#stick welding process
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fumefree · 4 days ago
The Stick Welding Procedure is essential for strong, durable welds. Also known as stick metal arc welding, this method uses an electrode to join metals efficiently. The stick welding process is widely used in construction, repairs, and fabrication due to its versatility. Proper technique, correct electrode selection, and maintaining arc stability are key factors for achieving high-quality welds. Follow safety measures to ensure a smooth welding experience. Visit FumeFree for more insights!
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gudmould · 3 months ago
14 undesirable phenomena in nylon injection molding process and corresponding solutions
Nylon plastic products are precise in size, suitable for mass production and molding processing fields such as complex-shaped products.Injection molding process is simple and easy to operate, but there are also many problems caused by manual operation, injection molding equipment, raw materials and other factors.How should we solve some undesirable phenomena that are easy to occur in nylon…
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i-cant-sing · 2 years ago
Yandere Dabi accidentally made reader blind
*sighs* it's time for another fic idea:
Imagine Dabi terrorising the city and doing evil shenanigans, the usual stuff, and while he's welding his fire quirk, you- an innocent civilian gets hurt in the process. Now look, a lot of other civilians got hurt too, but what made you stand out was the fact that you locked eyes with him, saw his face right before your retinas were burned by the blast of fire aimed at a hero past you.
You were taken to the hospital, where you got the news that you'd be blind for the rest of your life now and Dabi had begun stalking you from the moment you woke up from surgery, only because he thought you'd spill his identity to the police or whatever. But you didn't, probably because you forgot his face, but "probably" isn't good enough for him. He needs to be sure you won't rat him out to the authorities, so he continues to stalk you and eventually develops yandere tendencies for you.
Of course, as he falls in love, he also begins to feel guilty as he sees you struggling with your daily chores because of your new disability. I mean, you worked at a school, volunteered at orphanages and nursing homes, fed strays, the perfect daughter, friend, employee.
You are the nicest human ever and Dabi made you blind😭
He sees that you can't continue working at the school, and he sees its harder to volunteer when you haven't learned how to deal with life without the ability to see. And his chest hurts when he sees you break down at nights, in your apartment alone because you don't know how you'll be able to take care of your aging parents as their only child, when you can't even walk in traffic without help.
That's when Dabi decides to step in. Sure, you may have seen his face, but you haven't heard his voice, right?
He makes the first meeting seem like a chance encounter, bumping into you and catching you before you fell. Faking concern when you apologise for being blind, he takes you to a nearby cafe and offers to buy you a coffee for the one he made you spill.
And eventually, he asks you out and now you're two dating. You think he's the sweetest guy, always helping you but never patronising. And sure, deep down Dabi's heart jumps whenever he catches you in a danger, but he knows he shouldn't be coddling you. How else will you navigate?
Then again, the deeper Dabi falls in love with you and the more yandere he becomes, the more he wants you to become dependent on him for everything. But he has to be smart; he doesn't want to drive you away just because he wants to wrap you up in bubble wrap.
He helps you use you walking stick, gets you Braille, and with your permission, he babyproofs the house a bit (mainly because he saw the bruises on your leg from the sharp corners you bumped into).
And since you two are not living together just yet, he worries what would happen to you if he's not there. So he stays a while longer, hiding in the background just until you fall asleep, making sure you have your mobile (with his number on speed dial) near you.
But Dabi can't always be there to watch you. He's still pursuing his successful career as a villain, so without your knowledge, he installs cameras in your house, purely out of concern and not because he's a creep. Yes, even the ones in your bathroom are just in case you slipped and hit your head.
After some time, you two do end up moving in together. He of course modifies his house so that its more safe for you, like rounding off sharp edges, installing devices that let you know when youre near stairs, etc. And Dabi just absolutely adores spending time with you. Be it cooking, he's right there with you as you tell him all the steps to your favourite recipes and taste test food (he blows on your hot food), dance slowly in the kitchen while the pizza bakes in the oven, straddle you and tickle you until youre near tears, or cuddling on the couch as you enjoy each others silence. You're so nice, so kind to him. He won't ever say it outloud but you being blind is a huge positive for him because he doesn't get insecure with the way he looks. Plus, he can smile as much as he wants without feeling like its tarnishing his "villain image" (he has absolutely melted when you said you adored the way he laughed. Stfu bitch, hes never laughing again😭💖🫶) And you're great at matching his vibe too. He can see the way he's rubbed off on you, how you joke about your disability, the two of you surprising people with your dark sense of humor.
He can be intimate with you, because you feel perfect against his charred skin. When you touched his staples and his burned skin, his breath hitching when you pulled your hand away, your brows frowning. Did you find him ugly now that you knew he didnt have smooth, pristine skin?
When you didn't say anything for a few seconds, he asked if you'd like to know what happened to him.
You shrugged. "Only if you want to tell me. I just want to know if it hurts when I touch your skin." Hes so glad you can't see because my man had tears falling down his face. Why are you so concerned for his well being??? Why are you so sweet? Why Why Why Why-
Not to mention the way your parents absolutely ADORE him???? Like, the first time he met them, they immediately welcomed him into their homes and into their hearts. Dabi is like so overwhelmed because he's never felt so accepted and loved. Your parents never once looked at him differently because of his scars, and Dabi knows he looks like a criminal for sure, but your parents???? They don't care. Hell, they've already begun telling him all your embarrassing childhood stories and are inviting him to family gatherings and have already decided what clothes he's gonna wear for the family Christmas picture. And Dabi has realised that both you and your parents are way too naive and trusting and so so so so precious, he's adopting all of yall😭😭😭 (like fr, your parents just saved themselves from being killed and/or thrown into a nursing home).
Anyways, years pass by, Dabi had left the crime life the day you got hurt in his house and he wasnt around to help you. Now he works from his home office and you work at the school for visually impaired. Your relationship has reached it peak and Dabi pops the marriage question and you say yes. But before you guys can get married, someone (maybe an ex, or a cousin or friend) reveals to you who he really is and how he's the reason you're blind, and Dabi is eavesdropping because he needs the prefect opportunity to both kill the guy who spilled his secret and catch you before you run off.
"I know."
"You know?"
"I know. Always have. And I'd appreciate it if you don't bring it up ever again. Also, you're not invited to the wedding." You said before having the guy leave the room.
"You can come out now, Dabi." You called him inside.
"How did you know I was here?" He asked standing in front of you.
"I'm smart like that." You chuckled.
"Y/n- you knew?" He asked quietly, wanting to confirm what he'd just heard. You nodded. "How? Why didn't you say anything?"
You sighed. "You're not the only one keeping secrets, Dabi." You sat down, patting the seat next to you for him. "I have a quirk like you do. I have a heightened sense of smell. So, I pretty much recognised you from the moment you bumped into me."
"Huh? How could you recognise me? We never met before that." You shook your head. "We didn't meet before, but I noticed you the day of my accident." Dabi's mind couldn't stop at how you chose to refer his attack as an "accident", which is exactly what it was. You were never his target. Honestly, you're the best human being, an actual angel-
"I only noticed you because you smelled like charred barbecue."
"Hey, no yelling!" You scolded. "That day, I was walking home when I was suddenly hit with this intense smell of grilled barbecue and I was superrrr hungry that day, so I was like I gotta get me some of that and then I looked up and I saw you."
Dabi listened to your explanation, and he honestly wouldn't have believed you if he hadn't spent so much time with you to know how your brain works. "If you knew who I was, then you knew you lost your eyes because of me. So, why did you..." He couldn't complete his question, afraid of you admitting to leading him on just so that you could take revenge and hurt him by pretending to be in love.
You cupped cheek. "It wasn't your fault. You weren't aiming for me. Besides, you and I both know that I would've been dead that same day if you wanted me to."
"Still... I am a bad person-"
"No, Dabi. You're not." You cut him off, not wanting him to taint himsslf with such foul thoughts. "No one is born good or bad. People just do good things or bad things, as circumstances force them to. The world isn't so black and white, Dabi. Everyone's got a grey area."
A tear fell down his cheek, and Dabi pulled you in for a deep kiss. "God- You're just- perfect." He whispered against your lips. You smiled and pecked him once more before settling on the couch, your head on chest.
"So... I smell like charred barbecue?" Dabi asked, playing with your hair. You hummed. "And it doesn't bother you?"
"Why not?"
"I love charred barbecue. They're the best pieces!"
Ah, if you keep saying things like that, Dabi will need to buy you bigger diamonds.
Fuck it, he thought pulling out his phone.
He's already ordering one online.
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Now imagine someone hurts Dabi's baby, and she dies. That'd suck, huh?
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tatsumessy · 1 year ago
i missed you too - {roronoa zoro}
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zoro was never used to having to worry about someone, except for luffy mostly. but after your confession in the forest on Zou he couldn’t stop thinking about you. especially when you left to go get sanji from big mom. so he had to settle with waiting until you showed up in wano with everyone else.
what he didn’t expect was to not being able to sleep at night and drinking more because he was worried for your wellbeing. you could fight but not like him or sanji and for one didn’t have any devil fruit powers. you were kind of apart of the nami, usopp and chopper group. kind of weak. but you were sneaky and observant, that’s what he liked about you and admired about you.
what he also didn’t expect was to be walking through a town and seeing a familiar face selling flowers at a small flower shop towards the center of town. he rushed over practically pushing your customers out the way, “y/n!!” he shouted with a big smile, the look of shock on your face amazed him as you calmly apologized to your customers. “zorojuro please wait back here while i finish up here. i’m sorry my husband’s been away for a while and as you can tell he missed me.” you laughed awkwardly while handing the woman the bouquet of flowers her husband just purchased.
after they left zoro uncharacteristically grabbed you by your hips and sat you down on his lap. before you could say anything he leaned in and pressed a kiss on your lips, “z-zorojuro. what are you doing?” you asked covering his mouth, “i’m kissing you.” “not in public zorojuro.” you whispered with a small blush on your cheek noticing an old woman coming up to your stand.
as you worked with more and more customers zoro started getting fidgety so after taking a swig from his sake he then decided to take a nap until you closed up for the day. “hey wake up.” you said shoving him in his side, he groaned and started opening his eyes expecting to see you but instead he was met with a horribly disguised usopp infront of him.
“my shops closed, are you going to sleep here all night ?” you asked watching him stand up and get his stuff together, “i’m stayin with you y/n.” usopp gave you a weary look but you waved him off and started walking down the lit up street with zoro not far behind you. after a little bit you finally reach the building you’ve been staying in ever since arriving there.
“just to let you know luffy isn’t here. he sent me ahead of everyone by myself. i’ve only gotten in contact with Orubi and Usopp. so for now i’ve been laying low-” you froze as zoro closed the door behind the two of you and started stripping himself of his kimono. “what are you doing?” you asked a blushing mess. zoro didn’t know himself what he was doing but the feeling of wanting you, all of you was strong and he needed to feast immediately.
“are we alone in this building?” he asked slipping his arms out the top part, you nodded your head yes and in an instant zoro had you pinned against the wall and you were attacked with his lips locked onto yours.
when you woke the very next day zoro was gone, tears weld in your eyes as you thought back to last night and before you could bring any negative thoughts into your head the door slid open and and zoro walked in with a sack full of food. “why’re cryin?” he asked setting the stuff down and plopping himself on the ground next to you. covering yourself with your green kimono you stared at the ground feeling embarrassed for crying.
“i thought you left.” you said slowly slipping your clothes back on, “no i was sure you were going to hungry. so i got you some food.” he said laying his head on your lap while closing his eyes, you sat there still trying to process what was going on. “i didn’t want too leave. i missed you so any chance i get to be with you i’ll be here.” he said with his eyes still closed, blushing again you smiled turning away from him and towards the bag of food.
“i guess you do care about me huh?” you said teasingly sticking a piece of fried tofu in your mouth, “shut up idiot.”
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p.s this is a part two zoro version to i missed you
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selamat-linting · 5 months ago
its been a while since i write abt terrafirmacraft... well its because i've been busy rebuilding the house. its a two story house with a wing dedicated for cooking and forging. the roof was burnt down twice until i replaced it with mudbricks instead of wood blocks. it also has a basement where i kept barrels of limewater, tallows, and preserved foods. limewater is useful for a lot of things, but right now im using it just for leather. tallows are candles. turns out whale hunting is a lot easier than i think. i crossed the ocean many times during my move, and some of them lingers and follow you on boat. candles are better light source than torches. you cant exactly hang it off the walls or ceiling, but it lasts longer. i'll be using candles until i finally get materials to make lamp glass.
as i get settled, i started farming. plants grow better here, and i can forage things from the forest, but they overheat fast so i need to provide crops with lots of fertilizers. i planted tomatoes, but i forgot they need a stick to prop them up. and then i find some animals, a cow, horse, and a llama i think? idk. i also got some chicken but it dies lol.
the cow was probably the worst animal i had to drag back. theyre so stupid! i brought three, but only one survives because one of them escaped the leash and ran off while the other fell in a hole and gets bit to death by crocodiles. i hate crocodiles so much, theyre demons that trap you in swamps.
winter came, and i started preparing for a trek to find graphite. i found a bunch of coppers, cooked, don my leather armor, i vaguely remember that there was an exposed bit of rock that might contain graphite in one of the lakes near my super super first base. i spent at least one and a half prospective pick just to get graphite. its tedious, long, and arduous. i think it took me two weeks to get it. i play the game in 2 hour duration twice a week so yea im a casual. its super satisfying to hit a super large stack though and coming home with a bonus of pyrite and beets. also now i know how to mine deep underwater <3
my plan here is to make glass for lamps and jars. to do that i need tools like paddle, jacks, blowpipe, and gem saw. i need brass to make jacks. and for gem saw i would need gems like pyrite and brass rod. to make brass you need a tin and copper and a way to process said tin and copper to be brass. by that i mean i need a crucible. its made out of fire clay. fire clay is made out of kaolinite clay and graphite. i just need One Thing.
but of course finding kaolinite isnt as easy as it sounds. it took me a week before i start using cheats. i already live SOMEHWERE where kao is supposed to spawn. but all i see is sylvite and saltpeters. its drudget i use locate biome to see other places like highlands and old mountains that might give me what i need, but so far i found zero. im starting to think my world just doesnt have kao. so i just give up and type give tfc:kaolin_clay.
i gave myself just enough to make a crucible. i made my brass rods and once i got it, i have to weld and work said rods on the anvil to make my blowpipe.
i blew all my coal and brass ingots to zero results. i just suck, suck so bad at working the anvil. so i took a long break. i didnt touch tfc for quite a while. i focused on making gifsets and such. but i get bored with only dabbling with photoshop so i look up tips on anvil working on tfc. there's no way around it. the mod is meant to slow you down and make you learn and explore. some suggested i practiced working on an anvil using copper. some suggested i work on other shit before coming back to the anvil.
so, i went back, and realized how much i neglected my house. my animals still doesnt have a barn. i havent fixed the burned kitchen roof. my bookshelves are empty. my leather armor have been worn down to a nub. my inventory shelves are a mess. i havent restored the decorations that got burned down on the third (or was it fourth?) house fire. i went to work slowly fixing those things. i made copper armor again, a helmet and boots. to tell you the truth, i think i did metalworking better when im just going by vibes instead of overthinking the maths.
im gonna complete the armor i wear, but for now i think i want to make a proper barn first and a warehouse. as i was working, the chest near the forge caught fire. i realized then the space im working in is too small. i need to make a storage space and a building dedicating for forging.
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capypub · 2 years ago
Bed Rock - Mafia!Joel Miller Extended Scene
Can be read as a standalone or part of my Mafia!Joel Miller Without Warning/ Extended Scenes Series (would take place between scenes 3 and 4)
Mafia!Joel Miller x OFC
MDNI. 18+ content.
Summary: They didn’t mean to break her bed, obviously…
Rating: M (smut, oral male receiving)
AN: I'm still here lol. Someone suggested on A03 more Ellie involvement. This is obviously not that, but I'm sitting on a couple ideas right now...
Without Warning Masterlist
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They didn’t mean to break her bed, obviously…
One minute, Joel had been thrusting deeply into her tight heat, grunting feral above her as he gripped her headboard in an iron fist, the nails of his other hand digging into her hips as he pinned her squirming form down to the sweat-covered sheets. The frame squeaked in time with his thrusts, the whole mattress shaking as he gave her everything he had, hungry for her release.
The next minute there was a creek and then a crack. 
Just as she cried out for him from her orgasm, a whining, whimpering puddle under him, they felt the drop, both of their stomachs’ flipping as the bedframe hit the wooden floor with a low thud. “Oh fuck!” she gasped, sitting up, nearly hitting Joel in the forehead, breathing hard as she looked around. 
He was silent, shocked and a little disoriented, still hard and throbbing in her wet heat.
“Joel!” she gasped, looking towards the end of her bed, which was angled awkwardly on one leg, the rest of the frame flat on the ground. 
He blinked once, finally realized how off balance he felt, taking in the scene before him, finally releasing the headboard and sitting up. She giggled, scooting back, his cock slipping out of her wet heat as he hissed from the change in temperature. 
“We…” she laughed with a shake of her head, “I can’t believe we broke the bed.” 
“Shit...my bad, baby,” he muttered, grinning in amusement as they awkwardly got off her now busted bed frame, the mattress sagging to one side. He didn’t even seem embarrassed or upset at the matter, just…proud, almost? Entertained and proud, if she had to guess by that slight hint of smugness in his smirk. 
They got dressed, Joel still achingly hard in his jeans as he assessed the damage. Shoving the mattress to the ground, he inspected the frame. 
“Where’d you get this from? It’s a piece of shit, babe,” he scoffed bluntly, now noticing the shoddy welding and old metal bars.
“It’s called living on a budget, asshole,” she shot back, playfully rolling her eyes as she sat beside where was kneeling. “Textbooks are expensive,” she added after he shot a glare at her over his shoulder from her sass. “Can you fix it?” 
He scoffed. “No, baby girl, this is beyond fixin’,” he shook his head, standing up straight, his knees popping in the process as he groaned softly. “Just gonna have to get you a new one, make sure it can hold up against me,” he said with a sly grin down at her.
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure that exists, Joel.”
“Come on, get your shoes on,” he said, offering his hand to her.
“Why?” she questioned, allowing him to help pull her up anyways. 
“Gotta get you a new bed frame, maybe a bigger mattress while we’re at it,” he said casually, grabbing his keys from her dresser after she was full on her feet.
“What? Joel?!” she called after him, following him out into the living room, where he picked up his wallet and slipped on his shoes.
He ignored her arguments as he guided her out the door and into his truck, pulling out onto the main road with a smug grin as she stared at him with a mix of confusion, shock and a little irritation sprinkled in as well at his sheer audacity.
“Where are we going?” she asked, eyeing him suspiciously as he stopped at a red light. 
“Told you, darlin’, gonna get you a new setup, can’t have my girl sleepin’ on the floor,” he shrugged easily, popping a stick of gum in his mouth from the pack he kept in the driver’s side door. 
“Joel, you’re not buying me a new-.”
“Shh, baby doll, don’t you worry ‘bout it, alright,” he cut her off by reaching over to caress her jaw softly, stealing a quick kiss before the light turned green again.
She gaped, unable to process the strange mixture of contempt and appreciation battling ferociously in her chest. It left her opening and closing her mouth like a floundering fish, at a loss for words on whether to thank him or chew him out for his arrogance. 
“Joel, stop being ridiculous, this isn’t funny,” she said, finally managing to string a coherent thought together. 
Their relationship was still fairly new to her, so Joel's insistence on providing was something she was still getting used to, even if it was his fault in a way, something in her overly-independent brain continued to fight him tooth and nail about whipping out his card for her at any chance he got.
He chuckled, finding her fire adorable. He liked seeing this side of her, all worked up and determined to maintain her independence, even when all he wanted to do was take care of her.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the one to blame for the bed givin’ out in the first place, baby doll, the least I can do is get you a new one,” he reasoned calmly, enjoying the frustrated pout on her face all the more when she started blushing. “You’re cute, gettin’ all worked up when I try to take care of you,” he observed, his eyes filled with amusement and adoration as he ran his fingers through her hair. 
She blushed harder, turning her head away for a moment to gather her thoughts. “Shut up,” she muttered defiantly, her heart fluttering in her chest as she heard the low, deep chuckle that made her melt. 
He brought her to an IKEA, strolling leisurely around the front of the truck to get to her door, taking her hand as he helped her out. She was attempting to scowl at him, her irritation much lower, but still present. To him, it looked like she was simply pouting still, making him smile.
“Gonna need to fuck that attitude out of you when we get back,” he commented lightly, wrapping a heavy arm around her shoulders, leading her to the entrance.
She gasped softly, his lewd comment out in public catching her off guard, only making him grin wider as an oblivious family walked past them.
It took them roughly two hours to find a bed that Joel approved of, his contractor brain assessing and scrutinizing every detail. The first hour consisted of him grumbling and swearing under his breath about the “shitty craftsman” and “fuckin’ aluminum beam in a box” before they found one that didn’t make him roll his eyes or scoff. He didn’t bat an eye when she tossed a new comforter and a couple pillows into their cart, smiling in approval when she wasn’t looking, happy that she was finally letting him provide for her. 
She followed him into her apartment as he carried the new frame, her arms holding the two pillows she had bought as he balanced the comforter on his shoulder. He could feel her heavy gaze on him as he rolled up the sleeves of his flannel, using a box cutter from his truck to remove the framing.
Gods, watching him put the bed frame together had her wet and needy much quicker than she would like to admit. He held a screwdriver in his mouth as he aligned two bars together. She had no idea what he was doing, but she could watch him do it all day long. Joel glanced up, his eyes taunting as he caught her practically drooling over him. He removed the screwdriver from his mouth, using it to secure the two pieces in his hand together with a bolt.
“Doin’ okay over there, sweetheart?” he asked, his drawl thick as he teased her.
“...uh huh…” she murmured, sounding breathless as she watched his hands, rough and controlled in their movement as he moved to the other end of one of the bars. 
He chuckled. “Lookin’ a little wild eyed, darlin’...”
“S-shut up,” she muttered, looking away, slightly embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry, ‘s cute,” he winked, crouching down to test the security of one of the legs after twisting it into place. 
She felt like he finished at an agonizingly slow pace. It shouldn’t take this long to put a bed frame together. He had to be teasing her on purpose. At least it felt like a long time, her body growing warmer and warmer as he put the new piece of furniture together for her. She couldn’t even really appreciate the end results because she was too busy working his belt buckle open.
“Easy baby, still gotta put the sheets on,” he chuckled teasingly, leaning back in her desk chair, allowing her to frantically free his semi-hard cock from his jeans.
“Later,” she panted, dropping to her knees, nosing at the trail of dark curls starting on his lower abdomen and moving down to where she grasped the base of his cock. 
“Got you all worked up, darlin’,” he said with a smirk, running his hands through her hair as she licked the tip.
“Yeah,” she murmured with her lips around the head of his cock, suckling softly with a needy moan. 
“Oh, fuck, baby girl,” he groaned, fisting the hair at the crown of her head loosely, his head rolling back as his legs spread and relaxed around her body. “Gonna thank me with that pretty mouth, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice now a low rumble in his throat. 
“Please,” she murmured, pulling back to lick at the tip, her hand warm and wet as she stroked him slowly.
“That’s right, baby, use that mouth on me,” he nodded, pushing her head down halfway onto his throbbing cock, groaning as she sucked him off with a whine. “Such a pretty girl, doin’ so well f’ me, gorgeous’,” he praised her with a throaty moan, his fingers in her hair guiding her strokes as her hand worked the rest of his length just as eagerly. 
“Fuck, that’s it, baby girl,” he sighed, his stomach tightening as he felt his oncoming release, his grip rough on her soft locks as he got closer and closer. 
She pulled off him, gasping softly for air, her hand still moving rhythmically on his length. Her lips were wet and slightly swollen from how hard she was sucking on him, eyes dazed as she stared up at him. 
“So fuckin’ pretty like this, baby,” he sighed, guiding her mouth back to him, growling as she took him deeper, gagging on his length. “That’s right, such a good girl f’ me, gonna come, baby girl, swallow f’ me, be my good girl,” he groaned, holding her head down with a deep growl, his hips bucking slightly into her mouth as she moaned, his release coating her throat.
She was breathing hard when he finally released his grip on her hair, eyes wide and eager as she stood up, leaning over to kiss him, the taste of him still on her lips, making him groan in satisfaction.
“Thank you, baby,” she said sweetly, her hands on his shoulders as she pushed herself to stand straight, looking over at the newly built bed frame, much nicer than her original by a longshot. 
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he chuckled, still catching his breath, his soft cock still exposed as he lazily tucked himself back into his jeans.
“Wanna test it out after I put the new sheets on?” she offered with an arched brow, grinning slyly at him, her sweet tone replaced with one of a mischievous minx.
“Fuck yeah I do,” he grunted, standing up, easily lifting her off the ground with her legs around her waist, no intention of getting the mattress off the floor and onto the new frame any time soon as he set her on her dresser to kiss her neck hungrily as her sweet laughter filled the small apartment, eventually shifting into desperate moans…
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picckl · 2 years ago
hi!! i just wanted to say i've been following your art for a while now and gosh... ur style is so gorgeous (i spend hours scrolling thru ur work), i love ur ocs sm, you are such a huge inspiration to me! i hope you don't mind me asking cause i'm genuinely so curious – would you mind diving in a bit on your character design process? your designs are always so eye-catching and detailed, so i'm just interested how you make choices on design! :0
Aaa tysm, that’s very kind of you!! My character design process differs every time, but I can go thru the basics!
Every character I design as a living creature in an existing habitat. Sure, they’re fantasy, but everything has to have something realistic about it. Lets say I’m designing a character who lives far up in the mountains- in that case, I’m usually going to look up some mountain animals, or animals that live in cold environments. Most animals in cold weather have big fur coats, so I’ll keep that in mind. What kind of terrain do they live on? Lets say we’re designing a firbolg- if they’re constantly walking around on steep slopes I might base them off a mountain goat, or a sheep if they’re on level terrain.
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Next I’m gonna do some research on human cultures from those regions. What kind of clothes do they wear? Are there similarities between the different cultures? What kinds of modifications have they made to their clothing to help them live comfortably in the environment? You can’t stick a character up in the mountains wearing a crop-top and shorts, you’re going to have to go through and figure out what kind of outfits, accessories and so on that they’ll need, along with things that reflect the specific culture you think they’re from. Lets say for this character I want to make their cultural apparel similar to Swiss and Norwegian traditional outfits, along with some Viking influences. I’m going to look up historical recreations, websites that focus on traditional clothing to these regions and just generally looking around for accurate depictions of the dress. DO NOT USE COSTUME SITES OR PLACES LIKE AMAZON TO TRY TO FIND INSPIRATION DRAWN FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES. Also, you are USING THESE CULTURES AS INSPIRATION TO SEE WHAT THEY USE TO LIVE IN THIS KIND OF ENVIRONMENT. YOU ARE NOT COPYING THEM, unless of course the story the character is from takes place in this world.
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Next I’ll look at who they are as a person, and what their job is. For my character Saffron, who worked as a royal concubine for the Summer Court, I made sure to choose more fancy or detailed clothing to use as inspiration. Whereas if your character is more likely to be working out in the farmland for a living they wouldn’t want to ruin those kinds of clothes and might choose to dress more simply. What kind of accessories do they have? A character with ties to research or education might carry a bag for books or a practically-stashed feather pen, a farmer might carry a trowel or their gloves where they’re easy to reach, or a metalworker might have a welding mask. Lets say our character is a stonemason, we’d be giving them some stonemason tools around their belt, some goggles to keep the stone chips out of their eyes and maybe even an apron! Adding details like these, which represent the character’s jobs and hobbies, give them a lot more personality!
There isn’t any right way to do character design, you don’t have to follow any of this for it to come out as a good character. This is just my personal course of action whenever I’m designing something or someone to add as either an npc or a pc to my campaigns. If you had to take one thing out of this tedious course, it’s that EVERYTHING COMES FROM NATURE, and so using nature as inspiration will help keep your characters realistic and believable!!
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drfuckerm-d · 1 month ago
i love mashing my interests together in my fists and im learning a new process today so here's what types of welding i think the bridge team (+some extras) from tng would do/enjoy
🩶picard does not care for welding, NEEEEXT (but if he did he would enjoy acetylene welding)(because he was born old) i think he should give it a shot anyways bc chipping the slag off a stick weld feels very much like archaeology.
❤️rikers dad made him weld i bet. mig. i don't think he liked it either but he was probably fine at it. like if he had to mig something together it wouldnt fall apart. immediately.
🧡geordi welds for surely, and he's good as fuck at it. mig, tig, arc, and beyond. HOWEVER, he seems like the type to prefer more advanced methods like stir welding and EBW. anything requiring some level of interfacing through a machine rather than stinger to steel. when i write fic i headcanon that since its the future there's cool new ✨futuristic✨ post-advent-of-space-travel welding methods that involve cold welding, and i think he'd like that, too. he is an engineer, after all, and there's overlap between these fields.
💛data would be fantastic at any kind of welding as long as he's studied up on it first, but i don't think he'd find any value in it beyond its function. you wouldn't find him on weld forums ogling any crisp weaves. the only reason he'd find a personal interest in it would be because his friends like it.
🤍tasha welds most definitely, and i think she's pretty good at it. her knowledge starts at mig, thru flux core and ends at arc -- i can't imagine the colony she came from had much use for tig or any of the more advanced methods. to her, i bet welding is just a useful repair skill everyone should know at least a little about, like sewing.
🤎worf has never tried welding but i think he would love arc welding. pipe. in the late summer. for nine hours. it's a real test of strength you can pride yourself on if you don't sweat yourself to death in your leathers. need to know what a klingon welding hood would look like. GET THIS GUY ON A PIPELINE NOW!!!!!
🩵iiiiiii think deanna would be really good at tig if she applied herself but i don't think she'd like welding at all. i don't think she'd like the smells, sounds, wearing the ppe, any of it. the fumes probably give her a headache. and that is ok 🙏
💙beverly can mig weld, i bet. it's neither here nor there for her, just something she can do in a pinch. it comes in handy when you're helping out around a colony, but as a doctor, she finds she's plenty of help without it anyways.
🩷i feel like wesley can hella tig weld. i think he's in the boat with geordi where they don't really care for the 'dirtier' types but overall he's more into the technical bits of engineering rather than the fabrication end of it. honestly, i think more than anything he'd be really into soldering. but anyways, tig welding is hard and impressive and he should be VERY PROUD of himself 🫶✨
💚q can weld stuff together with his mind. whatever. cheater. but if he was stripped of his q powers and made to weld he would hhhhhHHAAAATE it i promise. screaming and jumping at the sparks, touching the hot metal on accident and whinging about it, upset cuz he's too hot to be wearing leathers, etc. he would wilt. womp womp.
💜i bet guinan is secretly a master welder and she anonymously runs a welding forum and posts the most picturesque woven beads you've ever seen in your life. she's secretly the talk of all the techs at every docking station -- like banksy for people who chew dip. its art when she does it.
🖤lore hates welding he can and will bitch about it the entire time if he's made to. the only kind he can tolerate is mig but even then, he finds it all tedious. i think if you ever sat him down to arc weld for an hour and came back to check on him, all you'd find left would be a plate covered in errant strikes, 50 partially coated, bent-up rods all over the floor, and a broken stinger. he also seems like the type to not wear his leathers and then complain when he gets holes burnt into his arms.
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daisychainsandbowties · 1 year ago
What was your writing process for the Alien fic? Did you start with "scene where Ava wants to leave, Bea wants her to stay" and backfill events from there? Something more chronological that you then reorganized? Some magical third option? I love your writing style and am deeply curious about it.
so my writing process for most things is kind of like if you built a cathedral by doing the roof first, then like half the belltower and then the pews and then the glossy flagstones and then the paintings on the walls, and then the walls. with Alien AU i wrote maybe 6k of it back when i posted a snippet in May, and i started by writing the line that remains the first line of the fic.
from there i wrote maybe most of the “present-moment” avatrice scenes in one afternoon, which of course are now scattered across the fic. what i tend to do (indulgently, perhaps) is allow myself to meander off into tangents and flashbacks pretty much whenever i want. i can write in a disciplined, linear way, but i find it dull. to me a narrative is like sticking your hand into a drawer and groping around, unearthing matchsticks, dust, old coins and maybe Peter Pan’s lost shadow. i just find that more enriching and i write to entertain myself, so 🥰🥰
i didn’t actually reorganise anything; what i did do was bulk out the chapter so that, like space expanding, that initial 6k avatrice scene ended up far-scattered across the fic, with other scenes dropped in between where i felt they wanted to go. but in terms of how the fic flows the parts i wrote all followed each other from the get-go. to me they naturally follow each other, speak to each other. i tend to scatter a bunch of threads as i write the story and then tangle them all together toward the end, moments speaking to each other across thousands of words. it doesn’t always work out, but when it does it's the best feeling.
i tend to bounce around in a given chapter when i’m writing as i encounter tricky sections or just lose interest in a particular scene for a while, so i let myself work on, say, the scene where Beatrice burns her hand and then immediately jump forward to the scene where Lilith goads Ava into hitting her. that stops me from stagnating just because a turn of phrase is evading me.
i actually wrote the last line in May, but it took me a while to accept that it was the last line. that was a fun lesson from me writing poetry; that sometimes a poem starts after the first stanza and sometimes it ends when you kind of want to keep wringing its neck for meaning, but you have to let it do that and trust that you've said enough to have said something, and let the poem open instead of trying to weld it shut. i feel like sometimes prose should do that too; not try to answer all the questions it raises, leave you a little bit aching for more.
on that note my writing style is very much inspired by how i write poetry. up until last november i’d stopped writing prose pretty much altogether, and i was a lot worse at it than i am now (writing upwards of 300k of gay fanfiction will do that to you apparently) but i still can’t shake the narrative instincts that i get from being video game spec'd for poetry exclusively. there’s a very good quote by Ocean Vuong about fragmentation & linguistics in poetry which i think is a bit of a reflection of how i approach prose:
“I think this manner of breaking towards meaning is how we often live. We don’t live cohesively; we live in fractals, we live in fragments. We don’t live in a plot point. I think poetry is mimetic of that status of being human. We text in utterances. We speak in bursts. We pick up conversations that occurred hours before. Our most meaningful discourse happens in pieces, in broken ways. Our most difficult conversations happen in these ways, like for queer folks, coming out to our parents. And when we apologize, it’s rarely in a complete sentence. For me, fragmentation in language is perhaps the most human moment of our speech. For poetry to be so comfortable with that, to be so capacious with how grammar peters out and how it needs to be resuscitated towards new modes I think is a mimetic of how we’ve always been living. I think there’s a certain honesty in the ability of poetry to consider breaking not as a flaw but as a strategy, a kind of technique.” (read the whole article here it’s really excellent)
i do find the sort of eggshell structure of Alien au – broken, but still recognisable as an egg – to be really satisfying and thematically rewarding, but oddly, as with a poem, i do tend to write it “technically” chronologically, but in fragments of itself sort of rearranged ahead of time. i think a lot about my fics before i write them (though because i am me i do this mostly without noticing that there's any thinking going on) so by the time i get to that point, sitting down and writing, i have largely unbeknownst to myself a very good idea of what i want to say.
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toaugment · 8 days ago
so far, today was an overwhelming success in many ways. the see through of multiple projects, getting said projects extended, another way to evolve hextech, and thesis' on many ideas. however, this included many sleepless nights in the lab and even sleeping in the chair he sits in now. needless to say, no matter how many cups of coffee he drinks, he stops developing thoughts, and even stuck on several equations. they were both on a time crunch, having to update the council on the endeavors idly drawn on various blueprints that he promised to show earlier but failed on that delivery. he just needs a small break, is all. so instead, he's welding... something but he's hunched too far over his desk to see properly. after several moments, he pulls the goggles to rest at the top of his head with a tired smile. "hey, v." the nickname falls off the tongue as easily as breathing, turning towards him to show off his little mini project. and what he has between his fingers is a very crude and ugly little "doll" that's supposed to be viktor but instead looks like a childrens' poor interpretation of a person, made in creation using various metal scraps they had lying around from projects finished or abandoned. maybe he accidentally used something that was going to be used for a future idea, but it slips his mind. "look, it's you."
there's a streak of black oil high on viktor's cheek and another one on his neck ; on his nose, a smudge of ink ; his rumpled sleeves white with chalk. his hair, usually falling in soft, curving tufts around his head, is sticking up in multiple directions, the ends darkened and greasy with oil where viktor's been tugging and twirling it in thought. in short, he's a mess — an extension of the lab, marks of creative chaos and overworked genius on every surface, whether that's blackboard or workstation or skin. he's so submerged in the work—deciphering their notes into something resembling documentation that can stand up to peer review and scientific scrutiny—that it takes a good thirty second for him to surface with a " hu— whuh ? " at the sound of jayce's voice.
he pushes the goggles he hasn't actually needed in hours—and smears some more machine oil on his face in the process—up his face, all too happy to abandon his work for the moment. if viktor has to translate another batch of ?????s into legitimate lines of inquires upon topics that require more research and testing he might just start sticking the sharp ends of various tools into places they do not belong. he rolls his chair into what is unofficially jayce's side of the lab and takes hold of the thing he's presented with. he squints, wondering if he should be offended instead of ridiculously endeared.
" i think i prefer your drawings. this is ... much less flattering. why is my head so misshapen? "
( and if the little figure finds itself a home atop a shelf near viktor's workstation, tucked safely out of most lab hazard and explosions' reach, well. and if in the coming days the little figure is joined by another one of equally crude make, only notably wider — well. )
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fumefree · 19 days ago
Stick Welding, also referred to as Shreeped Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), is one of the more preferred techniques out there due to its simplicity and versatility. That said, the process of stick welding emits considerable smoke and contaminates the air which compromises the over well being of a workspace. 
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uniquecollectivementality · 1 month ago
Metal Welding Services in Miami: What to Know
Metal Welding Services in Miami: What to Know
If you’re searching for top-notch metal welding services near me in Miami, finding a professional and reliable service provider is key. Miami’s booming construction, automotive, and marine industries demand high-quality welding solutions for various projects. Let’s explore what makes metal welding services in Miami stand out and what you should look for when selecting a provider.
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What Are Metal Welding Services?
Metal welding involves joining two or more metal parts through heat, pressure, or both. Welding is an essential process in industries like construction, automotive, manufacturing, and shipbuilding. Miami is home to a range of experienced welding professionals who cater to diverse project needs, including:
Structural welding: For buildings and bridges.
Automotive welding: For vehicle repairs and customization.
Marine welding: Specializing in ships and boats.
Custom metal fabrication: Tailored designs for unique projects.
Why Choose Professional Metal Welding Services in Miami?
Miami is a hub for skilled welders offering precision, durability, and expertise. Here are some key benefits of choosing local welding services:
Expertise in Various Techniques: Certified professionals in Miami use advanced techniques such as TIG, MIG, and stick welding for high-quality results.
Access to High-Quality Materials: Miami welding shops have access to durable metals like aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel.
Compliance with Local Regulations: Professionals ensure projects adhere to Miami’s building and safety codes.
Fast Turnaround Times: Local services minimize delays, ensuring your project is completed on time.
Types of Metal Welding Services Offered in Miami
Whether you’re working on a large-scale construction project or need small repairs, Miami’s welding professionals provide a range of services:
Residential Welding: Gates, fences, and railings.
Commercial Welding: Storefronts, signs, and structural supports.
Industrial Welding: Heavy machinery, pipelines, and tanks.
Repair Services: Fixing broken metal parts for boats, vehicles, or equipment.
How to Find the Best Metal Welding Services Near You
Finding the right welding service in Miami can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you choose the best provider:
Check for Certifications: Look for welders certified by organizations like the American Welding Society (AWS).
Read Reviews and Testimonials: Online reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp can give insights into the quality of service.
Compare Pricing: Request quotes from multiple providers to ensure competitive pricing without compromising quality.
Ask About Experience: Providers with extensive experience in your specific project type are likely to deliver better results.
Inspect Their Equipment: Modern, well-maintained equipment indicates a commitment to quality.
Top-Rated Welding Companies in Miami
Here are some highly recommended welding services in Miami to consider:
Miami Welding & Fabrication: Specializing in custom designs and structural welding.
South Florida Marine Welding: Experts in marine welding and aluminum fabrication.
Elite Welding Services: Known for precision welding and on-site services.
Benefits of Choosing Local Welding Services
Opting for a local welding service in Miami comes with several advantages:
Quick Response Times: Local businesses can provide on-site services faster.
Knowledge of Miami’s Environment: Welders understand the impact of Miami’s humid climate on metal structures.
Supporting Local Economy: Working with local providers strengthens the community.
Common Metals Used in Welding Projects
Miami welding services work with a variety of metals depending on the project requirements. Common metals include:
Aluminum: Lightweight and corrosion-resistant, ideal for marine and automotive projects.
Stainless Steel: Strong and resistant to rust, perfect for construction and decorative purposes.
Carbon Steel: Durable and cost-effective, suitable for heavy-duty industrial applications.
Copper: Used for electrical and plumbing applications.
How Much Do Metal Welding Services Cost in Miami?
The cost of metal welding services in Miami varies based on factors like:
Type of Project: Custom designs or large-scale industrial jobs may cost more.
Materials Used: Exotic metals like titanium are more expensive.
Complexity of Work: Intricate designs or repairs require more time and expertise.
On average, welding services in Miami range from $75 to $150 per hour, but it’s best to request a detailed quote for accurate pricing.
Tips for Maintaining Welded Metal Structures
To ensure the longevity of your welded metal structures, follow these maintenance tips:
Regular Inspections: Check for signs of wear, rust, or cracks.
Cleaning: Use appropriate cleaners to remove dirt and prevent corrosion.
Apply Protective Coatings: Paint or galvanize metal surfaces to enhance durability.
Avoid Overloading: Prevent excessive stress on welded joints.
Why Miami’s Climate Matters for Welding Projects
Miami’s coastal location and humid climate can affect metal structures over time. Professional welders in Miami understand these challenges and take necessary precautions, such as:
Using corrosion-resistant materials.
Applying protective coatings to combat rust.
Ensuring proper welding techniques to withstand environmental stressors.
When searching for metal welding services near me in Miami, it’s important to choose a provider with expertise, modern equipment, and a proven track record. Whether you need custom fabrication, industrial repairs, or marine welding, Miami’s professionals offer reliable solutions to meet your needs. By selecting a trusted local welding service, you can ensure your project is completed efficiently and to the highest standard.
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 1 year ago
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Tungst is a shortened version of tungsten, a metal used in a type of welding called TIG (tungsten inert gas). The process requires a certain level of finesse, concentration, attention to detail, and patience. All of these qualities are embodied within Tungst. The only person who's used his full name "Tungsten" was Brett, and he only did it once.
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Tungst is the leader and "tired dad" of Phoenix squad. He does his best to wrangle his unruly squad together and keep them out of trouble, but they refuse to stay in line. Tungst is a passionate person with an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause. He is mostly level-headed, but can become overzealous and protective of the ones he loves. But most of all, he has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: tungst
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Physical Appearance
Tungst has the standard clone physique, but he loves to work out and get those gains. His hair is a little outside regulation, with more floof on the top and trimmer along the sides, the color deviates from the standard clone and is auburn. He enjoys keeping some facial hair. He has a shrapnel scar on the left side of his neck and left ear from the explosion that killed Chance. He also has a memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance, and a phoenix-shaped tramp stamp.
Character Art:
Emoji Ask
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-3422, or Tungst, showed great leadership prowess since the day he was decanted. However, as a late-stage clone in the already waging Clone War, his abilities weren't noticed much by the Kaminoans or the Jedi/mercenary trainers. Although, they did notice his stubbornness and propensity to argue, which didn't do him any favors. His squad still looked up to him as their leader. As a cadet, Tungst dreamed of becoming an ARC trooper in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Tungst led his squad into the fray as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, he grabbed whatever armor and blasters he could find to outfit his squad. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. When Tungst realized Chance had left the group, he went after him. However, before Tungst could get to Chance, Brett grabbed Tungst and yanked him back before another missile hit the same spot. Tungst caught shrapnel to the left side of his neck and left ear in the blast. When the dust settled, Tungst forced his way out of Brett's grasp and ran to Chance. He gathered Chance up in his arms and carried him behind the barricade. Chance died in Tungst's arms a few moments later.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Tungst blamed Brett for Chance's death and made sure he knew it every single day. When Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Tungst is the one who found him bleeding out on the floor. After taking him to medbay for medical intervention the Kaminoans deemed Drip as defective and slated him for decommissioning. Tungst begged the Jedi for Drip's life and his pleas were granted, with the stipulation that Drip's record remain spotless for the duration of their training.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Tungst was the first to receive the news that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic and he shared it with the rest of the squad. Without sworn allegiance to any Jedi, Tungst had no reason to doubt the betrayal, and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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jztars · 4 months ago
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Yantober | Day 2 - Kidnapping
Bksor / Black Knight
*Male pairing
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"OI, Crusader! Wake Up!"
"Lug that brick to his helm' that'll get 'im."
"Oh, that's some thinking."
A hard chipped away brick almost dislocated your jaw, reeling from the sudden shock and pain your heavy breathing was mixed in with sudden frantic movements. There was blood dripping down the sides of your arms, the rustic grating of the chains made your head spin.
"I said lug it you skinny sac not throw it so 'is head comes clean off!"
"Well you should've done it yourself ya loon!"
Lifting your battered helmet up the arguing seemed to have come from the undead skeletons. Defying everything you knew about anatomy there was a fat one wearing a Viking helmet hauling around a huge mace. The whirling of the weapon was practically visible as it soon launched the weapon at the smaller skeleton shattering him instantly.
"I'll show the end of these spikes ye' rattling stick!"
Squinting your eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain in your head you made out the two undead soldiers going back and forth bickering at each other. Each bone clattered as the skinnier one reconnected itself as if it didn't explode into pieces. Not long, a stabbing pain caused your gaze to falter and look back down on the ground. It was clear the battle that was bestowed upon you ended in complete failure.
Humiliated, trapped, and chained.
Fighting tooth and nail on the battlefield, sacrificing your own blood for the power of the sun's resurrection. Yet alas you stumbled upon the same fate as all the other nameless crusaders lost to time. Death would have been a better outcome, yet knowing the Black Knight there would be a slow torturous process before getting fed to one of his pets.
Fate was already written in stone before you even walked up the crumbling hill to take on the undead army alone. The clicking of heavy boots was unrecognizable to the cloudy ringing in your ears. You didn't realize that the skeletons had ceased there pointless arguing, stood firm while they kept quite the distance away.
"Eyes up here Crusader." The words where smooth yet gruff. The air felt suffocating now, a heavy burning in your chest caused you to reel back. Taking in gasps of air, the pain became more severe like a wildfire spreading throughout a dead forest. "Much better."
The Black Knight stood tall, minor flames flickered throughout the holes of his armor. Many had called him a walking corpse which was justified by the army he led. Blows of his fiery mace that cracked through even the toughest of welded armor, A never-ending army that only grows with the countless lives perished, and his pets. Freaks of nature that have slayed innocent lives out of sheer enjoyment. Eventually the burning pain in your chest died down to a mere dull ache, eyes widening knowing the disgrace you bestowed upon the small hometown you resided in.
"A pitiful attempt. Not even slaying my first well rounded pet." Now he was just mocking you. Attempting to bite back a response no noise left your mouth. Your throat felt as it were ash, yet blood seemed to be continuously forming along your gritted teeth. A small blinding light was forced into your chest and all the never-ending pain seemed to have vanished. Your vision now visible, taking in steady breaths instead of the harsh jagged ones, it felt like you were resurrected again.
"You... intrigue me to say the least. The cries of pain amuse me like no one has ever before." He let out a hearty maniacal laugh which reverberated through his helmet, "We're going to do this dance again and again until I grow weary of it. Every time you fall, snap, break, you will fall right back here."
Through the rusted iron bars, the Black Knight threw a heavy sword at your feet, "Enlighten me Crusader. Free yourself to face me again, or rot in here like the rest of the nameless lot. With each blow I'll lavish draining the blood from your body." The Black Knight turned; the suffocating air seemed to lighten up with each distant step he took.
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ryanfrogz · 4 months ago
Northtown Maintenance-of-Way, part 3
For the final part of this mini-series, I'll be focusing on a few miscellaneous, specialized machines used in the track maintenance process. Each one's role can be done by other, less specialized machines, but it would be a good deal harder.
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This is a Mineral Products Inc. Multi-Purpose Machine. It's a mechanical jack of all trades, used for everything from trenching to blowing snow off of tracks. Its most common use is as a 'yard cleaner': the big broom mounted to the front picks up material between the rails and loads it onto a conveyor belt, which can dump it off to the side or into a towed railcar. Another popular job is snow removal: the broom is exchanged for an auger system, and the rear-most conveyor can be replaced with an impeller fan and chute. MPI's website says the machine can move 2000 pounds of snow per hour, and the blower can fling it up to 150 feet away from the tracks. Because it's not limited to just the rails, it can also be used on yard roads & parking lots. Other attachments include a trencher, air blower, rotary broom, and a hydraulic arm which can be fitted with its own range of attachments. I'm starting to sound like a shill here... but it is a pretty cool piece of kit.
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The next piece of machinery is Herzog's ACT, or Automated Conveyor Train. It's a special set of cars which uses a conveyor system and swinging boom to "precisely" drop ballast where it's needed. The yellow thing seen above is the train's main power unit. I don't know if it uses hydraulic or electric motors, but this car powers them. Each train set has up to 30 cars, which are just high-side gondolas with conveyors in the bottom. Each car has its own conveyor, which dumps into the next car's conveyor through a small hopper.
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A closer look at the connection between cars. I don't know if the water is from recent rains or the train's dust suppression system.
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And here's the 'front' of the train, which is really the end. It features the operator's cabin and the most important bit, the unloading arm. It can move ballast 50 feet from the center of the tracks, according to Herzog's website. Conveyor trains like this one are mostly used for filling in washed-out track beds, but can also strategically place piles of ballast for future projects. As of writing this post, the control car is still less than a year old. It really is the cutting edge of ballast-dropping technology!
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The last machine is another Herzog product: the creatively-named Rail Unloading Machine. It looks complicated, but is actually quite simple. A crane arm feeds sticks of continuously-welded rail (CWR) into a roller system, which feeds it forward (backwards, really) through two clamps and onto the ground.
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A view of the other side. Same deal, but all folded up. Check out the flex on that arm!
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reducersupply · 4 months ago
MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducer at Lowest Price in India
In the realm of industrial piping systems, the MS ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) Butt Weld Eccentric Reducer plays a vital role in ensuring smooth transitions between pipes of different diameters. Designed to enhance fluid flow and pressure management, this fitting is essential for various applications. If you’re seeking the lowest prices for MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers in India, Udhhyog is your trusted supplier.
What is an MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducer?
An MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducer is a type of pipe fitting used to connect two pipes of different sizes while maintaining a consistent flow path. Unlike concentric reducers, eccentric reducers allow for a flat bottom, which makes them ideal for applications where sedimentation may occur, such as in wastewater or slurries. The butt weld construction ensures a strong, leak-proof connection, providing reliability in high-pressure situations.
Key Features of MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers
Enhanced Fluid Flow: The eccentric design allows for smooth transitions while preventing the buildup of solids, thus maintaining efficient flow.
Durable and Reliable: Made from high-quality mild steel, these reducers are designed to withstand demanding conditions, including high pressures and temperatures.
Strong Joints: The butt weld connections create a robust seal that minimizes the risk of leaks, making them suitable for critical applications.
Versatile Use: Ideal for a variety of industries, including oil and gas, water treatment, and chemical processing.
Cost-Effective Solution: With their durable construction and effective performance, these reducers provide an economical choice for industrial applications.
Applications of MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers
Wastewater Management: In wastewater systems, eccentric reducers help prevent the accumulation of sediments, ensuring a continuous flow of waste.
Oil and Gas Pipelines: Used to connect varying pipe sizes in pipelines while maintaining pressure and flow efficiency.
Chemical Processing: Ensures efficient fluid transitions in chemical plants, facilitating various processes without hindrance.
HVAC Systems: In HVAC applications, these reducers help maintain balanced airflow and efficient pressure management.
Why Choose Udhhyog for MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers?
As a leading supplier of MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers, Udhhyog is committed to providing high-quality products at the lowest prices in India. Here’s why we stand out:
Quality Manufacturing: We utilize advanced manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control to ensure that our products meet international standards.
Affordable Pricing: Our focus on providing the lowest prices ensures that you receive high-quality products without exceeding your budget.
Prompt Delivery: Based in Delhi, we guarantee timely delivery across India, helping you stick to your project schedules.
Comprehensive Range of Products: Alongside eccentric reducers, we offer a wide variety of industrial fittings, flanges, and valves, making us a one-stop solution for all your piping needs.
Customer-Centric Service: Our team is dedicated to understanding your specific requirements and providing tailored solutions that enhance your operational efficiency.
Order Your MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers Today
By choosing Udhhyog as your supplier for MS ERW B/Weld Eccentric Reducers, you can ensure the durability, reliability, and affordability of your piping solutions. Whether you’re involved in large-scale projects or require specific components for your operations, Udhhyog is here to provide the best products at the lowest prices in India.
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