#still bitter about how impersonal rex's appeal to wolffe was tbh
lamaenthel · 5 months
torn between glee at finally getting an action episode and exasperation, because besides what I'm calling the asked-and-answered trope (aka the trope where the writers want something to happen even if it causes a giant plot hole and they "resolve" the conflict by having one character ask the other why X happened and they answer it with a single sentence and never revisit it ["why did i never see you on kamino?" "I was needed elsewhere" {what the fuck}]) my second least favorite trope is "well, that's not exactly true" followed by a character admitting they kept information vital to the plot secret for flimsy ass reasons. Because ykw, even if Cross was deadset about never going back to Tantiss to help the clones still being mercilessly tortured and experimented on by Dr Demagol Space Mengele (and I thought we resolved the reg prejudice during the Mayday arc?? but what do I know I guess) there's no reason to not pass that information onto Rex and Echo??? Bro you want to retire with your baby daughtersis in Space Hawaii then do it, you don't need to hold this information close to your chest. Literally just don't tell Omega if you're worried about her involving herself. She's like 14 it's fine you can lie to teenagers
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