifer shocked and although tiny, she looked like she was ready to go fight them. I shook my head, more interested in hearing what they were going to say about me.
“Yea, that one. Obviously she’s just using him for the money or something.“
“And he’s probably just using her for sex,” the friend replied.
“Probably. He used to call me like once a week at least, now I haven’t heard from him in forever. Maybe I’ll call him soon. He’s gotta be bored by now.”
My blood was starting to boil at this point. How dare they assume I was using him for anything! This is why I never went out with guys who had a ton of money or status. I didn’t want to be a part of the gossip.
Just then another girl walked in, glancing at us before continuing to the next row of lockers. “Who are we talking about?”
“Pete and that nobody he’s been dating; I think her name is (YN).”
“You know she is like right over there?” The new girl said.
Jennifer and I both looked at each other again with panic written on both our faces. I decided to get up, rounded the corner, and looked at the group of Lululemon clad girls who had just finished the class before ours.
“Thanks for calling me cute, but only decent tits? Really? I think they’re better than that!” I said before I left the locker room with Jennifer giggling behind me.
“Did you see the looks on their faces?” Jennifer asked when we were out of the locker room. “Wait, are you ok?”
I shook my head and leaned against the wall. “I don’t want to have to deal with all this bullshit. I just wanna date a cool guy who is in to me too, but instead I get one who is all wrapped up in the society pages and real housewives wannabes who think they’re entitled and,” I could feel the tears start to well up. “Its not what I wanted and its exhausting.”
“Its ok to say you’re hurt by what they said,” Jennifer said quietly, rubbing my arm.
I nodded. “And it sucks because none of it is true.”
“I know. Come on, lets get to class.”
That night when I got home I kept staring at my phone. Pete and I didn’t have plans, because we were two individuals who liked each others company, but we weren’t a couple, we just went out, were dating, no big deal.
Except I just kept imagining Trina in her stupid Lululemon outfit calling Pete and him meeting up with her and them making out and then…
No, I had to stop myself. I was going off the rails. I picked up the phone.
Talk me down babe.
Whats up? Christine replied.
Tell me not to txt pete about what hes doing rn
Do NOT text Pete about what or who he is doing what now!
Why tf would you say that?
I thought you were being chill with him
Ugh I am. But I like him. I just dontlike all the girls who wanna get with him and his $$$
The money isn’t the problem, it’s the shit associated with the money that’s the problem, you know it
Youre right
I’m always right. So text him and be like hey, thinking of you lets hang when youre in town or whatever
I sighed. Christine was right very very often, and it was obnoxious. I picked up my phone again.
Just wanted to say hey
Ugh. That was dumb, but it was sent so there was nothing more I could do. A few minutes later as I was about a mile deep on some random Instagram, Pete called.
“Hey,” I answered, still feeling very self-conscious about how lame my text was.
“Hey beautiful, I saw your text and thought I’d call.”
“What’s going on?”
“I just landed back in Chicago, wanna grab dinner?”
“Oh, I didn’t think you were getting back for a while. Is there a problem?”
“Nothing major, but they need me in a meeting tomorrow morning, so here I am.”
“Well isn’t it my lucky day then,” I couldn’t help but smile.
“So, dinner?”
“As long as you don’t have any better offers.”
“God no. I’ll be the in a few.”
I felt a smug sense of relief wash over me. I needed to stop thinking about how Pete seemed like he would be on paper and focus on how he actually was.
I pulled on a purple wrap dress and quickly put on some makeup. Knowing Pete, he’d take us some place super nice and I’d feel all awkward and out of place if I didn’t. Not long after I buzzed Pete up to my apartment and somehow despite the fact that he had just been on a four-and-a-half-hour flight, he looked totally unruffled.
“How do you do it?” I asked as I shut the door behind me and headed to the elevator.
“Do what?”
“Look like you just rolled out a GQ photo shoot with your perfectly rolled up sleeves and just slightly undone tie and,” I trailed off because I was starting to get a little hot beneath the collar just looking at him like that.
“Perks of flying private I guess,” he replied with a laugh.
“Oh come on, how did I not see that coming?” I replied rolling my eyes as we got on the elevator. Of course he flew private, that’s how he got a flight home on such short notice.
“You should come with me some time, maybe an extended weekend getaway?” He asked as he took a step toward me and placing his hands on my waist.
“I think I could be convinced of that,” I replied as he leaned down and kissed me. All too soon the elevator doors dinged open and we headed out to his car.
“So where are we going tonight?” I asked as we slipped into the back seat.
“Just wait and see,” he said as we pulled away from the curb.
After a while we arrived at small, hole in the wall looking Mexican restaurant. Pete hopped out and opened the door for me as we went in.
“Just copying my ides now I see.”
“Not exactly,” he laughed. Then I realized that the place was empty, which I didn’t think anything of at first, it was kinda late on a weeknight. But then I noticed there were candles on a table right in the middle of the floor, and the lights were dimmed. I glanced back at the door and saw that the sign on the door was flipped so to passersby it would read closed.
“Oh, I see what you did!” I laughed, as he pulled out a chair for me. “So do you have some thing where you can’t eat in front of other people, so you just compulsively have to buy out entire restaurants?”
He laughed as the waiter set down menus. “No, I just like my privacy.”
That got my mind going back to earlier in the day and my stomach lurched at the memory, but I decided to confront it head on. “But people talk about you, and like your personal life and stuff.”
“I know that happens. But I don’t want to give people anything more to talk about than they already do, ya know?” Then he narrowed his eyes at me. “Why? Did someone say something to you?”
“No, I overheard that girl Trina and a couple others that I don’t know by name talking about me and you at the gym today.” My heart was racing. I felt like I was snitching on the mean girl at school. “She said we were both using each other, and she was gonna hit you up to hook up because you’d be bored with me by now.”
“(YN) you know that I would never use you for anything, and don’t believe that you would ever use me either,” he said reaching across the table and taking my hand.
“Obviously,” I replied.
“And I really don’t think I’d ever get bored of you. You keep me on my toes,” he said with a grin starting to spread across his face.
“Someone has to stop you from always getting your way. I can’t imagine life is exciting when you have your say all the time,” I replied with a smirk. “So how did you find this?”
“My friend Joe is a total foodie. He knows probably all your secret little spots, and then some. He recommended this place for some of the most authentic, delicious Mexican food in the Chicagoland area.”
“Wait, Joe Trohman, the food critic? I have thoughts on some of his reviews.”
“I’ll introduce you some time, I’m sure he’d like to hear them.”
“Hmm, I doubt it,” I laughed.
The rest of the evening in the restaurant went well. I really felt like we were getting to know each other, and we were connecting on a real level. And hearing Pete reassure me that he wasn’t using me, or going to get bored of me, really made me feel better, even though I know I was being paranoid about the whole thing. But sometimes you need to hear those things to make them stick.
When we finished our meals, we headed out to his waiting car. When we were inside, Pete pulled out his phone for first time all night and chuckled.
“Just like you said,” he said holding up the phone. “Trina.”
I almost rolled my eyes, but quickly scanned over the messages on the screen. The last one was from two months ago, before we met. A sense of relief washed over me. “Why don’t I ever hear from you anymore?” I read aloud. “What are you gonna say?”
“No, that’s what I’m telling her,” he said holding his phone up again and saw he had just texted my name back to her. Then her replied popped up.
“’Are you fucking kidding me?’” I read off the screen. “She seems so nice.”
“Screw it,” Pete muttered and blocked her number and I may have laughed a little too hard with delight, but he grinned back at me. “So, where to next?”
I shrugged. “The night is young and I don’t have to be in to work until later tomorrow so wherever you want.”
“Wanna come back to my place?” He asked tentatively.
“Will it make me feel like crap for my tiny apartment?”
“We don’t have to-”
“No, no, I wanna see the lifestyles of the rich and Chicago famous,” I interjected. “Let’s go.”
When we arrived at the ridiculously tall building on the shores of Lake Michigan, I again couldn’t say I was really surprised.
We took the elevator up what felt like a thousand floors, but Pete’s apartment wasn’t even on the top. When he opened the door, I was slightly stunned by the space. It was clean and modern, but not disgustingly so. The view from the living room was something to behold. Lake Michigan seemed to spread on forever in the inky darkness of the night as cars flew by on the street below. To the south, the sparkling lights of downtown Chicago illuminated the view from the dining room.
“I know I said you don’t need to impress me, but this is spectacular,” I said in awe as I took in the views.
“Obviously the lake is more beautiful in the daytime,” he started.
“So maybe I should be here to see it?”
“That’s what I was thinking,” he said closing the distance between us, his hand cupping my cheek as I leaned in and kissed him. My arms draped over his shoulders so I could run my hands through his hair. The kiss deepened as he gripped my waist and our tongues moved against each other, trying to best the other, just like how we always interacted.
“Want to go someplace more comfortable?” He asked pulling back for air. I nodded and he took my hand, guiding me up the stairs. When we reached the next floor I glanced around, but it seemed we were in his home office.
“Come on, I’ll give you the full tour later,” he said giving a tug to my hand and I noticed there was another staircase.
“Three floors? For one man?”
“I got it for a steal, and it’s an investment in the future,” he replied as we made it up to third floor bedroom which had wide windows looking out on the lake. In the middle of the room was a king-sized bed that looked like it was going to be the softest thing I had ever sat on and I couldn’t wait.
“I assume there’s a bathroom around here?” I asked glancing around.
“Behind you,” he said with a nod.
“Be right back,” I replied and slipped inside. Of course the bathroom was as gorgeous as the rest of the apartment. Marble everything, but I noticed the floor was heated under my bare feet. I checked my hair and make up in the mirror, fixing my slightly smudged lipstick. I took a deep breath and got brave. I untied my dress, letting the material slip to the floor and glanced at myself in the mirror. “Nailed it,” I whispered to myself as I admired the matching black lace bra and panties I had the foresight to wear tonight. We’d been out enough times without things getting to this level, it was only natural it was going to happen any time now, and I was ready.
“Goddamn,” Pete muttered as I stepped out of the bathroom. He had already untucked his shirt, and undone the first few buttons on his shirt and I had to stop myself from pouncing on him right then. Instead I kept my composure and sauntered across the room and dragged my finger down his chest, looking at him through my eyelashes.
“(YN), you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Pete murmured before pressing his lips to mine again. I smiled as I started to unbutton his shirt and broke the kiss as I pushed back the material from his body. I gasped slightly as I took in his muscular body, with even more beautiful, bad ass, incredible tattoos than I had already gotten a glimpse of on his arms. If it was at all possible for him to get hotter, he just did.
“Oh my god,” I murmured, looking up at his cocky smirk.
“Don’t forget I’m full of surprises.”
“Ugh, shut up and kiss me,” I replied grabbing his face and pulling him to me. He spun us around, my back hitting the softness of the bed and I giggled. “Now let’s get to those surprises.”
Chapter 6
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