#sticky-note stories
reiningsoral · 2 months
Sticky-Note Stories: Breaking Walls (emotionally and physically)
a/n: tws for swearing, mild descriptions of violence? not very bad, nobody really gets hurt
Lynx crashed through a brick wall. Okay, so this maybe wasn't your average, run-of-the-mill villain, then.
“Mgh… ow,” She mumbled, sitting up and shaking the brick dust out of her hair. She took the moments of the villain focusing on her crime-fighting partner, Ren, to collect herself and regain her balance on her feet.
“LYNX! I GET THAT YOU WERE JUST SLAMMED THROUGH A WALL-” Ren shouted from atop a building, where he was doing more dodging than fighting, “-BUT LIKE, I'M GONNA DIE OVER HERE!”
Lynx cursed as she tapped her comms device, running over to her partner to help. Just her luck, of course, that it broke on impact. Fantastic.
The purple-clad hero made it to the building and scaled the fire escape, narrowly avoiding a piece of debris flying by.
This villain certainly was… different. For one, she hadn’t seen a powered villain in a while, or ever, even. Definitely not in her time working for the institute. The only powered person she really fought on the regular was that one vigilante that worked with Black Cat and Poison… What was their alias? Fox, or something?
Lynx sighed as she hauled herself up onto the roof of the building, her limbs feeling heavier than she’d liked to admit.
“Well, hello!” her green-themed friend greeted far too cheerfully as he swung his scythe to block an incoming attack.
“Shut the fuck up,” Lynx grumbled, ducking under Ren’s swing at the villain, “ugh, I’m gonna sleep for a day and a half when we get back, I swear…”
The two heroes both narrowly dodged another piece of debris. Gods, it’s a damn good thing they weren’t near any densely populated areas.
The fight went on longer than either of them would have liked, and were too proud to admit.
“We didn’t even catch the guy, fuck they’re gonna be pissed,” Lynx groaned, hanging herself off of Ren as they made their way back to the Tower.
“Dude, they’re not gonna be that upset. We’ve only known about that villain for like, a day. Literally nobody knew how weak or strong he’d be.” Ren shoved Lynx away. “Dramatic ass.”
“Oh, shut up, you-!” Lynx cut off her half-formed insult as something caught her eye in an alleyway below them. “... yo, did you see that?”
“Hm? What?” Ren looked up from his watch, “what was it?”
“Dunno… hang on.” Lynx quietly jumped down into the alley, using the soft yellow glow from her eye to look around. Maybe it was a rat. “Must’ve been an alley cat or someth-”
“You got that part right!”
Lynx yelped.
The cat-themed vigilante cackled as Lynx jumped, whipping around to face her. “Hey! Long time no see, eh?”
Lynx growled. “You are a piece of-”
“-piece of vigilante shit and I deserve to be arrested and held forever for my crimes, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, calm your shitbags, I just need to give you something.” Black Cat rolled her eyes. The soft glow of Lynx’s cybernetic eye illuminated the cat-slit pupils of the young vigilante.
Lynx’s posture relaxed ever-so-slightly as she ignored her partner’s voice. Something about running off real quick taking care of a robbery.
“...And that would be..?”
The vigilante held out a folded piece of paper with her vigilante trio’s symbol– a circle with a “V” drawn in it, the edges of the V crossed outside the circle a bit and an eye in between the lines of the v– stamped on the front.
“I don’t actually know,” she shrugged, “Ve- uh, Poison just told me to give it to you.” She grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the dim light, as Lynx cautiously took the paper.
“...Thanks.” She pocketed it.
“Aaaaaanyway, I’m gonna get going before you arrest me, bye!” Black Cat was gone before Lynx even had a chance to process.
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machveil · 3 days
Neighbor!König Headcanons
before the events of the sticky note exchange! just some thoughts while I write pt 3
Neighbor!König didn’t realize his old neighbor moved out - he happened to be deployed when they did. he was surprised to see a bunch of boxes against the wall between his door and yours
Neighbor!König whose brain short circuits when he sees you exit the elevator, another box in your arms. he’s not too sure what to do, he was just leaving his apartment to run to the store
his hands are a little sweaty, mouth goes a little dry. he’s absolutely taken with you when you look up at him, all wide eyed and awed. it’s the first time you’ve seen each other and he’s pretty sure his heart stopped for a moment. he can’t find his voice when you say ‘hi’, so he awkwardly waves and ducks back into his apartment - he’ll get his groceries later
he’s silently debating whether he should go back out there and offer you a hand or just leave you be. eyes darting between his front door and his keys. would it be weird to go back out into the hallway? he just stared at you and waved, was that strange? do you think he’s a creep? a behemoth of a man who just quietly looked at you and left?
safe to say, he decided to just sit down on his couch. sighing, looking up at the ceiling, his shoulders slump. you were so pretty, he thinks. maybe that’s why his stomach did a flip when he heard your voice, because that was pretty too
he didn’t see you again for a week. he figured it was too late for a proper introduction, he’d just be your… quiet, weird neighbor. he didn’t want to be that, but the back of his mind kept replying his retreat. yeah, maybe it’s better to let that situation be
so when he entered the building after a walk around the block, he was startled when your hand caught the closing elevator doors. you had smiled at him, he saw your mouth moving as you talked - probably a greeting? he couldn’t be sure, he too focused on not taking up too much room in the cramped space. so when he heard you introduce yourself, heard you ask for his name, he blinked
“Ah— König.”, he mumbled, gaze darting towards the bright yellow floor numbers as they slowly creeped towards your shared floor. what he didn’t notice was how your gaze was glued to him. he was tall - tall enough he had to duck his head a little going through doors, and he was so big. a pleasant contrast to his seemingly meek demeanor, a demeanor that heavily contrasted his work
maybe, if König could tear his eyes away from the floor numbers and back down towards you, he would notice your eyes dilating slightly, a dopey, nervous smile tugging at your lips. being up close in such a confined space with him was doing things to you. you barely know the man - König - and you’re already smitten. but, before you can continue with any small talk, the elevator doors open and König is gone
he’s pushing through his apartment door, a soft click ringing out as he locks it behind him. “Oh Gott.”, mumbled words leaving his lips as he kicks his shoes off. eyebrows slightly knit as he moves to his bedroom, he pauses when he hears music. through your shared wall, the soft hum of your music plays - or is that you singing? he isn’t too sure, but before he registers it, he sitting down on the floor, back pressed to the wall.
eyes fluttering shut, he takes a deep breath. maybe if he properly became friends with you he could be in there with you. the cold, hard floor grounds him a little, the muffled music keeping his head from spiraling down more ‘what if’s’. but, as the song slows down and the next starts to play, one thought crosses his mind
he really should try to speak to you more
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boxofoxberry · 9 days
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the siblings ever
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months
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A more cleaned up sketch version for the follow up to the “poltergeist” piece 🙈 let’s get to coloring and detailing now ✌️
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
Random thought I had, since the Briefcase teacher switches from Jobs to Creativity in your AU, would he call Brendon 'Uncreative Brendon' instead of 'Unemployed Brendon'?
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Uncreative Brendon just wants wants someone to accept his storyboards
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masterfuldoodler · 1 year
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turn on the LIGHTS
and run
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theinkbunny · 8 months
”oh you want to keep that? It’s so girly are you even trans?”
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(Rant in tags if you wanna read it ig)
#Mom yelled at me bc I wanted to keep a dress that had memories attached to it#I hate dresses but look.#It has a stain on it where my friend who moved far away dropped some paint on it where my thigh would be#It has a loose string tied sloppily into a flower from a friend who had issues speaking her feelings and instead acted them#It has discoloured patches from my old friend who I haven’t been able to talk to in months hugging me and her bracelets rubbing against it#It has memories attached to it#Just like how my purple coat does#I always have a bag of mint tea in it because a while back somebody got me a huge pack of it during a secret Santa because they noticed -#- i had a stuffy nose during the winter due to allergy’s and often couldn’t breathe properly#I have thousand of sticky notes of a made up language somebody in my class made and wanted me to be in#Hell even my shoes show this sorts of stuff.#My converse that I wore for so long the laces tore? They’re covered in writing from my friend who’s a poet at heart#My big#chunky platforms? Filled with sparkles and dust from a party my friend had#For crying out loud soon I’m gonna be filling my room with Sanrio and feather stickers#Because everytime my ex gf sees me (we’re still friends btw) she always manages to put a sticker somewhere on me#MY SKETCHBOOKS TOO. Full of little doodles and hearts and paint splatters and everything you can think of.#My notebooks for writing? I forgot it a week i went off for surgery and I came back to it full of stories I liked and stores that had them-#For cheap because they knew my family wasn’t doing too well. And full of notes of them missing me#Seriously like I have a string on my wall full of notes from them because that’s been my pickmeup for whenever I’m not on here#It’s pathetic I know I just don’t care. I love them and I know they love me too. I hope they’re well
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sheriffthompson · 6 months
(mcu end credits voice) the red army trio will return this april.
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reiningsoral · 4 months
Sticky-Note Stories: How the Cat Got its Fangs & the Wonders of Cybernetic Eyes
a/n: tws for graphic depictions of violence, swearing, majorly injured character, hospital setting contemplated posting this for a day before deciding, fuck it, and posting it bc why not. reblogging and commenting will help me stay motivated to write more /nf
-- 20XX, 2 years before the present day. Mai is 14, ready to finally debut as a vigilante, Ren and Lynx are 15, heroes-in-training --
"Aw, Ves, c'monnnnnn, I can handle it!" Mai whined, hanging off of her recently-adopted-guardian.
Vesper raised her eyebrows at the younger, "considering you can't remember to not use my civilian name when we're out, no, I don't think you can."
Mai scoffed, "excuse me, my shitty memory has nothing to do with my ability to fight!" She waved her hand at the villain-versus-hero fight happening on the screen that hung in the corner of the room.
"No, Cat, I'm not-" Vesper sighed, "just because you can spar doesn't mean you can hold your own in a villain fight. There's a reason Fox and I are only letting you take care of smaller crimes for the first couple of months. And we are not letting you debut by interrupting one of the Institute's."
"But Ve- Poisonnn," Mai whined again, "pleeeeeeeeaaase."
Vesper rolled her eyes, "no, you abhorrent child."
Mai gasped, "you're being so mean to me."
Before Vesper could retort, Ria walked into the room holding a newly-finished chestplate piece.
"Yo, kitty-cat, finished your armor." She tossed the chestplate piece to the blonde.
Mai caught it with a huff, "do not start calling me that," she grumbled, pulling it over her head and adjusting it so it fit snug against her chest.
Ria grinned, her unsettlingly sharp canines glinting in the light. "What? I think it fits."
Mai flipped her off, clipping on her earpieces, disguised as cat-ear costume pieces. Ria was actually rather proud of the design, she'd figured out how to connect the receivers from the actual earpieces to ones in the cat ears, and all Mai had to do was clip them on, and they'd automatically connect to her cybernetic ear implant.
All three vigilantes put on their masks, both Ria and Vesper had ones that covered the lower half of their faces, while Mai had one with a more masquerade-mask approach, covering the area around her eyes with black material and having small lenses over her actual eyes that enhanced her eyesight and pronounced her cat-slit pupils.
Many words were flying through Lynx's mind as she ran for her life, including such elegant words as "fuck," "shit," "bitch," "son of a bitch," and her personal favorite, "motherfucker."
Stumbling over the overhang on a rooftop, Lynx almost fell into the alley below her. Nothing in her training courses could have prepared her for this.
Running from a villain, who was so high on enhancing drugs, they were simply an amalgamation of different parts.
Horrifying, really.
As she reached the edge of a particularly large rooftop, she spun on her heel and swung her sword into the villain's head, or- where their head probably was.
She cursed as she dodged a near hit to her abdomen and planted a kick on their chest.
The villain stumbled backwards with a strangled cry, then lunged at her.
Lynx was still at the edge of the rooftop, the rooftop on which a villain was currently moving at a very, very high speed towards her.
"Son of a motherfucking-" she had the wind knocked out of her, and the villain tousled with her as she tried to focus on not dying.
She heard a shout and vaguely realized Ren was on the ground, yelling something to her.
If you asked Lynx now, she'd tell you that she doesn't really remember, it was all so fast and painful, her brain must've blocked it from her memory.
She, however, would be lying.
She'd remember how the asphalt felt when she hit it, she'd remember how her ears rang, she'd remember Ren shouting, and the world feeling fuzzy, and she'd remember how the villain wasn't there anymore, escaped or captured she didn't know.
When she came to, they were still in that alleyway, Ren standing a couple feet away, talking on his communicator.
"Lynx- hey, you're awake, oh, thank fuck." He said when he saw her, his voice wavering. "Hey, somebody's gonna come get us, neither of us are in much condition to get ourselves back.
Lynx realized he was right, his arm was messed up, presumably from fighting.
She nodded, "yeah, okay, um-" she blinked, rubbing her temples, "that- yeah, alright."
Ren stared at her for a beat, "I'm just gonna go make sure all the civilians are safely evacuated from the area, okay? I'll be back in a couple minutes."
Lynx nodded again.
She sat, slumped against a brick wall for a bit, before she heard the scratching of boots against gravel, she glanced up, expecting to see her hero partner, instead being greeted with a vigilante.
They were dressed in a mostly-white outfit with light blue accents, the lower half of their face covered with a white scarf.
"Well, hello, there," they greeted in an eerily chilling voice, "my name's Hurricane, perhaps you've heard of me?"
Lynx's eyes widened, oh, oh shit. This was they guy that was on the news the other day, he'd cut off someone's arm for an unknown reason and left them on a secluded street.
"Uh-" Lynx stuttered, her voice gravelly, "wh- what do you-"
"Hm." His eyes crinkled in indication of a smile, he seemed so calm. "Actually, I have some business with you."
He grabbed her gently by the collar of her shirt and lifted her so she was standing, but didn't let go. "I need you to send a message for me, to the Institute." His voice grew cold at the end as he pressed her against the wall, and Lynx froze.
What was this guy's thing again? Did he have powers, fuck, her head hurt from trying to remember.
A sharp weapon shaped like an icicle seemed to appear in his hand from nowhere.
"Listen, kid, 's nothing personal, I just need the Institute to get the picture-" he brought the weapon close to her eye. "-you understand, yeah?"
The feeling of a sharp metal weapon being jammed into one's eye is not something they'd soon forget. The vomit-inducing squelching noise as the weapon is forced into one's eye socket, the hot pain that ripples through the body, the tugging as the eye is pulled out of its socket, the feeling of blood streaming down one's face as they stare at their own eye, skewered on a metal stick.
Lynx screamed, her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground once again. Her remaining eye trained on the removed one now on the ground, the vigilante now gone.
Her brain fuzzily noted Ren returning and running to her side. She heard more screaming and realized it was her own voice. Blood pooled around her fingers and she hardly registered another hero finding them, and she blacked out.
The beeping of the heart monitor was something Ren quickly became accustomed to, spending every night and most waking moments in the hospital because your arm was broken over a guy's knee, next to your friend who fell off a rooftop then got her eye pulled out will do that to you.
Overall, Ren's own injuries were healing fine, his harm was still in a cast and he had bandages that needed changing daily on his leg but other than that, he was doing fine. Much better than Lynx, for sure.
Both he and Lynx were on suspension until they healed, and Ren was definitely getting cabin fever. He spent most of his time scrolling on any social media to distract himself, occasionally getting interrupted by a doctor or nurse who needed to check on either himself of Lynx.
"Mnh... Ren-" Lynx mumbled, "here." She'd been in and out of it consistently since they'd been admitted, presumably due to the blood loss, trauma, and concussion.
Ren sat down next to her on her bed and grabbed her hand. "Hey, I'm here, what's up?"
She whined, "M' head hurts..." she half-whispered, "an' 'm bored."
Ren huffed, "yeah, no wonder, you took a hard hit to your head when you fell. Do you want to do something? A game?"
Lynx stared at him blearily, her eyes unfocused. "I wanna..."
"Hhn, um," she blinked, squinting at the ceiling in frustration. Ren could fully see how her new cybernetic eye looked; the hospital had tried to match her purple eye color, but the eye was visibly cybernetic, the sclera was a yellow-ish color, and the iris had small white electric lines running through it, "ugh." she tried to pull her pillow over her head, only to be stopped by the tug of the.. whatever chord-thingymajig connected to her forearm.
Ren smiled sympathetically, rubbing circles on her hand. "D'you want a drink? I can grab water?"
Lynx nodded, "yeah.. water." she closed her eyes, "..'n th' lights."
"And I'll turn off the lights, too."
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mimimarilynart · 2 years
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Day 14 - Inari
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tarczar · 11 months
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some doodles I made in a sleepy/goofed up haze at night after I started thinking about a story about angol mois while I was in the shower
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you ever make occult looking graffiti on a wall using the leftover charcoal and ash from someone elses fire in a playground
i did that today
i like using my tag in places cause i hope it spooks some people out
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kittlyns · 10 months
This isn’t gonna be cohesive cuz my brain doesn’t work like that anymore and also it’s 1am and I’m typing this on a shitty ipad so. Literally don’t expect anything from me.
In regards to TBOSAS: it is disappointing to see so many people seemingly missing the point or, worse, outright ignoring it to babygirl-ify Snow. I know this is the villain / morally gray / monstrosity appreciation website and I’ll partake of that myself every so often. I also think the movie dulled down some of his actions and made it murkier/harder to tell just how manipulative/conniving/self-serving he was being the entire time. But this is a character who knowingly makes choices that, over time, lead to the deaths of nearly 1500 children + the people in the Districts who suffer and die under his oppression. We all know this going into it.
The story is not meant to be a redemption for Snow, nor is it blaming Lucy Gray for how he turns out. The book at least is very explicit that every choice he made was made willingly in a pursuit of power. It is his own warped view of the world and his inability to trust that turns to paranoia and then turns him against Lucy Gray. It is that pursuit of power that leads to him betraying Sejanus, and it can be argued that his inability to trust ALSO plays a part in that.
The romanticizing of his behaviors regarding Lucy Gray are also kinda sickening. He’s not sexy for saying it’d be best for Lucy Gray to be held in a cage in the Capitol so he can keep an eye on her. That wasn’t meant to be romantic. Him constantly referring to her as “My [Lucy]/Mine” is not romantic. Him lying awake at night thinking about her is, again, not romantic. Collins is demonstrating his obsessive tendencies that she outright tells you about in the first goddamn chapter of the book. They’re not #goals, he tries (and perhaps succeeds, depending on your interpretation of it, although if you think they’re #goals, I don’t trust your interpretation of anything) to kill her. Again, I realize this is the toxic relationship website. But I just really don’t think you can respect Lucy Gray’s character OR the story that is being told if all you can take away from it is “Young Snow Hot 🥵”
There’s so much more I could say about the ignoring Sejanus’ entire character arc to make jokes abt Snow being soooo gay for him (during a scene in which he has ALREADY sealed Sejanus’ fate, willingly and knowingly), amongst other things, but I’m tired and I’ve already written more than I intended to. It’s just exhausting to see a story with such potential for discussion and character examination be boiled down to “white boy hot, Lucy Gray is just my vehicle for romantic and sexual fantasy with hot white boy, Sejanus is also that but for gay boy instead. What do you mean there are other characters in this story.” Ohhhh it makes me sick. Whatever tho.
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bluelizze · 10 months
Just had this random thought about a twst yuu who is a female at the start but slowly had a gender identity crisis after a certain amount of time
I’ve seen a lot of twst female!yuu which personally makes me a lil weird but there’s nothing wrong with it as long as everyone has fun with it ^^
But it crosses me of this idea of this female yuu who is slowly figuring out their gender and sexuality as they go on with their life in nrc
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m0e-ru · 5 months
in every universe adachi and the attendant ARE friends it's just that the one we're in is the outlier.
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saltasaurus-loricatus · 6 months
Didn't want to do my homework, so I procrastinated by practicing drawing.
Behold. A shitty OC convo drawn on my favorite dinosaur sticky notes.
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Kordin: Road trip with friends!!!!
Litton: We are literally on the run from the government!
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