lloronala · 7 years
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throws this out at @stolensongs !!!! congrats for passing hector’s age!! 
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mcrmaidscales · 7 years
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*          TIME AND TIME AGAIN, HER FATHER HAD TOLD HER TO STAY AWAY FROM THE SURFACE.  And time and time again, Ariel found herself poking her head above the waves -- even venturing upon the shores when she was sure she wouldn’t be seen. It was in these moments that she found herself lost in her thoughts, of her imaginings of what it would be like to live upon the shore with two feet instead of a fin, and it was in these moments that she sang what she felt in her heart. And it was that song that drifted upon the ocean winds, lulling anyone in range.  Hearing someone approaching, she was quick to hide, sliding herself into the warm waters to hide her tail beneath the waves. 
❝ Good morning. ❞
( @stolensongs // greeter .
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starxchosen · 7 years
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Mis hermanos have been here for me when I need them the most. I wanted to draw something that showed how it feels when they send me the simplest of kind words. I originally wanted to draw a group hug, but I got hung up on the details. This is for you, mis amigos. You've done so much for me and been so supportive- whenever you need a hug, hermanos are there to give them and mis hermanos have done just that; especially when I need it most. @miguitarra @stolensongs @stifledtunes
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wasdiamond · 7 years
@stolensongs liked the starter call!
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Her smile is radiant as ever, ebullience soaking each word she utters. ❛ I think it was absolutely amazing! Really, it was wonderful. ❜
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impcssibledreamer · 7 years
@stolensongs liked your post “I’m almost home so like this for a short starter?”
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Cinderella had never seen such sights before, save for her imagination. Everywhere she looked there was color and such music and joy! Without realizing it, a bright smile had grown on her face. She turned to the nearest figure, eager to make sure she wasn’t still in her house, in her own little corner of the worlds she created. “You’re real, aren’t you? This is all real?”
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Mira couldn’t help the look of awe painted on her face as she stood staring at the colourful world before her. Surely it was not the spirit world Nookomis had described to her, but there was something that still felt similar to it. It was beautiful, really, but the half spirit woman hadn’t expected to really be seeing... Well, to be fair, she didn’t know what she had been expecting when she’d come to explore new worlds, but walking and talking skeletons had not been on that list.
She also probably could have been paying a little more attention to her immediate surrounding, which would have prevented her from bumping into someone from behind and startling her. Mira let out a short yelp and spun around to see who she’d backed into and stared at the skeleton for a moment or two before finding her voice.
“Ah... Nimaanendam. I’m sorry. I uh... I didn’t see you there. Are you alright?”
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wonwars · 7 years
@stolensongs replied to your photoset “héctor leaving imelda.png  @recuerdaxme / @stolensongs / @miguitarra /...”
i want to stream it sometime because i just realised how interesting this movie is + that it exists. would you want to watch it again ??
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origcmibird-a · 7 years
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“ Why must you ALWAYS assume the worst...? “ // @stolensongs
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@stolensongs || starter ||
"This isn't a dream, is it?"
Shocked by the appearance of the skeleton man before him, Miguel lifted a hand to give himself a harsh smack to his own face. Then promptly repeated the motion with his other hand, and the other side of his face, in hopes that if he was dreaming, the action would wake him.
When that didn't work, he cautiously reached up as high as he could to deliver a light smack to Hèctor's face.
"Nope. You're definitely real!"
The feeling of smooth bone beneath his hand was enough to tell him that. As much as Miguel wanted to leap for joy at the sight of his great great grandfather, he also wanted to know why he was seeing said great great grandfather. He hadn't died, as far as he knew—he would have remembered if he had, he's sure of it.
"But, Papa Hèctor…what are you doing here?"
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lloronala · 7 years
❁ ❁  Another lazy afternoon in the newlywed’s house, & it had become much of a routine for her to wait & wait for him until he returned back from his performance. He had promised her that today shouldn’t have been one of those days in which he would have to make her wait for days, & that was more than enough to thrill her to bits. It was impossible to keep her heart steady, not when any moment he would open the door & welcome her with his way. 
Something sparked in her to make her change their usual cycle, however, & once he did come & opened the door, she was nowhere seen in the house. 
Instead, she stood right behind him outside, having to hide behind a nearby tree all this time until his arrival. A mischievous grin blossomed on her face, before taking steps behind to prepare to run.
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“  ¡Oi! Poco Loco, ¡if you want me then you better catch me!  ”
A tap against his back & she dashed away from him, knowing he would follow with this game without a fail. 
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starxchosen · 7 years
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                                ¡ UN DÚO FANTÁSTICO !
                            @stolensongs || @recuerdaxme
A gift for mi amigo. ¡ Feliz Navidad !
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silvcrhaircd · 7 years
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   DARN IT! He hadn’t noticed that twig was there and now his prey was running off! It wasn’t unlike Silver, a civilized and proper child, to hunt. Like many shifters he had the occasional urge and he often went in the forest surrounding his village to satisfy it. But a twig had snapped underfoot while he had been stalking an oblivious squirrel -- and either it had to responded to THAT or...something else. 
     NEVERTHELESS, Silver had begun hot pursuit after it, weaving through the underbrush and ducking under and over fallen trees with lithe speed. The world was a blur to him -- until he noticed something opaque within his field of vision and it practically stepped out in front of him. The little ball of fur wouldn’t have time to stop himself before he crashed straight into a walking pile of  BONES.
      The poor kid didn’t know what hit him, he thought it was a BODY or someone from the village, hence the immediate slurred apologies and hasty winces. “ I’m sorry! Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there! “ Meanwhile he wriggled out from the tangle of bones, still in his wolf form, still unaware of just WHAT he had run into. // @stolensongs​
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sncwkissedqveen · 7 years
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       “oh, thank you but um...I’m not really that much of a singer.” the blonde politely objected with a shy grin. of course she could sing but to sing in public with other people around, perhaps not.
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contractual-archive · 7 years
@stolensongs liked for a starter.
“Huh, I’ve never seen an instrument quite like that before.  Is it a type of Cithara  or a Lyre, perhaps?”
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“Whatever it is, it’s really exquisite.” 
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sentientsnowman · 7 years
i don’t have a skull... or bones
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“Hi there, I’m Olaf, I like warm hugs. And who are you? What kind of snow are you made of?” He had to be made of snow because he looked so much like snow-- all that pretty shiny whiteness. He was even dressed up, like how snowmen could be! Though there were a lot of... odd shapes making up his--- him-ness.
He gasped. “Are you an ice man?!”
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bxgaboo-blog · 7 years
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          marinette’s  blue  hues  were  just  widen  in  shock,  unable  to  really  think  much  as  she  saw  a  skeleton  pretty  much  walking  around.  she’s  seen  lots  of  things  as  paris’  superhero,  but  this  was  new  to  even  her.  out  of  habit,  she  clenched  her  small  pink  purse  that  holds  tikki,  taking  a  step  backward.  “  what ...  what   are  you  ?  are  you  working  for  hawkmoth  ?   “  
@stolensongs liked for a starter  
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