Thoth, Enki, Enlil, & The Emerald Tablet.
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Before the Luciferian Rebellion, the true motivation of Thoth’s allegiance to further the Nibiruian Annunaki dominion agendas of Enki and Enlil, to completely annihilate the Christos genetic template for achieving takeover of the Solar System, was not well known by those Guardian groups stationed in the lower dimensional timelines. Those that had incarnated in the lower dimensional stations had been cut off from direct communication links with the liquid plasma Christos family that existed beyond the time matrix. Before communications links were cut off, the Fallen Melchizedek entity that became Thoth was known to be loyal to the Christos Founders. Thus, it was a mystery within mysteries when discovering various stations of identities that were gradually revealed to be imposters or AI reality clones. These counterfeits were strewn over many timelines and participating in the many successive evolution cycles, making them difficult to source. The Ascension cycle is also about revealing the true identities, in order to fully know who was actually who in the timelines, and identify those groups that were primarily behind the military tactics, cloning and AI power source of the Galactic Wars. We are still in the process of discovering this mystery today, in reverse engineering the structural and genetic damage that took place in the Universal Time Matrix from this position on the earth. Christos Starseeds incarnated in order to track the origination of the AI source in the AI timelines, and identify the exact event horizon and point of entry of the phantom matrix infection entering the Universal Time Matrix from the Black Hole.
After gaining control over the Giza Stargate post Atlantian Cataclysm, the Thothian Annunaki and their race lines in the Belial groups made demands of the Christos Founder races that the entire angelic human race on the earth be placed under the dominion of Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic races. The Founder races and Christos representatives attempted to continue peaceful negotiations in finding a resolution to the territorial conflicts unfolding, and an agreement was made between Guardians and the Annunaki in the Aquila constellation that was referred to as the Treaty of Altair.
Before the NAA factions were gathered together to join their forces during the aftermath of breaking the Treaty of Altair, these Annunaki groups and Draconian Zeta groups were enemies in competing war agendas for domination of the earth territory. The Black Hole Entities are those that ripped a hole in the Orion belt from a neighboring matrix and built their control center around the 8D portal entry into our time matrix. Thus, they controlled the 8D stargate from the Galactic plane and thus controlled what entities got in to the lower dimensions, blocking out access to the Christos genetics and installing the Yahweh Matrix.
Some of these factions decided to use the earth as a prison planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule or were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic human trafficking.
Thoth has been playing the role of double agent for many aeons and made several duplicitous agreements with the Sirian High Council to appear as if he would uphold the Paliadorian Covenant, which is designed to protect the Christos template for evolving angelic human genetics. The Paliadorian and Christos Founders that exist outside of time were not able to connect directly to earth and into many sections of the Universal Time Matrix, until the Neutron Window or Galactic Gates were opened in late 2012. Many of us incarnated on the earth during the Ascension cycle to be their representative place holders, keeping the Christos template alive on the earth through the building of the Indigo shield. Over the years we were able to build the energetic circuit of communication links through the Christos Shield network, and are now in full communication and contact with the Christos Founder races. This is what is meant in the many prophecies describing the return of the Christos to the earth, and this event has already happened. The infusion of Krystic architecture for ascending human embodiment will continue to gradually shift the energetic landscape and the consciousness of the earth, allowing much higher consciousness beings to incarnate for many years to come.
Thoth’s personal and direct military intervention with Enki and Enlil groups to incite wars with the purpose of committing genocidal agendas of human holocaust, was fully revealed during the tragic events of invasion of the 11th tribe which resulted in the Eieyani Essene Massacre. The primary goal was to obtain one of the actual holographic discs that was being guarded on the earth by the Maji Grail King for his particular stargate genetics, Essene Tribe 11. The content on this disc included the formulas and secrets contained in the art of energy transmutation, dominion over lesser forces, and manifestation through alchemy. These include immortality sciences through the source of the Prima Materia or Azoth that is found in the creator’s holy spirit, generated by the Mother of God principle.
Stolen Founder Records:
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Approximately 30,000 years ago, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru.
Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession,
and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet.
Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion.
It was during the Essene Massacre that Thoth was able to steal the holographic plate from the Maji Grail King of the 11th human tribe, gaining access to cosmic schematics of immortality alchemy, and become the revered author of what has spawned into many esoteric texts and spiritual traditions. During the Middle Kingdom timelines, he incarnated as a powerful Magician and Egyptian Priest, and became known on the earth as the author of what would be referred to as Hermeticism.
The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists in the Middle Ages as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. Although alchemy was only one topic among many in the Hermetica, in the European Middle Ages Hermes came to be known as the legendary first alchemist and alchemy as the hermetic art. The Hermetica ranged in content from medical, astrological, and magical treatises to much more theosophical ruminations on the redemption of the spirit through gnosis. This association in the Hermetica between practical alchemy and spiritual gnosis found its way into alchemical theory through later authors.
Thoth incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that Mystery Schools were flourishing in Egyptian culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing Guardian Alliance mission on the ground that Hatshepsut, Akhenaton and others had accepted. During multiple Egyptian timelines, he promoted himself as the direct scribe and speaker on behalf of the Gods.
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