#still have . 6 and a half hours to drive 👹
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 2 years ago
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photos from summer sonic 2023
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fuck-customers · 3 years ago
2-9-22 👹
This is a fuck one coworker in particular
there are 7 of us at my store though technically it might as well be 6 cuz while we have 2 associates (one of them being me, the other being the cunt that this is about) I am the only one of the two of us who actually fucking shows up and/or does their job. I’m going to give a rundown of the problems that this associate has been causing and will refer to her as S.
S has been working here much longer than half of our crew however most people know that seniority does not equal superiority. S regularly argues with our assistant managers AND our keyholders when they ask her to do something (she hasn’t quite grown the spine to argue with our manager yet) and will argue that she isn’t done folding shirts so she can’t do this other thing, and when she gets mad at one of them she goes into the back for anywhere from 20 min to an HOUR to fucking sulk/cry about it. The only job she’s really given to do is fold shirts anyway because she constantly fucks up our registers and how the rest of the store is set up. We don’t like her being near us while we’re trying to hang and tag clothes because she seems to think she fucking knows it all and will try to tell us what to do even though we know damn well what to do or have already gotten new info from our manager or regional/district on how to do something or what to change out.
There was also a period of time in which her car didn’t work and because she wastes her entire paycheck somehow on excessive fast food regularly (as well as dropping $100+ on a vape pack that doesn’t even have nicotine) and god knows what else, she couldn’t pay to fix her car or get Ubers to work so one of our assistant managers had to regularly pick her up and drive her to work (an extra 30-50 minutes to a normally 15 minute drive) and almost NEVER got gas money from S, which caused that assistant manager to fall behind on two bills and constantly be late because S was never ready on time. S also sold her fucking car so has to exclusively rely on Ubers (assistant manager cut her off from free rides) that she can’t even always pay for.
As of lately, S has just straight up left her shifts early or hasn’t shown up. Because of her, we are basically down to 6 employees (although technically 5 since one of our key holders has a medical condition that prevents her from being able to work as much as the rest of us, absolutely not blaming her for anything of course, she still does her job and shows up when she can), and since there’s so few of us, we really can’t call on anyone to cover a shift if need be or for help on a particularly busy day. S is essentially deadweight in our store and since they haven’t fired her yet, she still gets put on the schedule but we’re basically having to plan around whether she’ll fucking show or not.
She’s also just…..gross. She has fucking crop dusted some of us a couple times, mentioned her DDLG kink multiple times with absolutely ZERO prompting from anyone, and constantly brings up something about a Harry Potter erotica fic?????????? She’s just fucking weird alongside being a shitty and useless worker and I wish they’d fucking drop her already
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