#still super excited for the lore even if I’m also terrified of where it’s gonna go
jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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Since there’s been some discussion on people getting into TMA for jonmartin then getting sad when bad things happen to them here’s a list of other reasons I like TMA even though I don’t normally like horror
Deliberate avoidance of sexual violence
It eases you into it. It starts off with anthology type stories that are dismissed as untrue by the narrator, but they’re still creepy, and it’s a slow build to when any on screen characters are in undeniable danger
Avoids jump scares and hurting pets (pets specifically, not all animals)
It’s really well narrated
Death is typically in the form of one off characters we weren’t meant to care much about, or characters who had a lot of build up and discussion around them. The fact that it’s a long series means that unlike in a book or movie I’m not just waiting for every character to die in just 2 hours.
TBH everyone dying or gore and violence all over can be distracting, and they don’t bury the show in it, so it’s way easier to get into the stories than some other stuff I’ve tried
They still have episodes with violence and death so it’s not like they’re limiting themselves by not drowning in it
Because most stories are in first person, even when I’m not especially sad they die, I still get a sense of the fear they were going through 
There’s some legit funny stuff in there
The meta plot provides a mystery to solve for a few seasons, which is VERY fun for me
The internal monologuing is way scarier to me than someone just getting stabbed or whatever, I still can’t listen to that guy going on about death
Like Twilight Zone not every episode is terrifying, but they are creepy, which means it’s not constantly on high alert for wimps like me
Slow but fairly solid character development
This is more a podcast thing but it’s actually extremely consistent with the podcast framing device where that tends to get dropped by other podcasts after a while
EXCELLENT for relistens. Everything means something new the more info you get. One problem I have with horror movies is sometimes it feels like its saying something or creating some kind of lore then by the end it just doesn’t make sense or was pointless
There’s also reasons you might NOT like it, but that’s a list for another day
some side notes under the cut
So I have tried listening to other horror podcasts before and they do still do stuff I can’t handle for one reason or another
one, it just got too scary because it focused exclusively on demons in the traditional religious sense, tma doesn’t explain anything for a long time then still just talks about different aspects of fear instead of sticking to one subject
another, I was super bothered because it seemed to be patting itself on the back for having queer rep while eventually making it clear NO ONE would survive season 1. Like, the narrator would get all excited about how important knowing an ace person and these lesbians existed in this scary history he found, going on about how important that kinda rep is, while it’s being made clear they’ll all die horribly very very soon, including the narrator. With TMA it never seemed like they were bragging about their gays and while a gay dude died in ep 3, he was a one off character, and they didn’t draw attention to how important it was to know he existed and was happy as a queer person the way the other podcast did to every single one of its characters on the chopping block. You can’t go on about how important that rep is in your own story then violently take it away in under a season. If we’re just counting characters who were there for more than one episode, in TMA it took them over a hundred episodes to kill a confirmed gay. 
one podcast jumped to dead babies in like episode 2 then of course it has to escalate so it didn’t take long to get to cannibalism and sexual violence. like i said before, tma avoids sexual violence but it also has a slower build before full on cannibalism, this one jumped in so quick it was like it had to constantly top itself with disturbing content. also all the stories were supposed to be told from a third person limited pov then had internal thoughts from people in the stories, tma is just more consistent- i think the farthest off tma gets is you can hear sound effects of things happening as jon narrates in third person in season 5 but i guess that can be taken as non-diegetic like the music
one i listened to the first couple seasons and it wasn’t so scary i had to stop, but again it just went OFF THE RAILS in season 2, instead of someone investigating something scary by listening to tapes, it became ‘hmm i’m gonna listen to a tape of disturbing content that has nothing to do with anything and somehow this will lead me to the conclusion that you need to go into this tunnel’ with NO explanation, as if the disturbing content just inspired them to know something they needed rather than the content informing anyone of anything, and it just felt like nothing mattered anymore, especially since the actual story felt like it lost any kind of sense
Others just aren’t acted well enough to sell the found footage framing device they’ve set up
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weskerfied · 3 years
I know you did this recently but what’s your opinion on all the mainline games and why :3
I’ve done this from favourite to least favourite. I also didn’t include the original 3 as I either haven’t played them in a long time or because I gave up halfway through *cough* 2 *cough*
I know it’s such an unpopular game but it’s one of the only ones I can play over and over again without getting bored. Story-wise, chapter 5-2 to 6-3 is the only interesting part. If I want to play a game without putting in too much effort, or take last night for example; I got really sick of trying to defeat Miranda on village of shadows and I was getting so mad over it. I turned on 5 and chilled for a couple hours. I really don’t know what it is about this game Wesker but I’m so drawn to it.
I love 4 for so many reasons but nostalgia is the reason why it places higher than CV. I remember watching my dad play it when it was first released. I thought it was the creepiest thing😂 This was when they first introduced the action element into the games, unlike 6, it had just the right amount of action paired with creepy ganados and eerie music to make it still feel like a resident evil game. OH AND THE WHOLE COLLECTING TREASURE/SELLING IT IS MY FAVOURITE THING.
Code Veronica
Solid game. 10/10. I felt so accomplished after beating it for the first time (it took me like 20 hours 😂) It was so frustrating but in a good way, apart from the part where I got to Alexia and realised I didn’t have the magnum and had to restart. I looooved the cheesy voice acting aswell. Capcom please remake this game I will love you forever. I want remake cv Wesker.
1 remastered
Game remake done right. This one was👌🏻👌🏻 All I’m gonna say is Wesker in his stars uniform is what does it for me 😌
2 remake
I enjoyed this a lot. Slightly different from what I played of the original but I’m not complaining. Mr X was terrifying, birkin was sexy terrifying, the ivys were HORRIFYING. Can we please talk about how good the RPD looked and the stars office like wow 🤩
3 remake
It was so rushed and I’m able to complete it in under an hour so that’s a huge disappointment, but I guess it’s good if I want to do a speed run. Resistance was probably the best thing to come out of this game tbh. It wasn’t terrible it just didn’t live up to the hype. Also Nicholai? I hated what they did with him, and Brad. Nemmy was a letdown too. He has nothing on Mr X.
This game was so beautiful, the scenery was amazing. Horror wise I’d give it a 4/10. The Benviento house was the only part of the game where I felt slightly on edge and I loved every second of it. It felt a lot more like resident evil than 7 did, it had 4 vibes and that’s what did it for me. I didn’t care for Ethan whatsoever until I finished this. I’m not gonna lie to you but I sobbed so hard at the end. Not quite sure why they felt the need to try and incorporate umbrella in it somehow because it didn’t seem right; umbrella died years ago, we don’t need anymore origin stories. (Although the Spencer letter at the end was cool I have to admit.) Dimitrescu is overhyped in my opinion but that’s okay, if she makes you happy then you do you. Heisenberg was cool but his boss fight was really dumb (I’m not just saying that because it took me 2 days to defeat him on village of shadows.)
Revelations 2
Creepy af. I feel like it’s underrated and I’m not even sure if you’d class it as one of the main games, but I loved Alex (prefer her newer design though) and I adore Franz Kafka which made it that much more enjoyable for me. I wasn’t a fan of the whole switching between two characters and the timeline really confused me at first. It would’ve been so much easier to understand if they’d done Claire and Moira’s campaign first, then Barry and Natalia. The ending opens up a huge amount of possibilities for a future game and I’d really love to see “Natalia” again.
You’d think this would be higher on the list as Rebecca is my favourite character, but no. Absolutely not. It was nice to have a prequel and see my baby get her own game, I just found it so boring, I hated Billy, I hated the switching between characters. I hated dropping items on the floor and having to trek back to retrieve them again. ITEM BOXES ARE A THING!! I played it once, then played Wesker mode (which was terribly done but Rebecca looked super cute) then I gave it to a friend who got the platinum trophy for me 😂
I liked the Bakers. Was an incredibly creepy game but lacked the resident evil vibe. I despised pretty much all of it, especially when Chris comes in with that stupid face. Capcom!! What were you thinking?!?! Lore wise, it’s good. Everything else just sucked in my opinion.
Too long. Too many characters. Too many different places. Not enough horror. Brain malfunction. 50+ hours it took me to platinum this. Simmons was a shite villain, Carla seemed pointless, Wesker suddenly has a kid? It’s almost comical.
Speaking of comical, we’re onto my least favourite title in the series: revelations. I don’t really think it’s fair for me to give my opinion on this one as I only got halfway through the game before throwing it somewhere in my room for it to never be seen again. It was almost painful for me to play. It was nice to have Chris and Jill but the other two (Parker and whatever her name was) were so annoying. Then there was the two dudes who were just added for comic relief for absolutely no reason. I played Rev 2 before playing this one as I couldn’t get hold of it and I was super excited when I managed to get hold of a copy. Honestly it was such a waste of £25.
I didn’t realise how long this post was but thanks for asking!!
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dannyphannypack · 5 years
Crossover Fic Recs
Hey, saw your post for some fic recs! Unfortunately I can't continue the wonderful thread of reblogs because I wish to remain anonymous, but here have some cool crossovers that I didn't see get rec'd yet :D (you can either post this or add it to the reblogs, I don't mind either way)
Just Another Meteor Freak [500k words, complete] (and it's sequel, which is unfortunately incomplete) is a Smallville/DP crossover that's absolutely a fantastic read and I cannot recommend it enough, it's one of my faves! Brief synopsis: Danny goes to live with his aunt Martha Kent after his family dies (and for once Danny's family dying in a crossover fic doesn't have anything to do with TUE!), and misunderstandings of the good kind and mishaps ensue because of course Danny and Clark's hero complexes come into play. It's got hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, sibling-esque-bonding, and all sorts of cool stuff, including ghost king headcannons and new powers for Danny. It takes place mostly from a Smallville perspective, but Danny's woven in so seamlessly that you won't believe he wasn't in the original show to begin with. I read it for the first time after having not watched Smallville in years and I could still understand it though, so I think that if you haven't watched Smallville before you could still enjoy the fic a lot!
And like, honestly, I totally recommend other stuff by this author (jadedbluerose) too. She's got a Merlin/DP crossover that's pretty fantastic, but unfortunately she hasn't updated anything since 2014 :( still worth the read though!!
Spirited Away [70k, complete] is a Harry Potter/DP crossover, it's honestly THE MOST hilarious fic I've ever read. Synopsis: Danny is an unwilling student at Hogwarts, and the most chaotic Hufflepuff the world has ever seen. He claims he's been kidnapped but when no one listens to him, he raises all kinds of hell to try and get kicked out. And if that doesn't work, well, he can always sue them. 100% worth the read, it will definitely make you laugh.
Various Superphantom (Supernatural/DP) crossovers by sapphireswimming. Literally anything Superphantom found here? Totally the best. You can also check out Superphantom fics by surelysilly (whose fics are more on the darker end of the spectrum, and their prose style is kinda abstract rather than your traditional linear narrative) Vitaliciouscreations (they've got a oneshot collection that's pretty fun, as well as a oneshot that I wish they'd continue and a complete cute 13k-word penpal fic.)
How to befriend a ghost [80k, incomplete] is a HTTYD/DP crossover in which Danny gets stuck in the Viking era, and I originally started reading this for the Danny & Hiccup friendship because it's adorable and both of them see how similar they are to each other and find kinship in that. The dragon Danny gets (because this is a HTTYD crossover, this is inevitable!) really sneaks into your heart though, and I ABSOLUTELY adore Sparky as much as I adore Toothless. He's very lovable and complements Danny super well! Of course, it's not all friendship bonding and training dragons, the archipelago is Danny's home now (until he can find his way back to Amity Park/his own century) and he's going to protect it too when trouble arises, just like the dragons do. He even gets new powers along the way. This fic is pretty fun, there's a lot of switching perspectives and you really see the characters' voices come through in it, and you even get to see the dragons' POV, which is really interesting since you get to learn Sparky's backstory!
Den Mother [8k, ongoing] is a Young Justice/DP crossover that acknowledges the fact that Danny is by all rights a first-generation hero, and he's treated with the respect as such and gets to join the Justice League rather than the YJ team. Of course, he doesn't WANT to join the league at first, which is a different take than you'd expect, but he reluctantly agrees and is then given the same responsibilities as a Justice League member--that is, to teach the YJ something about teamwork or whatever. It's not very long right now, but the premise is so good! It has a lot of potential.
A Foreign Perspective [200k words, complete] is a DNAngel/DP crossover that I saw @scrollingdown call a fandom classic once and honestly agree, even though I don't think many people know/have read it. It's a cute friendship fic that focuses on Phantom (not Danny, but Phantom specifically) making his first friend, an older boy named Daisuke, who seems normal at first, but is slowly revealed to be a little more understanding of Danny's situation than he appears. Some comfort involved too since Danny deals with a little more with the idea of mourning/loss than in canon, seeing as Daisuke thinks he's a full ghost and therefore a teenager that died, and Danny learns to be a different kind of hero because of it. Really cool fic too since you don't need to know DNAngel at all to understand the fic, since it's told from DP's perspective, and you get to learn about Daisuke as Danny does. It's just super sweet and it's got some action here and there that makes it exciting, and it's really a fun read.
Other stuff by this author is worth the read too! They've got oneshots of a HP crossover and Ghost Whisperer crossover, and a sadly incomplete HTTYD crossover [100k words] that is still super super good and also deals with ideas about mourning and loss. Their non-crossover stuff is also pretty interesting (there's a Mute!Danny AU and Dash kinda-redemption oneshot I really liked).
Diversity [150k, ongoing] is another Ghost Whisperer/DP crossover, it's a found-family fic where Danny runs away from home after his family dies in the events post TUE. He ends up running into Melinda and she goes out of her way to help him. There's a couple underlying mysteries surrounding the ghosts that haunt this fic, and Melinda tries to understand Danny's past and ends up tangled in a conspiracy because Danny's hiding his ghostly alter-ego and also the GIW are involved at some point (and they are much more menacing here than in canon). It's totally a page-turner, and you can get as invested as Melinda in hoping Danny heals from his loss. Spellbound [150k, ongoing] is a HP/DP crossover by the same author! Danny accidentally gets trapped by Magical Britain and is bitter about it, but he's trying to make the best of it. The Wizards have no idea what to make of him, but he just wants to go home, and he makes a couple friends while he plots his escape. (It's actually been a while since I read that one, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I do remember feeling bad for Danny in this fic, poor boy's lonely and can't even interact with kids his own age because he's an unknown creature to the wizards. Good thing Danny's never been one to follow authority.)
A Visit to Paris [10k, complete] is a Miraculous Ladybug/DP crossover in which Danny is Akumatized... sort of. The results are hilarious: Danny's a troll, Hawkmoth is frustrated, the heroes aren't really sure what to make of it, and Danny and Adrien make a lot of puns. Oh, and Danny is the only one smart enough to fix Paris' villain problem (okay, so it might be slightly cracky). It reminds me very much of Spirited Away, which I mentioned earlier. It's got the same level of chaos that's for sure. All in all, it's a very, very fun read.
A Different Sort of House Call [50k, incomplete] is a House MD/DP crossover, it's been years since I read it but I've always considered it one of the fandom classics too? It was definitely one of the first things to pop to mind when I was trying to recall all the cool memorable crossovers to rec you, so this goes on the list too. It's Danny at the hospital with House, and the doctors are trying to diagnose him without knowing about his ghost half (and Danny's not exactly willing to tell them either). There's angst (especially since the author wrote this to follow Lab Rat by AnneriaWings), Vlad trying to be an ally (sorta?), and House being clever as usual. Sadly it's incomplete but it's still super good!!
Running Blind [20k, complete] is a CSI/DP crossover (it took me forever to find the link again since it wasn't listed as a crossover). It's super good, Danny runs away for reasons unknown (at the beginning of course) and gets caught up in a murder investigation and he suspects the culprit is supernatural so obviously he helps out. The CSI guys are both trying to protect him (thinking he was a target for the murderer) but also trying to uncover his past and the reasons he ran away. When you find out why he ran away, you might be awed like I was (especially when you realize how long it had been since he ran) or you might be unimpressed, but the aftermath and his family/friends finally catching up to him might make up for that. I kinda liked how Vlad was written here too.
Ghost Crimes and its sequels is a Criminal Minds/DP crossover. It's the first in a very long series (currently 500k+ words in total) that expands on the DP world and lore, and also involves a lot more murder, death, blood (and the other related gore-ish stuff), and overall realism. Like, Danny fights what is basically Jack the Ripper and its terrifying. It's kind of like a "dark and gritty" DP (but like, not unbearably or overwhelmingly dark and gritty), angst sprinkled here and there, along with darker themes and less light-hearted issues (mental health/trauma/depression/etc. and neglect/abuse and like, actual competent adults like social workers and stuff are a real thing in this fic). There's a lot going on but it's got its lighter nice moments too (Dani is there and gets to be a part of Danny's family, Val's in on the secret, among other things). Also some of the chapters are illustrated, it's great. Definitely check it out!
Okay that's a lot of fics so I'm gonna stop now. Have fun reading!!
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 17
and we’re back!
phew I had to take a hiatus to work on other projects but now that those are done I'm baaaack
god I'm SO fucking excited for this arc, I fucking love it 
OH NO TAILGATE...I almost forgot...this poor little dude
REMAIN IN LIGHT BABEYYYYY!!! I fucking love that title, talking heads is probably my favorite band Ever, and that album is one of my favorites, so when I first saw it here I was super excited lol. it’s such a good title, both for the album and for this arc
tailgate goes right to cyclonus ;_; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
also...I just love the way milne draws cyclonus, he’s the perfect mix of terrifying and handsome, and also goth
ohhhhh I forgot about the framing device used here, with rodimus in jail later on in this arc, narrating retrospectively 
cybercrosis, add that to this list of amusing robo-puns, as a play on (I'm assuming) necrosis, aka tissue death
oof, ratchet saying that tailgate ‘lived a full life,’ which is fucking brutal because we as the readers know that isn't true :( 
tg is right tho, it seems v uncommon for tfs to die of old age. that's some shit luck right there, espec bc tg is basically a baby who was asleep for 6 million years 
ratchet talking abt pharma and looking at his hands...I See That
ratchets bedside manner leaves a bit to be desired hvbhjdsubfjsd jesus dude
and then there's cyclonus, whos also pretty terrible at being tactful
AUGHHHH and then cyclonus, like the emotionally repressed icon he is, goes and claws his own face up in grief rather than express any emotion to tailgate :( I'm in physical pain thanks
rodimus is like, wait...informing my crew about my actions? lmao? uhh what quest...oh yeah we’re on a quest. yeaaaah whatever man
the portal helllllll yessssssss
poor tg drinking away his impending death
oh man, chromedomes weird fucked up skeleton arm
rodimus hhvbhjaudsfbjaskdf he’s like yeahhhh I'm not even gonna pretend to indulge in democracy, we are GOING thru that giant ass space portal whether you fools like it or not
luna 1!!!!!! they found the missing moon BY ACCIDENT, fucking iconic 
still cant believe rodimus’s office is HOT PINK with a FLAME DECAL around the door. unreal
awww I love percy 
rodimus, in a shocking show of maturity, admits that rung was correct to be harsh with him about the whole overlord thing 
the squad gettin together ayyyy
rodimus reminding us all that this ISNT just a party ship full of frat boys, people have DIED
when you see tg and realize that that was cyclonus’s request ;_; 
aughhh and cyc saying ‘never hope. hope is a lie.’ that kills me man aughhhh
like, cyclonus clearly doesn't want to deal with the emotions he’s feeling over tg dying so he’s trying to make sure that tg accepts death and doesn't hope for a cure, bc that would hurt cyclonus MORE, and he’s already unused to all these ‘emotions’ n shit
I'm sorry but the MARBs just look so fuckin dorky bvhjakbdfhsf beep beep here comes the dweeb squad!!! lmaoooo
cd being like ‘can’t we just drive’ and perceptor is right there like :| LMAOOOO 
also I love cd saying ‘sometimes I wonder why we even have alt modes’ bc I feel like that's such a witty dig at the fact that in this series about robots that transform into cars, we rarely get to seem them actually DO that
its especially interesting when you consider how important functionism is in this story - alt modes are super important in that context, but we still rarely get to see them. hell, we literally NEVER saw megatrons alt mode, which is still crazy to me
ohhhh man I love that panel where the whole moon lights up, that's just amazing
congratulations, rodimus! it’s....a shitton of babies!
also broooo I ufcking love the fact that you barely even notice that rung ALSO hopped down onto the moon at the same time as rodimus...brilliant
god now I need to go find that ‘am i pragnent?’ video lmaooo
why....why did you have to use the word ‘fertilized,’ jro. why....
cold construction lore time!
do I wanna do my big biology speech here? I'm trying to figure out where it would go best...I think ill save it for later in this arc
god I fucking love brainstorm. his entire little speech about how he ‘went to marches’ for cold construction rights and whatnot is so funny with the added context that he’s an MTO and wasn't even around for that
skids, don't just sit in the spooky oil reservoir, alone, after you just went thru a mysterious portal, you should be more genre savvy than that 
what am I saying, this is the guy who wants his memories back even though he’s been told multiple times that it’ll probably traumatize him to death
brainstorm with the 0.1%er spark [eyes emoji]
I love percy just being horrified at the lack of proper scientific conduct from brainstorm like, all the time
I see the cons have their own edgy, weaponed-up version of the MARBs
I love him aughhh I'm so excited for the stuff w/him this arc
also I totally forgot that you’re supposed to see him introduce himself as ‘ambus’ and be like whoa wait is that dominus????? or someone adjacent to him????
skids vs legislators: part 2!
DR THOT HIMSELF.....back and immediately making a hand pun, with his chainsaw arm displayed in full glory....amazing
cant believe jro named this one ‘the fecund moon,’ which forced me to google what ‘fecund’ means, which led me to go ‘oh good lord jro WHY’ lmao 
I do love that we don't see the ‘part 1 of 5′ til the end - that's a great small reveal that hey, we’re in an arc now!
so there's the end of issue one of remain in light! aughh, I'm so fucking excited for this arc. my first two readthrus this was one of my favorite arcs (my other fav being the time travel arc), and I'm excited to see if its still at the top for me 
I feel like the first time I read thru I like this arc a lot cause I actually understood most of it hbvhadjkfbaksjf unlike all the previous stuff, where I was a bit more confused - at this point I at least had a decent grasp on the characters and relationships, so that helped a lot
also apparently one of the songs of this issue is ‘heaven’ by talking heads which AUghhH that song makes me wanna float in the ocean and look at the stars. idk. also I find it a little ironic that that song isn't off the album remain in light lol
either way I love this issue, strong start to the arc with lots of intrigue and worldbuilding, and clearly some incoming status quo changes...cant wait!!
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thisyearingaming · 4 years
1997 - This Year in Gaming
Muggins here was born in ‘97, and can’t really remember much of it, natch. But there were some good things released this year - I’ve played every one of these, and have missed so many more.
Diablo - Windows, January 3rd
We start with dungeon-crawl-em-up and well-loved out of season April Fool’s Joke, Diablo. I’ll be totally honest - I don’t like Diablo that much. It’s absolutely fine, I just can’t get into it. The writing, setting and characters are all very good especially since this year only marks the beginning of games being seen as a bit more adult and intelligent. Check out this gameplay from Hour of Oblivion on YouTube, and marvel at the faux-Scottish accent on Griswold the blacksmith.
Mario Kart 64 - Nintendo 64, February 10th
Compared to its more recent versions, Mario Kart 64 is a veritable bloody relic of the past - solid controls and a quirky style mean it’s still a crowd pleaser to this day, but you’d be hard pressed to find anyone right now that would die on the hill of it being their favourite single-player racing experience. It’s also got some of the deepest, impenetrable lore in any medium known to the human race - why exactly is Marty the Thwomp locked up here?
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Blast Corps - Nintendo 64, February 28th
February’s position as most boring month of the year is shaken up a bit by having a uniquely designed Rare game slammed into its 28-day long face. Blast Corps is the puzzle-action game where you take control of several vehicles to destroy homes and buildings in order to prevent a nuclear warhead exploding in the coolest incarnation of Cold War politicking ever seen in a video game. Calling Blast Corps a “hidden gem” these days is like calling Celeste a hidden gem - it impresses nobody and makes you look like a dick. 
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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - Nintendo 64, March 4th 
The N64 was home to a surprisingly large number of above-average shooters despite its muddy graphics and small cartridge space - Turok is one of these, a great FPS game where you shoot the SHIT out of dinosaurs. Brett Atwood of Billboard said it was like Doom and Tomb Raider mixed - Doom Raider, if you will. I say it isn’t - there’s no demons, and there’s no polygonal breasts to poke dinosaurs’ eyes out with! 
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Sony PlayStation, March 20th
What is a retrospective? A miserable little pile of opinions. I’ve only recently played through SotN for the very first time on a TOTALLY LEGITIMATE copy with a CRT filter. Bloody good (geddit?) game, that takes the repetition of its predecessors, improves on it in basically every conceivable way, and combines it with special effects and graphics that even 23 years later had me going “ooh, that looks quite good!” Symphony’s music and audio design are wonderfully paired with a deeply enjoyable experience that’ll have you saying “mm, maybe just one more room?”
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Tekken 3 - Sony PlayStation, March 20th
Also releasing from the Land of the Rising Sun that day was Tekken 3, which many believe is still one of the best fighters ever made. Tekken 3′s combat is so fast and responsive that it’s better than some games made today. T3 is also the best and easiest way to knock seven shades of absolute shite out of your friends without risking a massive head injury or a trip to the headmaster’s office... where you could also challenge him, but only if he plays as my favourite Not-Guile-or-Ken character in gaming, Paul. 
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Sonic Jam - Sega Saturn, June 20th
The moment Sega realised that re-packaging old Mega Drive games would net them serious cash - although unlike later collections, this is a strictly Sonic affair, and has a neat little 3D world to run around in as a sort of hub world. Sonic X-Treme proved that Sonic Team would have to work hard at getting the fastest thing alive into 3D space properly: Jam is the sort of test ground for it too. It features some genuinely good emulation work for 1997, although it’s basically the gaming equivalent of going round to your grandparents at Christmas only for them to give you the exact same gifts you got in 1991, 1992 and 1994 but wrapped in a bow to make you think it’s different. What are you lookin’ at, you little blue devil?
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Star Fox 64 - Nintendo 64, June 30th
So there’s this German company, right, called StarVox. Nintendo look at Europe and say “shit, we don’t want another lawsuit... after all, we’ve done three this year!”. So they give us in the PAL region the exciting title of Lylat Wars which as far as I know means absolutely fucking nothing in the context of the game. They’re still called Star Fox in-game too so what was the point? Anyway, fun 3D shooter with graphics that’ll make you do a barrel roll off the sofa and onto the power button to make the brown and green blurs a little easier on the eyes. Hello 2007, I’ve come back to make old references with you!
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Carmageddon - Windows, July 30th
The game so scary it was BANNED in the UK! More like the game so fucking shit it was banned. Carmageddon is so deeply boring to play on PC that I can only imagine that Stainless Games made it tasteless by 90s standards simply to ramp up demand - much like another game we’ll be covering soon. 
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Herc’s Adventures - Sony PlayStation, July 31st
“And they said Kratos was the best hero? Shish... they got it wrong, sister! Hercules is clearly better... he even has a coconut weapon.” A surprisingly fun overhead action game that most people only know for... well, I’ll just embed it.
Mega Man X4 - Sony Playstation, August 1st
A few years ago I tried playing every Mega Man game there is - I gave up at X3 because I was getting bored. Even still, Mega Man bores me - but at least the level design is good. Stay away from the Windows port. Pictured: me in the background yawning.
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GoldenEye 007 - Nintendo 64, August 25th 
The name’s Intro. Overused intro which I also managed to fuck up twice through the deeply editable medium of text. GoldenEye is like the Seinfeld of console shooters - playing it nowadays you’re unlikely to be amazed but holy shit there’s some absolute greatness in this game. Every sound and every piece of music in GoldenEye is permanently seared into my brain - sometimes I’ll just hear Facility or Frigate in my head alongside the door opening sound and the gentle PEW of the PP7. I mean come on, fucking listen to this and tell me Grant Kirkhope isn’t cool as all hell.
LEGO Island - Windows, September 26th
The first open world experience I ever had was LEGO Island. It’s still quite good today, utterly deranged animation from the likes of the Infomaniac and Brickster - a cautionary tale for children that giving pizza to high-profile criminals is disastrous for the human LEGO race. 
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Fallout - Windows, October 10th
War never changes, but franchises do. Fallout’s legendary status in the industry is exemplified in how different it feels. Yes, we had the game Wasteland nine years prior, but until September 97 there was nothing quite like Fallout. From the chilling introduction sequence showing the ruins of the United States to the tragic ending, Fallout is an exercise in pure human misery with the brightest spots of hope it can possibly muster thrown in for good measure. What begins as a tedious isometric point-and-click RPG ends as a minigun-wielding power fantasy, before your entire worth is stripped from you at the finish line. You have 500 days to find a water chip before it’s too late, but you’re constantly being fought by terrifying Super Mutants, irradiated animals, and the biggest monster of all - humanity. See what I did there? If anything, humanity in Fallout’s setting would be the greatest unifying force possible against the horror of the outside world. But how is it? It’s dull, it’s sluggish, and it’s really hard to get into even if you’re already a fan - but push through that and it’s worthwhile to see exactly how far the series got before Todd Howard said “eh fuck it” and had the whole thing dipped into an FEV vat.
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Grand Theft Auto - Sony PlayStation, October 21st
To put it simply, the first in the GTA series is now nothing but a novelty. It has an irritating camera, wonky controls, poor graphics and deeply repetitive gameplay. But thank fuck it exists, because without it the Rockstar story may have been very different indeed. It’s quintessential cops and robbers gameplay, spanning across Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas in one game, but with maps so far removed from their modern incarnations they may as well be named “Not New York, Possibly Bristol and Orange Town”. People really fucking hated Hare Krishnas in the 20th Century, didn’t they?
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Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - Sony PlayStation, October 31
A hard one to talk about, honestly - it’s more Crash and better than the first one. It looks great, and Crash controls so well compared to his first outing. It’ll also keep you playing for 100%, fiendishly addictive and unashamedly difficult. Had a weird cover that moved with your head. 
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PaRappa the Rapper - Sony PlayStation, November 17th
Type type type the words into the box! (Type, type, type - uh oh - the box?)
PaRappa is a gorgeously stylised rhythm game about rapping to steal the heart of the girl of your dreams - which involves learning karate, getting your driver’s license, selling bottle caps and frogs, making a cake, desperately trying not to shit yourself, and finally performing live on stage. Every one of its segments is so well-produced that they’d genuinely sell like ghost cookies in this era of shite rap. Notable for producing the greatest Jay-Z backing track ever made.
Sonic R - Sega Saturn, November 18th
Sonic R is absolutely FINE with vibrant textures, interesting levels, neat gimmicks and decent controls. But I’m gonna talk about its fucking AWESOME soundtrack by Richard Jacques and T.J. Davis, an eclectic mix of Europop and New Jack Swing - even thinking about it is bringing tears of absolute joy to my eyes hearing Super Sonic Racing in my head. You’ve got the main theme, Living in the City, Can You Feel the Sunshine, Back in Time, Diamond in the Sky, Work It Out and Number One - all of these are absolute club bangers and genuinely wouldn’t be out of place in a 90s disco. 
Tomb Raider II - Sony PlayStation, November 18th
Lara Croft returns to single-handedly endanger every species on Earth. TR2 is really good, the exploration and puzzle-solving aspects of the first game expanded upon here and the gunplay remaining just as punchy. Lara’s got a fully-functioning ponytail which absolutely boggles the fucking mind - a lot of work went into Lara’s hair for the 2013 reboot, so I can’t imagine the amount of man hours it took to get fluid(ish, come on, it’s the PS1 we’re talking about) hair movements in 1997. 
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And really, that’s all I played from 1997. I’ve left out big hitters like Quake II, Gran Turismo and Diddy Kong Racing, but I simply haven’t formed an opinion on them yet. Maybe in a future post. 
Thanks for reading.
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greenmagic-oilspill · 5 years
Shb thoughts/review (major spoilers!) I wrote this as I was playing through weeks ago, left this in my drafts, and forgot all about it. Guess I’ll get to posting it now~~
I was totally making these notes as I went along so bear with the disjointedness of it.
-soooo much exposition in the beginning. It had this weird mix of feeling rushed but also really slow and clunky at first, as far as pacing goes.
-The reunion with Alphinaud was kind of underwhelming and felt rushed even though it’s been a year for him. Eulmore was appropriately creepy and I love the Red and Blue clown ladies. Definitely something Zorn and Thorn like up with them. Oddly enough, my Ronso is also a jester in Eulmore and that was decided way before this!
-Alisaie’s reunion was better as far as the emotional impact was concerned. And I really, really loved Ahm Araeng. Major Dalmasca desert vibes there. I think my Viera is gonna be someone who took up work here. That shit with Tesleen was crazy and I loved it. So dark and creepy - this really set the tone for the expansion. I did Alphinaud’s quest first, but I think Alisaie’s was meant to be done first instead.
-The first dungeon was neat, as was the trust system! I didn’t expect to bring Lyna and the Exarch along for the first dungeon as trusts, but I liked it. For some dumb reason I didn’t bring Alisaie the first time, and thus I missed the opportunity for her to react to the first two bosses in real time. The Lightwarden was awesome!
-Loved the scene when we brought night back for the first time.
-Also loved the scene with Gaius and Estinien! That was unexpected, and I’m glad we are still getting plot developments on the Source. But I really, really want the two of them to team up with Tataru and Krile. Pleaseeee. Edit: really disappointed that Tataru and Krile were left out. Sad we didn’t see Lyse or Hien this whole expansion either. Kinda bummed that Varis was killed, I was looking forward to Zenos being more interesting but he let me down hard.
-Il Mheg’s aesthetic is everything I’ve ever wanted! The scenery, the music, the characters and all the fae lore and the accents... I loved the Nu Mou village, giant mushrooms are my fave... and while the amaro were ... creative?... I wish we got something else, like salamanders or something, to keep with the theme. They were mentioned by some pixies in expressions or something though.
-Dohn Mheg was amazing and gorgeous. Prob one of my favorite dungeons in the whole game. And while I loved the Titania cutscene that happened during our Minfilia convo (she was so creepy!) the battle itself was kind of underwhelming? I was expecting it to be creepier. I was also expecting her to be a Primal. Are there any Primals on the First? (Edit: apparently not. And no dragons either. Guess it makes sense!)
-Oh, characters. Ranj’it was cool, I like how he’s some MNK/NIN hybrid. But I don’t get why he’s so powerful and terrifying when we’ve faced much worse than him (I had the same thoughts when we first met Zenos, so I guess I just need to separate game mechanics from story a bit). And we never really found out what Gukumatz is. I like Minifilia so far, but Thancred is being an asshole to her and I’m kind of over it. She’s a lil too passive about it but I guess she will develop, so we’ll see. As a side note, I love how she’s a Rogue who uses light magic like Banish III. Later edit: she developed, everything worked out, I love them both.
-I like everything with Ardbert so far (also he’s so dumb for using Arbert as an alias in the Source I love him). The role quest for tanks was neat and had some great lore! Though I won’t be able to do them all on one character, I know it... I’m so mad that’s a requirement, so unfriendly to altoholics like me. :/
-Rak’tika was a fun segment of the story! I loved all the Viis and their lore and the Ronkan Empire aesthetic. So good. Didn’t care much for the Night’s Blessed tbh, but Runar was sweet.
-Ahm Araeng was surprisingly one of my favorite areas. I LOVE the night theme, one of the best in the game. Kholusia, on the other hand, is just sad La Noscea and prob my least favorite zone of the expansion except for the dwarves. They redeemed it singlehandedly. Mt Gulg was a fun (if blinding) dungeon and Innocence was a fun fight and I love all the Christianity symbolism.
-At first, I thought the Tempest was really underwhelming for a final zone. Kinda had to suspend my disbelief about the whole Bismarck thing, that kinda came out of nowhere and was super convenient. But once they got to the Amaurot portion I changed my tune - everything about that was great. Loved the dungeon, loved the trial afterward. I’m reading about all these Emet-Selch interpretations and reactions and I’ve been getting some pretty good insights about him. He was a really well written villain, and I enjoyed the segments of the story where he was kinda just hanging around. Still got plenty of questions about the world before the Great Sundering, but I assume they’ll all get answers. Just loved all the complicated moral relativism stuff.
Story got wrapped up perfectly and I had no complaints whatsoever. Really excited to see where it’s gonna go from here.
-Misc: I did the trust system through every first run of all the dungeons. It worked out perfectly, I loved it. But... post game, they all get reset to level 71? And you have to grind in Holminster Switch until you can level them up to do other dungeons? What gives with that? I wonder what the reward of leveling them all up to 80 is... cause I don’t really see the point. EDIT: I found out what the reward is. Sounds kinda neat, but still not enough to warrant that intense grind for it.
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 1X18 Something Wicked This Way Comes
aight last episode of the weekend let’s ~goooo
also this fucking previously on is so funny like guys, not that much has happened
awww a little kid
and her sister’s at the hospital for something?
god i hope this kid doesn’t die or something
man i remember being a kid and being scared of the dark
ooo the branches become fingers, yeah i get it not revolutionary, but still cool
and the kid screams at the dementor thing
and SMASHCUT to rock music and Cars that’s hilarious
“I’m the oldest which means I’m always right” peak sibling energy right here
ey look mandatory coffee time
Sam, while i appreciate dramatic reveals, there were better ways to say your point
Dean looking sad at kids, awww
Smile then instant glare hahahaha
listen sam no one checks the “bikini control” that often
old lady glares at Dean+inverted cross that’s subtle 
instantly breaks into the guys house damn everything truly is justified in this isn’t it
they would not get away with nearly this much shit would they 
they just go through the checklist 
see this is ok for the most part, even though making dean take care of his sibling when he’s clearly incredibly young is really sucky
even back then Dean was not immune to Sam’s puppy eyes
Man smol Dean really did everything he could for smol Sam :(
Why does Dean remember this so well, what happened
eyyy there comes the inverted cross foreshadowing it’s Back
oho this is jump scare music i see 
Sam just fucking laughing at him 
And now Dean is gonna project heavily onto a child wheee
“It’s my job to look after him” and Dean nods and Sam is super confused fduha;u
Dean’s Rage Switch is terrifying he’s all business jesus christ
Doctor man steals life force to stay alive? that’s disgusting I hate it
“son is in good hands” FUCK YOU DOCTOR MAN
ah so it is personal for Dean
oh and it nearly got Sam
The kid threatening to call the cops I love him
This conversation hurts me
and Dean appealed to him based on Older Brother Logic alone jesus christ this bastard is charismatic
Sam: Dean I’m sorry
*Dean.exe has entirely stopped working* for what DFJASIFJPO
Sam: I understand you and sympathize with you
Dean: please, I choose death
I mean mood 
Noooo no the weird effect again why 
oh and goes after Sam to finish the job ig?
“you ok little brother” felt so...forced I know they’re brothers and I get the narrative significance you don’t have to shove it down my throat
“ward’s a ghost town” ok that one was cute I like that one
the “anything happen” “nah nothing” trope is so fun to me I love it
aww kitty get out of the tub
Sam desperately wants out, like Desperately 
1. Dean got a lot to do here, got more sides to his character, honestly I really liked seeing more sides of him
2. I really like that ending scene where both regret something, yes the song was on the nose but eh it matches the vibe, it works
3. fuck John Winchester seriously, why did he put so much on a literal Child John fucking parent your goddamn kids
4. I was so fucking excited to hear the word striga, I finally know a little bit of the lore. The show played it closer to dementors than vampire monsters, but whatever man, still cool.
5. oh and one more thing, i feel like the show insults my critical thinking skills? like i know they’re brothers and can recognize parallels without them being shoved down my throat.
Then again I did actively decide to watch supernatural after everything so maybe I deserve it
Aight till next week ig?
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blitzdrake · 7 years
Nerdy Men of Letters Dean AU....the SEQUEL  or should I say....PREQUEL (dun dun duuuuun)
So had another rush of ideas for the fun entirely in my head AU where Henry Winchester survives, was firing them off in PM’s to @mayalaen and @powerfulweak when Maya suggested I post it in a forum that could be forwarded to other fans of Nerdy MoL dean....so.....here we go. (First a shot of one of the inspiring picture that started it all.)   [stealth tagging @mashiarasdream to inform them of this WIP and the related link below for the father of this Wip head-cannon to fulfill my daily obligation to give them a fun story idea.]
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And for those in the dark...This AU was an elaborate excuse to rerwrite Season 1 with Charlie and Castiel in it WAY sooner, and to put Dean in nerdy glasses as a MoL magic user (Charlie too).  The premise was Henry Winchester returns to his time surviving Abaddon and tries to avert the misfortune to befall his son, but fate (and possibly angels) keep interfering ensuring that Jon continues on the path that while it leads to Henry’s grandchildren, also leads to the death of Mary Campbell, and Jon’s short trip off the deep end.  Link Here 
The last batch of back and forths that result in Dean turning 28ish (or season 1 age I forget) and being initiated as a full Men of Letters with his BFF Charlie (Henry made the MoL America gender inclusive), only to panic worrying about his missing dad and sneaking off from the Bunker after using the MoL lore to forge a pact with a grumpy guardian angel Castiel to provide the muscle he fears he’ll need trying to track down his dad and win over the help of his brother Sam.  But I was admiring looking at old images of the guys in their early acting careers and though of a fun twist. 
So after Mary dies, and Daddy Winchester runs off, Dean is left with Henry, and of course goes into Dean Winchester latches-onto-and-over-emulates-a-parental-figure(tm), diving into being a good little MoL nerd.  Of course he rarely gets to leave the Bunker with how overprotective Grandpa Henry is.  And even worse, he can kiss having a normal life or god-help-him relationship since there isn’t another initiate in the Bunker that isn’t terrified of pissing of super-protective Granpda Henry, except Charlie, his BFF, and she’s hardly interested in dating him. (and visa versa).  So in a desperate bid to not go stircrazy, Dean convinces Grandpa Henry to take him on a few planned trips to Chicago over a few months, when he’s 18, where Grandpa Henry is visiting the super secret Supernatural Library hidden beneath the real Chicago Library.  
Dean, meanwhile decides to sneak into the normal, or as his friend Charlie calls it, “muggle” part of the library to meet...normal people and just get out from the Winchester-names far reaching shadow. 
Years of hiding in the MoL dark bunker and cramming his face into ancient books and manuscripts have lead to dean having a bit of a vision problem, not that he even realized until he’s in a strange place he’s never been, with bright lights, (unlike the Bunker) and is having trouble seeing.
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Still he’s escaped Grandpa Henry, and sure there’s a little trouble seeing, but he’s out in the real world, with real people, that don’t care about the supernatural, and he needs to just get out of the normal library for just a second and see the open sky.  So he rushes in the direction he thinks the public library exit is, managing fine even if everything around him is a little blurry, until he runs into another guy, literally.  And his best laid plan come crashing down.
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The guy, Jimmy is fairly understanding and a tinsy bit flirty, especially when dean has to get his face fairly close just to see Jimmy clearly.  Once they are both standing again the guy seems to forget where he was rushing a second when he gets a good look back at Dean.
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That of course prompts Dean into a nerdy talk about actual angels, which OF course he knows all the stuff the MoL have talked about it. Turns out Jimmy knows plenty too having been raised a good little catholic boy.  But their conversation is halted when Jimmy’s school mates rush in to drag him off to the Freshman Econ class study group he is late for.  Before he can manage to get Dean’s information and figure out which college Dean is in, Dean slips away, having realized the time as well and desperate to get to Grandpa Henry before Henry notices he’s missing.  In a parting shot, Jimmy suggests Dean considers glasses.
A month passes and Dean is eager to join Grandpa Henry on his next trip to Chicago, especially now that he can clearly see with his new glasses, which only Charlie knows the real reason why he suddenly became interested in something he hardly needs to get around the Bunker.
As soon as Grandpa Henry wanders away, Dean sneaks back into the library, ridiculously excited even if he knows the likelihood of bumping into Jimmy again is Nil.
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This time he can see a lot more clearly, and wanders off in the direction where the people his age seem to be clustered. (Random college student meet and greet at the public library.)  Surprisingly...(or maybe not, he and Charlie DID cast a luck charm and a finding lost things spell, and borrow an amulet blessed by worshipers of Aphrodite before leaving the bunker.)  And sure enough a few minutes into watching some people have a “quiet” library poetry slam, a voice greets him, whispering flirtingly into his ear. “Hello again Dean.”  This time Dean manages to stick around a few hours, meeting some of Jimmy’s friends, and cautiously avoiding any questions about his own classes or college with healthy deflection.
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Long story short over a few months, Dean manages to meet Jimmy in the library every-time he can sneak himself along on Grandpa Henry’s trips. And eventually Charlie catches Dean in the Bunker Bathroom giving himself a pep talk.  She learns that Dean had his first kiss, (that one with Charlie when they were fourteen doesn’t count!) with Jimmy and after a groping make-out session in the public library almost lead to them getting kicked out, has been planning his next visit to Chicago carefully.
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Charlie realizes Dean is convincing himself  to work up the nerve to finally lose his V-card next trip to Chicago to meet Jimmy. (Cause god knows no one in the supernatural world is gonna help HENRY “super mage and Savior of the Men of Letters” Winchester’s  pride-and-joy grandson get laid.  Except Charlie.  But her help is more of the wingwoman variety and not the willing participant.)
Charlie gently convinces Dean to promise to tell Jimmy at least a little bit of the truth about himself before going to far.  Dean doesn’t realize she’s trying to be sneaky.  She is concerned that Dean or Jimmy will get themselves hurt or aren’t being honest enough with each other.  Especially since she’s seen the pattern in Dean’s stories that makes her worried about Jimmy’s self acceptance, since Dean’s been building to this for Months, but his stories always end with Jimmy going from being ridiculously flirty, before cooling off and holding the cross on his necklace and pulling back.  Charlie fully believes that with dean’s promise, she has pushed the confrontation back a few trips to Chicago, because she believes Dean will hold back from telling Jimmy all, giving Dean more time and trips for Jimmy to get used to his attraction.  Dean (clueless to Charlie’s intent) isn’t sure bringing up, “oh and I’m kinda a wizard” will help things so Charlie thinks she’s bought them time.  But Charlie underestimates the desire for a teenage Dean to get laid.  So he goes and tells Jimmy the truth about himself the very next visit.  And of course it doesn’t go...well.
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Dean implies it’s no more insane than the rest of the Catholic stuff Jimmy believes in, and how Jimmy alternates between believing his faith, “You believe liking me is gonna get you sent to hell and that your priest can turn wine into a dead guys’ blood Jimmy, how is me casting a spell any different?” and resenting his faith for how it makes him compartmentalize his attraction to Dean.  This turns into a fight over Dean vs Jimmy’s problems with being comfortable being Bi, and the issue of Jimmy’s faith and his experimentation.  They argue.  Dean’s learned over the months that Jimmy has an awkward relationship with his religion.  Jimmy believes in it, but he also had some issues with himself that did not click with small town Catholics, so for college he fled his tiny hometown and his HS sweetheart because he was a little bit more BI than he felt his family was ready to accept. But he still has his faith.  So Dean’s comment starts a fight that ends with Dean storming off. 
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[This gif isn’t perfect since obviously they haven’t Met...just pretend its more Dean saying he just met THIS side of Jimmy.]
What Dean doesn’t notice in his angry storming away from Jimmy, is that Grandpa Henry was watching the whole thing, having been suspicious about Dean’s behavior lately, especially with how distracted nervous he was this trip.  Dean also doesn’t see Grandpa Henry’s face turn white as a ghost at the sight of Jimmy’s face.  
Grandpa Henry cancels all future trips to the Chicago Supernatural Library, and the next time Dean joins his Grandfather its in NYC.  Which is fine Because Dean is totally over that guy, and his stupid-pretty-face.  So much so that he goes weeks without seeing it, before Charlie introduces him to Facebook and he stalks it to find Jimmy has switched to a college closer to his hometown and has apparently flung himself back into his faith whole heartedly...and his high-school girlfriend, Amelia. 
That’s the list time Dean Winchester see’s or thinks about Jimmy, (or at least admits it) until ten years later, when his father has gone missing, and newly Initiated Man of Letters Dean, breaks into the Bunker artifacts and secures a bond with the guardian angel Castiel, and is startled that he recognizes the face of the vessel the angel has chosen. 
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 20} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: About to go to sleep now! Can't wait to wake up tmr to your beautiful writing <3
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it :D
@hemhings said: Oh my goodness it's Tuesday today! I'm super excited for this update! Thank you for writing I Won't Stop You💕💕💕💕
Yay I’m happy that you’re super excited! I hope you enjoyed it if you read it :D
@kookies-hoe said: OMG I JUST REALISED IT IS IWSY DAYYYY!!! I can't wait 😫😫😫💕
YAY! I hope you liked it my dear :D
@clara-licht said: In my timezone you always post IWSY on Wednesday mornings, and by mornings I mean like 4 or 5 AM. I usually wake up early on Wednesday just to read it 😂
Ahhh damn timezones, I’m really sorry about that! I feel bad that you’re waking up so early to read it :( But it means so much to me that you’re enjoying it and want to read it when I post it ^^ Thank you so much dear! I hope you manage to get back to sleep afterwords!
Anonymous said: It's still a mystery to me how you actually could make me anticipate Tuesdays
I don’t know how I do that either but I’m so happy that I can do that for you^^ *hug*
Anonymous said: It's 7:21am where I am right now and I have to get ready for school in 10 min so I woke up and was like 'fuck iwsy doesn't come out for another *checks world clock* hOUR!!' Now I have to wait till after school to finish it 😭😭 fuck you time distance -Tall anon
Hey tall anon! Ahhh that’s okay though because it’s still gonna be here when you get out of school! I hope you enjoy it when you read it and then you can relax after school :D hehe
Anonymous said: I live for you Jungkook fanfic, it's not even a fanfic, it's art, bless
Wow okay I’m blushin’~~~ you’re too sweet to me, honestly. Thank you so much..
@jynxy24 said: DID YOU SEE ABOUT JUNGKOOK RELEASING HIS FULL COVER OF WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE I'M SO HAPPY EVENTHOUGH THIS IS LATE LMAO  Charlie Puth even tweeted about it!! I cried, ARMYs really do a lot for BTS oml I'm so proud!! (Even if Charlie mispelled 'Jungkook' for 'Jungcook', atleast he acknowledged our golden maknae!!!) BCZ OF THIS, I was just reminded of you cuz' you wrote the best Jungkook series I've read so far! CHAPTER 20 IS COMING TOMORROW AHHHHHHHHHHH   Stay AWESOME as ALWAYS, Sara. Love ya!!
Yes I did! He sounds so beautiful, I love Jungkook’s whisper tone voice when he sings, it’s very emotional and sincere and I can really feel the emotion in his voice when he sings. And his pronunciation is perfect! And Jungcook LOL I saw all the memes of ‘Jungcook’ and it made me laugh so much (’: I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love! Thank you so much!!
@adoppelna14 said: Omg I thought my tumblr is betraying me cause there isn't the 20th chapter for I won't stop you yet but then I remembered that you wrote you gonna post it between 9 - 10pm and Germany is one hour later than the uk😂😭😭😭😭 ots already past 10 pm. I need to know what happens next though😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤
Ahh yes timezones can be so confusing! But yes! I update usually at 9.30pm UK time on the dot, but I always say between 9-10pm just in case some week I am unable to update at exactly 9.30pm haha :D I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love!!
@kpoperinthehoody123  said: Can't wait for vampire jungkook to come out @#%*£*+(%-££*''-;%;; Aiishhh I love your blog
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed it if you read it :D
Anonymous said: Wow. You are amazing. Your fanfic I won't stop you is the first that i read on tumblr, and the first that i loved. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you *bowing*. Stay hardworking but take rest too. Thank you again.
I’m not amazing, but I am so happy that you are enjoying the series ^^ Thank you so much for reading it and messaging me to tell me that you like it! *hugs*
@jungkookbangtaned said: Hey! I'm waiting for the update and I'm sooo eager to know what happens next!! Like I'm so curious!! One question: do we have to expect Y/N to get angry at Jungkook when she discovers he's a vampire? I love you and your story, you're amazing!  Kisses
There’s no point in asking me questions like that my love, I won’t ever answer questions that will spoil the story so I’m afraid you will just have to wait! :D I love you too and I hope you enjoyed the new chapter if you got a chance to read it :D
Anonymous said: I hate you. You get me all excited with an update and there's so much comfort it makes my heart melt, even when you consider the circumstances. But then you end the update before any sort of explanation is given and I'm left without closure, impatiently waiting for next week because you have me crawling back for more every time. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Aw I’m sorry you hate me, because I love you very much c: But! In saying that, there was (as always) more  lore that is important to the story in this chapter. Also, more background information on Jimin and Taehyung~ But I am glad that you will be back next week to read more! Thank you so much for reading it my dear, it means a lot to me ^^
*winks* ^^ Thank you so much for reading it and I love you too!! *hugs*
@mocking-butts said: I'm literally screaming at this chapter I need it to be next week oh my god~! Like I hope she stays I don't know what to do with Yoongi I'm oh lord and namjoon ahh!
Only 6 more days to go! c: hehe~ Thank you for reading the chapter sweets!!
Anonymous said: are you going to post i won't stop u pt. 20 today ?
I posted it last night, as always - 9.30pm UK time on the dot, as I have done so every week ^^
@kookies-hoe said: AGHHHHHHHH!!! Cliffhanger 😭 I WANT TO SEE THE REACTIONNNNN 😭 Can't wait for next week! Also, really Tae, pussy 😂 and Jimin is sooo cute I can't 😭😂💕 love your writing, have a good night!
Taehyung and his little pussy c: heh~ Thank you so much my love and I hope you have a wonderful day!
@adoppelna14 said: NOOOOO!!!! THAT'S SUCH A PAINFUL CLIFFHANGER!!!😭😭😭 WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Because, that’s the way the story goes! ^^ Thank you so much for reading it! :D
Anonymous said: Omg the things you do to my heart!! I'm probs gonna die before it gets to next Tuesday 😂❤️ plz keep writing, your work is beautiful xx
Please don’t die! I’d be very upset if you did that :( And of course I will keep writing! Thank you so much for reading the new chapter :D
YAY I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT and I hope you will like the next chapter too c: Thank you so much!
@audreymv said: This is about to get intense. Like Mom is about to reveal alot of things and Jungkook might just lose her. I hope everything goes good. SUCH SUSPENSION MATE. I AM NOT READY. As usual. How long do you think this story is going to be, Sara?? Really loving it
I think the next chapter will be a chapter that everyone will have to read carefully and closely as there will be a lot of information - and that’s all I can really say on it :P I get asked a lot how many chapters IWSY will be or how long it will be and I just don’t know! There is still a lot to happen, so it won’t be ending any time soon. If I had to guess...maybe 6-7 more chapters? But I honestly don’t know. I have NO idea lolol You guys will know as soon as I do! Thank you so much for reading it dear, I hope you’re having an awesome day!
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: SARAAAAA OMGGGG I CANT WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR IWSY. It's captured me so much and has hit me in the feels. You're an amazing writer!
Only 6 more days to go! I’m glad it has hit you in the feels ;D hehe, thank you so much!
Anonymous said: holy crap i almost forgot why tuesdays are so special and i'm very happy now, thank you
That makes me incredibly happy to hear, thank you so much for saying that :)
Anonymous said: You know what. I'm not gonna read this story anymore until it's fully finished (I'm lying). My heart can't take all these damn cliffhangers😭 and then having to wait a whole week. I'm crying. Pls why do you wish to hurt me so?
If you wish to not read the story until it is finished then that is completely fine and it’s your choice to make! Cliffhangers are an essential part to writing weekly for me. It’s my technique I guess, and it always has been. ^^ Thank you so much for reading it thus far and I really appreciate it!!
Anonymous said: I have this feeling I'm gonna be terrified to learn Jungkook is a vampire but the naive part of me hopes that everything will be fine. ALSO CAN'T WAIT FOR SERRENA TO EXPLAIN WHY I AM VAMPIRE CATNIP! VAMPNIP!!
Vampire catnip...oh my god I love you so much? AHHHH xD That’s amazing lolol! Thank you so much for reading it and making me smile with Vampnip hehe :D
@doubletroublesince1994 said: You know, I always read vertically, but when it comes to you, I can't help but read every single word, trying to enjoy the moment while it still lasts :')) Seriously man you're the only one who ever made me do that (apart from Freud's 5 lessons lol)
I think it’s important to really read what I write sometimes tho because you might miss important lore or information that is essential to the story! I get some questions sometimes and I think to myself like “did this person even read the chapter?” cos I clearly explained it during the chapter haha xD But I’m glad it can hold your attention like that! Thank you so much for reading it because it means so much to me :D
@mysr3 said: Saraa my heart break at the end TT JK character developed so much and Y/N is his everything. Y/N character also developed strong yet fragile. OMG I could feel the pain he was in when he begged for her love to remain the same no matter what happened. Also the parts where Jimin hugged her and his concern thought is touching. The pain in Taehyung thought where he afraid Y/N will hate him is so sad. Aww sweet Mugsy and little Jimin Taehyung moment is sweet. Well written, Thank you Sara ❤❤❤
I’m really happy that you’ve loved the character developments throughout, I really wanted to create a story with real depth and I’m glad it can be seen! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this chapter cutie! It means a lot to me ^^ I hope you have a great day!
Anonymous said: SARA. AGAIN????? YOURE PROLONGING THE INEVITABLE! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT Y/N IS ALREADY OMG 😂 nah nah but in all seriousness, great work as always~ this should seriously be made into a book. Or a movie. Hot damn. Idk how you can write so well T.T I'm so jelly!  - 7:45 Anon
What?! c: Did you expect him to just bring her home and be like ‘yo bitch I’m a vampire and my cousin slaughtered your parents’ ? hehe xD Thank you very much for liking the chapter, and I hope you’ll enjoy the next one too. And I’m sorry for the frustration it’s causing you but...that’s just the way the cookie crumbles! (or Kookie, whatever you wish :P)
Anonymous said: OH MAI GAWD!!!! The FEELS in IWSY part 2!!! (y/n) don't leave Jungkook! omo Sara you're such a good writer I can't even anymore! I'm both scared and excited for the next part because I think I might know what happens but at the same time, I hope what i think will happen won't happen. Just wondering, have you heard Jungkook's full cover of 'We don't talk anymore'? Anyways ily and you're one of my favorite writers!
Yay for giving you all the emotions and feels c: eheh thank you so much for reading it my love! And YES I DID! His voice is so beautiful and he did such an amazing job, I’m sure all ARMY is so proud of him for doing so well ^^ I love you too and thank you so much for thinking that about me :) It really makes me smile more than words can describe!
I’ll take that as a compliment ;D hehe, thank you so much for reading it this week!! ^^
@jynxy24 said: I SWEAR TO GOD I SCREAMED WHEN IWSY CAME OMG SHIT JIMIN AND TAEHYUNG'S WORDS AT THE END THOUGH WHY YOU GOTTA MAKE ME SO EMOTIONAL WITH THEM WORDS AAAAARRGHHH   Okay, rants over lmaooo The chapter was great, Sara!! You did another amaaaaazing job at blowing me away :3 As always, stay awesome and wonderful at writing. Love ya, Sara!!
*BLUSHES* you’re always too kind and wonderful to me Jynxy ^^ Thank you so much for your words that never fail to make me smile! I hope you’re having an awesome day and taking care of yourself c: I love you too!!
Anonymous said: LIKE WHY CANT EVERYDAY BE TUESDAY? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. GAHHHHHHHHHH IM SO ANXIOUS!! Mom I'm not okay with your sorcery. Like what if Y/N leaves bae?? What if Yoongi snatches Y/N by her edges? WHY IS THIS VMIN FEELS PUNCHING ME IN NY THROAT WITH THE FULFFY GOODNESS. This story gives me heart palpitations cuz it just shakes me up.  I'm so confused BUT Love will prevail and min motha freakin yoongi better back off Jungkookies girl or I'm coming to throw hands. I love you 💜~ LilKookie Anon
I wish I could make every day Tuesday for you!! Do you really think she’ll leave Kookie?! WILL YOONGI KIDNAP HER?! hmmm so many questions but mean author will not answer them! :3 heheh~~ Thank you for reading the story and enjoying it, it makes me so happy! I love you too my lilkookie anon c: I hope your day is going great!
@coppertopging said: You are killing me with these cliffhangers, Sara. Killing... me... slowly... *clutches chest dramatically*
Don’t lie, you’re secretly a masochist and you love pain. Am I wrong? *wink* Hope you’re having a wonderful day beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: Istg every single time a chapter ends I'll have a little rage quit (your cliffhangers kill me) and my parents are like 'wtf is wrong with this child?' But iTS WORTH IT. Chapter 20 was... absolutely amazing. You have such a talent for writing and I hope to write at your level one day. -Tall anon
LMAO ‘wtf is wrong with this child’ your parents are gonna throw hands at me if you don’t stop that xD lolol thank you so much! And I’m sure you write beautifully, so please don’t ever doubt yourself or anything like that! I still have so many things I need to improve on, so I’m not on any level or the likes haha ^^ Thank you so much Tall anon! Have a great day!
@wonderful39530 said: Y are you doing this to me? Everytime you put out the new chapter of I Won't Stop You I'm thinking this would be the chapter that she would at least give me a hint as to what makes her so special, then it gets snatched!! Uhh I feel like Jackson everytime they play what he considers cringe worthy. Y must u torture me so good like this?!! Stop it, no keep going, no stop, no keep going...ahhhh!!!!!!! So same time next week?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You’re just going to have to learn how to be patient my dearrrrrr! c: I think you secretly enjoy the pain. If I just gave you everything in one go, it wouldn’t be any fun now, would it? ;D hehe~ YES SAME TIME NEXT WEEK AS ALWAYS OF COURSE C: Thank you for reading it my love :)
Anonymous said: I lovee youuuuuuuuu💞💞💞 you're a great authorrrr😍 Love your JK fanfic thoooo (i wont stop u) u hve never dissapoint me in every chapter 😭 Waiting for a week is like waiting a month ☹️👉🏻👈🏻 Work hard author-nim !! Love from Malaysia 🤞🏻<my hearteu
I love you too! I’m so happy that you love the series and thank you for reading it :D Yay for never disappointing you c: That makes me feel really really happy :D Only 6 more days to wait so it’s not so bad eh? ^^ and wow hello anon from Malaysia! I’m always so curious as to where the people who read my fanfic are from c: Have a great day!
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!! Do you want to kill me from curiosity? I dying to know what she is and what will be her reaction. You're such an amazing writer, and I'm so anxious. Hope that this week passes very fast. Thank you for writing this marvelous story.
Well, my intention was never to kill anyone. Maybe just seriously injure? c: huehue^^ Gah, thank you so much for saying such sweet and lovely things to me.You’ve no idea how much you made me smile :) You’re welcome and thank YOU for reading it every week my love.
@noceurash said: I forgot yesterday was Tuesday so when I looked and saw the next part of I won't stop you I was so excited omg. Your chapters just keep getting more interesting omg. Ily!!! <3
Thank you so much for seeing it and remembering it was Tuesday! ehe~ I’m glad that it keeps getting more interesting for you and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying what I post ^^ I love you too and I hope you have an awesome day!
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARAAAAAA!!!! I WANNA KNOW HER REACTIONS!!!
Then...I guess...you’ll have to...wait...for next week. *winks* muhaha~ *hides*
@theninjachan said: I personally think that at this point of the story, the reader is already smart enough to think critically and objectively about the problem that's ahead of her and Jungkook's family. I really do hope they stay together. I think it's natural for her to feel betrayed but I think she's going to think past that. Love really is the strongest force out there huh. Great job on Chapter 20! Your chapters come out 5AM in the morning in my timezone! I don't really mind though.
Words cannot describe how much I smiled when I read your message. Thank you for thinking like this, and that’s all I’ll say :) And yes! People have this mentality that hate is so powerful - and it is, of course. But love is MORE powerful in my opinion. And we all need a lil bit more love in our world I think ^^ Oh my god, 5am x.x I’m sorry that I comes out so early in the morning for you, I wish timezones didn’t exist agh! Thank you so much for reading it, and thank you so much for sending me this message. Have a wonderful day beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: Can your jungkook fan fic end up with a hapoy ending because I hate sad and unhappy endings pls I really love this fan fic I don't want it to go to waste
I’m sure you didn’t mean for your comment to sound harsh or rude, but by you saying that if it were to have a sad ending that my entire series would ‘go to waste’ is a little bit of an insult. I won’t be mentioning whether it will have a happy or sad ending; as I have said many, many, many times before, I never give spoilers or the likes. However, I appreciate that you like the series and that you are enjoying it, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying so. I hope you have a wonderful day.
25 notes · View notes
Here we go! 11x12!
Oh no, Claire he’s human
And Claire calls Dean and Sam in for help because no one else will believe her - she trusts that she can lean on them and they will respond
Cut to Jody picking Alex up from school and look how happy she is that Alex is happy and fitting in at school. They’re so happy and Jody’s trying to dial it back cause she doesn’t want to embarrass Alex. And there’s the boys car and now Alex is worried (has something gone wrong)
And Jody demands hugs upon entry while Sam takes the shopping from her and teases Alex a little. They’re so comfortable in Jody’s home!
And Claire and Alex begin their bickering. Jody’s just glad that there’s backup now. It’s clear that she loves those girls but she went from living alone to having two teenage girls who on top of all the usual drama and hormones are also really traumatised by the supernatural. I think Claire confuses Jody too - Alex was able to settle down into a normal life (after a rocky start) ad i think Jody is trying to force Claire onto the same path because she thinks that’s what’s best for her.
And its the epic dinner scene!
While Sam and Dean are eating... enthusiastically (Alex is amused by this) and then bestow so many compliments on Jody while she watches on bemused. Claire interrupts and demands they turn to the case
Nice try Alex but Jody’s too sharp for that ( I love Kat Ramdeen for adding the wine stealing in because its so true to Alex’s character - she feels so comfortable with Jody that she’s willing to push boundaries a bit but in a loving way - not a ‘push your buttons’ kind of way)
Sam and Dean ask Claire about what she’s got which turns out to be not a lot but as we know, her instincts (on this case anyway) aren’t wrong.
I’ve just paused it as Alex mentions the dog with rabies and I can’t stop staring at their matching striped tops - that meta I read earlier this week made that stand out really nicely. It certainly highlights that these two are bonded)
And Alex is done with all this monster talk - @elizabethrobertajones pointed out in her rewatch writeup of this episode that Claire’s constant talk of monsters and hunting has probably broken the safety bubble Jody’s home provided for Alex and its all just bringing back her own trauma. No wonder she wasn’t overly fond of Claire at first. And now Claire is rather mocking of Alex’s want for ‘real life’ and brings up her plans to have sex with her boyfriend.
Cue Sam and Dean trying to run from the table until Jody uses her Mum Voice and makes them stay. As awkward as this was for everyone Jody still worked through that and spoke rationally about having sex and the importance of being safe. She never once tells Alex she shouldn’t do it because Jody knows that’s stupid and if Alex wants to and its consensual she can. Jody just wants her to be safe and smart about it. A+ sex talk even if it is totally awkward
I love how she drags Sam and Dean into this conversation and they manage to be even more awkward than Alex.
And then Jody makes her escape after draining her glass of wine (Sam and Dean’s faces are priceless) “potatoes”
And the washing up scene!
Jody is far more connected to Sam so its nice seeing her interact with Dean and for them both to be so comfortable with one another. I’m also glad that Jody gets to vent in a healthy manner which is never portrayed to be negative. As she said she loves but its tough. She gained two teenage girls a year apart and they’re both traumatised and she’s trying but somedays are really tough. 
She wants to help them but feels as id she’s overstepping because she’s not their mum - by the end of s12 I think its obvious they both consider her their mum though
And now to Claire’s room (I spot a grumpy cat). There’s a lot of lore books ad she’s already starting her own tracking map on the wall. Sam tries to reach out to her and I think he does make a good start in toughing upon why she’s hunting adn then he veers to her current situation. I think they just want her to feel like she has a secure home - a place where she’s welcome so she can focus on working past her trauma with support and move onto her future.
Claire feels as if she’s too late though - Alex and Jody have a deeper connection and have been a family for longer and she feels like an outsider in that home. And now she thinks she should leave. i think its good for her to try both - she doesn’t feel comfortable staying here and of course we know in s12 she’s on the road hunting. I think she needed to try it out before making her final decision. Wayward Sisters will bring her back into the fold in a way that may change that thought of hers.
Cut to the really nice teacher hanging from a flag pole and Alex looks terrified (someone give her a hug (eyeing you Jody))
Claire arrives and is a bit pissed because it turned out she was right and Dean pulls her aside to Parent. Claire’s not overly interested (I have a feeling she doesn’t feel as if she deserves what Jody did for her and so she struggles showing how much it means to her - she has a lot of trust issues and she doesn’t know how to let Jody and Alex in)
Alex and Henry come over and Dean can’t seem to turn off the Parent Mode. Claire just thinks he’s a dork and Alex is embarrassed. Dean isn’t impressed that people keep walking away from him.
Alex is super smart (as i said in my writeup of 9x19, I don’t think was schooled during her time in the nest so the fact that she’s made it so far proves how smart and stubborn she is)
And now Alex is having flashbacks to her past, overwhelmed with guilt for what she’s done in the past. And Henry is super sweet and says everything she needs to hear which makes this all the more painful.
Poor Jody - she needs a nice day with netflix and pizza
And then she gets attacked ad Claire panics and runs straight to her. And nooo can people stop breaking Jody’s limbs please?
And Alex is terrified because her past is coming back to haunt her in a far more physical form than her previous flashbacks
Jody says that Claire was right, validating her and apologising all at once and then Alex is dragged in after Jody asks what they’re there for. And Jody looks horrified and terrified for Alex
The vamps mock her for how sad and messed up she was when she first arrived at Jody’s and how they then chose to make her so happy before taking it all away. Everything in Alex’s life has been manipulated and twisted by vampires and she blames herself for so much of it. And now, the two people Alex cares for above all others, are going to pay the price for what she was forced to do as a child.
And upon learning that the guy she was probably falling in love with was just using her she still stands up and spits in his face. Of course it doesn’t end well for her and Jody sounds desperate when she screams for them to stop. Alex is very much Jody’s daughter.
And then the vamps grab Claire and Jody tries to threaten them with Sam and Dean and Alex jumps in board, telling them hunters are coming for them.
And when Claire claims that Alex hates her, Alex volunteers herself to the vamps, to return to being a lure and a blood bank, to go back to what haunts her and left her traumatised, the thing that killed her humanity. They still attack Alex and Jody screams once more. 
Sam comes into the room and the vamp attacks from behind. Jody watches in horror and cries out ‘no’ when Henry attacks Sam (the boys truly are Jody’s family)
“No ones going to save you” cue Claire coming to Alex’s rescue and distracting the vamp long enough for Dean to get there and behead it. Once he’s checked in with Claire and freed Alex, Dean goes straight to Jody and supports her so she can stand. Sam brings Henry forward so Alex can deal with him, to have some closure and she punches him and Claire decapitates him. Perfect team work.
And its breakfast time. The kitchen is a mess... they tried.
Alex feels guilty over Jody and Claire getting hurt and they both come to her defence.
JODY: Alex. You were ready to give up your life for us. That’s goodness.
And the turn to Claire as Jody says that family is scary because it gives you so much to lose. And Claire begins to realise her place in this family. As she says later, she knows Jody would have taken a bullet for her and she saw what Alex was willing to do to save her.
And she’s so excited that Jody is going to teach her how to hunt. She bouncing on her feet!
And Sam has raided Jody’s fridge and stolen her tupperware :D
Sam goes to check in on Alex and Claire follows. There so small compared to Sam.
Anyway, Alex mentions that she may have to move on because she can’t be around hunting so we’ll see how that directly affects her in Wayward because I doubt one of their leads is going to be allowed to vanish for weeks at a time.
DEAN: You gonna be alright now that you’re outnumbered again?
JODY: As long as everyone wears a condom, we’ll be fine.
DEAN: I want that bumper sticker
I love them :’)
And the boys head off once more as the girls watch on from their driveway.
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