#sticker sumo
flamiaou · 6 months
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ᯓ★ rowlet , dex entry 722
src: (x) (x) (x) // (x) (-) (x) // (x) (x) (x)
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werestarstudios · 6 months
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Lillie and Nebby vinyl sticker design for the upcoming launch! They will be 3.5" and have a holographic star finish.
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cherryfinolahobbes · 1 year
Today’s the day!! My patreon launches!! Come check us out and consider being part of the community!
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nerdstreak · 1 year
me internally when i dont get one of the anniv stream prizes while typing "congrats!!!" and "hype!!" in chat
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Today’s the day! My patreon opens! Come check things out and consider joining the community and getting some cool stuff!
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
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Pikachu and the Pikashunium Z Sticker from Pokémon Home.
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falsesecuritysketches · 6 months
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Sumo loves scritches from Connor~ Another sketchcard going to a lucky sticker buyer 😊
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julientel · 1 year
Random post-game headcanons about Hank and Connor
Connor enjoys browsing through Hank’s vinyl records collection, looking at the covers, learning more about old bands and singers. He’d also love to sort it alphabetically or by year but Hank wants it to stay the way it is.
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For the first few days after Hank invited him to stay Connor was walking around the house looking at every little detail to learn more about Hank’s life and about human everyday lives in general.
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Hank is not a morning person so waking him up early is quite a challenge. Connor sometimes sends Sumo to do that not to get hit in the face with a pillow again.
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Connor tried to scan books instead of reading them properly at first and couldn’t understand why humans enjoyed reading so much. Hank literally had to teach him or more like make him take it slow and go from word to word instead of jumping ahead.
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Connor likes visiting bookstores to find and sometimes buy new paper books. He doesn’t mind digital versions, he just enjoys turning paper pages more for some reason.
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Hank knew Connor learned a lot from him but he didn’t expect to come to work one day and see Connor’s office display covered with stickers saying things like “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right” and “99.9% sure my soulmate is a DOG”
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Connor is really good at making sandwiches. It’s the only thing he was allowed to make at Hank’s kitchen back when his cooking skills weren’t the best. He got better with time but he’s still a sandwich pro and nothing can change that. Hank often has a couple of delicious (and healthy) sandwiches for lunch at his workplace.
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The first time Connor listened to a catchy song he thought his programming glitched because he couldn’t get that song out of his head. Hank was actually surprised it happened because he thought it was a human thing and androids didn’t suffer from catchy tunes.
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Hank cursed the day he introduced Connor to dog memes. Former “State-of-the-art prototype” is now known as “Provider of memes” among fellow officers at DPD. Some of them are not happy.
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Connor discovered that bubble baths had a great calming effect, so now he takes a bubble bath at least once a week. He even has his own tiny collection of rubber ducks.
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canisfossil · 2 months
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Hiii as I said in my intro u would be getting journal pages and I haven’t actually done that yet so oops but today I have I’ve done some basic stats and some things I want to do this month.
Anywaysss here is the journal it looks really nice actually:
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Here’s the first stats page (there will be translations at the bottom cus my handwritings shit and ignore the pencil I don’t trust myself writing in pen)
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(Ignore the shit drawing I did in class and the random sticker I found)
1 of July stats:
Bull shark - fully confirmed
Vancouver coastal sea wolf - otherlink (coping)
Golden retriever - semi confirmed
Leaf sheep - semi confirmed
Snake - questioning
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Things to do:
Build a den, practice shifting, collect natural items, explore territory, practice vocals, watch documentaries on kintype, draw kintype, plan posts, listen to music, make gear, care for plushies, meditation, go to beach and dig, swimming, roll in grass, picture yourself as your kintype, research kintypes behaviour
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Quadrobics workout
Basic arm and hand stretches, snake hiss pose, star jumps, sumo squats, frog jumps, lunges, hamstring curls, single leg deadlift, calf raises, mountain climbers, donkey kicks, push ups
Anyways that’s my first bit of journaling I know it’s not the first anymore but ignore that I’m very disorganised I plan on doing it almost everyday and doing a shift log and meditation log ect so I hope u enjoyed this I promise I’ll make it more aesthetically pleasing and more drawings
Thank you for reading ^^
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cryptidtrashpan · 1 year
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day 254 a cute idea i wanna try and make into a sticker sometime, connor must test everything and sumo will help
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mjneko · 20 days
Had fun at goodwill yesterday
Spotted a funny hoodie, a gudetama pouch and some sumo wrestler stickers while browsing, then a jar of disney sticky notes... and a little twin stars box
Which made me really curious if there were any fun plush in the bin, and yes! Found sumikko gurashi neko with practically pristine tags
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weaselandfriends · 11 months
So you are going to make a fanfic about Pokemon, huh.
Are you a pokemon fan? Or you known about the franchise enough? or is a case of you, waking up one day and thinking:" I'm going to make a Pokemon Fan-Fic!" And started to consume media from it in order to make a story?
I was a child in 1998.
During that initial invasion of Pokemon into the West, when Pokemon was far more than simply the "most profitable media property in the world" that it is today, when it was a tidal wave phenomenon that swept away an entire continent, I was something of a Pokemaniac. I had Blue Version, Red Version, Yellow Version, Pokemon Pinball, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Puzzle League, Hey You Pikachu. I had (and still have) every single card from the first three TGC sets, included the oh-so-vaunted holographic Charizard card. I had Pokemon figurines, I had toy Poke Balls, I had Pokemon stickers, I had Pokemon stamps, I had Pokemon clothes, I had Pokemon strategy guides, I had Pokemon choose your own adventure novels. I had the then-complete runs of both Pokemon Adventures and Electric Tale of Pikachu (I vastly preferred the latter). I would wake up early every day to watch the Pokemon anime on TV. I went to Pokemon The First Movie opening day and remember walking into a theater packed to the brim only to hear a man scream—to my delight and assuredly my mother's horror—"SEATS IN THE FRONT ROW!"
Of course, it's been 25 years since 1998. I've played most of the mainline games since then (GSC, RSE, DPP, SuMo, and recently SV). I've seen a few of the endless array of movies. For some reason I watched the entire SuMo anime. So yeah, I still like Pokemon.
Is it my favorite thing ever? No. The unfortunate reality is the games are pretty formulaic and often have questionable design choices. It's not like Mario or Zelda, other nostalgic Nintendo series, where the devs put their heart and soul into each new mainline installment.
But the fundamentally fascinating elements of its world continue to interest me. I've always seen the Pokemon world as a near-future nigh-utopia, clean and neat and orderly, with large swaths of the population free to pursue their hobbies rather than slave away at some useless job. I've always wanted to delve into such a world narratively, as opposed to the endless dystopias that seem to clog contemporary fiction.
Chicago was written as a kind of critical response to To the Stars, which is a utopian story that glosses over the steps taken to reach utopia. I wanted to peer more deeply at how a world akin to that in To the Stars might actually be created, the kind of political turmoil and upheaval required to eventually integrate the panacea to mankind's ill—magic—into functional society. A Pokemon story would instead be about the utopia itself. What does it mean for society that children are not simply allowed but encouraged to leave home at 10 to pursue a vague, unstructured path to become what is basically a competitive sports athlete? What has had to happen to society for such a thing to be not simply okay, but preferred? And what does it mean for that society's future development, especially considering a world where rapid evolution of generally symbiotic non-human creatures is possible? And why, in this peaceful and low-scarcity world, are there so many insane doomsday death cults essentially seeking to usher in the apocalypse?
There are two works of literature that particularly influenced the direction of my idea for a Pokemon fanfic. The first is Eyeless in Gaza (unfortunately topical title) by Aldous Huxley of Brave New World fame. Gaza is a mostly autobiographical story touching on a variety of topics, and one chapter near its end involves the main character traveling to Central America, where he meets a strange, idealistic man named Dr. Miller. Dr. Miller espouses many ideas about anthropology, especially ones critical of or antithetical to British imperialist pseudo-scientific anthropology: "An anthropologist is a person who studies men," he says, "but you prefer to deal with bugs. I'd call you an entomologist [...] the only remedy is for the bug-hunter to throw his bayonets away and treat the bugs as though they were human beings." But the most interesting thing he talks about, the thing that has stuck with me more than anything else in the otherwise mediocre novel, is soccer.
"But [football is] the greatest English contribution to civilization," said the doctor. "Much more important than parliamentary government, or steam engines, or Newton's Principia. More important even than English poetry. Poetry can never be a substitute for war and murder. Whereas games can be. A complete and genuine substitute."
Dr. Miller envisions a world where competitive sports replace the destructive and combative elements of humanity; he teaches soccer to small Mexican tribes as a way to settle their differences instead of war. What does a utopian society look like that has replaced conflict with competitive sport at a grand, worldwide scale? In our world, the Olympics are often spoken of in similar terms, but Pokemon appears to have actually accomplished this lofty goal, to the point that becoming a trainer at 10 is more important than standard education. By setting my fanfic at a prestigious, global tournament, I become perfectly posed to explore this question...
The other point of inspiration comes from Underground, Haruki Murakami's nonfiction account of the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attacks committed by the cult Aum Shinrikyo. The book contains numerous interviews with both survivors of the attacks themselves and former members of the cult, and ends with Murakami's essay on how the Japanese social psyche allowed this event to occur. Describing the cult members he interviewed, he says:
To all of them I posed the same question, that is, whether they regretted having joined Aum. Almost everyone answered: "No, I have no regrets. I don't think those years were wasted." Why is that? The answer is simple—because in Aum they found a purity of purpose they could not find in ordinary society.
This idea of "purity of purpose unfound in ordinary society," what does that mean in a society like Pokemon's? In a utopian society, where nearly all needs are met? Where sports replaces conflict?
Anyway, I've started to veer off topic, so I'll cut it short there. I'm incredibly excited for this project, so I hope all of you decide to give it a read when I finish!
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cherryfinolahobbes · 1 year
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Hey everyone! Be on the lookout as I plan to make a new tumblr for my artwork and patreon! Hoping to have it up in the next couple days so I can put this blog on hiatus.
If you’re curious about my Patreon look below the cut!
First tier has access to a full digital gallery, digital downloads and coloring pages, sneak peeks to future projects, and access to our community discord page!
Second tier!
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Third tier
Everything in the previous tiers and the addition of a sticker sheet and extra sticker
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Fourth tier
Gets everything from the previous three tiers and the addition of a mixed media piece! This tier is limited!
Example of Mixed Media.
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nerdstreak · 1 year
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survived working 5am shifts this week
thinkin abt concon again finally
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Picross... my beloved who I replay over and over to beat my previous times. I played this before I even played twilight princess so it was so confusing having no idea what half of the images were fdhfkdsj. But it's a lot of fun (although you can't get it on the 3DS anymore).
Stickers are from the official legend of zelda sticker book and the picross images are printed from google.
Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.5 * see below Played: Fa 2022 Port: 3DS, My Nintendo Reward
really good scaled difficulty
All TP themes
resetting is the WORST
*this won't be rated against other zelda/video games but rather as a logic puzzle game
a logic puzzle game that builds a pixel picture
love the drawings!!
horrible eyestrain
super addicting, i will be really sad when I complete everything
it's funny trying to figure out the drawing bc I haven't played twilight princess yet, oops!
definitely shouldn't do extremely tired, keep messing up
micross wasn't 80x80 but one 8x8 and the outcome of that determined how many 10x10s (57)
I wish mega picross wasn't exactly the same pictures as picross
omg little ribbons for completion
the link drawings were all so cute
a lot of repetition but was fun
is there sumo in TP???
took almost exactly 24 hours total (I have since replayed the levels and my puzzles are at like 9-10 hours total lol)
I wish there were more zeldas
46 unique, 91 puzzles total
Summary I've always been a big fan of logic puzzles so I knew I had to get this game when browsing the Nintendo rewards. I absolutely had a blast playing and it was obsessive. Some puzzles were a lot harder than others but that just added to the game since one difficulty wouldn't make it as fun. This definitely ranks as one of my favorite logic puzzle games. If there were more diversity between picross and mega picross I would've ranked this higher. Or if micross was 80x80 and not a race of how fast you can complete 57 10x10s. I absolutely recommend to anyone who loves zelda and games like Sudoku. I especially recommend to twilight princess fans bc I have no idea what I completed. A great game and hope there's more fun rewards like this when tears of the kingdom releases.
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my-plastic-life · 9 months
Kiku is finally ready to open her Fukubukuro! These are Japanese lucky bags sold during the New Year by various vendors/stores. Sizes and prices range, and the contents can be anything from food to clothes. The norm used to be that stores would fill bags with overstock and sell them for a huge discount, and while some still do that, it's very common these days for there to be themed lucky bags at certain stores. Some even have signs showing what's inside (as in you're guaranteed a plush, a hat, and a cup, but not which one specifically). This year, Kiku went to a few areas and got a variety of goodies! She also made sure to wear her Pray For Japan shirt due to the New Year's Day earthquake. Let's all pray that the country recovers quickly and that anyone missing is found. Thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones.
Let's open the first bag!
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This one had chips and a kendama!
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How cute is this little sumo wrestler sushi keychain?!
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What's in this one?
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A variety of hygienic items! We've got shampoo, conditioner, and body soap, as well as travel size kits of lotions and a toothbrush and toothpaste. And Kiku's favorite part, the Kirby bath bomb!
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Cute stickers and a new pencil case!
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The entire Fukubukuro haul:
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