#still figuring out the logistics of this au but these games mix wonderfully together
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barbed-snile · 3 months ago
Silly scene for my Outer Wilds/Slime Rancher AU:
“Fluorite to Gabbro.” The radio on their hip crackled to life. Gabbro snapped their eyes open- when did they fall asleep? The four quantum slimes cozy in their arms awoke when Gabbro moved, making little sounds of complaint that melted their heart.
“Sorry little buddies. Gotta take this.” they sighed. They flipped a switch on the radio. “Gabbro copies.” They tried to keep the sleep out of their voice.
“Would you be able to pick me up? Im kinda stuck on an island in Indigo Quarry.” Annoyance filled them. All the way at the Quarry? But that was so much walking. Gabbro didn’t want to leave their cozy perch in the Ancient Ruins, nonetheless let their little buddies get all cold without a campfire. They let out an audible yawn and stretched as best they could without jostling their buddies.
“Hmm… is it urgent, or can it wait? Im kind of busy here.” Gabbro looked out at the slime sea, eyes tracing the outline of Moss Blanket’s cliffs.
“Well, I guess it’s not urgent, but-“
“Sorry then, buddy. Im in the middle of conducting an important experiment,” and enjoying the most wonderful cuddle session, “-involving quantum slimes. It’s time-sensitive. Sorry slime pal.” They say, not actually sorry in the slightest.
Truth be told, they were testing if enough quantum slimes would be able to entangle Gabbro into a quantum state, one similar to the wandering moon that visits around the Far, Far Range. It was what they officially studied as an astronaut after all. The cuddles were an added bonus.
“Gabbro, I swear to the stars-“ Fluorite rose their voice. Gabbro tuned them out, picturing them playfully shaking their fist at the radio. If Gabbro were there, their ranching buddy would be shaking them like a maraca by the shirt collar. They didn’t mind being manhandled, but there was flighty slimes buried in their arms who would not appreciate their friends’ enthusiasm.
“Quantum entanglement is calling, ranching buddy! I’ve got a moon to mimic. Gabbro out!” Gabbro rose their voice to speak over Fluorite, an impish grin on their face.
“What does that even mean-“ They flicked the switch on their radio, cutting off their friend. Comfortable silence filled the nook they were in, the slimes settling in their arms and letting out little snores as they fell back asleep. Sluggish waves crashed against the ruin walls below. Ahh, the joys of messing with the hatchling and avoiding responsibility.
Technically, radioing Chert or Riebeck would be faster if Fluorite needed to get out of the Quarry. Gabbro’s ship wasn’t in the best shape and was more or less stuck in the ruins. It was having the time of its life dipping its feet in the slime sea and feeling the waves on its face. They’d paid enough mind to attach a rope to keep it from sinking too far- even Gabbro feared the wrath of Slate- but the slime had gunked up the electrical systems and thrusters good. A pang of regret flew through them.
…They’ll fish it out eventually. For now, quantum slime cuddle time.
Fluorite stared deadpan at their radio. They should have said it was urgent. Gabbro hated going anywhere that required actual effort. They laughed and shook their head affectionately. Oh well. There was plenty of food on the island to go around as long as they could fend off little patches of soil from the slimes.
Speaking of… they looked towards the Nomai warp pad that lay on the ground, its warp core shattered and decorated with crystals. Even Nomai ruins, for being so famously hardy, could not prepare for the mischief of crystal slimes.
They sighed and clambered up into one of the natural pillars that grew food in them, careful not to waste jetpack fuel. Time to call Riebeck or Chert and see if they’ll help. Esker, if neither were available.
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