#still very much one of my favourite songs 12 years later hahah
kaitaiga · 3 months
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thenotsolittlelady · 1 year
Naye'fi - 3) How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Veez - 12) How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
Syllian -  32) Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
Xah'jo - 35) How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Sezahjen - 38) What memory do they revisit the most often? 
You for Mannah and Yeriya - E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Ayyy!! Thanks for the asks! Naye'fi 3) She's a big fan of bedtime stories actually! She often tells them to herself (and Sezahjen) tho, since she always sleeps close to Sezahjen and he's not very talkative. In later years she probably sings to herself a lot and daydreams about her favourite stories :> Veez 12) He always carries his gun or a bottle of liquor, that's usually good enough hahah Syllian 32) Not just one probably! He likes to talk and has a whole bunch of stories ready to tell at all times! And a poem or a song. He will probably end up singing a ballad he wrote. He'll definitely end up singing. Xah'jo 35) He can be brutally honest and will at best react with indifference and at worst will judge his friends harshly if what they're excited about sounds stupid to him. However, if it's something they're 100% serious about, he won't hesitate to drop everything to support them. He won't admit it tho. Sezahjen 38) He doesn't revisit any memories. His past was quite traumatic and he avoids ever thinking or talking about it. He is being haunted by his memories tho, especially by the one of his father's death and his subsequent banishment from his tribe and family. E) Mannah is a sweetheart who gets along with everyone (who isn't a total asshole) so yeah, I'd assume we'd get along too! (Actually I want her in my life so bad, where's my orc wife plz?? TT A TT) Yeriya is much more judgemental tho. She's headstrong and stubborn and I would not wanna have to deal with her when she was a child! As an adult she might be less "stubborn" maybe, but I think we'd still annoy the hell out of each other! xD I love her tho!
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zalrb · 3 years
hi! same anon from before, hahah. first of all thank u so much for answering - i'm a big steve mcqueen fan too and i was wondering if you were ever interested in reviewing your favourite mcqueen movies? a few words for each kinda thing. i love your movie reviews because way more often than not, i find myself agreeing with you and you seem to find the exact right words. of course, it's merely a request you don't *have* to take seriously.i hope u have a great day!
OK so here is my list, starting from favourite to least favourite. The only feature film of his that I haven’t seen is Hunger.
What I will say are general Steve McQueen characteristics that I like about all of the movies is the fact that his films require patience and attention. If I’m tired or not really in the mood to devote my focus but I want to watch something, I’m not putting on a Steve McQueen film. I want to be fully present. His work demands that. I appreciate that.
I have also come to respect that there are what you would consider holes in his movies. Like we don’t really know anything about Brandon’s backstory in Shame, we know his sister says that they come from a bad place but we don’t know what that place is and the movie doesn’t find it necessary to divulge that information. Widows has a lot of loose ends that a typical heist movie may at least attempt to sort out but I don’t think McQueen really concerns himself with those details, he concerns himself with the emotional present and he concerns himself with the present to such an intimate and almost unbearable degree that it can make you flinch and cringe as a viewer because it’s uncomfortable to kind of stew in emotional truth like that, it’s uncomfortable to stew in the present that way.
There is an artistry and a poetry to his movies, it reminds me of paintings and I can say without irony or without being corny or without being pretentious, that these movies really do examine the human condition, do deep dives into emotion or deep dives into emotions that a particular event or issue would bring about.
1. Lovers Rock
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I love this movie for so many different reasons. It means so much to me as a woman of Jamaican descent to see an ode to Caribbean party culture in the diaspora
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and even though it’s in London and even though it was in the 80s, there is so much overlap in Canada, it was basically like a spiritual experience watching this movie and on twitter, there was so much outpour of gratitude and feeling seen by Caribbean Canadians, it was like a whole moment, so this movie makes me super emotional.
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Like this scene, where they yell “Jah!” “Rastafari!” it got me in my chest and I had never experienced feeling so seen in film before because it’s specifically Caribbean, in this case Jamaican, and what I usually see is African American or movies from the Continent and this was diasporic and it was Caribbean
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But what I also love about it is that even though it takes place over one night, it’s a love story between two young dark-skinned Black people and it’s handled with the kind of grace and beauty and weight that I like in my love stories, like it’s not Atonement, it’s not POTC, but it’s this culturally specific courting and coming together and it’s super sweet and just very nice
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2. Alex Wheatle
There is this scene in this movie that is excruciating to me in its simplicity and it’s one of McQueen’s techniques or choices. So this installation in Small Axe is about Alex Wheatle who is an author and in the beginning we see his life in an orphanage and how he’s abused and ridiculed and how as a child he would be thrown in a room for hours just lying on his side
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Then we get to him as an adult and we see the way the police harass Black youth and they take Alex throw him in the back of their van and he’s bloodied and beaten and he’s just lying on his side for hours. And I cried because that callback to his childhood was so brutal to me even though we don’t see excessive violence onscreen, it was just him lying on his side like when he was a kid and how systems upon systems are failing him and failing Black children, Black people and I didn’t need that spelled out for me, I just needed to see him lying on his side for minutes. And that’s kind of the power of McQueen’s directing/storytelling to me?
Another reason I really like Alex Wheatle - and the Small Axe anthology as a whole - is showcasing Black history in other countries
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and it’s a great story about identity and figuring out your history, your roots, where you come from and how it informs you
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3. 12 Years A Slave
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I didn’t know if I was going to watch 12 Years A Slave or not, I kind of make it a point not to watch movies about enslavement now and I haven’t seen a movie about enslavement since (I did watch the show Underground though). What I love about this movie is how it examines the human condition, how it examines resilience, how it examines the soul, really, through many of the characters but particularly Solomon. It’s that unflinching portrayal of emotion and the present that really stuck out to me. And also again some of McQueen’s choices, like when they’re on the slave ship, for a lot of it we don’t see inside, we see the rudders
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but that inspired such dread in me? We see the trees a lot.
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We see the setting. We see the environment and that just adds a whole other layer, Lupita Nyong’o spoke about that when filming, about just thinking about the trees and what they witnessed. But I watched it, I didn’t cry until the third act then I wouldn’t stop crying then I pulled myself together and a week later, my roommate was playing it in her room and I could hear it and I was trying to write for workshop and it was just the score that I could hear and I got so emotional I had to ask her to put her earphones in so I could work.
4. Education
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This installment of Small Axe was again an educational one for me (pun intended) because I know the ways in which the education system in my country and in my province and in my city fail Black children and I know enough about how that happens in the States, I didn’t know so much about how it happened in England and this was very illuminating for me without it taking on the tone of a docu. There is this scene that is just so uncomfortable to watch because it’s long and it’s boring and it’s irritating and that’s exactly what you’re supposed to feel because you’re supposed to feel exactly what the characters would feel in those moments:
Education also has a scene where we hear an entire song, but it’s deliberately not fun, when the teacher torments all the kids with his acoustic version of “House of the Rising Sun.” Why that song? That happened with me!
Oh my god. The teacher brought in his guitar, and he started to strum. We’re this captive audience. That was it. But it’s interesting, about that sequence. Because it’s funny, and then it gets irritating, and then you get bored. You have to go through boredom to get to the other side of it, and then you get to something else. And then there’s another understanding of it. So it had to play out that way, in real time.
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and you know by the end, the movie explores how to engage children, how to encourage children, how to advocate for children and the different ways you can educate children so it’s an optimistic movie and I appreciated that
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5. Widows
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My second best experience at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) was watching Widows. TIFF screenings tend to be very quiet. But there’s a scene in Widows where after the protagonists (four women) do the work and get the money, Daniel Kaluuya watches them, holds them at gunpoint and takes the money, then leaves in his car. Then you’re with him in this car and he’s feeling good about himself and he’s laughing and he’s listening to this speech his brother makes then you see another car gain on him, run into him and it’s the protagonists and they take their money back and the entire theatre cheered and clapped and it was awesome. And that is the type of “girl power” scenes I like that aren’t “girl power” scenes? Where it’s just this man thought he could take what he wanted from these women and leave and they were like ummmmmmm?
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I would say Widows is McQueen’s most commercial movie and it still doesn’t read very commercial and unfortunately Liam Neeson is in it but again I like the choices he made, I like that when Colin Farrell’s character is going on this racist rant in his car, we see the exterior of the car with his dialogue as a voiceover.
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I like how controlled and tight the direction is and how throughout the movie I was on the edge of my seat in a different way, I was just tense until it was all over. It was also interesting watching his direction with Gillian Flynn’s screenplay interact with each other.
I had issues with this movie, mainly one moment which is when Alice, who is white, slaps Veronica (Viola Davis) -- Veronica slaps Alice first but Alice is a character who has been abused and who has been controlled by the men in her life, by her mother and she’s finding independence and so she exerts that by slapping Veronica back and I just thought there were other ways to show that.
6. Red, White and Blue
Another installment of Small Axe. My first husband stars in it and won a GG for it
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and has this gem in it
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It’s a good representation of what it looks like trying to right a system from the inside, since this is about Leroy Logan who became a police officer and ended up policing the neighbourhood he grew up in and how he was trying to be a positive change in the environment and in the police force and the racism he experienced as an officer
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7. Mangrove
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The first installment of Small Axe. To be quite honest I wanted to like Mangrove more than I did. It’s Steve McQueen so it’s a good movie, although the accents had some Trini people I know be like mmmmmmmmmmmmno, and again it’s also an educational movie because you learn about the Mangrove restaurant which was a Caribbean restaurant and hub for the community and for artists and authors and the police saw it as a threat so they constantly harassed the costumers and did raids and did everything in their power to shut it down.
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And there are some great lines in this movie, I was most compelled when it became a courtroom drama, because that was some masterful directing
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8. Shame
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Shame was definitely uncomfortable for me to watch haha and it’s interesting because there were reviews that were like the title doesn’t match what we see because are we really expected to believe that the protagonist feels shame when we see him in New York having anonymous sex with [conventionally] attractive strangers and he has awkward moments with his sister and I was just like ............ if there’s anything McQueen is able to do is show how mechanical and compulsive Brandon’s sexual conquests are and his inability to actually connect because once he does he becomes impotent and pushes Marrianne away, his life is sterile and unfulfilling
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so, I don’t know, some of the reviews had me like, what movie were you watching?
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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survey--s · 2 years
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1) What’re your plans for the weekend? I have a three day weekend this week! Friday we’re planning on taking the dog out somewhere and then going for lunch in Broughton. I have no real plans for Saturday/Sunday yet, it mainly depends on the weather.
2) Could you ever be vegetarian - why or why not? I’ve been vegetarian before and I could do it again, but I don’t really feel like it’s beneficial enough for me. I like meat and fish too much.
3) Name a quote from your favourite TV show: And just so you know, it’s not that common, it doesn’t happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!
4) What time did you wake up this morning? Mike’s alarm woke me up at 6am but I went back to sleep for an hour until he sent Archie back upstairs, then I messed around on my phone until half seven.
5) What chores do you do around the house? I mean, I own my home so I do everything lol. I tend to do most of the housework as I work less hours than Mike, but he does the more physical stuff (mowing the lawn, bins and recycling) because I have back issues.
6) Do you like windchimes, or do they annoy you? They’re nice but I wouldn’t like any near us, we live on a hill that gets loads of wind and they’d get very annoying, very fast lol.
7) How much sleep do you usually get a night? 6-7 hours on average.
8) If you could have any outfit, cost not an issue, what would you get? I’m not really fussed on nice outfits, but practically speaking I’d get a load of horse-riding stuff as that shit’s expensive, hahah.
9) Do you play any instruments? I can, but I don’t anymore.
10) What song would you say describes your life right now? The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, hah.
11) Do you have snacks lying around your room? I don’t, but Mike always has some snacks up there.
12) Did you get up to much today? If it’s morning, what are your plans? Not really. I had a couple of dog walks this morning and hung out with Kerry for a bit, then came home, showered, fed the animals and had lunch, and now I’m doing this and watching TV. I have another dog walk later too.
14) When do you start back to school or college? Are you excited or dreading it? I have no plans to ever go back to school.
15) What other social networking sites are you on? Facebook and Instagram. 16) What was the best year of your life? Overall, 2021, 2022, 2016. 17) What plans do you have for the rest of summer? Working mostly, but I have two weeks off at the end of August so hopefully some day trips and some shopping trips. I also have a beach ride booked in so I’m hoping the weather is nice to me.
18) How old is the person you like right now? My husband is 36.
19) Do you get an allowance? How much? I’m married and run my own business, what do you think?
20) What games console is your favourite? What about favourite game? We have an xBox but I couldn’t tell you the last time I played something on it, lol. I tend to just play mobile games these days, mainly Klondike and BingoBlitz.
21) If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be and why? I’m good here, to be honest.
22) Do your parents nag you a lot? What about? I mean, I don’t live at home but they still nag me about my diet lol. 23) What is there on the walls of your room?  A couple of prints.
24) Is there anyone that just really annoys you? Dog walkers who let their off-lead dogs run up to my on-lead ones, and then complain because my under control dogs are growling at theirs for invading teir space. Control your fucking dog and don’t let them just run up to other dogs without permission, it’s really not difficult -_- I had this this morning when someone opened their door and let their off-lead dog just bolt out into the road and straight at me. 25) What are your plans for tomorrow, anything good? Working - I have four dog walks, then a break, then a quick cat visit in the evening for two really old cats who just ignore me, hahah. 26) If you could wake up tomorrow being able to do one thing perfectly, what would it be? Sing.
27) You have two wishes to make to help the world, and one can’t be “another wish” or anything similar. What wishes do you make? I’d make sure everyone had access to clean food and water, and then make public transport clean, free and accessible to all.
28) Do you reckon world peace is possible, or are we just too selfish? It’s definitely not possible. 29) Do you listen to Bright Eyes? Not anymore, but I used to be absolutely obsessed with Bright Eyes and Conor Oberst as a teenager, lol.
30) Are you interested in politics or do you just not care? I’m interesting on a very broad level, but I don’t much care as I feel like, with the way our political system works, my vote is irrelevant.
0 notes
mathtc · 7 years
TC May Challenge 1-22
Since I missed the first 22 day and I really don’t wanna get out of bed rn
Day 1 – Have you ever said something embarrassing to/in front of your TC?
Yeah. I think one time he said sth about proposal and I screamed someone proposed here?! It sounds normal now but I swear I sounded like a little fangirl. My rights to speak should be taken away.
 Day 2 – When did your TC start teaching you? Does he/she still teach you?
Yes. Two years ago.
 Day 3 – Do you know anything about your TC’s childhood/youth?
I know where he went to school? Oh and his middle school pic. Thank you Jesus. 
Day 4 – Describe your TC’s eyes.
Day 5 – What’s your favourite outfit on him/her?
 Blue t shirt
Day 6 – How do you try to impress your TC?
I usually tried hard in studying, not only in his subject. I make jokes?? 
Day 7 – Describe what you think your wedding would look like. What are you both wearing? Who’s invited? What’s for dinner?
OH WOW this question. Actually haven’t given thoughts on this. But I will now! Probably simple, in a church, closest friends and relatives are invited only. 
 Day 8 – Have you ever caught him/her staring at you? How did you react?
Yeah. When we were having a work lesson. He awkward smiled after I caught him. I think he might be in a middle of a thought or something. I won’t read too much into staring. 
Day 9 – If you would buy your TC socks, what would your chosen ones look like?
I’m gonna buy one with periodic table on it. He hates chem as much as I hate socks. 
Day 10 – If he/she visited your family for any reason and you’d have to cook, what would you cook?
I’m not great at cooking. I’ll have to look up something real simple. 
Day 11 – If you lived together, would you rather have kids or pets with him/her?
Kids. He like kids. I like kids. Enough said. 
Day 12 – What is your opinion on age gap relationships? Do you think a certain age gap isn’t good anymore?
I was against this before this tc shit. Now there’s more insight on this. I think being with someone older is no difference than being with someone that is your age. We are all human after all. 
Day 13 – What would you do if a friend told you she had a crush on your TC?
My friend does actually. We get along real good. Again, it’s nice to share and talk this w somebody openly. 
Day 14 – Do you know when your TC’s birthday is? How old is he/she?
Yes. I said happy birthday to him. 30ish, privacy reasons. 
Day 15 – What would you do if he/she found your blog, knew it was about him/her but he/she was still trying to figure out whose blog it is?
Hahah I think he would know. Too much hints and too much exposures. I would be chill about it. But again, I’m graduating so. 
Day 16 – If you were on a class trip with your TC and a friend of yours wasn’t feeling well in the middle of the night, would you be the one to knock on your TC’s door loudly and wake him/her? Would the sight of his/her sleepy face and pajamas be worth standing there in your own pajamas and with your sleepy face?
AHAHAH FK YEAH. This is a bad decision btw. But I think with my impulse so this is definitely something I would do. And no it would not be worth it, that’s why it’s a bad decision. 
Day 17 – Can you remember what happened in the last dream you had about your TC?
I think I had a dream about him last night?? Forgot what happened tho. There was a dream that we just hanged out. It was nice :)
 Day 18 – Has your TC ever had a conversation about you with your parents? If yes, what did he/she say?
 Yeah, he chatted with my hose parents. It was a nice convo. He said something like oh she’s a nice student, she’s smart. My host dad later told me “wow that is one young teacher.”
Day 19 – Think of a song that reminds you of your TC and tell us your favourite line from it.
OMG. Um I guess the most famous one here in Tumblr is TALK ME DOWN.
My other friend who also has a crush on him discussed this a lot in the car actually. Any songs came up. Not all are innocent. 
Day 20 – What was the best mark you had in one of your TC’s tests? Did he/she say something to you about it/write something on it?
It’s a hard class, he usually gives a curve and I am usually the one who sets it. So you get it.
He usually write “Nice!” besides it. Btw he gives comments on tests, they usually sounds angry in a way, it’s really funny. 
Day 21 – Have you ever stalked your TC online? If yes, what did you find? If no: do it and tell us what you find, it’s fun!
Guilty. I know a lot. Way too much tbh. His house, his phone #, his middle school, high school, place where he brother works, where he brother graduate, house he lived in when he is a kid, review packets he wrote 5 years ago.
Internet is a very very scary place. Be careful kids. 
Day 22 – Does your TC come to school by car/tram/bus? Car: Do you know what car he has? Tram/bus: If you come by tram/bus as well, have you ever seen him at the station or on the vehicle? Did you talk to him?
Car. Yes I do. There’s a funny story relating to this car things too.
There’s one time I saw him on the car. I waved he waved back.
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