#still thinking about ring ring ring! mista white! pick up the phooone!
gaymurdersalad · 7 months
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[ Hello hello!
The askbox will be open again as of Monday {12/18}! Thank y’all for sticking with me and continuing to interact with my stuff!! I’m still gonna be filling out older asks, but I figured I had ye olde void mailbox closed for a while now and felt it good to reopen it.
Again, I can’t properly express how much I appreciate you all- like, literally. Not a word in English or German {uh, however shamefully average I may be at German, I’m sorry ancestors} can express my gratitude!! Dankeschön!!
I’m still reading all your replies and reblogs and y’all have huge brains by the way. I’m glad you all are pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down, be it story-wise or headcanon-wise! Also. I hope you enjoy this stock image. Because I do. I’ve been waiting for an excuse to use it forever now. Tee-hee.
Alrighty! Till we meet again!! Goodbye! ]
~ Mod Chribs
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