#still trying to figure out how to simultaneously hold that shock and sadness while also interacting with the larger kpop scene
lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
so yeah imma be posting about yoongi and this new album for a hot sec so i apologize in advance for my fangirling.
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
okay here me out
A touch deprived reader but that's not all 😀
They don't understand emotions well.
Like can you do something with bandages, angry ginger, kinda furry friend. (Haven't requested him before XD)
Just like a reader who is crying but doesn't understand the tears a,d is all confused and just gets attention and their just like wtf but end up liking it and crying more as t&ey try to explain?
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Emotionless ? | Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi x normally emotionless crying reader |
Hope you like it friend. I’ve also decided to call me followers peeps :) So you are now a peep. 
He’d never seen your face in anything but a single emotion, numb.
He never saw you show shock, surprise, joy, love, not even amusement.
Even he grasped some emotions. And he considered his ability to be the perfect description of himself.
He’d known you since the port mafia days.
You were one of the many feared people among the mafia, known as the emotionless angel of death. You even killed subordinates who stepped from line or messed up. 
You had changed, but it was near impossible to tell. There was a little more light in your eyes. They weren't as dead now.
So imagine the shock of the former mafia executive when he spots your grip on your phone loosen. When it fell to the floor and your head tilted to the side, he was up from his chair to turn you to face him.
The pure shock would at first scare him.
He’d move away watching as you blinked and touched your cheek over and over trying to form words only for those light whimpers to leave.
He’d hesitantly approach you. He wasn’t all that good with touch and comfort, but he knew you needed it.
At first, your body would be rigid, and he’d argue with himself. Unsure if you wanted him to let go.
It was weird to see your eyes open in shock as you moved your hands to wrap around him. 
It was even weirder when you dug your head to his chest and rubbed it on the fabric as if this was something new.
The tears fell faster as you held onto him. He ran his hands over your back as you cried.
“Please… don’t leave me Dazai.” his heart nearly combusted with your words. He’d never heard such desperation, fear, and sadness mixed in your voice.
“I…” how could he promise that he wouldn't? He was one day going to succeed right? He’d leave this world. “For as long as I live… I won’t” he was careful with the wording, but it seemed enough.
As your body relaxed and you pulled away, his hand cupped your cheek.
Once more your eyes widened before they fluttered shut. When you pressed to his touch with a soft hum, he wiped the stray tears with his thumb.
Were you… touch starved? He knew what it felt like to crave affection from somebody. He too basked in this, but he knew the feeling. He got what he needed from his pestering. This was more fulfilling though. The warmth of your skin on his hand was like touching heaven.
The more you leaned into the small touch, the more he wanted to just hold you until you could smile.
That’s what he did. Until the smallest of light jumped into your eyes as they opened, until that feather of a smile popped on your lips, he held onto you like he was your life-line.
Chuuya is used to seeing your stoic expression and the drained voice when you talk to him.
He was not ready to deal with you showing emotion.
You were joining him for a drink and without even being all that drunk you looked down at the glass and tears just fell. 
It took him some time to process this. His head would tilt as he watched you sniffle.
He realized what was going on before you did. “Are you crying?” he asked seeing the water land in puddles beneath your chin.
“What’s that?” Chuuya would dead-pan at you. Trying to figure out how to explain an emotion to somebody who clearly had no understanding of how emotions worked was… difficult.
“It’s the reaction to being sad?”
“What’s being sad?”
“What you are right now.”
“I don’t understand it?”
“Of course you don’t…. I… just come here, damn it.”
“I’m just gonna show you what happens when you're sad, stupid dumb-ass!” he’d shout a little.
Another emotion you would likely never get. Why did people get angry? Why did they shout? Was there a point?
You walked to him with your head tilted trying to get the tears to stop. “Am I sad?”
“Well yeah? You’re crying so you're sad. It usually feels like your chest is all heavy and your head gets a little cloudy. You might wanna lash out, drop to your knees, blame the world, idk, there is a lot that happens when you're sad. It happens to people because sometimes it’s how you just stay sane.” he would explain the emotion as he pulled you down.
When he holds your back to his chest you’d freeze in shock. 
He would hesitate and almost let you stand back up. 
When you lean back slowly touching his gloved hands he’d keep you close. Removing one of his gloves, he'd let you hold it. “Soft.”
You stayed like that for a while before slowly bringing his hand to your face. Putting it against your cheek you began to cry more. The feeling was nice and it filled your chest with a weirdly light sensation. “My chest… it feels light.”
“Happiness.” Chuuya would mumble.
He set his chin on your shoulder enjoying the physical contact.
It had been a while since he’d had somebody so close to himself.
He’d eventually find a way to cuddle. He’s big on cuddles.
It would confuse you at first but you would learn it was nice.
Without much thought, you would snuggle close trying to gain as much physical touch as possible.
He’d hold you like that until you stopped crying.
Out of trust and loyalty, he doesn't press for answers, he simply waits until you're ready to talk.
If you are never ready, he waits for you to leave the cuddles.
If you don’t leave the cuddles, he'll stay until the bar closes or until you two get tossed out, or have to work.
Atsushi- (forgive me if this is bad…. I don’t really pay enough attention to the kitty)
He’s so used to seeing nothing from your face when he’s caught alone with you crying, he's just shocked.
Then he’s scared. He had no idea how or why this happened to you.
Despite the tears, you still look really emotionless. He can’t tell if you're sad, in pain, or happy.
He’ll probably awkwardly waddle around before nervously asking if you were okay.
When your voice is nothing but whimpers, he fears he made you more upset (poor kitty)
He’s good with comfort, but he had no idea how to comfort somebody who rarely shows emotions.
His first reaction is to do what Dazai has done with him a few times. He rubs his hand in your hair.
When it shocks you he backs up.
The moment the touch left your chest felt heavy again.
This time you take the initiative and grab his hand, placing it back on your head.
He looks at you confused before rubbing your hair again.
You feel a comfortable tightness in your chest as well as a small warmth in your cheeks.
You try to put a name to it recalling the definitions of emotions, but it falls under too many.
Eventually, Atsushi would sum it up. The best way to comfort you was to let you know whatever you were holding in or hiding didn't have to be done alone.
The best way to do this (in his thoughts) is to pull you into a hug. It’s more than awkward, and he’s really self-conscious.
When he sees the way your body relaxes and presses to his body, he'll blush but also know he’s doing something right.
He won’t move or anything afraid of messing up or hurting you more.
When your tears stop, he'll smile kindly as he always does. “Feel better?”
When you look at him and think you decide that you were feeling something close to happiness right now. The light flutter of your heart leads you to try and copy his smile.
He’s shocked but chuckles at how you could be cute.
He’ll get flustered after that crosses his mind.
You recognize that one from shows and you don’t understand why you suddenly copy that expression.
You both end up moving from the other, spurting words before bowing simultaneously. 
When you giggle you’re shocked with yourself and press a finger to your lips. He’ll smile kindly once more.
“You should show emotion like this more. I think it’s really uh nice wh-when you… you, uh nevermind!”
“I think… I think I’ll try… since Atsushi-Kun asked so nice I’ll try.” you were back to emotionless again but the feeling you had felt, you held onto them as he waved to you and left.
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Fred Weasley x Reader
 Prompt: The three times Fred knew he fell for you, and the one time he told you he loves you.
A/N: I absolutely love this prompt, I’ve seen it a couple times before but if your the creator of it please let me know so I can give you credit. Also credits to the owner of this gif!
Warnings: My longest fic ever, So many commas, Fluff, maybe angst but not really, Fred being cute, you being cute, both you and Fred being oblivious to your feelings, swearing bc its me, I think that’s it
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It all started sixth year. Fred was sitting across the room from you in potions, one of the only classes you had together. You knew each other pretty well, being in the same house and year as each other, but you didn’t really get to know each other until year five, when a certain incident brought you together.
You were working on a potion, trying to read the directions as you simultaneously poured in your ingredients, before looking up and seeing you were accidentally putting in dragons horn instead of dragon claw. You started flipping through you book frantically, causing Snape to walk over.
“Something the matter Y/L/N” He said in his monotone voice, but before you could answer, your potion exploded, causing thick purple slime to cover the both of you.
The class went completely silent, not daring to speak, except for Fred, who after a few seconds was kneeled over laughing.
“Ten points from Gryffindor, and both Y/N Y/L/N and Fred Weasley will be spending the rest of the day in detention” Snape said, dismissing the class before excusing himself to exit to his office, leaving Fred to look at your purple covered self, only to be surprised when you let out a chuckle.
“He’s a lot less scary when he’s purple” You said to Fred, which caused both of you to fall into a new wave of laughter, before you pulled out your wand and muttered a quick cleaning spell.
Fred watched noticing you had missed a spot in your hair, making Fred cross the room over to you and reach to remove the last bits of goo out of your hair, which was surprisingly soft.
You laughed before thanking him and going to collect your things so you could go do whatever tasks Snape had in store for you. Fred watched as you moved your hair behind your ear, and couldn't help but notice how his heart rate picked up.
The next time Fred knew he had fallen for you was much more obvious. You and Fred had become good friends since the potions incident, and he had even let you help with some of his and Georges pranks every once in a while. You three were beginning to get along very nicely.
One night though, Fred and George were up late working on a new type of fire work in the common room, which involved using just the right amount of possibly explosive materials.
This obviously ended badly, sending fireworks flying around the room and causing quite a bit of noise. You probably wouldn’t have noticed if you were asleep, a good bit of soundproofing between the common room and your dorm room, but because you were already awake, having had trouble falling asleep, you heard the sound and assumed the worst, running out of the dorm and down the stairs.
“What's going on?!” You said once you reached the common room, eyes landing on the two boys who were ducked behind one of the couches, and covered in a bit of ash.
“New project” George said smiling looking over to Fred, expecting to join in on his explanation, but Fred was just staring at you. You had run down in a rush and didn’t bother to get changed, so you were still in a tank top and short shorts, causing Fred's brain to pretty much short circuit.
He had always found you attractive, but he had never really seen you in anything accept your robes for classes, so suddenly seeing so much skin was certainly a change.
You didn’t notice Fred's staring, but George certainly did, coming to his brothers rescue and elbowing him, snapping him out of his trance.
“Huh? Oh yes, fireworks, got a bit carried away” Fred said, trying to recover from the seemingly obvious ogling.
“Working with dangerous explosive without me” You said, putting a hand to your chest and putting on a fake sad face “and here I thought we were friends”
“We were planning on inviting you but-” Fred said, suddenly flustered over that he may have hurt your feelings.
“I’m kidding Fred, sheesh what's gotten into you?” You said smiling and shaking your head. “Maybe all that gun power has finally gotten to your head”
“Yeah probably” Fred said, trying to laugh it off.
“Well, I’m off to bed, try to keep it down” You said, before saying goodnight and heading to your room.
“That was painful to watch” George joked, causing Fred to look at him
“How do you mean?” Fred asked
“You’ve got it baaaaad” George said, causing Freds face to heat up before he wacked his younger brother on the shoulder.
“Shut up” Fred said, causing a laugh to erupt from George
After that night George was doing everything in his power to get the two of you together. Leaving the room whenever it was just you three, tripping you so you would fall into Fred, on top of many other things. Sure George thought you two would make a good couple, but to see the flustered look on his brothers face whenever you were near him was enough to keep it going, despite you being completely oblivious to him liking you.
The weekend had finally rolled around, and you and a few friends, including Fred and George, were headed to Hogsmeade to do some shopping and just to have a few hours away from the school grounds.
You were walking with Fred and George, doing some window shopping just as it started to snow.
“Ah shit” You said, looking at the falling particles. You loved the holiday season, but you did not handle cold well. You were already wearing two sweaters and could already feel yourself starting to get cold.
“What's the matter Y/N?” Fred asked, looking down to see you wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Its nothing” you said, trying to seem like it wasn’t a big deal, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were cold.
“Speaking of nothing, I need to go get some supplies for some new prototypes, so I’ll leave you to it” George said, quickly parting from the group, but not before sending Fred a quick wink, noticing how George was holding his wand.
“That little” Fred muttered to himself, finally figuring out that George started the snow in the first place.
“What was that?” You said, looking up at Fred, a slight red tint starting to dust over your cheeks as the air got colder. Fred couldn’t help but look a few seconds longer than he should have, thinking about how cute you looked.
“Oh nothing” Fred excused, continuing to walk next you you past the shops. 
After a few more seconds, he noticed your arms wrapping more tightly around yourself, slightly shivering as a particular gust of wind shocked your body with cold. Without thinking, Fred put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
You started warming up, his body heat surrounding you almost instantly. You could feel the muscles of his arm underneath the fabric of his sweater as he pulled you even closer to him, causing your face to suddenly heat up. Quidditch practice really had its rewards.
“Is this ok?” Fred asked, noticing your changed expression. you nodded
“Yeah, its actually really nice” you said, wrapping your arm around him as well and leaning your head on his shoulder a bit.
You spent the rest of the day like that, snow falling around the two of you, arms around each other, feeling butterflies swarming your stomach. You had always found the older Weasley twin attractive, but you hadn’t really thought of him romantically until now, and you didn’t completely hate it.
“Warmer yet?” Fred asked, causing you to snap out of your haze.
“Much, thank you” You said, looking at Fred to see a mischievous look on his face. 
“Good” He said, before suddenly plopping a snowball on your head. where had he gotten that?!
“Oh... so this is how its going to be” You said, kneeling down to form your own snowball, picking it up and looking at Fred.
“Now Y/N, lets not get to hasty” He started, before he was dodging a snowball aimed right at his face.
“Get ready to pay Weasley!” you yelled, chasing him, throwing snow balls at each other, laughing the whole time before you suddenly fell flat on your back.
“I cant, I surrender” you said through laughs, trying to catch your breath
“So what you’re saying is that I’m the best snow ball player in the world” Fred said, making you roll your eyes.
“Shut up and help me” You said, holding out your hand for Fred to help you up, but as soon as he grabbed it you pulled him down, causing him to land next to you, causing you both to fall into a fi of laughter.
“That was so evil” Fred said from beside you, after you had both finally composed yourselves.
“Nah you love me” You said, causing Fred to tense a bit beside you at the sudden realization that, he actually might. Before he could say anything tough, you had slapped another snowball to his chest, getting up and running in the opposite direction.
“Race you back!” You said, causing Fred to laugh, before standing and chasing after you, all the while thinking about what the hell he was supposed to do.
The next year you were closer than ever. You had visited each other dozens of times over the summer, and just as you were headed back to school and getting used to the old routine, it was time for the Tri-Wizard tournament. You watched as Fred and George attempted the aging potion, laughing as they both flew back as old men, but also visiting them when they had to go to the hospital wing.
You were in class with Fred, potions once again but this time you two were lab partners. You sat at your desk, talking with Fred about something random when Snape walked in, telling us to open our textbooks and prepare for the lesson.
As you were reading you suddenly felt a piece of paper fall by your hand. You looked at it and then over to Fred, who was already looking at you, nodding to make you open it. you reached for it but before you could open it, the note was snatched out of your hand by Snape.
“No, note passing in class” He said before throwing the note in a trash in the corner.
You looked back at Fred, who glared at Snape as he walked away before bringing his attention back to you. He put his book down and looked to make sure Snape wasn’t looking.
“Do you... want to go to the ball... with me” He mouthed, creating pretending to dance before pointing to himself.
You instantly felt your face heat up. Over the summer your feelings towards Fred had certainly grown, but you didn’t think he would feel the same way about you. You quickly snapped out of your trance though, smiling at Fred and nodding.
“What am I going to do?!” You shouted as you landed face first into your pillow, Angelina and Katie looking at you, rolling their eyes at your dramatics.
“Go to the ball with him you dim whit” Katie said, causing you to glare at her.
“He probably only asked me as a friend anyway” you muttered.
Both Angelina and Katie knew about your crush on Fred. They both also knew Fred had a crush on you, Angelina finding out from George, who was a whole other love story waiting to happen.
“Or... maybe he asked you out because he likes you” Angelina countered.
“I don’t know, I’m just freaking out” You said, sitting up to look at the two girls.
“I have a perfect solution” Katie said, causing both you and Angelina to look at her.
“Y/N, you have a crush on Fred, Angelina, you have a crush on George-”
“I do not-!” Angelina started, before Katie cut her off.
“You do too, now shut it and listen” Katie said. She was pretty close to George and Fred, being on the same quidditch team and all and knew for certain that the twins liked the both of you.
“Angelina, you’re going to go to the ball with George, Y/N with Fred, now if at any point they don't seem interested, you can just ditch and hang out with each other the rest of the ball.” She said, matter of factly.
“That's a stupid plan” You said, earning a pillow to the head.
“It is not! And you wont even need it because they like you you idiots!” Katie said throwing her arms in the air. Literally everyone could see that You and Fred liked each other, except for you two.
“Were doomed” You said, causing both you and Angelina to fall backward onto your beds, Katie rolling her eyes.
Two days later, you were sitting in front of your mirror getting ready for the ball. You had chosen a beautiful blue and silver halter top dress. It hugged your body until it reached your waist when it fanned out a bit. You matched it with some silver shoes that you found comfortable, and had Angelina help you with your hair.
“You look amazing, he’d be stupid not to see that” She said, finishing your hair.
“Says you, you look like a goddess!” you said, looking at her purple dress.
“We all look great now lets go” Katie said impatiently. She had gotten a date from Durmstrang and was excited to say the least. You all shared a laugh before heading out to the ball.
Fred was a nervous wreck waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He was trying not to show it, trying to mask his nerves with his usual goofy attitude but George could see through it.
“You’re going to be fine, chill out already” George said, causing Fred to shoot him a look.
“I’m completely chill! I’m the most chill person in the world, I’m-” Fred’s rambling was cut off when he saw George suddenly looking at the grand staircase behind him. Following his eyes, Fred turned to see Angelina, Katie and you. All he could see was you.
Suddenly all the nerves he had, all the things he practice he was going to say, all the worry, left his head. You were Y/N, you were his best friend, and he couldn’t believe how absolutely head over heels he was for you.
“Good evening sir” You said, doing a little curtsey, causing Fred to smile.
“Madam” He said, doing a deep bow and causing you to laugh. “Shall we” he said, holding out his arm.
“We shall” You said, taking his arm and following him to the ball room.
You spent the whole evening either dancing, or talking when you needed a breather. You would drink punch and people watch, trying to guess what people were saying to each other.
Suddenly the music changed, starting a slow song. You looked at Fred to see he was already looking at you. Wordlessly he held out his hand, causing you to smile while you took it. You walked out to the dance floor and started to sway to the music, suddenly very aware of the feeling of his hand on your waist. 
“You look amazing Y/n” Fred said, leaning down so he could almost whisper it in your ear, causing chills to run down your spine.
“You don’t look to bad yourself” You joked, not wanting to get caught u in the moment and forget that you were only here as friends. Right?
“Can I take you somewhere really fast?” Fred asked. you felt your cheeks heat up at his sincerity but nodded none the less, allowing him to lead you out of the ball room.
He lead you to the outside of the castle. You walked side by side, just taking in the scenery before Fred suddenly stopped, causing you to as well. You had stopped at the bridge, being able to get a full view of the Black lake, the moon reflecting off of it. 
You were too busy looking at the water to notice how Fred was looking at how the moon fell on your face, and made your eyes seem to glow. Or how he felt like he was suddenly seeing you for the first time all over again. Or how badly he wanted to just lean in and-
“Thank you, for asking me to the dance” You said, snapping Fred out of his trance.
“Of course, they ’res nobody id rather go with” He said looking at you, but you refused to meet his eyes.
“I’m sure that's not true. I’m sure there's someone here that you fancy” You said.
Fred looked at you confused. “How do you mean?” He asked.
“George told me that you liked someone... over the summer” You said. Fred mentally face palmed. That idiot! Of course he was talking about you, but Fred guessed George was just trying to get you to confess, which you obviously didn’t.
“Well, yeah... I do like someone” Fred said, an idea coming to mind.
“Oh... well who is she” You said, trying to mask you disappointment.
“Well, she’s in Gryffindor, she’s the absolute funniest person I’ve ever met, she has this smile where you see it and you can’t help but smile yourself, she's able to just walk into class and make the whole room brighter, ya know?” He said, looking down at you, trying to hide the sadness on your face.
“Is it Katie? Because I can talk to her and-” You started
“Oh my god, its you dumbass!” Fred suddenly exclaimed, causing your head to shoot up to meet his eyes.
“Wait, you like me?” You asked, Fred nodding, turning his body and gently grabbing both of your hands, holding them in front of him.
“Yeah, I have since last year” He said. Now it was his turn to not meet your eyes. “I knew I liked you from the moment you turned Snape purple, and ever since I’ve just fallen for every part of you, and I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier, I was just worried that-”
You cut off his rambling, quickly lifting yourself on your tip toes and quickly pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted less than a second, and you couldn’t read the expression on his face, causing you to panic a bit.
Meanwhile, Fred was wondering if what happened actually happened, or if he suddenly died and went to heaven, he didn’t see your worried expression though.
“I’m sorry, I-” This time Fred cut you off, moving one hand to cup your face while the other went to rest on your hip. You reacted quickly, closing your eyes and moving to wrap your arms to rest around his neck. 
This kiss lasted much longer, the two of you moving in sync as you finally did what he had wanted to do for almost a whole year. After a while you both finally pulled away for air, smiling at each other like idiots.
“I think I might be in love with you” Fred said, causing you to blush
“I think I might be in love with you too” You said, causing you both to laugh a bit before leaning in to reconnect your lips, but not before-
“Its about bloody time!” George shouted, causing the both of you to jump apart, fearing it might have been a teacher, but as soon as you both saw it was only George and Angelina, Fred started fuming while you just laughed.
“No thanks to you, arsehole!” Fred yelled back, causing George to laugh, before you suddenly realized the situation before you.
“Wait what are you two doing out here?” You asked, causing both George and Angelina to stop laughing, a slight tint forming on their faces.
“Well we were just going to... um...” George started, trying to find the words
“We were going to snog” Angelina said bluntly, causing George to look at her with a look of shock on his face, while you and Fred just laughed.
“Well Its about time yourselves then!” You yelled, giving Angelina a quick thumbs up before they left towards the Gryffindor common room.
“How did that not happen sooner, its so obvious they liked each other” You said, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
“completely oblivious, the both of them, couldn’t be us” Fred joked back, making you giggle before reconnecting his lips to yours.
A/N: I'm still in the denial faze of grief because Fred Weasley is my dream man but he doesn't exist, so please feel free to enjoy my coping mechanism :)
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝘼𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙯: 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙂𝙁 𝙃𝙖𝙨 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚
❥𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔
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"I know it's your job honey.....but I'm really not sure how to feel about this..... I'll support you no matter what though..."
You shook your head and held Hongjoong's hands in your own, running your thumbs across the top of his knuckles in a gentle motion.
"I know it's not easy Joong...but thanks for understanding." You smiled at him.
Pouting, he asked.
"Promise you won't fall for your co-actor?"
Chuckling you kissed his pouty lips. "Impossible when I've already fallen for you."
That comment made Hongjoong smile again....even if he was pouting once again after the showed aired and your kissing scene was trending all over. You came to visit him at the studio, food in hand for him and Eden, who had gotten used to having you around.
"Hi Y/N." He greeted you.
"Hi Eden- nim. Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong merely sat there, arms crossed as he glared at the screen in front of him.
"He's been like that all afternoon. I think you should do something." Eden decided it was his cue to leave for a couple minutes.
Tapping his shoulder, you called out to him again.
"Kim Hongjoong?"
He startled you by spinning around and facing you, suddenly blurting out:
"You're still interested in me right?"
Which caused you to burst out laughing.
❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎
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Maybe if you had told Seonghwa beforehand that you were going to have a kissing scene, everything would have been better. But you were busy with filming and he had to practice endless hours for their upcoming comeback that it was difficult to even talk for 5 minutes and it completely slipped your mind.
So one day, you came home and where you were surprised to see Seonghwa standing there, arms crossed as he tapped his foot on the floor.
"Oh Hwa! Didn't expect you here." You said.
"That makes two of us who weren't expecting things." He huffed out.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"What are you talking about?"
Seonghwa tilted his head, his voice full of passive aggressiveness as he said:
"I'm talking about this!" He held up his phone, showing a screencap of you kissing your co-star.
"I take it you're not happy?" You asked him.
Seonghwa scoffed before letting out a dry laugh.
"Oh no! Of course not! I'm totally fine with someone else exchanging saliva with my girlfriend." He replied sarcastically, holding up his phone again.
You cringed. "Stop the sarcasm. It's only cute when Yeosang does it."
"Oh! So now even Yeosang is cuter than me?!" He exclaimed.
"Park Seonghwa, stop this nonsense before I throw your lint roller in my cat's litter box."
❥𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜
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You felt Yunho shift awkwardly next to you, his hand reaching for some of the popcorn that was in between both of your bodies.
"Yunho, you know it's not necessary to watch it if you don't want." You reminded him, knowing what scene was about to come up next.
Yunho immediately plastered a smile on his face.
"No honey! It's ok. I'm your big, supporting boyfriend who will cheer you on no matter what!" Lifting his fists up, he tried to show enthusiasm, but you could tell he wasn't being genuine.
Yunho glued his eyes back on the tv, one of his legs nervously swinging back and forth. He seemed to be doing fine during the whole confession scene, but when you and yours co-star kissed, he accidentally swung to hard that he ended up hitting the coffee table in front of him. You were about to check up on him, thinking he got hurt, but he just started laughing nervously.
"I'm ok! Just a muscle spasm." He joked.
You never took your eyes off him, knowing that beneath that smile, he was feeling sad and rather insecure about you kissing someone else. You were happy he at least tried to be happy and supportive of you, but you also knew you hated to see him upset.
Sitting up, you turned off the tv and then scooted closer to him. Leaning in, you placed a soft kiss on his lips, making sure to give them one quick peck before pulling back.
"I love you my not so little pup." You giggled at him as he blushed and looked down shyly.
Yunho turned back to you before pushing you down on the couch, pressing you against his back as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you too Y/N. And you really did do amazing."
❥𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔
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Seonghwa shouted at him when he didn't answer for the 6th time.
"Huh?" He merely took a 1 second glance at the older male before gluing his eyes back on the tv.
"We can change it to something else-"
"No! I will watch it!" He exclaimed, surprising everyone at how loud he got.
"Yeosang....bro.....if you're not ok with this, it'd be better if you don't watch it." His longtime friend Wooyoung advised him.
"I'm ok! I'm totally fine! Just peachy." He picked up his boba tea and began sipping it at a rather fast pace, his eyes squinting at the tv in front of him.
The other guys looked amongst themselves, trying to decide to let him be or change it. Hongjoong ultimately told them it was Yeosang's call and therefore, they watched the rest of the drama.
When your character got kissed, Yeosang halted his sipping, eyes focused on the screen. The other guys tried not to say anything, but when the kiss got a little bit more heated, San couldn't help but let out a "ooooh" while Jongho covered his eyes and made a gagging noise.
Meanwhile Yeosang spat out the leftover liquid into his cup.
"I'm not ok! I am not ok!"
Standing up, Yeosang retreated to his bedroom, where he proceeded to crawl under the covers of his blanket and start groaning dramatically.
Getting up and following him, Wooyoung shook his head as he dialed your number.
"Ok, so your kissing scene broke him. So you better come over with some fried chicken and fix him or else I'll make you pay for making me deal with him if he's not repaired in 2 hours."
❥𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝑆𝑎𝑛
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As soon as San heard rumors that you were going to have a kissing scene, he immediately called you to make sure they were lies.
He screeched when you indeed confirm there'd be a kissing scene.
"I'm totally against this! I will not allow this to happen."
You asked the boys to keep him from coming over to the set, but unfortunately San was a cat that could easily slip unnoticed. So you were only made aware of his presence while you were in the middle of shooting your kiss scene because while you and your co-star were leaning in, you heard an extremely loud cough from behind you, which unfortunately got recorded.
"Cut!" The director yelled.
You turned around and nearly flipped out when San merely greeted you with a wave, as he simultaneously glared at your co-star. You spent about 10 minutes trying to shoot the same scene, only for it to be ruined every time due to San's antics. He'd either pretend to sneeze really loudly, push off certain props that made loud noises, even messed around with one of the ropes that sent a sand bag catapulting down the ceiling, nearly injuring your co-star.
"Oops. I just wanted to see what that lever did." He smiled innocently.
Having had enough, you grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out, all while he cried for you to stop in a high pitched voice.
"Listen here Choi San, this drama is supposed to be my big break and I will not have you ruining it for me, got it?!" You warned him.
San merely nodded with a pout.
"Please just don't enjoy it."
Rolling your eyes, you pecked his lips.
"Dopey cat. I only enjoy your kisses."
❥𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖
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The other guys began laughing as Mingi stared wide eye at the tv in shock as he watched you lip lock with your co-star.
"Mingi! Calm down bro!" San clapped like a seal, dying from laughter.
"It's only acting." Yunho patted him on the shoulder.
Mingi looked back and forth at the tv and them.
"Please tell me there's new technology that edits kissing instead of actually having people physically do it."
His sentence only made them laugh even harder, while he just sat there, pouting intensely. He continued pouting even after you came over to spend time with him. At first you thought he just had a bad day or missed you a lot more than usual. He was clinging onto you even more, his arms instantly wrapping behind you, face hidden on your neck as he nuzzled his nose against your skin. Every time you pulled him off because you needed to go somewhere or get something, he'd follow behind you, linking pinkies with you or holding onto your arm. Then when he began pecking your lips at random times, you knew something was up, which didn't take you long to figure out.
"You saw the scene didn't you?"
Mingi immediately nodded, huffing softly as he cuddled up to you, resting his head on your stomach. You chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Mingi if it makes you feel better, I thought of you while filming it."
Although he didn't say anything, you knew he was more than likely grinning like an idiot in love.
❥𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
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You really did try to keep Wooyoung from finding out about the kissing scene, even going as far as asking the guys to distract him from watching your drama. But Wooyoung was smarter than you thought.
"There's something she doesn't want me to see. Isn't there?"
So the boys had no choice but to sit there and watch your drama with Wooyoung. He just sat there, straight face throughout the entire thing. But when you kissed your co-star he got the biggest smirk on his face.
"Oh.....so that's what you didn't want me to see." Wooyoung already began thinking about how to mess and tease you with this information, which was exactly the reason you didn't want him finding out in the first place.
As soon as you walked in your apartment, Wooyoung switched the lamp on and turned around in his chair, arms folding across his chest.
"Welcome home cheater."
At that point, you knew you were screwed. And he made sure to milk it for days. If you tried to hug him, he'd squirm out of your embrace. And if you tried to kiss him, he'd turn his face away and say:
"No! I'm not kissing you with that dirty, lying, cheating mouth of yours."
You had enough one day when he refused to cuddle with you though, so you opted for a different option. Getting up, you went over to his room, Wooyoung barely paying attention. When he heard Yeosang scream, he turned his head and watched him run out.
"Please just show your crazy girlfriend affection! She crawled into my bed and attempted to cuddle me!" Yeosang shivered from the physical contact.
Getting up, Wooyoung stormed over to the room.
"So now you're gonna be replacing me with my best friend?! Nuh uh! Come here so I can cuddle you!"
❥𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑜
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"Jongho, remember....stay calm." Hongjoong reminded him.
"Hyung...please. I'm mature and understand this was strictly professional. I'm not going to get mad." Jongho rolled his eyes at the leader.
"Ok, just in case though."
Yunho and Mingi proceeded to sit on opposite sides of him on the couch. Jongho merely scoffed.
"Wow so much for having faith in me. Some older brothers you guys are."
It was good of them to take precautions. Jongho tensed up when he saw your kissing scene, which then turned to outrage when he saw how your co-star's character deepened the kiss and made it even more steamy.
"Hold the fuck up! I thought this was just supposed to be a tiny kiss..."
He glared at the tv, as if trying to set it on fire.
"This is a fucking makeout scene!"
Unable to contain himself anymore, Jongho yelled as he got up from the couch, Yunho and Mingi immediately holding him back from destroying the tv or any other furniture within his reach.
"Guys be careful! He's loose!" San exclaimed as he climbed on top of the couch, Wooyoung following suit.
"Seonghwa! Get some apples for him to relieve stress and anger!" Hongjoong ordered as he attempted to calm Jongho down.
Meanwhile Yeosang just sat there quietly, munching on one of his chicken drumsticks, watching the chaotic scene unfold. Shaking his head, he picked up his phone and called you up.
"Your boyfriend's gone feral. Do you want to come tame him or can I call animal control to come take care of him?" He asked.
"Seriously Yeosang? You're an ass. I'll be there soon." You sighed as you hung up, making a mental note to yourself to pick up all of Jongho's favorite foods.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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miastideclock · 3 years
Kim Namjoon Drabble, "2. 21. 50."
Kristina asked:
hi! do you think you could do a drabble with Namjoon (RM)?? And i looked through ur pick a number thing- could you do it with 50 - 21 - 2 ? Thank youu!!
(also idk if you include names, but if you wanna my name is Kristina but my friends call me Cricket)
Dude, i love your name!! And considering the numbers you chose, i'm assuming you wanted it to be kinda sad, bordering on angsty? please let me know if that wasn't what you had in mind, and i'll cook you up a new one!!
Word count:
2. "Listen, if you're gonna break my heart, can we do it outside?" 21. "This isn't gonna have a happy ending, is it?" 50. "I don't think I love you anymore."
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Iron. You identified the taste in your mouth as iron. The liquid was warm and odd in consistency, and yet the taste fell familiar. You quickly pulled your hands away from your lips to see what was bleeding, shocked to see your fingertips.
One of your worst habits included biting your fingernails, especially when you were nervous- and truth be told, you had never been more anxious and nervous than you were right then. So when you had gotten yourself into a bit of an overthinking-state, you had been nibbling away, causing your fingers to bleed. As it wasn't too much blood, you just wiped it away on your hoodie, not bothering to get up to get a tissue.
You took a look at the clock. Nine forty-five.
Namjoon had a couple of his boys over for pizza and some games, but he had promised you they would be out of the house by eight thirty, since you said you needed to talk to him. But judging from the hoying and cheering downstairs, you could say it was safe to assume they were still here.
You sighed and got up from your seat on the floor next to the bed. Usually you would be at a friends house when Namjoon wanted some guy-time, but today you hadn't had the energy. So hiding out upstairs had been your plan-b.
You slowly made your way down the stairs, as to not make any of the steps creak. When you finally made it way downstairs, you crept up behind Namjoon who was standing behind the sofa, a soda, or maybe a beer- you couldn't really tell from where you were standing, in his hand. You gently placed your hand on his back, trying not to startle him. Your mission was accomplished when he softly turned around, giving you a big smile.
"Hey Cricket. What's up?" He smiled even more and wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you in to give you a kiss on your forehead.
To everyone else, it might have looked like you were deeply in love, and that everything was perfect, but that was far from the truth.
Namjoon had been working a lot lately, which isn't necessarily a problem. The problem was that you didn't mind. You didn't mind having the house to yourself and being away from Namjoon, actually- you had started to prefer it. The days he came home early, you found your heart sinking just ever so slightly. It disturbed you. All you wanted in the world was to cherish him and love him just as much as you did the first years you were dating- because that's what he deserved.
He had never done anything to make you fall out of love with him, but those things just happen sometimes.
"Sorry about the guys still here- they'll leave soon, I promise." Namjoon said, jumping to the conclusion that this was what it was about.
"No you don't." Hoseok called from the couch as he tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth.
"No I don't." Namjoon laughed, but soon stopped when he saw you weren't joking around with them.
Namjoon on the other hand, hadn't noticed much of a difference in your relationship. Sure, you had been acting kind of distant the last few weeks, but he had just assumed you were giving it your all at work, and didn't always have the extra energy to be all lovey dovey with him all the time.
"Can I talk to you? Privately?" You finally asked, in kind of a quiet voice. Not that you were trying to hide what you were saying from the other boys, but Namjoon was so close, you really didn't need to talk any louder.
"2. If you're gonna break my heart, can we go outside?" Namjoon matched your volume, but was obviously kidding with what he said. Little did he know, it wasn't far off from being what was about to go down. You gave him a gentle nod and turned around, while still holding his hand. You then carefully lead him outside on the stairs leading up to your front door.
"Please sit down with me." You asked when you sat down on the stone steps. He did as he was asked and sat down so close that your legs were touching.
"21. This isn't going to have a happy ending, is it?" Namjoon was a lot less playful this time, and hit the nail on the head with his comment. You felt a lump grow in your throat as you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers.
You didn't want to break up with him. You didn't want to- at all. You wanted to fall in love all over, and be the partner he deserved. Someone who loved and adored him, someone who supported them the entire way. Someone who didn't wish he would work overtime.
"I have so much respect for you, and everything you do. I care for you deeply, please don't get that wrong." You started, a stray tear falling from your eye. You don't bother wiping it away as you know there will be plenty more running down your cheeks in just a few minutes.
"But?" Namjoon urges you to continue as he looks down at your intertwined fingers, gently stroking the back of your hand.
"50. I don't think I love you anymore." It barely came out as a whisper, but when it did- the world froze. Namjoon gently pulled away his hand from yours as he now rested his elbows on his knees, looking onto the street ahead of you. "I wish I could do something about it- oh my god, if I could! But I don't think that's how this works."
The silence after you finished speaking was deafening. He didn't say anything, and neither did you. It was as if the traffic even knew to go around your block rather than through it, because no cars came passing by anymore. The birds could no longer be heard.
"So what happens now?" He sighed as he looked at you, tears in his eyes. The sight only made the lump in your throat burn even more, tears now pouring down your face like a waterfall you were unable to control.
"I don't know." You started, hugging yourself as you didn't know what else to do with your hands. "I'm scared." You finally whispered.
Namjoon could relate to you, so almost as if he was acting on instinct, he wrapped his arms around you and guided your head to rest on his chest as you cried.
"I don't know." He admitted before taking a small breath. "But I know we are going to get through it together. Of course it sucks that you don't have feelings for me anymore, but that's not something I can do anything about- and neither can you. We'll just have to deal with it."
The silence came around once again, but this time- it wasn't as loud. It was more comfortable.
This was the reason you were begging and praying to fall back in love with him. Even when you broke up with him, he was kind and caring and compassionate. He was holding and comforting you- even though he should be angry and frustrated. Maybe he was. Maybe he was just hiding it.
"I'll love you forever, you know that right?" He mentioned after he placed his head on top of yours.
"I know. And I'll love you too, just not in the way I need to love you." You sighed as you finally wrapped your arms around his waist.
A few more minutes passed before you finally pulled away from him, knowing that if you didn't do it know, you would never be able to. "I'm gonna go get a few things, and then a co-worker is going to pick me up. I'll be back tomorrow so we can discuss a few things, okay?" You said as you got to your feet, reaching out a hand for Namjoon so he also could get up.
He nodded as he grabbed your hand and hoisted himself off the steps.
"I better get the guys home too then." He sighed and wiped his face with the back of his sleeve, just to get rid of any residue from the tears.
You walked back inside where the video games and music were now muted, the boys sitting on the couch in anticipation. They didn't know you were planning on doing what you did, but they had probably read your body language enough to know the news you were delivering weren't exactly great.
"Hey, are you guys good?" Yoongi asked once you both stepped into the living room, your hand still holding Namjoon's. The two of you looked at each other, communicating through the looks you had evolved over the many years you had been dating.
"We broke up." You both said simultaneously.
Even though the boys were his band-members, and his coworkers- they still had plenty of love for you as well. So when you broke the news to them, you could easily tell they had difficulties with figuring out who to run and hug first. You just gave them a sad smile and then walked past them to get upstairs, leaving Namjoon behind as well.
Grabbing a bag, you felt your hands shake. You didn't want to pack. You just wanted to sit on the floor and cry with your boyf-
Your ex-boyfriend.
The realization finally hit as you were about to losely toss your toothbrush into your bag, but it dropped to the floor before you could even reach the toothbrush. You felt your knees begin to give out, so you quickly grabbed the edges of the sink to support yourself, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as you did so.
You hadn't heard the front door open and close. You didn't even hear someone come up the stairs, and especially nothing when they came into the washroom where you were standing.
He didn't have to say anything for you to notice he was standing behind you though. His cologne warmed you up a bit inside, so it was easy to tell who it was.
You slowly turned around, leaning against the sink still- just in case.
"Do you think, that in another lifetime-" You cut off your own whisper. Namjoon took a few steps closer, only a few centimeters between your bodies now. Then he slowly nodded, knowing exactly what you were trying to ask.
He then closed the gap between you, and held you close. It didn't take long before you hugged him back, not knowing what else to do.
"I love you." He whispered into your hair.
"I love you too." You replied as you dug yourself deeper into his chest.
"Not enough."
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Damn, who hurt me? 🤡
Anyways, I hope you liked it!! Feel free to request again!
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My name is JK (Alien!Jungkook! x Human!Reader)
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PART TWO (SEQUEL TO ‘MY NAME IS 01001010 01001011′)
Warning: Tooth-rotting fluff, Jungkook being a cutie, ok the real warning tags are Daddy kink, birthday sex, innocent reader being trained (???), lots of hicks and marking, cunt slapping, oral sex, uhh and jk being a competitive baby.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, if you squint and look closely, a little bit of humour.
Word Count: 5.6k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
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It had been a week since Jungkook had, ahem, dicked you down. And it has been the best week of your life so far – he showed you things you had never seen before, the most beautiful scenes that your eyes feasted upon. You both had gone to the Neon Valley, it was a vast blue-purple lake that lit up at night due to the minerals on the sand bed below, and the lilies residing there would dance every night.
They fluttered, swung and swayed – and simultaneously, Jungkook and you too, had danced – he took you in his arms and as you both slow danced to the humming of the diva-crackers, you couldn’t help but look at his gorgeous face, adorned with a smile that you’d never replace for anything in this universe. You could feel yourself falling for him, he twirled you with ease, and as you stumbled back into his arms, he lost his balance trying to save you from falling and splash! 
You both had ended up in the hot water, and despite the current situation, you both had burst into boisterous laughter which echoed across the plain field around. In the shining moonlight, Jungkook’s face was more lit up than the neon water they were in, his long hair sprawled across his forehead, as he pushed it back with his left hand, while holding your waist with his right arm.
Jungkook looked at you with such intensity, you didn’t really know how to react. both of you knew you wanted more than just cuddles on your couch that was too small for Jungkook, more than grocery shop romances, and trekking on the artificial mountain, and more than watching movies together,, more than cuddling under the tree at the main park, more than making fun of each other, you wanted each other so much more badly.
“Kiss me,” Jungkook whispered, his face getting dangerously close.
“I’m scared,” Of course you were, but you didn’t move away from me.
“Of what?” Jungkook’s eyebrows bunched up like they always do when he’s confused.
“Of falling. Of drowning,” you answered as you looked into his eyes, how could someone not fall for him?
“Well, I’m already drowning, so don’t be scared, silly,” Jungkook’s eyes formed from his usual doe eyes to half-moon crescents and, you were no longer afraid to fall.
Because he was there, he will always be there, right beside you.
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Fuck. You couldn’t help but curse as you saw the red spot on your lavender sheets, they were my favorite sheets. You had really bad mood swings when you were on your period, and you were basically uncontrollable. You saw Jungkook’s figure on the left side of the bed, sleeping peacefully, his chest heaving up and down as he breathes consistently.
“Baby,” you whined, as you almost pushed him off the bed. There was no way that you were going to the pharmacy to get the goods, so he was your only choice possible.
He stumbled as he got up, sleep still swimming in his eyes, as his hands went up to rub them, trying to get rid of the slumber that had taken over him.
“Yes, princess?” he asked in his hoarse voice – which turned you on (especially a lot now, since your uterus was sad, lonely and angry). His eyes travelled to the blood on the sheets, and it would be an understatement to say that he had a heart attack.
He immediately engulfed you in his arms, “Are you hurt anywhere?” he said, unable to breathe, because fuck, if anything ever happened to you, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
The worry in his eyes was making you feel guilty; did he even know what was happening?
“Jungkook, chill,” you laughed a little before directing him to the side of the bed, telling him to sit.
“Humans – well, only females – have to go through a period of time where they bleed. From down there,” you explain, and watch him go into a slight state of shock.
The poor baby just woke up 2 minutes ago, so this was probably hard to digest.
“You… you’re bleeding… and you don’t go to the hospital?”
“Does it hurt?” he asks in the timidest voice ever, careful not to offend you. He remembers once he asked you about body hair and since it was your biggest insecurity (cue Middle School flashbacks when you were the only girl with a slight unibrow and mustache), you couldn’t help but lash out on him.
“Yeah, it hurts a lot in my tummy,” you said on your way to the bathroom, “I need my supplies though, could you get them for me?”
Half an hour later, Jungkook returned with five bags of chocolates, chips and snacks – enough to feed a small village. The entire week, he kept studying you (you swear you saw him looking at you and writing notes in his small notebook, like a detective. Sigh) and your mood swings and tendency to eat the weirdest food combinations – he couldn’t help but gag when he saw you dip a whole cucumber in peanut butter.
“Kookie, cuddle with me,” during the day you would make grabby hands at him, and get him to massage your back, but at night you’d be the complete opposite – wanting to sleep as far away from him as possible. He also noted that you were more sensitive to jokes during the week, so he kept them at a minimum, and his praises at a maximum.
“Baby, you know, you look so cute in my arms,” he cooed, as he kissed your cheek while cuddling. He didn’t miss the blush that crept on your cheeks either.
Also, despite all the bleeding, you were ready to jump his bones anytime. He hasn’t had this much sex with anyone in one week. Not that he minded it.
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You were more than ecstatic when you saw your favourite-est food in the world stocked in the human section of the grocery store. Spicy Hot Korean Ramen! You still remember when eating this used to be a challenge, back on Earth.
As you stacked the basket with half the stock, Jungkook couldn’t help but look at the ingredients – what was it that made you love them so much?
He was well, more than shocked to see all the different kinds of spices that humans could barely tolerate, chili flakes, red pepper oil, habanero flavored seasoning… he couldn’t let you eat this!
“Baby, this is too spicy for you, maybe we should buy this,” he pointed to the boring chicken and cheese flavored ramen. No! You were going to buy the spicy one and that’s finalized. Of course, Jungkook looked at you, and couldn’t argue. He doesn’t think he could argue with you even if he tried to.
Back at the apartment, Jungkook bit his tongue, trying not to say “I told you so,” as you fought your tears while eating the horrendous noodles. You were positive you could never feel your numb tongue as you chugged down the glass of strawberry milk that Jungkook handed you.
As expected, Jungkook was prepared for the stomach ache you experienced throughout the night, and gave you medicine to recover.
Before sleeping, you heard him sigh before saying, “I told you so,”
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Jungkook had noticed you a lot, ever since you moved in with him. You didn’t have much belongings anyways, because you were only allowed to carry 100 pounds of baggage on the space craft, so you only carried the essentials. (Yes, you brought an oven. Yes, it was 77 pounds heavy. No regrets.)
While getting accustomed to his cozy, but huge apartment, you couldn’t help but trip over furniture. At first, it was his coffee table in the kitchen, next to the refrigerator. Every time you would get something to eat, your pinky would hit the leg of the table, causing you to splutter nonsense and then cry about it.
His bed was also higher than you expected it to be, so every day, for an entire month, after waking up you would underestimate the height – and always, always fall down from it.
He was extremely shocked by your ability to ignore pain, and to continue suffering every day because of the same cause at the same place. It’s okay, because now he’d hold you as you stepped out of the bed, and moved the coffee table to the other side of the kitchen.
He also noticed that humans don’t always have a thought out sleep schedule, they did as they pleased. Last night, you were pretty much half asleep at 4 AM, as you tried to finish the last episode of the new Netflix series.
“You were so sleepy, yet you continued to watch it without even understanding what’s happening?” he asked as soon as you woke up, to which you shrugged.
Again, next week, you forced yourself to get up at 5AM in the morning, so you could go for a jog. After all, you were thinking of getting more fit, all you did was lay on the couch. But as you headed in the bathroom for a shower after the run, he couldn’t help but think that humans are weird.
The first time Jungkook heard you crunch your bones, he was so scared, you almost though he would faint. He threw his game controller on the floor, as he ran towards you – thinking you had dislocated a limb, or something.
“Kookie, I was j-just stretching,” you could barely make out the words, trying to hold in your laughter as he tried to make sure you were okay.
With a sigh, he ran his hand through his fluffy – much longer – hair now, as he headed back to continue his game, “Baby, you’re so weird,”
“But you still love me?” you asked as you joined him on the couch, laying your head on his lap.
“I will always love you. Even if your bones crack,”
Bonus: When you got up at night for a midnight snack, you were surprised to see that Kookie wasn’t in bed with you. You later found him in his office, studying about how a human’s joint makes loud popping or cracking sounds because of the gas gathered there. He was finally content to ensure that you were safe.
Of course, you smothered him in hugs and kisses, because he always looked out for you. Always.
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After a few weeks of being in Corellia, you had started to well… miss Earth. It was natural to do so; you’d lived your entire life there.
“I miss the sunsets, they were so pretty,” you spoke as you showed him a polaroid of you and your sister with the sunset behind you both. You pointed towards the one sun you had, and the purple, pink and orange hues of the clouds.
In an attempt to make you happy, Jungkook gave you a chocolate, they always made you happier, and he’d read somewhere something about chemicals in it making humans happier. But he was surprised to see you dancing (terribly) to a pop song, that seemed a little annoying, but he could deal with it.
The song had seemed to lighten your mood a lot, as you danced along with him happily, and as you looked at him, you felt happier. His long, wavy hair bounced as he danced with you. His eyes were smiling, and it was so pure that you laughed along. You were happy finally.
Until two weeks later, when you came across a photo of you and your high school class, trekking up a mountain on your senior trip to the north. Jungkook saw you sad again, missing Earth and your loved ones. Some were dead, some didn’t make it here, and some lived on the hotter side of the planet.
He put up the same pop song again, and cuddled with you on the couch. For the first time ever, you really felt grateful to God for something. You felt grateful that you were alive, and that you had Jungkook along with you. He looked how he looked every day, wearing a casual white t-shirt and grey baggy sweatpants. You adjusted yourself on his lap, and looked at him, and looked into his brown eyes. As you traced his face with your finger, he laughed, “Princess, do you feel better?”
You smile at the word of endearment, kissing his cheek, “You make me realize the difference between a house and a home. A house is a place, made with bricks and concrete, and materialistic items. But a home, is so much different. A home is where you feel belonged, a home is a place where you get that feeling of love. You make me finally realize how Earth was more of a house for me, but here, in your arms, I finally feel like I’m at home,”
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You never thought Jungkook would be an overprotective boyfriend. Or a way too over protective boyfriend. During sex, he would go crazy on your body – sometimes treat you like a china doll, fragile and easily breakable, and sometimes it would be rough and harsh, not that you minded it.
His apartment was well, more suited for Jubal people because the ceilings, the bed, and of course, the kitchen cabinets were all bigger in height and size in comparison to your apartments back on Earth. Often, without thinking Jungkook would put food on the top most cabinets, and you often either felt too embarrassed, or too stubborn to ask for his help.
Which resulted in you – dangerously – climbing on the shelf to grab your precious food. This was a routine now, so you didn’t exactly pay attention to your limbs – just letting your muscle memory do the work for you. Right foot on the counter, and then you push your left knee as well, until you’ve made yourself stable on the counter top. Then, you stand up, holding the cabinet handle. Today was the same, but Jungkook had recently scrubbed clean the shelves, so they were more slippery than usual, and there was a fleeting moment when you thought you were about to fall (which would, by the way, give you the nastiest head injury), and before you realized it, Jungkook had looped his arm around your waist.
You were still shocked – chips in hand – when he settled you on his lap, almost like a child.
“Princess, what were you thinking?” he says as he lets you turn around, so you straddling his lap.
“I just wanted some chips, Kook,” you say with an amused grin. He was obviously distressed, as he sighed while running his hands through his hair, like he would when he was frustrated.
“Baby, you have to tell me if you need something from there, okay? What if you had hurt yourself?” his voice seemed to get louder with every words, and just like that, your amused grin was replaced with a pout, as you lowered your head.
 You didn’t mean to make him angry like that.
Looking at you, he knew he couldn’t ever stay mad at you. It was physically impossible for him. He hugged you, and your head rested on his cheat, feeling his fast heartbeat morphed into a more, stable and steady beat, “I’m just always worried for you. Even if everything is wrong, it’s alright, you’re the only good thing in my life,”
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It had been ages since you had gone to a festival, and there was going to be a carnival-like festival in Corellia soon. You didn’t think Jungkook would be that interested, so you were quite surprised to see him… so excited about it.
“It comes twice in a year, you have to come! I’ve heard they’ve made it more human themed this year, so you feel welcomed, but we’ll have our traditional rides too!” he spoke with a gleam in his eyes, as you both got ready.
Jungkook of course, made sure you were wearing at least five layers of clothes, two pairs of gloved, and three pairs of socks. It was night time, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of you looking like a walking marshmallow.
“Baby, you look so cute!” he exclaimed, holding your hand. The dead town looked really alive tonight, as the red, yellow, purple and other multicolored lights lit the place up, to make it feel even more alive. You were really shocked at the amount of people present, but that’s what made it even more fun.
The first thing had to be food, you got two plates of fries, because, well, is it even possible or human to share food? And that too, fries? No way. 
Jungkook had recently discovered ketchup, and now he would dip everything in it before eating. Ramen, dipped in ketchup. Chips, dipped in ketchup. Bread, dipped in ketchup. And now, you saw him cover every single chip in ketchup before eating it. While you thought this was disgusting, you were still amused by his new found love for it.
You both scared a giant cup of strawberry milkshake, that looked like it was out of a romcom, cotton candy pink color, with whipped cream on top. And naturally, the cherry. Your noses touched, as you both drank at the same time, and you couldn’t help but want to live in the moment forever.
You both had spent the night, either enjoying rides that were too scary, and hazardous to experience but at the same time too fun to miss out on, or competition with each other to the next level. You knew Jungkook had always been a competitive little shit, whether it was about who would cook better and faster, or about who loved the other one more, he was always in a competition. This was no exception either, as you both we immersed in a car racing game, where you were well, obviously losing.
You had never really been the best at arcade games, and this car games was extremely frustrating, because the goddamn seat was too big and your legs could barely reach the pedals on the bottom while holding onto the steering wheel simultaneously. He laughed as you struggled to multitask, and at one point you didn’t realise you were going the wrong way until you heard Jungkook laughing so hard, he was struggling to breath. Three tries later, Jungkook had had his fair share of victories as he put you in his lap, and told you to focus on the steering only. He’d handle the pedals part. Together, you guys had broken the fastest record of the day and of course, he had to congratulate you. And the congratulations came in a form of a heated kiss – which wasn’t liked by the Jubals waiting in line to play the game.
Later, you both had way too much fun beating others in basketball as you paired up, and beat a Jubal power couple. Then came the bumper cars. The same Jubal power couple had hit your and Jungkook’s car so hard that you almost flew across the set-up, if it wasn’t for the seatbelt, and Jungkook’s arm around the waist. It was safe to say that Kook took his revenge by hitting their car repeatedly, as he shoved them into a corner. You kissed your over protective boyfriend on the cheek, he was just so fricking cute.
You both ate more food than you could handle, and as you were walking, Jungkook bought a donut and tried to feed you.
“No! No, Kook, I swear!” you tried to get away from him, but he held your waist as he pushed the donut in your mouth, smearing it over your cheek in the process.
“Kook!” you exclaimed, as he kissed you, and licked away any leftover icing.
You couldn’t help but blush when he smirked, “Sweet.”
At the end of it all, you pushed Kook into a small photo booth that sat on the other end of the carnival.
“Please? Come on!” you tried to show him your puppy eyes, and turned your lips into a pout.
“But baby, I don’t look good in photos!” he whined as you inserted the money to take a four portrait photo.
“Please? Just this once? For me?” you pouted again, and pushed him in with you, and you tried to drag his arms.
“You can’t give me the puppy dog face! You know I can’t say no to that!” he whined, adjusting you in his lap.
“Just pose, Kookie,” you said as you closed the red curtain on the side. In the first one, your arms were around his neck as you laughed and looked in the camera, and he looked at you, pouting. The second one, you both looked at each other and smiled, his hands in your hair. The third had been him grabbing your face, squishing you cheeks and bringing you closer (but because of the movement – it was also blurred, at which you were disappointed, but Kook assured you it looked good), and lastly, in the fourth one, you were kissing passionately, while Jungkook smiled in the kiss.
You both climb the small hill, where people are buying and lighting their lanterns in an orderly manner. You both buy one, and you end up writing “JK X Y/N” on it with red paint, and before Jungkook lights it, he adds a red heart, and “4EVER,” underneath which looks so cheesy, that it makes you laugh.
He looks at you, and kisses your forehead. Around 10:30, everyone lets go of their lanterns, and you both also let go of yours, letting it fly in the sky, as Jungkook cups your cheeks and pushes your hair back, before kissing you, sweet and slow.
The night had come to an end as all the Jubals were leaving too. You didn’t know exactly what time it was, but it was definitely i-can’t-walk-o’ clock, as Jungkook gave you a piggy back ride without any questions when he saw you stumbled into others. In one hand you held the teddy bear he had won from the water gun thingy, and in the other you held a cotton candy like sweet – but it wasn’t exactly cotton candy. It was blue and purple, and shined because of the crystallized sugar on it.
The last thing you remember was resting your face where his shoulder and neck met and mumbling, “This was the best day of my life,”
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If someone had told you that you’d have a cook off with an alien in two months’ time, you would’ve laughed in their face. But. Here you were. Trying to cook the best alfredo pasta he would ever taste in his life.
You tried to glance on his cooking station multiple times, only to be pushed back, “Baby! It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
Jungkook really seemed to be absorbed in the cooking process, and you were starting to feel deprived of his love and adoration that he would usually shower at you when he was not working in his office.
30 minutes later, he brought you his favourite dish, the one that his mother used to cook for him when he was younger. It was orange red-ish coloured deep fried small cutlets, that smelled… amazing. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it tasted like, it was salty, but in a different way. And so, so, yummy. You were a little insecure when Jungkook took a bite of your pasta, and showed no emotion.
Oh no, you had tasted it and it felt pretty normal, juts how you’d make it on Earth. Was he allergic to something in it?
“Baby, what did you put in this?” he asked, but he didn’t seem to stop eating it. He didn’t speak anything until, well, he finished the dish.
“Can you make that for me every day?”
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It had been over six months, since you and Jungkook had been seeing each other. Naturally, as a couple you both did fight – mostly over stupid stuff, like which restaurant to go to, or disagreements on what to buy etc. But you both would always sort it out, no matter what it was, he was always by your side.
It was his birthday, and Jubals never really celebrated their birthday – “Why would you celebrate this? I’m just one more year near death,” he said as you told him about ‘Earth Traditions’.
Albeit to whatever he said, you made yourself busy when he went out to meet the gang. You’d met them a couple of times before, being much closer to Taehyung because he never really questioned whatever you did, and just went along with it. You had enjoyed Jimin and Jin’s company as well (mostly because they cooked for you, not gonna lie).
As you hung up the balloons that said, “Happy Birthday!” individually, you had started to well, decorate yourself as well.
You knew how Jungkook always looked at you as if you were the most pure creature in this universe, his innocent little baby, so you decided to dress the part. Dressed in white panties, with a small bow on them, you adjusted your pink tinted, bra that came along with it. It left little to the imagination, as it was see-through, but there were small bows on each nipple, making you look like a present. You’d never really been the one to dress up in stockings as well, but here you were, tweaking your garter, as the pink shaded white see-through material latched on your legs as a second skin. Now, you waited patiently.
He finally came, around half past seven, and looked better than ever. You’d worn your silk robe that you would usually wear around, so he wouldn’t suspect anything. He looked so happy, his eyes crunched up into its usual crescent shape as he laughed while blowing the candles and eating your home-made cake. He had always loved your baking, so when you made his favourite Oreo cake, he was really, really happy. You’d made him a teddy bear – you were bad at sewing, but hey! A for effort.
“Kook, there’s a present in your bedroom too,” you said as you took his left hand and guided him in the bedroom. You had given him several gifts already, so why were you giving him another one?
“Baby, you didn’t have t-“ he stopped as soon as you dropped your robe in front of him, letting him take in the sight of you, clad in your lingerie that he had only imagined in his wildest fantasies.
The light hearted aura around him seemed to vanish, as a darker shade took over his eyes. Without speaking anything, he carried you bridal style, to the bed and laid you down softly on it.
“Gonna let me taint you, angel?” he asked, and at the sight of him, you couldn’t help but moan and nod.
“Use your words, baby,” he said as he let his fingers roam on your figure, and lit a fire in your core, making you overwhelmed.
“Yes, Daddy, please make love to me,” you whine, but he tsks on your choice of words.
“Angel, my princess,” he says as he leaves a trail of wet kisses from your neck to you collarbone, sucking on it, “I’m not going to love to you today, I’m going to fuck you, baby”
You gasp as he circles around the bow on your nipple, before ripping the thin material completely, letting the cool air hit your vulnerable skin.
As Jungkook just keeps looking at you, his long hair shadowing in front of his eyes, you can’t help but feel needy, “Daddy, please, touch me,” you whine, trying to get ahold of his hand.
He gently brings his mouth down, sucking on the little tip of your nipple, as his tongue works magic around it, and you’re already starting to get wet.
“It’s u-unfair that you’re all d-dressed up,” you moan, as you try to take off his white t-shirt. He chuckles as he takes off his shirt, letting you look at his god-like body. You were speechless when you first saw him, and you still are every time you both have sex.
His lean body, is just perfect in every way, and the way the moonlight hits his face, giving his face the shadows that come along with the highlights, you were dumbstruck at how breathtaking he was.
While Jungkook loved to mark you, mark your body, make you his, today was harsher, much more aggressive as he bit your chest, making you cry out in pleasure. He painted your body in hues of purple and bright pink, using his tongue to make each bruise feel better. As soon as he reached the hem of your underwear, he stopped, and that resulting in a whine from you.
“It’s my birthday, and you said I deserve anything on this day. So, princess,” he said, unbuckling his belt, and you swallow hard before he lets his cock free, ”let me fuck those beautiful tits,”
He pushes himself into your mouth without any warning, letting you groan and whimper as you produce enough saliva to make him sopping wet, “Good baby,” he whispers as he lets his dick between your tits.
You smiled, as you held your breasts together, and he slides his hardening member between them, “fuck baby, you’re so soft, so pretty for Daddy,” he murmurs obscene praises as you whimper in pleasure from the friction between your breasts.
He places his cock between them, and first experiments with his movements, and as time passes, he becomes faster, and messier. You both didn’t mind the mess, as his pre-cum lands on your chest, collarbone and nipples, and you can only whine in pleasure while letting him use your body.
His movements go from steady and fast to uncoordinated and stuttering, as he pulls out and pants, letting him catch his breath.
“Fuck, baby, they felt like heaven, but there’s something else, way better,” he grins as pulls himself down on your body, and looks as you underwear, directly. It makes you whimper, when you feel his hot breath through the thin material. He laps his tongue on it, and it feels so good, but not good enough, and you wish he would just take it off.
“Daddy, please, take it off,” you whine and he pulls your legs further apart and digs his face between them.
He smirks and looks at you, already fucked out as a blush stays on your cheeks. Angelic.
“Keep the stockings on, okay, sweetheart?” he says as his finger traced down your leg, as you shiver under his touch.
He comes up to you and cups your face, pressing a kiss against your cheek – and it felt so chaste in comparison to what you both had just done.
And before you could realize, he slips his fingers under the hem of your panties, and shreds them into pieces.
“What do you want from Daddy?” he stops in front of your clit, spreading your lips, waiting for your answer. He knew you were shy, too shy to speak vulgar words, but you were just so needy right now.
“Daddy, I need your tongue,” you speak, and let his tongue sit flat on your bud, it gave enough stimulation, but at the same time not enough, and you just needed more. You couldn’t help but buckle your hips into his face, and that resulted in his getting up and looking at you, making eye contact.
“You’re being ungrateful now, huh?” he says as he smacks the bud hard, where seconds ago he let his tongue rest. It’s painful, but at the same time, it just feels so, so good. He smacks it two more times before letting his teeth sink in your inner thigh, as you let lewd noises escape your mouth, as he further marks your thighs, and you knew, for sure that they would last a long time.
After a lifetime of teasing, he lets his tongue slurp the cum that escaped your pussy, as he went to town on it, eating you out as if he’s been starving for years. You let your moans escape as he slips his tongue inside you, and lets his nose rub against your clit. You were so close, just about to fall off the edge as he pulls himself away, and you whimper, grabbing the sheets as if your life depended on them.
“Your cunt is always, always so pretty and tasty for Daddy,” he smacks between your thighs again, making you gasp, “always ready for Daddy,”
His ruffled, brown hair shines in the dark of the room, the moonlight being the only source of light, illuminating his face.
He lets his dick enter you, gently, until you reach your limit and instead of waiting like he always does, he rams back into you again, letting you adjust with his steady movements, as you grab his hand and hold it. He always holds your hand when he’s being rough, to let you know that he can stop anytime. (but u is a hoe)
He slides out until only his tip is inside you, and lets himself into you all at once, fast and reckless. Wild. It isn’t long before your walls clench around him, “Daddy, I-I’m so close,” you say as your rub you clit, slowly with a continual movement.
You orgasm starts first, hot and sticky liquid, dripping down you thigh, staining your perfect stockings, and soon Jungkook follows, as his head buries in your neck, and he groans before letting himself loose.
“Happy Birthday, Kookie,” you whisper before letting him take you to the tub, where you both well, fuck again.
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A/N: It’s always so fun to write alien!jk, and I hoped you guys liked it. Also, a huge thank you to @bisoo-ausucre for supporting me so much!
Could you please help me decide what to write first? Frat boy!jk OR titanic!au with Jimin as Jack? 
As always, requests are open, and so is my inbox. See you next time!
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damn-stark · 4 years
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Remus Lupin x Lupin!reader (platonic)
Requested by anon “im absolutely in love with your writing. I myself wanted to do a similar idea for this request but i sadly don’t have time! I was thinking maybe the reader could be the daughter of remus? Or perhaps adopted? You can choose a love interest if needed, but I just need some remus + reader being father + daughter excellence.”
A/N- hope you all like it :) also no love interest hope that’s okay, just decided to focus on their daughter and father relationship :)
Warning- fluff and just pure fluff, some angst
“Well I think it’s going to go great,” you reassure your father as you walk out of the shop, smiling as you felt the warm rising sun kissing your sun. “Even if you are going to be my professor. Maybe that’s not as great.”
Your father laughs softly as he instinctively hands you a piece of chocolate. “I think that's the best part, we get to spend more time together.”
You shrug, “until they start teasing me.”
His hand wraps around your shoulders so he could pull you closer to him as you both begin to make your way to the train station.
To wait to head back to school, and for him to wait for his first day as a new professor. Something he's been excited for, but also dreading as a monthly lunar problem is the single obstacle in the way. And as much as you try to assure him, his worry doesn’t fade away. Even if he tries to hide it or simply say, “I’m your father, it’s not your job to worry about me.”
“Don’t worry,” he reassures you softly, “I won’t let that happen.”
“Intriguing isn’t it?” Your father—or “Professor Lupin”, says from the back of the class, “if anyone would like to venture a guess as to what is inside?”
“That’s a boggart that is.”
“Very good Mr. Thomas.” Your father compliments the boy. “Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?” His eyes fall on you, signaling you quietly to answer a question about what hid inside the shaking wardrobe, but you discreetly shake your head and suddenly hear the voice of Hermione answer instead.
“No one knows.” She answered, causing Ron’s shoulders to jump slightly at her sudden presence beside him and remark at spontaneous appearance.
“When she get here?”
“Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take the shape of whatever particularly the person fears the most. That’s what makes them so—”
“...so terrifying yes. Yes” Your father finishes for Hermione.
The wardrobe does another violent shake while your father continues his path towards it, continuing to explain the lesson all in the meanwhile. “Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let’s practice it now. Ah, without wands please. After me. Riddikulus.”
The class and you then repeat after him simultaneously. Having to repeat the charm again as your father instructs to say it louder. After that moment another sly comment from Draco catch’s your immediate attention. “This class is ridiculous.”
You silently turn your head to shoot him a glare he didn’t catch but you meant with every fiber in your body. Thinking to yourself even if you wanted to speak it outloud, “the only thing ridiculous here is him with that fake broken arm. How would he like if it was actually broken.”
“Very good, so much for the easy part.” Your father continues, clueless to Draco’s remark, “you see the incantation is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter, you need to force it to assume the shape you find truly amusing,” his eyes search the crowd and they land on you and then shift to someone beside you. “Neville, darl—y/n, please join me, please.”
You cross your arms over your chest and very discreetly shake your head, noticing Neville look around scared and shocked he was even called. The reaction of you both causing your father to add to his previous comment. “Come on, don’t be shy.”
With a deep sigh you begin to drag your feet after Neville, hearing Ron snicker after you left his and Harry’s side.
“Hello,” your father mumbles as Neville and you make it to the front; “now Neville first. What frightens you most of all?”
Neville hesitates before choosing to answer nervously, “p-professor Snape.”
The class laughs at the answer, while you like your father simply can’t help but agree.
“Professor Snape,” your father repeated, “yeah, he frightens us all. And I believe you live with your grandmother?”
“Yes,” Neville stammers, “but I don’t want the boggart to turn into her either.”
Your father shakes his head, “no, it won’t. I want you to picture her clothes—only her clothes, very clearly in your mind.”
Neville begins to describe what he thought but he was quickly told otherwise, getting quietly explained what to do after the wardrobe opened. Making you step slightly to the side as your father opened the wardrobe to release the boggart that soon turned into Professor Snape. The figure going towards Neville who with help shouted out the incantation and caused the fake Professor to suddenly change in women’s clothing. Causing the other students and you to laugh.
“Wonderful Neville, wonderful, incredible!” Your father chuckled before he let the boy go, “okay to the back Neville. Y/n, if would please.”
With no other choice you step towards the middle of the room and face the wardrobe, feeling the annoyance from moments ago completely disappear and turn to dread as you feared what would be revealed. And not exactly fear for everyone’s reaction, or your own, but your fathers. You knew what you feared, and you knew it would affect him too.
But before you could escape and avoid being revealed, the boggart suddenly changed and it just showed you all alone, a single full moon hidden behind dark clouds and nothing else.
Because that was your fear, being alone without your father.
“Okay, darling,” he mumbled by your ear, parting away to continue the rest, “say it. Without help this time.”
You lift your wand and point at the boggart, drawing in a deep breath before stepping closer and breathing out the pent up breath of air to say the incantation out loud. “Riddikulus!”
The fake figure of yourself disappears and the moon begins to fly out towards the class and explodes in the air as if it fireworks. Lighting up the whole class in multiple colors and taking up different shapes that made the whole class laugh and made you smile brightly.
“Good job, y/n, incredible! To the back now! Everyone form a line.”
Without hesitation you do as he says, giving Ron a high five as he extended his hand for you before you reached the end to wait for the rest of the class to do theirs. However half of the class wasn’t able to do theirs as your father—or Professor Lupin ended the lesson after Harry shared his. Leaving you linger behind after you were forced to.
“Did you enjoy today’s lesson?” Your father asked as you walked back inside class.
You nod, not looking back at him and itching to leave and leave the topic you knew he wanted to discuss as it was. Nothing. “Very much. It was very fun. But I do have things to do. Like get ready to go out to town for the first time.”
“Ah, yes, but you’re not leaving right away,” he argued, “so I did want to discuss something….your boggart.”
You groan and keep your back turned to him, just trying to dismiss his worry. “It’s nothing papa, really, you don’t have to worry.”
“And I still want to talk about it, so if you would turn around to face me, please.”
Turning around slowly, you keep your gaze on the ground until he calls again.
“Darling please.” He spoke softly, “only for a moment...just tell me what the boggart was about.”
“Well,” you mutter as you walk to where he is by the shelf, “it was….I’m scared of…” you hesitate and tighten your hold on the shelf you’re leaned on, hearing no pressure come from him, hearing a uncomfortable only surround you, choke you until it was all too much pressure and your words just popped off. “I’m scared of being alone and not having you around.”
“You won’t.” He reassured you, placing his hand on your shoulder to bring you comfort, “now I can’t promise we’ll always be together, because you are going to get older and well you are going to eventually leave me.”
You scoff softly, “you know what I mean. What if something happens when you turn? Or during what’s to come.”
“Well,” he begins to fiddle with his fingers as he always did, taking a moment to give his full answer, “It's hard with what I deal with, but I do try to take care of myself so that something bad won’t happen. But as to what’s to come, you don’t have to worry. Enjoy being at school and have fun with your friends.” He wraps his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him and guide you out of the class. “And well you have nothing to fear darling. I’ll be with you for as long as I can.”
A/N- the ending of this made me so sad :( because of well what happens to him….ughh I’m so tempted to do a couple more parts to this just like til it gets to that part but I also don’t want to cry 🙁
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ymnfilter · 4 years
And It All Goes Up In Smoke [TenRose Ficlet]
And it says, come to me
you, the tired and heavy,
And I will give you
much needed rest.
“That friend of yours,” Donna doesn’t know why she’s asking, doesn’t know what will come out of it. All she knows is that he looks terribly sad now even though not just ten minutes ago he had scared the life out of her, “What was her name?”
He doesn’t say for a moment, doesn’t look like he’s capable of words. Then, with voice thick and tears welling up in those ancient eyes, he replies, rushed and almost garbled, “Her name was Rose.”
He only breaths out once the TARDIS doors shut behind him, and then leans back against them, his feet feeling incapable of supporting his suddenly very heavy soul.
“Her name was Rose.” A voice mocks from somewhere up the ramp, and the Doctor flinches, his eyes snapping over towards the time rotor with a glare, only to widen in shock when he sees who's there,
He remembers this Rose. It’s Rose from when they went to Barcelona. He had promised her quaint gardens and noseless puppies and absolutely no running. And she had trusted him by showing up in a pretty flowy white lace sundress with her hair styled and in curls. It was one of the very few times he had seen her in something that wasn’t really practical for adventures, but Barcelona hadn’t been an adventure anyway. It had been a date. They had gotten ice cream, and dog treats and played with shelter puppies for hours and he had remembered thinking he was in love with the most beautiful creature in all of the universe.
Even now, standing in front of the time rotor, knowing that she isn’t real, can’t be real because he had just said good-bye to her forever not even a day ago, that statement still holds true.
“Hello.” She smiles and the Doctor stumbles forward, clumsily climbing the stairs till they’re only standing a few feet apart,
“You aren’t real.” He replies, but her smile doesn’t dim. If anything, it just shifts to something a little more amusing,
“Not in the strictest sense, no.”
“And yet, if you were a shape shifter of some sort, the TARDIS wouldn’t have let you in.”
He doesn’t know how he’s so calm about all this. But, try as he might, all he feels is numb. It’s a scarily familiar feeling. The same non-sensation he had coursing through him just a little while ago when he had been about to drown and hadn’t cared at all.
“I’m not an alien, Doctor.” She rolls her eyes now and laughs in a way so familiar it simultaneously squeezes painfully at one of his hearts even as the other lightens a little at the sound.
“You’re responding to me, so you’re not a hologram either.” His eyes flick over to the control panel, but everything is as it should be. Whoever she is, it isn’t the TARDIS’ doing.
“Not a hologram either, love.”
She looks real enough. Sounds just like her. If he concentrates hard enough, he can smell the vanilla and strawberries scent he has always associated with her. His hands twitch to reach out, but he hesitates,
“If I touch you, will you disappear?”
In response, she walks closer, and places a hand on his cheek, cupping his face in a way that makes him lose his breath. He squeezes his eyes shut, wills all his senses to concentrate on that one point of contact alone. She’s warm and human and Rose, just as he remembers but at the same time she isn’t. A tear slips and escapes down from his closed eyes, and she brings up another hand to brush it away. His own stay on his sides, clenched in fists, useless and heavy as lead. 
“I will stay as long as you need me to stay.”
“You are a hallucination.” The Doctor blinks, “I’m hallucinating. It’s been a while since that has happened.”
She is a hallucination. Hesitantly, he brings his hands up and places them on her waist. He can touch her, and she will feel the same because he knows how it feels to touch her. It’s all memories and senses and feelings. She’s not real. She’s definitely not real, but she’s also Rose.
“You don’t seem panicked.” Rose tilts her head, “I thought you seeing things that shouldn’t be would send you running for the hills trying to figure out what was wrong.”
“I know what’s wrong.” The Doctor sighs, and leans against the console without pulling away from Rose, “I love you and I miss you and I’m going half crazy without you.” He closes his eyes, then gulps something painful, “The thing is, whatever’s wrong with me, I don’t think I want to fix it if it gives me at least this.” 
“I would just like to say,” Rose whispers close to him, their faces inches apart. She giggles, “If anybody could see you right now, you would look ridiculous, holding on to something that isn’t actually there.”
“Don’t think I’ll want anybody else here anytime soon.” He pauses, tilts his head, “Maybe not ever.”
“Doctor,” She brings up her arms, loops them casually around his neck- it doesn’t matter that she isn’t real. His head is filled to the brim with the warm scent of Rose that he remembers made him lose his train of thought multiple times- and presses herself a little closer, “My Doctor, don’t be alone.” She begs him, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He clenches his eyes shut,
“Don’t. I don’t want anyone else.”
“No, but you need someone else. It’s better with two.”
“No. It was better with you.” He pulls her closer till her chest is flushed against his and then pulls her closer still, burying his nose in her soft hair, “Nobody else is going to come anywhere close to you.”
She is silent for a moment, her hand carding through his hair and he lets himself relax against her hold. He doesn’t know how long he has with her-this Rose that isn’t Rose but is the closest he’s ever going to get to her- but he’s going to savor and cherish each moment like a man starved. 
“You know I can’t really argue with you. Not when I’m a figment of your mind.” She mumbles in the end. The Doctor lets himself feel that special brand of smug victory that came with winning an argument against Rose Marion Tyler. She continues, “But, you also know me better than anyone else in the universe. You know what I would want.”
“You wouldn’t want me to replace you.”
“You’re wrong. I wouldn’t want you to be alone.”
“You never wanted to say goodbye. You never wanted me to forget you.”
“Well, considering you’re currently cuddling and talking to a self created hallucination of your lost girlfriend, I think it’s safe to say you aren’t forgetting me anytime soon.”
The Doctor frowns, then pulls away a little to get a closer look at her face. Rose smiles up at him innocently, “Were you always this cheeky?”
“You love me.” She retorts flippantly, but the answer makes the Doctor stiffen. He feels his eyes well up again, and God, for the life of him he can’t remember when was the last time he had cried this much,
“Yes. Yes I do. More than you could ever know.” Rose rolls her eyes,
“I’m in your head, Doctor. I think I have a pretty good idea.”
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allandoflimbo · 4 years
Take It Back (Chapter 25)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary:  About five years ago, a one night stand with Y/N tore Bucky’s life apart. It was also the night before his wedding. Now he’s married to her sister and she needs a place to stay.
Chapter Warnings: Steve catches Bucky and Reader in the act and it gets messy. Lots of cursing, language, mentions of crude sex.
Take It Back Full Masterpage |
Chapter 24 |
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New York City, New York
The Concorde Hotel
The sound of your heavy panting and a sinful zipper fills the hotel room.
You had expected Bucky to show up and for you two to finally talk out a plan, but you hadn’t expected that.
You’re momentarily stunned as you feel the quick chuckle of his breath on the break of your neck where your coral top was slowly sinking down your flushed shoulder.
“God, I’m so sorry. I’ve just wanted to do that for so long.”
It’s a low timber that could leave any woman weak at the knees.
His sexual confession makes you press your thighs together and a jot shoots from your core making you groan. The quick orgasm was still leaving small chills up and down your spine.
Had that really just happened?
You spin around slowly until you’re fallen up against the wall, its surface the only thing keeping you from falling to your knees. It was obvious how much he had worn you out with such minimal effort.
The smug face that haunted your dreams for seven years is looking back at you with no shame and not even a small trickle of regret. A devilish smirk peeks at the edges of his pretty rose lips. Your heart hammers away in your chest - the reality of what was happening not having yet sunk in completely. Your chest warmed up deliciously slow as your eyes glossed over, a feeling of love and simplicity consuming you.
You’ve felt something similar when you saw that wedding dress, the one you still couldn’t stop thinking about it. The way you had felt when you saw it was the same way you felt right now as you tried your best to keep your focusing on the figure standing in front of you.
Bucky notices the change of air between the both of you, just by that look in your eye, and soon his are mimicking yours; Love. Simplicity.  
What was sexual lust and carnal need only a few minutes ago, had now transcended into something delicate and sweet.
A short breath escapes his chest as you hook both your pointer fingers into the loops of his jeans, pulling him forward until his face fell naturally against yours. You didn’t care that your pants and underwear were still pulled down and that you were vulnerably on full display.
You pressed your lips against his and kissed him as your life depended on it.
For the first time since yesterday, you finally allowed it all to sink in. You and Bucky were now in each other's arms, together. A couple? You weren’t sure. All that you were certain of was that Bucky Barnes was in your arms, and you were kissing him like you had wanted to for the last seven years that you’ve known him. He returns it eagerly.
It was a sweet kiss, mostly a peck until you had his bottom lip tugged in between both of yours. You pulled back with a moan.
Your soft eyes slowly flickered open and you were surprised to see him already staring down at you with so much admiration in his eyes, that when you decided to speak, you couldn’t help that it came out so breathlessly.
“And that’s all I ever wanted.”
His gaze drifts down to your parted lips.
A curse escapes Bucky as he closes eyes.
With a soft nudge and a twist of his head, he allows his nose to hit the side of yours, and he just stays like that - smelling your sweet perfume and the softness of your bare hips in his hands. He squeezes you there just softly enough to leave his indents on your flesh.
Carefully, he raises his left hand to the top of your head and his eyes open again as he drags his fingers over the top of your hair.
He sighs contently as he caresses your tenderly and watching your face. He couldn’t help but just look sometimes.
You were beautiful.
He continues to trail his fingers until they are down at your arms. You whimper softly as he rubs small circles onto your forearms, the little hairs grazing the tips of his prints.
You allow him to take your hand in his.
Then, you feel it.
You swallow thickly as your eyes land on his lips.
You loved him so much. But the reminder of his commitment killed you.
You hold his hand in yours and bring it chest level. He looks down as you caress his hand, as your thumb grazes the unsettling silver band on his ring finger.
It shines brightly, and it was as if you knew that the insides were branded with her and his initials with a date. The same exact date after the night you and him made love for the first time.
His eyes follow yours when he sees the smallest of tears in the whites of your gaze.
Your name escapes his mouth, almost cautiously.
Aside from the pain and the tormented reminder that he wasn’t yours yet, a sad smile plays on your mouth, “I love these hands,” a long breath escapes your lips as your eyes flicker close again still in a post-orgasmic blaze. You bring his hands up to your lips.
You kiss him there softly, “but this ring.”
Bucky swallowed hard.
“What we just did was so wrong,” You continue softly, “What we did all those years was wrong because we are doing this to her unfaithfully. We need to tell her the truth, Bucky. This can’t keep happening while she doesn’t know. I already feel like an awful person because of it. Regardless of how we might feel about her right now.”
He licks his lips.
Bucky flips his hand around so he’s now holding yours, your fingers inside of his much larger hand. He squeezed tightly.
Your eyes meet his and he’s staring at you without batting a single eyelash.
“I know. I just couldn’t help it,” He moves up until his front is against yours and the heat radiates off his body once more. You react naturally as your body moves in just as close to his, “Do you know how many times I pictured you instead of her?” You gape at him.
Because, no. You never would’ve guessed that the last five years while you were suffering, hating yourself, feeling guilty because you couldn’t be with him and yet you wanted him, that he was picturing you the entire time.
“How many dreams I had of you riding me-“ his voice drops several octaves lower and it makes your body tremble, “screaming my name?”
Your eyes bore into his now black ones and you know yours probably look the same.  You swore he could feel the pulse on your wrist quicken against his fingers because you could feel it in your bloodstream.
You tilted your head at him almost comically as your body continued to hum for his, hum for a damn second round.
“Bucky.” You begged.
“Baby,  you’re my perfect fit. I promise. We will tell her.”
You felt salty tears in your throat as you croaked out.
Soon. So I can have you. You saw the wires turning in his head until he finally spoke.
“In the next few days.”
You bit your lip and nodded. You both stood there quietly in a mix of giggles and soft moans as he helped you pull your undergarments and pants back on properly.
A soft pink-tinted the edges of his cheeks as he buttoned it up for you, almost like he didn’t just take you up against a hotel room wall.
You whisper a small thank you and after one small last peck, you let him take your hand and drag you towards your bed.
He’s the first to sit down, and once you do so yourself, he’s got his hands already on you again. Although this time his hand is in your hair and he’s just holding your head tenderly.
“We have to talk about everything,” he runs that damn thumb over the back of your head, “I especially need you to talk to me about you and Steve. Before I can officially go through with any of this, I need to know the extent of it.”
You let your head fall shamefully as you tried to rack your brain for the correct words to start this conversation right.
You straighten yourself up, taking his hands in your own hand. “Look-“
A knock on the door startles the both of you and your heads both shoot up simultaneously towards the direction of the hotel door.
Both of your stares linger on it.
It comes in waves, first, you’re both shocked, then afraid, and then confused.
Bucky looks over at you and he sees a look on your face that he notices is probably the same way his own is right now.
He drops his voice down to just below a whisper.
“Are you expecting someone?” Your eyes stay on the door for a second longer before you shake your head.
“No, no one knows I’m here.” “Are you sure? Just me?” Your eyes squint together as you try to think. An unsettling feeling settles in your gut as you think about the only possible person it could be.
“I mean, I told Steve but I never gave him the room number.”
Bucky curses as a hand runs down the bridge of his nose.
You continue to shake your head, more to yourself than anything.
“He wouldn’t bribe someone downstairs would he?”
Bucky sighs. “This is Steve we’re talking about. He’s been crazy about you since the moment he met you, plus I hired him for a reason. I wouldn’t put it past him.”
You shake your head in denial, once more. Your face quickly pales.
“Or, it could be housekeeping.” You insist.
Another persistent knock rings out throughout the room.
Bucky quickly gets up and your heart jumps from zero to one thousand as you quickly seek out his hand to make him sit back down.
Bucky notices your worried stance and the fear in your eyes and he lets out a small sigh.
He bends down and takes your face in his hands, “Look, I’ll go hide in the bathroom and you go see who it is.”
You bit your bottom lip worriedly and then finally nodded. Giving his hand one last squeeze, you watched him go into the bathroom, shutting it closed behind him.
You wait for it to click.
Taking a deep breath, you make your way towards your door. You weren’t sure what to expect, and that scared you.
When you open it, your worst suspicions are confirmed.
His blue-green eyes softened as his eyes lay on your worried ones. You physically see the weight lift off his shoulder as an exasperated sigh leaves his lungs as he takes a step towards you.
He wraps his left arm around your waist and his right one goes to the back of your head as he hugs you closer towards him.
You never felt so uncomfortable, so guilty.
You allow your hands to linger on his back for just a second, its dark grey texture digging into the crooks of your fingers.
You feel him inhale your scent and that does it for you.
“Steve.” His hold tightens around you. He walks you both in all the way and shuts the door close behind him. When he pulls back he takes your face into both his hands and he searches your face for anything out of the ordinary. Almost as if you were physically hurt.
“I was so worried. You haven’t been answering your phone.”
He leans into for a kiss but you quickly pull away. It ends up being a small peck as only the tips of his lips catch yours.
Your hand goes to his chest as you stare up at him confused. “How’d you get my room number?”
“I asked at the front desk.” He shrugs, “I was goddamn worried about you.” He plays with your strand of hair on your shoulder, twirling it around his finger. The other drags across your face and then catches your hand again.
“Why are you here?”
He stares into your eyes, taken aback.
You hadn’t meant for it to come out so sharply.
“What do you mean why am I here? I’m your boyfriend.”
There’s a long silence that borderlines awkward as your eyebrows lift and your eyes look around nervously.
Steve gives you a confused look. He watches the flicker of different emotions across your face. Finally, you speak out and his hand tightens on yours.
“Steve, you kicked me out.” You whisper painfully, “What makes you think this is still a thing, after what happened?” It was like you physically slapped him. He literally recoils and you swallow hard at what you were doing to him.
So much guilt.
Steve takes in a deep breath as he shakes his head.
“I told you to go and make things right, and then for you to come back because I would be waiting for you. You told me you still wanted to try. I gave you a chance to make things easier for you, for us,” he moves in closer, eyes on your lips, “I didn’t break up with you.”
You try to make sense of what he’s saying as you back away from him.
“I told you that the reason I gave us a try is that I wanted to regardless of the past. But then that night-“ “That night we couldn’t have sex. And that’s okay. It’s because you hadn’t moved on. But now you can.”
It was like you were punched in the heart. You watched his hopeful eyes and your heart broke in pity for him. He thought that you telling Bucky how you felt would mean he could finally have you.
He takes your other hand in his and pulls you in until you are right up against him. You look away quickly trying to avoid looking at him as much as you could. You could feel his breath on your face and you could feel his heavy glare on you.
Your eyes flicker only briefly towards the bathroom door, where your lover was.
His best friend.
“Is that why you’ve been leaving me on read? Because you thought I didn’t want to be with you anymore?”
“I love you.”
He says it so quickly and so passionately that for a second you forget about pushing him away. Your heart hadn’t prepared you for his declaration and you’re staring up at him with hot tears in your eyes.
No, this was your fault. You led him on. And now he loved you.
What had you done?
“So much.” He grits out. You were hurting him and it was hurting him. You physically recoiled just as he had done earlier as you tried to pull away from him.
Sharply, you turn your head to look away.
Bucky was leaning against the sink as he heard everything. The position you were both currently in was a tough one and his own best friend just told you he loved you, and god knows what else he was doing to you.
Was he trying to kiss you?
Steve’s grip tightened on your hands as rejection aimed a tough blow into his stomach. He felt the pain.
“Please,” and it had him in a vice grip, “Say it back, please.”
God. What had you done?
You sniffed loudly as you continued to try and pull away from him. Your eyes flickering once more towards the bathroom door, as if you were involuntary asking for help. It was a subconscious action.
“Why do you keep looking over there?”
You stilled as your eyes slowly drifted back to his. His brows were furrowed as he darted his gaze from the bathroom door and then back to you.
He took your long silence as an answer in it itself. He stood up a bit taller and looked down at your now pale face, like a true woman caught red handed.
He took a step back from you and quickly dropped your hand. You tried to open your mouth to answer but nothing came out.
“Is someone here?” He only allowed you a few seconds to answer - to which you failed miserably - before making his way towards the bathroom door in a heavy stance.
“Steve-“ you tried to stop him, but it was too late.
He quickly swung open the door only for the both of you to be met with a pair of blues that looked nothing short of fearful.
You felt your heart’s pace quicken inside of your chest as you stared at the two men.
Steve’s hand was still tight around the doorknob as his breath quickened at the sight in front of him.
You watched as Bucky’s Adam apple bobbed heavily and as he took a step back. His eyes dart towards yours briefly.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Steve asks. The silence is long - too long. Steve takes another step towards Bucky which makes him flinch slightly, “I mean, I’m sure there’s a good reason as to why you’re in my girlfriend’s hotel room.”
Bucky took a deep breath at Steve’s choice of words.
“Steve-“ Bucky starts.
Steve looks back at you, “because she told me that things didn’t work out.”
You gulp nervously.
“You didn’t let me ex-“ you try.
“Let me explain, man-“ Bucky says at the same time.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” It’s a roar.
Steve’s exclamation startles both of you. Steve’s red now and he’s towering over Bucky, making Bucky bend against the bathroom sink almost abnormally.
“You knew- you knew how I felt about her,” Bucky’s collar is now in Steve’s fists as he’s got Bucky’s face only a few inches away from his, “You knew I liked her and you still went on and chased her. Even after I told you to stay away.” You were worried about two of the most important people in your life, but Steve’s statement sparks a deep interest in you.
What did he mean he told Bucky to stay away?
Bucky’s hands were wrapped tightly around Steves’ as he tried to pry him off of him.
“Get off of me, Steve.” Bucky was repeating calmly as Steve confined on.
“How could you? And the entire time you had your own damn girlfriend,” Steve suddenly shoves Bucky towards the side making him topple over against the wall, the sound of his head hitting against it echoing painfully around the room.
This stuns you and you wonder if Bucky is hurt, “Steve, stop!”
Steve stares down at Bucky, breathing hard.
“She told me what you did. And on your own wedding day.”
Bucky’s eyes flicker up from the floor to meet yours and you see the question in them. You hadn’t told him yet that Steve knew. One more person out of the two of you knew about that night.
Steve felt the pain in his heart and the betrayal in his blood.
“Why?!” Steve roared. It looked like he was going to pounce on Bucky again and you and him both flinch.
A soft whimper escapes Bucky.
“Please stop!” You begged.
You hated watching him in pain.
Steve’s eyes snap up to yours.
“You’re defending him? Y/N, baby, look at what he did to you for so many years of your life. How much time he wasted. And then you tell him you still love him and he sends you away to some damn hotel? Doesn’t the fact that he hasn’t even told his own wife about this make you concerned? I’m protecting you. Someone who actually loves you.” Steve looks between the both of you, “This isn't loving. This is some messed up situation that clouded your mind just because he slept with you. Please don’t this just because of one night. If he really loved you he would’ve told you back when you were still twenty-two.”
“You don’t know anything.” Bucky spats as he manages to lift himself onto one arm on the floor.
“Fuck. I love her-“ Steve tried ones more time, pointing a daunting finger down at Bucky, “You knew!”
“I know you fucking did!” Bucky hollers, “I know, man, and I’m sorry. I know you liked her, and I rooted for you, I did, but then I fell in love with her. I tried to stop, but I couldn’t. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry this entire mess happened.”
Steve took a deep breath as he started between both of you, allowing Bucky to finally stand up on his two feet.
Steve’s eyes finally landed on Bucky and Bucky swallowed thickly, wondering if he should prepare for another blow.
Maybe even a punch to the face.
But Steve’s voice is surprisingly calm.
“I used to think you were a good guy. You were my best friend.” “I’m still all those things, just let me explain it to you.” “Like hell, you are. You’re a cheater and you’re a traitor. And you stole my girl.”
Bucky’s breath hitched.
“I’m going to tell, Ashlyn! This week. We’re finally going to tell her the truth.” Bucky exclaims, “You’re right because she deserves to know. She deserves to know about all of this.”
“Let me ask you something. Before you came here, did you know that I and her were a thing?”
Steve asks slowly, looking between you and Bucky. Your eyes fall to the floor below you and, if possible, you feel even worse.
Bucky gulps as he looks between you and Steve.
“Yes, I knew.”
Steve nods.
“Steve, I’m gonna tell her. I’m tired of this hiding just as much as you are.”
Steve shrugs nonchalantly, “And then what? You’re gonna let me have my girl back?”
The fire that ignites in Bucky’s chest is severe, and a big wave of jealously washes over him. His nostrils flare as he takes in your body, your gorgeous face.
The love of his life.
The answer is simple and he doesn’t have to think twice before saying it.
Bucky’s eyes are hard as he eyes Steve down.
“No, because she’s not your girl.”
Your breath hitched and you watched as Steve’s face fell. It was as if his angry and fierce attitude suddenly left his body and all that was left was a broken man.
You could practically see Bucky’s fingers itching to take his friend into a tight hug and apologize.
This situation - you should’ve known that no one would get out of it without getting hurt.
You felt so bad for Steve as you watched small tears fill his eyes.
He quickly blinked them away and cleared his throat.
“Please man, just stop forcing it onto her.” Bucky breathes out, tired. A small chuckle in the form of a sob escapes Steve’s lips as he looks down towards the floor.
It’s then that he sees it the far left corner of the little foyer:
The filled condom, tied off at the end;
He feels his heart break again as he nods his head quickly. He had never felt such pain in his life before.
And from the two most important people in his life.
With eyes brimming with tears, he looked directly at Bucky, meeting his eyes.
“You’re not my friend anymore.”
His voice cracks as he says it.
He spins around to face you and you want nothing more than to say how sorry you are for leading him on for so long.
“Don’t call me.” He tells you.
You’re left stunned as Steve walks out of the room, letting the door slam close behind him.
There’s an dark black Audi SUV with tinted windows parked right outside The Concorde.
The woman inside the car sits in the backseat and she watches the entrance cautiously, a pair of Dior sunglasses framing the top half of her face.
She asks the driver to drive up a bit as she sees a familiar figure leaving the same building where her husband had just walked into about a half-hour before. The man looked distraught, very visibly upset.
The revelation shocks her and she quickly dials a number in her contacts.
It answers after a few rings.
“Meet me at my office. Ask Wanda to come, too.”
She quickly hangs up as she pushes her sunglasses farther up the bridge of her nose.
“Jarvis, to the tower, please.”
The car starts to move out of it’s parked spot.
“Yes, Mrs. Barnes.”
Two pairs of eyes followed the woman in concern as she paced back and forth in front of her desk.
She wore a small coat and tight jeans, her red heels clicking with every step.
“Are you sure it was Steve?” Wanda asked.
Ashlyn spins around almost too quickly and narrows her eyes at Wanda.
“Do you think I’m blind, Wanda? Yes, it was Steve! Five years missing, and one day he shows up out of the blue? I just want to know why he looked so upset. Something happened in there.”
“Maybe it was work-related, Ashlyn. Maybe he’s trying to get his job back?” Natasha inquired as she crossed her legs in front of her.
“I don’t know. Something was really off about Bucky, to begin with, it’s why I followed him. And then…” she trailed out in thought.
Wanda and Nat shared a look with each other.
“I told you how my sister was back, right?” “Yes.” They both answer without a beat, but both tones lingering in slight fear.
They knew things Ashlyn didn’t.
“Apparently, she and Steve are involved now. Something is going on and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they’ve both showed up at the same time after five years.”
“I think you’re overthinking this.” Nat quipped.
“Am I, Nat?” Ashlyn asked back. Nat knew for a fact that Ashlyn actually wasn’t far off but she was going to off her boss and a good friend like that.
Nat swallowed nervously and looked away.
“Maybe just ask Bucky, yourself?” Wanda asked innocently. She caught Nat’s eyes, “Or not, I don’t know.”
Ashlyn looked around her desk, “I could, I could. But there has to be another way.” “Honestly, Ashlyn. What is on your mind? You seem to think there’s more to this than there really is?” Nat asks shrugging, “I’m afraid to know what you’re thinking.”
Ashlyn leaned forward onto her desk as the tip of her left foot tapped on the floor. She was thinking.
“I don’t know yet. But I’m going to find out..”
Cars slowly passing right down on main street
don't keep driving, let me say something
You were sitting on the bed in a lost daze, the used condom was now thrown in the trash, and Bucky was running his hands through his hair, pulling at the strands.
“Do you think he’s gonna say anything?” You ask, staring blankly at an empty spot on the ground.
Truth was, you were still hurt by the way Steve had spoken to both of you. But you were also now afraid. If Steve had reacted that way, you could only imagine how your sister would.
Bucky shook his head back and forth.
“No, I don’t think he would do that,” a long sigh leaves his lips, “But this is still a mess.” You nod.
There’s another break of silence.
“I think we should talk now, Bucky.”
Bucky’s eyes meet yours and he nods. He sits down next to you and takes your hands into his.
You were still looking away, so damn afraid.
“Look at me.”
You take in a deep breath before tightening your hold on his hands. You look up until your eyes meet.
“I’m sorry about you and Steve.”
You rub your thumb over the back of his hand.
“I’m sorry, too.” You say.
“We’ll have a better chance to talk to him. We can make this better I promise. I know he’s so mad at us right now, and it was wrong of me to cross the line that I did, he’s not wrong. But I think he just needed to get that anger out of his system.”
You nod.
“What is it?”
“I just, he kind of has a point,” Bucky’s eyes narrow at you in confusion, “Why did you wait this long to tell me you loved me? Why not when it was easier?”
“The same reason you didn’t,” He clicks his tongue as he looks away, “Look at the situation we were both in. I was dating someone I thought I was supposed to be with, you were so much younger than me, and I thought you were way out of my league.”
A soft chuckle escapes you.
“What? Me out of your league?”
Bucky gives you a small smile and nods.
“Yes,” suddenly his little smile fades and he looks down at where your hands are clasped together, “Now let me ask you. I need to know why you think I didn’t love you when I so clearly told you I did.”
Your eyes look into each other soothingly and you can’t help but lean in and kiss him on the lips. Bucky moaned as you release your left hand from his, running it up the side of his jaw. You let your lips linger together for a second longer before you look up at him through hooded eyes.
“Come here.”
You whisper almost silently.
Bucky follows you as you climb up the bed towards the headboard. You pull him along with you with your right arm, bringing him to lay down next to you.
It’s these moments that you always longed for with him.
You feel the goosebumps on the surface of your skin as he runs his own hand now up your jaw and into the hair right behind your ear.
“Tell me.”
Your fingers linger on the tips of his nose and his lips as you start telling him. “Nat had told me something when we were first becoming friends. I think she was afraid I was catching feelings for you and she told me to be careful because you have a tendency of coming off a bit strong. She said you were like that with other girls when you and her were dating,”
“Jeez, I didn’t even know you knew about me and her.” “Anyway. I thought that I was reading the signs all wrong. I thought maybe that was just how you were - sweet. I was reading too much into our moments. But sometimes those moments became so strong, that I thought it was crazy you didn’t feel the same, but since I wasn’t your girl and because you never actually asked me to be, or let alone told me how you felt, that it was all unrequited.”
“It was always her. You always gave her everything I wanted. And I don’t mean material things. Your time. You always gave her all your time, and I still loved you through it all.”
Bucky whimpered quietly as he leaned in and captured you in a toe-curling kiss. His hands dragged from your head down to your back and down the side of your arm. He tucks it underneath and grabs you by your waist, pulling you tighter into him.
You feel his tongue play at your bottom lip and your open yours to let him into your hot mouth. You groan and your wrap your left leg around his torso.
He pulls away way too soon, and he’s nudging the side of his nose against yours. He chuckles against your lips, his thumb flicking the bottom one playfully.
“Nat and all her overprotectiveness. All this time we felt this way and we did nothing. All this time wasted.”
“But we have now.” You whisper. You hook your leg even tighter around him, bringing him flush up against you.
Bucky leans his head into you and places hot kisses into your neck and your shoulder.
“I want you in every way I can take you.”
You groan, pulling back once again to kiss him again.
This kiss is more intense and gains heat quickly.
“Steve said something earlier that perked my interest,” you say between kisses, “He said that he told you to stay away from me?” You let out a moan as he sucks on a spot on your neck that makes you grind against him. “Yes. Remember that one time back before I was married when I cut you off?”
Your eyes squint together in confusion. Suddenly intrigued, you push him away just slightly so you could look at him. “Wait. Steve, told you to cut me off?” “He didn’t want me getting too close to you. Said it was getting inappropriate. I think he was afraid I was going to fall in love with you, or worst, make you fall in love with me. Or at least that’s what Sam said.”
“Wait. Sam?”
“Don’t worry, Sam doesn’t know anything. He just knew I had a crush on you, but little did he know that I was really in love with you.”
Your mind was boggled now as you threw your head back against the pillows.
“Jesus. All this was going on behind the scenes and we knew none of it.”
“I don’t know. I think it says something that all our friends saw something there before we even knew it ourselves.”
“And now they hate us." “They don’t hate us, things are just misunderstood right now. I’ll explain everything to everyone, we both will. And it will be okay again.”
“I hope you’re right. I miss everyone like crazy,” you run your hands up the sides of his face and look at his beautiful features, “But not as much as I missed you.”
Bucky pecks you softly.
“Look, I wanted to tell you. I am so sorry for all those mean things I said to you.” “Bucky-“ “Please. Just listen. I called you the worst things possible, but it’s only because I was so hurt. I don’t really think them of you, I would never in a million years. Especially when I told you that you weren’t capable of love,” you voice slightly cracked and he pecked you again for good measure,  “It wasn’t true. You are the best thing I’ve ever loved.”
You feel the small burning in the back of your eyes.
“Bucky….” He shuts you up with a deep kiss. Within seconds he’s got both your legs wrapped around his waist and he’s kissing you hungrily.
Your small fingers go to waistband of his jeans and then he’s helping you by unbuttoning his pants.
“It’s so hard not being able to touch you,” you whimper when you get a chance to pull away from his mouth, “But we can’t. Not until we tell her.”
Wanda is practically skipping down the hall when Nat catches her by her arm. Wanda yelps as Nat yanks on it, causing the perky girl to spin around dramatically in a 360.
“Don’t say that hurt, because I know it didn’t,” Nat says with her hands on her hips, a sly smirk on her lips.
“What do you want, Nat?” Wanda asks shyly.
“I want to know what you know.” Nat narrows her eyes as she walks up to Wanda, like a prey.
Wanda stares up at Nat tauntingly, trying to come off dumb.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Nat narrows her eyes at her.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Wanda quickly looks away and spins around to go back down the hall. Maybe if she just ignored it…
Bucky trusted her.
Nat rolls her eyes.
“Look, I know you know something about Barnes, and I might know something, too. Maybe we could help him.”
Wanda stops in her footsteps at Nat’s words, but she doesn’t fully turn around.
“I know about Y/N, and I might’ve said something to set him to go after her. I know you know something too. Barnes has become a real asshole since Y/N left, but he’s only nice to three other people. Ashlyn, Sam, Me…and you.” Wanda closes her eyes tightly together.
“Nat, please." “Wanda. None of us are on Ashlyn’s side. I’ve been skeptical of her since Bucky’s father was still alive, and I know you can’t stand her either.” Wanda swallowed nervously. Was this a trap?
“What are you suggesting?”
Nat walks up closer to Wanda and continues in a whisper. “I’m thinking we find out what’s going on and we help Bucky. Maybe there’s a reason why Mr. and Mrs. Barnes never had sex on their wedding night. Maybe Bucky is the good guy and Ashlyn isn’t. Maybe its been Y/N all along.”
“And what about Steve?” “I’ll track him down. Something about all of this is just off, Ashlyn is right about that. I knew Steve always had feelings for her, but I know for a fact that Y/N never wanted anything romantic with him. Not unless she felt like she had no choice.”
Wanda narrows her eyes at this, finally interested.
“So what exactly are we doing?” “We’re going to help our friend and get him what he deserves.” Wanda blinked back at the gorgeous redhead.
Nat chuckles at Wanda’s answer and simply replies, “Redemption.”
@wxntersoldxer16​ @void-imaginations​ @heykarsyn​ @avashroom​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @lunaticbarnes​ @benhardygalileo​ @wildmavs​ @runaway-escape​ @stevieboyharrington​ @kimvmarvel​ @chipilerendi​ @hardygal69​ 
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helloprettybb · 4 years
at least
I have series ideas and everything but have very little motivation so here’s a super angsty piece. I’m sorry, but thinking about Steve going back for Peggy makes me emotional. Also, this gif doesn’t really make sense, but it fits the sad mood.
warnings: tons of angst, description of death, endgame spoilers if that’s a thing
word count: 1.2k
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The compound is destroyed and the formally pristine lawn is unrecognizable. Even though you won the battle, bodies of people that you don’t know still laid on the ground. 
Tony is dead. You watched the life drain from his body as he said his final words to Pepper. Your heart hurts at the loss of a mentor, friend, and father figure.
As much pain as you feel, you don’t summon any tears. Maybe it’s from the shock or relief that you won, but you can’t feel anything and it scares you. Your eyes are locked on Tony’s lifeless ones. All you feel is hollowness like someone carved your heart out. 
You remove your eyes from Tony, you search for some kind of comfort. Scanning the battlefield, you find it in the form of a worn-out soldier. Steve’s eyes, usually bright and brimming with enthusiasm, are solemn and shell-shocked. You don’t have to say anything for Steve to walk over and wrap you in his arms. You close your eyes and rest your forehead on his shoulder. Ignoring all the blood and injuries, the two of you stay like that.
At least you have Steve.
- You hang your head solemnly, trying to hold back tears. The funeral is harder than you thought if that was even possible. When the first person started talking, you could feel the tears emerge. You learned some new things and heard old stories about Tony. Some made you laugh while others made you roll your eyes, but all of them amplified the pain in your heart.
Your thoughts begin to spiral and you find your resolve breaking. You think of Pepper being left a widow and you cry your first tear. You try to tell yourself that she’s a strong woman and she can get through this, but then you think of Morgan and you sob quietly. 
The small, precious girl that you’ve grown to love won’t have a father. The only memories she’ll have of Tony will be muddled and faded as she ages. Sure, she’ll have stories from others and the internet, but it won’t be the same. She’ll never know Tony like you did.
You feel a strong, firm hand grab yours. You didn’t even have to look up to know who it was. You grab Steve’s hand and turn your head towards his body. He doesn’t say anything, opting to caress your knuckles lightly. The speaker’s words fade out as you think about his warm hand in yours.
At least you have Steve. - With the compound destroyed, you didn't have anywhere to stay. Luckily, Pepper was kind enough to offer you a room at their cabin. After the funeral, you locked yourself in your temporary bedroom and cried. After a couple of hours, you felt exhausted from sobbing and instantly fell asleep.
You awoke to drier tear ducts dried out and less puffy eyes. Checking the clock on the nightside, you see that it's past midnight. You leave your room and head to the kitchen. You haven't eaten since the funeral and your grumbling stomach reminds you that it's been nearly thirteen hours. 
You tip-toe down the stairs to try to be courteous to Pepper and Morgan. Once you reach the bottom of the steps, you sneak to the kitchen and immediately head toward the fridge. You're greeted by a bright blue light and an abundant amount of food. Rummaging for whatever you're craving, you hear the light switch turn on.
"I forgot that I wasn't the only person with a sleeping problem." You could recognize that commanding yet playful tone anywhere. Grabbing one last item from the fridge, you close the door and turn toward Steve.
"I'd wager that most of us have a sleeping problem, Rogers," you respond half-jokingly, still finding it hard to cheer up. Steve smiles and you can feel your chest easing slightly.
"I want to tell you something." Steve states. His vagueness simultaneously worries and intrigues you. 
Steve clears his throat and starts, "You've become one of my closest friends. You helped me adjust to the modern world and I could never thank you enough for it." Steve says, you nodding along. 
"That's why I wanted to tell you..." Is Steve going to confess his feelings? "I'm staying with Peggy when I return the stones." Luckily, your years of training taught you how to control your face because otherwise, you would have started crying right then and there. You don't say anything and Steve asks, "Y/n?" "Yeah, sorry, I'm just surprised." Forcing a positive tone, you add, "I'm really happy for you."
Steve smiles and continues, "Thanks."
He starts to get up and you ask, "Have you told anybody else?"
"Just Bucky," he replies and you nod. You know he can sense your sadness, but he probably misinterprets it when he says, "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you, too." Steve gives one last quick smile and begins to walk away. 
"Hey," you call a little louder than you should.
Steve stops and asks, "Yes?"
You should confess your feelings. You probably won't see him ever again and he needs to know. " I uh..." you stutter, feeling your chest tighten and hands clench. The words I love you, Steve run through your head as you try to gather your thoughts.
"Just wanted to say, thank you for consoling me during Tony's funeral. I didn't know I would get that emotional," you say instead.
Maybe Steve expected something else because you see a flash of disappointment before he says, "You're welcome. Emotions don't make you weak, y'know?"
You smile a little sadly and respond, "I know, Steve." 
You thought you had Steve. - Bruce is firing up the machine. The pain of being that close to Steve when he leaves forever would be too much to bear, so you opted to watch from across the way. You were still close enough to hear Banner spouting instructions and informing Steve. He reassures Bruce that he'll clip all the branches. You shake your head slightly, if you were in a lighter mood, you might have laughed. Even at such a serious time, Steve can still make a joke or two.
"You know, I tried." Bruce starts, "When I had the gauntlet, the stones. I really tried bringing her back." You knew who he was talking about and it cracked your already broken heart. When you learned that your return, along with everyone's, cost Natasha her life, you didn't know what to feel. There were so many emotions welling up inside that it seemed your mind couldn't decide. You were already fragile from Tony's death, so Natasha's was just the nail in the coffin. Your body never experienced so much grief in such a short time and it chose to shut down. 
"I miss her, man," Bruce adds after a thoughtful pause.
"Me too," Steve responds. Steve steps onto the platform and you watch as the white suit engulfs his navy one.
Before he puts the helmet on, Steve locks eyes with you one last time. He shoots a sad smile and you match it. When the helmet is fully around his head, you turn around before you can watch him disappear forever.
At least she had Steve.
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terramythos · 3 years
TerraMythos 2021 Reading Challenge - Book 10 of 26
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Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) 
Author: Oscar Wilde 
Genre/Tags: Fiction, Gothic Horror, Third-Person, LGBT Protagonist (I... guess) 
Rating: 8/10
Date Began: 4/13/2021
Date Finished: 4/20/2021 
When artist Basil Hallward paints a picture of the beautiful and innocent Dorian Gray, he believes he’s created his masterpiece. Seeing himself on the canvas, Dorian wishes to remain forever young and beautiful while the portrait ages in his stead. The bargain comes true. While Dorian grows older and descends a path of hedonism and moral corruption, his portrait changes to reflect his true nature while his physical body remains eternally youthful. As his debauchery grows worse, and the portrait warps to reflect his corruption, Dorian’s past begins to catch up to him. 
Perhaps one never seems so much at one’s ease as when one has to play a part. Certainly no one looking at Dorian Gray that night could have believed that he had passed through a tragedy as horrible as any tragedy of our age. Those finely-shaped fingers could never have clutched a knife for sin, nor those smiling lips have cried out on God and goodness. He himself could not help wondering at the calm of his demeanour, and for a moment felt keenly the terrible pleasure of a double life. 
Full review, some spoilers, and content warnings under the cut. 
Content warnings for the book: Misogyny (mostly satirical). Racism and antisemitism (not so much). Emotional manipulation, blackmail, suicide, graphic murder, and death. Recreational drug use.
Reviewing a classic novel through a modern lens is always going to be a challenge for me. The world seems to change a lot every decade, let alone every century—whether some canonized classic holds up today is pretty hit or miss (sorry, English degree). And considering the sheer amount of academic focus on classic texts, it’s not like I’m going to have a “fresh take” on one for a casual review. I read and reviewed The Count of Monte Cristo last year, and thought it aged remarkably well over 170+ years.
Somehow I never read Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray for school. I tried reading it independently in my late teens/early twenties, and honestly think I was just too stupid for it. Needing a shorter read before the next Murderbot book releases at the end of the month, I grabbed Dorian Gray off the shelf and decided to give it another shot. By the end, I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked the book.
I’m actually going to discuss my pain points before I get into what worked for me. The first half of the book is very slow-paced. The Picture of Dorian Gray is famous for… well… the picture. But it isn’t relevant until the halfway point of the novel, when Dorian does something truly reprehensible and finds his image in the picture has changed. There’s a lot of setup before this discovery. The first half of the book has a lot of fluff, with characters talking about stuff that happened off screen, discussing various philosophies, and so on without progressing the story. Some of this is fine, as it establishes Dorian’s initial character so the contrast later is all the more striking. I just think it could have been shorter. I realize this comes down to personal taste.
I’m also torn on the Wilde’s writing style. He’s very clever, and there are many philosophical ideas in his writing that did genuinely made me stop and think. The prose is also beautiful and descriptive; this is especially useful when it contrasts the horror elements of the story. However, there’s a lot of unnatural, long monologue in the story. Not sure if it’s the time period, Wilde’s background as a playwright, or just his writing style in general (maybe all three), but the characters ramble a LOT. My favorite game was trying to imagine how other characters were reacting to a literal wall of text. 
I also feel the need to mention this book has some bigoted content, as implied in my content warnings. The misogyny in the story is satirical; it’s spouted by the biggest tool in the book, Lord Henry, whose whole shtick is being paradoxical. You just need basic critical thought to figure that out. However, some things don’t have that excuse. A minor character in the first half is an obvious anti-Semitic caricature. There’s also some pretty racist content, particularly when Wilde describes Gray’s musical instrument collection. While these are small parts of the book, it’d be disingenuous not to acknowledge them.
All that being said, there were many aspects of the book I enjoyed, particularly in the second half. Wilde does a great job characterizing terrible people who fully believe what they say. Lord Henry is an obvious example, and Dorian follows his lead as the story progresses. One of my favorite bits was after Sibyl’s suicide (which Dorian instigated by being a piece of shit). Dorian is initially shocked, but as he and Lord Henry discuss it, they come to the conclusion that her suicide was a good thing because it had thematic merit. It’s just such a brazen, horrible way to alleviate one’s guilt. 
Dorian also goes to significant lengths to justify his actions. At one point, he murders Basil to keep the portrait a secret. While he briefly feels guilty about this, Dorian grows angry at the inconvenience of having killed this man, supposedly an old friend. He even separates himself from the situation, expressing that Basil died in such a horrible way. Bro, you killed him! It was you! The cognitive dissonance is just stunning. 
It’s also viscerally satisfying to read about Dorian’s downfall as his awful choices catch up to him. Dorian becoming tormented by the portrait is just... *chef’s kiss*. Is it surprising? No, it’s pretty standard Gothic horror fare. But there’s something to be said about seeing a genuinely horrible man finally pay for what he’s done after getting away with it for so long. I wish real life worked that way. 
There’s the picture itself, too. I know it’s The Thing most people know about this novel -- but I just think it’s a cool concept. I like the idea of someone’s likeness reflecting their true self, and the psychological effect it has on the subject. Most of the novel is fiction with realistic horror elements, but I like that there’s a touch of the supernatural thanks to Dorian’s picture. It’s an element I wouldn’t mind seeing in more works. 
It's sad to read Dorian Gray with the context of what happened to Wilde. The homoeroticism in the novel is obvious, but tame compared to works today. Wilde and this book are a depressing case study in how queer people are simultaneously erased and reviled in recent history. Wilde was tortured for his homosexuality (and died from resulting health complications) over 100 years ago, yet the 1994 edition of Dorian Gray I read refers to his real homosexual relationship as a "close friendship". It's an infuriating and tragic paradox. Things have improved by inches, but we still have so far to go.  
As I grow older I find I appreciate classic works more than when I was forced to read them for school. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a gripping Gothic horror story. Some aspects didn't age particularly well, but that's true for almost anything over time. If you're in the market for this kind of book, I do recommend it.  
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
Danny Returns
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It had seemed like an eternity for Jessica, waiting for Luke to return. She isn’t sure what she expects him to do, exactly. Nothing he does is going to make Trish less sad, and it isn’t his place to be the one there, trying to hold the broken pieces together. That’s Jessica’s job, as much as she feels she sucks at it and will inevitably make things worse. Whatever her limitations, Trish is her sister, and she’s the one who understands the very complicated relationship she and her mother had. She is the only one other than Trish who has a level of understanding of the contradictory, complex person that Dorothy had been. Luke won’t be able to be there for Trish in the way that Jessica knows she has to be, and she doesn’t feel that she has the right to ask him to be there for her.
Still. She wants him there. Selfish and weak as she feels it to be, she wants him there, at least present and at a supportive distance as she struggles to be there for Trish.
She breathes a sigh of relief when she hears him come inside, lifting her head when he looks in on them. Trish barely stirs; if anything she closes her eyes against his voice, seeming to want to block out the world. Jessica nods at him, her voice detached even to her own ears.
“Thanks. I don’t think she’ll eat right now, and I’m not hungry. Maybe later.”
It’s another hour before Trish finally drifts off to sleep, and Jessica waits until she can hear her stuffy breathing become more even and regular before she gently detaches herself. She keeps her movements slow and quiet to keep from disturbing her as she leaves the bedroom, taking a long shower. She still feels as though her body and her mind are separate entities, existing somehow not together but in parallels of each other, so as she washes herself she is surprised to find that there are dried remnants of tears on her cheeks. When had she cried, and how had she not noticed this?
As she emerges, she takes the soup and some spoons Luke had left out and also snags a bottle of whiskey for herself. Holding the items, she says briefly to Luke, “Sorry. I guess you get the couch again for a night or so. I can’t leave her by herself right now.” She paused, her lips briefly thinning, before saying quietly, “Thanks for coming back.”
She doesn’t tell him that she’s glad he didn’t find Phillip. She isn’t sure that she is, to be honest. Right now she doesn’t feel much of anything at all.
The next few days are even more excruciatingly long and painful for Jessica as she struggled to take over managing Trish’s needs along with the needed but infuriating details of handling Dorothy’s death and the necessary arrangements. Trish had almost completely shut down. Jessica had seen her high, drunk, and in withdrawal more times than she cared to remember, and yet she had never seen her retreat into such dark and blank grief as she was showing now. Even in the aftermath of physical abuse from her mother and sexual abuse from movie producers in her childhood, Trish had never seemed so shattered that Jessica could not tease, coax, or bully her into functioning on some level. Jessica wasn’t an overly analytical person when it came to emotions, but it was starkly obvious to her that no matter how badly Trish got along with Dorothy at times or how unhealthy their relationship, she must still have deeply craved the eventual approval of her mother. For this now to be forever impossible seemed to have rendered her almost immobile with shock and pain.
Jessica answered Trish’s phone for her, informing her workplace in no uncertain terms that she would not be returning to work or making any sort of public statements until she damn well expressed the desire to. She told those offering condolences to save it for emails and managed the details of arranging for Dorothy’s autopsy, funeral services, and speaking to the officers investigating the case with the minimal amount of consulting with Trish about it that was possible. Of course, she didn’t tell the police any information about her brother’s involvement. She couldn’t bring herself to do that, even though she was well known to them herself at this point and they would no doubt believe a relative of hers as capable of the ability and violence to cause what had occurred. For one thing, Phillip Jones was supposed to be dead, and given what had just happened to Dorothy, it didn’t feel fair to Trish to further tarnish her reputation by explaining the part she had played in this lie being widespread. For another, Jessica herself worried more for the safety of any normal police officers on Phillip’s tale. Whatever he might do to them if he felt himself cornered would be on her own head. If they found him on their own, that was one thing; she wasn’t about to hand him over. Besides, it wasn’t like she knew where the hell he was anyway.
She spent most of the time not unwillingly speaking to people on the phone either sitting with Trish, keeping her company. She was scared to leave her alone in the state she was in. Trish had never expressed suicidal ideations before, but she had overdosed enough in her drug years and almost died during the Simpson era of last year that it was often a fear Jessica carried in the back of her mind. She couldn’t take losing Trish, not now. Not after everything. So she stayed shadow close to her, making her eat what Trish would accept, making her use the restroom, brush her teeth, change her clothes, and shower. Other than that, she just sat with her, not trying to talk to her or force her to talk.
She was feeling progressively worse physically herself, but she ignored this, focusing on trying to keep Trish healthy. It was weird. Drinking wasn’t giving her the relief and numbness that she usually sought; in fact, it seemed every time she tried, she got sick to her stomach soon after to the point of actually vomiting. For Jessica, who was used to drinking very large quantities without ill effect, this was mysterious, but she chalked it up to stress and kept determinedly trying- and failing- to drink. Food was more or less not a priority to her; if she couldn’t drink without puking, she sure as hell didn’t feel like eating. It was difficult for her to sleep deeply when she was trying to simultaneously listen out for Trish, and what she sleep she did get was broken often by nightmares.
But the worst of it was that she had no idea where Phillip was or what he was doing. She refused to watch the news, even when Trish was asleep; there was far too much about Dorothy and Trish on at all hours. For all she knew, he could have burned half the city at this point. She figured Luke would tell her if he had.
After three days of enormous stress and strain, she finally heard a knock on the door. Trish was awake but not communicating much, as was normal now, and Jessica got up, murmuring to her she would be back. Her shoulders are rigid with the possibility that it could be Phillip on the other side, and she said to Luke shortly, “Keep an eye on Trish, you didn’t order delivery, did you?”
When she looked through the keyhole and saw that it was Danny standing on the other side, her legs went weak, and she sucked in her breath, a burst of gladness sparking through her chest for the first time in days. She went to open the door, but instead of hugging him or stepping back to let him in, she socked him hard in the shoulder, three times in a row.
“Where the fuck have you been, what the fuck took you so long to get back here?! Do you realize that we needed you here, do you realize that we’re fucking drowning, while you go off to some stupid god world and fight for people that should fight for themselves?! Meanwhile my dead brother is a serial killer who killed Trish’s mother and half a dozen others, and you just left us to deal with this alone! I’m fucking done with this, done!”
When she started yelling Jessica went lightheaded by the first sentence. She hasn’t been moving much for the past few days and she’s dehydrated from attempting to drink, getting sick with it, and then not drinking enough non alcoholic fluids to make up with it. By her last three words she had stumbled back, tripped, and her legs gave out so she fell more or less to her knees, tears breaking forth for the first time since she saw the news. She doesn’t even know why she’s crying, or why she’s so angry, but she but she feels like she has unleashed something she’s been holding back and it refuses to come back inside her.
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punksarahreese · 4 years
Separation | A Chance Meeting (Twice Over)
Nosdecember day 19 | @neworleansspecial
Teen!AU; Years after Sarah had to cut off contact with Ava
CW: brief narcissistic abuse mention
“So,” April started as Sarah came up to the nurse’s station. Sarah rolled her eyes playfully; she knew that look all too well. Nurses loved their gossip and her friends in the ED were no exception. If Sarah wanted to know about someone or something, April or Maggie would be the person to ask.
“There’s a new CT fellow,” April nodded in the direction of the doors that led to the hallway, “And someone is pissed.”
Sarah followed her gaze, watching Connor speaking to Will with a rather annoyed look on his face. He was ranting, or so it seemed, and he looked even more disheveled than he had before. Of course, new competition would be a big hit to Doctor Rhodes’ ego, even Sarah knew that. Plus everything that was going on with Robin at the moment, she could imagine he was feeling overwhelmed to say the least.
“Poor Connor,” Sarah sighed, “He was Doctor Downey’s protégé. He’s used to being the only CT fellow, right?”
“Yeah. He’s mostly pissed because Latham doesn’t treat him like a prince, I think. Also this new fellow? She was his first choice so I think he feels threatened.”
“She?” Sarah smiled a little at that, it was nice to know there were more female doctors around. Surgery staff especially were lacking in gender equality at Gaffney, so it was always pleasing when new, talented female doctors stepped up in the ranks.
“Mhm,” April was typing away at the computer but still kept up the conversation, “She’s from somewhere pretty far apparently; really pretty accent.”
“Oh, interesting.”
Maybe April was going to say more but before she could, Natalie tapped on Sarah’s shoulder. She apologized lightly when that made the resident jump, forgetting how easily startled she could be.
“Hey, just wanted to check in. How is Robin doing?”
“I was just about to go check up on her,” Sarah replied once she regained her composure, “If you wanted to talk to her yourself.”
Sarah was just leaving Robin’s patient room in the CICU, thoughts focused on going home for some rest. The day had been long and hard for everyone, though she knew Doctor Charles and Connor had the worst of it. She wasn’t too close with Robin, obviously as her doctor that wouldn’t be recommended, but she cared about her. This whole situation was tough and scary, while she was glad to see a physical explanation for her psychosis she was still worried about her prognosis. The episodes could still come back and Sarah wasn’t sure how much more Robin could handle psychologically.
She mustn’t have been paying enough attention because one second she was walking down the hall and then next she was on her ass. She heard annoyed muttering before a hand was held out to her, tugging her to her feet before quickly letting go.
“What is it with residents in this hospital not watching what they’re doing?”
That made Sarah a bit peeved, smoothing down her coat before looking up at whoever this woman was. She was looking at Sarah with an unreadable expression and the psychiatrist couldn’t figure out if she was expecting an apology or a thank you. Her dark blonde hair was pulled back from her face and she was clad in the black scrubs indicative of a CT staff member. Paired with her low and admittedly beautiful accent, Sarah realized this must be the new fellow that April had told her about.
“Maybe we should both pay more attention, Doctor…”
“Bekker,” the hand was held out again, this time for a shake, “Ava Bekker.”
That had Sarah stopping in her tracks, not letting go of her hand but unable to properly shake it. It couldn’t be her; not here, not now. This had to be some kind of joke. How did she not recognize her? Staring at her now, Sarah realized how obvious it was. She still had that confident posture and unwavering smug smile. Her voice hadn’t changed, still alluring and music to Sarah’s ears. Not to mention she still wore the same perfume, a familiar lilac scent that Sarah hadn’t realized she missed so much.
“You are?” She was watching Sarah in confusion, trying to prompt her to reply. She didn’t recognize her; of course she didn’t, it had been ten years. Ava probably moved on and would want nothing to do with her. Not after Sarah cut off contact so suddenly.
“Um, Doctor Reese… Sarah.”
The realization must have hit Ava because she pulled her hand back, shock crossing her sharp features. She searched Sarah’s face silently for any indication of a lie but found nothing. The resident didn’t know how to reply, what could she even say in this situation?
Before she could even think of how to continue, Ava had grabbed her hand and dragged her across the hall to the CT lounge. She was confused and maybe a bit anxious; actually more anxious than she had been for years. The girl she used to love more than anyone was here and was holding her hand again, ten years later and in a whole new city.
“Ava, I-”
Once again Sarah didn’t get a chance to speak. This time it was because she was suddenly yanked into a hug, something she hadn’t properly had in ages. The way Ava wrapped an arm around her shoulder and the other hand came up to protectively cradle her head made Sarah want to sob. This was what she needed so badly a decade prior, the comforting promise that Ava wouldn’t let go of her. Even now, when they might as well be strangers, something felt so right about being in her arms.
“I thought…” The way her voice wavered surprised Sarah, “I thought I lost you.”
The simultaneous pain and relief in those words had Sarah almost crying for real; the last thing she had wanted was to hurt Ava. She couldn’t respond right away, instead just tightening her arms around her waist and holding her even closer. In that moment it didn’t even feel like months had even passed, let alone ten years. Everything felt right again, like the world had finally continued turning after it stopped back with her mother’s manipulation and abuse.
“I… I’m s-sorry,” Sarah’s words were muffled by Ava’s white coat but the older woman heard her just fine. She shushed her gently, promising it wasn’t her fault. She wanted to believe Ava, she really did, but Sarah had yet to be able to heal from the years of gaslighting. Everything was her fault, it had to be, her mother never let her believe otherwise.
“It was,” Sarah shook her head, “I was careless and mom found my letters. She burned them, I didn’t- I couldn’t read your last one.”
That answered the one question that had plagued Ava for ages and the amount of relief she felt was overwhelming. She had been terrified that she had scared Sarah off or upset her in some way. That last letter she sent had taken so much courage to even seal shut, much less send it. They had spoken about feelings before but that was the first time Ava officially asked Sarah to be her girlfriend. When no reply came after two weeks, she began to worry. When it reached two months of silence, Ava was convinced Sarah hated her. She never did get an answer and it left her distraught for years. She hated knowing Sarah was most likely punished for their letters but knowing she didn’t ghost her on purpose was the most reassuring thing Ava had ever heard.
“Sarah, it wasn’t your fault,” she promised, “I’m so sorry you had to live with her. I should have figured out how to get you back to me when I had the chance.”
“You couldn’t have known,” Sarah reasoned with her, “Besides, we were both young. It was a messy situation.”
“I couldn’t protect you. I should have, I hate that couldn’t be there.”
“I know, but I’m okay now,” Ava couldn’t help but melt into the hand that rested reassuringly on her cheek, “I’m out of there and it’s okay.”
Ava nodded, though Sarah could tell she wanted to apologize regardless. They fell into silence, still standing in a half hug in the middle of the cardio lounge. They both knew someone could walk in and be utterly confused at any moment but they didn’t care. This was what both women had wished for for over a decade, just one more hug and a promise that things would be okay.
“Has it really been ten years?”
“Yeah, too long.” Sarah sighed, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” the shyness that crept into Ava’s voice was unlike her and it brought a smile to the other woman’s face. Oh how Ava had missed that smile, so unlike the sad, angsty teen Sarah had been when they met that first day on the beach. She hoped Sarah was happy now, at least, safe from her mother and well on a path to a good life.
“You work here now?” Sarah knew she must be the new fellow but some part of her brain was insisting this was still a dream.
“Yes,” Ava nodded, “Doctor Latham invited me. I’m finishing my fellowship here.”
“This can’t be happening,” Sarah breathed, still shocked that any of this could be real. It felt like the universe had been against them since day one. They shouldn’t be together, Sarah had thought back then; she was only toxic for Ava. Yet here they were, grown adults in a new place, colleagues. This must be a chance to restart, to be close to each other again. Had the universe finally stopped working against Sarah? Did she have a chance at happiness again?
“It doesn’t feel real,” the blonde agreed, “But I promise I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re not… mad at me?”
“Sarah, don’t be daft,” the words made her smile despite herself because they sounded so Ava, “None of this was your fault.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you…”
“I know.”
Sarah sighed again, feeling like her head was spinning with everything that had just happened. She let Ava pull her close again, knowing they both needed the quiet comfort and reassurance that the other was really there. She relaxed into the hug, hearing how rapidly Ava’s heart was beating when she leaned against her shoulder.
“Can we go somewhere to talk? Unless you’re still working but I just… We should talk, I think.”
“Yeah,” Ava’s hand smoothed down her unruly curls as she spoke, “That’s a good idea.”
“You could come over, if you wanted.”
Sarah wasn’t expecting the teasing look she received but the low laugh that accompanied it was enough to make her think she fell in love all over again. God how she had missed that laughter; the borderline giggle contrasting Doctor Bekker’s seemingly no-nonsense attitude.
Ava pulled back a little, nodding, “Well I certainly can’t turn down a pretty girl inviting me to spend the evening with her, now can I?”
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
An Angel Through Time
David Milton (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of death and a near death scene
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: The unthinkable miracle of getting a second chance at love centuries after the first one slipped through his fingers is exactly what happens to David Milton when John’s students are taken back trough time and save him from certain death.
Requested by my dear friend @artlovingbre​ . Hello! I’m sorry to be posting your request so late, I hope it makes up for the wait. David is really an underrated character and I can’t thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to write for him. Please enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
Y/D/N - Your double’s name (same first letter as your name)
I feel someone’s grip on my forearm, encouraging me to open my tightly shut eyes. When I do so, I’m met with a terrifying scene. That evil priest is here, along with that little girl and two other men - one of which is a spitting image of Daniel. The priest is saying something but I’m too busy exchanging confused and fearful looks with Daniel and Andrew who have been dragged into this mess with me.
“What do we do?“ I ask, turning around just in time to see the other man push Daniel’s double over the ledge.
“NO!“ The scream leaves both me and Daniel but while I remain frozen in place he rushes to save the innocent man from the certain death awaiting him.
Luckily, he manages to grab onto him, I don’t know how he made it, I’m just glad he did. However, he’s struggling to pull him up to safety, having his double dangle above his faith.  Seeing the man who pushed him pull out a knife and begin to approach the ledge shakes me out of my trance and I rush over to help him myself, grabbing onto the rope that binds his wrists. Thankfully, with joined forces and a little help from Andrew who took a bit longer to snap out of his confusion, we pull the double back inside the belfry. We each lose our balance, falling to the ground, letting go of the rope that has cut through the skin of out palms.
I hiss at the irritating pain spreading through my hands, squeezing my eyes shut. If I had any doubt that this was actually happening, I don’t have it anymore. The pain is real. That scene was real. That man was real. This is all real and I really need to put myself together because otherwise, I’m not making it out of this place alive.
Oh God, the image I saw when I rushed to the ledge - below was a spiked fence this innocent man would’ve inevitably impaled himself on had Daniel not caught him when he did. My heart sinks just thinking of that happening.
“Hey, it’s over now. You can open your eyes.“ Andrew’s comforting voice reaches me through the fog of distress clouding my brain. I feel his gentle grip on my shoulder as if trying to ground me to the present, reminding me we left that behind.
Maybe not completely though. The first face I see is Daniel’s, thing is - a quick look to the left shows Daniel standing aside talking to Taylor. The person I’m looking at is his double. In the present. Here, with us, now. 
I look at Andrew who’s offering me a helping hand to get me off the ground. He understands all the bafflement from that simple eye-contact and I can tell he feels the same.
John and Angela ask us for explanations but how are we supposed to explain something even we don’t understand? 
                                                            *  *  *
How can this be? It’s them, it’s really them. Maybe it’s their souls looming over me as to shield me from harm. Maybe I have been compromised by the Devil himself. I have no answers, no way to understand what is right in front of me.
The late sister of mine - Tabitha and my deceased lover, Y/D/N. 
My eyes may deceive me or an evil force is using me as its plaything. I can not be sure of anything anymore. So help me God, I am miraculously alive. Or I maybe aren’t. This may be my soul reuniting with the souls of my condemned love ones. One was accused of witchcraft by our own kin - our sister Mary, and the other, my dear Y/D/N was a victim of reverend Carver’s sinful, poisoned with malice heart.
We were to be married, the joy of calling her my wife so close within my reach. I remember the night I asked her to marry me: the tears glistening in her eyes, the warmth of her embrace. The happiness that inhabited our home.
And how suddenly it was taken from us.
Y/D/N warned me of Carver’s advances and intentions towards her. I told her not to fear, that I would first throw myself in the arms of damnation rather than let any harm be done to her. I will never forgive myself for not doing more to save her from the horrible fate Carver decided for her when she refused his advances and stayed true to me and our love. She let out her final breath right in front of me, looking me straight in the eye.
Her final words shall forever haunt my mind and memories.
David, my soul will love you beyond death’s grip
This is her fulfilling her last words. She rescued me from inevitable demise. 
Like a guardian angel, using her love for me to keep me out of evil’s reach.
“Are you ok?“ She approaches me cautiously, almost fearfully. “That was a close call back there.“
“My eyes deceive me, no? Y/D/N, is it really you?“ I reach out towards her, fearing she is nothing but an illusion. Fearing I’ll never see her again the second my hand touches hers.
Her hand takes firm hold of mine as reassurance that I haven’t gone mad. “I’m sorry but I’m not. My name’s Y/N. I understand that you are having a tough time understanding this and believe me - we’re in the same boat there. Just trust us, we’ll....figure everything out, ok?”
Her voice - her voice opens the wound on my heart Y/D/N’s death inflicted on me. I hear the echo of the purest words I’ve ever heard spoken.
I most certainly do not feel safe nor do I understand what trickery was done to me for my soul to be sent amongst these people, but I believe they mean no harm. I have seen the face of evil - and it doesn’t look like them.
                                                              *  *  *
Daniel’s double, who I now know is named David, is coping with this surprisingly well. The confusion is still clouding his brain but he’s not nearly as freaked out as I would’ve been in his position. He hasn’t asked many questions, I think he’s still in shock. Regardless, he’s calm and...well, alive and that’s what matters. Every now and then I catch him looking at me with this sorrowful sadness in his gaze. I feel my heart sink a little every time I see it. He has mentioned another lady, Y/D/N I think he called her. I don’t know what relation he has to her, but he mistook me for her so I can only assume she’s my double. I’m honestly afraid to ask, I don’t believe I can handle what he’ll tell me. At least not yet.
We approach an old house. That’s a pretty generic description, considering all the houses in this ghost-town are old. This one, however, sticks out. It has clearly been shielded from the cruelty of time by many renovations. It simultaneously looks firm as a fort but also like it could crumble at any moment. It’s hard to explain, you’d have to see it to understand. Through one of the windows we see a faint flickering light, presumably from a lit candle.
“This is our house. What in God’s name has happened to it? Why is it so filthy?“ David looks the house from top to bottom with fear and hurt in his eyes. I see the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks and my heart cracks much like the foundation of the house.
“It may have been your hose back then. It’s no one’s now.“ John tries to explain to him, as delicately and carefully as one could, “It’s our only good lead, given there’s light in there.“
David shakes his head, “I refuse to step foot beyond that doorstep.” His statement is firm, not that we would’ve tried to change his mind regardless.
I look at the group who are exchanging puzzled gazes. I raise my voice to say: “I’ll wait outside with David, you guys can go in and do a sweep. If you find anything useful just holler, I doubt I won’t hear you.“
They slowly nod in agreement before entering the house. I watch as they disappear into the darkness of the hallway, paying close attention to the creaking of the floorboards that bend under the weight of their footsteps - giving me some indication of where they are in case I need to go in and find them.
There is a half-rotted bench in front of the house. It looks far from stable or useable but I decide to take my chances. I sit down and brace for impact with the ground but when that doesn’t happen I wave David over to sit down as well. He does so, though reluctantly - never taking his gaze of the house, the look in his eyes remaining as painful as when he first saw it.
“Y/D/N, she was the light of this home. Tabitha was to be wedded as well. She didn’t live to see that day. I couldn’t protect either of them.“ He rests his elbows on his knees, hiding his face in the palms of his hands. “I should’ve fought till the last undeserved breath for theirs. I should’ve done more.“
With minor hesitation, I place my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him though I know my presence is fueling his sorrow. I’m an image of someone meaningful he lost, how can he even bare to look at me? “Who was she? Y/D/N?“
His hand reaches up, taking hold of mine and removing it from his shoulder. He straightens his posture, gently holding my hand with both of his. “My late wife to be. She was cruelly sent away from this world by the town reverend. He wanted to rid me of my life shortly after Y/D/N, but...” his attention travels to my eyes, “you saved me. I would now be nothing but a lifeless body if you hadn’t done what you did. I will forever be in your debt.” He squeezes my hand in an act of endearment that makes my heart flutter. “Though it pains me to look at you or the other woman,” he tilts his head towards the house, presumably referring to Taylor, “I can not take my eyes off you. This mustn’t be a coincidence. You are either her, or an angel sent by her. I am grateful to you regardless.” His hands uncover mine and he brings it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles.
I feel this overwhelming need to protect him, to always be by his side and never leave him. I have known him for less than two hours; he’s been a part of this time for just as long and yet I still feel so close and so attached to him.
“Don’t worry, David. My life isn’t getting stripped away and neither is yours. I can promise you that.“ I say reassuringly, nodding to put extra emphasis to my words.
                                                             *  *  *
The way she puts such faith on her words, on her promise, makes me recall how Y/D/N’s voice danced in the air when she’d tell me what our future looked like through her eyes. Every letter leaving her lips carried its own meaning, none less valuable than another. All so certain and concrete. A force to be reckoned with. A force to gain all my trust in a matter of seconds.
“Thank you, Y/N“
I shall put my life in these people’s hands and my heart in the hands of this angel that survived through the walls of time. This strong woman who risked her life to save my own. 
There’s no longer a doubt in my mind that she’s my second chance at love disguised as an angel. One Y/D/N’s soul sent me from the heavens where she’s looking down upon me from. I shall fulfill her wish - I shall love again.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi there! Anon here..lol So, I have a request for Iguro Obanai (• ▽ •) MC (preferably female) low-key declares Mitsuri a love rival (oh Lord! ヘ(。□°)ヘ) Reader is mad extra - she just wants to be noticed by snek papi! She greets him with his favorite treats every pillar meeting -but look! He didn't even notice! She offers to go on missions with him - oh..Mitsuri already volunteered? After pining after him for so long she starts to back off... until he confesses. Turns out Mitsuri (1/2)
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Ahhh, hello, bby! Okay, I had so much fun writing this as well. Bc hey, it’s mild angst and I’ve always loved writing angsty stuff. And no worries at all; I kind of like having a rough guideline to go by, bc it lessens the strain of having to figure out a mild subplot. But anything’s fine with me. Ahaha. Thank you sooo much for requesting this, and I hope you like it. :D xx
Reader Having a Crush on Iguro and Declaring Kanroji as a Rival (SFW Scenario):
“I don’t care, nee-chan. Mitsuri’s my rival for Obanai’s love— and there’s nothing that you can say that will make me change my mind,” (Y/n) declared irately, as she sat next to her sister on the engawa. Both of them were snacking on senbei, but it was more like (Y/n) was demolishing the crispy treats with every bite.
“You’re approaching this from a very immature perspective, (Y/n),” Akane— the older one of the (L/n) siblings— mused in a knowing manner. “Isn’t she your friend? You’re the Lightning Hashira; you’re supposed to set an example.”
Completely undeterred from her declaration, (Y/n) shook her head, before gnashing another chunk of senbei between her teeth. “She was my friend; until she started being too friendly with Obanai. They’re always together! And whenever Oyakata-sama asks for volunteers to go with Obanai, she’s always the first one to get chosen. It’s unfair!”
Akane chuckled at her sister’s predicament, then reached out and patted the top of her head. “If it’s so unfair, then why don’t you just move on to someone else? That boy who always visits you is cute. What was his name… uh… Rengoku?”
“Kyō-chan is like a brother to me. He doesn’t make me feel the way Obanai does.”
“Well, if you put it like that… then, try one more time. And then promise me that you’re going to stop trying to get him to notice you, if your attempt today fails. Okay, (Y/n)?” With those words hanging in the air, Akane pulled her sister close to her and laid her head on her shoulder. She then began stroking (Y/n)’s hair, more to comfort her than anything else.
“It’s just not fair, nee-chan. I loved him first.”
“That’s love, (Y/n). You know what okaa-san used to tell us, remember?” Akane began softly, as she kept lightly scratching her nails against the Hashira’s scalp.
And, after a brief pause, the sisters simultaneously spoke— with the younger one being more sullen than usual, “Some people are sent to you by the gods, so that they can teach you what you need to learn. While some people are given to you by the gods, so they can take care of you forever. There’s no telling whom was sent for what, so you will have to trust your own instincts and know when to keep on fighting, and when to give up.”
Once the hour for the Hashira meeting had rolled around, (Y/n) could not hold in her nerves. She walked into the garden at the Demon Slayer Headquarters, with her head held high and her back ramrod straight— all while her fingers curled tightly around the bento she had made for Obanai.
She’d paid particular attention to which foods he liked and disliked, and with every meeting, she always brought a bento for him. Only, he never seemed to notice her efforts— so she always ended up giving the bentos to Rengoku.
Her gaze roamed around the expansive space, only to land on the man who made her heart race: Iguro Obanai.
Iguro was lounging on his favorite tree in the garden, when he spotted (Y/n). She was carrying another bento, and was headed straight for him— which caused a blush to immediately flare up across his cheeks.
“Hello, Obanai-san,” The Lightning Hashira greeted with a bright smile. She then held up the bento in her hands, with the same sincere affection he’d always picked up from her. “I made this for you.”
While (Y/n) may have looked calm and collected on the outside, she wanted to scream on the inside. Every second that passed with Iguro just staring at her made her nervous and sad; it gnawed a hole in her heart, which she knew she was most likely never going to mend.
The pair stared at each other, with (Y/n)’s smile slowly faltering. And when the Snake Hashira made no move to get the proffered container, that was when (Y/n) knew that it was time to give up.
So, with a gracious bow, she whispered— all while barely restraining her urge to cry, “Sorry for wasting your time, Iguro-san.”
And with those words, she turned on her heel and walked away from him with as much dignity as she could muster.
Even though she wanted to just lay down on her bed and cry her heart out, she couldn’t— because she still had a meeting to attend.
Of course she sat through the entire meeting, with her comrades shooting her and Iguro some weird looks. As (Y/n) was extremely tuned in to their boring topic of internal budgets, when before she would shamelessly shoot adoring gazes at the Snake Hashira, whom sat beside her.
Iguro could also feel the change in the air. Frankly, it unnerved him, as he had always harbored feelings for (Y/n) but was just too shy to confess to her. He feared that he may have accidentally dealt the final blow to their nonexistent relationship with his inept reaction earlier.
He had been so tongue-tied that he couldn’t muster up the energy— or the brain cells— to make his hands move. His heart had pounded so hard in his chest, because the woman he’d always liked had made another effort to garner his affections.
Little did she know that she already had them.
And once the meeting was over, Iguro was sure that he had singlehandedly ruined the one good thing he’d had with (Y/n).
She tried to be discreet about it, but it was obvious to him that she was avoiding him. Hell, it pissed him off; but the proverbial icing on the cake was when she gave the bento— which was filled with food for him— to the Flame Hashira.
Iguro wanted to scream when he saw that transpire with his own eyes. And then he wanted to shove Rengoku aside, when he saw the other man laugh heartily before wrapping his arms around (Y/n).
“I told you to confess to her already,” Kanroji’s familiar voice echoed in Iguro’s ears.
Anger bubbled up within the young man at his friend’s suggestion; anger at himself, not anger towards her. He had been too stubborn and shy to act on his own feelings, which was why he felt like (Y/n) had suddenly given up on him.
He could only look on as (Y/n) and Rengoku exchanged banter, and when a loud and heartfelt laugh bubbled from her lips, something snapped within him— and he found himself walking towards her.
“Oh, hello, I-” (Y/n) couldn’t even finish her flaky sentence, as Iguro had turned her to face him and slammed his lips against hers. It was kind of awkward with his bandages in the way, but it served to get the reaction he wanted: her face flushed and her eyes misty with desire.
However, even with (Y/n)’s heart pounding frantically inside her chest, irritation and mild embarrassment simmered within her. “How dare you-!?”
Once more, she was cut off when the Snake Hashira spoke over her, “I like you, (Y/n). I’ve always liked you.”
Wide-eyed and completely in shock, the young woman’s eyes darted from the man in front of her, to the Love Hashira who stood a few paces away behind him. “But you and Mitsuri-chan… you two…”
“She was helping me find a way to confess to you,” Obanai answered her unspoken question, which made a blush color her cheeks— all the way up to the tips of her ears.
“I… well… this is awkward,” (Y/n) whispered under her breath, which was still heard by all their comrades. And when she heard the first few vestiges of laughter, it suddenly dawned on her that she and Iguro hadn’t exactly been private with their altercation.
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et-lesailes · 5 years
missing linc // chapter one
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pairing: ceo!steve x reader
word count: 2670
series summary:  you are a college student working at a daycare full time during your summer break, and you have grown especially fond of one of the toddlers in your class, lincoln rogers. you are certainly not expecting to develop such a huge crush on his dad steve when you meet him for the first time, but you can’t help but be attracted to the businessman– despite the fact that he’s married. however, as intelligent and mature as steve comes across, he has a few secrets behind his marriage- one in particular he may never be able to make up for.
series themes: romance, drama, age gap, infidelity, smut in later chapters
chapter summary: reader meets steve rogers for the first time.
taglist: @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy , @chalamet-evans , @world-of-losers , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 , @tanyam93 , @bval-1, @wonderwinchester , @little-miss-exo, @poerebel , @pining-and-tired , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @jbug491writinghelp, @quaiderade, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @honeyloverogers, @capsiclesdoll, @qrndevans, @mcueveryday, @drkstrangeson
note: tbh this is inspired from my real life job at a daycare except the only difference is that nothing has happened yet from my crush on a hot dad but heY who knows what the future holds!!! 
** please send an ask if you would like to be added to the taglist! also shoutout to @thewritingdoll for the graphic!
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You exhaled loudly as you finally got a moment to relax, one of the program support staff of the daycare currently covering for you so you could go to the bathroom. 
You absolutely loved working with kids and were striving to be in the field of developmental psychology one day-- but for now, while you were still working on your bachelor’s degree, working at a daycare where you could at least observe and work with kids and their development would have to do. You loved every second of it, but it was certainly exhausting taking care of eighteen toddlers. Thankfully, you had the help of other toddler teachers; there was no way you could have done it yourself.
You had only just recently switched to working full days; now that it was summer vacation, you could work from 9 to 6 as a closer rather than only going for a few hours here and there before or after your classes. It was your third day of working full time, and while it was a lot, you were still happy with the job. 
You felt especially attached to one of your toddlers. Lincoln Rogers, or more commonly referred to as Linc, was a bright, happy, and cheeky boy, and although he had his naughty moments, he just had so much personality you could not help but be in love. He seemed to be especially fond of you too, constantly following you around, liking to cling to you, and even crying when you left for your lunch break.
He had blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and was quite big for being only eighteen months old; he practically looked like a two-year-old already, what with his head full of hair and his adorable clothes. He often wore cute little polos and colored shorts or cool, dark “jeans”, only of course, made more comfortable than actual denim in order to better suit a child. 
You had only ever seen his mother, Tiana, drop him off and pick him up, and based on her appearance, it seemed like the boy had inherited a majority of his looks from his father. She had chestnut brown hair and matching eyes, and was on the more petite side compared to her son who was probably in the 95th percentile for his height. She seemed nice enough, always polite with you and thanking you for taking care of him, but you could see that she always seemed so tired, so stressed. Was it work? Personal problems? Did it have to do with why Dad was never picking up? For obvious reasons, you could not ask these things, but being so attached to Linc, you wish you knew just to satisfy your intrusive curiosity. 
It had been about a week into your new schedule when you would finally meet Dad, and the day of, before you even knew anything about it, the staff was absolutely buzzing. When your co-teacher, Stephanie, walked into the room that morning wearing a slightly low cut shirt, you glanced at her chest before looking to her, eyebrow raised in amusement. “What?” she asked defensively, giggling. “Yesterday at pick up, Linc’s mom said that Dad is dropping off this morning. I know you haven’t met this man yet, but trust me, he is gorgeous.” You were immediately intrigued. Not because of his apparent good looks (okay, maybe slightly because of his apparent good looks), but because you would finally be able to place a face to the father figure in Linc’s life, the little boy who you practically saw as your own baby. In as non-creepy of a way as possible. “What’s he like?” you asked curiously, simultaneously keeping your eye on the few children in the room that had been dropped off early. “He’s only a literal God,” another teacher scoffed as she walked in, having overheard your question. “We are talking about Steve, right?”
“Brittany, you’re not even a toddler teacher,” you said to her with an amused laugh, arching an eyebrow. “What are you doing in this room and why are you on a first name basis with his dad?” 
“Leanna is with the preschoolers, I don’t need to be there too!” she defended herself playfully before fanning herself in an exaggerated lustful gesture. “Before you worked here, I would help out in the toddler room sometimes. I only knew Tiana then, but she asked if I could babysit this one time. When I went over, I met Steve- they were both getting ready to go on a date or something. And Y/N, let me tell you,” she paused, letting out a whistle, “this man is beautiful. Linc’s a little replica of him- the blond hair, blue eyes, and he’s so tall. Probably slightly over six feet.” You listened in awe, cocking your head. “How come he never usually drops him off or picks him up?”
“He’s a CEO,” Stephanie answered, sighing dreamily. “So as you can imagine, he’s pretty busy. Meetings, calls, traveling all the time-- I guess he happens to be in town now. And you can bet he’s going to walk in here in a suit and tie, one that probably costs more than all my past paychecks put together.” 
You looked down at your own outfit, consisting of a tee from the college you attended and leggings. Because it was a daycare job, it was not really necessary to dress up considering you had babies spitting up on you or smearing dirt on you when they went in for hugs. Still, you found yourself suddenly feeling a little self-conscious, even though you knew that was ridiculous. “He travels a lot?” you asked, trying to distract yourself from your simple wardrobe. “So I guess Linc doesn’t get to see him too often, then?” Such a thought seemed sad. 
“Oh, no. That man loves his son way too much. Even if he’s all the way in London or Tokyo, he flies back for the weekend just to be able to see his family. Even though Linc doesn’t see him as much as Mom, you should see the bond they have.” Brittany sighed, shaking her head adoringly. “God, it’s so hot when a man knows how to be a father.” 
“I need him to be my daddy,” Stephanie commented, and you laughed loudly, playfully nudging her. “There are innocent children in here, would you chill?” She laughed too, going over to scoop one of the girls up, bouncing her and making her laugh. “It’s okay, they don’t understand yet!” 
You were about to ask Brittany what Steve’s relationship with Tiana was like, just out of curiosity, but then another parent came in the classroom. Turning to greet him and his son, you couldn’t help but feel impatient and excited, wanting to finally be able to meet Linc’s dad.
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It was nearly 10:15 AM and still no sign of Linc; all the kids were generally dropped off by 9:30, considering that most parents had to go straight to work after, and you wondered if he would be coming at all today seeing that he was normally there before you even came in for your shift.
You were standing by the baby slide outside, supervising the kids playing on it when the door to the playground opened. As you looked up to see who it was, your breath was practically taken away. 
He was just as Brittany described. Tall, blond, piercing eyes-- you could not see them up close just yet, but they already looked pretty. He was carrying Linc in one arm and you could see the shocking resemblance between the two, their facial features practically identical let alone the hair and eyes. Linc was generally a pretty happy child, but he looked even more ecstatic now, practically glowing as he bounced around in his father’s hold. You were incredibly confused at how such a scene could be so painstakingly adorable and so sinfully sexy at the same time. Brittany was right, a man who could be a father was hot, and his looks definitely helped too. Stephanie had also been correct; he was adorned in a very expensive looking suit, matched with a blue tie that complemented his pacific hues. 
“Hi, Steve!” Stephanie greeted, and you watched her come over to him with a wide smile on her face. “Hey there, Linc! Look at you, you happy little man! Are you happy that Daddy’s back in town?” You chuckled as you watched; she was not being over-the-top simply for Steve, she was always this happy and playful around the children and you respected her for not letting this bizarrely gorgeous man disrupt that. “Hey there, Miss Stephanie.” Steve greeted in return, and you bit your lip from hearing his deep voice, wondering if this man had any flaws. “Sorry we’re late. I took the morning off today to spend some quality time with the little man. I should have let you guys know,” he apologized, eyes now scanning for the other teacher, then blinked as he saw you. “Oh, hi there. Are you new?” he asked with a charming smile, and you forced yourself to get it together.
“Yes, hi!” You walked over, though still making sure the children were in your periphery. “I’m Miss Y/N, I’ve actually been working part time here for a while but I just recently switched to full time.” You explained, then smiled as you reached out to playfully poke Linc’s cheek. “And I absolutely love this little guy! He’s such a sweetheart.”
Linc immediately giggled upon seeing you, suddenly reaching his arms out towards you. Steve blinked before chuckling intrigued, cocking his head. “Wow. I rarely see him do that with anyone. You already ready to leave Daddy for Miss Y/N, huh, tiger?” he asked him playfully, mocking offense. He handed him to you, handsome smile still gracing his lips. “He must really like you. Though I’m not surprised, he always likes the pretty girls.” 
He said it so casually, your shocked brain could not even fully process that it was a flirtation-- he was already looking back towards Stephanie as if his comment was a perfectly natural thing to say in conversation with someone he had just met. “I’ll come pick him up too, I’ll probably be here around 5:30.” Looking back at you and him, he smiled and leaned down, kissing his son’s head. He was so close you could smell his cologne, even his minty breath. “I love you,” he spoke in a deep rumble, and your heart practically sighed. “Be good, kiddo. Don’t drive these ladies too crazy.” He straightened up again before winking at you, then turned around to head back inside. 
You were standing there still in shock, but when you heard a whimper slowly sound from Linc’s throat upon seeing his father was gone, you snapped back to reality. “Shhh,” you comforted him, running your fingers through his blonde locks. “He said he’s coming to pick you up tonight! You’ll see him before you know it, okay?” The little boy sniffled and buried his face in your neck, hugging you tightly. 
“Um, so, is he like that with everyone?” you asked Stephanie in reference to Steve, turning to her still a little bit in disbelief over what had just happened. She even looked shocked herself, scoffing amused. “Uh, no? I’ve never seen him flirt like that. Ugh, you’re so lucky.” You blinked and cocked your head. “Doesn’t he have a wife, though…? I mean, he and Tiana are married, right?” Stephanie nodded but made a slight face as if to indicate it was a bit more complicated than that. “I don’t know anything for sure, obviously, but something definitely seems off about that relationship. The only time I’ve seen them together was for Linc’s enrollment meeting, and… they didn’t really seem like they were vibing, you know? It wasn’t like they were arguing or upset with each other, it just seemed like they barely even knew or wanted to know each other. It was so weird, I had never seen a couple like that before.” She shook her head, continuing as she leaned over to pull a rock out of a kid's hand before he could eat it, “I mean, how could you not want to know that man? He’s practically an angel.” 
You frowned thoughtfully. “Brittany said they had been getting ready to go on a date though, that one time she babysat. Maybe it had just been an off day for them when you saw them?” She shrugged her shoulders, though still looked uncertain. “I don’t know. After what I saw, it’s hard to imagine them even eating dinner in the same house. But who knows.” Stepping forward, she stroked Linc’s hair too, playfully poking at his hip to tickle him slightly. “What I do know, though, is that they definitely make cute babies!” 
You smiled and nodded in agreement, deciding to drop the subject. It wasn’t any of your business anyways, the gossip simply kept you and your coworkers entertained through the hours of singing children's songs and chasing around hyperactive toddlers all day. Still, you could not help but think of that damn smile and wink for the rest of the day, even blushing like a little schoolgirl upon remembering Steve calling you pretty. As a twenty year old, you were more used to being called cute if anything at all, and so the compliment coming from a grown man (and a very attractive one at that) meant all the more. 
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