amybizarre · 4 months
Steve Saga ttrpg
This is just a lil rant/thought experiment, but I thought "Hey? What if someone's interested in it too?" So here we go.
Lately I've been getting increasingly interested in table top rpgs like dnd. The fact that my Steve Saga hyperfixation came back recently, doesn't help either, lol.
To cut to the chase: What if someone made a campaign / rp opportunity for a small group of players in the context and universe of the Steve Saga incorporating the basic rules of a ttrpg? Y'know, like a map, different classes, a combat system and well thought through world building and story line.
Most of the world building has already been made by Sabre, obviously, however I believe there's always creative room to include headcanons and expansions!
For classes, the player could choose to be a "Player/Human" or a "Steve" of any of the chromatics' colors. Abilities and stats would logically depend on what class the player chooses to use for their character and so on and so forth. I don't want to go into too much detail on this topic, otherwise this will turn into a whole rant on its own - But! To keep things fun, I would definitely allow the player the option of playing as another "Dark Steve" or "Shadow Steve" as well! Both for the interesting power dynamics and the possibility to play an "Evil Route" or sth like that. (Although, let's face it, the Evil Route could be played as any class, lol)
For a story, the Game Master could choose to follow the Canon storyline seen in the series or make up an entirely new story with entirely new characters!
The possilites could be endless!
Idk, this entire concept is just very interesting to think about for me. A fun thought to entertain. ^^
But what do you think about this? An idea worth entertaining? Lemme know! I am dying to read your thoughts and opinions! ^^
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amybizarre · 4 months
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Map Outline for Steve Saga TTRPG (SSTTRPG)
*sigh* I love drawing maps, okay?
Please excuse the poor picture quality, this was the best I could do. ^^; This is just the basic outline of the two continents rn. Crude beginnings and such. I have kind of an idea of where to put mountains and the areas for the different colors of Steves and stuff. But the main idea was to keep adding to the map as the world building goes on, so yeah.
Also I'm making tags for this now! They'll be "#SSTTRPG" and "#stevesagattrpg"
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amybizarre · 4 months
Quick Links to stuff on my Blog
I've seen this done by my friend and thought it was a neat way to help you find specific things! So here ya go! :)
Steve Saga Dogfighters AU:
Introduction, ...
Steve Saga TTPRG
The Idea, Map Version 1, ...
Welcome Home Cottagecore AU
Post 1, Post 2, Wally Design!, Flower Crown Time!, Ask 1,
Oneshots and other Stories
OG! Wally (Can't Help Myself), OG! Wally (Sensory Overload), RF! Wally (As-sick-stant), Priest (Room For Rent)
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