A morning with Stevie- questions and answers
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Rather .... that morning leaves leaves me with more questions than answers
(Its a Steve from alternative Universe where she hulk is a made up tv show just like this one 18+ just incase it refers to a she hulk after credit scene at the end.) No permission to republish/repost Comments and Reblogs are welcome/appreciated
"Hey sweetheart  what are you doing up?" I feel a warm.hand on my back for a moment.
Steve walked around the couch and sat next to me. With a small yawn.  
"What? Now? Did you miss a deadline or something?"
"No it's just for entertainment I mean mine I mean fun not work. If I ask you to read it will you promise not to be mad?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"Well um..."
"Is it about me?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Kinda." I bit my lip tying to look as adorable as possible. I don't know if it was helping me. 
"What are you telling people about me?" He crossed his arms i knew he was teasing me but I played along mostly cause I really was nervous. Maybe this was a bad idea. 
"Um. Well define telling i mean people know like everything about you so.... wrong helps me when I can't sleep I just don't know if I should..." I babble on as he reads it.
Then he gave me a small laugh. 
"Yea I saw the She-hulk after credit scene."
"Anything you want to tell me?"
"Let's just say your dimension doesn't get everything right and also Bruce may be the team Doctor but that  doesn't mean I told HIM EVERY-thing"
Steve smirks and starts walking away.
"Wait what? What does that mean? Steve!"
"What you dont like cliffhangers?"
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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The Ultimatum
Warnings: 18+ just Incase There mention of death Angstyness and Steve being in shock maybe feelings of sacrificing one’s self knowing it probably wouldn’t do any good- so not quite self harm but I’m putting it in here just in case. Oh and Steve being Steve. No permission to post or publish anywhere else reblogs and comments welcome
In an AU there is a mention to his Rose, it’s in reference to Bernadette Rosenthall from the comics and I just chose to give her a different nickname than the comics- so that’s you- and you can see the future a bit you always had a way of knowing things feelings but between dr strange, Bruce and S.H.I.E.L.D. They help you tap into and refine your ability.
“He will kill vision vision dies anyway but if we do what vision asks him you save millions of lives.”
“I won’t kill vision not after everything-“
“I die,”
“What?” Steve’s voice broke.
“Thanos whipes out half of universe no rhyme or reason. he wipes out me.”
Steve sat down on a chair in the palace. His head fell down his arms and legs as if he had no bones. He would never sacrifice anyone but himself. And he thought for a moment but there’d be no guaranteeing it would save you.
You kneeled in front of him.
"Baby you know I’d never say anything but. I’m scared. Please Steve. I never ask you for anything and I I could never kill anyone. But Vision knows. He'd never ask unless HE knew. Please Steve," She had tears in her eyes. "If you won’t then I’m coming with you. I’ll fight in the ground"
"Steve this isn’t a debate. It’s an ultimatum. Either I,” you took a breath "I fight with you on the ground."
“No you’d you wouldn’t last a minute.”
"Or you destroy the stone. Vision will be ok he’ll be different but he’ll be ok," You look Steve up and down. "It's NOT sacrificing his life."
A lie a bold faced lie.
And Steve was too shaken to see it. He had lost everyone so many times because of his decisions he couldn’t. Not you… No not his Rose.
“Steve,” his hands were shaking. You had never seen him like this ever.
“Hey,” You took his hands in yours, “This isn’t your decision. But everyone looks to you as the leader. You have to be on board with this Steve I am begging you. You don’t have to do anything look at me.”
He could barely look but he did. you had that power over him, you always did. He could never say no. But…Could he this one time?
“If you say no I’ll respect that. But it won’t stop me from telling the team.’” tears fell down your eyes as she confessed “And if it doesn’t happen I will accept it and be out on that field with you. I’d rather. Be there with you, just knowing you’re out there too, with me. Not even near each other just otherwise I’m alone. I die alone and I can’t. You can’t make me do that I won’t.”
You knew that much you didn’t know further how could you, you were always gone in the end. In dust. And dust never knows anything
Steve said nothing
“Ok,” you squeezed his hands and got nothing in response “I know you love me. I’ll be in the armory.”
“No.” He grabbed your hand and held it tight.
Your mind raced no? “No he doesn’t love me,” you thought. “That was the only thing I-“
“You won’t die. Let’s go get Vision.”
“What?” Your voice almost broke it was on the edge. You were on the edge.
“I trust you. And won’t lose you too. I just” his mouth was open but no words came out “I’d die for you. I’d kill for you. of course I’d do this for you.” He wanted to say and he truely in his heart meant every word but these few days had been too much. But not this. It ends here and now. If nothing just for you.
you stood there watching on baited breath
He rose and when you saw he went to stand you helped him up. He never showed his weakness what he considered to be his failings to anyone else but you.
“Let’s go get Vision. It ends here and now.” He straightened up as he walked out of the room.
But there is one thing everyone forget you didn’t even see. Vision was more than just a mix of Bruce and if tony and of Jarvis and the mind stone… but also Ultron.
But three against one isn’t too bad
@nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen @sapphire-rogers
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I'm thinking of mling this a part of a bigger peice it my first one. Don't put this anywhere else online or in print without my permission. This is all just fluff but i. Putting 18+ just for the hell f it but this is all fluff nothing inappropriate right now. I'd love feedback tho
Elle stood there waiting for Steve and Nat to finish thier paperwork. Annoyed While things were digitized these were filled out personally and then scanned. Nat handed her request in and got a nicr thanks while Steve got schooled holding his request out.
"Steve I am seriously tired of turn down girls.  I said I'd do it for you once not a million times just give them the dump line number."
"Dump line number?"
"Yea its a number you give people pretending it's your number they call it and it said the persom who gave you this number doesn't want to talk to you.:
"How do you know about?"
"I'm a female. And I like in NYC. Or you could  just get thier numbers and not call. I know you dont like to lie say youll use it and it can mean the paper for gum or give a small smile and don't respond."
Steve didn't respond.
Elle rolled her eyes as went to take the request from him but Steve didn't let go.
"Steve. Can I have the request or not?" Elle was annoyed very annoyed. She quickly slid it when Steve's grip let up accidently causing a small papercut, not that Steve reacted.
"Come back in and hour."Elle turned away.
Nat turned and then rolled her eyes and  poked Steve who was a bit besides himself just standing there.
Nat waited until they left the office to turn to him.
"So you asked the girl who you gush about to turn other girls away for you. Steve how stupid are you."
"Well,  I, she." He took a breath "she always fills our reauests quick and She knows I'm not interested in anyone else."
"Yea including her. She's not your secretary don't treat her like one. Besides." Nat walked ahead of the seeminly zombied Steve. 
"She has another suiter." Nat smirked.
"What? Who" Steve finally started to walk.
"Some man."
"Well that clears it up thanks."
"I could find out."
"Why do I feel like you already know?"
"I only act like I know everything but I do know how to find out anything."
"What's it going to cost me? My first born?"
"Oh Steve can't just I do something nice for a friend?"
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