#still a little scared she looks too fleshy colored but i think its okay hopefully….
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nafohcnis · 1 year ago
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trollsona posting agaiijnn.. made thsi for my friend @klazomaniaccc who said whatever genre i give them just base it off cocteau twins so i diddd :3
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gukknj · 6 years ago
rebirth (m)︱prologue
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summary: as you enter a completely new world, you realize that do-overs aren’t always a good thing.
pairing(s): jeon jungkook x feminine reader, park jimin x feminine reader
genre: vampire au
warnings: mentions of death, blood
The concept in itself was a deep-rooted disorienting irony that not many could put into comprehensive words unless they were philosophers or nature-worshipping stoners. However, in this case, it was quite literal. To spend a long period of time gaining essential things to live; sight, taste, smell, touch, sound, and everything in between before being thrust into the world. To have a mother hold you in her arms for the first time, overwhelmed that she has created such a life. There were a lot of similarities, of course. But nothing was comforting about your predicament, if only the arms wrapped tightly around your body, squeezing in reassurance and support.
You took your first breath and it took all of your energy to do so, to breathe. You didn't remember breathing to be so draining, at least not to the point where you had to focus extremely hard to get a steady flow of oxygen in and out of your mouth. The air choked you until you were a sputtering mess, coughing up whatever your stomach couldn't hold down. Your eyes shot open as the retched substance continued projecting from your mouth, and you would've found the dark red blood spilling into the ground below you more alarming had your eyes didn't cause such a burning sting. It seemed as if everything inside of you was broken. Even the sounds of nature that you vaguely remembered, birds chirping and squirrels running, it was so grating and painful to your sensitive ears. 
"Fuck," a melodic voice cursed in a whisper to the right of you. That's when you noticed the hands on your shoulder, trying desperately to rub your pain away. It took much of your strength to turn and open your eyes to see the person. The vibrancy of her red hair shocked your corneas, you had to blink rapidly to finally get a true focus on the girl. She had small worry lines on her forehead and her pink lips were pulled into a frown, but even so, she remained breathtaking. If you didn't feel like you were in hell, you would've first thought of her as a sweet, cherubic angel. 
"It's okay, honey. It's okay. You're going to be fine." She assured in rushed whispers, still rubbing your shoulders and back to help you calm down. "I'm going to take you home, okay? It's safe there. I'm going to carry you now, alright? Don't worry, I got you." The redhead's soothing voice calmed you like a lullaby as you surrendered your body weight into her strong arms. 
It was hard to recall things. Your location, friends, family, name - they all slipped from your memory as a dream would. You remembered feelings, mostly. Feeling elated as you spent your last day with someone you loved. Feeling depressed after losing someone you loved. Feeling frightened in the final moments of your life. As your brightly colored savior carried you with ease, you used the time to zero in on her features and hopefully trigger a memory of her. Her skin shone bright like honeydew, healthy and without a blemish that you could distinguish. Her cheeks reminded you of a chipmunk's, fleshy and round but still incredibly endearing, much like her naturally pouty lips. 
You're sure that her image was burned into your mind as your eyes fluttered shut once again. You weren't asleep but you wished that you were, if only so you couldn't hear everything making noises around you. 
Why didn't you just die? Why are you here again? 
You barely had time to properly rationalize the ever so annoying stream of questions running through your mind. The girl came to a halt. You forced your heavy eyelids up, blinking rapidly to get yourself to focus. In the blur of your worldview and through the shadows of the night, you could make out a cottage style home and a man standing on the steps to the front door. You wished for the mental capabilities to decipher what his expression looked like. Did the redhead bring you back to face your demise a second time? A pang of fear shot through your heart, and it triggered another bout of blood to come spewing out of your mouth.
The girl sniffled and held your failing body closer. She smelled of strawberries and fabric softener, a combination that had you burrowing yourself into her right back. You didn't really understand what was going on, but there were lots of silent looks exchanged between the man and woman, lots of muffled words you couldn't quite make out and didn't care to as the girl carried you into the lodge. Your body was placed carefully onto a creaky table and left alone. You strained your ears to hear the conversation that began once they entered a different room.
"I don't fucking know what's wrong with her, Jimin. I - I was just trying to, you know, fucking save her goddamn life and she wakes up like that." The girl's sweet voice turned gradually manic, wavering ever so slightly. "And...and her body kept rejecting the blood, like, the blood wasn't working and then she kept throwing up and fuck, fuck, fuck, I think I really did something wrong." She cried. The man soothed her with soft reassurances. His voice was just as delicate as hers, if not more.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Something isn't right with her, we just don't know what yet. Do you know her name?" Jimin asked. Silence. "Do you know anything about her?" He continued. A huge sigh. "I need you to go to Eden and get Jin. He'll know what to do." 
"I'm not leaving her here with you. She's going to lose her fucking mind. she doesn't even know you."
"You're the only one of us able to access Eden without burning fucking alive, Chae. Being alone with me for a few hours is the least of this poor girl's worries." 
Their voices lowered to angry whispers and you could tell that there was a lot more push and pull before, five minutes later, the girl ("Chae") had run out of the door. You swallowed back a thick clump of bloody vomit threatening to shoot out of you, then allowed yourself to let the water building in your eyes fall to your ears. Small footfalls on the creaky, old floor were your only indication that you weren't alone anymore. 
"I'm not here to hurt you." He began. It wasn't as reassuring as he hoped it'd be because you snorted immediately. "My name is Jimin." He grabbed a stool and slid it beside the table to sit. Seeing your drained, puffy face made him feel even worse about your situation. "I know this is all very confusing, but I'll try to explain. You died." He put simply. You nodded at him, fearing how rough you'd sound if you spoke in comparison to his angelic voice. "My younger sister, Chae, brought you back to life. Not necessarily the same life, though. A new life." 
You coughed, trying to clear your throat in preparation for speaking. "Dying." You croaked, pointing to yourself. Jimin shook his head and his shaggy blonde hair shook with him. Even in the dim lighting, he was a dreamboat, clearly resembling his sister in more ways than one. 
"You aren't dying. Your body is just struggling to get used to its new form."
He answered with an unhelpful nod. Form. Were you still a human being? The new bit of information shook you to the core. Terror is what you felt, and it reminded you of your death. You only remembered the feeling of terror taking over your body until you couldn't breathe anymore. Hyperventilating. 
Jimin quickly pulled the top half of your body up and wrapped your arms around him. Your sharp breaths wouldn't slow. The air was trying to suffocate you once again. 
"Hey, slow down. It's okay." He murmured into your hair. "Nothing bad will happen to you. I'm here to help. You know, I used to be scared of all this too. I used to cry and shake and beg for someone to kill me again." He whispered. You managed to slow down your panicked pants to listen to his words. "But, above all else...you're alive. Your first life isn't always a gift, it's usually harsh and eye-opening and depressing. Second life is a gift. It means that you can start over with all the knowledge you've previously gained in the last life. You're wiser and more attuned to your instincts, more than any human could ever be." You'd pulled yourself from his embrace to see his face. 
"We aren't humans." You wanted it to be a question, but his story was enough confirmation. 
"I don't think we ever truly were." He said. Before you could ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, a sharp stinging pain hit your lower stomach causing you to cry out in distress. Jimin tried to soothe you. "It's going to hurt for a little while until we find a better alternative. I have an old friend, Jin, who knows all about these things. He's on his way."
One question still lingered on your mind. A question that both frightened and excited you. 
"Jimin," you whispered. He looked down at you, clear worry etched onto his beautiful face. "You can make fun of me if this is wrong...or call me an idiot or whatever but I have to ask." You fiddled with your fingers, pouting. You didn't quite know how to describe it. "Am I, like," hesitantly, you use your index fingers as prosthetic fangs and mock a hiss. You didn't want to say it because it sounded ridiculous. Granted, the goofy demonstration wasn't a better alternative.
It was the first time you saw him smile and his face scrunched up so adorably, his eyes turning into little crescent moons, not unlike a cartoon character. However, it was unsettling given the subject matter. 
"Cute. You're going to be a lovely little bloodsucker." He cooed. Your breath caught in your throat. Bloodsucker. Jimin smiled and you knew that no matter how your life was before, no matter what you did or how you did it, it was all gone down the drain and you'd never get it back.
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