#still don't know if d&d writing falls under that but w/e lmao
frenchy-and-the-sea · 4 years
Favorite Works of 2020
I was tagged by @focsle, thank youuuu! My total posted word count this year ended up being about half what it has been the last two years, which is admittedly a little disappointing. But having a difficult time choosing works for this made me feel a touch better about that whole thing. :’)
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5(ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. My first entry for kiss week this year, which was one of those rare pieces where the idea I had for it going in feels like it came through in the finished product! Plus, I just desperately miss my Tea Party Trio, so it was nice to be able to write for them again.
2. I wrote a poor rendition of the scene that ended our first in-person session for my main d&d game, mere weeks before covid hit. Not only does it feel like I managed to capture some of the bits of the scene that our DMs lovingly crafted for us, but it feels like the moment of unity that we all really needed before we were thrown headfirst into the pandemic proper, though we didn’t know it at the time. That feels important now.
3. In an effort to make myself feel loosely a part of Art Fight, I wrote this bit for @rufinagertrude and I truly think it’s one of my better attempts at dialogue. Partially, I think, for the company of Tristan’s Misfortune, who has a silver tongue in his own right, but I’ll take a little credit at least. ;)
4. I wrote this piece because I was and am sappy as all hell, lmao. Contrary to my constant posting of pieces involving Alex and Adelina, I don’t write “romantic” things very often, so it was nice that this piece felt like it captured some of that stumbling awkwardness of a developing relationship! 
5. I’ve peddled this one around for the last week or so, but I’m genuinely happy with how this last piece of 2020 came out. I wrote it in exactly two days, no do-overs or large rewrites, and I think it does what I set out to do with it. Not much else a writer can ask for than that.
Special bonus shout out goes to this piece, which spurred a couple of other people to write something in a similar style. I loved reading all of them so, so much, and I’m so happy with the thought that my brief spurt of poetry-brain might have brought some of them on!!
I tag @rufinagertrude, @thereluctantinquisitor, @themilokin, @urdnotgrunt, @phoenix-failing, @elalavella, @sternenstaub28, @leothelionsaysgrrrr, @ghilenan, @beansprean, @cobaltash, @staches-and-sabres, @captainsaku, @gwisincon, @dovahgarbage, @bladeverbena, and @hobbithase, as well as anyone who sees this and wants to take a crack at it! I am tagging you, interested person reading this!
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