#still try to go to one of their shows 😋 without my parents knowing (impossible) 😋
bluehwale · 1 year
i’ve been so distracted w my midterms lately and i just knew today that ATEEZ ARE COMING TO ASIA AND I GOT SO EXCITED until i found out that they’re not coming to my country🧍‍♀️
i might go to bangkok or singapore just to see them but literally none of my irls stans ateez and i probably won’t be allowed to go alone bcs my parents hv trust issues 😞💔
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iluvdi1fs · 3 years
Something still here
arne johnson x reader
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Warnings: maybe something close to a panic attack? not totally sure, cussing
A/N: Hi this is my first time writing an imagine or whatever u call this so im kinda scared and im sorry if this felt really slow and dragged out yikes. I have not proofread this im sorry im too lazy and this is just part 1 i think😋
Word count: 2.1k
No one expected things to turn out like this. Especially when everyone thought it was all finally over- the sleepless nights doused with worry and fear, the sluggish long days that felt like never-ending repeats, and the constant panic that shook and consumed the house. No one realized it was just the beginning- for a certain someone at least.
The sun was always shining and it felt- it felt so unfucking fair- how while everyone you loved was suffering, the world refused to acknowledge it, decided it didn’t care about how you all felt that it’d be just fine without you all in it. Every day felt impossible and it was exhausting, having to go through the torment on the inside and then step outside into the god damn sunshine, but maybe, just maybe you're over reacting. Or maybe you had every right to be bitter and furious and upset and scared- so fucking scared- that things wouldn't turn out right.
It had been a few days since Davids horrifying and brutal exorcism and while he was beginning to heal and recover along with the rest of your family, you were still replaying everything over and over again in your head. Something about that night, besides the obvious traumatizing experience of holding down your possessed little brother yelling demonic curses, still felt like it was, here?
David was finally back to you, the warrens had made sure of it, and poor Mr. Warren, who had suffered a damaging heart attack night of, was still recovering in the hospital, yet, even if the house felt cleaner, happier, brighter, your gut was telling you a whole different story. Arne had tried to reassure you that it was just the post exorcism fear still creeping in and unsettling your mind, and while you did everything you could to believe him, you just couldn't fully accept it.
"But Arn-"
"No, Y/N, listen to me- sh, stop- listen," you tried to cut him off with more of your rebuttals but failed, especially when both of his hands rose to rest on the sides of your face, softly caressing your slightly reddened cheeks.
"You're scared, im scared, were all still scared, so scared and it's going to feel like this for a while, but if we keep, keep dwelling and thinking about everything that's happened, how are we supposed to get any better and move on? Look at david, look how he's playing again- he's happy! Please, just try to relax, okay? you're stressing yourself out way too much pretty girl and all you're going to do is damage yourself and i can't have that happening, alright?"
With a loud long and admittedly dramatic sigh, knowing he was right, you reached your hands up to clasp around his wrists. "Yeah, yeah you're right. Thank you, arne, I love you." A smile grew on his face showing his pretty white teeth and before he could return the feeling, you grumbled, "but dont get used to being right this often, this is a rare occasion-" Arne jokingly rolled his light brown eyes and chuckled, a lazy half smile now appearing on his face making his dimple visible. "You-" he huffed out, "are so cheeky," and he leaned down placing a soft kiss on your forehead, his hands dropping down to your waist. "were gonna be okay, promise baby."
As night time dreadfully arrived, things in the house began to slow down and you had to constantly remind yourself that nothing was going to happen, david was okay, arne was okay, and your parents were okay. You weren't going to have to stay up with arne, eyes red and puffy as you held each other and watched david, alert on fear and panic, waiting for something to happen. The two of you could sleep peacefully.
You made your way into your bedroom, shuffling your feet and yawning ready to climb into bed with your precious boyfriend. All you wanted to do was curl into him and feel his arms wrap lovingly around you as you drifted off into a deep sleep full of absolute nothingness. Sat on the side of your bed facing the wall was Arne, slightly hunched over staring at the ground. "Arne, baby, what's wrong? Are you alright?" You called out crossing the room to stand in front of him. His hair was lightly coated in a slick shine and was damp from what you guessesd was sweat, which was faintly odd as there was a chill in your room from the opened windows and knew that arne hadn't been doing anything that would get him worked up. He lifted his head to look at you as you stepped closer standing in between his parted legs.
"Whats wrong, Arne?" you whispered softly, running a hand through his somehow still soft hair to which he closed his eyes in pleasure. His appearance shocked you, but of course you stayed silent. His eyes looked exhausted and the purple bags under his eyes made it seem like he hadn't slept in weeks, which he honestly probably hadn't, but just a few moments ago he looked nothing like this. While he still remained beautiful as ever, he looked almost ill.
"Im not, not really sure i just dont feel all too well, but no worries i just need some sleep." A small smile formed on his face making you're heart ache, because god, can't he get a break? You're poor boy. You frowned and caressed his pale cheek, his skin feeling cold and clammy , "can i get you anything? water, food?"
"No, im good baby, im good, lets sleep," he managed to get out with a small smile you knew all too well, a smile that meant the exact opposite of what he was saying.
Not convinced, you wanted to push back, but knowing he wouldn't change his mind, you were ultimately forced to let it drop. "Okay," you softly murmured, leaning down to kiss his lips and wrapping your arms around his neck. With a slight groan, he leaned back, pulling you on top of him so that you were straddling him, and with one final kiss, you reluctantly pulled away.
"You need sleep,"
"sleeeeep arne," you dragged out and couldn't help let a small laugh through your teeth at his eyes rolling. The two of you shifted under the covers, and you reached out to turn the lamp off. Arne's arms wrapped tightly around you from behind as he dug his face into the smooth spot between your neck and shoulder and placed a soft kiss.
"Goodnight Arne, I love you. Thank you thank you for all you've done for david, for me, for my parents. I dont know what id do without you."
You felt him smile against your neck and place another kiss.
"I love you, i love david, and i love your parents. No matter what would've happened, i would stay over and over again and do everything i could to help. I'm here, always."
With a smile on your face that could cure the worst of arne's days, you almost felt bad that he couldn't see it in the dark abyss of your room. Speechless, certain that tears would start to form and your voice would break if you spoke, you gave him a gentle yet firm squeeze to his arm wrapped around your stomach and let the heaviness of your eyelids take rein, and haul you into a bottomless sleep.
"Alright mom, we'll check back soon, okay? Alright, bye, love you too, bye bye," you spoke into the phone that was smushed between your shoulder and ear as you folded yours and Arne's laundry. With a sigh of relief, you hung up and silently sat on the edge of the bed in your shared small homey apartment. You and arne finally returned home and while you wanted to scream out that things were normal and fine and okay, you knew it would all be an act to convince yourself of what you were still scared to believe- that things were not okay, that still, something was off. And what scared you the most was that if it wasn't the house that had a smidge of whatever evil remained, it meant that someone around you did.
A loud slam of a car door snapped you out of your train of thought when you stand to glimpse out the window, finding arne hastily walking towards the house like he just found out his favorite sports team lost. A puzzled look formed on your face at the realization that arne still had a few more hours left at work, or at least until he said he'd be home, so in fear that something bad actually occurred, you quickly worked your way down the stairs.
Bruno was out today and only a few dogs remained in the shelter, leaving you with time to try to get other chores done, such as the laundry. With an abrupt opening of the door, arne stumbled through looking as lost as ever and as sickly as ever. A gasp broke through your lips and you rushed towards Arne, "Arne, oh my god what happened, are you okay, come- come sit," You couldn't help but rush all your words out and panic. Obviously the best thing to do would have been to stay calm, but never having seen Arne in a state like this, you couldn't find that control.
Arne appeared to have been struggling to speak, like he was trying to keep something down that needed to come up. Was he going to vomit? His eyes, looking nothing like your arne's eyes, were so light you could see your reflection in them and your heart stopped. Fear began to seep in. His face, surprisingly more pale than the other night, was pain stricken and his lips were pressed together in a firm line that arched down at the ends, almost as if he was attempting to keep himself pieced together and not lose control of- of what exactly?
"Arne," you spoke softly but urgent, "what's wrong? Tell me what's wrong?" He winced as if you'd just insulted him, and a bead of sweat rolled down his temple. His arms were stiff by his side and his hands clenched to the point where his veins began to bulge. "Arne, please," you pleaded desperately and grabbed onto his arms. A sob broke free from his mouth and he collapsed to the floor on his hands and knees. "Oh my god," you whispered out in complete and utter shock.
You fell to your knees in front of him, resting your hands on his cheeks to lift his face up, tears forming in your eyes at what the fuck just happened. You had no idea what was going on and the effect that it just had on Arne, the fear that was etched across his precious face as if he had had a gun held to the back of his head, was more than enough for you to conclude that something was most definitely wrong.
Gasps escaped his mouth like he'd never had a breath of air before and another sob escaped his lips. His hands remained glued to the floor, fingers digging in like he could hold on to the dark brown planks, as his eyes finally lifted to meet yours.
Brown. His brown eyes.
Your heart broke for him. "Arne," you cried out, "what happened, please, please baby, tell me what happened," and you cupped his face, rubbing your thumbs soothingly back and forth. His head dropped once again and he crawled forward, forcing you to reposition from on your knees to your bottom. Luckily, a wall wasn't too far behind you.
Arne wrapped his arms around your middle so tightly as if you were the most valuable thing in the world, as if you were the only thing that could make whatever he was feeling, go away- and In his mind, you were.
His head rested on your chest and he laid there, partially on your body. His breathing slowed and yet, he still couldn't find the words to speak.
You didn't force him.
So there you sat against the wall, your terrified boyfriend latched on to your middle, head on your chest, and both of your legs splayed on the floor. You ran one hand through his damp hair and the other stroking his plaid clad back, occasionally placing a kiss to his forehead. Every now and then you could feel his arms squeeze harder, then release, and repeat, ensuring that you weren't going anywhere and wouldn't disappear. He pushed his head in to your chest as if he was trying to get closer to you and when his breathing began to accelerate once again, you held him tighter and gently shushed him.
You waited until he was ready.
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