#stfu!! not in the ofFICIAL DISCORD SERVER
hey! maybe don't say they should remove a song from the permanent setlist in the official fob discord server! maybe! that's kinda just rude! they're having fun! shut up!
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kadythethief · 2 years
i should probably stfu but oh well
so the obeyme discord is now open and....
and do mind the rules, guys, girls and otherwise!
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like a whole list and if you are like me, well...or even in any way like me, then this list might seem long to you and/or you've lost your eyesight bc your eyes just rolled too hard back into your head.
the tldr:
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keep in mind:
i literally don't give a sh about rules against nsfw, romancing luke, non-con, politics and etc
like i'm tots fine with a super clean, fluffy, sfw official server, like there are a bunch of things above i just...don't mention in other servers solely bc...that's just polite, ig?
i mean, you aren't going to keep talking to others about......uhhh, idk pokemon when they don't even like the game, do you? (if you do, pls stop)
but yeah like, anyways
obeyme is cancelled now. the obey me bros are like way too old, that's a supes problematic age gap uwu 😔
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sprimps · 4 years
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he just wants to read his newspaper in peace, tony ((no he doesn’t))
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louca06 · 3 years
Zodiac and Birthdates
OceanBlue’s Birthday: 17th June 2004 Evidence:
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Pinkie’s Birthday: 26th June 1999 Evidence:
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Lonelygirl’s Birthday: 27th August 1997 Evidence:
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Sonia’s Birthday: 10th August 2001 Evidence:
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The alts birthdays have some kind of semblance and are all somehow related to Layelle. Lonelygirl and Sonia were born in August, making them a Virgo and a Leo (which are the signs Layelle associated herself with; Virgo in Western Astrology and Leo in Sidereal Astrology). Pinkie was a Cancer (Layelle’s best friend Serena is a Cancer and so is her boyfriend Sun, so she liked this sign and frequently talked/raved about it). OceanBlue was a Gemini (the sign that was infamous in the server and everybody made fun of, especially Serena, and Layelle would join in with this). Not one alt had just any random Zodiac sign or birthday. All the Zodiac signs are those of which Layelle is familiar with and knows well. The birthday of Lonelygirl is eerily similar to Layelle’s (Lonelygirl’s is just one day later). 
Adult Channel Stories
One thing that is especially similar with Ocean and Pinkie is that they both joined and started to cause disorder or “drama” on the very first days of their arrival. Layelle even mentions this herself:
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Both of them however, when first entering the server, one of their first causes of action was to go to the adult channels within the official discord, and present stories of a sexual nature which almost seemed like they were written to be outlandish on purpose. Firstly, OceanBlue came to the adults channel and began discourse on the topic of erections and penises. Throughout the convo, she proceeded to body shame male bodies, for the fact that they can have erections, and quote, told them to “control it”.
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Of course, this notion that people with a male body type should be able to “control” their erections is ridiculous, and it could possibly be why OceanBlue entered the chat with this story for the sole purpose to create outlandish drama and attract ridicule on purpose.
As stated before, Pinkie also arrived to the adult channel with a dramatic sexual story:
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She claims that during the pandemic, she possibly caught COVID from a hookup, and that the man from the hookup was stolen by her best friend. Then she claims her hookup partner has been going to parties and coughing. Also, using ridiculous phrases like claiming her friend told her “sharing is caring” or “he told me I’m not like other girls, he said he is changed and I am different” and so on. It seems like a story that is made up on the spot and just told to cause reactions.
Drama Seeking
Both Pinkie and Ocean are also similar again in this way, as on their first day they both enter causing havoc (Pinkie starts “zodiac readings” which are made to offend people on purpose, and OceanBlue when disagreeing with others in the adult chat began to talk rudely to others e.g. telling people to “stfu”). In the end, they both caused drama on their first days on the server.  All of the alts either cause drama or get involved in it somehow. Here are ways they caused drama, or got involved in it: Sonia
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Sonia’s first day of talking in the official Dulcet Games server, and she is already seeking about the “drama”. Ocean
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Here, Ocean starts to cause drama after the topic of erections that she started, and say ridiculous statements like “I should not be straight” and telling others to “stfu”. This was her 3rd day of speaking in the server, and during those 3 days she was quite aggressive and brash, but during this day she began to heavily cause drama.
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Claiming she doesn’t want to make drama whilst she is clearly doing so. Also claiming “no one here is black” when obviously the only known black person in the server at that time was Layelle:
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Bringing up Ocean randomly in the conversation when she was never mentioned beforehand, so it is strange Pinkie would know who Ocean is:
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Also later on digging up old drama about the alt account OceanBlue. Strange for her to be so obsessed with Ocean.
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Being MIA for months and then suddenly appearing to start drama during the Nazi drama:
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Starting drama with the devs, and especially Layelle herself.
For Lonelygirl it seems that after the alt account’s initial purpose (which was to call out Olivier and the situation concerning Black Tarot not having CGs) was over, that the account fell back into the usual pattern of the alts, which is to cause drama. Extra Screenshots regarding the topic/situation:
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Gossip Girl
Both Lonelygirl and Layelle were known for liking the show Gossip Girl and quoting it.
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(Going to Serena's Tumblr to make an ask pretending to be an anon).
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Demanding Apologies and Warnings to Others
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Demanding that Sun gets a warning:
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Lonelygirl Demanding apologies and punishments:
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summoner-chan · 3 years
Sorry, I guess I should have been more specific, I WAS talking about Darius lol. Aight then last two questions: Shiro and Durga.
And don't worry about the long winded responses, I love it when people feel comfortable enough talking about themselves, and I can, like, feel their excitement as I read. :)
I tend to worry about how much I talk since that experience with someone on discord (the same server as those two passive aggressive peeps) asked me to not to post a wall (what they meant is that not send a long ass one whole paragraph of words) because I was talking a long time to type and send-
Mind you, my phone was lagging at the time there was a lot of typos happening without my control so I had to retype them. I remember it being something they asked what's about that art I drew?
Other than that, they were pretty mean, maybe because they were part of the admin teams of the discord or they're just a natural born dick :/ and I mean by natural born dick when someone just said good criticism and everyone who's friend with that person just-
y'know bit his head off saying things like "lmaooo nobody needs that shit critism 🤪. Look at this guy shitting on (username) 😂😂" and there's them going all "I don't need your damn critism, I don't fucking care. I ask critism when I want to and I didn't ask for yours so you can stfu" like okay....no need to offended by that... And I found the critism on the spot though? I couldn't see your linework from all those shading-
Anyways, I'm being off topic so let's hop to the Housamo Ask Game!✨✨
Favorite book or favourite book series? Oof, truth to be told, I'm more to a manga/comic book reader 😂😂 but I do enjoy reading books once awhile!! I only own two horror light novels which are in my native language so I'll try to translate their title??
The very first book I had was Kakak Kemboja (Kemboja in English is Frangipani) which translates to Big Sis Kemboja/Sister Kemboja (not in a Nun way-) and it was about a young boy meeting one of the tenants in the old apartment he lived in.
After losing his father and his house, he and his mother was forced out by the late father's mother and brother who planned to make their house into a homestay. This caused the young boy to stay at the apartment alone while his mother was working to bits but don't be sad, Big Sis will always be there for you
Spoiler, Big Sis is actually a ghost 👻
In Asian culture, Frangipani is one of the notorious for having it's scent being related to ghosts. If you're alone and you smell something fragrant, it's best to get out of there as fast as you can along with to not comment about the scent on the spot. I tend to smell fragrant things (doesn't help that I can see things ksjdjwkdje) even in my own house so I just- Yeet myself from that place
The second book is Somniphobia which is the Fear of Sleeping. It's about an office guy who likes to read scary and horror books at night until morning which causes him to get late for work most of the time. He was starting to get bored since he's already read all of the books he owned and nothing seems to catch his eye until his old friend suggested him a book, Somniphobia. Little did he know, the more he read the book, the less sleep he had. To be specific, he's started to develop Somniphobia himself. .
I only read light novels because once I bought the book, I immediately read it, to the point I finish it one day which just frustrates me to no end. I read super fast and everything just gets crammed to my head and I'd have to reread again to make things sensible kskskksksdj
I'm not a manic like my big sis though, she has two shelfs full from her novels. Her favorite book series is the Clockwork series, the Shadowhunter series which is written by Cassandra Clare and she almost have the full set now- 😂
To be sentimental or to not be sentimental-
Well then I'm going to the sentimental path skksksks
I'd actually want my family get back together again but you know, I can never take in another man who's not even my biological father to begin with after what I went through with said man
Having to cope without having a dad for 2 years now is sad but it happened, I know it's not my fault even though another part of me insists that I should have done better. I cry so easily whenever there's things that reminds me of him, I can't handle scenes where a man is lying in bed in the hospital, I can't handle seeing fathers being very affectionate to their children and I can't handle going to hospitals again
Thinking about marriages is what hits me the most because in my religion, the bride's father will be the officiant for the wedding, handing his daughter over to the groom's care so to say. That doesn't mean that I won't be able to get married without having a father to be the officiant but rather the officiant will be replaced by the bride's brother or uncle (brother of the father) and if there none, a court religious officer will be the officiant
It's just that thinking how lucky your eldest sister (from the first wife of my late dad + divorced) was able to have your late dad as the officiant of her wedding then when it was only you and your four sisters (two from the same mom while the other two is from the second wife), the chance was already gone. I won't see my late dad at my own wedding, only having it being replaced by my brother or uncle. It's not the same, it won't ever be the same because he's not there to see his grandkids or will he have the opportunity to be called grandpa
It just hurts knowing that he won't be there to be a part of the big parts of my life
But it happened and there's nothing I could change, I'm already quite happy and grateful to have mu late dad's wife and her family taking care of me and my two sisters despite there are times when we've fought but nonetheless grateful
I don't have my biological mom with me at the time since she was forced to stay in her own home country due to her citizenship, I dearly miss her but...due to personal reasons, I can't help but hate her from time to time. She does the wrong things and it scarred me badly, hence why I am unable to give her my blessings for her to get married
That's all I could say since if I were to say more, things would get pretty long and it's just me ranting out :P
Thank you for sending in ask in!! Feel free to send anymore like usual~
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