#steven universe the complete collection
jbk405 · 2 years
I’m ordering Steven Universe: The Complete Collection and seasons 1-4 of The Expanse (Through Target, believe it or not).
The Steven Universe collection is only available on DVD, and there seems to be no planned physical release of seasons 5 and 6 of The Expanse at all, but I am committed to continuing to expand my physical media collection.
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blogjhm · 5 months
Steven Universe The Complete Collection is getting a DVD re release in June.
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love-takes-work · 9 months
SU Comics
There are a lot of rarer Steven Universe comics up on eBay today! I still look at eBay for Steveny stuff even though the main thing I was always looking for on there (Steven Universe rare comics) is no longer necessary because I got a complete collection of all the variants as of last year. :)
But I collect a LOT of other SU stuff too. Send an ask or chat message if you need to see one of my collections or have questions about merch!
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I have a lot of stuff
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artsycooky13 · 5 days
Any suggestions for an obscure SU AU that not many people know about?
ough my consumption of su media is very limited, but I think one I can suggest is the au @ faultlinescomic [tumblr link], that au has been around since 2015 and still going, it follows a homeoworld gem becoming slowly becoming a crystal gem (?) but you'll have to read it yourself I dont know much else that might be considered obscure so I'll write down a handful of what SU AUs I've consumed; @ revolver-d's Black pearl Comic [tapas link] - a tragic story about Black Pearl, Pink Diamond's first pearl, trying to find out what happened to her diamond through any means necessary - Very action packed, sometimes dark, but fun read. Fun characterization of the OG cast as well EchoFour's Hybridization series [AO3 link] - A Connie centric story where she becomes an artificial hybrid like steven (collections 1 and 2 are complete, the 3 most recent installment is on indefinite hiatus) -Nice Connie character study if I remember correctly, also neat connverse SteveDuck's Pilot series [AO3 link] - After Single pale Rose, Steven and the gang meet a peculiar alien dude, Pilot, and learn all sorts of stuff about him (The OG series is completed, theres a future series with a hand full of collections, most recent collection is incomplete, but theres enough content to sift through) -This series is charming, I find it pretty funny, there's some niche ideas in there but fun over all @pogostikk's Separation au [tumblr link]- a What If scenario where Rose was taken by homeworld before steven was born, leading to steven and pink steven to be separated by birth, becoming different individuals, also steven's a clown - a concept au, so no comics, just snapshots. Very fun ideas and lots of connverse prompts and of course I read the @pink-onyx-au, in case that wasnt obvious lol, I would hope that one isnt obscure Though when in doubt, just scroll the #steven universe au tag on tumblr, you might find smth ur lookin for! (feel free to leave au suggestions in the comments, so maybe I can read some cool stuff too)
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I seen the Corrupted Steven mod for FNF how about some Corrupted Steven Headcanons? his mind is completely corrupted by he still wants Y/N.
oooooooooooooo i like the sound of that
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Stevens gone all thats left of him is an anxiety ridden traumatised animal... but your still there.
.You would scream and shout but he would not hear... stevens not their anymore.
.He would be a protective and an obssesive yandere. he now never lets you down your always in his giant clawed hand or shoved into his chest. He would be physicly and emotionaly incapable of leting you go even in his sleep he would hold you tight ageinst himself like a stress ball he would squeez you and hold you tight. If you ever maneged to somehow escape his grasp he would have a panic attack and probebly tear entire citys to pices trying to look for you.
.Kidnaps you right away on sight no questions asked do not go do not collect two hunderd dollars its over. You would probebly be someone you knew before he became corrupted and so as the angst ridden beast he has now become he deperatly clingson to anything fimilier that offers.
.He wouldnt mean to kill people if he does he would just kind of... walk over them its like a giant walking over ants he wouldnt even notice it. He would probebly do it while looking for you i you ever escaped him he would run around the country side tearing apart building trying to find you and when he does he would snatch you back up immeadiatly and run somewhere far away.
. Their would be no punishments any attempt for you to escape would just resault in him squeezing you loser to his chest and he would completly ignore all of your screams and crys
. I guess he would give you a ton of phisical comfort becuse he would literally never let you go
thats all for now stay tuned
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 14 Part 2
The worst is well and truly behind us! Let's enjoy the end of Dungeon Meshi!
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It's the mad lad himself! (And a bonus Tade)
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I genuinely have to question how good Yaad would be at this. He was born after the start of the curse, so he's had zero contact with the outside world. Presumably, Delgal remained in charge until he left, so Yaad only has like six years experience ruling, and that was only over a peaceful rural community with basically no conflict other than Thistle. And even if Delgal did teach him everything about being a king, that advice is a thousand years out of date.
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It's everything I ever wanted!
Now what?
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How about we make you the royal orcish liaison and call it a day.
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Chilchuck. What the hell is that fit? You look straight out of one of the daydream hour modern AU doodles.
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Um, that IS what he wants to do.
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"Uh, guys, why does it say attempted murder? I totally blew Mithrun's face off."
"He got better."
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Oh god, Marcille! Your eyes! The lion is back! But seriously, Marcille is a complete emotional wreak, and I love her for it.
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So, does Izutsumi actually know who did this to her, or does she just want to go on a vague quest to try and find them? As of the post canon, she seems pretty content to live at the castle, doing cat things.
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Always keep expectations low. Then you can really blow them away.
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Luckily, Laios has picked up some tricks from Chilchuck for when being coddled.
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Do you think Kui added the last-minute wolf head just so Laios could have a sick-ass wolf cape?
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Most of these titles are great, but I honestly can't remember why this random elf would think Laios is pervy.
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I totally think Chilchuck should be one of Laios' advisors, but I understand if he wants to do other stuff.
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It took this long, but Toshiro has finally embraced the Meshi.
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Good news! The literal opposite is going to happen! Now eat your food and stop complaining.
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They're such good friends you guys.
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Just as Steven Universe collects moms, Chilchuck collects daughters.
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Mithrun continues to not give a fuck. Good for him. You eat that kebab.
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There's a whole ass story here we don't get to hear. She totally ate out a naga, didn't she.
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I love this manga. Even in the most poignant scenes, it always makes me laugh.
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How do you think Kahka Brud is gonna feel about you stealing all the coastline?
Just one chapter to go, and then the MMT epilogue! See you guys in a little for the finale!
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marveltrumpshate · 2 months
July 2024 MTH fills
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Our AO3 collection (only has works posted to AO3; see "subcollections" for specific auction years)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Miguel O'Hara
@caiabresebun - Art of a shirtless Miguel tied up shibari-style for @moonyroony
@tiptapricot - "Caótica Belleza (por lo sentido y lo sinsentido)" (transfem MCU Marc Spector-centric 5+1 fic) for @melaphyrex
@ruquas - The second installment of a wartime epistolary fic in the form of handwritten letters between Bucky and Howard for @fuckyeahhowardstark
@call-me-kayyyyy - NSFW post-CA:CW Steve/Bucky shibari art for gfawkes (more SFW but still a bit NSFW version on Tumblr)
Nixie DeAngel / @nixies-creations - "Sharp Blades, Thin Ice" (Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow hockey AU fic. Accompanying aesthetic here) for @kalika999
tiptapricot - "Caótica Belleza (por lo sentido y lo sinsentido)" (transfem MCU Marc Spector-centric 5+1 fic) for @melaphyrex
@fohatic / @moon-language-0 - "Cold Comfort" (MCU Loki/Steve and eventual Steve/Tony dystopian AU fic where Loki wins in 2012, takes over the world, and takes Steve as his prize) for @bulkyphrase
@grumpycakes - Art of monk Foggy meeting demon Matt Murdock for @amazing-spiderling
@areiton - "who's gonna know you, if not me?" (Steve/Tony D/s soulmate AU fic where Steve navigates being Tony's dom while grappling with grief after being found and Tony struggles with his trauma from being forcibly trained to be a sub for Steve his entire life) for Usagi, @tehroserose, @ruquas, @sabrecmc, @sayahs-corner, @oper1895, and @romancebyfaye (MTH 2022)
@fohatic / @moon-language-0 - "Cold Comfort" (MCU Loki/Steve and eventual Steve/Tony dystopian AU fic where Loki wins in 2012, takes over the world, and takes Steve as his prize) for bulkyphrase
@iam93percentstardust - "Labyrinth" (Steve/Tony Regency A/B/O AU fic where Lord Tony Stark has resigned himself to a life as a spinster when he meets alpha Steve, one of his sister Sharon's suitors) for Ruquas, @massivespacewren, sabrecmc, RoseRose, @dweetwise, @gotlostonmywayhome, tsmk2013tsmk, @gottalovev, oper1895, @otpcutie, sayah1112, E_Greer, and @ishipallthings
Nixie DeAngel - "Letters For My Heart" (MCU Steve/Tony fic where Tony finds a box of Steve's things that has Tony's name on it. Accompanying aesthetic here) for gottalovev (MTH 2022)
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cybercasket · 2 months
Sally Williams headcanons
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(CW for discussion of coping with death + trauma. I go in-depth into Sally's mentality towards what happened, but I don't talk about the trauma itself.)
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To start things off, this is based off of Sally's official character sheets (2017/most recent sheet) (2013) and what I remember from the story more than they are the fandom's perception of her. These headcanons might make more sense if you check those out first!
🧸 According to her creator La-Mishi-Mish, her body's age can change. She's chronologically in her 60s, mentally + spiritually 12 (her age at death), and typically appears 8. She used to have the ability to turn any age she wanted, but it got retconned because La-Mishi-Mish kept getting called out for being irresponsible and creepy with it.
So, I think that Sally's form can shift ages to some extent, though it's mostly subconscious and based on her state of mind. It's a little bit like the early Steven Universe episode "So Many Birthdays" except a bit more stable.
🎀 Sally is actually deathly afraid of becoming older, and does everything she can to maintain the persona of an innocent 8 year old girl.
To her, 8 was one of the last few good years of her short life--afterwards is when everything became bad and wrong, and she was subject to so much judgement, criticism, responsibility, and predatory behavior from the people around her that she couldn't handle at the time.
She's afraid that being much older than 8 will make her a target.
🎠 Sally romanticizes being younger a lot, though she also likes the way it makes other people perceive her. By behaving more incompetent, temperamental, and oblivious than she really is, she can make people believe that she's cute, innocent, and incapable of wrong. She has a strong internalized belief that being older is dangerous, while being younger is safe.
🧸 She age regresses intentionally (from 12 to 8) by heavily focusing on her more childish interests (eg. Dolls, girl toys, and princesses) and by pushing away/repressing parts of her that she seems too mature or grown-up (eg. Certain words, ways of speaking, and knowledge/awareness she has).
🎀 According to her creator, Sally spends a lot of time in the woods near her house playing with kids at the local playground.
I think she is absolutely DEDICATED to the act of being a completely normal 8 year old girl. She'll bandage the bleeding from her head, watch all their shows, learn all their games and slang, and even collect the toys they like so she can fit in and play with them.
🎠 Lately though, she's been having to tell kids that her parents don't let her use her iPad much. There's always a bit of an adjustment period for her between each new generation of kids, but she really struggles to wrap her head around Gen Alpha's modern technology.
🧸 Speaking of technology... She's not good at it. For a long time she didn't really bother to learn since stuff like computers and phones were associated with older people, and her not knowing how to use them fed into an image of her being cute and childlike. However, it's genuinely bewildering and confusing to her.
🎀 Do NOT play Roblox with her, it will take 20 minutes for her to join your game and she won't know the first thing about how to play it 😭😭😭. Though with enough patience, you could probably get her hooked on something like Adopt Me.
She's not good at other games either, though she usually doesn't try in competitive video games (eg. Mario Kart) on purpose because she doesn't really understand them, and likes seeing how happy the people she's playing with get when they win :-).
🎠 She has a ton of excuses memorized for why her parents are never there with her at the playground, and why the parents of other kids can't meet her parents.
Sometimes it doesn't work out so well, and she has to spend a few hours trying to find a way to wiggle out of a missing person's report... She usually hangs out farther away from where the adults are to avoid ending up in awkward situations like that.
🧸 Over time, her perception of her years from 0-8 and her years from 9-12 became really polarized--in her mind, her younger years were all really good, happy, and romanticized, and her older years were completely terrible and miserable.
Like, in her head 1st and 2nd grade were happy and peaceful, meanwhile 4th and 5th grade were completely miserable and that's when her life became terrible. Realistically there was good and bad in both, but she isn't able to see it that way.
🎀 Everything past 9 for her is a blur until she has to connect with people closer to her death age, which then makes her shift her physical appearance back to where it'd normally sit. Her older years become a little bit easier to process in that state.
She tries to act a bit more like a "big kid" to fit in, but she's extremely out of practice since she's almost always acting 8, so she ends up coming off a bit immature.
🎠 She misremembers herself dying younger often.
🧸 She doesn't like throwing temper-tantrums (especially around strangers) because it's difficult to tell how people will react to them, however she plans them out strategically and WILL have them if it means she gets what she wants. She represses a lot of her emotions and releases them during these (Though she does have plenty of genuine breakdowns as well, since she's mentally 12 and has been suffering from PTSD and depression for the past 50 or so years.)
🎀 Maintaining her appearance as a young girl takes stamina/energy, though being 12 takes the least because it's more authentic to her.
🎠 According to Sally's creator, she also haunts her childhood home. I think her house is her safe space where she can be herself without worrying about how she's perceived by others.
It's really messy (she's a bit of a hoarder and only cleans when the mess becomes inconvenient to her,) and she has a huge collection of toys and books.
🧸 Her toy collection spans multiple decades, and she even still has some toys from back when she was alive deep in her collection somewhere in terrible condition. She doesn't usually have whole sets, just a few pieces here and there she decided to keep from the people she plays with (whether they left them at the playground or she decides to pocket something small she likes but the other kid doesn't seem to care about while they're playing) or from CVS or something.
🎀 Sally really likes reading, but she's a little self-conscious about it because she likes to read books that are far above the reading level and outside of the interests of the average 8 year old, like Pride and Prejudice. She also likes watching old movies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and has a secret obsession with Marilyn Monroe.
She also likes reading romance, but sex scenes trigger the hell out of her so when she comes across one, she gets out a giant black crayon (because black covers the words the best,) and just starts madly scribbling over it.
🎠 Sally likes horror a little bit too, because darker stories and themes often reflect how miserable she feels deep down. However, since she's 12 and doesn't have a large capacity for tolerating the heavier stuff, she usually keeps it light.
Most of it isn't worth much, but there's probably a couple things that are like $200 or something and she has no idea because she barely uses the internet.
🧸 When she runs out of stamina or gets too triggered, her body morphs into a very pale, bony, frail old woman with sunken cheeks. It's terrifying for both her and whoever witnesses it.
🎀 She doesn't kill, but I feel like it's less of a morality thing and more because she's too squeamish and also terrified of the consequences of getting aggressive/violent with someone who ends up attacking her back. Rapists in particular make her angry enough to almost want to kill.
🎠 She's emotionally attached to and chases Ben, but he doesn't reciprocate it. They're both technically the same age (both being dead at 12), but while Sally embraces her childishness and immaturity almost to a fault, Ben is deeply ashamed of and uncomfortable with his which leads to him feeling easily annoyed or disgusted by Sally. Basically, Ben is too much of an "Ew, that's for babies" type of kid to enjoy playing with Sally 😭😭.
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jocia92 · 6 months
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Dan Stevens in an exclusive interview (Google translated)
Hollywood star Dan Stevens can currently be seen in the blockbuster “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” in cinemas. The film is currently topping the box office charts and is number one worldwide. We met the charismatic actor in Los Angeles and talked to him about his current film, his next two projects and his choice of roles.
April 5, 2024 by Grace Maier
Can you share with us your first reaction when you were offered a role in Godzilla x Kong: The new empire? It's always a pleasure to work with the same people several times, but this time it was extra special as Adam Wingard, the director, is an old friend. I was also invited to play with an even older friend, Rebecca Hall, as well as Brian Tyree Henry, who I have known and admired for years. It felt like I was being asked to play with friends.
What was it like entering the universe of these iconic monsters? Did you have any ideas or expectations? It's a fun task to be asked to stretch one's imagination to the size of such cinematic titans! I've worked with CGI on an epic scale before, so it wasn't too foreign, and I was surprised at how many practical locations we had.
How did you prepare for your role in this blockbuster? Were there any unique challenges or exciting moments during filming? It was really exciting to shoot in the Australian outback, in the Daintree rainforest - this incredible ancient jungle. That sense of adventure on the way to work every day, passing crocodiles along the river banks, waiting for pythons to be removed from the set, really fueled the mood for the Hollow Earth walk in the film.
“Godzilla x Kong: The new empire” promises to be an epic clash. Without giving too much away, can you give us a hint as to how your character fits into the plot? Trapper is initially brought in to help Kong with his toothache - he is a vet for all Titan creatures - and is then approached by Rebecca Hall's character, Dr. Andrews, invited to the mission. He's a kind of happy, carefree Han Solo type, good to have around, tirelessly optimistic and impressed by little.
The film contains a lot of CGI and visual effects. What was your experience like acting in such an environment and how did it differ from previous roles? I've worked with this type of thing before so it wasn't too scary. I actually really enjoy working with a VFX team and helping to create something using our entire collective imagination. It's truly incredible to see what they achieve long after you've left the process.
Were you a fan of the Godzilla or Kong films before joining this project? How does it feel to be part of their legacy? I feel like I've known these characters my whole life: they are such an integral part of cinema history. I've loved seeing them in all their different iterations over the years and of course being asked to perform alongside them - and even fix their teeth - is a huge honor!
The film will have some intense action scenes. Can you describe one of your most memorable moments while filming these scenes? While it's not the most intense scene, the way my character is introduced - rappelling from a floating vehicle into Kong's mouth to perform large-scale dental work - was one of the more exciting stunts I had to do!
How do you think fans of the franchise will react to Godzilla x Kong: The new empire? What can they look forward to most? I want them to enjoy the ride! You'll see things you've never seen before and meet some fantastic new creatures and characters, but also maybe some familiar fan favorites...
You also have the film "ABIGAIL" coming out in April. Can you tell us a little about filming and what audiences can expect? This is a completely different kind of thrill! Essentially, it's a vampire ballerina heist movie - you know the kind - directed by the Radio Silence guys, Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, who specialize in a particularly wacky brand of horror-comedy that I love .
“CUCKOO” will also be released in the summer. What particularly interested you about this film? Tilman Singer, the director, is a truly exciting new voice in cinema - he has a very distinctive style that is so captivating and artfully disturbing. I was also very curious to work with Hunter Schafer, the lead actress of Cuckoo, who is such a bright and brilliant artistic soul.
Your career is so dynamic. How do you go about choosing a role? I crave variety, challenge and surprise, so I'm often guided by the search for those things, but it can also be a certain quality in the writing, a desire to work with certain directors or actors. It's different every time!
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ashjack-art · 5 months
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(once again forgets my art blog is here *coughs*)
Re: April 4th, 2024 My "First Month in Blender" project is complete! I present: Steven Universe Crystal Gems Donuts! 🍩⭐
This took a month and 3 days and I'm obsessed with them. I learned so much, and plan to continue making a mini SU Donuts series. Just.... in another month or so, I definitely need a donut break. The SU background image is not mine. It's thanks to reddit user Ajit-Pajouhesh's 1000 SU Backgrounds, which is an amazing and beautiful collection of backgrounds. Reddit Link I'll be posting the individual donuts, cookie, and juice boxes later.
If you want to see more of my work (3D Art, Traditional Art, or Digital Art) ...in a more timely fashion... follow me on Instagram for my most up to date posts and if you support me on Ko-Fi you can get some early access and exclusive access to behind the scenes content, plus other updates.
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yourfave-hasnpd · 2 months
Heya, welcome! This is a blog where you submit characters who have npd, whether it be a personal headcanon, or actual canon!
This is run by Laura of the Bat King Collective, aka @/mx-werebat.
We don't have a full dni, however we do ask general dni criteria be followed.
We also are intolerant of syscourse on this blog. Anyone is allowed regardless of stance but pay mind.
Completion times can be quite slow! Apologies
// pt: completion times can be quite slow! Apologies //
Starting off;
// pt: rules //
By submitting a character, you must agree that you are not submitting a character for ableist reasons.
When submitting, please state the name of the character and where they come from so I can know exactly who you're talking about.
By submitting, you also agree that you do not believe in narc abuse and you aren't ableist towards pwNPD.
You can request a certain npd flag, but please specify if so!
Please do not use any type of special formatting, and stick to plain text.
We will only do NPD requests. NPD mixed with other things are reserved to mutuals.
Any negative feedback on the things that are submitted will immediately lead you to be blocked. Do not try us. (- Mod Ula)
We currently do not have an extensive blacklist of sources. However, we will not take submissions from
Harry Potter
Dream SMP
Alfred's Playhouse
Hazbin and Helluva
Real people (live action portrayals don't fall under this, but for example headcanoning someone like Markiplier would be on our blacklist)
Due to our personal preferences and comforts. We will make exceptions for fictionfolk and alters.
Personal statement from the mod;
I do have the right to decline submissions however I doubt that will happen. I want this place to be a safe space as well, so do not involve me in any kind of discourse.
If a submission is problematic, please shoot us an ask and reasons why!
We bodily have NPD and that's partly why we've made this blog.
We may decline to use certain flags based on dni criteria of the flag maker and comfort preferences.
Occasionally you may see another mod (Mod Ula) if she decides to show up! Usually it's just I (Laura) though.
Mod Laura loves taking requests from Steven Universe and Monster High as I (mod Laura) am fictionkin from both medias :3
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17-noodlebird · 7 months
The Amazing Digital Circus Road Trip AU!!!! 🎪🛣️🎉
I finally have the courage to post something of genuine purpose here!!!
So this is the summary:
• The events prior to the road trip were… eventful, for lack of a better term. To make a long story short, a group of dimensional travelers opened the eyes of the Amazing Digital Circus, both for better and for worse. What started out so rocky ended up becoming a closer bond for them, as they learned more about the other dimensions, and maybe, just maybe, the enigmatic inner machinations of C&A and their perpetually dark history.
• About 6 months went by since then, with Bubble, and four of the interdimensional diplomats, Beth, Pam, Val, and Garcia, creating brand new maps for the game that the others could explore, while completing tasks, gaining artifacts, and meeting brand new people, all while keeping the details secret until it was ready. The other diplomats each had their own contributions to their own game maps, as did Bubble, but only one knew the ending of the road trip: the main diplomat Lulu.
• The road trip would be akin to the world level-based collect-a-thon video games, a la the Super Mario Odyssey, and the role-playing games a la the Steven Universe: Light series. Twenty-six designated levels were made, each with a different theme, animation style, culture, customs, interactable NPCs, characters in need of help, and antagonists/bosses that they can defeat.
• There is a door made out of mountain rock that needs to be unlocked, using all twenty-six (or twenty-eight, depending on your point of view on the matter) jewels, to unlock the “ending” of the road trip; no one else, not even Bubble, knows what's behind the rock door — no one, that is, except Lulu. She says that it's a surprise for afterwards. Each gem is hidden somewhere in their respective worlds, and the players need to obtain and collect all of the jewels in order to open that door by completing tasks, fulfilling objectives, and defeating antagonists. While the circus players pack their things into the Magical Digital Van (a combo of the Magic School Bus for the cutesy face that only communicates in beeps or radio music, and Vanzilla from The Loud House, in terms of retro appearance and spaciousness in cargo and passengers), Garcia gives Caine a silver-colored crystalline gem, causing a “YOU DID IT” pop-up to appear, startling him. Apparently, the pop-up appears when a jewel is obtained after completing the location’s objective. After the first jewel is placed in the middle of the rock door, The Amazing Digital Circus sets off for fun and adventure, thrills and peril, comedy and tragedy, action and excitement, an obscure all-star cast of side characters, heroes, villains, pop culture references, ties to nostalgia, relatability, and… possibly romance…...? Who knows? The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
• Each of the Digital Circus members have magical Velcro bracelet communicators that they can use to contact the diplomats for help on tasks, finding out further information, or to just talk to them the same way we'd talk to our loved ones on the phone for hours on end. The communicators also send the circus members notifications for an objective they must complete (do keep in mind they can come much later than usual when they least expect it), as well as random achievements, the same way you would when actually playing a video game. Once a jewel has been obtained by any means, the pop-up will congratulate the circus members for grabbing the jewel, as well as to notify how many left you need to obtain to unlock the rock door. For example:
15 out of 26
Only 11 remain
The original eight characters have been slightly altered to fit the AU, but still have most of their canon traits intact.
• Caine:
Caine is still the charismatic goofball we all know and love, but with a dash of nervousness, inability to understand human humor, especially Gen Z humor, and hints of newfound irritability. He's practically a fish out of water in most of these game locations, not really capable of self-defense outside of his signature cane, and being a lot more cautious and protective with his fellow members, especially his best friend and guide, Pomni. Caine sometimes acts as the dad friend of the group, not tolerating anyone's BS and trying to maintain order in situations he's absolutely not familiar with at all. When around Pomni, he feels kinda at ease, with their dynamic being akin to SpongeBob and Patrick when working together. Hell, Jax even refers to Caine and Pomni as The Dynamic Duo.
• Bubble:
Still the chaotic, anarchy-loving glutton we all know and love, but with a caring side to him. You see, for as long as Bubble could remember, he had been Caine's sole confidant, being there for him during his toughest battles, from witnessing yet another abstraction, to calming the ringleader down after a nasty panic attack. They're even roommates! (my god, they were roommates) Bubble would totally just go with the flow and not worry too much about having to adapt to an environment completely different than his own. In fact, his masochistic tendencies make the perils more thrilling for him! He'd also act as the mom friend of the bunch, acting as some sort of mediator for when things get too chaotic for his liking. He'll also lend a helping hand if so desired.
She's still jittery and anxious, but thankfully not as bad as when she first arrived at The Amazing Digital Circus. After several months of dealing with this game's BS, she developed an indifference to her situation as a defense mechanism, and has become something of a voice of reason to the others. Jesters in real life are known for not just providing entertainment and comedic nitpicks to the royal court, but were also considered their royal advisors. Pomni would become Caine's advisor after some constructive criticisms towards him and his methods of keeping the others sane and healthy, and later on his best friend, acting as Bubble's stand in from time to time, providing witty banter and friendly roast sessions with the other circus members. Jax often calls Pomni and Caine “The Dynamic Duo” because of the fact that they share some things in common: both can turn into nervous wrecks during stressful situations, both are hilarious to be around, both want to keep the circus happy and healthy, and both care immensely for the well-being of everyone around them. Rumor has it they're also drinking buddies; but nothing has been confirmed…
• Ragatha:
Still our cheerful and good-natured ragdoll, with big sister/ant tendencies. Her hugs are as soft as they are warm and reassuring. She'd be the one to always look on the bright side, even when surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings, kinda like Ruby Gloom. She still has to keep an eye on Jax and make sure he doesn't get up to no good, but during moments where Ragatha and Jax must work together, there are things they can learn from one another. Ragatha would teach Jax the importance of being kind to others as well as taking time to listen and understand them, while Jax could teach Ragatha how to be more assertive and set proper boundaries, making her less of a passive pushover and more confident in taking care of herself first. Ragatha could also attract animals and have them help around with chores, a la Snow White.
• Jax:
Jax is less of a condescending asshole and more of a Jerk With A Heart Of Gold, becoming Pomni's big brother figure when necessary. Sometimes, he and Pomni would get into comedic hijinks of their own, as regular siblings naturally would, even pulling off harmless pranks. Jax is still snarky as always, but this time, being more genre savvy than the others, taking notes of his surroundings, and apparently has a lot of knowledge about agriculture, which proves useful for one particular road trip location. He'll also go out of his way to give someone a hug if he sense someone is in dire need of one, and will offer helpful advice during his more rare moments of kindness.
• Gangle:
Still the cute and bubbly but also emotional and prone to crying talking theater mask, but with hidden depths. Her love for anime and all things Japan is generally what keeps her going, as well as her love for drawing. Gangle doesn't really contribute much other than trying to be as helpful as possible, especially after finding out she can use her ribbons as a rope! Golly! She is, however, incredibly intelligent, with a knack for math, science, and history, as we come to find out in a road trip location, and can even speak and translate Japanese. When Gangle decides to grow a spine in protecting her friends from harm or bullying (even Jax, surprisingly), her voice has a tendency to change to a more mature and assertive business-like tone (remember that her VA, Marissa Lenti, was once the voice of a high school guidance counselor until… y'know.) to show you that you really shouldn't fuck with her. This causes Jax to rethink picking on Gangle ever again at one point.
• Zooble:
Honestly, not much can be said about Zooble, other than they're mostly apathetic, slightly rude, and snarky, being there cuz they can. They, along with Bubble, kinda just go with the flow, but now has the ability to become awestruck or starstruck by the other circus members’ newfound abilities, including Gangle's rope ribbons. Zooble also takes time to appreciate the little things in life, enjoying the much-needed change of pace the road trip brings. They're basically the emo goth kid in terms of personality, but with layers like an onion. Zooble also acts as the bodyguard of the circus members, somehow discovering her prowess in defensive combat, fueled by the innate desire to protect their loved ones at all costs.
• Kinger:
The oldest surviving member of the circus, Kinger still retains his ability to get startled easily from constantly dissociating, his love for insects and insect collecting, and his knack for building pillow forts. Due to being the oldest, he now acts as the group’s grandpa, with his “back in my day” kind of storytelling, and apparent knowledge of how the digital world works. He also offers some life advice on how to get through even the toughest days, him having lived through it long ago with Queenie’s abstraction, and is noticeably a lot more chipper and compassionate during the road trip. He also becomes braver and more empathetic in one particular road trip location, with him becoming less startled easily over time. He apparently is also a tech genius (in reference to MatPat and finnthepony’s theory on Kinger’s past life as The Amazing Digital Circus’s game dev), having knowledge on how to fix machines and software, as well as acting as the gang's mechanic for the Magical Digital Van.
• The Magical Digital Van:
Built by Bubble, Kinger, Val, and Beth, the Magical Digital Van is the main vehicle the circus members use for the road trip, traveling to different destinations and stops along the way. The Van has a cutesy face that pays homage to The Magic School Bus, with her own emotions and reactions, but can only communicate in van noises, horn beeps, and radio music. Yes, the Van is a girl; a lot of vehicles in real life (including ships) are referred to by female pronouns. Kinger especially loves the Van like he would his girlfriend, much to the chagrin of everyone else.
• Potential ships(?):
I might be the only one in a sea of Showtime, Bluetooth, and Kingleader, among others on this platform, but I actually do ship Caine x Bubble. When I first saw the pilot, I thought to myself, “yep. These two definitely have chemistry.” I see them as one of those old bickering couples that like to tease each other. They've basically been through thick and thin, gray skies and sunny days, tears of laughter, and everything in between. Also, I'm in love with the idea of Caine just being a tsundere; I find it pretty hilarious to me. And Pomni being the Shipper On Deck in the background. I have a particular fondness for the unusual.
Another ship mentioned here is Jax x Ragatha. Remember The Princess & The Frog where Naveen taught Tiana to relax a little, while Tiana taught Naveen to take life more seriously and work harder to achieve his goals? Well, it's essentially that, like rivals to lovers or something. I love when “opposites attract” is done properly, especially here!
Bluetooth (Moon x Caine) would have been canon in this AU at one point in the past, but now The Moon and Caine are exes (y'all can have exes in fiction btw!). In the past, Caine and Moon dated (and at one point did the deed, *wink wink*), but after the Moon became too clingy and possessive, with a yandere attitude, Caine broke up with her, and Pomni would have helped both the Moon and Caine move on from the breakup, realizing what they had was not healthy. This “adventure”/off-screen episode would be mentioned here and there during the road trip (I want to assume the road trip is like a Season 3 thing, but the show's success might contradict this; oh, well) while Bubble and Caine try to take things slowly.
Hints of Gangle x Zooble (aptly named Google by the masses) can be found, but only in subtext. Zooble makes an in-passing comment on how they find Gangle's assertive voice to be hot at one point.
This AU pays homage to… well… A LOT of things that I enjoy watching over the years. It takes a look back on the things I found nostalgic as a kid growing up in the late 2000s and early 2010’s, including things that might also be familiar to other older generations of Gen Z. My most recent fixations (such as Unikitty) can also be found there, including random YouTubers I used to watch all the time, horror movies I grew fond of, some cartoons I still watch, such as Steven Universe, The Loud House, Teen Titans Go of all shows, the DreamWorks and Disney movies I watched as a kid, the older Gen Z memes we're familiar with by now, other video games we used to play all the time, among many others. I also wanted to spice up the variety of the fandom with my own interpretations of the characters, as well as some neat ideas I wanted to share when I conceived them.
With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this summary of my brand new AU idea!
Welcome one and all to
The Amazing Digital Road Trip!
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s0va-idalin · 8 months
Over the years, I've collected some headcanons about Ishimondo:
• Kiyotaka can say “I love you” at a completely unexpected moment in a conversation, even if it is the MOST inopportune moment. All for the reason ��I thought about what an interesting person you are. As a result, I concluded that I love you very much.” Owada constantly falls into a stupor because of this (God forbid he hears this while driving a bike).
This also applies if they were just bros. Only “bro” was added to “I love you.”
Meanwhile, Mondo VERY rarely says anything cute. Owada is more of a tactile person.
• The two may start hugging each other. Long and tight, until at a certain moment they mentally begin to argue “who will hug you tighter.” This ends with Kiyotaka's half-broken back and Mondo almost strangled. They have not yet learned to hug each other tenderly
• Everyone in this world needs affection, even the rudest guys in the world. The stereotype about the cute hobbies of menacing bikers did not escape Owada. We all know that he loves dogs, especially cute ones like his old pet Chuck. Most of the time, Mondo is seen as being aggressive and such, but one certain day in the month, he becomes, well, REALLY loving, and he can't do anything about it. He himself knows this very well and therefore skips school during such a period. This happened too often and suspiciously in Kiyotaka's opinion, and therefore, despite all his fears and morals, he decided to find out what Owada was really doing. It turned out that at such moments, he goes to dog shelters, buys huge bags of food for them, and, in return, asks volunteers to cuddle puppies. And it really works! Some workers even remember Mondo and are happy to see him. After such an “exposure”, Owada will ask not to tell anything like that to the others because it “does not suit his image” and Ishimaru will understand him. And now Mondo can share his impressions of cute dogs with his bro. In the future, during such periods, Owada will begin to show attention not only to the puppies but also to the Moral Compass himself.
• Meanwhile, Ishimaru experiences almost the same thing, but in reverse: One week a month (usually the week of exams), the guy becomes TOO nervous, which makes some people suspect that he will be ready to kill a delinquent right in the corridors of the Academy.
And it will be a lot of fun if Mondo and Kiyotaka have their weird periods coincide at the same moment.
• I have already written a couple of times that Kiyotaka loves white, mints and pearls.
• Kiyotaka has very little imagination, and therefore he writes his essays as documents.
Mondo has no problems with this; in principle, literature comes easily to him. He's just too lazy to read the classics.
• Kiyotaka prefers not to have animals, because they require precious time, but fish would be the best option for him. He would carefully study the issue according to their content. As it were, fish do not need to devote as much time as cats or dogs, you just need to allocate one day a week (for example, weekends) for cleaning the aquarium and literally a couple of minutes a day for feeding the fish.
• Kiyotaka, unnoticed by himself, speaks much more quietly around people dear to him. Because he knows that they will always hear him.
• Mondo's favorite time of year is summer. It’s warm in the summer, bike season, it’s easier to build something in the summer (he wants to become a carpenter), both he and his best friend have summer birthdays.
• As a child, Mondo was a fan of strong women (Undyne from Undertale, Garnet from Steven Universe, etc)
Well... That's all for now. Thanks for reading!
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love-takes-work · 2 months
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I don't know if anyone who follows me is into the SU comics or is still trying to complete a collection, but someone on eBay is now selling some pretty rare comics (especially that Baltimore con #1! dang!). Check out latest SU comics on eBay or ask me for the link if you're looking. The Get-a-sketch ones are fun too. I completed my collection quite some time ago but wanted to put this here for any of my friends who are still looking!
(In general I am a SU merch fiend and I know how to find things you might think are impossible now, so if you're looking for anything special, message me and I might be able to help!)
[Image descriptions: Five comic book photos featuring multiple copies of the same issue. Featuring 2014 Steven Universe #1 Baltimore Comic Con variant with art by Danny Cragg (featuring the Gems at a fair at night); Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems #1 Hot Topic Variant with art by Sam Davies (featuring simplified images of the Gems in a close group); 2014 Steven Universe #1 Limited Edition variant with art by Coleman Engle (featuring Steven, Peedee, and Connie playing video games inside while the Gems fight a monster outside); Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems #1 Second Print Variant with art by Alison Strejlau (featuring Steven and Connie in a boat fishing, with a Centipeetle swimming beneath in the water); and Get-a-Sketch blank variant (a white cover with the Steven Universe logo and text "Get-A-Sketch Convention Exclusive").]
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pixxieestixx · 7 months
yall wanna see my steven universe gemsona? of course you do
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This is Aura Quartz! She has roller skates but i didn't wanna draw them lol
She's a fusion of a peridot and a rose quartz- but she's not a fusion in a romantic way, being fused is just the only way the two of them feel happy and complete as a single collective being <3
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necronatural · 1 year
Crossy, where can I read your Forgotten Stones AU?
You're not gonna believe this. I accidentally deleted my blog a while back so the specific post I used to link to on my vids got obliterated. Let me see how much I can recite from memory. Here are all the OCs
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On one of Blue Diamond's planets, Pink Diamond was allowed to try out a Kindergarten. It went well, so she moved on to Earth while the process was supervised by a Peridot and her team of Feldspar, which are generic little starter kit gems that are impossible to fuck up and pad out personnel teams (Corals pad out Quartz crews.)
Then the apocalypse happened!
Rock-"eating" microbes has completely disrupted the function of gems, shattering every single gem on the planet, including the ones still in the Kindergarten. Feldspar is one of a generic gaggle of Feldspars, made the only survivor because in a fight to escape she accidentally took Peridot's place in an isolation chamber until the microbes stopped breaking down gems like that.
The planet was put under quarantine, and Feldspar had no choice but to spend the next few thousands of years figuring out a way to reverse the damage to repair shattered gems using what little Diamond Oil she has at her disposal.
Tiger's Eye and Rutile are her sole successes, and it's not perfect; they tend to glitch, and the more fusions happen, the worse the glitches get. In this AU, Rutiles don't fuse into anything, they're a type of equipment for other gems that have radar features and such, so while Rutile glitches too, she's the only one that doesn't cause problems during fusions.
Feldspar found Coral slightly deeper than most injections, allowing her to be the only survivor out of all the Kindergartens, but also making her malformed, so she has the mind of a child. Literally. She has almost no pre-programming and has to learn everything manually.
Without Homeworld roles or staff to help with certain tasks, Rutile has taken over the job of a Bismuth with construction, and Tiger's Eye has become Steve Irwin wrangling crocs and forcing Feldspar to learn to treat organic life in her spare time, which, in combination with Coral's lack of programming, inspires her to create Elkhorn and Tridacna.
Elkhorn Coral and Tridacna Pearl are Feldspar's test models for using more organic life to increase the amount of working Gems on the planet, but she has no idea they've emerged, or that the quarantine of the planet has allowed sapient life to develop. Elkhorn Coral lives in a fishing village and retrieved Tridacna when she emerged. So they are both just fishing several miles away.
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The Movie video I did is actually a secondary AU, "what if they were all successfully picked up and Feldspar became a Diamond bootlicker only to realize Coral is considered Off Colour and got shattered for it, and her creations will no doubt soon follow".
It's not in the video, but Pink Pearl is one of the antagonists! In my head she has a villain song that's functionally like It's Over Isn't It (Reprise). Rutiles don't fuse into new gems so she fuses and unfuses with dozens of them to vastly improve her range and mobility and it's Circque Du Soleil in the reception room. I was so obsessed with her she was my blorbo supreme
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While the whole of this setting was written in Season 4 i think?? (Not the movie AU that was a direct reaction to the complete series) Feldspar and Coral also have Steven Universe Future designs! Set in the movie universe. While previous designs make it distinct that they have no inherent allegiance to any diamond, there's no call to a diamond at all in their new designs.
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They have been exiled back to their home planet to live a happy life of science with a thriving gem colony that protects the planet's organic life. In the years she spent in Homeworld Coral has improved her ability to collect data so she's spiritually a 14-year-old. When Steven comes to her for advice about his emotional instability she says "I exploded into light, remember? Anyway have you tried raising a child." And Steven says "the child is why you exploded." And Feldspar says "No comment."
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