#steven grant iimagine
imagineyourworld · 2 years
Period Headcanon
Steven Grant x afab!Reader, Marc Spector x afab!Reader
Summary: What your boyfriends Steven and Marc are like when you’re on your period 
Warnings: Slightly NSFW (last two bullet points only), mentions of period blood, cramps, and all that
After a while Marc would begin to keep track of your periods using either a calendar or an app on his phone, but no matter whether he relies on technology or doing the maths himself, he never gets the exact date right, he’s always off by at least a couple of days (which he usually doesn’t notice until you tell him). 
Steven, on the other hand, doesn’t need to keep track, he has some sort of special gift and always knows when your period is coming up. Which often results the shelves in both your and his flats being stocked with snacks, hot water bottles, or herbal tea a few days prior. 
What he lacks in keeping track Marc makes up in being there for you if you feel bad. It doesn’t matter whether he has to call in sick to his Steven’s place of work or tell Konshu that he will most certainly not go on a mission that day. You’re not well and he won’t leave your side. Until you finally tell him that you are more than capable of sitting on the sofa by yourself and that he doesn’t need to be by your side every minute. And while Marc is overprotective, he also values his privacy and alone time, so after you’ve promised him to call if anything is the matter he finally relents and leaves for work. 
Steven wouldn’t be as worried. Of course he doesn’t want you to be in pain or even uncomfortable, but he also doesn’t want to push you or force you to be close to him. If he has to work that day, he’d make sure to check in with you as often as possible. If he doesn’t he likes to be close by, but not too close, so he usually stays home and cooks your favourite dish or reads in a corner while you read or watch TV in another corner. It’s not that Steven doesn’t want to be around you 24/7, he just can’t imagine that you would want him to be around, especially not if you’re already not quite well. 
Both Steven and Marc would prepare the flat to make sure everything is to your liking. They’d make you tea and hot water bottles, buy your favourite snacks and any medicine you may need. 
To surprise you on those days when the pain is especially bad, Marc tends to give you a candle. Once he noticed how much you adored scented candles he made a mental list of your favourite scents and went out to buy at least a dozen candles (and I’m talking big candles in glass jars), so he’d always have one to give to you if you needed to be cheered up. You’d light the candle and spent the rest of the day cuddling on the sofa with Marc, watching some sort of comfort movie (though you usually opted out of dramas or romances in favour of Marc and went with action or comedy instead, since you could practically feel him rolling his eyes at over-the-top drama). 
In that regard, Steven is actually pretty similar, he too likes spoiling you every chance he gets, as well as cuddling on the couch, but instead of candles Steven gets you something related to your interests or hobbies. You like to read? He goes out to buy the new instalment of the series you’ve been loving recently. You like to paint? He goes straight to the store to get you those pencils you’ve had your eye on. But where he really shines is if you’re interested in mythology (especially, of course, ancient Egyptian mythology). He’d tend to buy a book the two of you could read together, while sharing a blanket and nursing hot cups of tea. 
As for period sex, Marc literally doesn’t care. He’s seen enough blood to last a lifetime, and you think that your blood, the blood of the one he loves, is gonna be a problem? Practically nothing changes in the bedroom, except for the fact that Marc is more focused on your pleasure rather than his if he knows you’ve had a bad day (and maybe a bit gentler, since he can be rough when it comes to sex). So many things in his life are out of control, but making sure you feel good and cared for is not, and he’ll do his best to make you feel his love. He massages your sore breasts, kisses every inch of your aching abdomen, and eats you out like a man starved. Marc would never admit it, not even to himself, but he kinda has a thing for eating you out when you’re on your period, not to mention that the blood adds to your arousal and the mixture of both makes for great lubrication. 
And Steven? At first he was almost afraid to touch you when you’re on your period. You’re already sore and aching and he imagines that sex would only make it worse, after all, you don’t poke a wound. It takes a lot of explaining and encouraging from your side for him to give period sex a try (that and the fact that your period happens once a month for about a week and to be honest he doesn’t want to go without touching you that often). Steven would be incredibly gentle, handling you almost like glass while worshipping you like a deity at the same time. And once he realised that orgasms could actually help with cramps he’d be happy to spent the entire time you’re on your period between your legs or on top of you (when you’re on your period Steven would insist to do all the work and for you to just lay back and relax), mumbling words of love and affirmation against your lips (or pussy, depending on where his mouth happens to be) the entire time. 
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
The Paper
Steven Grant x Genderneutral!Reader, Marc Spector x Genderneutral!Reader (established relationship with both of them, though the fic focuses mostly on Steven)
Summary: You’re struggling with your term paper, luckily your boyfriends are there to cheer you up
Warnings: Talk of academic failure, self doubt
By the time Steven came home you hadn’t gotten anything done. You had promised him a delicious dinner to celebrate the end of the week, you had promised yourself to write at least two pages for your paper. And you hadn’t managed either. Instead you had spent half the day scrolling aimlessly on your phone and the other half either staring at an almost blank document or writing, deleting, and rewriting the same two paragraphs.  “Hello, love. How was your day?”  Your boyfriend’s cheerful voice as he closed the door and removed his coat and shoes only made you feel worse.  “Can we please just not talk about that?”  The cheerfulness in his voice was replaced by something darker, something more concerned as he called from the bathroom. “That bad?”  With a huff you finally closed your laptop, not even bothering to make sure the couple of sentences you had managed to write that day were saved, you knew you’d delete them the other day anyway.  “The worst,” you sighed. “Why did I ever think studying history would be a good idea?”  You turned around in your chair once the water stopped running and a moment later your boyfriend stepped out of the bathroom. As soon as you laid your eyes on him you regretted unloading all your crap on Steven. The dark circles under his eyes and frown on his lips spoke of yet another night with barely any sleep and a stressful day at work, and here you were complaining about writing a simple paper.  “Because you love it,” Steven simply said. He walked over to you and placed a sweet kiss on your forehead before pulling your head towards him and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You instantly leaned into him, burying your face in his soft t-shirt. It smelled of lavender and something that you could not name, a scent that was just Steven.  “I do. I love history, but why did I think it would be a good idea to quit my job, my job at a museum I might add, to go back to uni? It’s madness and I should have known better,” you mumbled into Steven’s torso.  Instead of saying anything your boyfriend just pulled you even closer. For a while you stayed like that, breathing him in and enjoying a small moment of peace.  “I didn’t even make you the special dinner I promised.”  Steven pressed a kiss to your hair before letting go of you.  That’s it, you thought. Now I have made him mad. Steven always does everything in his power to take care of my and I can’t even make a bloody dinner. He’s gonna leave. He’s gonna leave me because he finally realised just how much of a loser I am.  You should have more faith in your boyfriend, because instead of leaving Steven got down on his knees in front of you so the two of you were eye to eye.  “Who cares? We can get some takeaway. What about that Indian place we’ve been dying to try? Or maybe pasta?”  Before you had the chance to say anything, Steven took both of your hands in his and began to rub soothing circles on your knuckles.  “Why don’t you take a shower while I order the food?”  Finally, you nodded. With a soft smile Steven lifted your hands to his lips and pressed a kiss on each one, causing you to smile as well, though yours was nowhere near as bright as his.  “Steven?”  Steven, who had already gotten up to look for his phone, turned around to look at you.  “Yeah?” There was a fearful expression in his eyes, though you had no idea what it could mean.  “Can I get extra naan bread?”  As quick as it had come the fear vanished again.  “Love, I’d buy you an entire bakery if I could.”  For the first time that day the sound of laughter floated through the flat. How Steven always managed to lift your mood even on the worst of days you would never know.  “Just the bread, please.” 
“The worst thing is that I actually am interested in the topic and it’s not like it’s the first paper I’ve written, I know I should be able to do this, but I just can’t. Every single word I write sounds wrong, I can’t make sense of my own notes, and I don’t even think I have a bloody hypothesis! What paper doesn’t have an hypothesis?” You had been rambling about your paper for almost fifteen minutes, all the time it had taken Steven to finish his food and for yours to go cold.  “When is the deadline?”  “At the end of the month, eleven days from now,” you mumbled while simultaneously trying to chew a gigantic load of curry and rice.  “And you far you only have the introduction?”  You nodded, still chewing.  “That’s not that bad.”  Finally you swallowed your food and were able to talk again. “Not that bad? Steven, I still need to write at least ten pages, ten incredible pages, and proofread and make a bibliography and I don’t even like what I have written so far.”  Steven nodded. “You know, I’ve talked to Marc and we both think you’ve got this. You’re brilliant. After all, you managed to put up with Donna for years, how hard can a degree be after that torture?”  His words put a slight smile to your face, and yet you shook your head.  “Stevie, you guys have to say that, you’re my boyfriends. But my professor probably won’t agree. And I need a good grade, otherwise my entire average will be pulled down by this one paper.”  Steven didn’t say anything, he simply reached across the table to take your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.  “Why don’t you walk me through everything you’ve written so far and we can go from there?”  At first you nodded enthusiastically, Steven was bloody brilliant when it came to history.  “And Marc said he could always threaten your professor to make sure you’ll pass. Though I think he was joking,” Steven said.  Laughter burst past your lips. “I hope so. God, I don’t know what I would do without you guys.”  You got up from your chair and walked over to Steven to engulf him in a tight hug, to which he replied by pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your middle.  “You’d be just fine without us, you’re smart and funny and you underestimate yourself.” You didn’t know how to reply to that, so you simply didn’t. Instead you leaned against Steven, resting your head on his, his curls tickling your nose.  “I love you,” you whispered.  He turned his head to press a gentle kiss on your cheek. “I love you too.”  “If I do fail you both owe me something. I was thinking ice cream.”  Your boyfriend chuckled.  “Or we’ll go to Italy for a weekend, to celebrate your amazing paper,” he proposed, his voice now slightly altered and American. 
This was nothing if not self indulgent and me procrastination writing my actual paper, hope you liked it anyway. 
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
Notes and Gifts
Steven Grant x Genderneutral!Reader 
Summary: I honestly don’t know how to describe it... But it’s fluffy and a bit nerdy and Steven just deserves some love 
Warnings: Donna being... Donna, maybe a curseword, no mentions of DID/insomnia/etc, so I hope it’s safe for everyone to read 
It was Wednesday when Steven found the first note. Your smile is brighter than Ra. Of course that made him smile, how could it not. Though he very much doubted that anything about him could be compared to the mighty sun-god, he had learned not to question the few good things in his life, and there really only were three. First was Gus. His best friend, the one who was always there for him and didn’t mind him talking about ancient Egypt or his weird dreams. Second was ancient Egypt. Its mythology, culture, and artefacts provided him with something to do in the night, something to look forward to the next morning. He could escape to ancient Egypt the way others were sucked into a movie. And last but not least, there were the notes. The note stuck to his locker that Wednesday had only been the first of many. Others followed, usually stuck to his locker, sometimes slid inside, and one time on top of the cash register when he was just about to start work. Though finding that note was less of a joyful occasion, as Steven soon came to realise. He had only just finished reading a corny joke about how much Seth would hate London and its weather when the note was ripped from his fingers. ”What’cha got there, Stevie?” Out of everyone in the museum, the entire city of London, of course it had to be Donna who found him reading the latest note. ”Fancy yourself to be funny now, do you? At least it’s better than the poem stuck to your locker last week, as if love could bring anyone back from the dead.” Donna’s mean words didn’t surprise Steven in the least, what did surprise him was that instead of handing the note back to him with a frown she ripped it apart, tore it into little pieces. ”Throw that out, will you? And then get back to work.” In times like these the voice inside his head got louder, told him to stand up for himself, to do or say something, but all Steven, despite his best efforts, could do was to turn around and disappear into the corridor behind the register. He made his way downstairs, into the employee breakroom and to his locker, where he carefully placed what was left of the note. He couldn’t just throw it away. It had made him smile, just like every other note this mysterious person had left behind. ”Hey, Steven”, a quiet voice sounded from behind him. Slowly he turned around, a bit embarrassed that he wasn’t alone in the breakroom, only to come face to face with you. ”(Y/N), hi. Hey. Hi.” ”Hi,” you said with a small smile. A smile! You didn’t laugh at him the way Donna would have. Part of him knew you wouldn’t do that, even though he had only spoken to you a couple of times he knew you were kind and just as socially awkward as he was, but working with Donna every day of the week just had him expecting everyone to be mean to him. ”Shouldn’t you be at work?” Steven nodded. Of course he should be, Donna would already be mad that he had been gone for longer than the two seconds it should have taken him to throw the note in the trash. ”I just came downstairs to put something in my locker. Something important. And personal,” he said, quickly adding the last bit to keep you from asking any more questions. Though he didn’t mistrust you, he just wanted to keep the notes between him and whoever sent them. ”Right... Well, maybe I’ll see you around. I’ve been meaning to stop by the gift shop to pick up something for my neighbour’s daughter. It’s her fifth birthday on Saturday and she’s been obsessed with Egypt recently.” You pushed ran a hand through your hair, which drew Steven’s attention towards your face. Your eyes were a little wider than usual, your hair, usually so shiny, looked a little dull under the LED lights, but there was a smile on your lips. The lips Steven felt himself staring at for just a second too long. What would it be like to steal a kiss from those lips? To spend an evening out in town, eating and drinking and talking, to walk you back home and kiss you goodbye? Quickly he shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. You were his colleague, one of the few who were actually nice to him, and he couldn’t mess that up. ”Why don’t you come to the gift shop after closing today? I can help you pick something out.” You nodded enthusiastically. “That would be great. Thank you, Steven.” 
Thankfully Donna left just minutes after the last costumer. Usually Steven loved those few minutes he got to spend alone in the museum, the chance to wander through the galleries after everyone had gone home, today he found himself looking forward to not being alone. Ten minutes after closing he had cleaned up his workspace and put the cash in the safe. Fifteen minutes after closing he had restocked a shelf that didn’t really need restocking. Half an hour after closing he had given up hope. You weren’t coming. Maybe he had been too forward, had unconsciously done something to scare you off. Maybe he had ruined his chance of the two of you being more than coworkers. Thirty-five minutes after closing he shouldered his back and began to walk towards the exist, when someone shouting his name made him stop in his tracks. ”Wait! Steven, please wait!” He turned around to find you hurrying towards him, a rucksack in one hand and a small box in the other. Finally you came to a halt right in front of him and, still trying to catch your breath, handed him the box. ”Sorry, I’m sorry. I was writing an article and I lost track of time, so I had to hurry to the museum café to get you this,” you panted, gesturing to the box. “To thank you for helping me.” Steven didn’t know what to say. He looked from you to the box and back again, and only after you encouraged him with a quiet “go on” did he carefully open the box. ”Is that...?” ”It’s a chocolate scarab,” you confirmed, a proud smile on your face. “It’s vegan, made from oat-milk, and fair trade.” Steven opened his mouth, but the words of thanks didn’t come out. A couple of tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled a wobbly smile at you. ”You shouldn’t have.” You shook your head. “I think you deserve a little sweetness in your life. Though I doubt the chocolate scarab is anywhere near as sweet as you.” Steven looked at you, his eyes wide, the gratitude replaced by shock. Could it be... Could you be the one who has been sending him all those notes? Your words almost exactly mirrored a note he had received just last week. ”Should we pick out a gift now?”
“You said your neighbour’s daughter is turning five, right? Usually at that age they either like the stuffed animals or anything that’s either loud, sparkly, or neon.” You looked around the gift shop, noticing all the little trinkets. ”What would you pick?” The question didn’t surprise Steven, it was one he was asked on a daily basis, and usually he would hand costumers one of their best selling products and they’d be on their merry way. But you weren’t just any costumer, you were someone he, for reasons he couldn’t quite decipher, wanted to impress, so he walked around the shop for a while before coming to a decision. ”Either this,” he said, handing you a stuffed hippopotamus, “or this and this.” A ball with ancient Egyptian deities and a night light in the form of the eye of Horus followed. ”Usually children prefer cats, but I think they are a bit basic, so I’d go with a hippopotamus. Ancient Egyptians encountered them when travelling on the Nile and they could be quite dangerous, not this one though. It’s fluffy.” Steven stepped closer to you and, after hesitating tor a moment, lifted his hand to stroke the stuffed animal you were holding. He was now closer to you than he had ever been before, so close that he could smell your perfume in the air, feel the heat radiating off your body. ”As for the ball, it lights up, children love that. And the eye of Hours is a symbol of good triumphing over evil, it offers protection and wards off disease and evil. Horus was one of the most important gods in ancient Egypt he had the head-” ”- of a falcon and was the protector of kings,” you and Steven finished at the same time. Smiles lit up both of your faces. ”Sorry, I can go on and on about this if no one stops me. Feel free to stop me,” Steven told you, his smile slowly vanishing. Quickly you shook your head. “No! I like listening to you talk about ancient Egypt.” His eyes met yours for the first time that night. He couldn’t read any lie out of them. ”Are you sure? I don’t want to bore you, I know history can be a bit tedious.” You shook your head again. ”You forget, I am a historian. There’s nothing more than talking about history, especially with yo- others who are passionate about it.” Luckily, Steven didn’t seem to notice what you had almost let slip. Before Steven could say anything a loud voice interrupted the two of you. ”Hey, lovebirds, get out of here, we need to close up.” Heat rose to your cheeks, not only because of what the security guard had called the two of you, but also because of how easy it was to lose track of time around Steven. ”Do you want me to... I could... Would you like... Where do you live?” Steven internally groaned at how much he had messed a simple question up. All he wanted to do was offer to walk you home and now he sounded like a stalker. ”Not far from here, Southampton Place. It’s just a fifteen minute walk.” In other words, they don’t want me to walk them home, Steven thought. ”Okay then...,” he said as you stepped out the door and made your way down the stairs together. Wordlessly you began to walk to the bus stop with Steven, a comfortable silence between the two of you, until suddenly you came to a realisation. ”I left the gifts! God, I’m such an idiot. I was just so caught up in-” ”It’s alright,” Steven interrupted your rambling. “I can put them aside and give them to you after work tomorrow.” You nodded. “Tomorrow. I guess that means I’ll see you tomorrow, Steven.” Quickly, before your courage left you, you leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to Steven’s cheek. Suddenly Steven was really glad that the sun had set and the streetlights weren’t bright enough for you to see him blushing. ”Bye,” you called over your shoulder as you began to walk away from the bus stop where Steven stood. ”Laters, gators,” he whispered into the quiet night.
It wasn’t until much later that night, after the sound of his empty stomach rumbling had distracted Steven from his books, that he noticed the note underneath the chocolate scarab you had given him. It wasn’t so much the piece of paper as the familiar handwriting that caught his attention.
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