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SteveSousa AU where they meet in 2012 and bond over being men out of time & their mutual love of Peggy.
Steve knits while Daniel does wood working.
They have a rescued pit bull together that Steve regularly knits hats for.
They have a mutual love for "old" music and spend hours listening together while working on their hobbies.
Every Christmas, Daniel starts to make toys for kids in the neighborhood and personalizes them for each child. Steve bakes and knits for each family, dropping off their gifts every Christmas Eve.
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Kinktober 2020 update:
3 Free spots are still open!!
12 kinks available https://archiveofourown.org/works/25834042 First come, first serve! Either you can send me an anon question about what you want [make sure to be detailed as possible], comment on the fic, or DM me. :)
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AU where Coulson and the team drop Sousa off in 2011 and Daniel seeks out Steve Rogers, out of pure curiosity.  “I’m worried about you.” Daniel’s voice registered clear across the empty, aging gym. Steve’s head picked up from where he’d been using the punching bag as a headrest for the last two minutes. His blonde locks stuck to his forehead, sweat coating his forehead. The blonde sighed out of his nose and rubbed the red mark the bag left across his forehead. His muscles were burning in that almost pleasant manner that he associated with overexerting himself. “And why are you worried about me, Agent?” When Daniel raised a darkened brow towards the name, Steve sighed. “Sorry, force of habit. What’s wrong, Daniel?” The man leaned heavily into his cane, setting Steve with a hard look. It was an easier day for him when he was on the cane, versus his crutch. Ever since Agent Daniel Sousa had found Steve in the Brooklyn gym, the pair had rarely left one another’s side. You see, Daniel was supposed to be dead. But that wasn’t the case. He technically, by SHIELD’s books had died, just the same as Steve had. But through some tomfoolery time travel [that Steve still did not fully understand, as he still was struggling to understand waking up in this 21st century], he was alive and now living in the same century as Steve was. So here, they were both men out of time. Taken from their spot in the ’40s and plopped right into the middle of the 21st century with no idea what was ahead of them. Being out of time wasn’t their only thing in common. It seems they also knew Peggy at some point in their life. And both had dated her at separate points. That became a point the pair latched onto one another, a connection that grew between them in knowledge their lives, however different were connected in similar means. So here they were, two men out of time where one attached himself to the gym in an unhealthy relationship to avoid sleep and facing reality. Beating up gym bag after gym bag until his knuckles were bloody and raw, just to have them heal and start again the next day. And the other trying to take it all in, living in his own small apartment that had been set up for him under a fake name, but always seemed to find himself drawn back to the blonde idiot who had forgotten to take care of himself. “You can look at me all you want, Daniel, but I won’t know unless you tell me,” Steve sighed, standing up and wrapped his hands up in ace bandages again. He flexed his fingers and got one solid punch in before Daniel was by his side, holding the bag so it wasn’t swaying. “Steven.” The manner he sighed his name caused Steve to drop his hands to his side and look down at him. It made his heart sink straight into his stomach. A clear reminder that despite they’d lost everyone they knew and loved between them, that they had each other in the end. “Listen to me, alright? I know this...this whole situation is absolutely bonkers but we can’t....hole ourselves up in this gym for eternity, alright?” “You’re free to go,” Steve mused, regretting saying it as soon as those words left his mouth. Daniel had this habit or at least the ability to make his eyes soften in the corners when Steve’s filter failed to catch up with his brain. They made his eyes look like puppy dogs and suddenly Steve knew what it was like to be his mother and Bucky when he begged for things as a child. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just...I know you’re right. You are absolutely right, but out there…” Steve waved his hand and sighed, stopping himself. Daniel caught his hand at once and curled his fingers around the digits. “Trust me, I know. Out there, there’s an insane world of things we never dreamed of. But you gotta start living, Rogers. Now, come on. I think we’re done beating up poor, old punching bags today. Let’s go get some dinner from Frank’s. I’ll let you choose the song this time.” Steve laughed, a smile curling on his pink lips. He left his duffel bag behind, trading it for the hand of a man who understood his situation better than most. “Last time you said that, we listened to the same record 50 times. I’m sure our waiter was so glad when we left.”
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SteveSousa is such a soft ship I need to write my fic for one day. They're so tenderly in love and both down right underneath it all terrified because they don't know the future and on all accounts both should be technically dead. Well on paper Sousa is anyway.
It takes all their courage to go see elderly Peggy together. Steve knows her age cant be used against her. She's still sharp as ever save for a few moments. He tells Peggy he has a guest and he's...sorry. She's confused until Daniel is brought in.
All three of them are in tears and Daniel just about falls apart after hugging Peggy. He's back in Steve's arms and that man isnt letting go. He doesn't need him to.
Daniel roughly tells Peggy what happened. About how he technically did but didnt die. How they saved the world. How the team had one last stop and dropped him off here after an important battle it seems.
"And yet you two found one another," Peggy laughed in between a coughing fit. Her hand hasnt let go of Steve's. "I always said you two were too alike. Too stubborn to die. Thank you - the both of you."
Its heartbreaking, both of them seeing the woman they love so frail in bed while they're not. Its cruel fate whose brought them together but taken away the one thing that brought them together.
Its Daniel who gets Steve to see how bad he's coping. How he goes to Sam for help because Steve's being rash and reckless and that's the Caps montro but damnit can we get him some help?
Hell the both of them. Because Daniel cant deny he has ptsd as well.
Its late one winter when Natasha is at their door. Daniel has long since joined the Avengers and Tony has built him wings like Sam's. He's better in the sky than the ground.
"I need you two to come with me. Now."
They dont question her and run out into the blizzard. There on Shields hospital bed lays Peggy. Her health had been more down than up lately and they knew it was close to her time.
Except this wasnt a frail Peggy. This was Peggy like when Steve went down in the ice. The one Daniel last remembers seeing before she goes to New Jersey.
There was an experimental program with a version of the serum. Steve wants to be furious but he can't. Natasha tells them no one wanted to get his hopes up and they werent sure it even reach this stage. But her levels are rising. The effects of the strokes have disappeared. Shes showing signs of waking up.
The two men out of time are practically puddles of emotion when her eyes open and lands on them. Everyone mysteriously looks away when they both kiss her.
There's no if ands or buts. This is where the three of them belonged - together.
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WIP Titles Game
Thank you to @3pirouette​ for tagging me!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I posted this before but I figured it can’t hurt to do it again. This is gonna be a huge mix because I have folders upon folders, yall and so many terrible named fic ideas.
Winterhawk: On Angel’s Wings
Clint Birthday Fic
Coffeeshop AU
Fitz and Steve Single Dad
EG and AC Post AU
Single Dad Bucky and Steggy AU
3 Things I Knew About You
Trans Clint & Biker Gang Bucky
Steggy Detective AU
Cap Peggy Libarian
Cougar Peggy/Vet Steve
Dragon Trainer Peggy
I’ll find my way
no trace left behind
steggy wedding
you were my shining star
you’re my neverland
Valhalla!Thundershield Kid Fic
Thundershield: A part of me to give to you
great big beautiful tomorrow
?????????? (no seriously its called that. i have not opened this document in a year)
Winterhawk Fake Dating
Demon Steve, Veteran Bucky
Call me Stucky
Bakery Stucky
Post Season 7 AoS after THAT
Exchange Student Steggy
This is gonna be fun. 
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I didn't know I needed SteveSousa and Steve Peggy Sousa until your post but I absolutely do wow it's so soft!
Ahh!! I’m so glad I could get you to ship them, lmao. I know SteveSousa is a crack ship, they haven’t even met but I love it?? They’re two men out of time and so adorable and if I can add Peggy in there I will.
I am so tired of people fighting Steggy vs PeggySousa and like ???? Just ship them all together? They both love Peggy, why does it have to be fighting?
They are absolutely so soft. I love ‘em. 
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I know I just asked but does anyone wanna send me a few prompts to work on while I bake for my pregnant friend?
I want to work on Just The Ticket but brain is slush.
It doesnt even have to be prompts from the list. Just any idea.
I ship:
Stucky [very low on the list tbh]
FitzSimmons [never written em before]
SteveSousa [my men out of time]
Im sure theres a whole load more im forgetting
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When you start the shipping of stevesousa for multiple people.
Its cute ok? Dont judge.
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