#still don't have a title for this story but we'll get here :P
minamorsart · 10 months
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More Plance AU!!!! 💦🌱 Pidge and Lance are the central couple of this story, but of course I can't resist inserting some Lotura hehe~~ 🤭
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cantarella-s · 1 year
who’s bianca conchita
BANICA IS FROM THE SAME UNIVERSE! I'll try to be brief here but since i dont trust myself ill put the rest under a cut <3
Content warning for a lot. And I mean a lot of Cannibalism. also mentions of weight. and eating stuff that really shouldn't be eaten
Evillious chronicles is based around the 7 deadly sins (lust, gluttony, pride, sloth, envy, greed, wrath) (the order i put those in is important i promise)
Rilliane's (The Rin from daughter of evil-servant of evil-regret message) (theres more songs to that arc but those are the most popular and. personally not a big fan of twiright prank sorry </3) arc is pride arc!
But today we'll be talking abt Banica, whose arc is gluttony. She's a Meiko module(? i think thats the word) and therefore very pretty <3
She has two songs as far as I remember, first of which takes place during Gluttony arc [Evil Food Eater Conchita] and the second of which takes place after in the. Limbo areas tbh I don't understand how the court and graveyard work </3 but this second song is called Master of the Graveyard
Only one other song from Gluttony arc is coming to mind [Drug of Gold] but i think there are a few more that are somewhat related? Like Hänsel and Gretel's songs mention their incarnations as Arte and Pollo
So! Now that that's out of the way, I'll start explaining her story to the best of my ability (<- went through evillious wikis religiously last year) (sorry vany if you're seeing this i went a little insane back then)
It starts off with people celebrating Banica's birth (she's a future duke! unless im misremembering she got the title of duke and not duchess) with a feast! But the baemu pig they ate happened to have the glass of conchita (vessel for gluttony) in it's system and ended up giving everyone that ate it The Disease™.
this disease (its called Gula) kills them if theyre not full all the time. so they end up eating a lot of fucked up shit (iirc cardboard was on that list?)
banica didnt have gula but her mom still made her eat the same portions as everyone else AND THEN BASICALLY EVERYONE DIES. at some point banica's mom tries eating the corpse of a dead servant when her dad shot her mom.
after the death of her mom banica locked herself up in the food storage basement thing of her mansion :( but a little while later two twin servants appeared, arte and pollo! (they are reincarnations of hänsel and gretel. basically the kind of people that rilliane and allen were supposed to be) she became close friends w the twins and stayed w them basically all the time <3
basically arte and pollo were introduced to banica by her dad or some other surviving servant. timeskip a lil and she's engaged to this guy called Carlos Marlon who's a prince. they spoke and she did make a good impression on his parents! yay!
and i dont rmb how true this is, but i do think i read somewhere that carlos commented on her being overweight? sorry i wasnt nearly as fixated on gluttony arc as some of the other arcs
over a bunch of months, they became close and warmed up to the idea of marriage. but like during this time she ate less than usual bc she was afraid carlos would dislike her if he found out what she was like
then another feast. but there was a wine glass. this brought all of banica's trauma relating to the glass of conchita back and she became fixated on the left overs before eating all the food on the table. this then led to her engagement getting cancelled :(
after her engagement was cancelled, she went back to the mansion and she decided to immerse herself in food and food culture. she gained the title of a gourmand in her country, beelzenia! (im p sure its based of spain :3)
she travelled to several other countries (arte and pollo in tow bc ofc <3) to improve beelzenia's food culture! girlboss! she learned abt many famous chefs, one of which was josef crim. unfortunately he's dead :(
copy pasting the next para from the wiki -
' Supported by Juno, Banica introduced her ideas to Beelzenia, greatly improving its food culture and adding to its cuisine, radically increasing the domestic foods in the empire as a result. During this period she began developing a new wine, dubbed "Blood Grave", with the cooperation of the local farmers. '
so yeah! things are going great for banica! she even got the formal title of "Noble Gourmand Banica" (gourmand from before was probably more of a nickname)
and then her dad died
sorry queen </3 just like when her engagement was broken off, she found solace in food. around this time is when she got the title of duke. she traveled some more bc she was still grieving her dad when she got the news that one of her loyal servants, Ron, went missing.
but she collapsed when she went back bc of organ abnormalities. when she got checked out by her doctor, they concluded it was bc of her overeating.
but arte and pollo, loyal servants as they are, had been keeping the glass of conchita (that housed the demon of gluttony) with them! and since their master might die soon, they decided it was the perfect time to use it. they kept it by her bedside and the demon started talking to banica.
it told her abt how she'd only eaten half of the world's food and theres sooo much more for her to consume <3<3 she should totally make a contract with it! she wouldnt die if she made the contract + she'd get to eat more and more of the food this beautiful world has to offer
she initially declined bc yknow all of that stuff happened that happened when she was young? she knows that her mom and the other servants died bc of the demon (or more specifically the disease which was caused by the demon)
the demon left but kept the wine glass and said that if she drank from it, the contract would be sealed. -> "The next morning she awoke and saw the glass, realizing it was full of baemu blood when smelling it. Consumed by her curiosity, Banica drank after minimal hesitation, making the contract." [copy pasted from the wiki]
after making the contract, she 'miraculously' made a full recovery! she also became thinner. with her new abilities, she decided to try eating stuff she's never tried.
she held a banquet with her, the duke, as the host. at the end, she asked her servants to bring dessert which included live insects and spiders. [sorry banica but thats kinda gross </3] the audience she had was pretty disgusted but she had fun at least?
some time passed after the banquet and she decided she wouldn't leave the mansion anymore and have arte and pollo manage the estate and her territories. she did it on accounts of her organ abnormalities :3
after denouncing the outside world she used the demon's powers to reanimate the dead bc yes! she reanimated the servants and created an undead army to guard her mansion. she also reanimated livestock to serve as her meals.
after that point she began hiring a bunch of chefs to make her food but she was always irritated at them bc they were disgusted by her appetite. so of course, she had arte and pollo kill and then cook them so she could eat their corpses. girl moment fr
after getting rid of one guy, she hired Josef Crim. but you might be wondering, isnt josef dead??? well. thats not josef. thats Carlos. her former fiance. so at one point she gets drunk and they fuck 👍 she's pregnant now
oh yeah the imperial family's kept sending letters to her but she ignored them like spam callers. so they sent an army! but she has an undead army WOOOOOO!! Carlos-Josef recognized Ron (guy from earlier) and banica told him how she now wants to devour the world <3
carlos was scared so he tried to escape. banica sent arte and pollo to catch him and he gave the excuse of trying to take a vacation but. he's not allowed vacations <3 banica is niceys tho so she didnt have him killed. yet.
a few days later, carlos served her poison soup (that he'd eat together bc dying together is pretty romantic. carlos really was onto smthn there) but she is a demon contractor and cannot die unless its at the hands of another contractor or vessel so. Only carlos died. a shame, really.
banica figured out what happened so since he's already dead, might as well have arte and pollo cook him. nothing like eating your lover <3
fast forward a few months, her baby is born! woooo!!! i dont really rmb what happens next but she does end up eating arte and pollo. in the words of leo, Oh kaito we're really in it now
banica ran out of food and servants. and since she's a contractor of gluttony, she's still hungry. fuck. oh shit her baby's crying. hey. the baby is food, right? she can eat that, right?
so she took a plate out and put the baby on it.
and she was going to eat it but after seeing the kid's face, she decided not to bc thats her kid.
the demon doesnt like that very much and tells her that hey, actually, yknow that poison that guy fed you? yeah it's actually one of the few things that *can* kill you and is actually do it!
basically the poison was shavings of the vessel of wrath (the golden key. hence. drug of gold) and it def can kill her. not sure if it would work as slowly as the demon is claiming, but it would most definitely kill her in larger amounts. and she ate carlos who also had a dose of the poison in him.
the demon said the kid is a 'vaccine' for that (bro thats. Not how vaccines work at all) but she still refused to eat her child. she began to see the demon take shape in her mind and it looks like a baemu pig with bat wings. yeah. sounds horrifyingly disgusting.
so she ate herself! wahoo <3 copy pasting the wiki again
' Exploiting her contract, Banica's consumption of her body allowed her to become a demon herself; gaining all of the demon's knowledge and power. '
so thats technically the end of gluttony arc but she does have more to her story (from Master of the Graveyard and i think a few other songs?) but i dont rmb most of that sorry </3
if you actually managed to read all of that. damn Thank you
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (16/07/23)
wow actually on time for once impressive myself, a p chill week, tho I wanna catch up to something again soon, only got a couple more series to do before I fulfill my goal of being caught with everything on jump and then I can start branching out to other stuff I've had an eye on for a while but anyway
blue - finale/completed
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Pokemon Horizons Ep13
after 2 weeks of absence the pokemon anime is finally back, tho this one was kinda like a recap episode for half of it while the cast had a picnic. they teased the possibility of roy catching a new mon next ep but we'll see how that goes since riko isn't getting one too for the new few episodes (based on the revealed titles)
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Atelier Ryza Ep3
a cute episode overall, centered around ryza using her alchemy to help people around the island now. also greatly enjoy all the ryza x klaudia food, just for me 🙏 also, when they had that magical girl transformation esque scene for when she crafted last ep I was like "that looked way too good for them to not reuse it" and they did, just significantly shortened so lol
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Zom 100 Ep2
good ep, I was worried abou them being able to keep up the quality from ep 1 but even if we didn't get any fancy sakuga this time the quality was still good. the new girl is cute and kusunoki tomori did a good job as her. next ep is the mc's friend which I assume is the blonde guy from the op/ed (and that I think was cameo'd on a photo near the start of the ep), and the next ep will be the samurai girl? haven't read the manga so completely blind
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Saihate Quartet Ch18 (Finale)
honestly only started reading this cause I wanted to post the tokusatsu reference panels and I'd feel bad doing it without actually reading it, and also cause it landed on a not very busy day. it was alright tho, it's a comedy so it's very "you either like it or don't", the concept is p fun but shallow, more suited for something like a oneshot I think, I don't regret reading it tho, it had it's moments
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Dandadan Ch113
the climactic finale to the big alien invasion team battle, maybe anyway good chap, that flashback page with the cute okarun momo moments was good and it also had 2 of yukinobu's signature "how can this series be weekly" spreads
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch33
they spent all this time skirting around the older brother's story, taking many detours along the way for other stuff. this chap they finally revealed the final piece, he was the one that saved them from dying in that one car crash that put tsubasa in a coma, dying in the process himself.. only for it to be revealed a couple pages later that he's still alive??? I really don't understand what the hell ichinose is doing, really is a sad state of affairs when this can go into the 30s when better stuff gets axed way earlier
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Blue Box Ch109
lots of cute chinatsu faces in this chap and finally saw hina again after what feels like a billion years. hype for the next chap tho should be getting some very cute scenes 👀
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Cipher Academy Ch32
the final match of this tournament arc is finally here and it's.. a game of that of all things? I was wondering how the hell they were gonna incorporate codes into that but they did it in a way that makes sense looking forward to how this goes
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Martial Master Asumi Ch5
very cool chap, letting nito show off how strong he can really be when he's not holding back for some reason tho he's totally gonna get clapped next chap
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Sakamoto Days Ch127
the first of the slur fights is over and it was really good. good guys ended up losing as I expected but at least they managed to really fuck up the girl which should make things easier in the future, tho I'm hoping heisuke is the one to take her down as payback for this fight
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Undead Unluck Ch167
woulda liked to see more from this fight but it was good anyway, even got feng's backstory and the reveal that he's a negator too tho I figured that'd have to be the case. curious to see who the next member is gonna be since we're still missing quite a few
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My Hero Academia Ch394
the longest fight in the whole manga is finally over sheeesh not in terms of raw chapters amount but when it started vs when it ended cause it had a ton of stuff in between, it was good tho. not much more left now, I think just all might and AFO and the deku fights are left? getting closer and closer to the end OH today was also the 9th anniversary celebration colour page, I wouldn't be surprised if they had horikoshi keep this going til the 10th anni just so they can do special merch for tha occasion but we'll see
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Akane-banashi Ch70
incredibly good chap, don't really got much more I could say than that, just wow, god akane is sooooooo good. anyway now that akane's performance is done I'm p sure my previous prediction about the placements is gonna be true but ofc I still want her to win instead
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rubymoon-snape · 3 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron Legendary Defender.
Summary: Keith and Pidge are trapped under debris after liberating a planet.
Author Note: This is team as family.
"Keep Talking"
Pidge was rambling. She tended to do that when she was truly in a panic, and she was way beyond panicked at this moment. She and the rest of the Paladins had liberated another planet and had met with their leader along with Princess Allura. The citizens of the planet had heard about Keith's hybrid status and didn't mind that he was part Galra. He had proven himself when he protected their home planet.
During the celebration was when the quakes started. Apparently, the quakes were usually small and barely felt, but that quintant, they were quite severe and caused a bit of a panic. It was during this chaos that Keith and Pidge got caught under some of the roof that had caved in and under part of a wall that had started to crumble. Keith had protected Pidge as best he could and received a concussion for his efforts. The rest of the Paladins (and Allura and the natives) knew that the Red and Green Paladins were trapped and most likely injured, so they were trying to unearth them, but it was slow going since they didn't want to drop more debris on them.
"Heh. This kind of reminds me of this movie Matt was watching. I don't remember the title or much about the movie, but there was a group that got stuck in a very tight cave. At least I think it was a cave."
"I used...to watch...movies with my...Dad."
"Your Dad?"
"Yeah. He was...a firefighter. He...died when I...was seven."
"What kinds of movies would you two watch?"
"All kinds...westerns...fantasy...sci-fi...though he tended...to not watch any...that made fun of...aliens. I...guess I...know why now."
Pidge was still panicked, and she knew she had to keep Keith talking, which wasn't the easiest task. "So, did you watch any movies after your dad died?"
"No. The...foster families...didn't like...me, well...most didn't...so they never...let me."
"Well, then, you missed out on lots of great movies over the years, and you're in luck that my computer has a large file of different movies. When we get out of here and out of the pods, we'll have a movie night."
"That...sounds nice...Pidge, I'm...tired."
"No no no no, Keith. You can't go to sleep yet. You need to keep talking. Please."
"Um, tell me a story about you at the Garrison."
"I got...expelled from...the Garrison."
"What? Expelled? Iverson said you had 'discipline issues and flunked out.' What happened?"
"After the...fake news about...the Kerberos mission...Iverson had us...do a rescue...mission to...Kerberos. The loss...was still to raw...for me so I crashed...the simulator. He had...grabbed me and...started yelling...at me and...badmouthing Sh-Shiro. I p-punched...him in th-the eye..so hard th-that he can't s-see...out of it."
Pidge was simultaneously worried about the addition of the stutter to Keith's words and impressed that he had the gall to punch Iverson. "So, that's why he keeps the left eye closed. I had wondered."
Suddenly, there was a shift in the rubble around them and a distinct difference in air quality. Pidge found she could breathe easier. A voice called down to them. "Pidge? Keith? Are you two okay?"
It was Shiro.
"I love being stuck under several hundred pounds of debris, Shiro, but sarcasm aside, Keith's hurt. He saved me from the collapse and got a concussion. I don't know if there are any other injuries though."
"Yeah. We're trying to get you out."
"I'm t-tired...and cold."
That alarmed Shiro, who told the others. "We have to get to them fast. Keith's not got much time."
Within the next few doboshes, they managed to uncover the two Paladins, who were then rushed to the castle's med bay and put into pods despite Pidge saying she was fine.
Hunk knew how to get her to agree to treatment and said, "If you would get into a pod, I will have peanut butter cookies ready when you get out."
"Deal. Oh, and we're having movie night as well. Keith has missed out on most movies growing up," Pidge told them before she stepped into a pod. Before it took effect, she saw Lance and Hunk give her a thumbs up and Shiro give her a soft smile. It may have been a rough time, but she and Keith made it through, and she learned a bit more about her emo team mate.
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yukheisrosie · 4 years
F4!!! (A EXO x BTS fanfic.)
Hello! I am very proud to announce that I will also be posting my stories on here too! Starting with my F4 one! I don't have an actual title for it bc this is strictly for fun nd I thought this was a super cute ass plot for a story hhjhj.
This story is based off of one of my favorite shows on Netflix called 'Meteor Garden.' Please enjoy! nd pls be nice.!:-)
Here are the characters:
- Chelsy
- Rosie
- Jungkook
- Namjoon
- Yoongi
- Baekhyun
- Lucas
- Sehun
:') pls enjoy! Each chapter, I will be adding a Gif of the characters who were mostly starring in it. :p
(like imagine the whole wizards of wavily place transitions LMAO ok bye)
Part 2. :-)
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"Okay, How's this?" Chelsy asks, holding up a crop top
She wiggles it around for a bit in the air until realizing the person she was talking to wasn't listening whatsoever
"Yoongi!" She whines a little, quickly snapping the boy out of his trance
"Are you playing fortnite on another tab?!"
She leans a little closer to her laptop, looking around
"Huh? What? Of course not." Yoongi laughs, obviously lying as he continues to stare at the second tab on the screen
"Chelsy, I know how much clothes mean to you- I would never-"
His voice slowly fades away as he aggressively clicks faster on the mouse
"Dude, WHAT the FUCK."
A familiar voice yells through the mic on the other side and Chelsy instantly knew what was going on
"You just killed me, you asshole!"
"Is it my fault you don't know how to play?" Yoongi teases, letting out a victory laugh and the voice just continues to fire back at him with hurtful words
"Namjoon! Yoongi!" Chelsy calls out, catching their attention
"I've been trying to call you and add you to the group call for literally a whole ass hour."
It was silent until the sound behind the mic shuffles around
"My phones on silent!" Joon makes up
"Vibration kills too much battery."
Yoongi and Chelsy glance at each other with rolled eyes
"Just join the video chat, you sore loser." Yoongi encourages and Namjoon lets out one more comeback before pressing accept
"Tomorrow's the first day of uni." Chelsy announces, looking at both of her long term best friends
"Is this nothing special to you guys?"
"Of course it's special to us Chels." Yoongi sighs, pausing a little
"We just don't care as much as you do."
Chelsy's mouth just gapes open as Namjoon then chimes in
"It may be completely different from high school, but it's still going to be school." He says
"Yeah, nothing exciting happens in uni." Yoongi agrees
"It's just a bunch more students on a bigger campus." He sniffs, opening a water bottle and taking a sip out of it
"Don't forget better food!" Namjoon smiles
"I heard they make it themselves this time and it's not some like, prepackaged garbage."
Chelsy sighs at the two boys, looking at them minding their own business
She sits there as her thoughts consume her mind
Yoongi seemed to notice mid sip of his drink
"Hey!" He calls, placing the bottle down
"What's on your mind?"
Chelsy snaps out of the moment, blinking a little
"Nothing." She smiles
Yoongi just sips his water again, looking at her with a blank face, obviously not believing it
"We've known each other since elementary school." Namjoon says, now pressing pause on his mouse
"You really think by now we can't tell when you're lying?"
Chelsy lets out one more sigh, looking at the two
"I just want college to be-" She pauses
"More spectacular than how our high school days were." She shrugs
"This is just one more step closer into our official adult life! I think we should take advantage of every opportunity that would remind us that we're still young, you know?"
The boys remain quiet until Namjoon lets out a small scoff
"I've always admired that about you." He admits
"You remind us about the good things in life, and not just school and work."
"It's one of the many reasons why you're such an amazing person." He compliments
"That and if me and this asshole were alone, we'd probably be dead by now." He teases
"We wouldn't have a sense of direction."
"It's true." Yoongi agrees
"He'd be crying right now because I beat him for the third time, but since you're here-"
"Okay, that's literally the exact opposite of what I was implying you dick." Joon squints, having the two let out a small laugh
"I think that's enough for tonight you guys." Chelsy smiles, stepping in
"We should all get some sleep yeah?" She suggests
"I wanna be able to explore the campus more before we go to our classes."
"She's right." Yoongi nods, taking his last sip
"It's a good thing we all chose to major in the same thing." Namjoon mentions
"Not a lot of people get into nutrition."
"Yeah, some of us got in out of pure luck." Yoongi teases, pointing to Namjoons frame
"I have the feeling that you want to fight." Namjoon snaps and Yoongi just laughs
"Okay, really though." Yoongi smiles
"Let's get some rest. I gotta learn how to get back on my sleeping schedule."
"We'll be in front of your house by eight thirty." Namjoon smiles
"Eight fifteen!" Chelsy corrects him
"Yes mom." Yoongi teases and Chelsy rolls her eyes before the three of them said their goodnights and goodbyes
She closes her laptop shut before rushing into bed and turning off her bed lamp
Staring up into the darkness, Chelsy's mind starts to wander out of both excitement and anxiety
Although it seemed as if the nerves overpowered most of her body, she was excited and ready for this new step into her new life
If you wanna support a fellow writer nd read it on Wattpad pls feel free to here: !!
I post on there first! hehe :D
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retphienix · 3 years
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There are so many fucking games I want to play for the blog and I hypothetically have the time, but the energy, the attention span, the drive?
In more positive terms here are some various titles I plan to give a shot for the blog.
Let's do a 5am state of the blog kind of thing to clear some thoughts, eh?
Morrowind (Current Game ramble)
For the moment the blog is more or less on break with me playing Morrowind ""For the blog"" but mostly for me, because that's just a game I've wanted to explore. Not that every other game on the blog isn't that, just that I looked at Morrowind and said "That'll be a terrible game to present naturally. That's a stream game, or a condensed video, not a liveblog" and then did it anyway.
I'm loving Morrowind! Honestly the sense of mystery, fantasy, and adventure is just chef kiss levels of perfect to me.
But it's terrible in a photoset, I'm not particularly interested in doing another format for the game, and it's a game with less 'intense narrative themes!' and more 'Incredibly different game design compared to modern Bethesda' in terms of discussion material and let's all be real here:
We're all fucking tired of that conversation lol.
So there ain't much to talk on in depth, it's more of a "Here's a newbie seeing new things!" playthrough with nothing to talk about after the fact, which ain't a strong point for the blog- again- that's a stream/video kind of thing.
ANYWHO- Morrowind fun, about the only news I can offer on that series is that it might abruptly end and become a 'for me' series because I'm not particularly interested in beating the game nearly as much as I'm interested in exploring aimlessly and seeing what happens.
I'm not playing Morrowind for the end goal of beating the main quest, or beating the DLCs. I'm playing it to wander into caves and find new pants, so if I reach a point where I'm satisfied with what I've shared and my motivation has not borne a new end goal then I'll end the live blog and move on to a new game :P
The short statement I'll make is that this blog is a hell for my backlog.
Even without infinite money on hand I've ended up with so many physical and digital games just sitting here waiting to be played either because they caught my eye or because of recommendations by various people over the years.
I keep sitting down, cataloguing my backlog, realizing it's pointless to catalog, deleting it all, and then starting over yet again.
The fact is, if anyone recommended it it's probably still sitting in a text document somewhere, or physically on my shelf, and I don't remotely know when I'll get to it.
I've yet to hit the point where I decide to turn this blog into work, so I have never sat down and gone "Well, Retphienix NEEDS to post! Sit down, 8-12 hours minimum, let's play the next game!"
And part of me wishes I'd do that, but the fact is this isn't a job. There's no money here, there's the opposite even! I don't remotely see it that way, but if you squint and tilt your head I've spent a lot of money on this blog over the years.
Capture devices (a lot of them!), consoles specifically bought for the blog, controllers out the wazoo, I've gone through multiple computers for this thing, and the games, my lord the games- so many games.
And that's fiscally, what about manpower? So many hours have gone into this blog, so many hours poured into the background of making all this work, researching shit, putting my all into formulating my opinions clearly for posts, writing, hell video shit even though it's mostly clips as my one step into edited content became an impromptu awkward hiatus from doing more lol.
What was I on about.
Despite all that nonsense, Retphienix is a passion project. Not a job.
If I lack the passion in some sense then the work doesn't get done "just for the sake of the work". And I don't mean lost passion as much as "No motivation on x day; tired on y day; interested in doing something else on z day" etc.
If things aren't clickin' I don't force it, so the blog has all this backlog and isn't put together in a way that facilitates burning through it quickly.
I do sometimes wish things were different though, I know I'd still enjoy such a playstyle, but I can't justify "faking it til you make it" in a format that literally isn't built to pay and was never intended to.
I can't work myself for nothin'.
Hypothetical "Next" games
While the backlog is a wild wasteland of titles, there are some that just kinda guarantee their spots sooner rather than later.
Yakuza 6 and 7 along with Judgment, obviously. The series is one of my all time favorites and I generally have some of my absolute most fun on the blog side of things with those games, so it's a winner on two fronts. It's just fun to react to, post out of context things for, and talk with other fans about and for whatever reason tumblr has a healthy enough fanbase for the series that my meager blog gets some attention there.
Dragon Quest has a strangely weighted chance all things considered. DQ has many of the same advantages as Yakuza- it's a series I adore, it's fun to talk about in this format, and the fandom is big enough to occasionally spill my way making the blogging experience a bit more fun. It's also a series where I don't know what'd come next to be fair. Probably DQ4? I mean, might as well continue on from that point since I have 1-3 done. I can't exactly justify replaying the entirety of DQ11 no matter how much I want to! Turning on the games above gave me DQ goosebumps which kinda settled how likely it is to show up sooner rather than later, lol.
Jeez. I looked at one of my surviving lists and that's like all that's popping out at me.
Other series feel like giant leaps with no gas in the tank, like do I want to start playing Kingdom Hearts? Not really, not right now. Do I finally play Lisa? Eeeeeeh. Persona? Hmmmm.
I haven't the fuzziest. There are so many one off interesting titles, but if the drive ain't there they might as well be textbooks.
Perhaps instead of any major next game I'll just do some afternoons exploring random titles for a bit here and there with no intention of beating em.
The idea is enticing as hell, but the feeling of not giving the game's a "real shake" feels bad.
We'll see. The only certainties seem to be Yakuza and DQ, as much as I'd prefer far more.
Side project hypotheticals
Outside of the basic live blog stuff I'm still interested in exploring scripted stuff. Mostly to prove to myself that I can overcome some anxieties and break from the meandering pace the last effort gave- I can write! That much I know! So just gotta trick myself into writing for a video and then make the video after the fact lol.
Current thoughts are on a video exploring the monster taming sub-genre. It's a genre near and dear to my heart, and one I know some weird things about as is- but mostly it's a genre I KNOW I know very little about despite that, so I'd like to give it an overall look, or perhaps just explore some random entries, I haven't a clue lol. I'd mostly like an opportunity to talk about some interesting entries in the genre, things like explaining my adoration for DWM while explaining how the flaws make it really rough today, or the interesting mash of genres that is Lost Magic, or the more modern take that mashes idle-like mechanics with Siralim Ultimate.
Won't lie, playing the demo for Monster Hunter Stories 2 threw a wrench in that plan because it made me want to talk about it and how the genre might have a new breath of life after really grinding to a halt as pokemon became what it is today, but all to be seen or not lol.
As far as other things like streams? Not really.
The concept of writing a bit more on games is tickling the back of my head lately, but that mostly just means "more posts that aren't live-blogging" as I haven't the fuzziest where I'd share such nonsense.
Really it's all up in the air as far as retphienix content is concerned, beyond the live blogging obviously.
5am closing
It's fun to explore what games have to offer, both on the individual level, the personal level, and as a whole- as a medium.
So I like Retphienix.
And I like all I've made here.
I hope to continue for a long, long time- no matter what future formats might look like.
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