eloisemeadows · 1 year
@dee-voss Sunlight was starting to filter in through those too-sheer curtains that really, she did mean to replace (but she’d been saying that for…years, now, which really wasn’t a good track record). She was reminded every time the early morning rays seeping in through the pretty but useless material caused her to stir, and today was no exception. Just like clockwork, really, there it was: the pale yellow light that signaled much-too-early-o’clock disturbing her from the admittedly light sleep Eloise had still been clinging to. Not being able to sleep had become common practice over the last few years. At first it had seemed impossible, with Dee gone. Never got easier, really, but she learned to deal with it and slept in spurts. That too-small bed had begun to feel enormous without him to tangle up with, too empty and too cold without his skin to warm the sheets and bunch up against. She’d never gotten used to it, not really, sleeping alone (or, well, with a grumbly orange cat that she’d claimed from the shelter when that loneliness got too much to bear). She didn’t have the excuse of loneliness now, now with him tucked close enough to touch and that cat rumbling somewhere beneath the sheets on her side. But now Eloise was taking a moment to watch him sleep, to watch that early morning light slowly move across the room and stretch towards their bed. She really couldn’t help it, considering just how surreal it still felt to have him back. His return had been a blur, what with Eloise finding out he’d returned home from a third party and that confrontation resulting in him returning to their shoebox apartment that night. It had all happened so fast and Eloise hadn’t had time to prepare for any of it (including preparing the apartment, which definitely looked more lived-in than picked up and the latter would’ve been her preference for him coming home). She’d always been such a planner, had always been the type that had to prepare for every little thing so to say this had swept her along like a damn riptide was an understatement. So much time had gone by, and now it felt like everything was speeding by. So, she was watching him sleep, letting that early morning light tangle them up before she inched herself closer and into his space again. Long enough, she’d decided; she wasn’t sure how long she’d simply laid there and watched him, but it was long enough. “Good morning,” she mumbled against his jaw when she placed a kiss there, voice still thick with sleep. A few more kisses followed, trailing up to his cheek. “ – Sorry if you were trying to sleep in,” she began, into another kiss before she paused and tucked herself against him, “but I’ve been awake for a while and you’re right there, so I mean, I couldn’t help himself.”
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