ponikva · 1 year
it's cajke time ig. kupit će ti stojke bentley 🥹
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deelonfrances · 5 years
op op op 😂😂 • Dillon Francis x MC Stojan 🔥🔥🔥
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socnevesti2018 · 6 years
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Ne poštuje običaje!!! Link u biografiji!!! posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2Fbx4l0
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belgradeoldschool · 4 years
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Куп Србије, 1/2 финале, 10.06.2020.
stojke i sadik
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immdaysnotnights · 6 years
Stojke, stojke !!!
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sarapastorova · 5 years
moja obľúbená poloha je dole hlavou o stenu v stojke
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royalboy91 · 6 years
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Ko ti ne da ljubavi? -Pa Stojke 🍹🍹🔞🔞😱😱💦💦
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anonymous-mary · 6 years
It is amazing how far the sport has come. I came across a video of Peggy Fleming. She wouldn't even make it to sectionals these days.
And yet not really. Back when you did figures on the ice you had to spend so much time practicing those it left no time for other things. Did you know Peggy was so far ahead after figures that unless she laid down and took a nap she was a forgone conclusion?When figures were dropped for moves in the field triples and quads came pretty quickly. I mean Kurt Browning landed his quad in 88. Midori landed her triple axel and triple triple that year also. Right about the time compulsory figures were eliminated.The over all quality has improved,( just look at Elvis Stojke sit spin) but the hours gained by not having to practice figures changed the sport quickly.
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thedecordesign · 4 years
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Обновление винтажного освещения с помощью новых технологий: лампы на гибкой стойке Обновление винтажного освещения с помощью новых технологий: лампы на гибкой стойке Подробнее: https://decor.design/obnovlenie-vintazhnogo-osveshheniya-s-pomoshhyu-novyh-tehnologij-lampy-na-gibkoj-stojke/ #архитектура #рекламныйпост #decordesign
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vitalpen · 7 years
So here’s a story about the Vitalpen of years past.  Way back when he was a freshman in high school posting stories on deviantart.
My first serious attempt at a full novel was a little thing called Makings of a Hero. It was a superhero story that I wrote well over a hundred pages of, got way too ambitious with and had way too many parallel plotlines and eventually never finished.
Barely anybody really looked at it, and by the end those that did had fallen off because of fatigue.  Except for one person.
That person went by the username Stojke13.  I know nothing about them outside of my interactions with them in the comment section and a few messages.  But they are someone who is always going to hold a special place in my heart.  They made me a better writer.
On nearly every chapter I wrote of the story they left a long comment detailing advice on how to reword different parts, reframe a scene or two, and let me know where every typo was.  I stress again that this was nearly every chapter, which is (if I remember right) about 78 in total.
After I stopped really using Deivantart I didn’t have a chance to talk with them anymore.  But despite that, I don’t think I’m ever gonna forget the stuff they helped me with.
So wherver you are, whatever you’re doing Stojke, thanks.
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deelonfrances · 5 years
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common-or-garden · 4 years
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Система Penguin Computing TundraAP позволяет набрать в одной стойке 7616 ядер, используя процессоры Intel Xeon #computing #penguin #Новоститехнологий https://raznoe.gde-luchshe-otdyhat.ru/sistema-penguin-computing-tundraap-pozvolyaet-nabrat-v-odnoj-stojke-7616-yader-ispolzuya-processory-intel-xeon/?feed_id=77575&_unique_id=5f2f8940c86c4&%D0%A1%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0%20Penguin%20Computing%20TundraAP%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%B5%D1%82%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BA%D0%B5%207616%20%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%2C%20%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D1%83%D1%8F%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B%20Intel%20Xeon
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belgradeoldschool · 7 years
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partizan - rad 3:1 (mart 2018)
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welcombet · 4 years
Боец Bellator — о Хабибе: «У него свой стиль, он Макгрегора и в стойке перебил»
New Post has been published on http://club4bet.ru/boets-bellator-o-habibe-u-nego-svoj-stil-on-makgregora-i-v-stojke-perebil/
Боец Bellator — о Хабибе: «У него свой стиль, он Макгрегора и в стойке перебил»
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Боец Bellator Вадим Немков оценил стиль ведения борьбы Хабиба Нурмагомедова.
— Считаю Хабиба Нурмагомедова выдающимся бойцом. У него свой стиль, ему ничего не надо менять. И когда борется, он делает это зрелищно — красивые переводы, броски. Есть много бойцов, которые просто переводят и залеживают, пытаются руку или ногу отломать. Хабиб не просто переводит, но и сильно добивает. А Макгрегора он и в стойке перебил, — цитирует Немкова «БелПресса».
В профессиональной карьере 31-летний Нурмагомедов провел 28 боев, одержав 28 побед.
Джастин Гэтжи должен стать следующим соперником Нурмагомедова. 
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79sport-news · 4 years
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Боец Bellator — о Хабибе: «У него свой стиль, он Макгрегора и в стойке перебил» https://79s.ru/boets-bellator-o-habibe-u-nego-svoj-stil-on-makgregora-i-v-stojke-perebil?_unique_id=5ed9196d81d70
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royalboy91 · 6 years
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Stojke boss
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