#still angry that his clothes got put on the ground outside but at least hed be home
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itissadbutitsmy-artblog · 1 year ago
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this has been driving me up the wall. blaines a teenager they didnt LOOK for spader. come on. they looked around a little without moving their feet, and checked his bed, and shrugged and went to sleep and ignored the sick feeling in the pit of their stomach because looking any harder would be too much work. spaders probably fine. maybe he'll hear their coffeepot in the morning and come back? transcript under cut this time this post is too long as it is
blaine: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU HEATHENS? cadebra: we are trying to locate YOUR FRIEND, using a simple locator spell from our textbook!
blaine: blaine: well thats a smart idea
cadebra: well what have YOU done to find him?
blaine: spaderrrr! c'mon, it's late. blaine: (rattling a canister of coffee beans) heeeere spader blaine: sigh
cadebra: oh my glob? did you expect to just come out in the morning and see him curled up on his jacket? blaine: shut up ok cadebra: has that worked BEFORE? cadebra: cuz if theres one thing i know about spader it's that he does not like his clothes getting dirty
blaine: well... blaine, in their imagination: oh, good morning spader spader: >:( blaine: did you have a nice night out? spader: (bouncing anxiously) you leave my stuff outside again, you DIE. m'kay? blaine: ... I think it could have worked.
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kurasmaniac-blog · 4 years ago
#it needed to be more violent, I’m going to burry you, you don’t have magic.
In the hospital
daddy dropped me
there are historical figures and concubine queens
they chose me as martyr for my workout regime and as reward for my honesty
little girls resemble solid black babies who try and eat your face openly
tried to fix their dented heads when they got dropped from their cribs
syringles full of things slightly acidic
they opened my trachea
i was unconcious and interrogated
i begin smacking them around
TELLING them how stupid it was to do a thing like that
still managed to tell them a few things they didn't know
at home
finger nail clipping troubles
black widow bites
white python with yellow rings
they think they can abandon me if not completely financially
put hom outside
generaly not there very much
no tv
on and off one way then the other
they refuse to feed me
two faced talking to kids who would have been my frinds
i don't get hurt very much i guess
tee ball
dented a kids head for harassing me
coach thinks he can fuck my little butt
i knocked half his teeth out
one swing
no damage initially but as he tries to go back to get my poor little butt hole
i was three
they all talk to eachother about what a bad little shit i must be
pedophile kids in day care #1
moved on to a second
fought every kid who asked me
knocked a kids teeth out for being a little mexican and trying to give everyone HIV
teacher knew the two intruders and tried to drug me
one single cop shows up somehow tries to break one of my wrists
i can see he is full of crying and try to assist him mentally
i continue fighting kids relentlessly
residual growing from the drugs
in and out seeing it all conciously
people try to break my legs
their wish dreams begin manafesting showing me broken memories and arguing that they had done what they said
im still 100% in tact
my grandmother on each side trys to rape me
assorted shit they try and feed me
elementary school starting with kindergarten
i rip a little girls broken arm off basically
a few more kids say they have fought me
little girl tries putting paper clips in my head
i bend her jaw with two punches
she loses her mind and says "i just got that off"
my soul smiles up at them openly
first grade second grade the cops had already seen me
i loved jumping off swings
but i had hurt so many people god came down and put my face in the ground
as high as the roof landing solely and flat on my face
i bled crainially
a puddle of clear liquid on my face and desk they would have licked me
stop defending yourself you're fucking the kids up
kid thinks he is hercules and wants to help everyone by trying to break my nose
i lie to him like they had lied to me
my nose is clearly not broken
i lose more of the kids its like they're just not there
i lose the ability to run without pain
teeth filed
suppposidly removed for breaking the coaches face
second set is given to me
i had only walked into school twice even at that point
ultra decked a kid because a girl said he was a little fucker "stop raping me" they said
more drugs for beating so many of their children
kids who had been to my house lose it and go after things pets and family
there was supposed to be a funeral at some point they tried to kill me
i broke a toe walking down to the kitchen for a drink
i was sent back home from hell and scared the shit out of everyone royaly
im no longer capable of hearing them try and explain their reasons to me
one night i woke up having to remind myself to breath
brother and girlfriend kill parents
they go after me
putting cigarettes out in my nose
trying to cut
and failing horribly
the girl was daughter of a police officer whose face i had also broken right after his daughter
at a friends house other dad and second son come hope after going to the hospital having tried teaching the boy fighting and yanking his neck breaking the spine they
they had refused treatment and his head falls off in my arms
i had still only used violence defensively
i refuse to take karate for fear of perminantly damaging a student then instructor in that order
on anotyher night the dad of the dead boy tries to fuck my poor little butt hole
my only explanation is i simply don't and can't have the fucking of my butt magically
loss of memory
cop dughter girl has doctors try and cut off my arms and legs leave a for fork in my chest and chain me to my bed
the chains are broken i manifest new arms and legs which i use a bit to grab the girls face a bit and i notice they urge me to not hurt the girl by fading in and out
there are too mny things in my list here for me to just be full of shit believe me
sixth grade camp for 2 of the 7 day week a proctor dissapears for judging me and another kid and trying to put shit on at least my ear
he dissapears
my pants and broken belt fell off in front of a girl and i notice she has trouble not noticing my nuts
jr high first new friend trys to hold me under water but i didn't like it and shattered one of his testicles he has one
at a girls party somehow i overstayed my welcome so they try and cut my face off paint it with tatoo ink burn bitch at then shun me
before i can get out i find myself inside the house and the girl freaks out she wanted me to leave because my mother followed me in and i had to bitch slap her
i make a big scene talking to my mom on a cell phone they don't like me
the girls dad carrys me outside by the shirt and puts me directly into mothers car
pipe bomb
met tiesto he lived there i guess
the girl was rape/fucked because people knew my parents thinking of them poorly
i would have to have at least one of these mentioned having this many
havent done homework since second grade
little herculese still thinks of bending one of my arms so i shove a foot right up under his girlfriends butt in a class
on an extended field trip a fat kid drugs me and i hear i defiled a sanctuary but don't have memory of crying myself to sleep much less living with it like a mistake at all actually
kids had put shit in their pockets and thought of me
i don't get to go to the girls second party
on the final days of school field trip i miss the buss call but find some kids who stayed also find myself out by a buss and rape a police officer to get myself put home
i had robbed a crain game and grabbed at least 15 stuffed toys
i was punnished for not doing the monkey bars right and dislocate a sholder but still manage to get to the top the climbing pole
teleport frisbe
a bee flies right up into my shorts and didn't seem to want to leave
im debating not going back to add in all the other things for elementary school typing this is tiresome in itself
high school
staying late after school eventually turns to my brother throwing my dad a surprise party where i had died in the bathroom party girl put magnesium on my hed and it melted its way right through me
the bathroom is a mess and my dad watched me die
i pop back up and walk out into the living room naked not having clothes some mexican kids tried to piss all over my room
there must have been something wrong with my dad for refusing reason like he did i hear i knocked teeth out of his face for my poor little butt holes honor
barbeque injector to the heart
huge trap door spider made a snack of me
people tried to kill my cat
loss of vision but there were people who tried talking to me
the police had investigated the corpse in the bathroom and say it wasn't me
i smiled
stabbing for my method of provocation
soemthing fucked me
someone cut the skin off my left arm and tried to wear it
the next day i walk back to the hangout just fine
people threw rocks at my mother i didn't make it all the way home conciously
i thuroughly haunted a school performance and broke a girls face for their indirectivity
my bend in my jaw is still there
i don't go to my fathers house anymore after that party
find myself at my mothers and know not much more than that her housband breathes heavily when hes angry
when im at another house with one of his kids i end up staying for a week strait
when they wre drinking they poison me
on another night i make it too the bathroom after drinking heavily and think of it as a victory
i wake up in the bathroom with my left hand clutched around a puking girls pony tail shes screaming WAKE UP WAKE UP don't put my head in the toilet
as i take it off my hand responds slugishly with each finger prying itself off individually starting from the left pinky
i clutch my hand and call back to sleep
i have a few short visions one of a neck readjustment i enjoy pranoidly
another of my mother and her housband trying to get me to leave that house why not just put me outside
i get a car
i drift around this same turn in my city 10 times having looked at the reason and ignoring my good way out i slam one front left axel into the curb breaking it loose then take a right turn and make it to a spot to park
the tire stayed on and they cannot police me
im gifted a few dips in the road and scrape part of a plastic under carrige piece off partially but being half an inch thick it cannot have happened
i was smoking at a church and let a guy try my manual car without me i hear a loud crash but the car seems fine later i realize he must have tried to blow the transmission seeing how the car acted just after
the car now runs on me
another set of people tests me at first mostly with steroids in a single spot cutting drugging
when someone threatens me i still just tell them to hurry the fuck up
a few long trips drugs found a girl with "tongue fur" which i cant have because earlier i was given a yellow funguns that was "if you're not dead in a week that's not what this is" i lived and the fungus formed a line around the horizontal rim of my tongue
there is a tackle box on every corner and everyone is on a foreign telephone netowrk
one night i appear just in front of my drive way pull in and am followed throught the door shot up and left unconcious
earlier there had been mexican workers broght from a separate city so many that step father is shuned "you never bring them back"
if a person fails it is clearly their fault or literal mind rape possibly
i made the girl who showed interest hot and for a while she thinks of it as raping me until she gets HIV
the last mentioned group of people one night summon me with wishes to go and have a rave far away and by the end the only thing i can say is they couldn't afford what I bought them by being there
a girl of them is kidnapped and raped supposidly
i tried many times after being shot up maybe 10 times taking pills and not smoking to pull her ass back to my car but the best i can do is offer my sholder for stabbing
the brakes became clogged with sand
we were moved and i took people home
the girl is recovered by one of the group and her authority father she had jondis
the now hot rape girl and a guy had given HIV to many people including both their families
i got a job
i somehow broke the computer system at that restourant but i had been driving my car with parifanalia and a broken tail light for long enough to get the idea i should use this chance to continue my high school work of being there weather anyone liked it or not
the cop whos sons head had fallen off in my arms tied to put a harpoon slug in my left eye
one morning on the way to school my windows had been rolled up and the frost was heavy on my windshield
i back out at a point of defrosting thinking it would clear up but find myself in the same place as before looking right at the answer clearly but not able to act
i passed throught a pillar my mother having been pushed into the drive way and proctor on the corner of my mountain rode street where there were some kids waiting for a buss i had never noticed
hercules had killed one of my cats for raping his home and i end up running over a kid who was playing in the street
the proctor pulls a boi knife and puts it through my face i have a vision of POW soldiers being hydrolically injected so i say no
one of the kids starts yelling about how a little gir had started crying and i pull off to make more magic
parts of the kids body were stuck to the bottom of my car and i took all of it strait to the closest parking space at the school to the school
there were police waiting but they just shoot so i vanish again losing memory not really knowing
the puddle was hercules' little cousin and my cat was at home
i did mushrooms up in the mountains and played car pinball all the way down to a friends house
the police showed up there but i had already fallen asleep from eating too many mushrooms
at the school graduation there was a special surprise for me in the form of some guy holding my diploma who the just ran thinking i didn't have it but did
father was there and tried to rip it in half i vanish again
my year book had been handed around the whole school
i didn't see it at all i'll make some wish for that later as long as not too much is a staged story
many people have HIV at this point
one final night after work i had been drugged for a week or so by the guy who brought the HIV back from cuba
i cant do anything but hurt people
she stood there in the hall unable to call me a bitch without explanation and I finally understood psychology
that part of their face is bent, so is mine but if it actually matters i wont ever care
i don't have HIV but i like to think that maybe some had been let go
i don't know how much of that acid they gave me but i drove home parked turned the music up as my brain dried out
if anyone had an objection i didn't hear of it right then
brother and the second cop had the second cops dad take drills to my teeth at a party i was summoned to
the damage wasnt immediate but later and just some
if that kid was hercules then my tee ball coach was zues whose lack of teeth have fucked my head up for years
i went to the planned parenthood and almost was raped but found myself outside
i was taken to two 5150's where by the end one had missing people the the other had seen me inside a secret wall room
i end up in the mountains one night and a kid with heppatitis shoots me up
everyone has a fucking needle
historical figures all around along with a zues and herculese makes me think there once was an after life but they refused to take responsibility and leave it there before showing up here to rape little boys
i raped and took a walk through the rave in LA one night on invitation apparently party girl told me i was a fagot
i didn't pay but i still even got inside after tiesto himself had failed to just walk up and beat me
once inside i was split into five went everywhere then took a seat up in the top section
they asked me to leave twice played me part of a song saw my brother and floated down to a door across the crowd from where I was
i landed on the other side near the enterance to the VIP section but just walked out into the fog
went the wrong way and found myself home turned the music up and began wrenching around my bent faw right side
finally once i headed around to the back drive way it was loud again but i had a magic barrier that kep the high school kids away and the kids kept the other people away
my head started screaming at me and i was alone with it to beat as time went on
my psichiatrist heard me once say that the human trafficing people couldn't do anything about me either so they decided t kill me
one night i was sick with the flu had a heart attack
another day i went out to mow the lawn but i had gotten so clogged by the medications there was some pain
a while after i see my drivers license picture looks just like the kid from terminator two after he beat that hooker
on walks i found things i had never seen a mushroom that reminded me of a lamp shade red fat butt spiders like a black widow and small tube scrap that looked like it had been cut
i was going to use it as a blunt crutch but thought it might be metal lit one end and held it at the other
it was hot in less than 1 second and probably cold before i dropped it
i think about it having the mark of being cut and a piece left from it being broken off but i don't think people have anything like it
i threw it away thinking nobody would ever give a fuck who cares i found it on a walk no you don't have it
i have the kings crown magnet still
on the way i had broken kids cops an fbi agent but who gives a fuck i was born in a hospital
the phich meds were good for a while and i had gone back to laughing then suddenly it turned drastically to extreme discomfort the word for which people still don't acknowlege
it was that way for at least a year of painful discomfort not being able to sit still or stand
until one day i decided to give a bit and stop taking the medication
then the drugs quietly gently turned back a few different attempts later
but the yelling i had done in my room and the music had attracted me attention again i didn't hear of any of it from a person at all
nother guy dances down my hallway uninvited bounces into my room and tries to flip the light switch but the bulb breaks and im sitting there blinded by the light of my computer screne
they cant hear me thinking
someone got the little girl at the end of the street the tongue fur right the fuck up in the top end of it
i herd some people outside my window even my land lord so i guess they cant get the fuck out of my house either
i got my new house of my own in a mobile home park and in the first few days someone had assigned a hagared lady to try and do "something"
once the pandemic hit in the first few days there was a guy in a truck and not knowing well enough to stay away i talked to him
my casual manerisms concerned the people from down the street
but after the builders tried to crack the house in half and the HIV kids spitting at my father
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