#still no 'boring maintenance' tag though!
vodika-vibes · 10 months
Could I request a semi-angsty w/a fluffy ending piece for Bly—reader has a crush on Bly but hears rumors that Bly is madly in love with Ayala Secura. Reader gets sad & stays quiet about how she feels & tries to avoid Bly out of heartache which causes a misunderstanding until he confesses to her? Thanks! ☺️
Not Enough
Summary: You're the Mechanic for the 327th Star Corps, and you've been crushing on Marshal Commander Bly for months now. But when you find out that he has a thing for General Secura, it triggers a change in your relationship.
Pairing: Marshal Commander Bly x F!Reader
Word Count: 1846
Warnings: Miscommunication. Reader hears a rumor and takes it as fact. Reader is lovingly called Mech by the Clones.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Bly! I love writing for Bly! I also write him a bit more dominant and, uh, possessive than most people do. I mean, he's Marshal Commander to. But I hope you like it!
Divider by Saradika
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You sigh softly as you flick through your datapad, your gaze lingering on the dozens of work orders you still need to get through, with more getting added with every passing moment.
You’ve been the official mechanic for the 327th Star Corps for well over a year, and you’re happy with the posting. Sure, it’s not quite as safe as a Triple Zero, but you’re never bored. And as a bonus, you don’t have to deal with anyone breathing down your neck.
As an added, added bonus, you got to have a close working relationship with Commander Bly.
Commander Bly who is kind and charming and funny and handsome. Commander Bly who always goes out of his way to make sure that you aren’t overworking yourself and that you take breaks. Commander Bly who keeps his brothers from harassing you overly much.
Commander Bly, who you’ve been nursing a massive crush on for over six months. A massive crush that is rapidly turning into love.
You push thoughts of your commander out of your mind, as yet another request slides across your screen, and you sigh as you tap the high priority request. 
The request is simple, but important, something needs checking in the engine room. So you gather your gear, and head out of your bay to where the elevator is. You’re joined with several men who are on the maintenance crew.
“There’s our favorite Mechanic!” Dot flings his arm over your shoulder, “Heading down to the engine room?”
“I got a request to look at the hyperdrive,” You reply with a small smile, “You?”
“Routine maintenance for us, Mech!” Stripe, Dot’s twin brother, says loudly.
“Don’t call me that.” You say with a sigh, though there’s a fond smile on your lips.
“But it suits you! You’re practically vod at this point!” Stripe insists.
You laugh and shake your head, as Dot releases you and punches his twin’s shoulder, “Anyway! Have you heard the latest rumors?” He asks once his scuffle with his twin is finished.
“Probably not,” You admit, “I’m a bit busy to listen to rumors,”
“Fair, fair. But this is a big one.” Stripe says as he leans into your space, “Rumor says that the Marshal Commander is finally going to ask the General out.”
You blink at them in surprise, “I wasn’t aware that Commander Bly had romantic feelings for General Secura.”
“He hides it well,” Dot says, “But we see it.”
“Oh.” Hurt blooms in your chest, and you think you do a good job of pushing it away, “Well, good for him. General Secura is a wonderful person.”
“Yeah, she is,” Stripe says dreamily.
Dot rolls his eyes as the elevator finally comes to a stop, “We’ll get out of your hair, Mech. Good luck with the hyperdrive.”
“Mm, thanks.” You step out of the elevator and head in the opposite direction from the twins, and as soon as you’re alone you allow your face to fall.
It was dumb of you to fall for the Commander.
You know that. You’ve known that since your crush first developed. He’s a Marshal Commander. Of course he deserves someone like General Secura. Someone better than a simple mechanic.
You push the hurt away, shoving it deep so you can do your job, and then you turn your attention back to the project on hand. At least you’re busy enough that you won’t have to feel for a while.
Throwing yourself into your work helps, for a time.
Though the first time Bly comes to see you in your maintenance bay, all of those hurt feelings bubbled up and you cried right in front of him. 
Luckily, he thought that you were crying because of being overworked, helped by the fact that your datapad dinged with a new work order every minute.
You ended up with a mandatory two day break, where you weren’t allowed to do anything but rest. On order of the Marshal Commander and General Secura.
It didn’t help. All that two day break did was make you miserable.
So when you’re finally able to return to work you make a silent vow to avoid Commander Bly. 
Work shouldn’t be torture, after all.
“Commander?” General Secura watches Commander Bly, concern on her face, “You’ve been twitchy for the last couple of days. Is something wrong?”
“No, everything’s fine.” Bly responds immediately, even as his gaze flickers around the mess, as if he is looking for someone.
His jaw clenches, “Three days. It’s been three days since Mech has been here to eat.”
General Secura blinks at him, mentally running through the list of men in her service, and then she shakes her head, “I don’t think I’ve met Mech.” She admits.
Bly shoots her a look, “The Head Mechanic? About this tall? We had to order her to rest for two days.” He holds his hand out at about shoulder height. 
“Oh.” She blinks and then she smiles, “Aw, you all call her Mech?”
“Not important,” Bly says quickly, “What is important is that she’s not eating.”
“So go talk to her. You know where she works.” General Secura replies, as she turns her attention to her own meal.
“That’s true.” Bly admits quietly. Though he doesn't mention the fact that you’re apparently avoiding him, as he hasn’t been able to catch you for long enough to have a conversation in weeks.
He also doesn’t mention that it bothers him. A lot.
Bly considers his options for a moment, and then he stands and grabs a new meal tray and he leaves the mess. He’s a Marshal Commander and he doesn’t fail his missions. And you are his newest mission.
You know that you should take a break and eat something. You’re starving, after all. But you also know that Bly eats his meals at this time, and you really don’t want to deal with him, or your emotions, right now.
So, instead, you’re half laid out under a speeder, muttering curses as  you try to repair the damage from the last mission. 
And then you’re jerked, unceremoniously, out from under the speeder.
You yelp as you drop your wrench on the floor with a loud clang, and you blink, wide eyed, up at Bly. “What-?”
“I brought you food.” He bites out as he motions to the tray of hot food sitting on your desk.
You blink at him and try to calm your racing heart, “Okay?”
His eyes narrow at you and you grimace. He’s mad. Why’s he mad?
“You’ve been avoiding me.” Bly accuses, his tone curt.
“I’ve been busy, Commander.” You reply as you scramble to your feet.
He falters slightly, “Since when do you call me commander?”
“That is your rank, isn’t it?” You shoot back, avoiding looking directly at him as you step around him to get to the table. 
Bly is completely silent, and for a moment, you think that he left the bay, but then you hear the soft sound of his kama moving, and a strong hand wraps firmly around your wrist.
He spins you and presses your back against the table, and holds you in place, “Why won’t you look at me? What did I do to make you hate me all of a sudden?” Bly demands.
“I don’t hate you!” You blurt.
“You still won’t look at me.” He snaps, “Just…please…look at me.”
You still won’t meet his gaze.
“What happened to make you unable to look at me? Did someone hurt you?” Bly asks.
“No. It’s nothing. Everything’s fine.”
He stops moving, and then, when he speaks, his voice is a growl, “You’re lying to me. To my face.”
You scowl off to the side, “It’s nothing.”
“If it’s nothing then tell me.”
“Come on, mesh’la. Why do you hate me all of a sudden?”
“I told you, I don’t.”
“You won’t look at me, you actively avoid me- That sounds like hate to me.”
“No, I-”
Bly presses against you even harder, “Well?”
“I love you.” You whisper helplessly.
He falters, and his grip on your wrist loosens, “You what?”
“I love you, but you’re not interested, so-”
His grip around your wrist tightens again, and he grabs your other wrist. And then he pins them both to the table, “Who told you that?” Bly’s voice is gentler now, softer. 
Your gaze is locked somewhere on his chestplate, “Everyone knows that you have a thing for the General.” You mutter, miserably. “And I’m just a mechanic, I can’t compare.”
“Let’s get one thing straight,” Bly says slowly, “I respect the hell out of General Secura, but I am not in love with her. And whoever told you that I was, is talking out their ass.”
You duck your head slightly, “Suppose it doesn’t matter, in the end. You’re still Marshal Commander and I’m still just a mechanic.”
“Will you look at me? Please?”
You hesitate, but slowly lift your head to meet his gaze.
A smile crosses his face, “There you are.” Bly leans in and presses his forehead against yours, “Do you know why I spend so much time checking on you?”
“I thought it was because I’m the only civilian on the ship,” You admit.
“Maybe it started that way, but, by and large, I spend my time with you because I like being with you.” Bly says quietly. 
You stare at him in surprise, “But…I’m not interesting.”
“Says who? You’re funny and kind, and you look at me and see a man rather than a clone.” Bly, somehow, presses even closer to you and you can feel his armor biting into your skin through your jumpsuit.
“The bar is on the ground there, Bly.”
He grins when you say his name, “Maybe. But I also really like how you say my name. And I like how you look at me. And I’d do anything to keep those pretty eyes on me.”
You feel a flush of embarrassment heat your face, “Uhm…”
“I’d really like to kiss you.”
Your mouth goes dry, “Okay.” You whisper.
And then his lips are on yours. The kiss is sweet, gentle, as though he’s afraid that if he pushes too hard he’ll scare you away. And he breaks the kiss far too soon.
“Perfect.” Bly mumbles, as his lips hover over yours, “Better than I imagined.”
You consider him for a moment, and then you crash your lips against his. You tug one hand free from his grip and wrap your arm around his neck, and he uses his free arm to lift you to sit on the table.
This time the kiss is deep and passionate. Bly’s lips demand your submission, and you want nothing more. This time, when he breaks the kiss, you’re breathless.
“How do you feel about coming to my quarters tonight?” Bly asks, as he moves to stand between your legs. 
“Did you have something in mind?” You ask as you allow your lips to ghost against his.
He groans, “Everything.”
And a breathless laugh leaves you, “I’ll be there.”
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ploo-toe · 1 year
The Crow and The Mourning Dove: CH 2
SCP-049 x SCP!Reader
Series tags/warnings(18+): fem!reader, slowburn, (eventual)smut, horror, gore/violence, death, unethical experiments, dark, mentions of past trauma, happy ending
Chapter Summary: “The Chem. Department has a new lavender sedative mix they want to test out, so we’re moving it to a separate testing chamber.  During that time, maintenance will come in for a routine inspection of all the locking mechanisms in 049’s cell.  You’re there to ensure everything runs smoothly.”
Almost a month had gone by, and while 049’s insight had been helpful, progress with 9528 was slow.  The scp was wary; reluctant to let its guard down.  Though, on rare occasion, it would be comfortable enough to drop its facade, even if only for a brief moment.
While Y/n didn’t completely trust Dr.Leeward, she could recognize that he was somewhat of an oddity.  He deviated from the other foundation staff.  Where others were callous and barbaric,  he was softened.  He couldn’t deny his compassionate nature.  It’s why he didn’t push when she was unwilling to share certain details, encouraging her to answer only what she felt comfortable with.  Even if deep down, Y/n knew that he still only thought of her as a thing. Not a she, but an it.  Still, he was better than most.
“Ok, so we went over the things you like.  What about dislikes?  Anything that upsets or annoys you, possibly even things that you’re afraid of?”  Dr.Leeward sat across from her, encouraging her to go at her own pace. It was refreshing, his patience.
“...I’m not overly fond of fire.”  
“Fire?”  It was clearly an answer he wasn’t expecting.  A centuries old being, responsible for the slaughter of hundreds, if not thousands, afraid of fire?
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“May I ask why?”
While there were some things Y/n was willing to disclose, others were deemed far too personal.
“There was an incident in the past that led to a certain… avoir les pétoches… aversion.”  Y/n muttered under her breath, trying to find the words.  While she was fluent enough in the King’s English, she found its expressiveness quite limiting.
“I see…” Leeward spoke as he finished up his notes “Well I’ll leave it at that for today, and we’ll pick up again next week.  Is there anything you want to speak of before the end of the session?”
“No Doctor, that will be all.”
He nodded, gathering his things and exiting the cell.
Y/n remained at the table, simply staring ahead at nothing.  To the camera’s she appeared almost bored.  But for a brief moment, she was back there.  She could see the flames surrounding her, feel them eating away at her skin. She blinked it away as quickly as it had come.  She got up slowly, making her way over to her bed and getting as comfortable as it allowed.  Perhaps some rest would do her good.
Leeward made his way down the hall towards his office, nodding to a group of guards on his way, before The Director flagged him down.
“We’ve really got to stop meeting like this, Adam.”  Director Novak joked. Tell me about it. Leeward bit his tongue.  “I need you to assist in the movement of SCP-049 today.”  Movement?
“Why are we moving 049?”  He racked his brain, trying to think of whatever reason there might be for such a high clearance task.
“The Chem. Department has a new lavender sedative mix they want to test out, so we’re moving it to a separate testing chamber.  During that time, maintenance will come in for a routine inspection of all the locking mechanisms in 049’s cell.  You’re there to ensure everything runs smoothly.”  Novak’s cold stare bore holes into Leeward’s skull.  He wanted Leeward there to keep 049 docile.  Meeting the director's gaze, it was clear as day.  He knew the risks that came with moving 049, he just didn't care.  Leeward swallowed down the lump in his throat, knowing it was better not to question Novak’s judgment, and followed him to 049’s containment cell.  
Leeward went into the cell first, told by the director that he was to obtain 049’s full cooperation.
“Hello 049.”
“Doctor, I was unaware that we had any meetings today.”  049 stood cordially, halting its previous task of writing in its journal.
“No, we don’t, I’m here sent by the director to prepare you for testing.  He asked that I come in first to make sure you’re cooperative.”  Leeward spoke with thought out words, careful not to provoke the scp.
“Ah, yes.  I have my work as you have yours.  I am willing to see through your tests.”
He was relieved that 049 seemed to be in a good mood today. The last thing he wanted was for this to go poorly.
Leeward signaled for the guards to come in, stepping back as they attached its restraints.  Two held onto its chains, pulling it forward, while the remaining 4 had their rifles fixed on it.  They slowly began making their way out of the cell, leading it down the hall.  Director Novak stood stiffly, staring down 049 with a shark-like gaze.  The teams movements were slow and calculated. While the facility guards may have been lacking in certain social aspects, they knew the tactical precision necessary, and the weight any mistakes would carry.
They had just barely made it to the first turn before they heard it, down the hall behind them.
A gut wrenching scream bounced off the walls, laced with pure terror.  What the hell was that!?
049 halted, posture stiff and eyes wide.  
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peach-and-bugs · 2 years
🖤She’s All That I’ve Got - Captain Phasma x fem!Reader🖤
Royalty Enemies to Lovers Au
Fanfiction master list
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Summary: y/n's kingdom has fallen under the iron fist of the Empire despite her best efforts. But, much to her surprise, she's been allowed to live. She knows that Ren must want something from her or her kingdom, but that's for the future. as of right now, she has been granted permission to move about the grounds as she might have normally before. However, she will always be under the watchful eye of Ren's trusted Captain Phasma, head of his stormtrooper army…
Warnings: mentions of death, near violence
Word Count: 2,448
A/N: here's my first real medieval Au! Reader is referred to as high priestess instead of princess just because I like it better, but both titles are synonyms so they can be used interchangeably. And for a little lore dump, I wanted to keep the same kind of weapons and designs since this is StarWars, but troopers instead have normal swords and medieval-akin weapons while Jedi (or ren in this case) still has a lightsaber. but rather than being made of tech it's kind of like an enchanted sword thanks to the kyber crystal embedded in the handle. The force also exists, but its viewed more so as sorcery
She’s All That I’ve Got Tag List: @idontlikepexple
Captain Phasma Tag List:
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
Never before would you have anticipated finding so much comfort in your father’s untimely death. Yet, you are, curled up in the corner of a locked cell, deep in your castle's dungeon. Your day dress had grown muddled with mildew and general stone grime. This of course was due to the dungeon's lack of maintenance, because why would you clean it regularly when no one would be held down there? Your small country had come upon a benevolent time of peace after all. Or at least it had been a time of calm before the Empire decided it needed to step in.
Your eyes had begun to burn now having run dry from tears. You knew they would be red by now. Puffy and sore from rubbing them raw in an attempt to keep what little composure you could still. They’d locked you down here hours ago. How many hours was up for anyone to say, but it had been some time. The invasion had ceased outside the walls of your castle, but you could still hear your people's faint cries and shouts in your mind's eye. 
Even if you'd done everything you possibly could, there had to have been something that had slipped your mind. This had to have been avoidable, right? You tisked yourself for the consideration. Your father wouldn’t have dwelled on this had it been him locked in this muddy cell. He would have held his chin up and found some sort of resolution. Well, you weren't your father. And by the look of things, you wouldn’t be leaving this cell for some time. Maybe yous die here. That sounded about right. You'd die here on the cold and wet stone floor only to be reunited with your father once again in the afterlife. Or maybe the empire would spare you the time and host one of those lovely public executions in front of the dwindling number of your people that would venture into the square. You weren't sure which you'd prefer at this point.
It appeared you'd get your answer in a matter of minutes as you heard the low, growling scrape of the dungeon door as it ground against the stone floor, letting in the faintest light as two guards clamored down the stairs with a torch in hand. You scrambled to your feet. Pressing your back to the wall as they clanged toward your cell. You felt your breath quicken as the sound grew. Your feet squirmed under you, trying to warm your footing against the icy stone, though there was no real escape from the same stone chilling deep into your spine. The stormtroopers stopped abruptly, their black hole-like eyes boring into you as one fiddled with the keys to your cell. The door swung open with a clang that almost made you flinch but you held your ground.
“Master Ren is ready to speak with you,” one said. His voice was muffled and distorted by his faceless mask. Your muscles tensed as you flexed your fingers, squeezing your hands into tight fists. The troopers seemed to notice and subconsciously moved their hands to the hilts of their swords, firmly held at their hips. You forced yourself to relax, but still keep up your guard and nodded, telling them to lead the way. You approached the opened door, only to be stopped by a heald palm. You heard a tough clang of metal and looked down to find thick shackles held open to you. The trooper grunted at your hesitation, forcing you to reluctantly offer up your wrists. The metal was much colder on your skin than the cobblestone and it met your blood quickly thanks to your exposed pulse point. 
The trooper locked your wrists in tight and tugged at the metal chain’ checking its integrity before he turned to leave. This trooper began to lead the way with you hesitantly training out of your cell from behind. The second trooper took his place at the back of your little train, following you close with his hand gripping his hilt if you made any effort to run.
Emerging from the underground, you were met with the disheartening sight of imperial flags hanging high from the walls where your home colors used to reside. They were lazily put off but were scorn a stomach-churning shade of blood red. And upon exiting your dungeon, you were flanked by two additional escorts who had likely been waiting in case you dashed while still downstairs. Walking down the long, winding halls you were greeted with even more troopers lining the walls, watching you with prying eyes as you passed. 
Nevertheless, you held your head high. You refused to crumble, especially not in front of an audience. And oh, an audience you would have. Upon entering the throne room, formally your throne room, you were met with overwhelming sunlight and gaudy red redecoration. Stormtroopers lined the room, arms at the ready if you dared to run. And right above you, perched proudly on your father’s throne sat the revered and feared Master Ren. he watched you with keen eyes, his hand covering his chin and mouth. His brow was furrowed in consideration and you could have sworn he hadn't blinked since you entered his presence. 
As you approached with your entourage of guards, the two at your sides peeled off but were replaced by the originals who walked in front and behind. Your eyes began to wander, scanning your crowded surroundings. You took note of the weasely redhead standing at Ren’s left hand. He held his head high with a scrunched nose and evident grimace. He looked at you as though you were scum that has scuffed his boot. You offered a minuscule glare in return till you were stopped by the troopers at your side, who grabbed onto either of your forearms. You were held still, exposed in front of Ren with your shackled hands and waterlogged skirts. But you kept your head up. You wouldn’t shy away, not even now when one might think you looked like a beggar. 
Your eyes turned back to the General as he cleared his throat, he arched a brow and glanced at the ever-casual Ren, who nodded a finger without a word. Hux sniffed rather aggressively through his nose, then gave the guards at your sides a quick nod, and without any other form of warning, you were tossed to your knees in front of the throne, clumsily catching yourself with your shackled hands, which echoed a ghostly metal clang through the throne room. You managed to look up with a turnt grimace and a huff of exhaled air rustled loose hair that obstructed your face. This reaction seemed to mildly interest the lead invader but not by much. He sat up in your father’s chair, adjusting himself to get a better view of you. 
“Prop her back up,” his voice reverberated off of the walls of your throne room, but still came across as quiet, strangely enough. The guard said as they were told, grabbing onto your shoulders and roughly pulling you up onto your knees. Ren watched with growing interest, though he still looked like he could yawn quite easily at any given moment. “You know why we’ve come, don’t you?” he gripped the arm of your father's chair as his eyes scanned down your kneeled form. 
“I assume this is all an act of love or unity,” you bit back bitterly. “However you’re presenting yourselves these days,” you took in a long, loud breath through your nose, eyeing the Master and the General with a burning hatred in the crinkle of your nose and furrow of your brow. You saw a flex in the General’s frown, but Ren smiled. It was small, but a smile was there. He even let go of a low chuckle. 
“I admire your moxie, high priestess,” he began. Your title rolled off his tongue in a sickeningly sweet tone that made your skin crawl. “But I must cut to my point, I’m afraid,” he sighed, growing board of you once more. 
“I’ve decided to let you live,” he continued. Your eyes widened for a millisecond, but you insisted on keeping your surprise hidden tight under wraps. You couldn’t let him think you were grateful to him without risking inflating his already mountain-like ego. “However, of course, there must be conditions,” you bit the inside of your cheek at that, holding your tongue. Now it was time for Hux to speak up, for he cleared his throat quite loudly to grab your attention from his superior. You’d already grown further irritated by the man’s weaselly face and screwed frown. 
“You will be confined to the palace grounds at all times unless chaperoned by Master Ren himself. You are to stay out of all diplomacy, again, unless asked of by Master Ren,” you grew flabbergasted by what you were hearing and scoffed rather loudly, stopping Hux as he licked his lips to list off the last of your conditions. 
“You want me as a figurehead!” you barked. You swore you could hear gasping muffled under stormtrooper helmets as her room hushed. The General gritted his teeth and gripped the hilt of his weapon tight in his hand as he strode down the staircase before you. 
“You wretched girl-” he started. You pressed your lips in a fine line, ready for some type of impact as you squeezed your eyes shut, but the impact never struck. You heard pained grunting and upon opening your eyes again, the General stood tall before you, sword only partly drawn from its hilt. 
But the man couldn’t move. He has been frozen where he stood. Your breath had quickened but you dared to look behind him, only to find Master Ren having stood from the throne, hand outstretched as he watched Hux with shakingly focused eyes. You swallowed thickly, eyes returning to Hux who looked like he might turn purple if he wasn’t allowed air soon. 
You’d never seen sorcery like this in your life but your father had told you animated stories back when you were just a girl. He regaled the days when magic like this had been loved and revered, seen as a thing of light and peace. You'd learned and read all about the original sorcerer's order and how they made it their mission to preserve life and balance. Yet over the years it had become tainted, resulting in tyrants like Ren and his new order. Hux was released and nearly collapsed to the ground at your knees, but he managed to hold himself. He averted his eyes as he caught his breath, coughing as he took in previously denied air. You thought that you could almost smell the embarrassment on him.
“Now, that’s no way to address our guest,” Ren said with a snide hint in his voice. It was clear that he enjoyed the opportunity to one-up and show off to his general. That made sense, if you thought about it. A tyrant’s primary goal is to impress those they find small and weak. And guest? You held your tone, but how dare he call you a guest when he was sitting proudly in your chair and your house? You let out a huffed breath as Hux turned tail and took his post once more. 
“But yes, a figurehead, if you will,” Ren lowered himself back to his seat, crossing his leg over his knee as he lounged. He waved his hand back to Hux, urging the general to continue as he continued to watch you curiously. The general readjusted his uniform, offered his superior a silent glare, and cleared his throat once more. 
“When you are not accompanying Ren, you will be escorted everywhere by the head of our guard, Captain Phasma,” Hux snapped his gloved hand and the aforementioned Captain seemed to emerge from the shadows of Ren and his newly claimed throne. The first thing you took note of was that the captain was tall. Even from the distance you were at, you knew they were tall. Taller than both Hux and Ren. but besides that, there was nothing else about them you could gather. They hid their face behind a similar helmet to the members of their guard, only their armor was forged from shining platinum, aiding in their standout-ish demeanor. 
“Phasma will watch your every move and report back any suspicious activity that she might find, so no point trying anything,” Hux hissed, trying so hard to buy back any respect you might have had for him before. You were more held up watching the statuelike captain, but you did ponder part of what the general has said. She. The captain that stood taller than both her superiors was a she. Now, this fact didn’t change anything, but it did peak the bit of curiosity you still harbored. 
“Any questions?” the weasel interjected back into your thoughts. You turned to him with your hardest stare, then trained your eyes back on Ren. 
“Then that will be all,” Hux answered for Ren and turned on his heels in a hurry to leave the throne room. “Captain, you may take your leave and escort the high priestess to her quarters” the guards still standing at your side grabbed your underarms without warning and hoisted you to your feet. The Captain began her descent down the stairs, her footsteps echoing louder as she approached. A small part of you wanted to squirm at the grips on your arms, but you held your ground, standing as tall as you could and taking deep breaths. The captain stopped just a stride in front of you, tilting her helmeted head to the side ever so slightly as though she was observing you. And who was to say she wasn’t? It was impossible to tell with the helmet after all.
“Shall we leave, high priestess?” Her voice was lower than you might have expected, yet you found the question more surprising. You must have expected a demand from her before being asked a question. You nodded, possibly having grown trimmed due to her stature in front of you, or maybe from the illusion of you having a choice at all. She nodded to the guards at your side, who released your arms and turned around. Before you turned with them, you caught sight of Ren, moving to leave the say way the General had. He watched you leave with hard eyes and his lips squeezed together momentarily, almost as though he had more to say. But time had run short and you were forced to leave with your new entourage.
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nyxx-nth · 4 months
Been a while since I did a post like this
FALLOUT AU 🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Starting with: Toast. Toast is SUCH a vault dweller you HAVE to see that. Jenny being a vault security guard. Gavin leaves the vault, saying not to come looking for him because he doesn’t want to come back. Toast leaves in search of him anyway. OBVIOUSLY he doesn’t really get the way things… work… on the surface. He runs into trouble because of that, and to his rescue comes:
Ghost was actually born prewar… he and his friend Katrina were let into a vault that was accepting everyone and anyone they could fit inside. How lucky! Except, this vault froze all of the citizens in cryostasis so they could systematically unfreeze them to be experimented on with FEV and radiation. Of course, that ends the way you’d expect: their experiments massacre them. Over the years, with nobody to keep up maintenance, the cryo chambers start to malfunction, lose power, etc, until only one remains functioning. One day that pod opens, and out steps a 14 y/o Ghost into a vault full of supermutants and ghouls galore. It takes him 1-2 weeks to fight his way out of that vault, and in doing so he discovers the ghoulified version of his best friend, still locked away. He doesn’t have it in his heart to kill her.
Fast forward 6 years, Ghost is making a living mostly as a gun for hire, but he’s willing to do other odd jobs as well. He’s been on his own, just him and his dobermann, Poltergeist (POLTERGEIST PET NAME LIVES ON 💪😤). One day he comes across what appears to be a vault dweller just come to the surface. The guy seems to be in a pinch so, out of the kindness of his heart (moreso, he’s never been one to pass up collecting an IOU to one day call in) he decides to help the guy out.
The two end up journeying the wastes together, wherein they come across two other wanderers:
Spooker and Colon!
Colon was a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. You could say he was born into it. Eventually, though, he came to realize the Brotherhood was not what he once thought, and that he could no longer stand by their ideals. On an assignment, he’s forced to choose between saving the technology he was hunting after or the innocent settlers nearby. He makes his final decision in that moment and goes rogue, choosing to save the settlers and abandoning the brotherhood. During his wandering through the wastes, he comes upon a farmstead and gets permission to stay the night so long as he’s on his way when the sun rises. It’s there he meets his new traveling companion:
Spooker was born in the wastes to a farmer couple. He’s spent his life tending to brahmin, mutfruit, corn, and so on. He’s always dreamed of seeing more of the world than just their boring old farm. Opportunity presents itself one normal sunny afternoon with the appearance of a battle weary stranger. He persists in his requests to tag along and eventually, the stranger caves. He says goodbye to his family and promises to return with a bunch of stories for his younger siblings. The adventure of a lifetime awaits!
I have some other ideas for others characters’ roles in this au but I think this post is long enough as is lolol
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
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I posted 427 times in 2022
That's 122 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (14%)
369 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 130 of my posts in 2022
#froggy speaks - 84 posts
#g/t - 70 posts
#giant/tiny - 50 posts
#gt community - 45 posts
#borrowers - 42 posts
#sfw gt - 41 posts
#gt - 33 posts
#g/t community - 32 posts
#froggy arts - 26 posts
#froggy writes - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#like its not just one bad thing that completely goes away when theyre sage again
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey You!!! You in the g/t community, reading this!! I love you!! If you make work, I'm amazed by your creativity!! Thank you for being such an amazing person! (if you are thinking this isn't really for me then you get a special x2 multiplier on my love for free >:) )
138 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
tiktoks that there would be if borrowers existed and hung around humans
borrowers seeing themselves in the mirror for the first time and not passing the mirror test for a few minutes
humans annoying their borrower friends by just picking them up and bringing them wherever they are going (the comments call the human mean even though the borrower is clearly laughing the entire time)
borrowers in places that are surprising, like on the roof for some reason
PRANK WARS (I would pay to see borrower vs human prank wars 😭)
borrowers learning human slang or learning about animals they've never heard of before like whales or okapis or smth
how to make tiny things for your tiny friends (food, furniture, etc)
house tour but it's inside the walls
two tiktokers find out they live in the same house, one a borrower, one a human
showing my borrower friend places they've probably never seen
one borrower gets really famous by pretending to be human and clowning on them for all the silly things they do
the best fabric/paper clips/etc for borrower crafting
138 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
im bored, I should be writing but here's some of my favorite borrower headcanons instead (ask your headcanons or ask for more of mine or clarification!! I love this stuff!!)
borrower "culture" isn't really a thing. If you found two borrowers from separate places and asked them what holidays they celebrate or if they have a hierarchy, they'd most likely give you completely different answers (that means the rest of the list is basically only true for some borrowers in my head)
borrowers don't track time like humans. Ofc they still have like morning and evening and so on, but they don't have hours or minutes or years in the way we use them.
Adding to the last bit, borrowers don't do birthdays. Since they don't really have numbered days, at most they remember whether they were born in early or late (insert season here). Age is counted by seasons and being an older borrower usually means being respected far more.
borrowers don't really do gender. it's really not a big deal when you're fighting for your food and life constantly. Pronouns are just things they borrow from humans, they're not really attached to them.
skirts and dresses are impeding to most borrower things so wearing them is either luxurious and shows that a borrower doesn't need to work or lazy. Again gender isn't really a thing so they can be worn by anyone as long as they don't need to be constantly alert.
hair length is usually a personal decision. Long hair is warm and can be tied up easily, but can get caught in things and does take maintenance. Not as much maintenance as human hair would at that length, but still some. (borrowers can usually brush the tangles out of their hair with just their fingers.) Short hair is a lot more permanently out of the way but often needs to be cut fairly regularly to stay at that length.
hair color can affect what length borrowers choose to keep their hair at. Black haired borrowers might keep long hair and even put it semi down so they're harder to see in the darkness. Red or blonde haired borrowers might have to keep it short because it could easily get them spotted.
borrowers that live/work alone tend to be more cutthroat than colonies of borrowers. They can't rely on much and if you are hindering their work they will cut you loose so fast.
on the other hand, colonies tend to be more strict about rules and such. The rules vary greatly, but they tend to stick to them and not forgive even small transgressions. Basically if you're a rule breaker you're gonna get yeeted.
if a lone borrower is crazy, it's kinda just like eh, they're alone so long it makes sense for them to be like that. Often if they aren't like actually just randomly biting people, they can still be decent ally's.
if a colony is crazy, you're fucked. That is a borrower cult, my guy. They have already completely convinced themselves and each other that they are the sane ones, there's no way to get through to them. Plus they tend to have the numbers to do really bad things, for instance: sacrifices.
some borrowers do have religion!! It can be anything from whatever religion the humans had put through a game of telephone or something humans would consider to be a lot like witchcraft!
Borrowers often get their names from 1. human names (usually misheard or misspelled) 2. something precious to the parents, like how some humans are named after gems 3. just a random word that someone heard and decided would make a good name, or 4. another borrower.
moving house is just as dangerous if a borrower moves into somewhere with borrowers already as if it's an empty place. The best scenario would probably be a group of borrowers too small to be considered a colony that don't mind sharing or a recently evacuated home. (you would have to consider why they left, though.)
borrowers sit wherever they goddamn please. on the floor? yep. on the edge of a table next to a drop that would definitely kill them? yeah, sure. on top of a borrower sized table? it's comfy! wherever they happen to be standing and find out they're going to be there a while? just plopped down on the spot. They are also incredibly fast at getting up, so there's no worry about being stuck sitting when something happens.
beds aren't really a thing for borrowers either. They have to be able to sleep wherever they are so they don't get tired and make stupid mistakes. The closest thing to a human concept of a bed would probably be a few comfortable scraps of fabric in a bit of a messy nest. Easy to move and rearrange. Some borrowers just sleep on the ground or cuddle with other borrowers.
Candy is as precious as gems. Unfortunately, just about as useful as them, too, but sweet things are hardly ever left out or abandoned.
The main overarching rule for borrowers is don't get caught and if you do, don't reveal the rest of the borrowers to humans. Different rules spawn from this like don't speak to humans or don't go out during the day or whatever, but those are the ones all borrowers basically would get as a kid.
Borrowers are kind of desensitized to violence and death. All their lives they are constantly thinking about it possibly happening, and depending on where they live, may have seen many others bite the dust. It's just a part of being a borrower.
Borrowers have INCREDIBLY dark humor. They'll absolutely be joking about how their best friend got severely injured the moment they're safe. Maybe even before depending on the borrower.
Some borrowers are more animalistic than others. It's a trait that's sort of passed down like what eye color you have. Some borrowers have cat-like eyes that adjust to the dark well but are mid sighted and color blind. Some borrowers can purr or chirp. Some are more capable of eating raw meat or random stuff they find on the ground. Some have tails for balance or animal ears.
Many borrowers have weird special talents that seemingly come out of nowhere. One may be able to jump stupidly high while the other can smell everything and discern what is going on in the next room.
borrowers get overstimulated SO EASILY. loud? no thanks. lots of movement that they try to automatically track all at once? eugh. bright colors that hurt their eyes and distract them? bad.
crows and borrowers often have symbiotic relationships. Borrowers share a little food and time/conversation and the crow distracts the human or gives them a ride or protects them from other animals. they are friends <3
Most borrowers don't have any other name than their first unless they live in a place with a LOT of other borrowers and need to distinguish where they're from.
TLDR; I never stop thinking about borrowers. I am a borrower nerd. I will keep on talking about this forever.
172 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
it was at this moment they knew.
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they fucked up.
204 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
you can use these as you like, this could be an ask game too!! they're gonna be all over the place, sorry bout that lol
"How did you do that?" "What, like it's hard?" "YES-"
"You made this for me? That's incredible!"
"I'm gonna fight that guy for you." "Please don't..."
"Are you scared of me?"
"Why didn't you just ask for help?"
"So I'm kinda stuck... Don't laugh at me!"
"You can leave now. If you want to."
"You... saved my life. Why?"
"You're pretty incredible, you know." "Me?"
"You can sleep now. It's safe, I'll protect you."
"You'll never lay a hand on them again."
"I don't need a controller my size, I'll beat you at Mario Kart with this one!"
"I've been told you've never watched a superhero movie. Spiderman or The Flash?"
"I don't know if you can even hear me right now, but I'll miss you."
"You're really sick, you should go lie down. I can take care of this for you, don't worry."
275 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cassifictional · 2 years
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Picture taken from @sapphictemple 's Sevika pic folder and edited. Go check it out.
Pairing: Sevika x g/n reader
Tags: nsfw - oral. Established relationship, Sevika’s on the receiving end for once.
Summary: poor Sevika has had a long day fighting paperwork. She probably needs to relieve some stress. Why not try something new?
Word count: 2.9k (cheers)
Notes: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.
For real though, I’ve had a real shitty week so any nice comments/reblogs would make me so happy. And it’s been a while since I wrote smut. I really like how it turned out, despite the events of this past week. Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤
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As you rounded the corner on your way to The Last Drop, you noticed that most of the lights had already been turned off for the night. You hadn’t even realized it was that late already. Not that it mattered, you were quite comfortable being active and awake all throughout the night, right up until the early hours of the morning. It also didn’t matter that the bar was already closed. You weren’t there to party, you were there for one person and one person only: your girlfriend.
The front doors were already locked, but some of the lights inside were still on. Peeking through the windows, you could see the vague outline of a person sitting at a desk near the back of the room. No doubt about it, that had to be the woman you were coming to see. As you looked around for a second longer, you noticed there wasn’t anyone else around. You grinned as you realized this might be the perfect time to attempt a little thing you had been wanting to try for a while now. The Last Drop, entirely vacant, doors locked, granting you the most privacy you could possibly get in this nightlife hotspot. A hotspot that was always so crowded. Except for now. Exciting.
You quickly made your way to the side entrance, a partially hidden door reserved for employees and “special guests”. As you pushed it open, you called out for your girlfriend to announce your presence as a “special guest” and not a thief looking to get their hands on the contents of the register behind the bar.
“Sevi?” you called out to no response. You couldn’t yet see her from where you were right now.
Oh god. What if it hadn’t been Sevika you saw through the window. Maybe it had been Silco. In a really big coat.
“Oh, thank god.” you sighed as the desk in the corner of the room came into view and you realized it was, in fact, your girlfriend sitting at the desk as usual. Sevika raised an eyebrow at you as you approached her.
“Thank god I’m stuck at this desk?” she said, sounding more than a little annoyed.
“No, it’s just- no, actually, nevermind.” you walked up to her desk and took a seat right on top of it. You’d rather sit in her lap, but that spot wasn’t available right now. The desk was a mess, there was barely enough space for you to sit. Little piles of papers and notes were everywhere with tools and small loose bits of machinery mixed among them. From the looks of it, she had been combining paperwork with some maintenance on her mechanical arm.
“I was waiting for you at home,” you spoke, reaching out to touch her hand, “but you were taking too long, so I came to see you.”
Sevika allowed you to touch her, but she didn’t return the gesture like she’d usually do when you two were alone.
“Well, yeah, it’s one of those days. Lots of work. Nothing I can do about it.” she huffed, taking back her hand to get back to the work on her desk.
“Sure you could.” you smiled sweetly, tilting your head to the side. “You could finish it.”
“No shit.”
Right. Seemed like humor wasn’t working on her tonight.
“How much longer, do you think?” you asked, trying a more compassionate approach. You leaned over to take a look at what she was working on. Shimmer shipment details and numbers. Boring stuff. The kind of stuff that would make her extra grumpy.
“I’m almost done. Twenty minutes or so.”
“Can I help?”
“Yes. Stop distracting me.” she glared at you.
“Alright. Fine.” you grumbled, getting ready to hop off the desk again. Sevika quickly reached out to grab your arm before you could do so.
“Didn’t say I don’t want your company.” she said without looking up from her papers. Seems like she had realized she was being a bit harsh.
You smiled at her and turned around on the desk to face her, swinging your legs over to the other side so you could rest one of your feet on her thigh. Immediately regretting her decision to be nice to you, she shot you another glare, but you just glanced around the room, feigning ignorance. Sevika let out a long, deep sigh, and continued with her work, trying her best to ignore you for the time being.
Now all you could do was wait for your girlfriend to finish her work. You took your time to study Sevika’s beautiful features, something you loved to do whenever you were near her but she was too busy with other things to pay attention to you. You noticed her brow was more furrowed than usual. By the way she kept blinking, you could tell that she must be feeling tired. Her shoulders seemed stiff, the rest of her posture seemed to be as well. Her leg, the one you were not currently resting your foot on, was bouncing up and down ever so slightly. She looked incredibly tense, like she had a very long and very annoying day. Luckily, you knew a thing or two to help her get rid of all that tension.
“Almost done.” she mumbled, shoving a few more papers to the side. You took that as your cue to start the little plan that had popped into your mind the second you had seen her through the window, sitting here all by herself in the corner of the now closed bar.
You slowly let your foot slide down her thigh until it was in between her legs. You felt her flinch at the sensation, but she didn’t give you the satisfaction of a further reaction. Displeased, hoping for a slightly more exciting response, you started slowly rubbing the tip of your shoe along the inside of her thigh. Again, you felt her shudder underneath your foot ever so slightly, but that was all you got out of her. You had to stop yourself from grinning when you noticed all the hairs on her arm were now standing up straight. As hard as she was trying not to react, her body could not help itself.
“I thought I told you to stop distracting me.” she said in a tone that was meant to sound intimidating. It didn’t work on you, though. Not right now. You knew that in this case, it was just an empty threat. She could try all she wanted to pretend she wasn’t enjoying this at least a little.
“I’m not distracting. I’m encouraging.” you smiled at her.
Eager to see her react even more, you made a bold move and decided to gently press the tip of your shoe right in between her legs, rubbing it up and down her crotch just once.
A quiet “fuck” escaped her mouth as you felt her whole body twitch underneath you. Finally, a crack in that stoic composure of hers.
Breaking the silence in the building, there was a small noise coming from the direction of the side door, from where you had entered. As if feeling relieved, Sevika shot up from her seat, loudly shoving her chair back as she did. You sighed, rolled your eyes and turned around a little to see where the noise was coming from. One of Silco’s goons had entered the building, holding a small stack of more fucking paperwork. Sevika huffed and straightened her clothes, trying to hide that her breathing had suddenly gotten very heavy from seemingly just sitting still at a desk, and made her way over to the guy awkwardly standing by the door.
“Here’s that report that was missing, boss. It’s-“
“Give me that.” you heard Sevika hiss, followed by the noise of rustling papers.
As Sevika gave the guy an earful about being late, you hopped off the desk and set the second phase of your plan in motion. You were already getting excited, and the best part hadn’t even started yet.
When Sevika returned, she seemed surprised when she noticed you weren’t sitting on her desk anymore. She glanced around before sitting down, jumping in her seat a little once she realized you had hidden yourself underneath the desk.
“Last guy, right? Did you lock the door?” you asked, sitting on the floor underneath Sevika’s desk, pretending to admire its wood grain as you talked.
“I did. What are you doing? Get up.” she demanded as if she had forgotten about your previous interaction just a minute ago. She really wasn’t taking hints well tonight.
“Encouraging you.” you said plainly. “You were almost done, right? I suggest you hurry up.”
Sevika scoffed. “Or else?”
“Or else I’m not rewarding you for working so hard today.”
Something finally seemed to click in her when you saw her eyebrows raise a little once you started running your hands up from her calves to the insides of her thighs.
“What, right now?” she asked, her breathing getting a bit heavier again already. “Why here? Can’t this wait until we’re home?”
“No, because I know how much you like to instantly fall asleep the second you get home after a day like this.”
“I hate how accurate that is.” she chuckled.
For a moment she considered her options, but her decision was quickly made. Without saying another word, she leaned back over the desk and started scribbling on the papers again. You rested your head on her thigh as she worked, continuing to tease the inside of her thighs with your hands as “encouragement”. She carefully pushed you a little closer to her with one of her feet, wordlessly urging you to continue whatever you were doing.
After five more minutes, you were getting impatient. Sure, you had a front-row seat to the best show you could think of, but nothing was happening yet. The scribbling of Sevika’s pen continued and irritated you. Enough was enough. Either she finished her work now or she could finish as she was herself, well, finishing.
You moved in a little closer and moved your hands up to the front of her pants. Slowly, giving her just a little more time to continue her work, you started to undo her belt. A sharp hiss shot out from her metal arm, followed by the sound of her sharp metal fingertips scratching the desk. Good. You were getting her all worked up again.
“No patience, you..” she groaned.
“Hurry the fuck up then.” you said as you fully undid her belt, working your way down to the button and zipper below.
She leaned forward a little more. You heard her curse quietly under her breath again.
The button now undone as well, you decided to take the zipper in between your teeth and undo it like that. You felt Sevika shudder underneath you.
Then finally, as the zipper was now fully open, her underwear already peeking through, you heard Sevika slam her pen down on the desk. Forcefully, but careful as not to hurt you, she shoved her chair back and raised her hips just enough that she could quickly slide her pants down.
“I’m done.” she growled as she dragged herself forward again to be closer to you, reaching back to take her underwear off as well, but you stopped her from doing so.
“Took you long enough.” you grinned, hooking the fingers of one of your hands underneath the top of the hem of her underwear. Right in front of your face, you could see that a damp patch was already well visible in between her legs. Teasing her a little more, you lightly ran your fingers over it. You heard her sharply inhale as you did.
“About that ‘reward’ I was promised..” Sevika said in between heavy breaths, pushing you a little closer again with the back of her foot, “how about you quit being a nuisance and get to it?”
“Who’s the impatient one now?” you said teasingly before dragging her underwear down in one smooth motion, a sharp contrast to your previous slow teasing that seemed to please Sevika. You were about to please her a whole lot more, though. The sight of her glistening wet in front of you was even better than the front-row seat you had before. This was more like a VIP-ticket. Including a meet-and-greet. Meet-and-eat.
“Fine. How about you say ‘please’ first?” you smiled up at her expectantly.
You shrugged. “Oh, well. Was worth a try.”
Sevika wasn’t the type to beg for attention. She knew she would get it one way or another anyway. That didn’t stop you from trying every once in a while, though.
You took in the sight of her all wet and ready and impatient in front of you just once more before you finally went down. Savouring that first taste of her just a little more than usual. She let out a long, shuddering sigh as your mouth finally made contact with that sweet spot. To finally relieve that mutual impatience together, to release that built up tension from the entire day, that relief felt incredibly good.
“Ah, yes, just like that..” Sevika groaned quietly, “keep going. You know how I like it.”
You sure as hell did.
Dragging your tongue up and down her folds, you lapped up everything she was giving you. After the long day at work, her scent was intoxicating, musky and warm and wonderfully her, somehow still not smelling gross like you’d expect someone to smell after a labor-intensive day. You wanted to tell her all about how much you were enjoying her, but for you to talk you would have to pause and you weren’t eager to do that.
You moved up to give her clit some much needed attention, which she happily accepted. With her metal hand clutching the armrest of her chair, Sevika’s free hand quickly found it’s way to your head, intertwining itself in your hair and pushing you down into her a little more. Her foot, still behind you, pushed you a little closer as well. It was almost getting a bit hard to breathe, but not enough to be an issue. But even if it was.. what a way this would be to go.
“Just like that. Perfect.” she panted, already looking perfectly dishevelled.
Her hand on your head and the foot behind you were enough to tell you that she very much still demanded control of the situation, even though you had her fully at your own mercy as well. The balance between both of your needs to be in control made everything feel that much more exciting.
As you continued to eagerly eat her out, juices dripping down your chin, you felt her thigh tense up underneath your hand. A telltale sign that she was getting close. Already?
In an attempt to make the situation last a little longer, you tried to move your mouth down a little again. A rough tug on your hair quickly made you reconsider that decision, moving back up again as quickly as you had tried to go down.
“Don’t you fucking dare stop now.” Sevika growled, her breathing heavy and deep, her body feeling warm and flushed against you.
So you continued as you had before, eagerly licking and sucking and enjoying every little reaction you got out of her. You looked up at her in an attempt to maintain eye contact, but she couldn’t keep her composure anymore. You could feel her thighs tense up again, along with the muscles in her hips and the now painfully tight grip on your hair told you all you needed to know. Still looking up at her, you watched her close her eyes and lean her head back. So close.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” she repeated, breathlessly now. “Please.”
The unexpected please sent shivers up your spine. You knew exactly what you needed to do now.
Keep up the pace. Let her come.
And she did. Moaning and groaning through clenched teeth, trying to not make too much noise in case anyone was somehow still around in the vacant and closed bar. She pulled you in so close you could barely breathe as she rode out her orgasm. Judging by how long it lasted, she must have really, really needed that sweet release. After what felt like forever, she released your head and you took a long, deep breath, thoroughly enjoying the sweet, sweet oxygen.
“That was fast.” you panted, out of breath after nearly being smothered in the best way possible.
“Told you. You know what I like.” she grinned, also out of breath, but for an entirely different reason. The way she said it made it sound like a genuine compliment, a rare treat coming from her.
“One more?” you asked, more than eager to get back to work.
“No, that’s enough,” she chuckled,” You did well. I need to have some energy left to walk home.”
Disappointed but also satisfied, you crawled out from underneath the desk, letting Sevika dress herself again before taking her head in between your hands and giving her a long, deep kiss. Letting her taste herself a little in the meantime from what remained of her on your lips.
“You know..” she mumbled through the kiss, “If all my days behind this desk ended like this, I think I’d be more inclined to take the shifts involving paperwork.”
“You go do that.” you mumbled back at her, your eyes still closed. “Show those papers who’s boss. I’ll sit under your desk all day if it’ll help.”
“I doubt it will.” she snickered. “But it’s something to look forward to, for once.”
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Notes: I think I may have a bit of a fixation with desks :v and legs. Definitely legs.
Also, the logistics of (tight) pants and this position are something I’ve yet to experience for myself. I have a hard time picturing it in my head without it looking silly.
You’d think I’d have a thing for almost getting caught doing something somewhere you’re not supposed to, considering I’ve written a scenario like that before. In reality, I have anxiety and would never ever put myself in a situation like that LOL
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ladytheoris · 3 years
Nanami Drabble
Warning: 100% fluff
Jujutsu sorcerer Nanami x reader
Glimpse: A tired shopping with Nanami, which ended up with you sleeping in the car.
The day officially ended with you dragging yourself into the apartment that you and Nanami Kento -your husband- shared. He was waiting for you on your couch, elegantly as every day.
The fact that out of so many humans in this life, it was just you who got to see him in an outfit other than his usual beige suit and teal shirt (ignoring Gojo who usually barges in your home at unholy hours). There he was, in a black tee and sweats. Yes, your drooping energy crossed its maximum limit with just a sight of his, like the usual.
"We're going grocery shopping." He walked towards you, taking his wallet and car keys from the table.
Your whining disappeared the very moment his lips kissed you a welcome back. He took your bag from your hands and threw it to the couch, dragging you with him towards the elevator.
You were still in his arms, more like his chest. Leaning onto him while he kept his hands on your shoulder, stroking your hair slightly.
"How was your day?" You looked up to see him staring at you, "meh, the usual."
He laughed in response. "The only best thing in my day is seeing you on your couch." You mumbled.
His hands suddenly stopped stroking. You could see his reflection on the elevator wall and tell that he was flustered.
"Babe, so not a good place to say things like that." His voice had an edge of teasing as his lips brushed by your temple.
"I meant seeing you chilling on the couch. What did you think?" You asked him innocently.
He was quick to regain his posture. "Oh, I thought you started hanging out with Gojo."
"What the hell does Gojo usually say?" The ding of the elevator broke your conversation.
But his strong hands found their way to yours, intertwining your fingers with his. You reached your car and started off towards your usual mart. The journey, though filled with traffic, it was not boring. It never was, any time with this man. Even though he seems to be a guy who looks serious and whose looks scream "high-maintenance", he was never any of those with you. He was a simple man with simple dreams. His day could get a hundred times better with just a kiss of yours, that is the kind of person he is. Two kisses if Gojo pestered him.
The shopping part too, was just you tagging along with him while he picked up things. He just did not want to leave you home alone, especially when you are tired. He knows there are tons of curses lurking behind the shadows who just want to taunt you just because of him, a particular one with stitches all over its body being the primary one. He has told you about those too. His encounter with curses, and about his life as a Jujutsu sorcerer.
After all, it was you who helped him patch up with your limited knowledge in that field. You too were a jujutsu sorcerer, if it was not for the over-demanding elders, maybe you too would have been a part of his daily work life. But that is something both of you won't enjoy. Seeing him getting injured in front of your eyes, and for him, you were more than a hellish nightmare.
"What are you thinking so deeply?" his voice interrupted your inner monologue.
You shook your head with a smile. By the time you had nearly finished your shopping and you were hanging onto his forearm for dear life. Your legs were about to give up if it wasn't for his arms wrapped around your waist. He did give feathery kisses along your cheek and temple when nobody was watching you.
While paying the bills too, he made sure to keep an eye on your tired form. It was not that he wasn't being considerate about your well-being, but overly concerned. He did not want to leave you behind in this condition, defenseless and alone.
He took care of keeping the things in the car, while you curled up in the passenger seat. Your eyes were drooping, and all those sounds of honking and people talking were starting to fade behind. You could feel the darkness creeping up, as you tried to hold on to the light. But Nanami's hands were on your thigh, like singing you a lullaby to sleep.
By the time you were awake, you had reached back into your parking lot. You could hear Nanami speaking to the security, whose hands were now nearly filled with the baggage that contained your purchases. Nanami opened the door for your seat, as his hands slowly slipped under your knees and torso, holding you, bridal style to his chest taking you back to your apartment.
"Sleep, don't worry about anything. You had a long day." His voice was the lullaby that was needed. "I got it from here." His voice was fading as you succumbed to your tiredness. All that you felt was a kiss on your forehead, then blacked out like a light.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Zoom meetings with the kids w/ Kuroo, Akaashi and Sakusa
Request: I have been stuck inside the house with my three year old brother for the last three weeks and he keeps coming inside my room and entering the zoom call with me. So that had me thinking. How would our favorite Haikyuu dads Kuroo, Akaashi, maybe Kenma or Sakusa react to their toddlers coming into their room and joining their meeting. - anonymous. 
Awww I love haikyuu dads!!!! I have begun making the smau and I’m already like 3 chapters in but I won’t start posting until I’ve finished it or I’m about to finish it. I wanna be sure that I’ll have a trustworthy upload schedule lmao bc my midterms are coming up next week and I’m dying. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: fluff
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-He was in a meeting with the firm for the past three hours. 
-He was absolutely exhausted and the only thing he wanted was to take a nap with his two year old daughter. 
-You were still at the hospital, your shift finishing in about two hours so he was basically alone.
-Your daughter was playing with her toys in his office, being as quiet as she could but exhaustion started to win her over little by little. 
-Yawn after yawn left her lips but since the sound was so small and barely above a whisper, Kuroo hadn’t realized that his little princess was tired. 
-Standing up with wobbly legs she grabbed her cat blankie and rubbed her eyes as she slowly made her way to her father. 
-With one arm hugging her blankie and the other wrapping around Kuroo’s leg, she rested her head on his leg and slowly sank down to the floor, not tugging at his pyjama leg as he expected. 
-Looking down at her he didn’t think twice before bending over and bringing her into his lap. 
-She let out a small sigh before she clutched his shirt in her small fists and was off to dreamland in record time. 
- “Kuroo-san what do you think?” 
- “Sorry my daughter distracted me.”
-And with that he went back to his meeting. 
-Throughout the rest of the meeting Kuroo rested a hand on her back, cupping her little head lightly rubbing soothing circles on her skull, staring down at her every now and then a smile adorning his features every time he saw her nuzzling into his chest.
-She was a female version of him now that he thinks of it.
-She had his crazy raven hair and stunning amber eyes while her face structure reminded him of both you and him. 
-Her personality though was all you. 
-He knew she was very young but she reminded him of you when you two first met more and more each day.
-Right at that moment she let out a small yawn again, her eyes opening slightly as she repositioned herself on his lap and went back to sleep. 
-He couldn’t love her more, at least that’s what he believed. 
-Each day she proved him wrong. 
-Saying goodbye to his coworkers he shut off his computer and went to the living room couch, laying down with his little girl in his arms. 
-Giving her one last kiss he fell asleep, a smile still present on his features. 
Akaashi Keiji 
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- “The author said that those new chapters need to be edited by the end of the month. He will send you the rest when you are done with these.” 
-His eyes were bloodshot from the endless hours he had been staring at his screen. 
-Rubbing his eyes he answered every single question that was thrown at him, wishing that this one would be the last one. 
-But the universe wouldn’t have it that way for poor Akaashi making him stay up late again. 
-Thunder rumbled from outside and he wondered whether or not you had taken your son to bed with you. 
-The four year old boy was terrified of storms from a young age, always looking for comfort in either you or Akaashi. 
-But ever since his sister was born he pulled away from you two, he didn’t ask for help anymore even when he needed it and he didn’t wake you up during the night when he had a nightmare.
-Akaashi was amazed to say the least. 
-Neither of you had said anything to him about how your attention would mostly be on the baby and you guys had never dismissed his needs because of your little girl. 
-It worried him how fast his son closed in on himself. 
-He was already a shy and quiet kid but now you barely heard his voice and it broke both of your hearts. 
-Akaashi was determined to help him get out of this phase and be by his side but this assignment took up more of his time than he would’ve liked. 
-Light danced across the room as the door slightly opened but no one stepped in. 
-Keiji was about to stand up when he heard little sniffles and the light pitter patter of feet on the carpet of his office. 
-And soon enough his son rounded the corner of his desk, one arm wiping away tears as the other clutched the stuffed owl his uncle Bokuto had bought him. 
-Without losing a beat Keiji pushed his chair back and brought him in his lap, giving a small apology to his boss before momentarily turning off both camera and mic. 
- “I’m sowwy.” 
- “Shh I’m here, nothing’s gonna hurt you.” 
-Giving him a kiss on each cheek Akaashi let him snuggle in his chest, a strong arm supporting the toddler while simultaneously making him feel safe and protected. 
- “Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt but could we end it here? My son had a nightmare and I want to calm him down.” 
- “Of course Akaashi-san, give my regards to the little man. Goodnight.” 
-And with that the meeting was over and Akaashi was left with a crying child in his arms. 
- “Hey hey, I told you that nothing’s going to hurt you while I’m here. Why don’t we go sleep with mommy hm?” 
- “I’m sowwy…”
-Akaashi kissed his head again bringing him into a tight hug as he got up from his seat. 
- “There is nothing to be sorry for now come on, mommy would want cuddles.” 
 Sakusa Kiyoomi
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- “If we use the new quick that Atsumu and Hinata have been practicing then we would have the upper hand momentarily.”
-Kiyoomi let out a sigh as the meeting he had with the team would not seem to end. 
-They had been discussing tactics for the last hour and a half while the rest of the time they had been informed of the new managers they had been assigned. 
-Kiyoomi never expected to be in a zoom call while being an athlete.
-He thought that it would be useless. 
-What were they even gonna do while in the meeting? Practice? 
-But he was proven wrong once the coach called the first meeting and now Sakusa was ready to pull his hair out. 
-Thankfully he was just laying in bed so at least he was comfortable. 
-You had gone out for some much needed grocery shopping leaving Kiyoomi with his son, not wanting to take your child outside with the virus contaminating people left and right. 
-Sakusa loved spending time with his son. 
-He was a low maintenance child, just like he was when he was young, adopting the same hygiene patterns as his father even at the early age of two. 
-He had just started talking and you wouldn't stop having conversations with him, the baby only uttering a simply “dada” or “momma” or even maybe a “yes” or “no” if you were lucky. 
-It made you happy though, seeing your son slowly becoming more independent. 
-Sakusa was also happy but he was also reminded that he wouldn’t stay this young forever; before he knew it his son would be off to high school or college and he wouldn’t fit in his arms anymore. 
-Lost in thought Kiyoomi hadn’t seen the toddler make his way into the room until he felt the covers being pulled as he attempted to get on the bed *and failed bc he’s just too short*
-Letting out a chuckle Sakusa pushed his laptop to the side and leaned down to grab his son, who was now pouting an expression that was a little too similar to yours. 
- “Is that mini Sakusa I see?” 
-Kiyoomi ignored Atsumu as he settled his son on his lap letting the baby wave at the camera as his “uncles” waved back. 
- “Do you mind if he joins?” 
- “Of course not, every Sakusa is welcome.”
-Giving his son one last kiss on his head, Kiyoomi went back to listening to the boring tactics letting his son play with his fingers in the process. 
-Okay maybe it wasn’t that bad now 
@the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses @threeamwriting @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22
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kimageddon · 3 years
Star Wars Fics
I was challenged by @ashotofspotchka . So I did it.
The Prompt
Made this a Tech x Reader fic. I got inspired. And became a bit longer that intended.
I heard y'like Tech?? @eyecandyeoz @fallenrepublick (tag a fan!)
The Wedding
Well this was a right mess to be in. How had you even gotten into this situation? Oh of course… Cid. As much as you admired her, she was a tricky one. If not for her you would have never been invited to her salon, nor would you have met the most frustrating band of men you’d encountered. And their adorable little sister of course.
Had you not taken that job with them a few months ago, you would not have gotten to know them so well. Not been put in so many ridiculous situations and nearly losing your head. You wouldn’t have that new scar across your thigh… and you wouldn’t have grown to like them so much.
Damn it. Your mentor always told you not to get too attached to people, one never knew when they would find each other on opposite sides of the field so to speak. Casual acquaintances were one thing. Friendship was not a good idea. Anything more was downright dangerous. You told yourself it was alright to have a little affection for them. That it was alright to laugh and make jokes, to share a meal with them, to make them smile. That was alright… wasn’t it?
You let out a sigh wishing the ceremony would soon be over. Not that it wasn’t lovely. Of course it was. The venue was beautifully decorated, from the flowers to the guests, everything was stunning. A perfect picture of romance and love and devotion.
You usually detested weddings. There was one incident when you were young and… well it spoiled the idea of them to you. Though this was… actually rather nice. The group, you included, were tasked with providing security for the wedding as a favour to one of Cid’s associates. It was one of the more ridiculous missions… though even you had to admit, you cleaned up alright in a silken dress and heels. It had been a while since you’d had to go undercover and this was… well it was rather fun.
The downside of course had been seeing the boys in their suits. It wasn’t good for your heart. If they looked a picture of badass intimidation in full armour, then the five of them in suits were just perfect.
Hunter even had his hair swept back, though it took you a second to recognise him without the bandana. Wrecker had been a little grumbly about feeling unprotected but was very pleased when you told him he was very handsome. Crosshair had rolled his eyes at first, but gotten very offended when you snatched his toothpick from his lips. Echo had a moment when he was finally dressed. You’d been tying his bowtie when he’d let out a little huff and gave a small smile, saying he “felt human again.” Your heart broke at these words because even with his brothers he still felt… lesser. You had been quick to assure him that he was more human than anyone you knew and that the prosthetics meant nothing on that. Seeing him puff up with pride again was worth nearly getting shot last week.
Even Omega had a pretty dress on and flats tied to her ankles with ribbons. You and she had picked a dress to match Hunter’s suit specifically, she looked up to her big brother so very much, you often thought he was more like a father really, but kept these thoughts to yourself for now.
The last one to join you was the one that affected you the most of course. Tech stepped out onto the landing platform looking like a million credits and like he should have a hot woman on each arm. Like he could make any woman swoon with just a wink.
Hot damn.
Of course he would not do such a thing, and was just looking around, observing the surroundings for possible points of attack, vulnerability and in general taking in the surroundings. As you were also meant be doing. Internally you swore and after drinking in his obliviously gorgeous self, you’d returned to praising the way Omega had pinned her hair without needing your help.
Tech had of course been one of the members of the self-proclaimed ‘Bad Batch’ that you had found the most interesting. He always knew at least five facts about the planet or target or mission that the others didn’t. Always reading, always observing. His eyes behind his goggles were never still. One could think him cold if they didn’t look close enough. But he had a deep passion for knowledge, for technology… its no wonder he had chosen such a name. Practical. To the point. You liked that about him. You like quite a bit about him as you recently discovered. The way he could fix anything. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about learning new things. The way he was so damn efficient at his job, he knew the Havoc Marauder inside and out. The little smile when the two of you shared an inside joke. Or the way he rolled his eyes whenever one of his brothers exasperated him. The way he was always right there to help Omega over large stones or down the stairs of the ship. He was so thoughtful like that, despite not really talking about it.
Actually no. No, you didn't like that. It was just positive observations. That’s all. He was a colleague… maybe a friend. Maybe. There was nothing more to it, you told yourself. There wasn’t anything meant in the little brushes of your fingers when you two passed items between each other. Or passed in the hold of the ship. Or when you were squashed together when hiding from Imps. He didn’t think like that. Right?
Currently, you were standing on one side of the large room, waiting for the bride to arrive. On one side were you, Hunter and Crosshair, standing alongside the pews. On the other, was Omega, Echo, Wrecker and Tech. You wished Tech was on your side of the room, then he wouldn’t be in your vision at least. Not that it meant anything! You were allowed to admire the handsome technician of course, but that's all it was. He certainly wasn’t looking back at you every minute or so either. You were probably imagining it. You had to keep your eyes out for any breaches in security. Any guests acting strange. Certainly not staring at the drop-dead gorgeous clone in glasses across from you.
“Feeling alright, Feisty?” Hunter asked in a low whisper. You smirked at the nickname, apparently you had made an impression on them in the first mission when the client had gotten too mouthy. “Your heart rate is higher than usual.” He added, and you could hear definite amusement in his tone.
You pursed your lips together, trying not to smile from embarrassment. “I’m fine Hunter.” You replied out of the corner of your mouth. Another sweep of the venue with your eyes-- oh kriff Tech was looking your way. Your eyes met for just a second before you tore them away. You heard Hunter chuckle.
“You sure?” He muttered, folding his arms,
“Shut up, Hunter.” You retorted with a soft huff. He chuckled again and you felt your face grow hot. By the nine moons of Endor you wanted to run. It was then the music began and you steeled yourself. The ceremony was beginning.
It was lovely, really. Very sweet, lovely and romantic. The Togruta and his Twi’lek bride seemed very in love if the look on the groom's face was to be believed. He practically lit up like a beacon on seeing her. You had the brief thought... would anyone do that for you? Before immediately pushing it away. Those sorts of thoughts were dangerous. You were sure that it was going to be boring… but you couldn’t help but get a little distracted when they began to say their vows.
“...my darling. There is so much I want to say to you. So much I have felt and left unsaid, I am sure you know just how I feel just by the way I look at you.”
Your eyes instinctively flicked to the otherside of the room. You glimpsed his eyes on you and was immediately caught in the depths of his soft brown eyes. The gentle and kind look you had seen many times, but thought nothing of. He was just kind, that’s who he was. In this moment though-- you were sure there was… a little more to it.
“...It was not easy to let myself open up… to bring myself to acknowledge my feelings but in one moment I knew they were endless and unrelenting. I love you from the depth of my soul and I never want to be apart from you…”
Oh hells�� these vows were so saccharine sweet that normally you would be gagging… but these ones hit a little too close to home. You couldn’t stop your eyes from being tugged toward the suited clone trooper opposite you, no matter how you forced them away, to scan the room for danger, they were always drawn back to him. Always him.
“...When I met you you were just so wild. Such a firecracker…!”
There was a laugh across the room and you almost jumped, reminding yourself you were in a crowd. Though none of them paid attention to you. Only one.
“...It was like seeing the sun for the first time, with you in my world colours were brighter, food was sweeter, I found myself longing for times when we could be together, even in the small moments…”
You recalled the times Tech and yourself had been together, doing maintenance, repairs, listening to the music through the entertainment channels. The little laughs, the simple things.
“...not everything was easy, and there has been so much danger…”
You remembered your last serious injury, the piece of twisted metal sticking out of your leg while you hauled ass back to the ship, firing behind you to cover the boys. The way Tech’s eyes had become as big as moons when you finally collapsed, and they saw how bad the injury was.
“... but I always trusted you to get me through anything. I love you, my darling. With all my heart, and soul and with every beat of my heart and breath in my body. I will be yours even after all the stars in the galaxy burn out.”
You had been unable to tear your gaze from Tech’s for the last minute or so and you could feel your face burn. It was only when the vows were done and the bride and groom kissed, their hands wrapped together in a red ribbon and the other guests clapped in support that you snapped out of your little reverie. You joined, half-heartedly in the applause but you felt… strange. You really wanted this mission to be over. Or a drink. Yeah, a drink would be good.
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weallsimpfordabi · 4 years
Switching Sides (Part Three)
Find the other parts here
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the support 🥺 I really do appreciate it! Also, the next chapter will be some fluff and then it’s gonna get crazy from there, so I hope you’re ready for all that! 😇
Pairing: Dabi x Reader, Ex!Bakugou x Reader
Word Count: 1,933
Warnings: SMUT, jealous ex boyfriend, cursing, yelling, choking, fingering, bruising, oral (male receiving )
Tag List: @platinumbelle @sweet-bunny-writing @bunbunsblog
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Of all things you could wake up to, Katsuki looking through your phone with a hurt and confused expression was not one of them. You hoped to your core that you were still dreaming, but he noticed your eyes opening and looked right at you. Your heart dropped, not sure what you should do in this moment. He looked so angry, which was normal, but there was also pain in his eyes. You slowly sat up, keeping your eyes on his. You reached for your phone, but his large hands wrapped around it completely and squeezed, and that’s when you knew you were absolutely busted and most likely screwed. You had hoped the day off you got because of some maintenance would be peaceful, but of course, probably the worst thing had to happen instead.
“What the hell are you doing, Y/N?” He bore his eyes into yours, making you feel as if you were shrinking right in front of him. You felt the back of your throat start to burn as tears threatened your eyes. You shook your head, putting on a confused look, hoping he would let it go. He growled, standing up from the bed. “Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re one of the smartest people I know! How could you go out and even consider associating with one of...them?” The last word fell from his lips like poison. You stood as well, stumbling over the words that refused to come out.
“‘S-Suki, what are you talking about? I’m not...doing anything.” You tried to lie, but you already knew Bakugou was the absolute last person you could do that to. He quickly unlocked your phone once again, showing you your texts with Dabi. You immediately felt sick, he really had figured it out.
“Are you seriously hanging out with one of the people that want to kill us? I mean, for fucks sake!” He threw your phone against the wall, making you jump. Your hands started to shake as anxiety set it. He knew, and you were fucked.
“I swear it isn’t like that, ‘Suki.”
“Then tell me how it is! How am I supposed to believe you when you won’t even tell me what the hell is going on!” You looked up at him, your shaky hand reaching up to his cheek. He jerked his head away, glaring at you. You recoiled your hand back to your body, crossing your arms.
“I can’t. I can’t tell you, because if I do, we’ll all be in danger. You’ll just have to trust me on this one, okay?” He suddenly got very quiet, looking away. He then swung his arm, an angry shout following it as he slammed his fist into the wall beside him, leaving a deep hole. Both of you were now breathing heavily, and you looked at him in shock. That vein on his forehead popped out, and you knew you were about to get screamed at.
“What if the teachers find out? You could be expelled! Or arrested for being an accessory! Fucking idiot! Why are you jeopardizing your future as a pro for someone like that?” He looked at you, and that’s when you noticed his eyes were glazed over. He was suddenly deep in thought, keeping his eyes on your face. Then, something hit him. He scoffed quietly, biting his lip, contemplating his next move. He then wrapped his free hand around your neck, staring daggers into you. His grip wasn’t tight, but it was enough to let you know that he was upset and wanted your attention. His eyes narrowed, the darkness behind them being fueled by his jealousy.
“Are you telling me that you think a fucking villain is better than me? I guess I need to remind you of a few things, teddy bear.” His voice had become gravelly, sending familiar shivers to your core. You furrowed your brows, his change in attitude almost giving you whiplash. But, at the same time, this is Bakugou and his ego’s been hurt. That’s a recipe for either destruction or, in your case many times in the past, very rough sex. You swallowed thickly, lips parting as your breathing deepened. He pressed his lips to yours forcefully, your breath caught in your throat.
An almost whining moan left his lips, vibrating against yours. Your hand found its way into his hair, fingers curling into those ashy blonde spikes on top of his head. His hand moved from your throat to your hips as he pushed you to the bed. You fell back, looking up at him as he got a devilish grin on his face. You blushed, pulling the hem of his shirt so he fell on top of you. He connected your lips again, his knee pushing between your thighs. He bit your lip, his hand finding its way to your waistband. You whimpered, needing more. He moved his lips to your neck, biting down before sucking on the same spot. It hurt, but you both knew you loved it.
He wasted no time, fingers slipping past your underwear and into you. You moaned, head falling back as he continued marking your neck. His fingers curled inside, hitting a spot that made your body tense in a very good way. It was like heaven, being touched this way again. You moaned once more, and he lifted his head to look at you.
“Quiet, teddy bear, don’t want other people to hear you, right?” He covered your mouth with his other hand, the pace of his fingers picking up speed. As much as you wanted to keep quiet, you couldn’t help it. His hand muffled your noises as the pad of his thumb started drawing circles on your clit. Your eyes fluttered slightly as you felt your high coming close already. He noticed the look in your eyes, humming to himself. He pulled his hands away from you, much to your protest. “You don’t get to cum yet, teddy bear.” He started to take off his pants, and you followed suit. He was already hard, watching you undress in front of him. “If you wanna cum on my cock, you have to suck it first.”
You nodded, getting into a comfortable position in front of him before slowly taking him past your lips. He moaned, holding your hair back so he could watch you. You moaned, vibrating your mouth that took him in completely, all the way to your throat. His hips started moving gently with your pace, hissing through his teeth as you hollowed your cheeks to suck harder. Your name fell from his lips like honey, and it only made you want to keep going. He groaned, grabbing a fistful of your hair while he watched you.
“Your mouth feels so good and warm, baby, fuck.” He pulled you off, pushing you back onto the bed. “But I know your pussy feels so much better. Fuck waiting, I wanna feel you get all tight around me.” He kissed you deeply, positioning himself at your entrance. You wrapped your legs around him, and he took the opportunity immediately, slowly pushing himself into you. You both moaned together, his muffled by him burying his face into your neck.
His pace was slower than you thought it would be. It was like he was milking the moment for every single thing he could. He wrapped his hand around your neck again, rocking his hips against yours. He was slow when he pushed into you until he almost bottomed out, then he shoved the rest of it in, making your head spin.
“Fuck, I miss this.” He whispered against the skin of your neck, right underneath your ear. It made your stomach flutter hearing him be so vulnerable. You scratched down his back, making him arch deeper into you. You had missed this too, you couldn’t lie. It was like coming home after a long day of hard work. You moaned his name, making sure it was right in his ear. He shivered, starting to pick up the pace.
“You think a villain is better than me? You think he can make you cum like I can? Huh? Nobody can fuck you better than me, teddy bear.” He choked you tightly as he slammed into you. It didn’t take long for you both to get your highs. He fucked you hard as you came, making both of you see stars. He collapsed next to you, breathing heavily with shivers interrupting them every so often. As if it was an instinct, he wrapped his arms around you, trying to be as close as possible to you. You bit your lip, letting him hold you for a minute or two before you pulled away from him.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s bad timing, but I have to go. If I don’t get to patrols I’ll be in trouble.” You avoided his gaze as you put your clothes back on, quickly leaving the room to go to patrols, just as you said. Though, if he knew you were going to see Dabi, he’d probably lose his mind. As you made your way to the building, you tried to get the hurt look on Katsuki’s face out of your head, not able to deal with the guilt you felt.
“Hello, little mouse. You look like you're glowing, I’m happy you’re so excited to see me.” Dabi smirked, making you roll your eyes once again. He walked over to you, brow raised. “Find anything out today?” He moved a piece of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. You didn’t flinch this time, though you weren’t really sure why.
“The school let us have a day off today. Apparently they’re fixing something with the security system. That’s all I have. Can I go now?” You turned away, but he grabbed your wrist with enough force to leave a bruise.
“No,” he said darkly, turning you towards him. He grabbed your neck, turning your head so he could see the marks that Katsuki had left on you. He furrowed his brows angrily, looking at you with such a menacing glare that you thought you could just die in that spot. “What’s this, little mouse? You letting somebody fuck you?”
“That is none of your business, Dabi!” You pulled away from him, but he still had a death grip on your wrist.
“You’re mine, baby doll, and that means that if you fuck anybody, it’s me and only me.”
“I don’t even know anything about you! You don’t even know me! You have no idea who I am, and honestly? I’d like to keep it that way. Now let go.” He looked down at your wrist, noticing that the circulation had started to be cut off. He did as you asked, sitting down on the couch. He bit his lip, looking off for a second.
“What do you wanna know?” You looked over, raising a brow.
“What do you want to know about me? You could ask a question, and then I’ll do the same. You’re right, we don’t know anything about each other, and that doesn’t make for a very good business partner, does it?” He patted the seat next to him, wanting you to sit next to him. You were about to refuse when you realized that you really didn’t have a choice in this. You groaned softly, sitting down next to him. The scent of cigarettes and some kind of cologne hit you as he leaned back.
“Alright, you first, little mouse. Ask away.”
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project-pnf-404 · 4 years
Checkpoint and important updates 2!!: Electric boogaloo!!
Heyo guys!! Long time no talk. So, I’ve got some cool update stuff to show you guys. I’ve been doing a lot of blog “housekeeping” since the end of the last event. (don’t worry it hopefully won’t be boring update stuff lmao as it includes some new supplementary content). So, first and foremost, thanks to the inspiration from @koppais-smallest-nerd I’d like to let you guys know that I am now adding screen reader access to all future posts!!! This one included. At the bottom of each post under the, “read more”, image descriptions for all images will be added! Screen reader accessibility will also be added to all previous asks on the blog. However, getting through all of them will take a tiny bit. As, of this update, the first 4 asks have had image descriptions added. As well as all the supplementary content in between where applicable.
I’d also like to show you guys some supplementary content for the blog. Between these dashed lines are in character day 1 log entries written by the rest of the crew. 
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I originally wasn’t sure if I wanted to put these extra day 1 logs on the main blog or not. But, I’ve decided that all supplementary content that may be story related will remain on the main blog for the foreseeable future, while BTS content will end up on PNF-404-Plus.
That being said since the end of the 1st event and my time away from the blog a lot has been going on when it comes to the blog.
For one the entire desktop version of the blog has had a large overhaul. A new theme has been added to the main page.
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But, not only that but new side pages with supplementary content have been added!! This includes an event list, a bio page for the crew members of the S.S Drake, a Piklopedia page for the new Piklopedia, and a music page to top it all off!!
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The Event List will show each new event as they are added! You can click on the current known events to go directly to all posts tagged with that event tag. Speaking of which all Event 01 posts have now had their tags updated with the Event 01 tag making it much easier to navigate.
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The new Crew Members page has bios for all the members currently on the mission or known in the story so far! These Bios are pretty in line with cannon with some fanon, and light headcanon added  in for good measure. I recommend taking a look as it does have some interesting info in there. Also quick note: all of these bios are written as if it is prior to the beginning of the blog.
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Then there’s the Piklopedia!! Here you can read each of their findings as they explore PNF-404! Currently the findings will be on each area they explore (not each creature they find) as they haven’t found any new creatures yet. There is also a map of places they’ve discovered and more!
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Lastly, a new music page has been added. On this page, I’ve created event-inspired music playlists. Some of the songs have been mentioned in the past. But, here you can listen to them all in one place and see which songs are for which part of the events. As well there’s a secret songs playlist. This playlist has nothing to do with the blog directly but is filled with music given to me by people I’ve met from this community while I’ve been here!! Currently, there are 5 songs there, however, there will be more added in the future! What makes it secret is that you won’t know who gave me the song XD. (well unless you’re the one who gave me the song lmao) who knows if you’ve ever shared music with me before you may find your song there!! (There is also one song I’m sharing with you guys in there too so have fun figuring that out lmao. )
As well the table of contents has been once again updated with a lot of this new stuff as well as some other new information!! As for mobile users as of now, all of this is on separate Tumblr pages. However, in the near future, I will be uploading much of this stuff , such as the Piklopedia entries and Crew Bio’s, as individual posts! However, in the meantime, if you feel like you can always check out these pages on your phone browser instead if you’re a mobile-exclusive user. (Though some pages don’t look as good on phone)
Welp, I think that’s it as far as updates go!! I should be back with brand new ask posts soon (likely within the next week or so!) so keep a look out!! I’ll see ya guys again soon and thanks for reading!!!
{{ Screen reader image description is under “
In the first image,  Alph’s Day 1 Log entry is shown. His log says, “To think I thought the first day would go well. Then again I didn’t think I would get sucked out of the ship either so maybe I should stop being so surprised. At the very least Louie and I were able to find our way back despite some obstacles and I was able to fix the ship in time. Though if it weren’t for Chunks we would have never found the pikmin we did. That little guy sure saved the day. 
However, Then there's what happened to Brittany… To see her in a situation like that... I can’t even bear to think about it. Tomorrow I will be checking over the entirety of the Drake to make sure a crash like that doesn't happen again. I can't help but think that the crash was due to me overlooking something during maintenance... However, The only thing I can do now is to make sure something like this never happens again for all our sake, especially Brittanys’. “ It is then sighed by Alph
In the second Image Charlies Day 1 Log entry can be read it says, “I should have been on top of things. As this crew’s captain, everything that went wrong was under my watch and things should have gone much smoother. That being said I am very glad that all of my crew have made it out alive. Though I am still worried about Brittany. If only I was able to keep her safe…
 But, at this point, we all must press forward. We have a task to complete and after seeing how devastated some areas are, we must get to the bottom of what’s wrong with PNF-404. Nothing will get in my way, not with my steely fists that is!!” It is then signed by  Charlie
In the third image Louies’ day 1 log entry can be seen it says, 
Going back to the pikmin planet wasn’t at the top of my list of things I thought I’d be doing anytime soon. Yet somehow I find myself back here and stranded again…. At least I wasn’t fully alone this time…
Alph and I eventually found a pikmin that we later named Chunks. He sure acts differently in comparison to any other Pikmin I’ve seen before. But, even still, if it weren’t for Chunks, we wouldn’t have been able to help Brittany or find any other pikmin for that matter. So, we should thank him for that.” It is then signed by Louie
In the fourth image the updated version of the Project: PNF-404 Tumblr is shown. It now has a bright cyan futuristic aesthetic to it. In the fifth image a picture of the new events page, listing all the past and future events planned so far is shown. It has 1 known event Titled Event 01. The other 3 are titled Event unknown. In the sixth image, the new crew members’ character page is shown. A picture of Olimar is shown along with a description of his traits and a biography. It reads as follows, 
AGE 38
SPECIES Hocotatian
TITLE(S) Employee of Hocotate Freight, Xenobiologist
AFFILIATION Hocotate Freight, Planet Hocotate Government
Fatherly, well-meaning, and resourceful, for an almost 40 year old Hocotatian he has a lot of bravery and guts. Olimar first and foremost loves his family and cares deeply for others around him. A Hardworking employee of Hocotate Freight and family man, Olimar tends to try and stay level-headed while looking out for others.
Having been one of the first to visit the Pikmin planet Olimar has extensive knowledge of the planet's life. Lucky for him he just so happens to have gone to college for xenobiology. Many of his findings can be found within his many log entries known as the Piklopedia.
But, for as much as Olimar tends to be on top of things, his trips to the pikmin planet have had him face many dangers and life-threatening events. Though these issues are not something he brings up…
In the seventh image, The new Piklopidea page is shown, In one section it displays a map of PNF-404 with 2 marked locations. The first of which is highlighted in blue is named the “Silent Stream” the second, is highlighted in orange, Its title is “Glacial Gardens”. To the right of that is a description introduction for the Piklopedia. It says” To help ensure the progress and success of this mission all crew members must write down their findings in this log. Overview: 
CAPTAIN Olimar: Writes In-depth biological analysis of fauna and how the ecosystem affects said fauna.
LOUIE: Writes about Recipes and ingredients that can be found in each area. ALPH: Looks at the area with the eyes of an engineer. He uses this insight to discuss the benefits and flaws of what he’s analyzing. BRITTANY: Uses her botanist skills to look into the flora of the area along with talking about the aesthetics of things and adding in her own general opinions.
CAPTAIN CHARLIE: Writes about combat strategy and how one can use the environment in an area for a tactical advantage.
To the left is a map showing the current locations discovered by the crew. The one highlighted in orange has yet to be explored.
The final image shows the new music page! 6 playlists can be selected on the left each having 5 songs. To the right is an image of the event 01 cover art. With (from left to right), Brittnay, Charlie, Olimar, Louie, and Alph all looking up with a distressed expression on their faces. 
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12C, part 12
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |  Part 6 |   Part 7 |   Part 8 |   Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |
Tag List: @deluxewhump @whumpinggrounds @yet-another-heathen   @its-mysweetlittlesecret-blog  @killtheprotagonist
Content Warnings:  immortal whumpee, lady whumpee, captivity, lab whump, dehydration, starvation, exhaustion, temporary character death, sort of dehumanization? or perhaps better stated as disregard for ones humanity
Author’s Notes: I call this chapter ‘I have no clue what I’m doing but I’m trying’. Brought to you by 6 lovely souls. :) Usually I do a deeper edit of these but I’m feeling lazy tonight and really want to get this one up so I can move forward. I was also a little writer’s blocked this week so apologies if it’s not my best work. :\
Also, I think I might post the next set of parts under a new title...picking up where this leaves off, of course! But there’s something nice and complete about there being 12 ‘chapters’ to this, and as you’ll see, the title being named for the room might not apply anymore. ;)  So if you’re on this tag list or watching this series don’t be alarmed if suddenly a new title is there when the next part pops up.
Emmeline has been gone before - taken away for testing or left somewhere overnight so they can check for results in the morning.
But this is different.
Everything is gone. The table, the equipment, everything except the camera in the corner. The room is completely dark and empty.
Liv pulls out her clipboard and flips to her page for the room - or, she would, if it was there. She hasn’t been given any checklist, any notes, anything for room 12C. It’s as though no one was ever there.
Slowly she backs out of the room and shuts and locks the door. In her mind she begins frantically skimming through every moment of the day she can remember. Did anyone look at her differently? Say something to her?
This has to be my fault somehow.
And yet, no one called her to an office or confronted her in the hallway. She came in to work and went about her day as usual. Surely if they suspected her of tampering with a subject, or any other violation, they would take action immediately?
Unless Emmeline is being punished instead of me.
But where is she?
Liv goes through her final routine tasks of the night on autopilot, her mind turning over every worst possible scenario.
Maybe Emmeline was taken to another lab. Maybe there’s an even more top-secret level to this lab that she has no idea about. Or maybe...maybe that bastard Dr. Crafton did something with her…
An additional thought creeps in that Liv refuses to dwell on.
What if she died for good this time?
But that can’t be true. Even at her most fearful and cynical, Liv can’t comprehend the tragedy of Emmeline’s light being snuffed out in this prison after hanging on so long.
She has to be alive somewhere. Suffering, scared, but alive.
But where?
In the days that follow Liv performs her magnum opus of pretending things are fine.
On the surface she’s as calm, quiet, and moody as always. Inside she’s constantly paranoid, expecting to be confronted at every turn, pulled into an office and questioned. She’s wary of the researchers and of security, even of her own boss. She over analyzes every look and interaction.
But one, two, three days into the week and nothing has changed except Emmeline being gone and, as of Wednesday evening, a new resident in room 12C. The balancing act in Liv’s mind between ‘I’m so fucked’ and ‘where is Emmeline’ tips in favor of the latter. It’s not as though she can ask someone. So she starts simply...listening.
Her late hours are an obstacle; most of the researchers have left by the time she starts cleaning. But the ones that sometimes stay over tend to be the chattiest when they believe no staff - at least, in their mind, no staff worth acknowledging - are present.
It takes caution and patience, but soon from observations and overheard conversations with her headphones in, Liv manages to piece together what happened.
There are whispers of new subjects, more than they have room for. Frustrated complaints of how the ‘research’ with Emmeline was going nowhere, of failed blood transfusions and transplants. ‘Fascinating but useless’ was how one of them put it. Without results the funding would soon dry up, but selling her to a competitor would be disastrous if the competitor had success where they didn’t.
But that’s as far as Liv gets. A why without a where. They don’t have a room for her or funding to continue research, but they won’t sell her. In a better world they’d let her go, but Liv doesn’t humor that idea for a second.
Her suspicions still linger on Dr. Crafton a little while longer. Considering his newfound enjoyment of torture, she wouldn’t put it past him to ‘volunteer’ to move Emmeline to a private lab of his or something.
This soon disproves itself for her. In the fleeting moments she sees Dr. Crafton he seems irritable, not at all like a man who got exactly what he wanted. Then one evening she overhears him griping about the ‘wasted potential’ of the former subject in 12C and Liv is sure he doesn’t have her.
Any satisfaction she gets from these discoveries is quickly dulled by still not knowing where Emmeline is. Liv keeps showing up, keeps hoping, does her work in spite of the gnawing ache of Emmeline’s absence. All this time Liv was trying to help and comfort her, she didn’t realize how much of a help and comfort Emmeline was in return.
I just want to see her again...
A week passes, and then another. Liv still listens, still keeps an eye out, but her hope is fading. No one notices, of course. She was always a little sullen, always kept to herself. As long as she continues to be a good worker, no one bothers her or questions her.
That night is particularly quiet. Most subjects are asleep or keep to themselves. Even the chatty guards in Hall A are bored and end up listening to a sports radio show rather than talk to each other or Liv.
Near the end of her shift Liv makes her way to that floor’s storage room. It’s a small, dingy room with a single lightbulb that barely illuminates all of the shelves that line the walls. Nothing important resides here - not samples or expensive medical equipment. Only cleaning supplies, tools for maintenance, a handful of basic first aid, and obsolete equipment gathering dust, some of which might be older than the building itself.
Normally Liv prefers the supply room on the floor above; it’s a little bigger, a little cleaner. But tonight she’s feeling lazy and settles for this one.
As she’s putting things back on the shelves, she notices something pushed back against the far wall that wasn’t here before. It’s just a crate, long and sturdy but unremarkable. But what piques Liv’s curiosity is its presence here at all. No one uses this room except her, the janitor who fills in on nights she’s off, and sometimes maintenance. Maybe one of the researchers might come looking for something they need, but more often than not this room sits neglected.
Liv kneels beside the crate and feels around for a way to open it. She finds a latch and unclasps it easily, then manages to wiggle the lid up enough to get her fingers under. It isn’t even on that tight, and it only takes a couple pulls to lift it open.
What the fuck?!
She gasps and recoils, falling back and scrambling away from the crate, breathing quickly. Not much gets to her around here, but she was not expecting to open that thing and find a dead body.
Once the initial shock subsides she sits up and brushes her hands on her jeans. This doesn’t make sense. Subjects that die are given autopsies and then incinerated. If it’s here in the facility, why isn’t it in a lab room?
Shaken but determined, Liv scoots closer to the crate and peers in again. It’s hard to make out much in the dim light, but she can tell that the body is...fresh, for lack of a better word, and padded with some kind of loose packing material. She moves up along the box, having to tilt a little to keep her own shadow from blocking her view so she can see the face - 
For several long, silent moments, Liv just...stares. She blinks against the darkness, trying to process what she’s seeing.
“Emmeline?” she says aloud, barely recognizing her own voice. Hands shaking, she takes out her phone and turns on the flashlight.
The face illuminated by the light, gaunt and lifeless, is unmistakably Emmeline’s.
Liv quickly turns off the flashlight and puts her hand over her mouth to suppress a sound of...of…
Of what?
Relief that she found her, or fear that she’s dead dead, or disgust that they stuck her in a box in a storage room like nothing more than a piece of old equipment.
There are too many questions going through her mind and she pushes them all aside. She reaches a shaky hand down and cups Emmeline’s face. It’s cool to the touch, but Liv has seen her share of dead bodies before and something about this is...different. Like her body is lingering in some state between life and death, simply dormant. It’s just a half-assed theory, but it gives her hope.
Liv brushes her thumb over Emmeline’s lips, finding them chapped. There isn’t a mark on Emmeline’s body, and any drugs to put her under would have worn off by now. The most obvious and awful conclusion is that they simply let her die naturally of dehydration, alone in the dark.
A tear slips from Liv’s cheek onto Emmeline’s neck and trickles down out of sight. Liv sits back with a loud sniff and rubs at her eyes with the back of her hand.
“Fuck,” she whispers. “You deserve better than this…”
She slips her hoodie off and leans forward again, draping it like a blanket over Emmeline. Like this, it’s almost easy to believe that she’s just sleeping.
“It’s going to be okay,” she says numbly, “somehow.”
Then she puts the lid back on, stands, and leaves the room.
In the time between when she leaves after discovering Emmeline, and when she returns the next day, something shifts in Liv.
The sight of that drawn, still face haunts her dreams. And when she wakes all she can think about is the notion of Emmeline being stored like a piece of furniture only for them to take out and hurt again someday when they have funding or whatever the fuck.
When Emmeline was in one of the lab rooms the idea of trying to help her with guards and cameras around felt impossible. But the storage room...that she can work with.
She waits until the end of her shift before going to the storage room again. She doesn’t even have to act differently or come up with an excuse; she has plenty of legitimate reasons to be in there.
As soon as the door closes behind her she grabs her water bottle from her cart and goes right to the crate. She opens it cautiously, as though not wanting to startle its occupant. But Emmeline hasn’t moved an inch or changed in the slightest since last night.
“Hey,” she says quietly, just like she would when entering room 12C. It feels natural even if Emmeline doesn’t answer.
Liv leans over the crate and tips the water bottle to Emmeline’s lips. She lets just the smallest trickle of water slip in at first, then another, then another. Nothing happens right away, but Liv isn’t deterred. She has no idea how her immortality works, but Emmeline has been ‘dead’ for days now, surely it will take more than a couple sips of water for her body to heal.
She leans one arm on the edge of the crate and rests her chin on her arm. With the other hand she continues slowly pouring water down Emmeline’s parched throat, a little at a time. Pour. Stop. Wait. Look for signs of life. Pour again.
It feels a bit like watering a plant, and also not at all like that. Emmeline is not nearly so replaceable.
When the bottle is empty, she caps it and sits up with a sigh, stretching her stiff shoulders. She can’t help feeling disappointed. She was expecting something to happen. But it’s okay - if it takes time, so be it.
Just as Liv is reaching for the lid, she hears a soft sound. She freezes, arms out, listening intently. It wouldn’t surprise her if it was a rat or something, with the state of this room…
Several silent seconds tick by and she’s starting to believe she imagined it when the sound happens again. A little louder...and close…
Heart pounding, she looks down into the crate. At first glance nothing has changed, but the longer she looks...yes. Yes, she’s sure of it - her hoodie, still draped over Emmeline, is moving ever so slightly with barely-there breaths. When Liv presses her fingers to Emmeline’s wrist, she finds a weak pulse.
Oh my god. Oh my god, it worked.
The soft sound comes again and it is now clear that it’s the sound of a sighing breath. Triumphant as she feels at having done something right for a change, Liv knows things are far from good. Emmeline is in bad shape. This is going to take time.
Liv touches Emmeline’s arm for a moment, watching her face. Little changes apart from the puffs of breath that now escape her chapped lips, but it feels like a victory. Not to mention a big fuck you to the researchers.
“Hang in there,” she whispers. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
It kills her to have to put the lid back on and leave Emmeline in the dark like that. The best she can hope for is that she remains unconscious a little longer. Liv is impatient, she wants to make this all better right now. But for both of their sakes, patience is necessary.
Hang in there, she tells herself, as well.
Part of being patient means not going back to the storage room every night. She used to barely use it at all, and she fears too sudden a change in her behavior will draw unwanted attention. It’s one of the hardest things she has ever done, to walk past that room knowing Emmeline is inside and then keep walking.
Still, Liv manages to hold out for a few days before returning. She parks her cart just inside the storage room door; she doubts anyone will enter, but if they do, the obstacle might buy her some time to quickly close the crate.
Emmeline is no longer breathing. Liv expected as much, but it hurts all the same. This time, though. This time will be different.
Once again she feeds her sips of water and soon enough there are signs of life. This time, Liv is prepared with another bottle - this one filled with apple juice.
She cups Emmeline’s head and lifts it a little to give her a sip of the juice. Another, then another. Slow, patient, hopeful. Emmeline’s pulse grows stronger, her breathing more steady.
And then she moans, and it’s a weak, pitiful, broken sound, but Liv is so damn relieved to hear it, because it means she is that much closer to waking.
Liv continues giving her sips of juice, watching her throat bob as she actively swallows it. Suddenly she begins to cough and it startles Liv so much she nearly spills the juice all over her. She quickly pulls the bottle away and sets it aside, her eyes fixed on Emmeline.
Emmeline’s coughs fade into raspy breaths. She groans and shifts uncomfortably. Then finally, finally, her eyes slowly open.
She’s frail and shaky. Her glazed-over eyes flick around, uncomprehending. Her mouth opens as though to speak, but when she tries nothing comes out.
“Emmeline?” Liv says, very quietly.
At the sound of her name, Emmeline’s eyes land on Liv. The recognition on her face is immediate, and Liv can’t help but smile.
“Hey. It’s just me. Here...”
She holds the bottle to her lips again and Emmeline drinks eagerly.
“Careful, not too fast...that’s better...okay I’m going to take it away again, I don’t want you to overdo it…”
She sets the bottle aside again while Emmeline gasps for breath after practically chugging the whole thing down. Liv can’t blame her, and hates to deny her what she so desperately needs, but she also doesn’t want to make her sick.
“Just breathe. You’re okay.” Relatively. “I’ll give you more in a minute.” She reaches down and takes Emmeline’s hand.
“Where…” Emmeline’s voice cracks. She pauses, swallows, starts again. “Where am I?”
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”
“The good news is you aren’t in the lab.” Liv gives her a moment to process that before regretfully adding, “the bad news is that you’re still in the building. In...a storage closet.”
Emmeline blinks slowly up at the ceiling, her brow pinched. “What?”
She shifts again and Liv realizes that she’s trying to sit up. Liv instinctively reaches to help, putting a hand on Emmeline’s back - only to withdraw when Emmeline gasps.
“S-sorry, I was just - “
“No,” Emmeline interrupts. “Please - put it back, it was warm…”
Liv remembers how cold Emmeline’s skin was when she found her like this, and this room is just as chilly as the lab. She slowly settles her hand on Emmeline’s back again and helps her ease herself up. It’s hard to resist the urge to touch more - a hand in her hair, an arm around her shoulders - but she doesn’t know whether it would be welcome.
But Emmeline is shivering and she has to do something.
“Here…” she takes the hoodie that has been acting as a blanket for Emmeline these past few days and slips it around her shoulders. “Arms.” Emmeline obediently slips her arms through the sleeves.
When Liv zips it up Emmeline curls her arms up to her chest and presses her face into the cuffs of the sleeves. “Thank you, this is - oh - “
Emmeline’s eyes flutter shut and she sways, nearly dropping back into the crate. Liv steadies her with a hand on her shoulder.
“Shit...hey, breathe, you’re okay…” Maybe sitting her up so quickly wasn’t the best idea.
Taking slow breaths, Emmeline opens her eyes again. She looks so tired in spite of being under for so long. But then, she’s been denied food, water, warmth, proper rest, safety, and the type of weariness living like that brings is bone-deep and not so easily solved.
Her eyes dart around the room - from the old metal shelves to the dim lightbulb to the concrete floor, and heartbroken understanding falls over her face.
“When they put me in this box,” she whispers, looking so empty, so resigned, “I thought they were moving me somewhere. Maybe another lab. I thought within a day or two the lid would come off. But it never did. It was so dark and cold and...and you weren’t there, and…” her lip quivers and she clutches at the cuffs of the hoodie. “I was scared…”
Liv swallows around the lump in her throat, feeling her eyes burn. Those fucking bastards. “I thought they took you away too, at first. Finding you was...kind of by accident. But now that I have...” she steels herself, knowing once she says this, there’s no going back. “...I’m getting you out of here.”
Emmeline looks to her, eyes wide and tentatively hopeful. “You are?”
Liv chews her bottom lip and nods. “I have a plan. I just need you to hang in there a little longer…”
“I can do that,” Emmeline replies, voice wavering. “Please just be careful…”
“I will.”
Emmeline looks half about to cry, half about to pass out. Liv gently nudges at her shoulders, easing her back down into the crate.
“Please don’t take the shirt,” Emmeline whispers as her eyes close.
“I won’t,” Liv promises. “It’s yours now.”
“Thank you…”
A tear slips down her cheek and Liv brushes it away with her thumb. She leaves her hand there a moment for Emmeline to lean into, seeking out every small bit of comfort she can get. Liv wants to give her more, so much more, but she can’t. Not here. Not yet.
“I’ll be back,” she promises as she reaches for the lid. “Just hang on a little longer,” she adds as she lowers it, cloaking Emmeline’s sleeping form in darkness once more.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Truth or Dare-Part 5/20
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Summary: The Winchester sibling trio has been through so much in the last decade. From the night of their parents’ 30th wedding anniversary party where Sam and Dean eased Y/N from her innocence to Sam becoming a happily married lawyer with a kickass nurse of wife to the three of them now living in the same town they grew up in under the same roof where each of them came of age.  Y/N is a working mother of three,  her days spent helping the townsfolk make proper and suitable financial decisions while bustling about escorting her two oldest to school and her youngest, Mary Ellen, to daycare; Dean’s garage is the premiere body shop for classic restorations and  car maintenance; people from other state’s bring their vehicles to them to be repaired. Business at Winchester Wheels  is booming; Sam is the legal council for Winchester Wheels and has been since he moved back home almost 5 years ago. He has his work cut out for him dealing with the people Dean pisses off and threatens to sue the garage on at least a monthly basis.
After one lust-filled night, the siblings become more than family.  They become lovers. The three of them, together and separately.
One big loving family.
So when Y/N’s boss calls for her to take a much needed vacation, the six of them hit the road. What will happen? Will it bring them closer together or break them apart?
W/C: 1243
Warnings:  fluff
After the shenanigans at the cafe and RJ’s insistent revelation, the six Winchesters loaded into the rental vehicle and got back on the road.
“Where to first?” Sam asks, looking at a map on his phone. 
“First stop, Dodge City!” Dean exclaims happily but frowns when he is met with groans. “What?”
“Dude, that is like your fantasy sabbatical,” Sam says, looking over his shoulder at Y/N to see her nodding in agreement. “You love everything to do with the Wild West. Me and Y/N, not so much. The kids are going to be so bored!”
Dean huffs and sighs. “Well just so you know, they have a zoo and a water park that I had planned to take everyone to. Do you want to just cross that off the list?”
Y/N could tell Dean had gotten his feelings hurt at their disregard for his agenda. She scooted forward in her seat and put her arms around his seat and onto his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I’m sure we’ll enjoy Dodge City.”
“Don’t knock it until you try it,” Dean responds and bends his head to kiss her hand. “We’re going to get there just in time for the 5:00 mock showdown between Wild Bill and Davis Tutt. You know Wild Bill got lucky Tutt was such a bad shot. It took ol’ Bill a few seconds longer to steady his gun. Worked out though, because he shot his opponent right in the heart!”
Y/N could tell from the tone of his voice and the slight change of pitch that Dean was excited to be able to witness such a remarkable, albeit remade, event in history. She felt bad about their initial reaction.
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“Oh my god! Did you see that?” Dean remarks as they walk away from the stage of the mock gun battle. “Bill was the fastest draw in the land.” Dean pretends to pull a gun from a holster on his side and makes a pistol with his finger and thumbs, “shooting” left and right; mimicking the sound of shots by blowing air out of his puckered lips. 
Y/N shakes her head as she carries a sleepy Mary Ellen on her lap as RJ holds his uncle’s hand and Izabella holds her father’s non-gun one. As they walk down the street of the city decorated to look like an Old West town, they each take in the sights from the displays of the attire of times gone by. 
She can not imagine having to wear such drab and concealing garb that the women wore back then. Added to the fact that they were usually also squeezed into a corset that was two sizes too small and Y/N wonders how they ever got anything done, much less felt like populating the world.
She looks at one of the pictures that is hanging on the wall. The Vandall Family were photographed in front of what Y/N assumed was their homestead. The husband and wife and their 13 kids were all lined up from tallest to shortest. The woman was also holding an infant in her arms so that made 14 times she had taken off all those layers and laid with her husband to get pregnant. Unfathomable to Y/N!
Back at the hotel they had gotten rooms at, she places Mary Ellen in the provided crib and closes the door to the adjoining room. Izabella and RJ are in the adults’ room with Sam and Dean watching cartoons so Y/N decides to take a shower while the baby naps.
As she is rinsing her hair, she hears the door open and feels a presence enter the room. She waits and just a few seconds later, Dean’s head pops around the curtain.
“What a lovely view,” he says as he eyes her up and down. “So sexy,” he continues with a smirk on his face. “And all mine.”
“Uh huh. What do you want?” Y/N asks, trying to act nonchalant, that the fact that Dean is ogling her naked form is not turning her on. But sure enough she feels the first of the tingles in her pussy as he licks his lips.
“Sammy said he would watch the kids so we can go out,” Dean tells her, his eyes still trailing up and down her body. “So Y/N, wanna go on a date with me?”
Y/N stops what she’s doing and looks at her brother. An actual date? One where they can be the couple they want to be; hold hands and kiss? A date where they don’t have to worry about who sees them together?! The thought of that alone gets her blood pumping and her heart beat rushing.
“Yea,” she answers delighted and anxious.
“Okay. Well, dress up little lady because I am taking you out on the town!” Dean imitates a cowboy as his smile stretches across his face. He winks and blows her a kiss before disappearing. She hears the bathroom door click shut and she waits until she is sure Dean is back in the other room before she squeals.
Their first date. The first time they can go out and be a couple. She hurriedly finishes washing before turning the water off and stepping out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy hotel towel around her. 
She’s going on a date, her first official date. Ever!
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Knowing this is a special occasion, even if it is just for her, Y/N takes the extra time to style her hair the way she wants it and picks out the best blouse she had packed, pairing it with a pair of black trousers and her slip on booties. 
She even puts on makeup, using the barely-ever-used eyeshadow palette to create a smoky eye effect. She tops that off with a thin layer of mascara and some blush on her cheeks. Looking in the mirror, the reflection shown back to her is of a full-grown woman and not the half-grown kid she was so used to seeing when she looked at herself. 
Looking at her reflection, she now knows how she attracted both Dean and Sam because even she will admit with the way her clothes fit and her hair and makeup on point, she was beautiful and sexy. 
She briefly wonders what Dean’s reaction will be and doesn’t have to wait long to find out. The sound of the key in the door draws her attention and she looks over as Dean walks in. He is dressed up also. 
He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, with no holes or snags in them, a cinnamon colored henley under a multi-colored flannel, the colors distressed and faded. The jeans were tight around his thick thighs and groin, leaving little to the imagination. Y/N could melt into the floor right there.
“Hot damn,” Dean exclaims as he takes Y/N in. “I am one helluva lucky son of a bitch. You are gorgeous, baby girl.”
“Thanks, handsome. You look mighty fine yourself.”
“Ready to paint this town?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she answers with a smile.
Dean places his palm on the bottom of her back as they walk down the street heading to, what Y/N is sure, some cafe that serves lukewarm coffee, cold pie and has dirty ashtrays on each table. 
Imagine her surprise when  Dean directs her to the exact opposite of her assumption.
A/N: If your username is marked through, it’s because Tumblr wouldn’t allow me to tag you. Sorry. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @onethirstyunicorn @supraveng @deandreamernp
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0zzysaurus · 3 years
I really loved your tags on that Alonzo GIFset, and I'd love to hear more of your headcanons about Macavity's hideout! :)
I'm actually in the midst of writing a massive outline for my fanfiction, so I'm going to give you what I have so far up to Part 4!!
Part 1:
Munkustrap and Macavity are currently involved in the first ever Jellicle Leader coalition. Macavity has been preaching and proselytising that Munkustrap isn't fit to lead and will destroy the tribe, and has convinced Old Deuteronomy to allow him to co-lead. He claims that the contorting of traditional Jellicle law will bring the wrath of the Everlasting Cat, though this is just fearmongering that he's using to try and persuade tribe members to put their faith in him as Leader. Munkustrap can see right through it, and knows Macavity is just bitter for not ever even being considered for Jellicle Leader, and is hungry for control and power. Coricopat advises him not to censor Macavity's preaching because it could convince more tribe members into thinking what Macavity is saying - that Munk has the potential to be tyranical if left to lead alone - could be true. Munk takes this advice, but does his best to assure those close to him that Macavity is talking out of his ass.
Meanwhile, Macavity has known since the beginning that the coalition is unstable and will most likely break down, so he's been establishing his own clan in Aldwych station. Any strays, or rehabilitated ferals are brought in and convinced to join through promises of shelter, food, leadership, and the protection of a tribe. Grizabella is Macavity's biological mother, but not Munkustrap or Tuggers. She personally believes Old D refused to consider him for leader because he is her son. She sympathises with Macavity and helps to establish and run the Aldwych Clan when he is away. As far as the other cats are aware, Grizabella simply abandoned the Jellicle Tribe.
The next Jellicle Ball will be Tugger's first, and he's due to perform his coming of age dance. While he is performing, Macavity begins to feel spiteful, and starts an argument with Munkustrap over how poorly Tugger has been trained. It escalates into a shouting match and eventually a physical fight - ultimately this is the final breakdown of the coalition. Tugger will blame himself for this split in the coming months. The coalition split causes a dramatic shift within the tribe itself. Sympathisers and followers of Macavity propose an exodus, and Mac encourages them - while Munkustrap maintains that no one should leave. Mac uses Munk's desperate feelings over this to further convince his followers that the Jellicle tribe is a cult, and they should go. Demeter and Rumpleteazer are both convinced to leave - Demeter being Mac's mate at the time, and Teazer being sympathetic to the idea of being an older sibling who has been neglected over the younger (Etcetera is her younger sister, and seems to get a lot more attention from Skimble than he gives to her. Clearly, Teazer is the most naive of the followers.)
Part 2:
Ultimately, Mac's followers leave and are surprised to find that they've been brought to a pre-established clan. They're brought to the main platform and sorted into toms and queens, that are then led to different sections of the station. Teazer and Demeter are brought to the harem, where both react with significant disgust and reject the proposal immediately. Bomba steps in to defend Demeter when Mac threatens her physically, and Macavity decides he'll leave them to talk - he expects Demeter and Rumpleteazer to comply by the time he gets back. Bomba reassures Demeter and says that she's safe - but Rumpleteazer refuses to stay, and leaves.
Unsure of where she should go, and being utterly lost in the tunnels, Teazer follows the sound of fighting and discovers a henchcat den where a gang of cats are harassing and bullying a smaller tom around her age. Still feeling heated from before, she doesn't stop to consider the danger and steps in to defend the tom. Her feisty nature and confidence actually works in intimidating the harassers, and they leave. She introduces herself, only to be completely rejected by the tom. She's surprised, calls him ungrateful - which she regrets later - and leaves. Teazer takes note of a map pinned on the wall that was once used by Underground workers to navigate maintenance tunnels. Now abandoned, the tunnels are now only home to the clan, and patrolling hench cats who are capturing and disposing of deserters. She takes note of where the den she just exited is before exploring. She ducks into a vent when she smells Macavity approaching down the hall.
Demeter explains to Bomba what happened at the tribe, and Bomba is equally as confused - not knowing that another tribe even existed in the area. She tells Demeter why the queens are here, and that Macavity has been trying to get kittens from them for months, only not to succeed. Either the queens simply are not getting pregnant, or those who do mysteriously disappear. Demeter is nervous, but is positive that her mate won't hurt her. The other queens give her unsure looks, but no one questions her.
Teazer hides in the vent until she is sure Macavity has left the hall, but as she's about to come out, she falls through a weak sheet of metal into another den. She lands right on a sleeping Alonzo - the Deputy of the henchcats, and almost has to fight for her life, until Alonzo realises that she's just a young moggie. He dismisses her, only to be met with fervent assurances that she can handle herself and could take him out if she really wanted to. Alonzo calls her reckless, and that her fighting skills are lacking. After some deliberation, he decides that he will train her as a henchcat. He lets her sleep the night in his den since it's late and curfew is already enacted.
Part 3:
The next morning, Demeter wakes up early to find Grizabella in the Queen's den - tidying an empty nest. Before she can say anything, the older cat slips away, and she falls back asleep - convinced it was a dream. Macavity makes an announcement on the intercom. He welcomes all new members, vaguely noting that those who have complied and remained have integrity and strength beyond their cowardly peers. Alonzo brings Rumpleteazer to the Morning role call, and when Macavity questions her presence, Alonzo simply assures him that she is his latest apprentice. Macavity scoffs at the idea, and tells Alonzo to return her to the harem when he finally gives up on her. The other henchcats laugh at this, but the tom from before stands nervously, watching her. She turns away from him and he leaves with a group of other cats. Teazer is about to follow them, but feels Alonzo's paw on her shoulder, and is reminded that she has training to do.
Demeter wakes up again and overhears Bomba and Cassandra talking with each other. Cassandra expresses concern for Demeter - that she has the "most potential" out of them all - presumably but not explicitly said to be the next to bear a litter. Demeter gets up and interjects with a morning greeting, and Cass slips away back to her nest. Bomba apologises on her behalf, explaining that she is a clairvoyant and can predict events, as well as read auras. Before she can explain more, Macavity enters the den and calls away one of the queens. She goes without objection, but looks back at Bomba with anxious eyes. Demeter asks what is going to happen to her, and Bomba reiterates that Macavity is trying to have as many kittens as he can - presumably to boost the clan's population as well as grow his bloodline. So far he hasn't been successful.
Meanwhile, at the Jellicle tribe, Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy discuss the upheaval of their tribe. Munkustrap is concerned that the tribe will not be able to recover from this loss, and is quick to blame Coricopat for failing to advise him of this future. Old D firmly corrects him that it's not within Cori's powers to predict the future - and also reminds Munkustrap that the tribe - now more than ever - requires a strong, steadfast leader who can keep them together. Munk laments that he is not fit for this role, but Old Deuteronomy points out the cluster of cats in the clearing waiting for him to lead them. Old D also reminds him that he will not be around forever to lead the tribe, and that Munk must work with his advisers and community to restore order. Skimbleshanks is distraught at his daughter's absence, and begs Old Deuteronomy to bring her back. Old D explains that he can't force her to return, and she has to make her own way - but Skimble is adamant that she is in danger. Munkustrap assures him in confidence that he will do his best to bring her back for him.
Part 4:
Back at the Clan, Alonzo and Teazer have begun their training. Alonzo is quick to point out that Teazer is quick to enter fights that she may be unable to finish - and explains that not getting into fights at all should be a priority. Mediation bores her, and Teazer complains that there will surely be times that this decision is not within her hands - and that there will be times that she must fight. Alonzo agrees, and acknowledges her impatience, and they begin to practice defensive techniques. Teazer finds it difficult to defend against heavy blows, and is knocked on her ass a few times. Alonzo explains to her that she can't just stand there and take the hits when her body type isn't build for handling it. Instead he encourages her to use evasive tactics, noting that she was quick to slip out of his angry grip when they initially met. After practising this for a while, she becomes impatient again that she hasn't had the chance to deal any damage. Alonzo is about to lecture her on how wearing out an opponent with dodging could allow her to knock them down with weaker attacks - until the intercom blares, and Macavity calls all henchcats to his den. Alonzo postpones their training.
Macavity's den is like a large meeting room, with a side cupboard that contains his nest. In the meeting room, all the hench cats congregate. Beside him, the tom Teazer defended stands anxiously. The other hench cats he had left with prior also seem to be extremely nervous. Macavity is clearly holding back anger. Macavity begins lecturing the room that failure isn't something that can be brushed off as a simple mistake. It is an active threat upon the future of the clan and must be punished with significant force. Teazer is afraid, and whispers to Alonzo - asking what's going on. Alonzo explains that Macavity will often send cats out on missions for him - spying, reconnaissance, theft, etc. Anything that provides useful resources or information. Whenever a group fail to retrieve anything of worth - or worse, compromise his plans, Macavity becomes enraged, and often kills whoever is at fault. Teazer becomes terrified for the safety of the tom and asks Alonzo if he will be okay. He tells her that the cat is called Jerrie - and he usually takes the blame for anything that goes wrong in any expedition he goes out on. Teazer asks why, and Alonzo explains that Macavity - while seemingly not giving a single shit about the rest of their wellbeing, has allowed Jerrie to get away with allsorts - and hasn't killed him yet. Because of this, everyone pins their mistakes on him - knowing he won't be killed, and knowing it will save their own hides. He notes that the only downside is that public executions and beatings are, well... public, and they're all forced to witness it. He advises Teazer to think of a happy time in her life, close her eyes, and try her best not to listen too much.
Back in the Queen's den. Bomba and Demeter are talking about their childhood. Bomba tells her about life as a street cat, but explains that she hadn't always been alone. After the recession, her humans had abandoned her, and she ended up here - lured in with promises of somewhere safe to sleep. She'd been under Macavity's control ever since, and her scars are from fighting back against him. At this point, Mac has given up on her, but keeps her around as a bodyguard for the harem - acknowledging her strength. Bomba says she'd almost feel flattered if she didn't hate Mac's guts so much. Demeter tells her that she had always been part of the Jellicle tribe, and that her mother had passed away only recently. Macavity had been there for her after her mothers death, which led to them developing romantic feelings for each other. Bomba is surprised - claiming she'd never seen Mac express a genuine emotion in his life. At this point, the queen who had left before returns. Her fur is ruffled and she refuses to look any of the other queens in the eye. Cassandra approaches her at her nest, and holds her paws over her for a moment before shaking her head. Bomba dismisses herself from the conversation with Demeter and brings the queen water and food.
Once all the henchcats have finally filtered out from Macavity's den, Teazer waits at the doorway to try and catch Jerrie in a conversation, but the tom doesn't seem to be leaving. When she spies in through a crack in the door, she sees Macavity tending to the tom's wounds and fixing his fur. Jerrie doesn't recoil from the clan leader. Utterly confused - Teazer is about to enter again, but is distracted by Alonzo's voice calling to her from the hall. She quickly returns to his side and asks why Macavity is bothering with Jerrie at all. Alonzo expresses his own confusion. He tells her that Jerrie had been there the longest out of all of them, and has spent most of his life in the clan. He notes that the tom is good at what he does - exceedingly good. He's an excellent thief, and incredible escape artist, and one of the few cats in the clan who can actually read written English. Rumpleteazer suggests that this must be why Macavity doesn't kill him - but Alonzo rejects this, noting that Macavity has killed off much better spies and thieves than Jerrie for much smaller mistakes. Regardless, they head back to the henchcat den for food and a mental and physical rest.
After taking a short nap, Teazer wakes up to find the den mostly empty. She finds a catscratch note from Alonzo explaining that he'd gone out on an expedition and would be back after curfew. She sighs in frustration that they wouldn't be able to spend the afternoon training, and alerts the attention of Jerrie, who is quietly sifting through the pantry for something to eat. Teazer offers him the rest of her tin of tuna, and he shakes his head. Growing more frustrated, she yells at him that she isn't bad like the others, and that he needs to accept that she wants to be his friend. He expresses to her that he doesn't think she's a bad cat, but that he doesn't want her to be targeted for being an ally of his. She laughs, and assures him that she can take care of herself, explaining that Alonzo is training her. Jerrie laughs that Alonzo always picks the strangest cats to train, and the two of them share the remainder of the tin. Teazer apologises for her brash and rude behaviour when they first met, and Jerrie also apologises for being dismissive of her. Teazer also expresses guilt at abandoning Demeter in the harem and says she wants to visit her to ensure that she is safe. Jerrie agrees to escort her there once they have finished eating, as he is a regular visitor to the queens, and is one of the few toms that Macavity allows inside their den.
Part 5 and onwards of my outline will come at a later date!!
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Howl - Ch 2
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Chapter: 2/10
Add'l Notes: As usual, fic is like 6 chapters ahead on my AO3, WizardGlick
Chapter Content Warnings: N/A, ask to tag
Trying a new thing where I force you to read the first paragraph by not including it under the cut 😇
Virgil slept soundly and woke up unharmed in his bed. The relative cold of the morning air bit into his face, the only part of him that wasn't buried under his duvet. Still laying down, he wriggled into his hoodie and got up to make coffee. He mentally checked himself over while he waited for it to brew, staring blankly at the French press with stinging eyes. Damn, he must not have gotten all his vampire makeup off. Ah, well. His own absentmindedness was not a curse. Maybe he had escaped unscathed. Nothing hurt, save a normal soreness in his legs from standing around watching the Halloween parade, and a quick look in one of the many ornate mirrors decorating his walls revealed nothing abnormal with his face (well, except for the smudgy remnants of last night's eyeliner).
Despite this reassuring examination, he still spent the morning jumping at shadows. He rode his moped extra slowly and took time adjusting the straps of his helmet to make sure it fit perfectly. He examined the hanging sign ("Mystick Earth: ephemera for all ages") outside his workplace to make sure it wouldn't fall and kill him. He even took high steps on his way to the register to make sure he wouldn't trip over anything unseen.
But nothing bad happened.
In fact, nothing much happened at all until just past noon, when the brass bells on the door jangled and Logan stepped in, wafting the smell of warm bread and something sweet in with him.
Virgil didn't even realize he was smiling until his cheeks began to ache. "Hi," he said.
"Hello, Virgil." Logan wasn't looking at him; he was focusing on the paper bag hooked around one wrist and the drink carrier balanced in his other arm. "Forgive me for not asking first, but I wanted to surprise you."
"Here, you can set that on the counter." Virgil already knew what Logan had brought: banh mi, pho, and bubble tea from Sunrise, Virgil's favorite café.
Before he could talk himself out of it, Virgil pressed his hands on the counter and levered himself up to give Logan a kiss. He had always known that Logan was courteous and sweet under that somewhat stiff exterior; this wasn't even the first time he had done something kind for Virgil out of nowhere. But Virgil never could get used to being doted on. "Thank you, Logan."
Logan dropped his gaze, one hand coming up to fidget with his tie. "You're quite welcome."
The bells chimed again. Virgil looked up and caught sight of Roman, who had frozen in place. Catching Virgil's gaze, he straightened as though offended. "Well," he said, "I just came by to make sure Count Virgila survived the night, but it looks as though Casanova here beat me to the punch."
Logan turned. "Roman. I hope you've already eaten, because I only brought enough food for two people."
"I can take a hint," Roman said. Virgil raised his eyebrows at him expectantly, but Roman only raised his own eyebrows back, strode over to the counter, and stole a sip of Virgil's milk tea.
"I thought you said you could take a hint," Virgil said.
"I can," Roman said, "but I'm choosing not to."
Logan sighed through his nose and passed Virgil his sandwich. "I see no need to insist upon politeness if Roman is not going to return the favor."
Roman bumped Logan with his hip. "Really, I just came by to make sure Virgil's okay "
The bells jangled. Virgil looked up again, half-surprised and half-annoyed to see Janus, clad in the extravagant tailcoat he had to wear for work, pretending rather transparently to examine the display of tarot card-themed posters by the door. "Hi, Janus," he said, making no effort to hide his annoyance. Maybe this was the curse, to never get any alone time with Logan.
"Let me guess," said Roman, "you're here to check on Virgil."
"Of course not," Janus said, now pawing through the discount t-shirt display. Ugh, Virgil had just finished re-folding those. "Virgil's a big boy; he knows how to handle himself."
"Oh, yeah?" Virgil raised an eyebrow. "For all the money in the register, tell me what you came to buy and what you plan to use it for."
For the brief moment that Janus hesitated, Virgil allowed himself to hope that he had gotten one over on Janus. In all their years of friendship, he had admitted to being wrong exactly once. Virgil kept the date saved in his phone calendar and made sure to send Janus a card on the anniversary. But a moment's hesitation was all the satisfaction he got this time; Janus faced him properly, adjusted his tie, and said, "I don't know. I'm looking for a gift for Remus."
"Nice save," Virgil said. "We'll see about that."
"Oh, I don't know why you bother trying to hide it." Roman beckoned Janus over to the counter. "Look with your own eyes: he's fine."
"I combined like five different rituals last night," Virgil said. "And I'm doing another one once I get off work." He had already paid for the bottle and the string, knowing he had a hand trowel somewhere in the depths of his spider-infested shed.
Roman quick-drew his phone from his pocket and had himself posed for a selfie with Virgil almost before Virgil could process what was happening. "Smile," he said. "Patton made me promise I'd send him a picture."
Virgil flashed a peace sign. It was better to just go with it. Despite his bravado, Roman got his feelings hurt easily, and it was never fun to try to bounce back from that. "Are we done now?"
"Pardon us for caring about you," Roman said, sticking his nose into the air. It was such a Remus thing to do that Virgil nearly laughed, but he managed to hold himself together.
"Yeah, yeah, my friends love and cherish me, blah, blah, blah."
"Also," Roman read from his phone, "Patton says to tell Janus to come over soon so they can make cutting boards together."
"He was serious about that?" Janus looked helplessly at Virgil. Ah, yes, Patton had made the invitation last night and Janus, leaning back on social niceties, had agreed. "I thought he was just being nice."
"Nope." Virgil leaned forward across the counter and grinned. "Not only is Patton gonna make you make yourself a cutting board, you're going to enjoy it."
"We'll see about that," Janus said. He shook up his sleeve so he could glance at his watch. "Well, I should get back to Bienvenue. Those suits won't sell themselves."
He turned on his heel and made for the door so quickly that Virgil knew he was forgetting something. Ding. "Wait, but weren't you going to buy something for Remus?" he called.
"Sorry," said Janus, one hand already on the door. "Can't hear you, bye." And he was gone.
Roman bounced on his toes. "Alright, alright, I'll leave you two to it, too."
"Thank you kindly," Virgil said, metering the sardonic bite in his tone so that Roman wouldn't get offended.
Roman tipped an imaginary hat first to Virgil, then to Logan, and sauntered out.
"Finally," Virgil sighed. He looked up to find Logan staring at him with evident concern. "What?"
"Are you alright?" Logan asked. "I know you take this kind of thing seriously and I would hate for you to feel like I'm not supporting you just because I don't share your belief."
Virgil couldn't help but smile as an unfamiliar feeling spread from his stomach to his chest. Ah, the warm fuzzies. He couldn't even be mad about the damage to his dark and brooding image. "I'm okay, Lo. I did my stuff."
Logan smiled back: a small, shy thing. "I'm glad."
They were quiet for a moment. Virgil took small bites of his banh mi, careful to keep one eye on the door. It had been an unusually slow day, especially given that it was the day after Halloween. The denizens of Vaillant were superstitious enough that Virgil was rarely idle behind the counter of Mystick Earth. A few groups of people paused by the door, some even going so far as to peer in through the glass storefront windows, but no one came in. Virgil relaxed a little. "How's work? Catch anyone embezzling?"
"Not yet," Logan said, pushing his sleeves further up his elbows. Virgil tried not to stare at the few additional centimeters of skin this action exposed. What was he, a repressed Victorian? "I did notice a discrepancy in the amount we spent on office supplies, but it was only because someone had miswritten a 'seven' as a 'two.'"
"No office drama?" Virgil ribbed him. "Nobody stealing pens or making out in supply closets?"
"Unfortunately, we are a building of professionals." Logan paused, straightened his tie. "The light above my cubicle went out and I had to put in an email to maintenance to get it fixed."
"Man, I could never work in an office," Virgil said.
"Did anything interesting happen to you this morning?"
"Eh, I had someone looking to curse an ex, and I had to explain why that's not acceptable. I won't bore you with the details." Virgil took another bite of his sandwich and bounced the toe of his shoe against the floor. Was he doing this right? It had been so long since his last real relationship, and everyone knew what a disaster that had been. He liked Logan, liked being with Logan, but… Well, maybe he was freaking out over nothing. He just had to remember how to do it right, and then everything would be okay.
"Ordinarily, I would challenge the notion that you could ever bore me," Logan said, "but I do have to leave soon."
"Finish your pho," Virgil said, smiling. "I can tell you later."
They finished eating and Virgil again leaned up to give Logan a kiss, balancing his weight on his hands. His heart wasn't in it, his brain a few seconds ahead. Should he come over the counter and walk Logan to the door? What should he say? ‘I love you’? Should he grab Logan's ass?
"Did you hear me?" Logan asked.
Virgil feet hit the floor, the impact driving tingles up to his knees. "Huh?"
"Just saying goodbye," Logan said.
"See you soon?"
"Let's make plans."
Logan left. Virgil stared at the door for a while, happiness ebbing away into loneliness and doubt. A small, childish part of him wanted to insist that Logan stay. Forget work. They could go to the movies and get ice cream, have a proper date. And Virgil would find some way to communicate just how much he appreciated Logan.
Virgil: Thanks for lunch, Lo
Logan: You're welcome
Logan: <3
Virgil hadn't gathered up the guts to respond to Logan's text message yet. It was really pathetic, how a single emoticon heart had him blushing and panicking like a teenager.
He swung one leg over his moped, but kept his weight mostly on the ground. Hating the way his heart pounded, he pulled out his phone.
Logan: <3
Virgil: <3
Before he could freak himself out any further, Virgil got on his moped properly and nearly peeled out of his parking spot. He rode home in silence, shivering a little in the wind chill and dodging potholes.
The sinking sun lit up the thunderheads on the horizon until the whole sky on Virgil's left was blue-gray and luminescent. He stared, admiring the bald cypress and tupelo trees silhouetted against the dying light, until the road turned and faced him toward the darkness. By the time he got home, it was full dark. He parked his moped in the carport and settled in for a lonely evening of curse-breaking.
Virgil wasn't usually lonely. As an introvert with several boisterous extroverts in his friend circle, he usually jumped at the chance for some alone time. But suddenly Logan's absence felt like loss in a way it never had before, and Virgil longed to have him near. Even if he just sat quietly and watched while Virgil put his own spin on constructing a witch bottle.
He went to bed early that night, earlier than usual, unable to stand the emptiness of his old house. Even the creaks and groans, even the ambient sounds of outside, even the ticking of his mantle clock, seemed to fade away into intolerable lonely silence. So Virgil crawled into bed before midnight, clutching his hoodie to his chest.
He didn't sleep well.
Strange visions haunted his dreams, almost primal in their intensity. He was rage, he was fear, he was power. He knew the earth beneath his feet, knew the deep, rich smells of the forest. He knew the moon above. It was bright but waning, pale silver struggling through the clouds that smelled of rain. So unlike Virgil, whose strength was eternal and agonizing and all. He howled.
He woke up all at once, all his senses alight. Even without opening his eyes, it was obvious: He was outside. Not only that, he was naked in the dirt.
He opened his eyes and rolled over, sitting up slowly to examine himself. Clammy soil clung to his exposed skin. He brushed it off with a shaking hand. His nails were stained with it too, all muddy and broken. And he was sore, almost as bad as the time he'd try to go jogging with Logan.
Virgil let the panic wash over him and pulled his legs in close to his chest, wrapped his arms around them. Wrong, wrong, wrong, he had nothing, knew nothing and he was all alone in the woods.
He crested the worst of the attack and clenched his trembling hands into fists, resentful of the adrenaline still ruling him. At least he seemed unharmed; his skin was free of bruises and scratches. He was just dirty. He raised a shaking hand to his left ear, feeling along the back of it for any strange marks. Finding nothing, he checked his right ear. The skin seemed wholly undisturbed, but he would see about that later. Right now, he had more pressing things to worry about than potential alien abduction. For one, there was the matter of his clothes… He got to his feet, covering his groin with his hands despite the solitude. All that surrounded him were the early-morning birdsong and the rustle of the wind in the leaves.
Spinning in a circle, Virgil found a place where branches had been broken and the underbrush had been thoroughly trampled by something much, much bigger than he. With no other leads, he steeled himself and followed the trail. It was difficult going. He had to keep his head down to make sure he didn’t step on anything sharp, and his heartbeat remained sharp and painful and panicked, beating out what-ifs beneath his skin. What if he couldn’t find his way home? What if he got arrested for public nudity? What if he tripped and broke his leg and got stranded? What if something attacked him?
The morning breeze picked up and made him shiver, drawing him out of his panicked thoughts. He just needed to keep walking. He might not even have been that far from home. He lived on the edge of the woods, so it made sense that he was within walking distance of home, right? Well, maybe not, but the belief was all he had. So he believed that he was close to home, believed that he would be fine, and continued to tread the path of destruction through the woods.
He was closer than he’d thought. Soon, the sound of tires over asphalt reached his ears and he picked up the pace. Crossing the road was a nerve-wracking endeavor, not least because the speed limit was 55 mph. He hadn’t seen any of his clothes on the trek. What would people say if they caught him darting naked across the road like some kind of feral mountain man? Traffic was sparse, it was true, but with Virgil’s luck, a pickup full of country boys would plow into him and leave him in the ditch. What a pleasant thought for a Friday morning. Pushing his fear aside, Virgil sprinted across the road as fast as his abused feet and sore muscles would let him. The trail of trampled bushes and broken branches led directly to his house, as he had feared it might, and the destruction didn’t stop there. His front door was open, bugs buzzing around the light over his kitchen sink. Several of his end tables had been knocked over and various trinkets from his many floating shelves littered the floor. His ceramic incense holder lay in pieces by the magazine rack filled with his collection of old tabloids-- the tabloids were okay, thank goodness.
“Hello?” Virgil called. No one answered, and the house was silent. He crept into the bedroom. Ah, there were his clothes. The t-shirt he slept in had split at the seams and his boxers hadn’t fared much better. At least his hoodie was okay. He pulled it on and slipped into a new pair of boxers, exhaustion finally catching up with him. He needed to deal with this, like, really needed to deal with this, but his bed…
He face-planted into it, not even bothering to straighten out or pull his legs onto the mattress. Sleep now, unpack terrifying potential supernatural encounter later.
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theyungrose · 3 years
Chrysanthemums and Daisies (Roman Reigns X Jey Uso)
Chapter 6: Insults and Interference
Chrysanthemum turned to Daisy with an incredulous look on her face, following the insane demand she had just made.
“Don’t look at me like that. I want you to ban Jey from ringside for Roman’s match tonight.” 
It sounded even crazier the second time she said it. Daisy was all too serious though, sitting with her arms folded on the arm of Chrysanthemum’s office couch. Surprisingly, this was the first time the two sisters had actually sat in her office and spoke since the night of Daisy’s debut; not to say they weren’t speaking outside of work, but when they were at work the duo was just plain distant. 
“Why on Earth would you want me to do that Daisy?”
Daisy scoffed at her sister; sometimes her head could be just as empty as people perceived Daisy’s to be. 
“Shall I write you a list your majesty? How ‘bout so it can be a fair fight for a change? What’s the point in having a rematch anyway if you’re just gonna let shit play out the same way each time. It’s boring.” 
Chrysanthemum sneered at the sarcasm and spite in her younger sister’s voice, but she chalked it up to PMS and maintained her composure. She’d just finished hers and of course being sisters, well you understand. 
“Daisy, let’s leave the big decisions to me okay? I love you to pieces but it’s really not your forte nor is it your business. I don’t tell you how to wrestle.”
“Because you can’t.” 
Daisy quickly shrunk into her seat at the speed of Chrysanthemum’s nasty glare towards her, it was meant as only a small dig but obviously this wasn’t the forum, the tension already at a hundred. Meanwhile, Chrysanthemum once again gripped tightly to her calm sanity as she walked towards Daisy. After a deep breath she spoke to her sister again.
“Why are you in here making demands on Jey’s behalf anyways? I’m sure his mouth works perfectly fine.”
‘It sure does’
Daisy giggled quietly at her own thoughts.
“Come on sis, you know Jey is only doing this because his cousin forces him too. I mean what type of family threatens to throw you out of it because you won’t do his bidding? Your champion is an asshole, an evil one at that.”
Chrysanthemum sighed, wishing she was in a position to defend her champion. There wasn’t much she could say though; they both knew that the people they were in and outside of work were two things that would clash if they ever merged. It was a power thing, and of course only her and Roman would understand. 
“Look Daisy, I bet Jey probably appreciates you sticking your neck out like this,  but the answer is no. I make matches, not interfere in them.” 
Daisy scoffed, an even bigger one this time, and rolled her eyes at her sister. As cute and kind as she was, she had a natural bratty side that simply came with being the younger sibling, and it always when she couldn’t get something she wanted, especially at the hands of her sister. No matter the situation it was always Chrysanthemum’s way or the freeway, and when she wasn’t on the winning side of that it irked her in more ways than she could imagine. 
“You’re such a punk.” 
Anticipating the strike that was most likely coming, Daisy stood up and moved out of arms reach as she said that. Chrysanthemum, though a ways past irritated now, didn’t hit her sister and instead plopped onto her couch with a groan. She knew the childish temper tantrum that was coming from years of experience, and tonight she simply would not feed into it. 
“Whatever Daisy.” 
Daisy’s blood was starting to boil a bit as her sister scrolled through her phone; she hated being dismissed more than she hated being told no, and when Chrysanthemum started this nonchalant bullshit with her it made Daisy want to tear her hair out.
“You and Vince McMahon, y’all protect him like he’s a boy. Next time you see him tell him I said to grow some balls between his legs if he wants to carry that championship.” 
When Chrysanthemum still paid her no mind, Daisy’s fast mouth took it ten steps further before she even had a chance to think about it. 
“You probably won’t though, they’ll be too busy in your mouth.”
She knew she’d succeeded in getting a reaction out of her sister when she dropped the phone from her hand, but when she saw the rage in Chrysanthemum’s stare as she stood up from the couch, Daisy knew she’d gone too far. If she was expecting a hit before, she could anticipate an ass beating now. 
“Get out.”
Chrysanthemum was fuming, legit shaking, with rage as she got in her sister’s face. Her heels made her a couple inches taller than she already was over Daisy, and she could see the slight fear in her eyes. 
“Look I’m sorry okay, I took that too far.”
Flames of anger still licked up Chrysanthemum’s blood stream even following Daisy’s apology.
“Get out Daisy.”
Her voice was calmer but still enraged, and Daisy saw there was no fixing this situation right now. A few salty tears pooled into her irises as she turned away from Chrysanthemum and walked out, gently closing the door behind her. 
Chrysa fell back to the couch with her hand covering her forehead. The fears of her nightmares were already beginning to take root in her conscious reality, and it’d only been a few weeks. She wanted only to protect her sister from the subsequent crash and burn that her hasty actions often gifted her, but it was becoming apparent that Daisy was already beginning to resent that. Not only that; Chrysanthemum feared that this sudden uproar was not of Daisy’s own will, made obvious by the person she stormed in to defend. 
Chrysanthemum could tell this was headed for a very messy direction,and usually the one to jump in front of the train to take the blow, this was the first time her position in the matter left her hands tied. 
She’d just have to pray it’d blow over.
Daisy was still fuming following her earlier exchange with her sister, Jey had noted the fire in her eyes when she came to sit with him while he strapped up for his match. Of course, being akin to the “Head of The Table” didn’t secure you a locker room, or a maintenance closet for that matter. Instead the duo sat a few feet from the bathroom on a rolling crate, taking turns wrapping each other’s hands and lacing boots. 
“Are you excited for your rematch with Liv babe?” 
Jey assumed his words had fallen on deaf ears when Daisy didn’t reply, but upon a quick glance up from his fists he realized that she was staring intently at him.
It’d been a short four weeks, but even Jey could say he didn’t recognize the look in his girls eyes. He’d never seen her green eyes look so cold, and distant. What he didn’t know is that her infatuation with AJ Lee might’ve run a little deeper than attire and move set. The most advanced translator couldn’t transcript what was going on in Daisy’s head, for it was a whirlwind of emotion and angst. 
A dangerous sparkle was alight in Daisy’s eyes as she all of a sudden snapped awake from her trance.
“What if we interfere in your cousins match tonight? Like I can come out during the match and distract him somehow, and you kick his head off while he isn’t looking.” 
Jey was floored. What scared him most was she was being serious, like deathly.  She spoke with no hesitation, and stared into his eyes the entire time. 
“Daisy...I appreciate that ma but I can’t have you inserting yourself in family business like that. It’s not safe.”
The rejection made her tongue thick with spite.
“Well it’s not like anyone else is doing anything about it. We have to take a stand baby.” 
Daisy framed her man’s face in both her small hands, hoping the intimacy would be enough to convince him. She had already been told ‘no’ once tonight, she couldn’t accept hearing it a second time. 
Jey sighed taking both her hands in his, both overwhelmed and frightened by the depths of his girl’s loyalty. 
“Thank you for being a solider babe, but I made this bed and I gotta lie in it. You should focus on your match with Liv, don’t worry about me. I got this.”
Jey sealed his promise with a chaste kiss to her lips. 
“I promise.” 
Daisy sighed in defeat, she still hadn’t gotten her way but he had succeeded in soothing the savage beast, at least for now. A brief smile appeared on Daisy lips, but the moment was fleeting as she caught a glimpse of Roman rounding the corner.
“Let’s go.”
Roman didn’t break his stride as he passed the two, barely sparing his cousin a passing glance.
Jey and Daisy exchanged glances, the warmth of her palms still radiating on his cheeks as they fell from his face. Daisy was visibly upset again, but with his cousin already down the hall there wasn’t much Jey could do. He left her with a lingering kiss to the crown of her head before jogging down the hall to catch up with his cousin. 
Daisy eyes bore flaming holes into the back of Roman’s head as the two continued down the hall. Right before they disappeared Roman glanced behind him; meeting the rage in Daisy’s features. The fierceness in her gaze shook him a little bit as was telling from his expression. Daisy smirked coyly as he turned his back to her and continued walking. 
She’d just have to take him down herself. 
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